Path of Exile Expansion

PoE 3.0 launching this Friday.

Main changes:

Patch notes probably dropping Wednesday or Thursday.

Other urls found in this thread:

are there any screenshots of a new map or skill tree?

Patch note release in 7-9 hours (at the end of their work day) was just confirmed.

Ok chaos summoner, how to do it?

When I dropped this game a couple years ago, it was because only the OP-of-the-month build was viable for hard shit and you only knew how to build it following internet meta templates, and you couldn't even play at your own pace then respec your shitty noob skill-picks because the respec items required heavy grind and only respecced like a third of the whole tree anyway, and only once ever per character. Is this cancer still the case?


This has the new skill tree.

I think there's more build variety now. I also dropped the game a few years ago. I went and re-familiarized myself with the game during legacy league and found the game to be much better than before. There were far more viable builds but there still were some obnoxiously OP shit like Ignite builds basically instantly killing the toughest bosses out there.

Because they weren't really to respec you fully. They are addition to respec point you get during quests.
In case you wanted to go for CI for example.

I won't say anything about meta because I never really cared about it.

What in the flying fuck?

For the more experienced players out there: would a dual wield Mjölner/Cyclone build work at all? Thinking of making a build that hits as close to 250ms per Cyclone swings as possible to get double Mjölner procs as often as possible. In other words: Cyclone for single target damage and use the procs for AoE. Thinking of Trickster for 0 mana Cyclone, easy Frenzy charges and free attack speed.

Seems like you need to git gud.
I killed all the bosses with a arc-mine character last league, please tell my how this is a OP-of-the month build.

Still the same, basically you make a boring cookie cutter character to grind uniques/money and then you get to make a fun character later.

enjoy getting mjolner at start of league.

Another note frenzy charges no longer give attack speed.

ES got shit on too, no more ES nodes behind CI

The builds are boring.
The combat is boring.
The campaign is boring.
The music is really good.

That was never the case. They were only going to get rid of the generic more damage and make it more attack damage. But then they decided not to do that. ??????????

How does trickster even mesh with mjolner in any way shape or form?

So how does the difficulty removal work in terms of leveling and getting Ascendancy points? Did they readjust leveling once you beat Act 4?

I had a Shadow knife build I liked (Ethereal knives, blade vortex, high evasion), so I'll give it another go from scratch when the expansion hits on Friday. What's a good puncture trap combo for Shadow if I'm using Ethereal Knives?

Nigga, wha? Just by farming a few entry-level endgame maps for a few hours, you can easily get enough chaos orbs to afford enough regrets to respec (~80). It's not hard to make a gimped shitty build that can clear up to T6 or T7.


Can confirm, I am a master of shitty gimped builds and I've never failed to make it to T7.

Last hero was a bit stupid. Over 20 aps, elemental crits-tree (***quills), bow that gives near 30-aps.Game engine takes slow breaths to render 100 arrows per second. Glitches the game so bad that most of the projectiles don't even register, but the ones that do show as decals in everywhere. Ele-crits destroy everything. The screen is still full of arrows. the game is broken. More arrows come. Now the flying arrows start to glitch, Act3 end, only arrows now. Not fun.

Thinking of using Cyclone to proc Mjölner. It counts as a movement skill so I can 6 link it without worrying about mana at all. It also has built-in Frenzy charges, attack speed and some survivability. The main problems I see with trying to dual wield Mjölners are defenses being spread thin because of the high STR/INT requirements and the lack of life and mana leech from having to stack stats so hard. Trickster takes care of the mana part completely.

Maybe Scion or Raider could work.

Fuck me, I'm tempted to just burn it all to vendors and keep the money

I was playing since closed beta. The only solution is to ignore all the shit. And never play on standard, it is retarded.

Same. I have something like 17 stash pages.
I have a bunch of cheap uniques in the 40-68 range that I've been hoarding forever, so I can do whatever builds.

But most recently on Legacy, I learned how to trade and jew and because I had bad builds, I ended up earning more money by trading than by actually playing

Oh, boo fucking hoo. I dont even know what kind of legacy items I have. I purchase everything I need not much since I dont play in dumpster leagues because it takes too long to find anything.

I had more fun on Standard mode than Leagues tbh.

They've said there are more specific changes to come for chill and shock but everything else they've said so far isn't promising.

Mjolner is kill son. You will be casting 3L spells four times per second. Even the most retarded caster is better than that. There is no point in dual wielding them either, unless you go Dual Strike, Cleave (You can't, it's a mace) or Riposte.

8 times a second with Cyclone and two Mjölners, no? Was thinking of getting a bunch of increased spell damage nodes near the Witch and Templar starting areas and using Crown of Eyes. The Mjölner procs were never intended to be the main source of damage, but instead act as a supplement for single target and to clear white mobs.

My weekend ends friday

I haven't thought of that, you are right, there is a benefit in dual wielding since the 250ms cooldown is not global, but they need to be different spells.
You have to remember tho, you will not hit twice as much with two Mjölners, unless you use the skills I mentioned. With cyclone specifically, instead of hitting twice per spin with one weapon, you hit once with each weapon. The only added benefit in that regard is the DW bonus.

How, in the 21st century, are people defending a game that doesn't allow free respec?

it takes like a week of casual play to get to level 70, why would you even care about a respec. it's not like it's that hard to collect orbs of regret either.
my only gripe with the game is the storage shit.

You totally can freeze boss. If you are able to kill him in a couple of seconds, that is. Which makes shock and freeze useless.

Some autists were able to reach lvl 100 in less than a week. But it was candyland league.

Did they fix the desync?

Yeah, if you have sub 100 ping. Otherwise you dont deserve to play games, 3rd world scum.

So to recap: Cyclone with two of the same weapons just means that:

But you're saying that if I dual wield Mjölner -both socketed with Arc - and my left one procs an Arc, then my right Mjölner won't be able to proc Arc until the left one's gem comes off of cooldown 250ms later? If that's the case, how would Spark do without projectile speed or duration in the build?

Fixed. There's some small issues related to always online, but it's not much of an issue.

Is Vaal Summon Skeletons still good?

Ask me in a week, after update is released.

Alright so
What's a good caster build to do for the new patch?

I usually just default to Arc crit, since it doesn't really rely on items, and I haven't really looked at things thoroughly since Blight fucking came out

It is here

lmao you can get to 70 in 1 day

>emberwake+taming one fucking additional ignite that deal damage 65% slower? FUCK YOU!


But you can increase duration if you invest just 20~ points into it up to 6s! And its all good because you can increase damage by 2% per poison by jewel. 2 fucking percent increase to damage. A fucking jewel with 40str will increase damage much fucking more instead.

Cyclone, each spin separated with spaces:
You will only have more attack damage/speed with DW because of the bonuses. Since each mjolner has an individual cooldown, with two of them you may cast twice as many spells as long as they are different. This doesn't mean that, if you manage to get 4 attacks per second with 1 mjolner (Making 4 casts), equipping another one gets you to 8, since now they take turns, you would get 2 casts with one and 2 casts with the other. You need to get down to 8 hits per second.
Well, you are going to be near the monsters right, so duration/speed shouldn't be a problem. You can also try discharge, or storm call, also remember threshold jewels.

Or just stop being a pleb and stop trying to use Shavs or Headhunter for every single build you can think of. There's plenty of special builds you can do that are both effective and don't require massive investment. For example, during Legacy league I made a Mirror Arrow Saboteur trapper to summon thirty clones of myself to hide behind while they kill packs of mobs from three screens away and pretty much destroy bosses. And that is AFTER the Blink/Mirror Arrow minion health nerf.

They are nerfing all types of ailments and status effects hard.

Yeah, the recent patch notes have all been shit that kills build diversity.

After reading through the patch notes more carefully
Fairly neat shit, it means lab is far more rewarding now considering the new darkshrine modifiers.
Why would anyone even use Soul Eater anymore then?
Looks like they listened and tuned down the health needed to do apply it but for bosses it is still kind of lame, at least it isn't build-breaking anymore.

And since I didn't really see power charges being for spells and frenzy charges being only for attacks, seems like they aren't fucking with builds that use them either.

But hey, at least essence drain/contagnation is buffed, right? And zombies. Their AI is even dumber now, but hey, at least it improves performance by 1%!
I remember than they nerfed something with this explanation
And their explanation for nerfing ES builds?
Make them fucking useful, you fucks! Low armor rating helps only in sutuations where you can ignore these hits completely, without any armor! What the fuck with this idea that buffing something that gives negligible buff will make it useful? Making damage reduction from 3% into 4% is not making something useful. I bet they are not even going to buff map bosses with better loot after making them twice as fat. All these changes seem to aim to make players farm white mobs more than anything. People already always skip few bosses suck as quay boss because its fucked up. And how its fucked up with 50% more life.
They changing damage progression from inventive builds that caused exponential progression into linear.

No one would.

Next time they will add
"all of your poison!
poison deals no damage"

I always said that these fuck ups are the result of multiple people balancing different parts of the game who dont know about other parts of the game. Same fuck up was with phis damage spells on mobs which dealt sama basa damage as elemental spells, but was not blocked by resists or evasion. Changes to charges would simply make a half of charge related items useless. But because items are designed by fucking random people, and skilltree is balanced by other people who probably never heard of these items they end up with such fuck ups.

Why is this allowed?

to force you to git gud through collection of knowledge

Pretty much. There's three types of PoE players.
Those that make builds, those that copy them and those that never get far in the game.

Brilliant game design.

They're sort of cutting down on that shit by bringing back the girls in an updated UI. Scion will still be an unlikable cunt though.

I'm in between making builds and not going far. I got up to Cruel Act 4 before I got fed up with a golemancer build I started from scratch (Yes, I know it's not a beginner-friendly style), but I'm enjoying a shitty knife build I'm using on my Shadow.

If you don't make it to mid tier maps you're not making it far.

Yea, you're right.

It's a shame the Scion is a great-looking character ruined by Sjws. Who is a more unlikable cunt: Ranger or Scion?

I once played as a scion.
I had the voices muted the entire time.
I also remember the old voice samples. They were much better than the new ones. Back then, the Marauder was a big guy with a big weapon but small brain. All you'd get out of him was "and stay dead!". Now it's "YOU HAVE TO GO BACK TO TUKOHAMA". Noble savages and all.
Same with the Templar. exiting Lyoneye's watch for the first time, he used to say "My nightmares, they were prophecies". Now it's "Waht iz dat smell???"

