Bedtime nini thred
Bedtime nini thred
sleep well.
junkrat is my favorite as well. I usually settle for just finding one person on the enemy team who I've decided I don't like for whatever reason and killing them over and over and over with my tire. just solo ulting them as many times as possible in the game.
I usually use it for genji so I dont have to deal with the fucking katana collection showcase
Nigga I'mma add you on maybe we can play sometime
okay, sure. cup#11870
I wasn't fishing. That's the name of the thread.
And it's easy to catch on when you read all of the posts, ButtFox.
Also I've been finding myself loving Zarya more and more
I know, I know. Crazy.
that's good. we could use a good zarya. I like her but I find it hard to use her properly sometimes. I do like when the enemy team has an annoying dva and I can just melt her over and over.
I'm hardly ever serious.
Also hi Elma.
I'm always serious. It's a shame really.
I've only had D.Va eat 3 or so of my ultis.
And only had one ulti deflected by genji, with hilarious results.
Ruse still will not forgive me
Life's good and all that?
you need to git gud, sounds like.
dva being so common has been very frustrating when I play certain heroes though, particularly mccree. "oh, it's high noon? guess I'll just instantly fly up where you are no matter how perfect your position is and smack you around while shielding your entire ult."
fuck you dva.
That image gives me the chills for some reason.
D.Va's shield infuriates me.
She literally just stands on top of me and eats my roadhog and soldier 76 ults
and with the change she has it up like, constantly. it's disgusting.
It makes playing zarya and junkrat all the more satisfying
It's okay, we're sailing the S.S. No Worries here
winston is pretty alright as well if she's a compulsive shielder, but heaven help you if she realizes what's up and just starts shooting you in the head.
oh and mei can freeze her over and over but without help she'll never finish the job.
Poor winston
Outclassed but everyone in every way
No one wants to play a monkey.
yeah but I still love him. when the enemy isn't able to handle him he's insane.
Minus the titty-itch lol
Busy week this week. Got my first event as a lady this coming Saturday^^
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He's so much fun but he needs that little something that isn't harambe memes to boost him back on top
It's highnoon SOMEWHERE in the world
if they just added a little more damage to his gun I think he'd be right back in the mix proper.
the thing is he's apparently a powerhouse in the upper levels of play so it's unlikely they will do much. it's like how they buffed mei and all the low level people are like "what the fuck dude" but she's literally unusable in higher ranked games without it.
Balancing games is hard, apparently
Although I'm not about buffing a hero literally just so they get more pro play
Hello ?
Your name is familiar.
Fine, I watched Don't Breathe and it was pretty good can't wait for that M. Night Symalan movie to come out. Plus, I got some beer~
yeah it's kind of a crapshoot. oh well.
I'm bored ?
McFucking kill yourself then.
I'm some old fag
I'm surprised Zarya hasn't been touched. If anything she's been buffed with the network changes lmao
Yes, I believe you're from pony
I miss Bird.
You'd be right. Don't remind me, that was 5 god damn years ago
Yeah, I'm going to a wedding. I'm gonna get me that bouquet, bitch.
Shamalamadingdong's at it again, huh? I've been quite out of the loop regarding like all media types so I have no idea.
How old are you? Can you not normally get beer?
okay? not much of a cure for that around here, really. being bored is part of the experience.
yeah. but what would they do to her? she's one of the better balanced heroes. the only thing I could see is a possible nerf to damage or range on her primary fire because she's so frequently used.
Fucking hell was it THAT long ago?
Time flies when you're a faggot~
This conversation feels fake. Like bad movie writing fake.
Hi Bored, I'm Spoilers something something sexual advance
I'm 45 and it was a rare occasion.
Beer isn't really allowed here so...yeah.
or like poorly translated anime.
this seems like typical spoilers fare.
I'm honestly not sure. The biggest reason she's so prevalent is because D.Va and Genji were so huge. So if you took Zarya down what would we do against the balanced deleting korean?
Yep, that's a not-so-good chunk of my life right there
You've figured it out, my life is actually a fucking awful movie
You're not 45. I'm sick of your lies. Have a nice night.
At least I'm not gay and like men
I know right? Damn that fellow
Such a sour note to leave on.
I'm gonna play csgo !!!!
[ethy's bicep pic]
I dunno. everything is the worst.
this guy
Oh Im sorry I didn't know this was 2012
I wonder why he said yes?
i did it.
