Fishing lvl?
Fishing lvl?
My dad can beat up your cat.
I guess it's for the best, memories are best left untainted.
I remember selling the shit I smithed to the Varrock general store.
It is!
I will never touch this game again
bf plz
I remember playing it for like an hour one day in maybe 2005 or so. Was it actually good at one point or is it just some shitty meme for poorfags?
Guys are missing out on some cozy games here.
Grindy as fuck, but good quests and comfy world and music to explore. You could chat with a host of other people grinding to pass the time. Just a simple browser game to relax.
Play Ironman mode then faggot
runescape is a dated game
don't even bother.
I don't why sports and activities yhat I gind so boring in reel life become fun in games.
Please don't post while under the influence
no lol
And then I never played again for some reason.
Not drunk just tired.
That's basically the same thing
It was so comfy
That area next to the bridge of the Barbarian Village was comfy central. The one near the Draynor bank was more shitpost oriented, but still fun. Karamja docks was a literal fishmarket, with a million people yelling at each other and dropping raw lobster on the floor. I miss those days.
Selling rare black lobsters
Im about to get 85 Slayer tomorrow.
Stopped with 10k to go till the level.
Runescape's soundtrack was way better than it had any right to be. No idea how Fagex managed to pull that off on whatever shoestring budget they probably had.
The truth is that higher budget for soundtrack just means more noise and instrumentation with less on actual composition. It's how you get generic symphonic shit with a faux Latin chorus.
limitation breeds creativity.
Why do you think Cave Story is so good it's been ported to every system ever.
This. The music in Runescape 2 has better feel to it than most medieval games. They butchered the music in the new Runescape, though.
I can't think of any other MMO where I didn't try to avoid other players like the plague because they would try to kill me or otherwise.
The music certainly helped.
is it too late for me to try runescape?
Probably, yeah.
only 10600 more to go!
Probably, yeah. Plus, beyond generally shitty changes Jagex made over the years, they had a recent pro-fag quest or something that they added.
Though, at the very least, the old soundtrack (IE: ) is still very enjoyable.
I kind of like the brainless fishing in Yonder, just because it's not a lot of recasting and recasting. Much like the rest of it, it's a bit rudimentary though.
wew my bad neck the fags
yeah, about a decade late
Not the one that made those. I would assume whoever did opted to keep them simple
remember that jagex are leftist SJWs and they're turning OSRS into RS3-lite
Even comfier.
dont mind me lads just trying to fill out my itempedia while i wait for the ocean giant to respawn haha
this is the right thread right?????
That's why I didn't go back. I knew they would ruin OSRS too. I'm not falling for Fagex's tricks again.
You got ripped off m8.
It's not too late to try, but it's probably too late to understand. Even if you play old school runescape, the game is shit up by stupid updates and the free worlds are like 80% bots. A lot of things are just not the same anymore.
The playerbase is very different too, a guy called Zezima became a legend of sorts for getting all of their skills to 99, but now it's nothing that special and people routinely grind their skills into 200 million XP (99 is at ~13m).
Feel like raging?
I wonder how many hours he has sunk into the game.
I'm not sure whether to laugh at it or assume that's just the way RS3 economy is now.
Welcome to Runescape 3.
Idk how my dad does it.
Stop being a whiny bitch and hook it.
Pinch both ends between your thumb and index finger like you're bending it into a horseshoe shape and it's way easier.
Dude, I think I might be retarded since I never thought of that.
Insert the worm into your urethra so it can't wriggle around so much and problem solved.
Account hijacked and perma banned for botting as I approached lvl 90
you're afraid of a fucking worm?
85 Slayer boys.
Damn it feels good.
Taking a break from Slayer to do some comfy afk things, while I play others games.
Made 21M from 80 to 85 in just item drops, with the cash drops added in I would assume it would about 30m.
One day I'll get 91 to do Cerberus.
Are you talking to yourself in the pic?
talking to himself
and using a modified client.
How Pathetic!
And a cannon fag too, at least it was in a single target area.
Is Holla Forumsscape a good private server even though it's cuckchan?
Hard to say. There's an emphasis on actually emulating Runescape instead of having a dozen teleports to every PvP and skilling area for free and 16x rates. On the other hand, I noticed some of the dialogue is entirely made up and only there to move the quest along (the short dialogue "puzzle" at the start of Restless Ghost doesn't exist, you just talk to the priest and he gives you the ghostspeak amulet) and the population is extremely low. 70 very high. Also has construction, possibly the only private server with it functioning.