At least they didn't ruin the Witch and Shadow's dialogue. Both of them know they're ass-holes, and don't pretend to be innocent victims or shit like that. Duelist is also annoying with his "MUH BATTLES" shit. I thought everyone like the Templar?

Ranger for sure

A few hundred changes and only a handful are good quality of life updates.
It was after they announced oriath. Still no fixes or any changes for trading.
Oh well, I guess they spend time running these stash tabs sales to fix it. They even called premium tabs a solution for fucked up trading.


She is not supposed to be. She is spoiled brat by every possible definition. And other "heroes" pretty much ruined everything around them.
Aits like saying that evil characters are terrible character design because they are bad people! Its like saying that whoever played that asshole kid in game of trones was bad actor because he played unlikable character and make him unlikable.

He even invokes these gods after killing them. Must be hard to worship something during and after killing it. It actually would be great if they him stop invoking them all the fucking time after their death. But they are lazy fucking incompetent hacks.
I think they changed it because muh lore and to make it less generic. Making him from generic game character into generic game character of muh noble savage. And I am not even against idea of warrior tribes. They actually existed. Humans fought with them and some of them even earn man respect. But it was only because they were warriors who fought and fought with no regard for their life. But none of these fucking savages had any fucking culture besides mudhuts and cannibalism. I will not call something less advanced than fucking ants a "culture".


that sounds completely ridiculously retarded. did you actualy manage to kill shaper and uber atziri with that? i thought arcs single target dps was utter shit.

to be fair, viper strike was never realy viable, especialy since pathfinder gets poison for free anyways. and es was way too strong.

the charge changes are some bullshit though.

You mean the ones that don't work? The requirement for basically any fun build requires you to sit and play "hope the early league nonsense doesn't decide your one unique is worth money" or "lol git gud it dropped in 2 seconds for me fucking pleb, now watch me go play my awesome build 2 handed molten strike"

l o l

I think the difference he is pointing out is between a character being evil or flawed, and them being annoying or obnoxious.

That is why you get mines. Any skill becomes viable if you take totems, traps or mines.

You shouldn't be relying on only a specific unique for your build. If a certain unique is build-enabling then great but the focus of the game shouldn't be looking for the next unique mechanic to abuse. And besides, even then you can easily build without uniques at all, since rares are almost always superior in terms of pure stats. There are very few cases where you are FORCED to use uniques to make a certain build work, unless you are going for a meme build like Wormblaster or low life CI.

or a fun build period, a lot of the cheaper builds range from generic to ball numbingly boring. Or alternatively you can gimp yourself and have to reroll later anyways because grinding maps with a cheap build is usually a great sleeping exercise.


Well then list a few uniques that are MANDATORY in order to have fun, since you know so much about it

I meant low life ES

Any trap build requires a few uniques to really get going outside of the piss poor damage they have.
Sire of Shards for any of those builds.

Anything involving frenzy/power charges just got nerfed to shit and back so those are now all out.
I would joke and say "ES" but it got nerfed so hard I don't even think it's possibly even useful anymore

Their explanation for nerfing ES is that ES was vastly superior to life in pretty much every way. Not that bullshit you're making up.
They are of course a bit retarded so they went way too far with their nerfs. We might see a comeback of "path of life-nodes".

You either have a complex game or one that is easy to learn. It's always strange when people on Holla Forums out of all places are yelling for games to be dumbed down.

Pretty much all of them except Chayulas chaos sword-thingy are pretty common and therefor easy to get and having some chase uniques is not a bad thing.

I haven't played PoE in probably over 2 years and plan on getting back into it on Friday. I haven't kept myself up to date on the game at all. I don't plan on sitting and looking up all the changes, but rather just play the game and find out most stuff for myself.
The problem is the build. I'm thinking that a very basic build would be the best so that I get to try out a variety of viable skills.
With "basic" builds I mean something like Fire based spell caster, physical bow user, elemental dual wielder etc. you get my drift, not something built around a single skill.

Suggestions? I'm leaning towards some type of elemental caster.

Can you guys recommend a 3.0 braindead build that isn't overly gear dependent?

time for last minute builds

Years ago.

This is coming from someone that never really played a bunch once the maps were introduced, but my issue with not being able to respec and instead having to reroll comes from the extremely mindless, long and boring grind to get to 70.
I think my highest was around 68 before I just couldn't bother.

I'd solve it by giving away more respec points. Either a whole bunch at 70 (like 50-60?) or a smaller amount every 10 lvls. A single full respec should be available to every character at least once without grinding or jewing orbs of regret.

I have made plenty of trap builds and haven't really seen that to be the case that you have shit-tier damage without uniques. In fact, traps have very few important uniques which aren't simply stat sticks, the only things that come to mind are Coated Shrapnel, Sunblast and Jaws of Agony and even then those are very easy to avoid having to use.
The patch notes mentioned something different from the shit they initially announced, power charges would be 40% down from 50% instead of 30% down from 50% and there was no mention of the shit on how frenzy would be for attacks and power would be for spells, meaning that the backlash made them drop the idea.
Well that explains everyhing, since you are relying on shitty memes and hysterical retards that whine as loud as they can so that GGG would change their mind as a source of information. ES will still very much be viable and will still be easily possible to stack higher than life.

Ancestral Warchief Berserker is fairly easy to do and doesn't require any gear whatsoever, although it would help.

Currently planning on either Earthquake Juggernaut for uber lab or freeze mine to see if I can make use of that modifier that freezes enemies as if you did 400% more damage at level 20.

Yeah kiddo, hang the cord from your PC to a ceiling fan and wrap the rest round your neck.

This time around think I am going to go for a type of duelist. Played a 2H Marauder, Lighting Templar, and Totem Scion already. Never been the greatest at kiting and with the ES changes thinking ill stay away from Witch, Shadow, and Ranger. Got two ideas floating around. Either a tanky max block style sword and board Gladiator with a Varunastra and Lioneye's Remorse. The other option is a Vaal Pact based 2H slayer, probably using a Ngamahu.

Also forgot the fundamental design flaw that does and always will cause desyncs that the devs said would require re-writing the engine from scratch to fix. watch all the poe plebs scream that they fixed it with "lockstep" mode

Traps aren't required to have uniques

I-it's not as bad as it could've been!
You're right they could've also removed everything but a single stat! What am I thinking!

Frenzy changes aren't in. Power changes are only 50% to 40%.

Now you're just nitpicking, you can easily get into end-game without needing flat damage from Coated Shrapnel. In fact, the benefit of the jewel is debatable considering the fact that it takes up a jewel socket. Sunblast is neat if you want to use multiple traps for single-target but still not mandatory, and on top of that it isn't necessary for clearing in the slightest unless you magically somehow managed to get -99% pack size so that each pack has only a single enemy and stubbornly decided you still need multiple traps for single-target.
Read the fucking patch notes, retard. Frenzy charges are unchanged and power charges are still being nerfed but much less so. And if you had bothered to check how much the crit chance would change with 30% per charge (mind you, the patch notes have it at 40% now), the changes are insignificant. So yeah, fuck off back to Reddit.

Maybe you should go back to reddit if you're going to blindly defend the game so much

If you are illiterate then this game might not be the thing for you

Look here dumbass a nerf is always going to be a nerf especially when they're increasing boss hp.

Are rangers in any way viable?

Flasks are still going to be fairly overpowered, just not as much, meaning Pathfinder is still very well viable. Raider is fairly universal in the sense that you can get frenzy charges up the ass from pretty much anything. Deadeye on the other hand is still shit and will most likely remain shit until GGG changes the ascendancy from applying only to attack/bow projectiles to applying to ALL projectiles.

Have fun grinding those mirrors.

Well you end up with like 24 from just doing the side quests so you can probably really restructure a build unless you really demand to respec the entire fucking thing.

Aaaa, shit didnt realize it was a Perandus exclusive. Guess I'll use something else maybe Bino's Kitchen Knife.

That's not enough to me, yeah I think you should be able to respec a character fully but only once, adding another 50 to those 24 would be enough.
The thing is I've played this game on so many different patches over the years and gone through the process of making multiple characters as a learning process for the new stuff and figuring out builds. I just want to be able to take a break from the game, come back and enjoy the new content without scouring through the forums for all the balance changes before even making a character.

Being this stingy with respec points also inhibits experimentation and encourages people to look up cookie cutter builds. If I knew I could go a bit crazy and try something different with a character and then respec if it turns out horrible I'm more likely to try it.

This is a player driven economy game, if you feel you need 50 respec points buy 50 regret orbs, they are not that expensive.
If you don't know what you are doing respec points will not save you. Also Path of Building is your friend.

Also, you can log your characters in standard which all have full respecs after big patches, if you need to try shit.

Yeah, they always act like things are completely impossible to fix when they don't want to put work into them at that point in time.
Right now they are telling people that the technology for saving Spectres (so they don't go away when you log out) is impossible.

They did.

you probably bought the D3 necromancer dlc too

Kindly explain

Horseshit. The crafting costs of doing anything worthwhile is massively inflated through the arbitrary and artificial gimping of crafting percentages.

Ranger is a butch dyke who probably doesnt shave her sweaty armpits and has short pubic stubble for her animal BFs to eat out >muh nature

Scion is just a whiny mouthpiece >muh merveil wasnt evil, men did this to you >:C


Can you still make meme builds like hyper attack speed or insane ability effects that drop the FPS to 0?

Did they ever make melee builds viable again? I was running a duelist with an atziri's disfavor on standard. Started to play with a friend but he hated how the entire game is based off of equipment in order to be viable late game instead of passive skills. I have to agree with him. Fucking grinding and dumping shekels into 3rd party sites to get good gear and the builds that you actually want is a drag.

And how

Dude if you want a game where you can make no mistakes and everything is free there are a ton of those out there.

Playable melee skills are as follows: Sunder, Earthquake, Spectral Throw, maybe Reave

And what the fuck kind of item standards do you have where you can't get usable gear without fucking gold seller sites?

Can someone recommend me a total cancer lazy nofun kike build? I'm thinking something as gay as fishymancer was in d2. Suggestions?

Are you fags even up to date?