Have you done anything since then besides vidya?
I read Luka's red "i did it" in Slippy's voice lol
That's the spirit
Everything sucks and video games are awful and i hate them
Luka, good job, but that wasn't even that cool. LOL
a/c stuff, apparently Gil saw my van once
it was even better than I was expecting.
well, everything sucks at least.
Csgo to my bed :^)
Wait this was real?
I thought they were just fucking with us
oi oi
Fuckin rude dude
Video games ARE kinda awful though
By the way I've been torturing more children in my DnD game.
most of them, yes.
*hugs i know how to maek kewl potg webms now! ^_^
i think this one was laggy because i was figuring out program...
Yeah, he dated her for a bit and then it fizzled out.
Like most e-relationships.
Well that's better/more than most, so good on you.
Anyway, I have work tomorrow but have no clue what time so I should sleep.
this pleases me.
it's also not the proper size. the other one is pretty good though.
Keep this a secret, no one must know
It was in old Mesquite by like that Kroger I think.
I get the feeling someone wants an e-relationship with me but frankly I do not see the point in it
Galloway? I was replacing a unit on a fucking roof around there before.
Yeah, I just refer to that as "old Mesquite" because my grandparents did.
That's like the edge of an even worse shithole than the rest of Mesquite.
You're over by New Market and that's like the last tolerable part of Mesquite.
It can work out if they live close.
If it's Darwin then avoid. The only person for him was Milky and that relationship blew up like a supernova.
rip me
Oh hell no, new market is getting overuned by niggers, I hate this neighborhood and hate living near the elementary school. Soon as my credit is excellent, we're buying a property and have a custom house built
It's nobody from here, another circlejerk group I chill around
Oi Mr taliban tali me bombanas
daylight come and me wanna go home.
It's one of the areas by the public park with the disk golf course.
It's like an enclave of old white people.
I'd wanna go home too if I was for some reason visiting over there.....
They're not too far from me but I dunno, already wasted 7 years with my ex. Dunno if I want to open up to someone else
I don't live on that side sadly. I'm RIGHT next to the moss elementary school
where is "home" for you?
If only they moved.
Sometimes it's best to wait instead of driving head first into a relationship.
Mesquite used to be nothing but white rednecks then they all moved out to Sunnyvale then Forney anyways.
This house but honestly where ever I feel most at peace, which is normally with friends and family. Uuuunless you meant literally, then Alberta
oh, I just thought you were implying you used to live elsewhere and wanted to go back.
they never knew it was coming~
until it rolled thru the wall right in front of them!
as the doors opened to late for them to see.
I supposse only time will tell what happens
I'm more focused on setting up a room for video editing/web design/content creation sort of thing
I thought that was Seagoville
For what purpose?
Seagoville is like 5000 people.
No lol I'm too stupid to choose a route in life so moving elsewhere is not yet even a thought, sorry I misled you
Make websites, vlogs, video content on the side
Either that or make some huge kitchen if I take culinary
No wonder the wal mart there was dead most of the time
Hairbands are cute.
no worries.
Online kitchen shows would be cool.
omae wa shindeiru
And who are you?
Holla Forums ate my trip.
Mostly do outdoor cooking though
wat's that? ._.
goodnight, thread.
nini cake ;~; ♥
night night cuppers
Well, at least you'll have plenty of mesquite to work with.
I have zero trees here...
This honestly doesn't help me.
omae wa shindeiru
I miss the hearts.
How's it hanging?
omae wa shindeiru
What hearts are we talking about here?
Ones in my email box.
Who gave you those?
It happened long ago.
im still here!
No, you've been gone for a very long time and haven't woken up yet.
Billy had a framed prayer on his office wall which expressed his method for keeping going, even though he was unenthusiastic about living. A lot of patients who saw the prayer on Billy’s wall told him that it helped them to keep going, too. It went like this: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom always to tell the difference.”
hello there
of white and black
and i'm as much of a girl as you are nerdface
g-guess I'm a little old now huh....