The client takes automatic screenshots on level up. I wanted something in the pic.
Literally no reason not to, your gimping yourself without it. Might as well be an Ironcuck and spend 100 hrs to do something I can do in 20.
Some things can only exist in memories now.
People camping in varrock general store waiting for someone to sell valuable stuff like runes or armor into it since it had a way higher market value than game value, people socializing and always talking about shit in skilling spots and making fires so people could cook their fish and the like, noobs running back and forth to power skillers and banking their drops, people trading items all over the world and getting good value instead of just clicking it away in the GE, shouting in world 1 falador in order to trade, merchanting by buying items in one location and selling in another, people training combat in literally every corner of the map and utilizing clever safe spots, low level wilderness bursting at the seams with people doing PVP, low level players collecting items that spawn around the wilderness, having a skill at 99 was seen as an amazing feat, most items had a meaningful value since the economy wasn't run to the ground, wiki mentality hadn't exploded so most people had a lot of questions and things they didn't know…
The game is still there in old school RS, but if you play now and you'll get a very hollow experience in comparison.
Is Holla Forumsscape still a thing? I remember playing it god-knows-how-long ago and had a lot of fun.
fun if you like playing MMOs with 10-40 people and never seeing anyone
This is very true. I know that I'll never meet the friends that I made over a decade ago in RS or some of the mmos that I got into since then either because they've since closed down (coh/cov, warhammer) or the devs shit the bed (conan, champions, dcuo, aion). I got into ff14 for a number of years, but mmo devs in general have nosedived in quality.
I still remember when a RS buddy and I took 100k deep into the wild on accident during pvp and the run back was tense. I remember selling my shit to other players with the scrolling rainbow text, so that my goods would stand out. I even remember when I set up a mining bot, because that got dull as fuck. I still remember just shooting the shit with a friend and his "gf".
All of that is gone and in the past now. In coh, a guildmate was in his 50s. That guy left for everwinter nights and he's probably in his 60s now. I remember hearing about people passing away and who knows how many have either quit mmos or have died since I last played with them.
mmos have changed and so have their target audience. A lot of the younger faggots are cancer. Devs are really quick to ban players as well, which is part of another issue with mmos now. The mmo communities in games are nigh non-existant now. Before, you had to rely on players to get things done and retards would be quickly shunned. Raids have become a huge focus in mmos too and it just kills the rest of the game more often than not. Players have become too trained towards staying on the gear treadmill. Also, the quality of players has nosedived. The phenomenon of netflix healers is only going to get worse as players get used to not putting in any effort. The use of microtransactions has also become more prevalent in mmos since a decade ago. There were barely microtransactions in mmos in 2007 and I only remember seeing them in games like Halo 2 or 3 during the time of the 360. Now, players are all too happy to throw their money at the devs for glamour gear that they would have normally been able to collect in game. FF14 is especially bad at milking cows as they sell shit like emotes for $5 and it's not even account wide. Players in general have turned into cattle and it's only going to get worse.
The rise of socjus and the sjw in the West has only made things worse. I remember when devs were shit, because they were chasing after the wow audience. Now, the devs are usually just pure fucking cancer themselves. They either surround themselves with enough delusional cows to keep their games afloat or they fuck off to the next game to repeat the process. I still remember the shitstorm that ensued in coh when Lighthouse got shitcanned by NCSoft in i13 when he refused to lie to the players. A fuck ton of players bailed after that shitshow. Now, you'll have players defending the devs lying to them like the total retards they are.
It is. Back then, you could fish, woodcut, or mine in another window and make some alright cash. Things took a while to sell only if it was rare or you were dumb. The GE increased the supply of virtually everything and allowed for manipulation of the entire market at once in some cases. Whereas you once had a reason to skill occasionally and reach high levels in a skill, now you just puff on a magic alien bong that shoots poison darts at a money snake to get ridiculous amounts of skilling materials that crash the market when combined with the GE's ultra-efficient distribution system. As a result, the supplies get cheaper (also equipment loss isn't even a risk any more, and Zulrah is ultra-safe on top of the 1 hour death timer) and Zulrah/other monsters are killed more often, creating a cycle that leads to retarded inflation.