Pizzasticks, bread totems whatever the fuck they call it

Its fuckhuge AOE fire spell on a totem, you drop it and move on to the next screen and dont worry about drops. People were hitting 70-80+ day one of a fresh league

Flasks give a fairly decent amount of survivability even if you aren't using any unique flasks. But, for example, if you decide to go for flasks that will improve your damage output.
And all of these are really fucking good, enough so that in some cases you see people taking utility flasks over life/mana flasks despite being on a life-based build. And then there's the fact that Pathfinder has % increased flask effect, which makes fucking everything previously mentioned stronger.

I think Viper Strike is good for that considering the jewel for it.

How kike-ish and how cancer do you want it?

ST is not a melee skill, you may want to add Cyclone and Blade Flurry.

Meant that for hyper attack speed without dealing fuck-all damage, not for dropping FPS to 0. For dropping FPS to 0, just play Lightning Strike with high attack speed and a shitload of projectiles, along with a cast on crit setup.

So cyclone is pretty much shit now? I did an interesting molten strike build from a few years ago, but gave it up for cyclone since it was much better for my duelists. None of those melee builds that you listed don't interest me, since they are all projectile based (I'll make an exception with my past molten strike build with it's projectiles, but you still had to be close as fuck in melee range to be viable).

And I got my Atziri's Favor back in the day on another league when all of my shit transferred over to standard. I was so damn close to getting an Eternal orb during the final moments of that wraith league (whatever the fuck it was called).

its an action rpg, you will end up using a single skill at the end, because thats the most efficient way to scale.
but if you want some flexibility, build a juggernaut or berserker and go melee with sunder, earthquake or cyclon. probably use a two handed axe or mace and just scale life and melee damage and dont forget to get some leech.
also, if you go berserker, go for vaal pact, as it makes you very tanky.
both are good starter build choices, since thery require almost no expensive gear.

if you want to go for a caster, i'd recommend freeze pulse inquisitor. go for crit, get mind over matter and as much life as you can get and enjoy the free gmp that the new skill jewels give you. should be fairly powerfull, but im not sure about how tanky you can get.
and use warlords mark with blasphemy, that goes for almost all casters, since its your only good source of life and mana leech.

show me your worst

People simply overreacted over the Cyclone AoE nerf. You can't clear the whole screen with it but the AoE isn't that bad, now you have to concentrate more on weapon range than on AoE modifiers so going for two-handed swords for that +1 weapon range node isn't that bad of an idea. Atziri's Disfavour is an optimal choice in that regard.

As previously stated you can go for pizzablast totems and never want to play the game ever again or go for a Necromancer with United in Dream for Animate Weapon so that people would avoid partying with you like the plague in anything other than Breachlord domains.

na its still alright. the aoe isnt as ridiculous as it used to be, but its still very much playable. and its getting a nice quality of life improvement in 3.0. it will use pathing to get you where you point and not just stop on the tinyest of obstacles.

but atziris choice is always the optimal choice for melee builds. almost always anyways.

For uniques, yes. But there are in fact rares that have better in every single way (except for the fact that they don't apply bleed), it's just that Disfavour is cheaper and offers some quality of life with its melee range.

How much is pizzablast hurt by the removal of double dipping?



Haven't tried 3.0 but I don't think pizzablast totems are hurt very much by it. For self-cast pizzablast I really don't know.

Well he did ask for a total cancer lazy nofun kike build and what's better at that than to pay a fortune so that you could play at 10 FPS?

A mussive portion of their damage was from ignite and all DoTs have been nerfed to shit.
I played with a friend who used that build and I didn't notice any fps issues at all. Besides, if you want to meld peoples cpus there are way better builds to do that.

Played a 2h Slayer in Legacy. I had enough Life Leech to make Vaal Pact worthless since I either got 1 shot or went back to full instantly.

Wouldn't Deadeye still be good for Fireball or Frostbolt/Ice Nova.

Either hard casting Fireballs or using a totem to cast Frostbolt and hard casting Ice Nova? Maybe Arctic Breath?


Ya, that was on my list too. Whether is it Shaper, Uber Lab, or T14-16 maps. Trying to make a decent farmer who can avoid some shitty 1 hit deaths. Also don't want to use multi-hit since I am sick of dying from waiting for the 3 animations to finish. Top it off I primarily play without a party.

Thanks. Yeah I realize that most of my damage will come from 1 or 2 heavily linked skills but I want to play the game and see what new skills strike my interest before deciding on one. So if I go for a freeze crit build I can make a whole bunch of cold spells viable that I can play around with.
Is freezing pulse really the way to go for a cold build? Played freezing pulse crit/cold build in both closed beta and at later points. I appreciate the tip about warlords mark and blasphemy, is blasphemy a support gem?

You also get 20% attack, 20% accuracy and +200 accuracy on the way, all of which are completely wasted, since you are using spells. Elementalist on the other hand gets 40% increased elemental damage from the smaller nodes, 40% from your golem and 100% from pendulum of destruction, and this is assuming you want to go for ignite proliferation, since you could easily go for the node that gives 25% penetration. Inquisitor (assuming you don't bother with consecrated ground) gets 40% increased elemental damage from smaller nodes, 30% spell damage, 100% increased global crit on enemies without ailments and 10% penetration on non-crit along with ignoring resistances on crit. And for Berserker all you need is 1% life/mana leech and 40% MORE damage. The ONLY reason you would take Deadeye over any other class is for getting one free chain because everyone else offers more damage and more utility. You can see Deadeye getting more attention with people deciding to go for Vaal Power Siphon but you can see why nobody bothers taking it.

frost bolt should be just as viable, since both have threshold jewels that add projectiles. ice spear is also an option, since its insanely easy to crit with, but it doesnt have threshold jewels last time i checked.
theres also vortex, but ive never played it and im not sure how viable it is as a main skill. but its worth using in a cast on damage taken setup, since it chills enemies and slows them down.
yea, blasphemy is a support. id turns a curse into an aura affecting all nearby enemies. you should consider picking up the hex master node to increase its aoe.

I don't think I've played with neither Frost Bolt or Vortex, they seem interesting. Always had a love/hate relationship with the spear doing shit damage up close, forcing out the freezing pulse spam.
A general question, I downloaded the talent tree and what are those separate class orbs scattered with special passives?

Maybe I should try a Sunder build again.

Those are ascendancies, they are specialisations unique to each class, which are often build-enabling. Each labryinth gives you two ascendancy points, one for each difficulty and one for end-game when you get into maps. You can only pick one and in order to respec each point, you need to use quite a lot of respec points, once you have removed all of them can you switch back between them after finishing lab.

For my Cyclone/Mjölner build, could I stack Fevered Mind jewels for increased spell dmg while not having to pay any mana because of Trickster's Walk the Aether? Could I then use Crown of Eyes to get all those Fevered Mind jewels to work on my Cyclone?

This is really neat, now character choice matters a bit more.

How would I best go about tanking up if I go for a cold caster? I saw people mention CI being nerfed, so picking up some health and elemental resistance nodes might be my best bet? I'm thinking that Witch is a good choice with that Beacon of Ruin to spread freezing.

Yes to both, remember tho that fevered mind is only obtainable by cobalt jewel corruption.

I'm thinking pizza sticks > pic related > RF guardian for 3.0
Should I do this or something more interesting?
I want clearspeed first and not totally anemic boss dps
How will 3.0 affect RF?

Download Path of Building when it updates for 3.0, make build, report DPS.

If Evasion is high, Puncture is nifty.

Any idea on ETA?

Does projectile speed matter? Can you make an EVA tank Ranger?

Every fucking time I try to make one, she folds in half at a stiff breeze, no matter what I do. Glass cannon archers are shit, because I die in one hit from any A2C+ boss

It's a stupid questions, but I'm ask it anyway: projectile boosts affect Ethereal Knives, riight?

Does it have the projectile tag on the skill gem?
It does, but that is how you know

Get HP and cap Resistances, every build needs it. Without it, stacking Evasion wont save you.

Oh hey, patch notes are up. Not sure if they were posted already, too lazy to read thread


Will Auramancers work? I'm going to play with a group on hardcore, and since they weren't able to pass act 4, I thought it would be a good idea to support them with auras.

If your friends are shitters why are they playing on HC? Just go on SC and have fun

Because I've played this game way too much and I felt absolutely burned out with it, and I thought playing it with more people would improve the experience somehow.

Unless you're a masochist with too much time on his hands, don't bother. ESPECIALLY WITH A GROUP OF PEOPLE. One person dies and it's over. Seriously: never play on any hardcore settings with a group of friends.

Meh. You cant freeze bosses and killing>freezing for everything else. But its not like elementalist/cold skills are bad. But if I were you I would go for inquisitor for super crits and freezes. Beacon of ruin is good for ignites.

You can, but its not going to be super good.

Yes. You can be certain by looking at tags of the gem. If it has projectile tag, it will work. in most cases anyway.

Memes with Minion Instability
Also, Charged Dash seems interesting

Lots of nice little QOL changes

Because it needed a buff

It always seemed like a dev's pet unique

PS. Some tags are hidden and some tags dont work. This fags explains it.

I assume it did because Emberwake got nerfed into the ground or something?

Why wouldn't it be good? I'd be getting quite a bit of spell dmg for my Mjölners and quite a bit of melee dmg for my Cyclone.

What possible reason could there be for tags to be hidden? Do you think it's accidental?

Emberwake + taming is dead. You can have ONE additional ignite.
So legacy emberwake will cost more than the taming.

Different people work on different parts of the game. Some items are made by random donaters. THEY DONT COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER! This shit happen all the fuckin time because devs are fucking incompetent.

The guy in the video is wrong. The tags are not there for you to know what support gems work with the skill. The tags are there to classify skills for passives. For example +1 to melee skills only affects melee tagged gems. Or, "Your movement skills cost no mana".
You have shit like Summon Zombie which does NOT have the melee tag yet you can use Melee Phys on it, and it's been like that for years, and it's NOT a melee skill.
There is not such thing as hidden tags.

Jokes on you, I never used those two together

Ive tried this game a few times but never really gotten into it. What's the best class for a beginner? Anyone got a tree build they'd recommend?

Don't put points into resists, get lots of +HP% (or maybe +ES%) nodes. It's really easy to stack damage, but you want life for endgame. This will prevent you from abandoning your character by level 50.

So is life better than ES now that ES has been completely raped?

I haven't tested it and can't comment. From what I gather, ES is still the best, but the gap between life/ES isn't as large. Also, Vaal Pact doesn't affect ES even with Ghost Reaver, so that can hurt it too.

What does GR do now?

I think it still works the same? But Vaal Pact cannot apply LL instantly, I don't know check the notes.