I can be a girl...if I really want
and you can be too
i have full faith in bard's ability to be a girl!
as for me i've never really had particularly strong feelings either way, so i'm just going with what i'm given
Do you have that zoloft train image saved?
if there's anything that the internet has taught me you can throw enough estrogen pills and attention at something to make it into a girl
also i posted here for a period spanning of a month, give my shitty camera angle/elliot rogers face a break
I still enjoy you just the same and ccept you for that how is your night going daisy kun
Also did you remove me on steam you faggot? I haven't heard from you in a while and I can't find anyone on my list that I think is you.
i should probably be studying more instead of doing nothing on weekends but eh
how about you bard? anything going on as of late?
just alotta working and late nights doing nothing haha
No mans sky is fun
listening to lots of music and hanging out with friends
Time is moving slow
blood chan left so my moods been fucking fantastic for the past fewe days
nothing really going on though kinda boring
But bored is just a state of mind ya know
It is fun.
heh, time's going slow for me too, though knowing me i'll probably look back and think about how fast years fly anyways
i haven't played it, but all the stuff i've heard about it is mixed
i have to get more money before i can even think about getting a decent rig anyways
i am not familiar with blood chan
also, yeah, states of mind are weird and dumb, but it's always good to be able to control them
mornin nyanner
Hiya bard
What's up?
you're so kakkoi .//.
I'd pirate it just to know if it's as garbage as literally every reputable source says, but I just can't bring myself to care enough when there's plenty of games out there that simply have more content.
I just never felt like commenting on it.
I feel like it happened when I made the snide comment when you were being a fucking racist.
Nah. I always do it in mass deletions.
I can't possibly hope to find you and re-add you.
You're fucking impossible.
I'm really craving some chocolate bad as heck
might run to the corner store
lstening to some jaz to no mans sky high af
great time
I wish i had a fireplace
whats your day looking like my man
You're allowed to have your own opinion or follow other peoples but I myself find the game enjoyable as it is and will continue playing.
It's about Jews now.
alright I won't stop or try to pursuaade you elsewise
it's nice to see another black and white poster
enjoyable to see you around
Just woke up
Eating some Swedish fish ( the candy not the shitty ass poster) why are these so good?
Also watching the office on Netflix
What's your favorite chocolate?
tthere arent good chocolates or alot of choices around here
the amana colonies have homemade fudges that are amazing but far away
around here the best I can get is bars of hersheys but I mean h8ey thats defiantly bette rthan nothing
what about you?
Milk chocolate Hershey's is good, don't let anybody tell you that you need some expensive Swiss chocolate to be having good stuff.
Endlösung der Judenfrage.
I like dark chocolate the best
Bonus if there are nuts in it, like almonds or something.
fraps + .avi to .webm converter will make this easy and fun~
at the farewa we can get a pack of like 9 or theem for like 3 dollars but they close at 9
my only other option is at the corner store for one large large one for like 2.50 so that is kinda lame
could bike out on the 4 lanes to walmart but they all stare at you when you walk in late at night....
dark chocolate is amazing
You likes nuts hmm?
I unno i gotta be honest the texture change bothers me for almods or nuts or whatever
but itt tastes fucking sweet
Fuck 'em.
I don't know if you'll get many as funny as that.
Too much chocolate makes me feel weird. I like the nuts to balance it out.
there have been funny ones in the past :3
No homo
I'm an idiot. I used my uber account to give marie a free promo ride to wal-mart. Instead though, she goes from orlando to zephyrhills or whatever it's called and my card gets charged 70 bucks.
Luckily though, i caught it before she headed back so i cancelled the ride.
"Now I'm stranded and homeless thanks"
I feel not so bad about this video because I'm drunk and also she's a bitch.
i ould eat like
a half pound of chocolate
man i wanna get ike
a large bag of eminems....
Tsuchi fucking accept
pretty much. Who knows if she actually is stranded though. It could be another ploy to get money and act like she's going back home or whatever.
who is marie chan
a bitch. druggy. cock fiend. liar & thief.
Ugh I hate m&ms unless they are the peanut kind. Literally the worst chocolate candies ever
Some camwhore lmao
wll then FUCK that stupid SLUT cCUNT
they are like chocolate skittles uwu
reeses pieces are amazing but i cant eat so many of them withtou getting sick haha
They would be better without the coating they put on it.
mmmmmmmm yah they would just like little chocolate balls
like fucking
chocolate fucking chips
I still like the cookie m&ms tho those are great
b r b
biking out to walmart
See you later
Later, family.
Good old small town USA living.
Kaybe, what has you awake at this time of night?
This show Orange is pissing me off.
