Shocker I know, but once again, Robert missed his deadline, and they've announced it's now pushed back to near the end of the year.
>post yfw you didn't fall for this scam.
Shocker I know, but once again, Robert missed his deadline, and they've announced it's now pushed back to near the end of the year.
>post yfw you didn't fall for this scam.
Fuck I'm a faggot. Here's the sauce.
b-but it's a Roberts Spehss Indoostry work, eh?
Jesus, I really haven't been paying enough attention to this shitshow. The best they can do with 5+ years and a few million dollars is a fucking alpha build? An alpha that's still getting delayed?
I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
A few million? Try $150,000,000+. They raised that much, and yet they're still behind schedule.
I knew I was lowballing it, but holy fuck.
And a 60 million bank loan.
How do you fuck up this hard?
Give 150 million to some indie autist and they'll make the game for a fraction of that cost and probably faster too. The only thing they need to spend money on is the art and soundtrack.
Rumours its 285+ in total.
Guess we'll find out when this dumpster catches fire.
You forgot all the overblown and unnecessary parties.
the game also runs like ass we are talking 10-20 fps bad
most of the ledditors play apologists "as long as i can get a few more fps, less lag, etc its fine"
game is running a engine that can't support more then what 24 people in a zone/area
half of the shit they were saying that was gonna be put in 3.0 aint making it.
Someone make a list of all missed deadlines.
Christ, what a mess.
That's sort of expected for an alpha release. But once again modern game developers have no idea what alpha, beta, or demo mean and use them interchangeably. At the rate development is proceeding actual starships will be developed before this game is finished.
d'ving b hard m8
Considering NASA wants to have a permanent Mars Colony by 2030s, I'd say that happens before this "game" is released.
Why pay for a space sim when you might be able to actually go into space.
Liberal incompetence robs retards of their money once again.
Who got that funny video where the cult members are literally crying?
So when is the release date for the full game, user?
In the way it was promised?
Probably never.
They will have to release something as soon as the money runs out.
Which will most likley be some modules that show what could've been if someone competent would've been working on it.
lol yeah xd
wanna yiff???? :33
Because you wasted all your money on a space sim than putting it towards actual space adventure.
How much citizen?
it's like a developer friendzoning it's customers
Also, that bank loan when, if they miss paying it even once, they lose the license to their own game they are making and the bank takes it for themselves.
they get 60 days then everything is forfeit
I can't post images so I'll leave this up to your imagination
Don't forget that a bank owns them by the balls. They fuck up and the bank gets all assets and rights to the IP.
Can you make a bingo card?
I know it's not popular to not be shitting on CIG for everything imaginable, but they already explained the situation with the bank loan. They didn't take it up because they're out of money. If I'd been posting in these threads for the past ~3 years, constantly latching on the latest
meme, I think I'd have reconsidered by now.
The PU runs at 2fps right now, and even though they claim 3.0's new networking should fix it, I'm not about to believe them after several networking "fixes" that barely did shit. They really upped the jewing lately too, that shitty buggy they released a couple weeks ago is selling for more than actual ships.
Can't wait for the suicide rates among goons, autists and furries (I know, redundancy) to spike up.
No, I'm sure they took a 60 million bank loan with all their assets and IPs as collateral for shit and giggles.
You sad, sad person. How much money did you give Chris?
Maybe this is their plan, stow enough money to live comfortably, have the bank take over their sinking ship and say "Sorry guys." the goyim will inevitably be dumb enough to think it was a tragic event and not a plan to take the money and run.
i wonder how many people are legitimately going to kill themselves or shoot up a kindergarten after this game bombs.
And yet, after 5+ years, there is still no game.
This kind of needs updated or does it?
ok Cuckcitizen
They fucking lied, the loan terms are in this very thread!
Why would take out a loan secured by EVERYTHING with a 60 DAY TERMINATION CLAUSE that LICENSES YOUR OWN GAME BACK TO YOU if you weren't fucking desperate? I'm not buying the bullshit currency exchange line.
no one is saying that because we simply don't know when they'll run out of money because who the fuck knows how many loans they have cycled through + number of private investors they have suckered so far. What we do know that progress has been royal shit and the game is buggy, shit and ridiculously incomplete. There is a link in this thread that tracks this!
And you are defending this.
Get a clue, get a refund.
Spoken like a true addict.
I dunno man this isn't even funny anymore, it's like looking at a man trying over and over to delay his demise but his ideas are getting weaker and weaker
Way to make me feel old when I'm still under 25. Where the fuck were these people in the 2000s?
Get a sense of humor. This shit is hilarious, and this is merely the appetizer for the shitstorm we're bound to witness once the whole thing crashes and burns.
I payed $45 for this pile of shit last week just so I could follow along with it's development and laugh at it.
All I can say is this game is never fucking coming out.
A patch or two ago, they had to make the centrifugal rings at the main space station stop rotating, because their fucking servers cant handle it.
Not a single thing has changed from when this game was released in Pre-Alpha, except for how many jpegs have actually been modelled.
Jesus Christ.
I've no intentions of defending their shitty development practices, I just don't like seeing easily disproven dumb shit being passed around as holy gospel. They're always beyond late on everything they release, but some of the shit they eventually release is good. I'm a graphics whore and I have no doubt that in the distant future when they shit out 3.0, it's going to look fantastic and play mediocre (after the initial 6-month stage stage of being unplayable again) but decent enough to be worth not refunding, to answer
what in the ever living fuck
Tell me, did they work on the small pointless details that are ultimately fluff first before actually working on broad important things like the actual game? Because it really sounds like it.
