Video game TV shows

What were your favorite vidya TV shows? Mine was pic related.

Tommy > Vic

I remember being bitter at this show because the kids they got on always sucked hard at vidya and I was sure I could win easily if I ever got on.

What killed that show was the gay shit involving that game of a character walking over tiles and answering trivia questions. It killed the pace of the game. Then there's the green screen games where kids had no idea how green screen worked and made the final game stupidly awkward.

One of my last good memories of cuckchan Holla Forums was watching a stream of nick arcade and yelling out answers to the dirt simple questions.

GameCenter CX

Beat me to it. The show has it's problems but it's mostly solid.

GIGA Games once played through all LucasArts point'n'click games during my school's summer vacation which is one of my fondest summer memories, just staying up until midnight and marathoning that shit.
Other than that, I didn't really watch any vidya shows.

Why, that would have to be screenPLAY, starring NichBoy and Hex, 10pm every Thursday on 7mate!


Would you suck off Adam's shirt?

I was 9 and I was getting an aneurysm seeing that dumb cunt run repeatedly run into the same damn enemies.

didn't have cable as a kid, sometimes i saw xplay at friends houses so it seemed cool at the time.

remember that this is a man is 43 years old when you see this picture

Tweaking all the way back then.


Hey Holla Forums


people talking about video games or do cartoons count?
because the donkey kong cartoon was pretty good

other than that, there used to be this show in german TV called GameOne and even before them there was GIGA like this user mentions
I fucking miss those days
they're horribly crippled shadows of their former selves now with their latest project, it kills me

this is the best vidya show ever

The Akiba's Trip anime was [spoiler]fun/spoiler]


Great show.


Man when I was a lad I used to fap to Morgan's tits so hard.

You need to leave for a variety of reasons.

ITT DBZcucks get btfo