If I had time travel messages I would be reading the whole fucking thing immediately and do my best to understand what's going to happen, not read one sentence fragment at a time right before it happens and sort of maybe kind of listen to the fucking letter.
I never knew this existed.
How have you not heard this song
It's on the radio every day over here.
kidz bop
What is it?
I don't really listen to old people stuff. Radio is full of pop and similar things.
cute pic
where'd u get it? :3c
I dont want to live on this planet anymore
Have you enacted oral sex while listening to that song?
n-no I don't have sex .///.
Just watching Tremors 4 with my dad and reformatting my brother's old laptop. I won't be up too much longer though, need to get up early to head to my grandmother's.
I bought me some sparkling ass grape juice
have you tried 1p lsd yet
Why would that need a blush!!!!
This is a little off putting to watch to be honest.
I haven't had a chance to fux with any lsd compounds yet
whats that shit like?
closest I've gotten was the n Bomes
embarassing u . u
This feel
I still have another year ;v;
I have no idea why I'm awake at this point outside of being just a bit drunk. Seems like a poor reason.
That's kind of cute to see that from you.
That would make me your senpai~
is your birthday in august?
tfw justin bieber will be considered old people stuff in 40 years time
40 years from now we'll all be laughing at him.
No clue. Haven't had any nbomes either just LSD. Was thinking about buying some 1p to TO GIVE TO RODENTS IN A CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT. It's cheaper than LSD around here and not dealing with illegal shit/shady people is always a plus.
I'll be 20 on Halloween
I actually enjoy bieber's new ones. I told you that before.
Sounds like kygo's repetitive shit tropical house is autistic
That feel when you'd probably just drown.
I enjoy house.
It's fucking DJ Snake with Bieber's vocals
good job
I like house too but not the house that kygo spews all over the place
nBome is dangerous and not really very visual
not a fan
I have never seen the actual real shit to be hone
ust does not exxist here in mainland usa
we ve got sh roms for days though
Those analogues are weird as huck haha
I hope you can enjoy it
T-this halloween!!!?!
That's great?
Yeah. My bday is Halloween lol
Does he usually do anything else other than sing?
you're my senpai~ >////
I wouldn't know. I'm not a fan.
Sometimes the alcohol needs a little company.
Can't afford wine? why not mix Vodka with grape juice ? : ^ )
How do you mean?
Well just saying that he's just a singer and pinheads like skrillex do it all for him :^)
Oh never mind
you were born in 96 weernt you
little boi~
It was snowing that year too
I honestly don't care.
Ah well. I'm sick of radio shit anyway
I kind of want to try that now.
snow is romantic
I was born in the snow too uwu
Yeah man. Shrooms are way easier to produce than LSD hypothetically, but from what I've read, it's less of a recreational drug.
your taste in music is shit you disgusting ausie
Winter is always my favorite time of the year. It's so pretty outside. I just wish it wasn't so cold.
When is your birthday?
It has different effects in everyone, so what might be one's party drug might be someone else's nightmare or shamanic insight.
Good one, you really know how to show people who's boss.
the dead heart of winter
January 1rst at like 3 a.m in the morning! I got an ad in the local nespaper for being the first baby born in the county and some free stuff from the town : )
What if I gave clocky a facial
They give you that for being born first?
What all did you get?
no shit but ON AVERAGE it's less of a recreational drug.
It could be more like a medicine.
Those mushrooms have been proven to relieve depression and mental health issues in some cases.
i think it was like a whole bunch of diapers and some coupons from some local businessess
We havea prett ysupportive community th here that gets involved in a whole lotta stufff
i have an article about it in the paper i will pot sometime if I can find :3
I have experienced releif in depression from mushrooms personally irl
I'm not surprised, I've had similar cases myself where things improved. While it doesn't fix everything, I'm better off than I used to be.
Yeah but it's difficult to regulate and tax something that's so easily cultivated, so it's illegal. Substituted with more addictive and destructive substances that are easier to regulate and harder to produce.
That's pretty cool
I think I have been in the newspaper once with my dad when he was a boxer.
Do you like having your bday at the beginning of the year?
Why ban something that is inherently far less harmful than alcohol or heroin?
your dad was a boxer? :3 that's pretty badass what became of that?
When I was a kid I always enjoyed it alot because I could get christmas presenstts
then after all the christmas presents I still had some for my birthday
also everybody is celebrating on the first
so it's almost like they are celebrating my birthday .///.