Also rune boxes were the dumbest idea ever. Yes, let's invalidate half of runecrafting's level milestones and some excellent emergent gameplay (air running) because barragers want to get an easy 99. And don't forget NMZ and its inflation of combat levels and free magic exp when it was released. The OSRS dev team sucks.
GE changed the way people get and think about resources and money and everything, I think it's much more complex than just "it's easier to sell items". People who defend GE and think the game is better with it are probably exactly that kind of new players who hate having their obsessive grinding loop broken or having to make compromises or thinking about anything or interacting with people in a real non-mechanical way.
The fact that you can't be bothered to go to world 1 to sell stuff has significant effects for gameplay. People may attempt to trade in banks and skilling locations, or sell items for cheap which merchants can then flip for profit. Sometimes you'll hold onto your items until you find a good deal, which in turn may leave you without the items/money you wanted, and instead of everything going perfectly you just adjust accordingly. Maybe you'll do something else than you planned, or maybe you'll just do it without the maximum efficiency you wanted. Sometimes impatient people offer a very good value for items, and you may trade just because it's such a good deal even if you didn't need it, or maybe you did kinda want it anyway if it's runes or something. Some players can't be assed to sell items they get from skilling so they'll just drop it, which can both reduce the inflation of those items, and give poor players an opportunity to cash in and collect those items faster than they'd otherwise get from harvesting.
Going to world 1 and paying attention to the offers around you was a skill in itself, you could get a sense of how the market works for a particular item and take advantage of it. See what the price differences are during different times of day and where the prices are changing towards overall. Now it's just a spreadsheet graph and numbers.
There was also forums, you could make offers there, and then actually contact the person in-game and arrange a meeting to make the trade. Sometimes you're busy and ask the other person to wait for a minute, and you may have to go to weird places to meet the other person.
It's all so much more interesting than clicking a button in a machine and getting the market value for anything right away.
I was at about 55 or so by the time I stopped playing. I was more of a mining/smithing kind of guy. They were at a similar level, which was good enough for top ~50,000 back in 2006.
Is there anything with the comfy atmosphere/music and the enjoyable grind and detailed quests of Runescape? MMO or not?
I remember seeing an ad for something called Albion which seemed to be(At the surface) an actiony RS but it was 30 bux so fuck that shit.
Well, technically, uh nah.
A lot of runescape's complex quests had to be bred out of the game's limitations.
Lol grindfaggot
I don't care, I just want a game with some quests that don't devolve into "go into this cave and a super recolor monster has spawned, fuck it up" or be led by the nose through markers and hints because the game is not designed with them out of mind.
I want to just explore shit and find/decipher puzzles on my own.
My only problem with RS was the combat and the AFK nature of some skills and basically how singleplayer the game can get, especially post the GE and wilderness where interacting with someone for most things is a rarity.
I'm just letting you know, some of the complex quests are there because Java limited the Gower Bros to having to do puzzle stuff.
A lot of the new quests in RS3 in the new engine really show this off.
How so? I haven't played since I think summoning.
IIRC most of the new quests are go to place and slap the big bad of the month's shit.
Is there really no decent MMO out there?
I never played RS to grind, I played it because interacting with other people was fun, there was an air of mystery to everything.
I loved helping newbies out, smithing them iron/steel armor, guiding them around the map, helping them with quests. I loved being a crafty jew and tricking people with the "ALT-F4" trick or leading people into the wildy before back stabbing them. Having friends from the UK, Germany, and Finland, helping each other level up
I remember when every update was a mystery, when Sleeping bags were going for 10k, when RS2 came out and astounded everyone.
I have a few fond memories of going into the wildy to mine a few things and having good conversations with the others there. We helped each other out when people tried to kill us. I doubt I would ever get to make connections like that in any MMO now.
Yea newer MMOs dont do it anymore, this is also why you see such a big divide between fags who like shit like the GE. It really comes down to newfags vs oldfags. Of course people new to the genre can still end up liking the older model but those are uncommon.
I don't claim to be an MMO expert but the recent MMOs I've been playing seem to be glorified single player games. There's almost little to no interaction with players most of the time.
Is The Secret World any different or should I not bother?
this lead singer looks like a thumb
The only way to play this game is efficiently. Nostalgia only lasts so long.