What purpose does leech serve without vaal pact?

You don't seem to understand how broken Vaal Pact actually is.
With VP you can only die from fuckups or oneshots. VP can save you from two successive 99% HP hits, I'm not exaggerating.
Berserker Kaom/Belly VP is going to be meta as fuck, there is no contest, although Kaom is going to be absurdly expensive.
Right now CI only has the chaos immunity going for it, since there are no more nodes behind it. Now the maximum possible effective HP is going Hybrid + MoM (Now works with DoTs), which is another meta possibility if one shots are too undesirable (HC). CI is simply dead to me, path of life nodes is back.

Life +mom seems good.

They just wanted to nerf it so much that no one will play it. 33% reduction for gear, 40% reduction for mods on gear, removing of 15% more ES on CI nodes, removing instant leech with ES. If they want to kill something they kill it completely. Like they did with viper strike.

They nerfed discipline too.

I find that very annoying. Sure it's neat to now have to fuck with life, but I dislike all my experience with ES building now being useless instead of just less optimal.
Anyways, at least there are some positives for life:
>Added new mods for shields which are restricted to specific shield types based on their attribute requirements. These new mods grant: Increased Elemental Damage, Increased Physical Damage, Increased Armour and Block Chance, % of Maximum Life Regenerated per Second, Life gained on Block, Mana gained on Block, Chance to Dodge, Chance to Dodge Spells, Chance to Block Spells, Chance to avoid Ailments, Increased Attack and Cast Speed, Increased Attack Damage, Chance to Avoid Stun.

Oh and also this wall of text is hilarious
Martyr's Crown: Maximum Energy Shield has been reduced to +110-130.
The Beast Fur Shawl: Maximum Energy Shield has been reduced to +15-25.
Cloak of Tawm'r Isley: Increased Energy Shield has been reduced to 150-200%.
The Covenant: Increased Energy Shield has been reduced to 210-250%.
Shavronne's Wrappings: Increased Energy Shield has been reduced to 100-150%.
Voidbringer: Increased Energy Shield has been reduced to 180-250%.
Steppan Eard: Increased Energy Shield has been reduced to 50-80%.
Malachai's Vision: Maximum Energy Shield has been reduced to 150-200.
The Broken Crown: Maximum Energy Shield has been reduced to 50-70.
Geofri's Sanctuary: Maximum Energy Shield has been reduced to 30-40.
Heretic's Veil: Increased Evasion and Energy Shield has been reduced to 90-110%.
The Gull: Maximum Energy Shield down has been reduced to 30-45.
Brinerot Whalers: Maximum Energy Shield has been reduced to 80-100.
Atziri's Splendour: Maximum Energy Shield has been reduced to 70-80 on all variants that had added Maximum Energy Shield.

What the fucking point of having increased damage here and there on most of ascendancies (+10% more damage taken by mobs) if berserker get 40%?

Great idea, making someone with regen totally useless for RF because it provides no damage whatsoever and less damage reduction than juggernaut. And with nerf to totems (50% less hp) you cant even use them for RF while whole point of chieftan node is to use them for RF.

>not really enough regen for mom not 100% sure

22% life regen, jesus fuck.

And whoever was talking about dual Mjolnir, inquisitor or berserker is much better choice too. Or berserker. Berserker is fucking good for the most things. And inquisitor is great for crits builds much fucking better than assassin which is nerfed to the ground.
Without crits with inquisitor you will have 4k dmg per spell with 4 "casts" per secont with lighting strike which will deal 30k dps. So 6*4*4+30=120k~ dps not including anything besides crown and 2 mjolnirs. But not 100% sure if everything is included. (not the most optimal tree, but I tried to include crown of eyes).
And about the same damage with berserker, but berserker loses a lot of regen and MOM. Its really surprising that berserker damage and inquisitor are really close. Even in terms of aspd they are almost equal. But with berserker you can grab Vall and you will be able to heal from 1 to max hp in 1/8 of the second after someone hits you by 1/4 of your max hp.
Item to consider. 30% dodge +12% less phys/fire damage from hits for free. Will work great with MoM.

Just get Victario's Influence, Dying Breath, Leer Cast/Alpha's Howl and whatever else you need for all other stats. Shouldn't be that expensive, although at the start of the league pretty much every single aurabot will be going for those. For end-game you can get United in Dream and that aura shield for reserving life for cheap or Victario's Charity for giving your party frenzy/power charges.

How would I go about making a cold crit Inquisitor? I'm going to need some hand holding after such a long break from the game. I made this "light" 80 point build and to me it seems like a decent base I could modify. It's going to take me a while to relearn all the passive nodes, so for now I don't really know what important stuff I could be missing out on.

I didn't include a build for the Inquisitor but that seems easier to figure out.

Actually I wanted to point out that I'm not married to the idea of a cold build. I just want an inquisitor caster, preferably with projectiles for fun GMP spamming.

Currently undecided between a Baron SRS Necromancer(or maybe Guardian) or a Storm Burst Inquisitor
I usually start leagues with a Summoner so it would feel weird to break a tradition, but Storm Burst looks pretty fucking fun. I'm weary of going any of the new skillls because all streamers are probably going to run them and that's going to inflate the prices in gear to some ridiculous levels, so it probably a better idea to wait

total shit/10
Cant be any worse. And make build for 100~ points.

Why? Regular helmet with +2 has same effect of raging faggots. And they were nerfed anyway. Unlike fucking zombies with 50% more damage on them.

Game is too fucking easy, game gives you the win too often.

I left it at 80 because I have no idea what my needs are going to be. I just picked general HP, cold and crit nodes that are situated in decent areas. I have no idea if I'm missing any important keystones, if I need more raw elemental/cold damage, if I need more critical passives or if this build is just lacking tankiness.
All I know is that HP tanking seems to be the thing again with ES nerfs along with you and several people talking about MoM being decent.

what skill do you wanna use? i'll make you a build

150% hp is minimum. You need more of everything, your build is not specializes in anything, your crit chance is uselessly low, it has nothing. Try not to go for passives that require you to spend more than 3 points to get to them as a rule. Until you will understand what are you doing. Good passive that gives you 20% life after you spend 3 points to get to it is worse than passive that gives you 6% life because price per point spend is worse. With crit you usually go all or nothing.

That's part of my problem as well, been away from the game for such a long time that I don't know what my options are. I really might have to play through 3.0 for a while before I can answer for sure.
I like flashy casters with projectiles flying out the ass, I don't have a particular elemental preference either. I looked up the skill reveal for Storm Burst, that one looks neat. Always a bit bothersome with those random sparks you used previously for lightning casters.

Thank you, just knowing minimum HP % to aim for helps a lot. Any particularly wasteful health passives that I went for? I feel like I worked most of them into my route without diverting much for any of them.
When you say I need to focus more, I feel like a 3 split crit, cold and health build would seem a bit hard to pull off. With another ~20 points I could focus on maybe one of those things, no?

pick one

I'm leaning towards that new Storm Burst

import this in path of building

100k per ball, 185% life with MoM

replace faster proj with slow for bosses
replace conc effect if you find the explosions too small
shock with vall light trap
curse with orb of storms
there's 1 jewel slot but feel free to replace it with deep thoughts if you're having troubles sustaining MoM
no items because fuck you, just see what works with it

I get an "Invalid tree link" message. I got the latest PathOfBuilding from github and tried opening in both 2.6 and 3.0 beta.

it's for 3.0 beta, just copy the link itself, not the code

"" with no quotes

Mostly because of flavor, after 2 years of always building basically the same tree it's kinda refreshing to try something new
Yeah I'll probably go guardian with the violent dead jewels and try to beef up my zombies, hell I think that I don't even need Mon'tregul's grasp, but the zombies AI will probably still be a pain in the ass so I'll have to roleplay spell totem in order to direct them


I'm supposed to click the Import Tree button, right? Still doesn't work.

Oh yeah I was doing it wrong, got it working thanks.

I played this thing 2 or so years ago and dropped it.had a ranger that got to Act 4 I think (was some kind of fucked up fallen demon city).

I wanna go again, but seriously this time, so I need to ask one VERY important thing:
Am I suposed to only grind one active skill and then 4-5 passives? I tend to hoard active skills and carry 3 or 4 of them, but since they all run off the same resource (mana) it doesn't seem worth it, especially with the rising mana costs.
The last ARPG I played seriously was Titan Quest.

Why Berserker over Inquisitor? Seems like a lot of wasted points just to get Pain Reaver, Cloaked in Savagery and Aspect of Carnage. All the filler points between them do pretty much nothing for this build.
Elemental Overload, I'm assuming that this is just a nice flat dps boost if I don't go for crit?
Nimbleness gives 12% cast speed, 6% ms and 15% stun interruption avoidance for 3 points (with no travel needed). Seems better than spending 3 points on the cast speed ones starting at the Witch since that nets a total of 9% cast speed for same point investment.

But I like this build, I'm probably trying this or something very similar. Thanks a lot user.

it's usually 1 active skill, usually AoE linked to 5 support gems to kill groups, and another active skill supported again by 5 other gems to kill bosses and other "single target" enemies. There are skills that can do both very well.

Then you usually have active-passive skills that you activate when once you log in or die, like auras. Then there's some utility skills like minions that give you a bonus to stats, or automatic skills that activate by themselves when you take some damage.

The mana cost of skills disappears the moment you get 1, maybe 2, mana leech nodes, and you can probably never have mana problems even if your attack costs 20 mana out of the 30 you have. (you have 30 because you reserve most for auras)

as for the grinding it's a passive act of playing the game, you will never find yourself grinding for the sole purpose of leveling gem, unless of course that's your objective as you plan on selling them.

because spells have troubles leeching, in fact it's impossible unless you use the support gem (and shoot yourself in the foot with it) or use some expensive uniques. with pain reaver you're gold for all the trash mobs, clocked in savagery will allow you to facetank bosses. aspect of carnage is the best notable in the game period. filler points are well paid for by the notables the get to, so yeah useless but necessary.

EO because you'll crit even if you don't realize it, and if you're clearing fast enough you'll have it up 24/7. and yes if you're not specced for crits you might as well take it.

you're right about nimleness, i didn't notice. yeah drop the with 3% cast and take it.

With some very minor gear you can pretty much double your dps and life. this build i made doesn't require anything specific so feel free to expand in any direction and change the points however you please. if you're going HC like an elitist cunt get at least 200% or more life and some more layers of defense.

