Things you wish were in more video games

Things you wish was in more video games.

I wish video games had more in-game singing from characters: imagine an open world RPG, like The Witcher and while you're travelling you get travelling companions that can tell stories or sing songs. It would work for Red Dead Redemption 2 as well, camp out by the fire on a journey and have someone tell stories/sing something from that era. It'd have to be done in a way that isn't annoying or frequent though.

Say what you want about the ass creed franchise but they did it well with the sea shanties in IV, one of the only good things about that game.
Saints Row also did this with the main character and Pierce singing a song together at some point.

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Another unrelated wish is more lever action rifles.

Fable 2 sorta did this. If you went to a city/village there was a bard who would sing songs of your exploits.


There are plenty of hentai games and mods already.

We could use plenty more especially the ones being made that are using the UE4


It's called F2P.

There's a lot of games with singing, if you include the ability to micspam.

Also this.

Honestly I miss when RPGs had boats in them period. Why is it that "open world" games tend to take place on a single landmass? Fucking ridiculous and they only get away with it because most of the people who like the new trash started playing games in 2007 at the absolute earliest, with most being 2011.

Agreed, sailing is real underappreciated in video games these days.

Back when devs cared about their games to do things like that, very few games have heart or charm these days.

I wish there were more games with cartoon character designs

Also car combat games

I second this notion.

Gay cats

Killing gays like

Yooka-Laylee has a rap too, but it's not as good. Some things are unique for a reason.

I like quests that involve investigation, guile and subterfuge, stuff like a number of Dark Brotherhood quests in Oblivion. Investigation no matter how hand holdy always satisfies me.

I'll second that. I feel like quests in RPGs always feel watered down and uninteresting. I'll gladly take a game with less content if that content will be more interesting.

Actually I've always wanted to solve a murder in an RPG. Just a dead body, some suspects, and a slap on the ass. To me that would be immensely satisfying to see in the middle of an otherwise normal video game.

Musical instruments.

Sure there are a bunch of old games that had this but asides from Witcher 3, I can't remember a single bigger game that came out in the recent years that had this.
There are not that many games that have romances and there are even less that have actual good romances. I just want something that makes me feel loved
Always seeing my country's people lose sucks ass.

Ultima 7 starts off with literally this. It's just a lead-in to the main plot though.

Fairies and inchlings.

Oh shit, I forgot about that. That game has been on my to-play list for forever.

Seconded. Make sword combat great again.

Is that even a thing yet? It should be. I'd be super interested in getting into the mind of a soldier on the German front struggling with the knowledge of what he's fighting to defend but knowing it's his duty to protect his family. I wouldn't hold your breath, though; not while Europe and the United States are still gloating and Germany is still censoring the shit out of your media.

I can recommend one.

andate a dormir

Saints Row 2 had the mc singing along with the radio at random moments.

Third on dismemberment, I feel every action games be it shooting or slashing need that.

It will take a bunch of talented artists to pull this off well, now they are as rare and valuable as an island in the ocean of diarrhoea.

Condemned alpha game called The Dark was not a straight up hobo beat them up, but about the same premise. You are in abandoned place with insane murderous hobos, and your equaliser is magic.


Also this.

Germans are natural-born fighters. The fucking kikes have to keep demoralising you guys somehow. Not that it will stop them when the day of the rope comes.

German day of the rope is literally them hanging themselves because they're the perfect kike tool that not even burgers could wish to be.

the same strength they had*


Muscle girls

What's the appeal of muscle girls? I never understood that.

I wish companies would decentralized Server trackers so we don't have dedicated server hosting die like what happened with Game Spy & games like Bf1942 & BF Nam.

that last one's a dude nigga who you foolin

You know in 2D games when every enemy has an always-active full body hitbox? I'm tired of that, I want more 2D games where you can touch and bump into enemies without hurting yourself and any damage has to be done with actual attacks. Also I want to be able to pick up enemies or pacify them or interact with them in some other way than just attacking them.
Another thing I want is more enemies that run away after they see you easily kill one of their buddies, enemies that show some self-preservation instincts instead of being suicidal retards. You could make a whole game around scaring away enemies rather than killing all of them.

Fags in denial. They want a masculine women who looks like a man but with tits and no dick. Also there may be an element of submission from them or wanting a girl to be in charge.

Hello anonymous poster!
There's an old but gold Role-Playing-Game called, "Skyrim" that had a quest exactly like this. Have you heard of it?

Most of the battles in Suikoden were RPG turn battles, but you also had some with a tactical map and that felt pretty cool and some of the skills you used in combat could be used there too. I feel there's a lot of design space unexplored in that direction.

