Fuck this stupid game.

I was having so much fun playing this, I loved every element of it. Went for painful mode because i'm not 12 and had so much more fun than what I would have probably had on easy mode. I get to the point where you get the TNT and teleport back to zone 2, and these 2 fags ask for one. And at that point 100 mags for one piece of seemingly infinite TNT seems like a good deal so I do it. I continue to play the game for a couple hours and get lost. Keep playing for 5 hours scouring the whole fucking map for something to progress the story but nothing. After checking a walkthrough I find that since I gave those 2 guys TNT, it triggered an event that just hard ends the game for you hours later. They blew up someone that progresses the story (Morty selling the Dismal map) and there is no way for you to get around it. There is no trainers or cheat engines to insert the item into your inventory, nothing. So in order to ever progress my game, I would have to delete my 6 hour save file, grind the same long winded cutscenes, that were comical and funny the first time but now are just repetitive, go over all the same turn based unskippable fights just to not sell one character TNT in a unassuming impulsive decision. Someone please tell me that i'm a faggot or that im wrong and there is a way to pass this wall. best game i've played in years, shame it had to end like this

Other urls found in this thread:

I dont know how to help you user, its been two years since ive played the game.

Finish it though, its completely worth it!

I bought this game literally days before dingly wiggly piggy shiggly went self-hating kek

lets not let his mental breakdown retroactively ruin the game

It's unintuitive, but it's well liked because it's different from comfy, easy-to-grasp games.

I know what you mean. On my blind playthrough I completely missed both the islands.

Well it's high time you played it. If you're going for the sequel, play it for the story, the gameplay is trash. After that wait for the pointless.

Is it unbeatable without those islands?

Shame really.
Glad he didn't add any poz to it in a "hotfix", proves that the left is fucking disgusting inhumane bunch deserving only death, and will attack a man even after his father's death

No, you could beat the game without exploring 60% of the world.

A, a core component of LISA is it's a giant bag of fuck you, and this is just another factor of that. B, years ago, you could play a game for hours before you lost it miserably rather than just being able to continue, and, really, a part of that was having multiple saves in case you fucked yourself into a loss state. C, if you REALLY like this game SO MUCH, playing it again couldn't be THAT bad. D, git gud.

What weird fucking retard doesn't use a parenthesis for letter points?

What happened?

His dad died and widdlyjiggly went to the brink of insanity and has now had the left leaning vampires sink their teeth deep into his flesh

Oh man, a thread about the game my favourite YouTuber just posted a video on!

Are you surprised that Holla Forums is comprised of hypocritical sheep with zero self awareness?


You're not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?

bless her soul

and he's looking kind of dumb with his finger and his thumb in the shape of a hook on his belt loops

its a shame because after his old man passed he made it seem like he was actually a well adjusted person

Widdly2diddly is the composer, Austin called himself dingaling, but pretty much he was devastated by his father's death so leftist vampires came in with fake compassion and made him think the father's death was punishment for being white and slavery.

what a shame

I want my Jorgen back

That's really sad, what did he do after that? Post rants on twitter or something damaging like making a game about white privilege



Only twitter spergout about



You don't need to go to Dismal island at all, you just missed out on some really interesting optional content.

Damn, redditpol, chill out

this "game" absolutely sucked ass in my experience

i'm allergic to bullshit and this is 99% just that

not that I disagree with you, but you should really keep it to a board about politics

Too obvious, Holla Forums. Try again.

Dismal island is optional

Seems like fairly normal bullshit for an RPG - but usually there would be a warning on the item like " although useful, they've been in real short supply as of late "
Something like that warns you but not to squander away your items, but that's too good for modern games that expect you to be using a guide on your first playthrough.

Since the dev went nuts, i only care what happens whit LISA: The Pointless. Also good thing that most of the cringe worthy fan games were cancelled.

the people he gave the tnt to used it to kill someone in order to progress the story apparently so it not really the same thing.

What in the ever loving fuck? Why do people take advantage of others when they're most vulnerable? Is there any sauce on this or some material I can look into to get more information on this? I fucking loved LISA, and I'm really sad to hear Austin got subverted.

Strike while the iron is hot.

I checked the steam forums.
The boatshop guy dying doesn't effect the story, the only thing you miss is a Jim Sterling cameo.
Wasting the TNT on the other hand, will fuck up the game hard, so you're not supposed to use it in battle, just use it to progress the game THEN waste the remaining amount in battle and trades.

You can continue the story without that, idiot. You'll just miss the islands. I'm in area 3 of my blind playthrough and so many shit have happened. I'm glad I decided to play the game and skip all the shitpost, but now I see why so much.
My god, my heart feel heavy for each one. The nipple and then the other arm have to be the worst.


I'm sorry, this is an English speaking board, I'm going to have to ask you to leave until you learn how to type proper sentences.