Generally you want to aim for one main skill you use but you can use a shitload more. Having one dedicated single-target skill and one clearing skill is great for early game. And for hoarding gems, you don't need to do that anymore, there are only a few gems that you can only get by drops while the rest can be bought from vendors in each act, with one that sells everything in Act 3. And for levelling skills, you don't really need to unless you intend on using them, vendors sell them levelled although not as high as you would if you levelled them yourself.

Because Aspect of Carnage gives a fuckhuge MORE multiplier instead of an increased modifier and Pain Reaver applies to all damage on top of being a fuckhuge amount of leech.

it is fixed though, just not for people with poorfag or third world internet, which I assume you have.

Thanks. My ranger had something (don't remember the names) where each shot was a volley of arrows that then splitted when hitting enemies into more arrows that were also splitting arrows. It got to stupid ammounts of on-screen arrows. Arrows for days. It was fun.
Never progressed far with the Templar, but I like the idea of a guy using a shield almost bigger than he is. Shield build viable for solo play or do I have to use him along with a friend only?

shield is viable but not usually the main focus, it's more of a simple defence mechanic but if you invest enough passive points and currency you can basically become an unkillable tank. i wouldn't recommend templar for it though, his guardian ascendency is very bad for solo play and for group it only has a couple of very expensive support builds. templar is a caster generally but hey, you can equip a shield when casting spells too.

Templar has a soft theme of weapons with elemental damage.

Blocking builds are probably best done on Duelist, perhaps Gladiator

what I have so far

It's kind of frustrating how PoB doesn't work properly with firestorm/poison stacks. Unless I'm missing something. Anyway, I need to get the average dmg. inc. poison up I think. Or maybe supplement with contagion.

poison is dead, do something else for 3.0

you kill shaper? hardcore?

Speaker's wreath looks really strong to me. Largely because of the last line. Any minion build is going to have your minions doing the killing. With this helmet, you're pretty much guaranteed to be the one doing the killing. So, as a necro you can slap on a ton of "when you kill" effects.


So say I hit an enemy with a magic mace with fire damage and score a crit. It will ignite, but not with extra duration right?

But if I had a generic phys skill with extra fire dmg support so it added fire dmg, and got a crit they would ignite with extra duration because the source of the hit was a skill?

skill duration isn't applied to ignites. This is because ignite isn't a skill. You'd need the increased duration support gem.

I'm pretty excited for 3.0, though obviously disappointed with how they handled some balance changes.
DoTs are just fucking dead, apart from scorching ray's burning damage and MAYBE essence drain, and ES basically doesn't work for endgame melee builds any more. If you're melee, you're stuck with life/MoM, which means if you're a shadow or ranger you're just at a huge defensive disadvantage compared to anyone else because lolnolifenodes.

I plan on starting harbinger with a full phys lacerator memebuild to play with friends who are giving the game another try, and then doing a normal frost blades claws raider for sologrinding to mid 90's.

Just complete the "bonus" for every map under T12, shape all the good T8/9/10 maps, and complete bonus for all the good layout T12-15 maps. The bonus adds up, and you end up getting pretty decent map drops to maintain high tier maps.
For guardians, just buy a bunch of the maps that lead to the guardian maps and play through them until they drop one.

I want to say I hit about 70% completion on standard

Ranger has okay access to HP nodes, if you go towards the middle. The problem I've had with her, is that her nodes are 4% life instead of 5%. That makes a huge difference.

Also I have no idea what to ever get on her and she ends up a glass cannon

Played on and off for years and I've never actually used a totem build. Think I'll try one for 3.0.

Totems suck because once you make one, you keep thinking about ways to abuse them

That's why I avoided them for so long.

Yeah, that's kind of what I mean. The 4% nodes are all pretty worthless, and ends up with a similar point investment to ignore them and just path all the way to duelist and grab his shit, but you still only end up with like 160% increased life from tree at the high end, which with good gear means like 5k life at the MOST, which is still liable to get 1-shotted out of nowhere if there are any rippy mods on a map.

Weird that you didn't get regular map drops with decent completion, then. Maybe that's just how big the difference in drop quantity there is between standard and temp leagues (temp leagues pretty much always have ways to get shitloads more loot in maps, especially the last few leagues).

ranger has 181% life plus vaal pact for 65 points. what the fuck are you talking about lolnolifenodes? you can get dodge/spell dodge for 5 more and have plenty left for all your damage, plus the best ascendency in the game. you can even path to marauder, get life there and get the scion's rectangle.

wtf I love build diversity now

62 actually, i forgot to remove leech

yes? so you can balance how much defenses you need?

Thanks again. After spending some more time on the tree I have to agree that Berserker looks better, it just bothers me in a thematic way to turn the big dumb brute archetype into a caster. But I can run this without life leech support gems then? I remember relying on those for a bunch of builds.

Yeah it seems too good to pass on.

big dumb brute? don't you know? they wuz noble savages and shieeet, literally kangz. yeah don't bother with the gem, just stack as many 'more' multipliers as you can with the occasional utility gem. vaal pact with 100% leech is INSANELY good, you won't die to anything except one-shots.

70/115 points for full end-game survivability is a good deal, yes. Like the other guy said, Raider is also a great ascendency so you don't need much point in damage passive to kill Shaper.

Here is a SSF Raider build I ran during Legacy that (barely I admit) managed Shaper deathless. You can avoid most 4% health node in profit of 5/6% one.

With the buff to Added Cold Damage in 3.0, you can probably switch some DPS nodes to health nodes for more survivability and you should still be fine.

life is probably the best choice at this point. try to get as much resist as possible from your gear so you can only skill life and damage in the tree.
for additional defence you could consider skilling mind over matter. it increases your effective livepool by 30% as long as you have mana, but it also makes you compeltely helpless when you take a few big hits and arent regenerating enough mana to cast your skills.
apart from that, always use a melee movement skill with fortify support for 20% damage reduction from hits.
get a level 1 immortal call with a level 1 cast on damage taken. they need to be low level, since codt needs more damage to trigger for each level.
also get a high level cast on damage taken with molten shell, for some free armour.

beacon of ruin isnt great for anything but ignites, since you should be able to easily freeze all enemies in a large cone in front of you anyways and it doesnt increase your clearspeed.
I'd always recommend templar/inquisitor for freeze builds anyways, since status ailments are guaranteed to be applied on crit and inquisitor ignores elemental resists on crit. its one of the ascendancy nodes and its insanely powerfull. witch isnt terrible, but templer is much better imo.

essence drain should be as strong as ever, stronger actualy, since theres some new good stuff for it.

If I want to make an Ice Nova build, what would be the best way to get Frostbolts out for that juicy 40% more damage? Totems casting the Frostbolts seem like they would be problematic since it'd be hard to control where my Ice Novas land. A cast while channeling Frostbolt with totems casting Ice Nova would be a good delivery, but then I'm spreading my damage output between the skill I channel and the totems. Maybe manually casting the Frostbolts and Ice Nova, with a slower projectile and the Frostbolt threshold jewels? That setup seems like it would work really well for a Hiorephant because of Illuminated Devotion.

don't bother. i know it sounds fun on paper but is actually garbage

Another great idea on paper is totems with lightning warp and reduced duration

It's dead.

Isn't it just worded weirdly? That damage must be the initial projectile and the explosion damage isn't listed.

Will my old Brutus' Lead Sprinklers in standard be valuable? I see the new ones call for more damage, but are limited to local values, whereas the old ones encouraged dual wield. It looks like a very minor nerf on the max damage, but now you can use a shield and get similar damage values

Needs work if your going life based you want to grab as many life nodes as you can(unless you go es but that just got nerfed so I'd stay away until you get some money), if you don't you'll be playing Path of one shots.
If your going crit you want power charges so make sure to get those. heres a quick edited tree I made it won't kill shaper or clear super fast but it should be playable until you get some money.

shill your shitty diablo clone elsewhere

Just filter and report

It seems perfectly fine
If anything, it is going to be incredibly overpowered on Hierophant due to overlap

Played this game and Torchlight a while ago and I've been wondering, why are most of these games so lousy at punishing you? When you die you lose almost nothing, you can restart in the entrance of the area for percentage of money and brute force your way through a mass of enemies or a boss. Eventually you gain your money back anyway.

Experience loss at higher levels on difficult maps is very noticable.


The experience loss is eventually large enough to offset any gains you got in the area.

Why would anyone ever bother?

Being sent Standard is pretty much the worse you can have happen to a character.

Sorry due, but you were just bad. FotM builds (like spork), while very viable, were frequently subpar, and there are tons of homebrew builds that can destroy all life and clear endgame. The problem is that you didn't focus on making a solid high-power build for clearing endgame, just filled up nodes, and that's why you got wrecked with a shit build.

How's this look? Endurance and Power charges without too much of a hassle. Only uniques I need are Kitava's Thirst and something to boost the mana cost above 100. Plenty of life from the passive tree. Just not sure if I'd be better off using a different gem setup for the Kitava procs, like focusing on 1 spell for dmg or some such. Does Mana Leech actually work with the Herald procs?

I basically just want to clear maps for currency to feed another build that's worthless without its items (the Mjölner/Cyclone one I posted about).

I always wanted to do a mjolnir build but never got around to it. Have you tried one before?

Nope. I tend to always try new things.

EVA tanking is not recommended because you generally want a shitton of health nodes behind it to not die (at least 200% I'd say), since you will eventually get hit for fuckhuge piles of damage. To top it off, magic mobs and boss monsters have higher than normal accuracy. You can make powerful evasion builds, but it requires a specialized build to develop proper extreme evade chances. It's much easier to give up on melee evasion chance and take Arrow Dancing btw.

The real reason why people don't like evasion is because generally you still need to build regular damage avoidance to cover when evasion doesn't work and if you're doing that why not just forget about evasion and focus on normal avoidance.

MoM will cost you auras. It's sacrificing DPS for survival, and you need to invest in mana a lot to make MoM's survival gains worthwhile.

Yeah, the usual HC joke is that waking up in standard is a fate worse than death. Standard global is pure cancer at least, but HC's global has been declining in quality lately too.

This is going to take hours. I feel like just deleting everything and starting fresh.

Hey guys, want to try a build with the suicide helm?

no? Path of One Shots still exists, and I want a character to actually you know get to the horrible endgame as opposed to die

Kind of, but you still can run at least one aura for it. And invest a lot for inquisitor is fucking nothing. he gets 6% manaregen for free. But its impossible to achieve really huge effective hp with this, because with cloak of defiance and hierophant you will need manapool 50% bigger than your hp. Auras can be used without reserving mana, and not every aura as effective as the other.