It makes me feel kinda happy even if its a little childish
It's non addictive and hard to tax
Idk why but it's really hot in my house
Its killing me
who even pays tax anymore?
Yeah he was a pro and had a bunch of trophies
But after he "lost" his first match they couldn't find him any more matches so he gave up
I bet you're a tax evading Apple fanboy too, faggot
That's pretty adorable btw
I would love to have double the presents because my bday is around Christmas
That's ppretty lame
I'm sorry to hear that
Boxing sounds like a badass proffesiosion
I own a mac
but I didnt pay anything for it
Right wing republicans that are afraid of change and anything different are the worst.
It's on a holiday I think holiday birthdays are the absolute coolest
Someday you'll have to pay
just wait
In that 4 box t political chart I would consider myself a bottom left
but close to the center
whats your political affiliati
I'm sure that's the truth
I'm fortunat enough to have very generouis friends
I try to repay thae favor
I've been working for about 2 years now and paid into american taxes
They've taken damn near like 3 or 4 thousand of my dollars I've earned
It is
He taught me how to box too so it's pretty cool having a professional boxer for a dad lol
Mmhm i used to tell them it was my birthday when i went trick or treating so that I would get double the candy at each house lol
Such a shame.
Have you listened to Kaiju's new album yet?
What did you used to dress up as? I can tell you everything I've ever gone for halloween as haha
haha alright you fucking commie
I still love you though
I can not say I've ever listened to kaiju
what kind of music are they
A bunch of different things
My most memorable one was this hot af, big ass bear in the big blue house costume. God that thing was uncomfortable.
Mainly dubstep. If I recall last time that was sort of your style
reminds me of willow beats for some reason.
I love bear in the big blue house hahahaha
that's a really uniue one to go as
\I dont mean to be rude mate bUt I cant say I reaall who you are
Thanks for the link I will give it a check out
what are you tinto
cute pic~
Yeah i dont remember anything about that show i know it was one of my favorites though lol
the ending song is really sad now
it didnt uised to be sad then but its supper sad now
Why's it sad?
Someone on Holla Forums is complaining about IDs being gone
Almost makes me want to kill it here
literally everyone namefags and trips. IDs don't matter that much in the first place.
;~: i unno its just really sad
Kill yourself
And we have few anons here tbh
kinda weird though
what? i told you about my little brother right?
good morning
how's your night been?
ok that's settled.
well my house is real hot so there's that. also tired af
Nothing will change
a/c is broken? :(
also tired
tried to run at work but my leg is still messed up so I made it worse by pushing it too early
no but my parents dont want it on :| really hot. just had to take off my shirt and now i have loads of ice
bed soon? thats no good, shouldnt push yourself like that when healingg
thanks for your assistance
did you see the ascii art from yesterday?
yes it was sweet!
i'm glad you liked it.
yo gotta blog a bit
one of these medications they gave me absolutely tears me up dude
already lost my stomach once and now im so worried every time i take it
hahahah sci is on crazy medicine
Let's hope he overdoses on it
did they say that would happen? might wanna have a talk with them about that because that sounds terrible my dude
I want to lick tomokos thighs > ////
tfw ur ice melts
heyooo im gettin so FUCKED UP this labor day weekend WoOoOoOoOo xD
well it doesnt happen to everyone i guess
Here's to hoping Sci ODs.
i just got off work but i'ma see if my phone wants to post in bed for a bit until i pass out
should probably report it to them then
it has a mind of its own huh
well you'
re up early mister
I was in bed around 9 or so.
nah it's cool if it happen again im near the utilities
it's very willful
antids made me sick too
I have this magical power
I can turn anything off by hitting it with a hatchet
light bulbs
you name it
So much grams
unzip da bag
dip in my hand
and then I palm
hopefully it is kind to u this morning
i think it might just have been a fluke dont get ur panties in a bunch
u ever listen to the big pun i linked a couple times
bad post the my sad is very big one
yfw the bf stabs u no vaseline hahaha
hows u
i'm alright. waiting in queue to play rainbow six(have been for 20mins now..)
whats rainbow six
one of the best shooter games that is currently out there.
t f n o b f
is it colorful and cartoony??
not at all. it's meant to be a tactical shooter, all of them are. the newest one is called 'Siege' for reasons you can guess on your own.
super serious shooter, just the type that i need
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