Well let me just tell you that low-res textures don't exist, so it's highly likely.
Everybody blames the lag on "much advanced physics engine", but there's not going on besides character and ship movement. Every object is static besides vending machines.
This thing won't crash and burn.
It'll just disappear quietly into the night.
It'll be very disappointing for everyone involved, mostly because by the time it happens nobody will give a shit about it anymore and everybody will already know that it's dead.
Mark my words
It is not.
Its not networking thats fucking up the FPS its the engine itself with its over inflated models. They can barely get 12 players in an instance and they have dropped from 100 systems to 5-10 and that will likely drop again. No amount fucking about with netcode is going to help with an inherently broken engine.
These are all massive red flags.
Apex butthurt achieved
AC works as is whereas the PU is a shitfest. The PU also works for some people in some areas at some times of the day as intended, regardless of what's being rendered. That's not an issue of how complex the models are, they're fucking up something on the server end.
A project that had 200,000,000+ sunk into it, the biggest crowdfunded game around, won't quietly go away, especially not since the userbase consists of goons and furries. There will be suicides and there will be blood.
I reckon they will teach people about this scam in a few years and study it at universities.
These posts… Holy shit.
The fascinating thing about this is looking at how similar the motivation is to people who get scammed by "nigerian princes". After giving 100$ there will always be a roadblock or slight difficulty to prevent them achieving their potential and they will need a bit more. Once someone has donated $2000 another $200 does not seem like much. Getting a whole community of suckers to groupthink it together is even better.
I wonder if they will allow for people to donate just before it comes out too or something stupid.
Dunno man look at this thread, even people here barely give a shit anymore
Furries are used to being disappointed, their shit constantly fails
FPS is not server. Networking you will see lag and rubber banding as the updates struggle through. The FPS you are getting is the engine.
Maybe MAYBE if they have pulled a fallout4 and tied absolutely everything to one game loop but if this is the case then its complete garbage
If anyone didn't know, the game is developed in Amazon Lumberyard.
So they switched from Cryengine.
lumberyard is better cryengine
it's the same engine, just updated.
There's no games that have been released in lumberyard, so that seems like a bit of a stretch
it is not. Its two separate forks of the codebase. CIG has said on record they heavily modified their base until its not recognizable.
Lumberyard is much the same. This engine switch would have been brutal on the devs.
I know, but this doesn't really prove it's better than cryengine.
Again, because there's no fucking games released in it
I haven't used it, but I imagine they wanted to keep the sandbox editor tool set, the formats are the same so nothing will outright break between any sort of transitions, and I think people are really overestimating the amount of work that would be involved in moving from toolset and platform.
So how much have you spend on those jpgs?
nope. Quite the opposite.
I'm really glad they chose Cryengine instead of building their own or using UE4.
I hope you trollin.
Because what you just said was ridiculously stupid.
I realized that afterwards
The problem with Cryengine is that it's an FPS engine, which means that it looks good, but it's not made with massive multiplayer games, like Star Citizen is supposed to be. Even Chris said, that the way Cryengine works is that if you have a cup of coffee on a table, even if that cup of coffee doesn't move or isn't interacted with, it still sends at every frame, information to the other computers on the server, that the cup of coffee hasn't moved. Ideally it would send information, only if it has been interacted with, but that's not how Cryengine was developed, and it's the reason why he hired Cryengine developers on the team, to try and change how the networking works. Again this works fine for small maps in an FPS game with 8-16 players, but not in a huge open world game with 64+ players.
Wow, you made my usual pic even better. Saved.
I seriously now relish the failure of this game. Naturally I'd prefer a good game, but it's so fucking clear now that this is going to crash and burn with no survivors.
I just wish it'd hurry up and fail already so I can revel in the ruins.
thats going into the collection.
Yey OC accepted.
nah, the tax buillshitery story just sounds more plausible.
sooo why would a bank take on this risk for tax bullshittery?
You're forgetting that CIG has no legally binding contract to do anything in return for the money they were given.
If they went in to receivership the game development would stop and they would liquidate all the assets.
very likely the bank figures they can a nice big slice of that liquidation pie.
and alimony if Derek Smart is correct. That would be the cherry on top if true.
Top kek but dont believe anything derek smart says. He is an autist of the same caliber as roberts, smarts bullshit gets posted here because its fun to watch one sperg throw shit at another one.
its sad at this point
His wife's an actor so I wouldn't completely write it off as bullshit. It's probably the most believable thing Smart's said so far.
probabaly because they can actualy pay the money back and there is no risk.
there is no way there are 60 millions in actual assets lying around. the game code is worth shit if it isnt finished while the physical assets should be negligible.
top kek, you actually believe this. If I can pay the loan back, why did I need it in the fist place? Thats some might mental gymnastics thar son.
Is the loan 60 mil? I haven't seen it stated anywhere. It seems way too high, suicidal even, for both parties. Once again, why? Currency exchange? oh sure.
< muh derek smart
How much citizen? How much did you pay for dunelike planet?
well if thats the only loan the bank could just take everything. i dont know how us law works, but doesnt robert risk prison if he doesnt file for bankruptcy soon enough? if the bank is smart enough to see through his bullshit hes probably paying insane interest rates and the bank doesnt even need the full 60 million back to make it worth it for them.
so in the end everyone wins. Robert can have his little cult and pay himself very well. The bank can rake in interest and sell everything to make back the rest. And gaming as a whole wins, because the business model of several thousand $ p2w ships is crashing so no one will ever trust someone pulling this shit again.