New league starts in a day.

RF corruption of elements.

Might as well. Unless you had stacks of Chaos Orbs or Exalted laying around, you can probably earn back what you had in a week of solid endgame playing.

The problem with eva is entropy, unlike dodge it's not a plain chance to evade, you are more likely to being hit the more you evade.
You can go EB/MoM, as long as you maintain a good Life/ES ratio you can fill your entire mana with auras. It's a common way to make a Necro-Support without going Blood Magic.
Also for some builds auras give little advantage, like scorching ray.

Ignore standard

Make it work

Holy fuck they just named the Jew

It's shit. The global defenses bonus is anemic and there are no superior ways to weaponize its penalties. Even a Gluttony of Elements build wouldn't want Veil of the Night.

No you fucking moron. Entropy was a buff to evasion. Previously you could be an unlucky bastard and eat 3 massive hits in a row and die. In fact it was considered a given that as an evasion build, this would happen to you sooner or later and most likely make you RIP. Now it's impossible because entropy resets so they have to hit you anew.

Sure, but the survival isn't better than just going HP+ES (also chaos damage bypasses ES even with MOM). You just do EB when you need the mana really and you add MOM on top so you basically have ES bloodmagic (although EB builds generally cost ZO or GR to recover ES). I mean, the point of MOM is generally leaning on your mana pool as an added defense.

Also the new Brutality support gem (supported skills deal 40-59% more melee damage, but zero elemental or chaos damage). But even scorching ray can run with a double Blasphemy for Elemental Weakness and Flammability as a giant damage booster.

too bad evasion is still shit unless you just stack HP/ES. Actually why do they even have mitigation in the game that's not just hp/es, they're generally pretty worthless and don't negate having to have massive effective HP pools

It's one of the things that bothers me the most about the game. The fact that 5 out of 6 armor types are noob traps and that, unless you're ES, you should just go with whatever gives the most damage/life/resists/misc stats or for build defining uniques. I'd rather have a 0 armor/+200 health chest piece than a 2000 armor/0 health chest piece.

Most builds I've seen run two, even three forms of mitigation in some form. This includes: life, ES, evasion, armor, block, and dodge (resists are required for every build).

Each form of mitigation makes the other forms stronger, basically being a net % increase in effectiveness indirectly.

This is why I dislike the armor=damage reduction in recent diablo clones and wish they'd use the armor=chance to be hit, then have evasion as a seperate effect.

Also, there's a few other niche uses for things, such as how you have a 50% chance to avoid a stun if you have any ES remaining, or how some incoming effects care about your max life

Block is okayish. If you pay 10-20 exalts for red nightmare.

You actually can have real physical damage migitation and physical damage is not that bad considering that spells deal over 20k dmg in one hit.
You just need to stack endurance charges, fortify, 20k+ armor and you actually can facetank shit. It just stacking everything you can. And as juggernaut you can have 8k armor chest.

Whatever. Poe has evasion, armor, dodge and block.

Useless. Giant HP pool is basically stun/freeze/shock immunity.

PS. And with new panteon system its even more useless.

So does diablo 2, and it did armor better.

It's not really that, block is useless against a majority of spells (unless you have the uniques that let you block them!)

And endurance charges are just flat damage taken down, even then armor won't save you in high tier maps. Armor is probably the least useful one, even if stacking it you need your 8 endurance charges or whatever the max is now

Nah. Most of the really threatening melee monsters straight up ignored armor. Those that didn't usually had skills that gave them so much accuracy rating that they ended up negating a large portion of your armor anyways. Not only that, but getting high levels of armor required a huge investment in terms of gear and skill points.

Yeah. It's why they started making evasion+life nodes. Back in the day evasion builds were rippy as fuck because idiots were making ranger evasion builds with like zero life nodes. Now there's been some idiotproofing.

Agreed. Armor has become less shit these days though, and evasion has been commonly used as an Iron Reflexes build. That said, the three best defenses in the game atm are hp, es, and mana (with MoM).

That's so fucking wrong it's not even funny. Evasion and armor compete with each other for gearing and both of them are incredibly shit if you don't aim for really high values. Armor's mitigation falls off in a heavy blow vs armor calculation so if you have less armor your mitigation gets doublefucked. Once for a lower starting position, and again for being completely worthless against heavy blows (the ones you really want armor to protect you against). Evasion generally requires giant piles to be meaningful at all also, and bosses also have much higher accuracy than normal mobs (plus they tend to throw spells, but that's a different issue). Usually gearing armor+eva means you're playing Iron Reflexes armor build.

If you really want hybrid evasion/armor as your build, go make a juggernaut marauder with a Brass Dome and Iron Flask of Granite Skin, run Determination and Grace, and stack a shitton of evasion. This mainly works because of the obscene armor that a jug with Brass Dome gets, allowing him to stack up a lot of evasion with the rest of all his gear.

Stun duration depends on life, so if you just stack life you will have better protection against stuns also. I guess you can use Corrupted Energy if you really want this stun avoidance though.

Sure, but CI builds typically aim for immunity against those effects.

Anyone have any good memes for lvl 20 arcane surges? It takes 200 mana and the best I can come up with is level 4 clarity totem with increased aoe.

Everything you described is worse in PoE.

Maybe I should be clear that I'm not talking about endgame clearing builds.

Let's assume you're an average player and make a Duelist, so you grab armor, evasion, and life. These three forms of mitigation all increase the amount of hits you can take and increase your effective maximum hp.

Armor is good against many small hits. Evasion is good against few, bigger hits. If you get overwhelmed by trash, your evasion isn't going to help much, and if you whiff a hit from a boss, your armor helps mitigate it somewhat. You're basically choose how and what you mitigate based on the types of mitigation you go for, and I think this plays a large part in the kind of content your build can clear.

And because of the falloff from high values, off-builds can grab a jade or granite flask to get "decent" amounts of the weaker ones without much investment. You have shit evasion? Pop a jade and watch your evasion jump up by 10-18% or so.
I think that's what makes flasks so strong, too. Because they just add another layer of numbers to get multiplied, and should always be full and active.

(And then there's other forms of mitigation in the form of sustain, such as leech vs regeneration etc)

No. You can get a ton of armor and mitigate small hits fairly well in PoE without too much of an investment. In D2 you can't get a ton of armor without a significant investment and even then it's pretty worthless. Armor in PoE sucks 90% of the time, armor in D2 is always useless.

Except early game doesn't matter as you can clear with basically any retarded ass build early game.
Also Evasion, armor and life, nigga you better be grabbing iron reflexes

you mean the ones that don't matter at all? which is why armor is fucking useless?

I know I know, those are just my thoughts on how the different things were intended.

Obviously it's very different in practice, because of balance etc



Not really. Basic mob chance to hit armored player was 0. Lilith chance to hit armored player was 100%. Block was super easy to gain even with tying it to dexterity.

Completely fucking different.
But to be honest damage reduction in poe is fucked.

Not really. But its like this. HP>ES>>>>>>>ARMOR>BLOCK>>>>>DODGE+EVA
But its for HC, because Evasion is still relying on your luck and it does not block physical spells. At least they nerfed their amount.
The point is to combine more than one type of mitigation. There are quite a few immortal builds that use 4k armor chest piece with block from ultra expensive jewel that gives 13%/14% block chance and recover life on block. It has 80% attack, 75% spell block, over 20k armor, 5k hp. It can ignore everything except a few oneshot skills.
And now with changes to ES MoM become more viable. You can even stack it with dodge to gain even bigger effective HP.
Evasion is good only for SC builds and having some evasion is good versus critical strikes.
They actually balanced a lot of HP stacking. Before it was literally path of life nodes. You pick all the life nodes and a couple of damage nodes. Now you have an option to stack something else. Usually each class provides 6-10% damage reduction in it. Stacking with other forms it can go up quite nicely.
Life recovery is also really important. Its meaningless to have 10k hp, if you cant sustain it. You will survive oneshot, but what is next? And every damage reduction provides multiplicative bonus to effective hp. 10k hp 0damage reduction ~= 7.5khp and 30% damage reduction.
Now with panteon you can go up more that 8% physical damage reduction, combined with 6*4 charges = 24%. combined with 30k armor(which is easy for iron reflex/juggernaut) you can have another 20%~. Combined with flask you will have +15%. combined with a couple of points in tree and bandit bonus you will have additional 6%. Around 75% physical damage reduction is reachable.
Even if you have just 30% block it will provide huge bonus for you.

Just dont level up it to lvl 20.

The hits you can ignore.
You can easily stack armor after they introduced skill synergy. And its not like it was hard before, just not for every class.

That doesn't answer the question.

Not really at all, armor is only, I can't even say good but whatever lets fly with it, if you stack it, and evasion suffers the same issue because it's only like a 10% chance at best to evade. at which point it's just you having the HP to survive the many many hits you will take.
Early game sure this works but once you get into maps no way in hell is this even passable

Any Templar, Marauder or Duelist build can grab an easy 40-50% armor simply by traveling through their starting area or just to get those juicy nodes with armor AND extra goodies on them. Getting Sanctity or Faith and Steel near the Templar start certainly isn't a waste if you're going to be wearing a few armor pieces. Because, ya know, those nodes will basically nullify weak attacks.

Let's compared this to D2. In D2 to get any kind of decent return on armor you need to spend at the very least 40 skill points (Shout + Iron Skin or Defiance + Holy Shield). Not only that, you need to pray for amazing pieces of gear in most slots. Not only that, but getting amazing gear in D2 is far more difficult than it is in PoE.

Try Lister, every act boss, Frenzytaurs, every rare mob, mobs under the effect of offensive auras, yetis, every archer and thorned dudes in A3. All those fuckers made armor meaningless.

Also, before and after synergies had the same end result, the stats were just inflated.

Wrong guy, I don't like how armor is handled in this game, I'm not comparing it to diablo 2 at all.
also that another game does it worse doesn't excuse it.

Back to the main point however, who the fuck cares about weak attacks, the issue is that once you get past a certain point most mitigation falls off so hard it might as well not be in the game.

