Post bad experiences with broken games and failed workarounds.
I wish this shit was to go away.
Post bad experiences with broken games and failed workarounds.
I wish this shit was to go away.
think about the most broken game you've played.
got it? okay.
now imagine the faultiness of that game, and multiply it by 100, add a bowl of crashes to desktop, and pic related is the result.
To clarify, I'm trying to run it at 3840x2160 but the quest menu text doesn't appear. On 2560x1440 the quest menu text does appear, but I've heard some people had the same problem at that resolution as well and have to drop to 1920x1080. I can't fix problem because workaroundss don't work with a pirated copy as the memory addresses are different and no one bothered to make a fix for the cracked exe only the legit steam and origin versions. I can't get ReShade to work with it either, only SweetFX. Not the worst situation, but annoying nonetheless.
I guess try not to play games using the side of a building as a monitor.
Snake Pass
Shitsux I just wanted a comfy game.
The company that made the game was a broken thing itself.
works for me on W7
why did you buy and not sail the seas first at least?
Because my shit ISP Rogers has already given us 3 notices about piracy and my landlord (sisters husband) said to knock it off
There is literally nothing wrong with The Precursors
Move out, make money and rent something better. Pirating will give you chance for that.
I never had game crash when I killed an enemy. Before I tried running Oblivion on modern system that is.
The engine was pretty good. Sure it's not the prettiest game ever, but it looks alright for the fact it can push 300 FPS at most times on potato computers. There's some good building blocks there.
Oblivion once killed a guard through door physics and somehow found a way to blame me and put a bounty on me. The worst part is that I didn't even open the door.
that prison building game could have been alot of fun but its completely broken. how have they not fixed the problem with doors in an update. how do people even play this game?
i must be the only player in the history of this game that just never experiences problems with oblivion on any platform. Always been tight shite, mods or not.
Ooo that's a bad one. They made every mistake in game design.
Naah its not gonna get better than that in this town
Ye same tbh. I don't get meme of this game being broken. I bought it day 1 on 360 then later on pc.
ok, i'm following you except for one thing: why the fuck are you trying to play kingdoms of amalur?
I'm shocked this game wasn't one of the first posts in this thread.
This. I've always loved a nam game. Played this on PS3 and was janky as hell from the beginning then they added sixaxis bits but never added the code for sixaxis to work. So it's a dead end PS3 I've never seen work around. Not intrested anymore it was a long time ago but it hurt I bought it day 1.
Get out Todd.
I actually think white gold 2 was buggier
You're goddamn right it's the games fault. Much older games will do 4K without problems. My Unreal Tournament GOTY edition does 4K if you edit the config file and that's not even relying on hacks from WSGF.
I find something new every time I play, both in the good way of new content and in the bad way of sometimes game-breaking glitches. As an example, sometimes the NPCs in the DLCs will endlessly loop through a shushing animation and I have no idea why.
Because it's made with a broken engine. How anyone could finish this game is beyond me.
Unofficial bug patches are pretty much mandatory when trying to play Bethesda's games and NV, anyone who doesn't use them is a madman or someone who is going to be a close friend of the command line in the near future/
I am fucking invincible
I've experienced PLENTY of bugs in NV, but never once have I hit a game-breaking bug; and this is across two different consoles and two different PCs. I think it's just exaggeration
ah, the feeling of being blessed by superior display technology
You must have not played it for very long then. There are quests and required situations that absolutely break the game and force you to load a save usually. Even then the game is bound to give you bugs on any system it's been on.
Your screen is a tryhard and you have unrealistic expectations.
WWE 2K17 was promising after 2K16 was surprisingly decent. Sadly all the new features in 2K17 were bugged to hell.