The asset worth the most is the large pod of whales following scam citizen. They can flip the "game" assets to a different unscrupulous dev to milk some cognitive dissonance dollars out of a half baked release and call it a day.
But does the bank know that? From their perspective they invested into a product that raised 150 millions from crowdfunding.
Are you the same faggot that calls everyone that has a reaction different from
A shill and a backer?
Cause I swear to god I've seen this happen over and over in these threads and the retardedness never ceases to amaze me.
It's perfectly fine to think Derek Smart is a fucking hack while also thinking Star Citizen is not going anywhere.
Wait, what are we shilling when we say Star Citizen is going up in flames?
The game would be better for it. If you gave any other developer on the planet all of Star Citizens existing textures and models, they could shit out a playable game in a year that probably wouldn't be half bad.
Smarts a hack, but a hack can still be right from time to time and the thing is, Smart did attempt the exact same thing Star Citizen is attempting and Smart completely fucked it up the same way Robberts is fucking up Star Citizen. Instead of learning from Battlecruiser Onlines fuck up and then subsequently every single other fucking space sandbox game that's come out since they keep reinventing the wheel, when really the only fucking thing people wanted was Privateer Online. If they had just delivered that, people would've been happy. Robberts is a fucking moron.
the bank has nothing to gain from giving a loan to someone who cant pay it back and has nothing that worth something to them, so they wont.
i have no idea if its acutaly 60mil, some user posted that number and ive run with it because it realy doesnt make a difference in this case.
thats actualy an explaination that could make sense. if robert is about to file for bankrupcy and get the fuck out, the move may make sense for him. probably not for the bank though, since there nothing of value to sell if the game isnt finished and they wont get any more interest when the company goes bankrupt.
yea, but who in their right mind would want a half finished project of that size, with that amount of investment needed to make it work?
sure, but they would probably take a closer look before lending it that much money. one would hope so at least.
We will be able to genetically modify ourselves into little girls before star citizen comes out.
What the fuck am I reading?
Old men turn into cute girls?
Where do I sign up?
An obese man admits he will probably die before the game comes out.
So he's still got like a decade to live.
Never forget.
This is like that Hokuto no Ken plotline when the guy is about to die so the other guy does the "You will die in ten years" punch on him and it actually increases his life span as a result.
I still don't get this. Do they talk like that on purpose or what?
Yes, user, they do that on purpose. Furries are far removed from humanity. Fear and loathe them, for they are not like you or I.
Feels like there's been a streak of news about scam citizen recently. Are things heating up now? I recall ScamCon being around the end of the year, is there going to be one this year and is it going to be a jonestown?
but why?
Because they're all crazy zoophile degenerates?
Cuz they have weak voices, son. So they polish it with lipstick.
If it's a little consolation for you, squeakers are looked down on by other furries.
I hope I get to purge every type of faggotry in my lifetime.
you just need somebody to put a bow on it and call it a release, not live up to any of the promises. I'm sure the investors could find somebody to Hello Games their money back.
Freelancer was in the same exact position before MS stepped in, fired Roberts and spent a year trimming everything down and using whatever had been completed to make a somewhat finished product.
Real talk:
Most of us won't be around for the game's completion.
That's already more money than it took to make GTAV, Witcher 3, MGSV and a bunch of these ultra-expensive AAA open world games. still not as much as the TORtanic though
I honestly want people to kill themselves over SC. That would be glorious.
If these guys haven't already killed themselves I don't think Star Citizen would be the straw that breaks the camel's back.
Sinking your life savings into ship jpegs only to watch them evaporate right before you, as well as the virtual world you wanted to escape into, will drive many of them to an hero.
Could have ended worse for me.
How did people manage to turn a profit from this?
Is there a limit on how many jpegs they sell or something?
I suspect the whole thing is one big money laundering scheme for Cartels.
I had an account within the first 1000s ID and a pledge with a limited run of some ship with something about lifetime insurance. Sold it when I realized this was all a scam and turned in a profit too.
Anyone with two brain cells can tell this game is nothing but vaporware by just watching the bullshit videos of the stuff they promised
I've noticed there's people on youtube that post updates almost every 2 or 3 days, I saw that the game looked pretty good graphically, with some glitches and a lot of lag. I never payed any money for this, but I'd definitely enjoy the fuck out of it if it ever comes out.
See you in 25 years space cowboys!
I was thinking the same thing. I figured they'd at least be in the beta stages, but after all these years, the best they have is a crudedly hashed together alpha with lots of non-interacting parts that they swear will one day come together and form they greatest game ever made.
You could add a square or two about bank loans.
They are beta even if they don't realize it
Some of the jpgs are indeed limited.
If you go to their store you can see some of the current ones are still "in stock" while others, the older ones, are already unavailable.
Supposedly you can still get the ingame sometime in the future, but if you want a ship at the start of the game, better buy it now, since who knows hoe long it'll be for sale.
And if you have an aaccount with one or more of those ships, plebbits will fall for it and buy it of from you.
too bad most of them still have faith in their jpgs and won't sell before it falls apart
Hey, he got the date right, at least.