Not really. High runes can be farmed easily in Lower Kurast. Getting tons of good charms was the hard part. Instead of vendor recipes for chaos you could MF tons of areas.
Armor was useful. However his stun duration could hit even if he missed.
Useful against duriel but the melee damage on Andy, Mephisto, Diablo and Baal were negligible because their main sources were elemental.
armor was useful here but they attacked so fast they were bound to hit and hit recovery was required
Just flat out wrong.
stop posting please

You know that every random build near marauder area will have over 100-150% additional armor, right? Stop making claims without knowing actual numbers.
114points and it gives around 40k armor with brass dome juggernaut (the rest of gear is generic weak armor). You will get around 70% physical damage reduction. Versus 6000 damage hits. Not counting 25%(less) fortify. Not counting pantheon 6%~. With no armor nodes without life on them. Without determination. Without basalt flask.
With determination you will have 80%~ damage reduction without basalt flask(15%)and panteon(6%~).
And its not even optimal way to do it.
You will be hit for just 450 damage instead. And since you cant be critically hit, its doubtful if someone can hit you with more than 6k physical damage in one hit. You would be immortal if not the fact that you cant mitigate elemental damage reliably and therefore you will die from it anyway. Oh and chaos+degen damage, but in general you can ignore them.
What fucking part of picking life nodes is considered wasteful because they have armor on them?

It can work in certain builds, but generally everyone was using lighting coil with evasion.

I was thinking from position of paladin who can ignore everyone but Lilith. And rare mobs die really fast anyway, just like act bosses. Killing everything before it can act is the 100% damage mitigation.
And if you have problem with random rare mobs you should play some other games instead.

Woah, what? How's it work now?

I don't think you understand, 6k from physical may not be common, but spells still will rape you and as 60% of the damn attacks in the game have added cold/whatever and others are pure elemental, you're just as squishy against a majority of targets no matter what you stack, leading to it being worthless

The penalties granted by the increased difficulties now kick in at certain acts.

Diablo`s lighting attack was 50% physical damage. And it was deadliest attack.

I dont think you can fucking read.

And 10 acts.

Yeah so you in the end are just as squishy, so that brings us back to the issue of why even fucking bother having it if it's useless a majority of the time

Max endurance charges and a a wise oak with evened out resists baby : ^ )

Armor sucks in both games. It has some uses in PoE with either very low or very investments. It's completely useless in D2 no matter what you do. In both games, armor usually isn't all that important outside of fringe cases.

PoE has a ton of issues related to multiple of its combat systems, and the ES/armor/evasion trinity is one of the major ones that most likely be changed anytime soon, if ever.

Still significantly more dangerous and time consuming than crafting in PoE, especially since Masters are a thing now.

Doesn't matter, Stun gave him and his buddies enough AR to bypass your armor, which in turn stun locked you. And getting stuck lucked while surrounded by Lister and co. meant death.

Andariel, Diablo and Baal did some nasty melee dmg. Not as bad as their specials, but it still hurt. And your armor was basically meaningless against those hits because they had so much accuracy. But for argument's sake: armor is meaningless against them because their main sources of damage were elemental. Which was partially my point.

They had stupidly high AR because of Frenzy, on top of having disgustingly high base AR.

All of the elemental mods and extra fast/strong gave huge bonus AR. And then Fanatism and Blessed Aim.

Fanatism or Blessed Aim basically meant your armor was pointless.

Are you the type of player who thinks D2 started once you beat Hell Baal and had your gear, ready to farm endlessly? Unlike PoE, the world in D2 actually had meaning and going through the game by starting in the Blood Moor in normal and getting to Hell Baal was actually challenging and fun.

Pink lightning wasn't armor based though. If you wanted to reduce the dmg you had to use physical/lightning resist and/or straight reduction to physical or magical damage.

No one gives a shit for your shit-tier advice then. Reaching endgame and failing there is something anyone can do without any advice. Giving people advice so they can fail like this is just fucking terrible.

The one decent thing you mentioned. Flasks are fucking strong yes. The main reason people don't always use them is because flask management can be annoying.

You can also reach 75% physical damage reduction with zero armor. Get 10 endurance charges, take Soul of Steel passive, use an Experimenter's Basalt Flask, take Oak bandit reward, and get a Chaos Golem. Necromancer Witches, Necromancer Scions, Juggernaut Marauders, Guardian Templars, and Pathfinder Rangers have an easier time obtaining more physical damage reduction. I think pantheons can give you a lot of reduction too.

These methods are quite useful if you are going Acrobatics build or you feel like getting physical resist on top of your CI. You don't need to aim for 75% like here, but it's good to have phys resist.

How does it work exactly? Is it a per cast, or does the mana spent bank up and proc when it is full?

PS. You also gain 8% reduced elemental damage taken. 75% res, 25% fortify, 8% juggernaut. It leaves 17% of damage left.
Considering 25% as "default" incoming elemental damage you will be left with 70% of incoming elemental damage. And no fucking crits whatsoever.

Because you dont fucking sacrifice anything for it.
All of it will be gained regardless of your other choices. YOU ARE NOT WASTING PASSIVES WITH ARMOR. YOU GAINING BOTH AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME.

Yeah, I am the type of player who thinks that game start on second day of playing it. It takes 2~ days to kill baal on hell difficulty if you know what you are doing.

Forget about that.
But its less effective than stacking everything at the same time.
You cant mitigate more damage/have more effective HP than juggernaut. Unless you build something like legacy kaom + few red nightmares bullshit. And probably some bullshit hybrid guardian with ES+ HP+ MOM+bullshit effective auras
And soul of steel cost at least 3 points. And provides huge bonus to armor. So picking up passives that provide 1.3% effective hp each?
With 200% increased hp, each 5% hp passive provides you with 1.6% effective hp each. And its effective versus every damage type. There is no fucking point in picking soul of steel unless you use armor bonus on it, and even if you do, its still less effective than hp+armor passives.

Except here's the part you aren't getting, the armor is so useless you don't go for extra +armor nodes. You just happen to get them because they're in the way or have +life. Meaning that armor is still fucking useless.

also you're still getting fortify, endurance charges, a different node that prevents getting crit.

The mana bank idea. The trickster node works the same way.


Jesus fucking crist, squishy juggernaut.

Are you fucking retarded? What part of "NOT PICKING ANY ARMOR PASSIVES WITHOUT LIFE ON THEM" you dont fucking understand? What fucking part of "armor is just a bonus here and there" you cant comprehend?
Yes you fucking dont. Because you dont fucking need too. Its fucking free.
Jesus fucking crist.
Or you are implying that its useless because you dont need to invest into passives which are not effective?

You cant prevent crit with different node. Its exclusive for brass dome item. 30% reduced additional damage from crits is fucking nothing versus 300% damage crits. Juggernaut has 15% more guaranteed damage reduction, which easily translates into effective hp(without fucking armor). As mentioned unless you really fuckin invest every fucking point into aura whore/invest countless mirrors for crazy jewels. Juggernaut only needs one fucking semi-expensive item to be super tanky.
Claiming that armor is useless is super fucking retarded. Here is a fucking use of armor. To be a tankiest motherfucker ever. If someone will saying that armor is useless, answer me this. How something that has uses can be useless by definition? Something that mitigates most prominent form of damage in the fucking game? Something that every fucking mob uses. Or some faggot will say that physical damage is fucking rare?
Even if you have 300additional damage of element on enemy, it will only increase damage by 75%. 1p+0.75e dmg
with 90% physical damage reduction you will be hit by 0.1+0.75 dmg
0.75 is reduced by 8% el damage reduction to 0.69. Fortify buff will reduce it by additional 7%(compared to regular fortify). to 0.64 + 0.09=0.73
from 4x damage taken to 0.73 damage taken compared to 1.75 (not counting base fortify for both).
lets say not-jugg has 60% physical damage reduction from flask, charges, other random shit.
0.73 vs 1.35. almost double damage reduction from hits that deal 300% additional damage. Double damage reduction translates into 50% more effective hp for physical damage(if you are doing +300% additional damage maps for some reason) and into 15% more effective hp versus all damage.
You can consider MoM as 30% damage reduction. It cost at least 4 points. To be effective with huge HP it needs to be able to recharge quite a lot and basically it means you will lose auras. For example with 7k hp you will need 2.3k unused mana to provide full bonus and make it into 9k effective hp.
Compared to 4-5-6point investiment for juggernaut with 200% effective HP into BM. It will give him 11% effective hp vs everything with same downsides of losing mana. MoM is basically 30% effective hp and juggernaut is 15% effective HP while blood magic is 11% effective hp(for someone with 200% increased hp). I lost my trail of though but I guess it can help someone.

Every build is viable. We've seen people use the random build generator kill shaper. Fucking gitgud.

The difference between 71% physical resistance and 75% physical resistance is that you take 13.8% less physical damage with 75% compared to how much you were taking with 71% resist. There are other ways to cap your phys resist though. You don't get diminishing returns with stacking physical resistances. If anything every extra percentile is increasingly more powerful in terms of how much damage it mitigates compared to how much damage you were taking without that percentage point. If you step it up you can even cap to 90% phys reduction without any armor, esp. if you pantheon Tukohama + Solaris/Lunaris. Lvl22 golem, witch flask effect cluster, conqueror's potency jewel, primordial eminence jewel, and ascendancy can all contribute more phys reduction though. Incidentally, the difference between 86% resist and 90% resist is that 90% resist takes 37.5% less damage compared to 86% resist. Once you start obsessively maxing phys reduction, Soul of Steel makes a noticeable difference.

You also get +10% all resists, makes gearing a bit easier. I guess you would have +50% all resists when at max endurance changes.

Anyway, the main point of all this shit is that you can cap phys reduction without any armor at all. Of course you can also make a permanent immortal call build and enjoy 100% physical damage reduction without armor. Jug is usually best for this.

It's shit kent

For fuck sake. Soul of steel provides 1.3% effective hp per point spend. 5% life node provides 1.6 effective hp per point spend(at 200% increased life, and more if you have less). 5% hp node is 25% more effective than soul of steel. Possibility is not equals efficiency. There is absolutely no reason to pick soul of steel over 4% life node.

just like there's no reason to pick anything over life/ES for mitigation

Good luck with that.
Because its possible to only pick life nodes and not pick armor nodes at the same time. Because its better to purposely ignore free stuff. Because effective HP means nothing to you.
How fucking hard is to understand that? ITS A FUCKING MULTIPLIER. If picking 4% life gives you same effective hp in every situation is not the fucking same as "armor is useless".
Your fucking example of damage mitigation is fucking useless. Its your fucking soul of steel which is useless.
Because your example is fucking retarded it does not fucking prove me wrong. It fucking proves you double wrong on both points. Not only you dont understand concept of effective HP you cant do math. And someone who cant do the basics thinks he is right because I proven his example wrong.
Juggernaut gets 50% more fucking effective hp versus physical damage up to fucking 6k hits. 50 fucking percent more effective health.
Can you see a difference between 1 and 1.5?
Its the same as additional 150 fucking percent increased life (for a build with 200 increased life). Or 125% for 150 increased life build.
I guess I just build 350% increased life build instead. Its even possible! If you dont pick anything besides life!