Also, surprised more games haven't tried to copy the Nemesis system (Shadow of Mordor).

Besides the usual VN, you should really give Lufia 1 & 2 a try.


In the thumbnail on the 4th pic, the signature looks like slime that came out her puss.

more cute boys

You didn't post a muscle girl that time you posted a yaoi dude you fag

Metal Gear Rising, Shadow Warrior 2013 and Shadow Warrior 2 have some nice dismemberment in them

I'd slap my cum covered dick all over the second one's abs while giving her headpats.


clang, futas, lizard people, actual playable dragons, monkey people, slime waifus/husbandos, good power armor gameplay, biopunk setting, games where you can transform into a monster with appearance and powers that can be customized, open world mech rpg, playable centaurs, rat people, femboys and sissy shotas, wereclowns, a short anthro canine race that only look like the small dog breeds.

oh, i forgot, loli pirate waifus

I'm glad you aren't in charge of making vidya

Competent supporting characters that make you feel like you're part of a real group instead of making you feel like you have to babysit them to the end of the game. It's even worse if they treat you like you're so much cooler and better than them that they can't help but be retarded in comparison. Questionable battle AI for teammates is forgivable most of the time since it's probably hard for AI to improvise on the spot based on your actions (in which case it's acceptable for you to call out strategies in battle or general tactics beforehand), but writing every character like they can't engage in critical thinking on top of that is not.

Really, I just want to have a working chain of command and not worry about the AI fucking everything up.

Not a video game, but supreme comfy and cute.

Ugh. Every story is basically

I just want more games that let you jump off of the plot train and do stuff. Like find a little town in the middle of nowhere, and do odd jobs, train under a retired master who everybody forgot about, help an old couple with repairs and some farm work while their son is away for military training, and have small adventures while putting the big story on hold.

If you haven't already, you should definitely try Republic Commando.

Choice that actually matter on any level of the game

I played (and enjoyed) all of those. But those are only 3 compared to like the 500 titles that came out since then. When did dismemberment become so unpopular?

Have you ever tried Consortium?


It's pretty much a proven fact that people are attracted to visibly healthy bodies. For a lot of people that simply means a thin body; for others it might go the other way, and a fat body looks healthier because it's acquiring more food. Muscular bodies are just another form of this.


That's the concept behind the Elder Scrolls games.

I want more destructible environments. When I shoot at shit with a rocket launcher, I want to see it really damaged!

This and limb dismemberment are something the industry really needs to get on. I'll accept a downgrade in graphics if it means I can dynamically and arbitrarily destroy buildings.

It'll never truly get off the ground because it gets in the way of low-effort communist "balance" horseshit for esports appeasement.

I deleted the half-paragraph I had typed stating that the recent ES games do it wrong, with nothing but retarded MMO-tier kill-the-thing, fetch-the-thing quests and call it deep and innovative. You'll likely never have a quest where you hear about a poor village, and stealthily eliminate the bandits that were going to raid it, and leave toys (that you learned how to craft during the tutorial early in the game, and mastered out of boredom) for the children in the night, like some kind of Batman-ta Claus.

There's some indieshit coming out next week called Fictorum that lets you destroy anything with magic, but the way it handles destruction of buildings, bridges etc seems a little canned so it's not really to my taste. Whenever you hit something it looks like the entire structure instantly breaks apart into little fragments and falls all at once instead of being somewhat localized to where you hit it. Still, if you're really hurting for destructible environments at least they're not completely gone yet.

Yeah that's not bad but from the looks of things all of the individual parts of the building are pre-broken into individual pieces whereas I'm more interested in the crazy technically proficient shit where the computer generates new shapes on the fly in order to represent arbitrary damage. That's part of why my fantasy of destroying Tokyo in a giant robot made to look like a gay cat will probably never happen.

Bring back fun cheatcodes and hidden things just so you can have fun fucking around.

better be able to turn off that fucking blur.

Lifeweb would be up your alley.

I want a proper Majesty sequel.

Man, I really have love-hate relationship with competitive. I like that it's designed to be hardcore because the casual mode is too barebones. I hated the fact that I couldn't get a kill in 8v8 instead of 5v5.

On the other hand, those people want fixed constant variables on everything; no item use, no stage variety, no RNG, and limited possibilities. We were going to get a fully destructable SWAT 4 in R6:Siege, but everything changed. It's kind of weird to see law enforcement killing each other, but whatever.

When you let fucking westerners with no background in literature or performance take shits at face value try hands at Wuxia, jewliwoodisation is going to happen.

Plenty of good Wuxia game out there, unfortunately, they don't leave China, ever. Was lucky to got one as a kid from cousin, if you can into basic mandarin, I would say it will be worth it.