That's code for "the paid snacks are literally just water in a Gatorade cooler with little plastic cups and those packs of hideously orange cheese crackers with peanuts butter in between them."
I looked into this and the truth is they got the loan because they need the money now. If they weren't out of money they could just wait for the tax credit rather than incur the interest and other charges. The currency stuff is all smoke and mirrors to disguise the obvious. You're a fool for believing what they tell you on reddit.
HAha how is that even real hahaha just like copy and paste my nigga hahahaha
Do you not know the difference between a beta and an alpha?
Beta inflation basically means that a beta is content complete now. It used to mean what an alpha means now - mostly incomplete, mechanics up to a point where there's a 'game' of some sort, but maybe half the content is missing.
Alpha at one point meant that there wasn't graphics as such, just placeholders. Maybe a third or a fourth of the mechanics are in place.
But now these terms are nearly meaningless, since it's the hype/defensive way to shill to say "BUT ITS A BETA" when its content complete and merely lacking a bug pass.
I thought he just meant that the entire SC staff are betas.
They don't need Gatorade, they've been drinking the kool-aid for a long time.
There was a lot of RMT in the '90s. I sold my UO account for about $1300 and Koreans were spending huge amounts of money on in-game clothing and customization for their grind simulators.
But the it wouldn't be Holla Forums
Low-effort OC coming through.
pft everyone does that
Yes he's a faggot 'think of the wimmins' Goon. So what? I don't think croberts is a hack just because I don't like him, I go by what they say, what they do and what evidence they provide.
Derek 'I believe everything CNN says' Smart just happens to be right about Star Citizen if you go by the metrics I mentioned above.
My prediction is that Star Citizen's is going to end up as Freelancer 2.0 with updated graphics and an irl money shop for all the jpeg spaceships. The dynamic universe will never happen save for scheduled events if they ever bother with post launch support. The economy will fluctuate based on a random event generator that will appeal to the players who want to play shekel lords for all of thirty minutes until they realize amassing all the wealth will have no effect on the universe. Events/missions/bounties will be similarly based on a limited procedural generated system. NPCs will spout the same five recorded lines over and over. The multiplayer aspect will be limited to arena commander and will be all but abandoned once people realize the die hard whales who ponied up 20,000$ will dominate pvp. Squadron 42 is a beautiful dream that will never happen; and if it does it will be some horrifically stitched together shitshow because they can't afford to bring back the all star cast they hired in the first place to record the lines.
It will be a beautifully crafted, shallow, empty universe.
I never actually bother to go through that video because i hate her posture, like the way she stands bothers me. I regret watching it now instantly
Kek, too many delays happening close to eachother.
You say it like it's a bad thing, I'd kill for a modernized Freelancer clone, one of my top favorite games. I don't know why Roberts didn't just make a sequel and called it a day instead of literally building a Titanic in space.
Freelancer was a shallow but fun game.
And it's never gonna happen because there's no one to bail Chris out this time.
It happens that promising a lot of shit you can't deliver actually gets fools to buy jpegs for hundreds and thousands of dollars netting your a few millions for your old days. Why pass on this opportunity?
So can any user give me a rundown of their current financial situation? I know they raised $150m and are getting slightly more through ship sales to autismos, but the burn rate for a studio of their size has to be almost $10m every month.
And then this loan stuff? Are they close to being bankrupt or what? SC sure as shit doesn't look like it's close to coming out any time soon, and if everyone who's donated already gets the game as part of their backing, who the fuck is going to buy it?
Don't know. We only know about UK's Foundry42 because the laws make their tax filings public.
All I really know is they took out a nasty loan, document of which is in this thread, and the F42 burn rate per year reached 30 million.
There's some other minor things but we have no window into the US operation.
So these fucking goons are the kind of furry even furries hate, eh.
If it's any consolation to you, all animal fuckers are cancer and should rot in hell
If even half the stuff mentioned in glassdoor reviews and various leaks is true, Croberts is a nightmare to work for to boot.
Remember reading about some new hires first few days at the company: He had just started working when during a break Roberts walks by a workstation, sees something he doesn't like and proceeds to have huge bitchfit and chews out the guy in front of everybody else because he was the employee standing next to it.
Turns out Roberts didn't know the guy was new and the shit he bitched about was worked on by somebody else.
Dude sounds like a huge megalomanical manchild.
I wonder if that was the plan at a point. Wave around all that money they HAD and tempt some publisher to buy them out.
I swear, if that fat fuck died from dieibedus and then by some miracle Chris Roberts dies in a car accident a few months later, they'd probably have the single player campaign out in six months and the mmo universe done in a year. Those two really do seem to be the biggest road blocks to the game's development
Pretty sure Amazon will buy it, kick Roberts out just MS did with freelancer, and then patch it into some sort of finished state
I don't know much about this game and don't really care about it, but just saw the guy behind it and he has no neck
Nah. Star Citizen is at the end of the day a niche game that nobody gives a shit about. It doesn't have the mass appeal or accessibility of a Overwatch or PUBG.
What amazes me most is that nobody cares about SQ42. Literally the ONLY part of this fiasco that I think Roberts could actually pull off. He has no experience with MMO but single player space shooters is what he got famous for.
Hell I might have kickstarted a new Wing Commander for $50. Shame.
Actually that's not true, a lot of the very original backers got aboard when he promised them Squadron 42 and that was his completely original pitch. They did not care much about Star Citizen. Roberts then essentially bait and switched heavily when the cultists arrived throwing shekels at him if he focused on Star Citizen. I actually doubt Roberts has a single true original backer left cause they will have no doubt been pissed and left when Squadron 42 got shoved aside.
