4 AM

Losing control?

Whats your favorite beat em up?

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God hand


Streets of Rage

Whatcha all playin? Hope its fun.

Morning everyone, Ritsu here


Been researching nippon trip all night. Which is fun but stressful.
Going back to bed because early work today, see you tomorrow.

Im playing the waiting game with grimoire.


Did some demo work with my dad on this house he's renovating, found a Chick Tract in the bathroom at work, and learned that Bioware Montreal don't exist no more. Today was a good day, and I have a day off tomorrow.

Charlie Murder. It's like Castle Crashers, but better.

Night dudeo.

Well, I just beat Witcher 3 Blood and Wine, still said about Geralt saying goodbye.

Pretty good day, but I'm still a fucking uneducated, unemployed NEET with no money or future. If any Anons in this thread are looking for some general exercise advice, I'm probably a decent person to ask.

Also, Fighting Force is my favourite beat 'em up.

Battletoads probably.


I have yet to seriously play a beat em up.


Do drugs and

sleep snug, smug

god of war. Although I would like to try the second one out too.

Welcome to the club. Learn how to make stuff with your barehands. By stuff I mean anything and everything you will ever use in the future.

Didn't expect that.

too bad about the reboot…

What are some good stretches for your arms?
Most stretches I've found focus on the legs and lower torso, which are useful for when I go jogging, but not useful for when I want to lift.

Only one I really recall playing is Double Dragon Neon with a friend. But I've still got a hefty backlog to get through, so I'll play more eventually.

Fucking Spriggan Lords. Not only do they hit like trucks and have multi-hit attacks (making it really tough to avoid taking damage), but they can go what you might call Bane Mode (or rather "Mr. Huge Mode", if anyone's read Buttlord) grow to ridiculous sizes, and hit you even harder. Not to mention leaping into the air to slam down on you from off screen (which is shockingly their EASIEST attack to guard against).

I need to go restock on supplies now, and with some luck maybe refine my Healing rune to be stronger.

If you don't have much money what is the best way besides penaut butter+honey+lift to build muscle?

Drawing skills are coming along nicely. Ritsu I'm going to blow a landmine under your waifu~
I enjoyed the arkham asylum if just because of how hard the hits felt if the combat was pretty sub par in a technical sense. Haven't really played much of them though. Really should.

Want to improve myself but I have no sources, no reading material don't know where to ask questions. I'm all sorts of fucked up, depressed, NEET, retard, short I don't have any redeeming qualities. I remember there being a self improvement board but it after the shoa it didn't come back.
I'm just stuck in the past, I'm so nostalgic for the past I was in a good place at the time, I was funny, sociable and now I've become a numb jaded cynical asshole after getting redpilled.

I'm not great at explaining actions, but I know some great forearm stretches:

You can also do this the opposite way, where you point your hand downwards towards your wrist and use your other hand to push it in, or flip your entire arm over for it.

For arms and shoulders, do that thing where you put your arm over your shoulder and cup your elbow in your opposite hand and pull on it.

The thing about muscle is that it takes a lot of money to build. Your best options are to buy bulk meats, vegetables and rice, cook them together, and store them in the fridge freezer for a week. Building muscle consistently for a long time isn't cheap.

Are you just going to walk/take trains to get around, or are you going to be competent enough to give a taxi or whatever directions to where you want to go?

Also, addendum to arm stretches: flailing your arms around like a retard, but without over-exerting yourself, is a good option. Just moving in general before you do things, actually.

Good entry level philosophy about self-advancement and practical advice would be something like The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. There are a lot of awful translations, but I think the George Long version is pretty good.

g'night fam may flights o dem angelz sing thee to yo res monica

fear n tremblin?

das a gud 1 too

Let's hope, I'll check it out. Thanks a lot.

It's worth remembering when you go into that it's a book written for the man himself, not for the reader. A lot of his "advice" is self-assurance and self-reflection as opposed to directly telling you what to do.


Thanks, I'll be honest one of the things that's hard for me to do is focus, concentrate and actually getting up and doing anything so reading these books will be achallenge.

You know what, I thought exactly that when I read it was a reflection of his life. Maybe I could take something from it or just move in the mountains with a bunch of Buddhists and say fuck it.

There's a lot to learn from the life and thoughts of a man who ran an empire as successfully as Marcus Aurelius did. There's heaps of practical advice about person to person interaction, goals, learning, focus, stuff like that.

These are all really good. The hand thing on the top right was actually what I was recommending.

You're the best, thanks.

That is actually a big problem for newfags. Someone needs to make a school like curriculum of stuff to read on 8ch and the internet for self improvement. If I had to guess independent of ZOG living would be first on it.

it's best fam imo 2 git a physical copy, neva really read nuthin 2 long in pdf or epub format tbh witchu. n keep it around n try make yo self feel guilty if u don't do it monica.

Genius, you're the one to do it user, I believe in you.

Agree, I feel I'll be able to read better if I had a physical copy.

If hack n slashes count, the first pic. If they don't, then the second pic.

I'm waiting on some big world event to happen. I'm tired of this feeling of stagnation that has permeated my head ever since Macaroni took France. I'm hoping that some country flings a nuke another's way so we can have a war and focus on something. Or the coming eclipse tears a hole into another plane of existence and releases a plague of meta-humans, demons, and my waifu.

Not really a self-improvement book, but Les Chants de Maldoror by Lautréamont really helped me come to terms with my own warped worldview and jadedness. You might make good use of it, and even if you don't it's still really good poetry if you're looking for a challenge.

Sound too intellectual for me, I'm not smart but I should try and read it. Thanks.

One of my greatest fears is that nothing will ever happen. Nothing will shake the world and by extension my life to its core. Things will just plod along until I die, then everyone else dies in the chains they made for themselves, just like I did.

The good thing is it doesn't have a plot per se, being mostly stream of consciousness and only the last chapter being a sort of a short novel, so you can just skim through the pages if you get bored.

I've always thought about this, I'm waiting for the next event, I'm truly waiting for a proper world war against the forces of evil, not an unecessary war.

Ah, if it doesn't have a plot it should be easier to wrap my mind around.

It's a collection of prose so you can start it and end it wherever you want, it's flexible like that. If you want something more lighthearted though try anything by Alfred Jarry, he deals with the subject of evil through black comedy.


I see that these threads are dying a slow and painful death. Interesting.

hitler confirms

Ritsu accounts for almost 80% of the posts in these threads, so it's not really that surprising.

Nice digits btw

Right back at you.