Psst, you're both taking different paths to the same destination. If people can clear the shaper with random garbage builds, then skill plays a bigger role than your build does (but its still a major factor and some builds are just faceroll tier)

tldr; nothing wrong with a build-enabling unique because it gives you a different style of play

so by that logic evasion gives 100% mitigation because you don't get hit! JUST STACK EVASION YOU HAVE INFINITE HP!

Completely fucking wrong. I'm just gonna laugh now. I already gave numbers explaining what kind of effect another 4% phys reduction can be worth but you're still not paying the slightest attention and giving retarded math. You're the kind of idiot who doesn't understand the value of raising elemental resist caps either, I see. Hey, it's just a few percent, amirite? Except that's not how it works on the receiving end. The effect is much more powerful. Learn your fractions mate, as well as before-and-after analysis.

EHP is a real concept, but we don't apply it to shit like evasion/block/dodge. It applies to resists, health, es, and mana if MOM. Armor can be treated as a physical resist, but that math gets very messy since armor is usually crap against heavy blows unless you are cranking up your armor value like crazy (and usually you top it off with other sources of phys damage reduction to boot).

Incidentally evasion is capped at 95%. If you can avoid everything though you're basically immune and might as well have infinite hp, but that's not possible. But you can reach the stage of it being a 1/360 chance that you would get hit. There is a jank build that's immune to everything though. It's Gluttony of Elements + Permanent Immortal Call + Chaos Innoculation.

Armor also doesn't apply to half the damn damage in the game so it's about as useful

Avoidance!= mitigation. But yeah, crazy expensive block builds are the best for immortality. Its really fucking hard to stack evasion past 50%. And it means that every second hit will hit you anyway.
The best possible way is to use 2 red nightmare jewels and a 5 reckless defense jewels with the surrender shield with brass dome. With Varunastra or some other strong shit.
Nice argument.
Like the father who raped you compared to your brother? Half of faggot? Nice math you have here.

Resistance is useless because they dont apply to the half of the damage in the game.

There's no other choice for resistances, and try to go without them and see how it works out. A majority of builds don't use armor period outside of a flask which is another issue entirely, so we know that's possible.

Well-built armor is reliable enough, and phys is a very popular damage type (and rather scary in the hands of bosses to boot). The difference between armor and evasion is that evasion will cause you to eat full damage from the source it's supposed to protect against. Armor won't unless you have shit armor. Armor is considered a form of EHP, but the best defenses are still hp/es/armor.

Frankly, the difference between avoidance and resists is that avoidance will randomly have you eat full damage and resists will always work on what they're supposed to protect you from. That's why resists (including physical reduction) fall under EHP while avoidances (eva/dodge/block/whatever) do not.

I already gave you the numbers on what kind of difference it makes in the damage you take, mate. Your lack of intellect is not my fault. The comparison to not seeing the value in raising maximum resists was also apt (and another way for you to check what you're doing wrong in your analysis), but you were too focused on shitty comebacks to bother bettering yourself, so yeah, I guess I could call your retarded, 'cause you are one slow fucking nigger.

except armor which unless you do some full armor build doesn't protect against jack because of how it's not flat reduction and instead some wonky formula

also on another note that build sounds goofballs as all hell, so what you use temp chains, shackles , gluttony or some shit?

Yeah, yeah, you certanly can prove that soul of steel is great. But you would not do so. Because max resist which I am doing wrong(even if I didnt mention them because they are the same for everyone, and its a constant for every calculation involving it and for differential equation constants are irrelevant). Even if I haven't done it, I am doing it wrong. Ok.
Yeah, I am doing shitty comebacks and you are doing real math. Again, nice argument. Filtered.

Why bother having elemental resistances if you HAVE to cap them all? Sure there is a little wiggle with raising the cap which is neat, but why not just base everything around having none and make sources of it rare so it's actually interesting?

Its done with chaos damage. And I would not call it interesting.

no clue ask the old ARPG devs why on that one, probably something so they instead of bloating damage they can make it easily mitigatable or somesuch

Well you most likely have some legacy gear still left which people might pay a decent sum for

I actually intend on using it but not for PvE, instead I plan on using it for PvP so that I can get the full benefit of Wise Oak with having all stats being both the highest and the lowest.

Dat ego. I already proved the value of Soul of Steel in dumbass. And contrary to your claims that max resists are a constant, you can raise the max resist cap you stupid fuck (uniques, flasks, passives, and purity auras). Plus, differential equations are completely unnecessary for this kind of analysis. You pointing out that you do differential equations as though that were some kind of accomplishment is only you demonstrating your own butthurt. How old are you to brag about doing differentials, 16? This ain't even about math skills, you know.

It's plain old idiocy and power creep. I don't think it was originally intended for people to max all their resists all the time, but it was just too easy and useful so everyone did it anyhow. Originally there were no penalties so it was extremely easy to max all resists so GGG added resist giant penalties to make gearing max resists more of a build consideration, but that didn't stop people from maxing all resists (or even overkilling them for resistance curses) and GGG just went with it and balanced content around max resists instead of rebalancing resists.

Raising max resists is rather useful though. Back in the day you could get +3% max resists from a single Marauder passive, which basically translated to 12% less elemental damage taken. Nowadays it's still useful to consider running Purity of Ice against Shaper or Purity of Fire against the Guardian of the Phoenix for instance.

i should try that at some point that shit would be hilariously op as a pathfinder.

armour realy isnt good since it becomes less effective the stronger you get hit.
the way to reduce incoming phys damage is endurance charges or imortal call, fortify, taste of hate and basalt flasks. for some builds cloak of flames or lightning coil can work too. formless inferno isnt completely useless either.
armour on the other hand is.

Tempchains and shackles are a must, yes. And you might want to boost your curse effectiveness too. Other than that Atziri's Reign and Vaal Harvest jewels (as well as skill effect duration passives) can help you maintain Gluttony of Elements. Fortunately Juggernaut helps both with permanent immortal call and movespeed. Permanent Immortal Call is most easily achieved with Restech + Romira's Banquet + Voll's Devotion + Malachai's Loop and 4 powerlessness jewels, Tulfall and 2 powerlessness jewels, or just Restech + Romira's Banquet + Voll's Devotion and going Cold Snap build…

It's janky though and despite being immune to everything it's probably safer to try it in softcore since you need to build up endurance charges and vaal souls before you can go invulnerable. And I'm not sure how good your damage and clearspeed will be with this kind of build.

Wise Oak has been nerfed. It only penetrates 10% instead of 20% in 3.0.0. You have been warned.

Armor is alright if you break at least 50k, but I tend not to build for armor, aye.

its just something else to minmax, which is fine. but it also allows for some interesting uniques that are very powerfull, but give you minus res as a downside. it also enables people to try and go above the cap as far as possible. for example last league ive been running a righteous fire juggernaut with 84, 83, 83 resistence. pretty good feeling to just stand in front of a fully buffed uber izaro and give him the finger while he burns down.

I think I had 91 in legacy

For Freeze Mine theorycrafting thinking of using Cospri's Malice for as high flat cold damage as possible, how expensive is that shit generally? In fact, how expensive is all of this shit as a whole? Never really went hard into stacking flat cold damage so I really have no clue

And on the subject of Freeze Mine, how difficult would it to be to go crit mines on a Hierophant?

clearspeed is probably pretty shit with how many slots are required for it, I was just asking out of curiosity

on all max res or just fire?


91 all max res would require you to be unable to deal any damage whatsoever

yea, thats possible with rise of the phoenix and lvl 23 purity. i had rise of the phonix on the offhand weaponset in case i needed more regen, but most of the time i found saffels flame more usefull for more overall damage reduction.

im not even sure how it would be possible.

Well if GGG at some point decides to allow dual-wielding shields, you could get it for cold res and fire res at 90 with lightning resistance at around 85. Of course, that is assuming you go Pathfinder and use Divination Distillate, on top of getting all three purity auras and two pieces of equipment with "+1 to maximum resistances". But if you're going into +1 max res corrupted gear then you are already as far away from budget-viable as physically possible.

I thought that Indian "devs" were addicted to .net.

Watching spergs argue is the real endgame.

welcome to Holla Forums you dingus

Anyone got any good ideas on how to squeeze some more DPS out of spectres? My total DPS is 19218 at 74 passive points spent using Sire of shards/Vis mortis/Heartbound loop. Should I focus on spells or physical projectiles?

Spectres of what?

Drop Sire of shards
Get 2x
and if you weren't already
Now just figure out of to survive


which spectre?

he would need to drop vis mortis if he uses 2 midnight bargains, he'd need a shav's

So, will you guys try Stormburst? I'm tempted to try it.

I'm thinking either tentacle miscreation or Voidbearer. Sire of shards is there because it works on any spectre that uses projectiles.

tittybitches can be a bit frail so good luck with that, voidbearers I would definitely not recommend though, they get locked into their animation and generally do very poor damage compared to cannibal fire eaters, which have some top tier single target with their own version of incinerate, be sure to also check out the new fire breathing monsters in the new acts, maybe there will a good one you'll like.

Vis Mortis gives Unholy Might, which scales off of physical damage, not all damage. And what you have given is two examples of fire damage. Also if I recall correctly tittybitches are fairly weird when used with Sire of Shards.

Tittybitches is fire and physical if I remember correctly. If I'm using vis mortis I guess I should go for more physical based dudes then? I'm new to raise spectre in general so I'm not entirely sure which spectres would be best for it, other than the list on the wiki. I'm hoping some of the new mobs will fit the bill.

queue's started. still have no idea what to run. just getting back into the game, so i'll fuck it up regardless i guess

Not sure how it is now with the new 3.0 damage over time changes but in 2.6 the big guys you find in Dried Lake were fairly good from what I have heard.

Unending Hunger threshold jewel.

Realm stabilized finally, it seems.