What you now see is what would've happened to Freelancer if Microshit didn't step in to stop Roberts andessentially forcing him to finish the game.
How do you burn 10M every month? What the fuck?
Drugs, parties, the wages of hundreds of employees that do nothing.
Apparently this was last weeks player averages:
three hunded employees.
though it has to be said, we dont actualy know how much they burn each month.
source on that? because that just sounds unrealistic. even in the months when they had to pay all their celebrity actors that sounds a bit excessive.
Their publicly lodged tax data.
Sorry don't fancy digging through it again.
Seriously? So despite all this rabid, hyping fanboys, hardly anyone is actually playing the alpha?
It's pretty common, user. Take the following example I'm making up but is largely true based on what I've seen working in gamedev:
Shit adds up quick, user. Running a business ain't cheap.
Don't forget that Chris probably bought a fancy far or two.
Wasteful spending. Their offices look way too nice for a company that doesn't have one product to their name.
Why is electro stuff used by so many Christian theRapists and elecroplay is a sizable kink in the gay community.
ITs okay user. Let the degeneracy sink in.
Oh sure. Any executive corruption would greatly siphon cash each month.
Well hitler, that kind of stuff actually does have value. If your office has creature comforts and personality, there's science that shows your employees do better work and are more productive.
And as fucking dumb as it sounds, expensive coffee machines can actually save cash over the long term if they're maintained vs. buying an inferior machine that breaks down all the time.
But you do those if your employees are actually earning you money by giving up profits, not wasting away your capital.
Good point about the coffee machines. Most people use home ones only a couple times per day whereas studios have dozens of employees who drink consistently. If they didn't have a machine, they'd just waste money at coffee shops. It doesn't increase productivity, though. Coffee, or really the caffeine, has been linked to reduced activity and worse executive functioning when ingested too regularly.
But this doesn't address the point that they have no product generating profits. Its all pretty much donations and vaporware jpg ship sales at this point.
If they had already released a successful game that earned them profit then all the fancy lighting, space doors, and cappuccino machine would be justified. You can't justify these expenses with an unproven team.
Just buy a fucking 300 dollar keurig machine!
In fairness the kind of skilled people you NEED for making videogames are divas. If you don't have an expensive capuchino maker in the office these people will go to some other web 2.0 start up.
CDPro dealt with this by having the studio in Poland.
Oh user, I'm not disputing that. I'm merely speaking to how expenses like $10m a month or that big coffee machine aren't uncommon in AAA gamedev. Not that I'm saying SC is a AAA game, but Roberts sure as hell thinks it is.
Sure, but they're behaving like they're super successful. If the koolaid is consumed across the company, then it doesn't surprise me. Any sensible company would be way more modest until they release a successful game.
No way a Keurig machine like that can cope with the volume of coffee a full team requires. That and the libs would get pissy about how environmentally unfriendly the Keurig machines are.
So when can we expect a documentary to be made about this giant clusterfuck that will be made at 1/30th of the cost?
Oh god, a Disasterpiece Theater style 'how the fuck did this happen?'-style documentary? I'd pay actual money for something like that. Including an introduction by Derek Smart.
I also think Roberts would be crazy enough to try to sue them for libel or something.
How are keurigs environmentally unfriendly?
For the price of that expresso machine you can buy 43 Keurigs.
plastic cups
These threads are always a goldmine.
Is the implication of the comic supposed to be that it's better if mankind purposely stagnated their technology at the medieval level just in case a solar flare happens? Or is it that computers, technology that utilizes them, and the knowledge of how to use them are stupid and we'd be better off learning how to smith things on anvils and crafting things by eye again? I mean, I'm not against preserving those techniques at all, and I even do some basic garage craftsmanship on the weekends, but I'm not about to sneer at IT specialists and PCs and go "Heh… those simplistic fools. Civilization ill needs their electric devils. *tips straw farmer hat*"
Or you could just buy cheap shit energy drinks for your caffeine fix. These faggots should have been working out of a barebones converted hangar, supplying their own snacks and creature comforts. Want a couch? Bring one in. Want some statue shit? Make it yourself on your own time. Holy fuck for as much as they made this out to be a passion project they sure didn't act like it.
It's criticizing irresponsible/childlike decadence caused by temporary prosperity.
Oh, that makes a lot more sense.
That strategy only really works for small, boutique, indie teams. If you raise more than $150m, you're basically beyond that.
Attracting professional, experienced talent is nigh impossible if you conduct yourself like a garage band.
I do a shitload of blacksmithing and I do actually hate hipsters. They are the WORST customers, I'd rather had the same conversation with a fat guy gushing over GoT and "valerian steel" or with old women who's grandfathers were "real blacksmiths" than even the best paying hipster.
I'm actually creating my little personal library to preserve those electric devils, I have some books about electronics, how to make caps, resistors and such stuff, all of them printed on paper, for the remote chance of what the comic depicts. but yeah, forget about electronics being small for a while if it ever happens.
It wouldn't even need a solar flare to fuck everything over. Some fuckers with rifles can shoot at power grids and the like to do it. Or just fuck with the fiber lines.
No internerd, but you have your elecricity
You're forgetting about solar panels and all those car batteries laying about.
Well, you shouldn't have gotten so damn fat if you value your life.