Also there is an amount of knowledge of game mechanics to be able to do things efficiently, see tick skilling.
don't suppose there's a good article on how mmorpgs died and what could bring them back?
this thread seems like it has something worth remembering
The nostalgia flows, I'm too old to know what G.E means or what Gaylex screwed up after I left but that feel when you will never:
You had to be there
I had a similar thing happen on one occasion. We thought we'd easily wreck the guy, but they turned out to have friends too, so it turned into a big fight between several people on both sides. I can't remember who won or whether I was in the luring team or being lured team though. I have a vague memory that they might have had more people.
I wouldn't say MMOs don't necessarily do it anymore, more that nobody ever wants to interact in general anymore. No matter what multiplayer game I have played the people who play it are generally really quiet and plain don't want to talk to anyone. I would excuse the autistic faggots like us since we're probably spergs but you have normalfags being quiet and just wanting to listen to music or browsing kikebook. It seems like everyone just only wants to play with their friends and never want to interact outside of their gay little bubble. Even guilds reinforce this although at least you can interact with new people inside those guilds. I was pretty against clan chats because this kind of shit would happen.
Gaming both on the developers side as well as the consumers side are in a terrible state.
The Secret world is the same from what I've seen of it. Barely any necessity to interact with anyone.
MMO's have been glorified multiplayer match lobbies for quite some time now, yes.
Am I looking in the wrong place? All I want is a class based PvE game where teamwork is key, and I've had my fill of Alien Swarm and EDF. I want some medieval fantasy shit where I can explore a world and fuck up monsters with my brother.
Outside of private servers for older MMOs and a few Diablolikes, no. There's pretty much nothing.
If you don't mind a low population but a stable server that won't ever die then Holla Forumsscape is pre-GE 2007 content with just normal face to face trading. It's the most complete 06-07 server out there but runescape in general just doesnt have many "complete" servers to try out like some other MMOs do. Has ironman mode as well but you can do that in OSRS if you prefer the new content.
How fucked up are the prices though? And I guess you would never be able to buy shit like dragon mail
I need to find the link to all of the old runescape music holy fuck I was ecstatic when I managed to download all +30 hours of it
Prices aren't too fucked for the commonly traded items like pess, flax, oaks or gear such as whips and fury amulets. Asking in the global chat or in the somewhat shitty /vg/ general will usually get you what you want. Dchain is pretty rare but if you have the shekels people will have it and might sell it. Trading is pretty easy as long as you aren't trying to buy extremely rare items or something that nobody really uses.
Mind uploading it for us user? I would have loved to get it in non-midi form.
That's my jam. Not because of the Duel Arena - which I never did - but because of the month or so where I did nothing but the Mage Training Arena to get infinity robes. I never played for very long, so I was hearing that a lot from all the logging in and out.
Sounds pretty good actually, will keep in mind when I get that runescape itch again.
The guy who created this in the first place:
It's a good server and the higher xp rate isn't anything crazy since OSRS content still manages to beat it in many ways with the broken updates they keep pushing out. You cant get thousands of noted pure essence in a matter of minutes with the original 07 content after all. One downside I guess is that although most of our admins are good people they're busy with irl shit so not much in terms of content has been added lately besides the usual bug fixes.
So, user. What was your Fremmennik name? Mine was Rilkur.
user listen
It was 12 years ago when I did that quest
What is it, user? You didn't forget the trials you went through just to be accepted, the friends you made along the way, your Fremennik brothers, did you? Did you?
We're in too deep
>Get my account hacked because I logged into my friend's computer which was full of ares -tier malware
What was the image?
Fucking hotpockets
fuck what was it
I was meant to post this but I clicked the wrong thumbnail and uploaded the source.
It was me, it was always me.
I never get enough opportunities to post this image and it upsets me.
that's a very good picture
Why do you guys hate the GE?
You don't like efficiency?
What can be described as a singleplayer Runescape?
That's just all there is to it. Now, it's not like I'm saying take the GE out of RS3, that game isn't for me anyway, but putting in RS07 was a complete mistake that went against everything those servers stood for. Now look at your gay pride events and tell me the slippery slope isn't real.
It killed the social aspect of the game. Made shit way easier, too.