Why is this game so dangerous, i've fallen off of the map at least 4 times now

godamnit jorgen you were supposed to be a good dev

Why is this such a pressing issue, he didn't involve his political opinion in his games. It's such a non-issue people here keep getting riled on about.

Watch your step

As much as I hate Jorgensen now for being such a whiney liberal faggot, is right.
None of his political shit got dragged into the game. The only thing which can be seen as quasi-political is Brad's friend's adopted (black) son.

gotta be vigilant dude

TL;DR there is an entire wide spanning clique of SJWs and Hipsters whom have zero talent as gamedevs and also are third rate journalists in the gaming industry (and some other places too but you don't care about those). Instead of trying to improve god forbid, they basically banded together and essentially have been conspiring to shut everyone else out and killing everything until only thier shit remains which was pretty successful too since they had a strnaglehold on the indie scene and many reviewers were natural cucks to money anyways until one of them fucked their way into moot's pants then caused a certain shitstorm. Now the only real way they could gain as much influence as they had before GamerGate is by doing what you're doing ignoring them or letting them off the hook. You see user, the reason they were able to succeed is because they were ignored and written off as harmless or their fanaticism was underestimated so they were free to shut everyone in the Indie scene out and worked their way up which eventually allowed them a lot of power over what could and could not sell which just so happened to be games they didn't approve of.

This sounds like the ravings of a mad man. No one is stopping you from buying games you like

I reserve the right to boycott any game for any reason, communist.

Although I believe to an extent there is massive left leaning collusion going on, the end game of their plans always just seems like embed related. I don't get it, they keep shitting on everything eyesight and moving their goalposts for wrongthink further and further but when they drive out everyone who actually knew how to make games or actually liked to purchase games what does it leave them? A handful of talentless hacks making non-games for people who didn't really buy or like games in the first place.

And yet, that's almost EXACTLY what happened.

Because the "MESSAGE" is more important than anything else. They don't care if they'd crash the industry, just so long as it was putting out media they approve of.

You do have the right to boycott, what I said tho is that no one is stopping you from buying games you like. Is reading comprehension that hard of a skill?

Ok, you got one example of a tiny indie dev supposedly getting blacklisted, even tho that article makes no mention on how well/if his game sold. Even then, as a tiny game dev like that, you should probably be trying to make friends and not pick fights. No, I'm not saying he deserved what he got, by no means, but to imply that what happened to him is by any means normal is retarded. You said it yourself
Not exactly

Here you go you lazy fuck,
By the way the bitch that fucked Moot is Zoe Quinn, others in their little circle of friends are people like Anita Sarkeensen and Anthony Burch. If you're wondering why talentless hacks keep getting jobs it's because their friends in whatever company hooks them up or gives the right kind of blow jobs to the right people.
Here's a rather humorous summary of Zoe Quinn's exploits

Anita in particular has her hands all over the fucking place, because her vagina is only slightly more of a higher quality then Zoe Quinn's.

Right whelp, it's simple when only their shit remains then that's the onloy thing you can buy and therefore have full control over what you consume, basically a full monopoly. For money, trying to get schools to have educational vidya so they can force them to take shovelware for money is generally the more profit orientated goal.


That's not how the burden of proof works.
You think I'm lazy than expect me to read all that? If it's anything that wasn't already mentioned in the above user's deepfreeze article than just screen shot whatever. You don't hand a dictionary to someone asking you what one word means.
Even than, I don't doubt that game """"journalist""""" blacklist people and devs, but thankfully that hasn't actually affected too much. If it had more people would be in an uproar, so don't get fucked up over someone being "blacklisted" unless it somehow objectively hinders game development or sales. EVEN THAN, if that were the case, the problem would be just as much with game companies and publishers for letting journalist have ANY SAY in what they do.
EVEN THAN, this is wildly off topic.

You won't accept one example, and you won't read an actual researched analysis I gave you with hundreds of citations. So yeah, I have every right to call you lazy.

I never said I wasn't lazy, give me an excerpt from that whole thing that actually pertains to this conversation, and actually affected sales or development in any way, assuming you can and aren't talking out of your ass.
Never said I didn't accept that example, in fact I said he didn't deserve to have that happen to him, and it shouldn't happen again. Again, reading comprehension just seems to be a lacking skill around here.

Look user, do you want a wall of text in picture format or do you want the specific sections for me to point out for you to read. Which is two thirds of the whole thing. Including the citations.

I swear to you that this in it's entirety is relevant to what you're demanding. Because that's exactly what the whole essay is about.


Unfortunently the dropbox stuff was memory holed, so I'll be absent while I go dust off my stuff and see if I can find them. This is gonna take a while.

The purpose is brainwashing. Like a cult. They must enforce the narrative again and again. For ever and ever.