I would prefer hanging myself.
I can masturbait to my imagination, though worst case senario i could save a few of my fav pics just before the internet dies.
jesus christ
I might be a pervert but im not a rapist.
you're for sure a loser
If there's some rapin going around I don't wanna be on the receiving end
These machines are usually rented or leased (complete with a maintance and supply contract).
still prefer the versionwhere cars go berserk and kill people
I think it will end up being a fairly good single player spaceship shooter with some out-of-ship fps run about finding red key for red door, plant bomb at target, fix reactor core before it explodes kind of stuff thrown in to pad it out. I think people will play through it once for the story and then try the 'PU', realise it is broken and then say they'll try again when it's fixed. After a couple of years Croberts announces he needs a break and 'will hand over the reigns' to some chump no one has ever heard of.
A small team of under paid, under qualified students/ post grads will be working on fixing the PU. There will be random updates with long delays between each one, after increasingly hostile feedback from the 'community', the devs will go silent and the periods of time before patches go out will get increasingly longer.
The team of 'Devs' will fix little things like 'door on space station x now closes fully and is flush with floor' & 'pilot clipping through Freelancer back door into space when ship moves has now been fixed'. It's all they will be able to fix, just little things. The big things like horrific frame rates in PU due to the shear amount of information being sent to and from each client will never get fixed, there is no technology out there that can fix it.
All the fancy looking 'procedural' planets and moons might look vastly different but will for the most part end up being 'No Mans Sky' copy/pasta devoid of anything to actually do other than mindless mining and pointless base building. The monotony will only be broken up occasionally by 'go to planet X and search for wreckage of ship' and 'investigate rescue beacon at location Z' etc. There you will find small fps levels with AI that only get tougher in later missions by becoming bullet sponges.
Eventually something bigger and better will come out on a new engine built from scratch and people will forget about SC. Not everyone though, there will still be a tiny but dedicated little core of SC PU players that spend more time on the forum than in game telling everyone how amazing the game is and that they are glad they spent thousands of dollars on the game, and that have multiples of the same ship was worth it because this one time they and friend were once able to fly around a station somewhere in the the same spaceship and that friend said it was the best experience he ever had in his life but was unable to come and play again because his wife wouldn't let him nd she was expecting sa new baby and the dog was sick & his shift changed at work and he's been a bit ill recently, and his aged father was just in hospial the other day etc
I don't think that's comparable to the global scale a solar flare would give us.
You do realize there is actually no game still, right? SC is, at best, a loose collection of Crytek mods that don't work well together, with nonfunctioanl netcode and abysmal optimization, on top of having barely three hours worth of content after five years of development.
Anyone that cares about a good singleplayer experience will just make a mod for Freespace 2.
Solar panels are a temporal fix, it's not that simple to remake them or rebuild them once they stop working.
An engine? There are thousands of mechanics out there, and you can fix them with basic tools, solar panels on the other hand need specialized equipment.
And car batteries are lead batteries
The scam continues every week, I got suckered in to the tune of $45, so I don't give a shit what happens to the game cos I piss that up the wall every night on booze. But I do watch the weekly show SC has on youtube, each episode shows of Dev's talking about what they are working on and then showcases some little bits of eye candy, but without fail at the end of each show they finish by begging for money, saying how 'none of this game is possible, and this show is not possible without the backing of people like you' (as they look into the camera). They even sell a monthly subscription where in return you get to see the video a day or so early and get an 'in station hanger' vanity item like a plant or a model spaceship on a stand. I'm not even sure the items even exist, I think some of them are just concept art.
That gets me onto the next thing, some of the ships being sold for hundreds of dollars are just concepts, there is maybe 3-4 drawing of them and that's it. Not so much as a 3d rendered basic model, just a drawing and vague idea of what it will do etc.
Then, every so often there is a new ship (and now cars) that g up for 'limited time/number' flash sales. It creates a sense of urgency and feeling that you might miss out for ever if you don't grab that credit card right away. Again some of these things are fucking drawings of what the vehicle might end up looking like. They make the game seem like there are going to be so many fun roles to play in ships that are made specifically for a niche job. Such things as hauling, mining, stealth and spying, transporting prisoners, ambulance etc… I kid you not, there were buyable (over $100 each) variants of a ship that had the cargo bay changed to be either a hospital trauma room or a room with 6 cells for transporting prisoners. There is not one single playable thing in game that relates to them, in fact even though the basic ship (cutlass Black) is in the game the red and blue variants are not even in the game yet.
Why are the SC team so desperate for more money, Croberts already said he has more than enough money to complete the game so why keep begging for more at the end of these videos?
I did not know that, I only ever 'played' the game last year for about 2 hours then stopped due to stupid constant game breaking bugs and crashes. The videos I watch on the development have led me to believe there are missions and a working market etc? Is it still just that solar array you have to fix and fight of about 4 AI pirates?
Is that filipino woman his wife? There is something off about here, she always smiles even though people are just talking shop she is constantly grinning like she just won the lottery… oh wait
Who's the girl ? robert's wife ? i'd crowdfund 200 to bang her.
Wait a minute, so the worm is a lie? I thought the worm was in game? Was that whole trailer a fucking lie?
To be fair he was possibly, hungover/drunk/coked-up at the time. Half the videos I've seen him in he's a bit fucked up from partying to hard. As far as I understand his foreign looking wife has a history of being a serious party girl, pretty sure there are partial nudes of her out there as well. And is it just me or does she appear to have an adams apple?