Played again recently when the LGBT riots were going on, fun times. I decided to spend a bit and grind my smithing, only to discover I could make iron knives at 100gp profit per bar. Next thing I know right out the gate I've got a mil and a large smith level
In just 4 years OSRS has become RS3 but with bad graphics. Things like "muh hour death" have destroyed the basic foundations of the game world. Bossing used to have a risk vs reward element where you might fill 3 slots with 3m+ gear and stick some cheap barrows or 40s gear in the other slots in case you died. Boss drop table updates have killed the profit in skilling and turned an activity into something that was previously hoping for "the big drop" into "feed me money, loot pinata." The drop table improvements gone hand-in-hand with the one hour death so that you're retarded if you don't boss. Everything is focusing around one specific kind of high-end pvm in a way similar to Everquest/WoW, where every other skill in the game is basically a series of "attunements" for unlocking gear and boss access and shit.
The only thing that has kept me playing at all is F2p Castle Wars. I refuse to use another bond after the gay pride bullshit + the terrible updates. If there's one thing RS3 did right, it was incentivizing people to play minigames, even if thalers themselves are a stupid way to do it. I would love to have some populated Trouble Brewing games. Fuck, they just need to stop making shitty pets, last dead iron twitchman standing, and slayer/pvm updates and add Fist of Guthix, the Great Orb Project, Soul Wars, Stealing Creation, and all that other fun shit.
I liked a lot of the quests for the sole purpose that I actually got to interact with people
What is this hour death thing you are talking about?
rather not the quests but the minigames.
It was made that way because "muh ddos" disregarding the fact that there were already ways to mitigate the risk of a disconnect (3-iteming, ring of life, conservative gear/inventory setups, etc.)
Wow, I didnt think they would have the balls to change one of the core things in runescape but I guess I shouldnt be surprised if they started shoving faggotry in it. Nothing is sacred
Are you talking about gravestones? Because if you are, you forgot to mention how people could bless or pray over them to further extend the duration to retarded levels.
Since when do you dictate what fun is, the GE makes it a lot more fun for me since I don't have to stand around wasting XP
That's not even in the game anymore
No, there are no gravestones, those were after 2007 if I remember right (they did make the game more casual, but at least there were some requirements and expenses associated with them). The game just doesn't show your items to other players for an hour, and that applies to everywhere but the wilderness/pvp worlds.
I can already smell the reddit post:
Upvoted 123 times. Mod Ash: yes let's poll the removal of the loss of items on death as a QoL update. Upvoted 999 times. Passes with a 90% yes vote.
Should've just said so from the beginning.
If you don't want to interact with people then don't play an MMO let alone try to dictate for other people how it should be designed, faggot.
Except that's what you're doing with muh GE is no fun shit
Yeah I absolutely hate the hour long death thing.
Not to mention that even after the hour is up the items don't appear.
They really need to revoke that shit.
Also my biggest gripe is the way PvP is now. I remember hopping on to PvP worlds and being able to fight someone almost instantly. Now people don't do fun shit any more, its all just boring one on one stuff. I remember going into public clans with a few irl friends and we would team up with randoms and go pking in obscure places. There would be multi fights, people tagging off on you, people at boss areas, resource areas, etc.
I heard the wilderness rejuvenation update actually brought people to the wildy, maybe I will try my luck there.
What happened to Skychi?
No, user, gaming isn't in a terrible state. Western civilization is in a terrible state. Society is in a terrible state. People don't interact anymore. Kids are all…they don't play with other kids, they watch youtubers. It's not the loners, it's what they're all doing. I don't think the societal rift between men and women has ever been as deep as it is now, it's almost to where the two genders can't be reconciled. There's no culture that binds anybody together, if it's not Westerners suffering from the destruction of their own culture it's Arabs and Africans running away from theirs.
I don't know what people believe in anymore. I don't know what people value anymore. I'm not convinced that anybody knows. The whole god damn world turned autistic.
made a new toon
level 28 right now, you can catch me catching dat sweet trout in barb village playa
made a new champion
level 28 right now, you can catch me catching dat sweet trout in barb village playa
Any other bright ideas for the word then?
Everyone laugh at him
the correct choice is obviously guy
Ok then lets call ice cream "cake" because ice cream is too long of a word to be speaking.
I made a new dude, guys! He's lv 3 running through the Stronghold of Security!
I played but grew bored of never seeing anyone and having to do everything alone. The few players there are busy powerleveling and shit, I don't play comfy MMOs to be a powergaming metafag.
If by chance I happen to play RS3 again, what happened with Dungeoneering? Again I liked it for the sole fact that you had to interact and rely on other players.