And where is all this dev effort coming from since all the money is spent?
You do realise they are mostly milking the same whales over and over again. When they leave there is no more sales.
His wife is a minor actress and has appeared in softcore BDSM (the infamous tickle vids), add his own time in Hollywood with his film making aspirations and he probably developed a taste for wild parties.
I actually love how people chose to overlook shit like this in favour of bitching and moaing about Derek Smart. There's also the whole episode where they had to rework a bunch of ship because ships are too large/small or have fucked flight models (>flight models in space) due to screwed mass distributions. Their 3D modeling backlog alone could employ a dedicated team FOR YEARS at this point.
I think handing over upwards of $50,000 for ship jpegs means they have transcended whales. These creatures are a law unto themselves.
It's never too late to kill yourself, user.
They've had to remodel the ships a number of times during development. And I don't meant iterative changes, I mean they had to start from scratch to bring them up to the new texture and poly standards, or, as you said, to fix their physics.
It's insane how completely fucked up the development process for this turd is, likely because Roberts is a complete autists obsessed with unachievable perfection.
You know what everyone overlooks?
I'm not 100% on this, since I haven't played this game, but, I think you can't permanently buy either ships or modules in Star Citizen, using ingame cash. You can RENT them, or some shit. It steals your real money, and your ingame money.
Feels good.
I just watched it, bretty funny.
Goons being asshurt and turning on the game because their "raycissecisttrannyphobic!!11 gibe mod rights so I can ban people giving me badfeelz" powerplay backfire on them is just the icing on the cake.
Game dev in general looks like a bad deal project management-wise but gets turned into a complete nightmare when egos like Roberts or Levine are involved (remember the whole "Bioshock Infinite looks and plays like they salvaged assets after blowing 100 mil USD at the project"?).
I honestly wonder if this shit ever can be redeemed.
No chance in hell. They're in too deep, the feature creep is humongous and they have overwhelming technical issues they seem unable to fix. They're five years into development and have yet to implement the majority of the gameplay features, and the backbone of the game, the systems, don't work as intended and they are forced to scale them back.
I know this will be another Freelancer.
>using reddit memes unironically under any circumstances
If the meme fits..
French presses and ground coffee. Done.
Say that again..
Freelancer had Roberts leave the project for Hollywood and Microsoft take over. Who's going to do it this time? Amazon? Somebody brought in by the bank?
Source? Or at least the name did she used for this?
Mae Demming
Although its mostly been purged
Mokka pots and grinders who needs more
get a refund
Only Japan considers making videogames a passion anymore.
The people working on Star Citizen are just normal worker bees doing it to pay their mortgage. And these people have SKILLS. If Roberts doesn't give them creature comforts they call back that headhunter.
Yep, if they just kept it a spaceship shooting game it would have been out to rave reviews a couple of years ago and they could have then funded DLC or a nd game or even a 1st person shooter spin-off..
But a few people wanted to run around inside the spaceship so the engine had to change because dumb stuff was happening, in fact it still happens now, like for no reason you might get ejected out of the ship at hundreds of meters a second.
Then people wanted to manually load their ships with cargo boxes (I've no fucking idea why) so they are still working on a cargo/crate system where you can put things inside the crates etc.
Then they wanted a FPS shooter, so that was added.
Now separately those things work fine, but when you get say 30 people with 20 different ships all loaded with various crates, cargo, people wearing different armor with unique stats, guns and damage states, equipment, external ship weapons , all flying around a space station and maybe some of them fighting and crashing into stuff. The server has thousands upon thousands of physics based objects to track, many of those items are moving and having their stats changing due to damage and speed and orientation etc.
There is nothing like it out there apart from some multiplayer games, but they have to vastly dumb stuff down to get it to work, look at EVE, they had no real physics as such and no people getting out of the ships or running about inside the big ones shooting at each other.
Look at games like BF3,4 & 1 or ARMA 3 or ARK. All of those games want to have as many assets in game as possible, but as the number of players climbs and the number of things interacting increases than the frame rate drops for players, not down to your CPU,GPU or anything, but by the amount of delay in information being calculated on the server and resent back to the clients.
With ARMA 3, even on a top end server you can only get about 30-40 people on the King of The Hill mod maps before frame rates drop down to about 40fps, you get 10 more people or a couple of jets up then the fps drops down to 20-30. It's down to the game having to calculate all the the flight paths and damage of the bullets etc.
In ARK, as the servers fill up with more and bigger player structures and tamed dino's, as well as hundreds of boxes, crates, safes etc getting filled up with thousands of bits of equipment then the servers gets slower and slower over time. So most servers are limited to a max of about 90 players.
What makes SC any different? The game engine they are using and have bastardized beyond all recognition does not have any magic code that can suddenly fix all the issues other games have. They still have to deal with all the info (ever increasing) to and from the client.
At this stage we will be lucky to get a short fun single player experience and then maybe a 4 player co-op experience as well as a separate arena MP shooter.
I don't see the PU ever working unless the number of people per system/server are limited to about 25 max.
I hope I'm wrong and they somehow do pull a rabbit out the hat, but I doubt it.
I still have very vague understanding of what exactly it is supposed to be.
An mmo like EVE?
Wikipedia article doesn't explain much, except that you're supposed to be able to do everything and a shooting game in separate client.
Just wish they'd show some passion when it comes to their PC ports, though. Otherwise, I fully agree with you.
24 is the max number of people per instance. So, at any given moment, you will only be able to interact with 24 people before moving onto the next instance. The game is fucked, doubly so because the Crytek engine was not made for this kind of game and will never work well.
So I actually made the mistake and read a bunch of Star Citizen coverage. Literally every single article is a PR puff piece about how everything is totally fucking amazing hot shit that will blow away everybody and is read for release soon (wew).
And the comments? Dear god, everyone who is even slightly critical of the game and it's scope or technical feasability is attacked viciously because LMAO UR JUSD A HAYDUR LOL DURUK SMURT. Sometimes even the fucking local hotpockets join the chorus of loyal cultists. It's that way in German, in English and in (what little I understand) French.
These people are completly unprepared for whats going to happen and I've honestly zero doubt we're going to see more than a few suicides over this game. And not just whales either.
Because a SPACE GAME set in the fucking FUTURE needs a forklift driving simulator module so random forumdad #4711 can have his immersive cago loading experience. This shit is not only pure bloat, unless it's heavily optional it fucks up QoL for everybody else too.
That's the best part of this whole trainwreck. We're getting a Mount Everest made of salt.
Webm version and longer. Sorry for lack of sound, it didn't have any to begin with.
this what will happen
A glorified chatroom with menial tasks to distract you.
Jesus Christ.
Lost it at the hitler only had one ball part
It has two parts.
Squadron 42 is supposed to be Wing commander in current year graphics.
You fly around in space, shoot at other things that fly around, and have Mark Hamil talking to you.
The other part is Star Citizen.
Think of Freelancer mixed with Second Life on a detail level that probably isn't really possible as of yet, plus a cashshop where you can buy pictures of ships that are supposed to be in the game at some point in the future.
That man seems to be obsessed with male genitalia.
Now im wondering, is there also a suicide hotline like subreddit specifically for star citizen or is it too soon? Someone should make one
Or, to put it simply, it's a collection of Crytek mods strung together with spaghetti code that shit themselves when more than 10 people join an instance, no one has heard anything about Squadron 42 in ages and they consistently miss their own deadlines while cutting back on features.
OMFG Star Citizen cultists need an intervention. No joke this is NOT going to end well. They're on a one way trip to French Guyana.
I would if I knew how
This place is a gold mine. Least some of these retards are getting money back.
We've got to remember about shills, fanboys and "trolls", they are literally invested in the games they support. Here it's funding a game that doesn't exist, other times it's micro-transactions and DLCs spend, sometimes it can be just the cost of the game. It can be more money if it's a console, phone, VR headset, etc. It's hard for them to let go because of the sunk cost fallacy.
Many people just say "fuck it" and admit they got conned and move on. The money is lost but usually it's not that much. I'm glad those people got their money back but in general my message to people is stop wasting your life defending a poor decision. Don't end up like the star citizen backers.
As soon as they announced there would be a first person shooter component, I knew that this shit would never be finished. And now there will be landing on planets, and shit? All in a seamless, "massively" multiplayer experience? pic related.
Even Elite: Dangerous was smarter about it; they added landing and driving around, and apparently will soon add walking around, AFTER they had a functional (well, if you're into that shit) game.
Is the "wing commander/ tie fighter/ freespace" type mission-based space sim really so fucking niche that it can't even get so much as a AA release in a decade and half?
More time to improve the game, yes please!
You mean Guyana, user. Jonestown happened in Guyana. In fact, JJ's son/grandson still live. Pic related.
> Interfering with (((HIS))) vision
So how big will the keks be when someone commits suicide over this?
but user, why would anyone commit suicide over this? after all the next update will fix everything.
David Braben was more subtle with his scam and can at least boast to have released something. The reaction to the shit game that is Elite Dangerous can tell us how a barebone release of Star Citizen will go. The cultist will refuse to acknowledge that the game is a complete mess and will just push harder and pay for more jpeg. There won't be suicides at release but it will dawn on them slowly that they got swindled by Chris. Suicides will come later once they realize this wasn't an (((investment))).
How long is he going to keep peddling it along? If I were him I'd start to get nervous and run off somewhere I can't be found. Eventually he's going to get arrested. He's got enough money, might as well cut your loses and run.
Why? He isn't doing anything strictly illegal, just peddling dreams to gullible retards. If it was illegal, Kickstarter would not exist anymore.
It's fraud. Kickstarter may not be illegal, but a lot of the shit on it is. But usually it's only $5 donations, so people shrug it off. This guy is taking people's life savings. He'll be in deep shit if he doesn't release something that at least looks somewhat decent.
More like the developers experienced in that type of stuff are all either retarded, dead, or working somewhere else leaving you with nothing but hipster dregs to staff your team.
Wew laddius, it'll be like printing free money
Umm, hello goyim guys, I'm with the ACLU and fraud, "Bavarian fire drill" as well as extortion are protected under the 1st amendment, so are calls to assassinate the president if we don't like him.
You would be surprised how many people are rapists when it's socially acceptable.
As in, the vast majority of soldiers from any social class or country prior to the 19th century.
Don't act like you're better than them.
It's barely fraud, it advertise everywhere this is a work in progress and that result are not guaranteed. I would be surprise if half the ships sold ever made it into the game.
As long as he stays behind the "work in progress" shield he is alright. Even then he could release the alpha as 1.0 like Elite did and call it a day.
A whole new level of censorship right there.