This. Just look at the games they kept praising. Walking simulators, "quirky" Visual Novels, Depression Quest, all the while games that were actually GOOD basically went ignored because the Devs weren't in the right clique or weren't sleeping with the right people.

Anyways here, some choice caps for you in the importance of the relationship between reviewers and publishers. This is before the whole SJW shit comes in, which also comes in after explaining how indies fit in financially. This is basically the bog standard corruption that'll pretty much always exist with or without land whales.

I'll be back in a few hours.


Indies and the "why" of the reltaionship between Journalists and Indies. Rest will come later I'll have to assemble the caps.



I swear this thread has been here with the same answers like twice before. I feel like I'm going nuts.

Yes but they are trying their fucking hardest.

Widdly2diddly is Austin, you dummy. He just used a different name for his music.

Nah, we've had this thread quite a few times since Austin had his breakdown. He did an AMA here and seemed like an honest dev, which there haven't been enough of lately. So it's probably natural that people cared about him and are sad/pissed what he's turned into.
I remember going through his tweets when he first started going full retard and saw that he was talking with Patrick Klepek, which honestly explains a lot. It's the usual marxist indoctrination that preys on the weak.

Sorry OP for this being so far off topic. pic unrelated

Journalist being biased and having reviews bought off? Coloured me shocked! But seriously, the things I was responding to about was "JOURNOS ARE STOPPING GAMES FROM BEING SOLD", when that's not really the case. If anything, the publishers are the ones doing that and being retarded, and most of the examples you gave me amounted to "my game didn't sell well therefore no sequel was made/studio was shut down" which isn't the same thing. This problem lies not in the journalist but with the publishers and marketing teams, sometimes even the devs, for taking part in shady business with journalist, this is a problem they alone created. Honestly I feel a huge part of the "game's not being made if it doesn't meet a certain numerical score" would be solved by doing what most e-celebs have been saying for a while and just getting rid of the number scale in every way shape and form. It's a lazy way for lazy people to form opinions on things they haven't seen and/or played, same with movies, not to mention no one seems to be able to agree with what the fucking numbers mean most of the time. Most people think 7 or less is shit, smart people think 5 is the most baseline you can get, and anything higher is good, less is bad, etc.

Ok now most of that just told me that indie devs either suck at marketing and managing their time/money/crew, or suck journalist dick. Again, that seems to be more of a problem with the devs than the journalist. I REAAAALLLY get the feeling that people shouldn't be making the journalist out to be the bigger problem here, when, from what you have shown me, the problem seems to be with the publishers/consumers who think the number a game gets = how good it is. If that were the case God Hand would be shit.
All in all, thank you for actually substantiating your claims, even if they didn't really have anything to do with what I was originally saying, instead of telling me "lol just google it" or "I'M NOT GONNA SPOONFEED YOU" or shit like that.

No one will be able to stop you from buying specific things except your local government or by having a gun to your head. Stopping things from BEING SOLD, now that is a different thing entirely. It's one thing for the government to block something being sold in your country, etc. but there are tons of reasons why things could just not be put up for sale, like that one movie about killing that one terrorist where that same terrorist threatened to bomb theaters if it was put up on screen. I have no knowledge of games not even going for sale anywhere because of journos alone. I can only imagine that has happened because of journos + publishers. Again, this seems to be a bigger fault of publishers, and devs not having other options/taking it up the ass like good goys.
AGAIN, no one will ever be able to stop you from putting your money where you want. If you want a game made bad enough that isn't actually being made because of lack of funding, either make it yourself or convince a dev you like to use kikestarter, because if it's worth any money in the first place, than it shouldn't be too hard to get money via that and decent self advertising, hell you may not even need that, any half decent looking game on there usually gets a fair amount of traction, especially if you have a decent dev behind it.

God fucking dammit did they change the default for censor or am I just MASSIVELY retarded?

It's a symbiotic relationship, both parties are to blame.
That's why journalists still have a job and why publishers pay them to get good scores, yes. Blaming the consumer doesn't really work because they, for the most part, don't know they're being fooled. And publishers sure as hell aren't going to stop their unethical practices. The blame game is easy but nobody can or wants to bother fixing it. Best you can do is point out the parties that are involved are scumbags.

Journos were trying to push a ban for Hatred hard, which worked in certain places. I think it's banned in Australia if I'm not mistaken. It was also taken off Steam for a short while.

But others will. Again, journalists and other developers will prey on anyone who isn't paying them off or part of their cabal. Journos because they're in bed with developers they know and because they want to write hit pieces and developers because they want to snuff out competition or anyone who challenges their views. There's been plenty of smaller devs who were thrown out of the industry and blacklisted for practically nothing. Sure, you can make it on your own, but it's risky and uncertain. I'll quote you earlier
Obviously. But you can be as nice as you want to, if the wrong person decides they don't like you they will try to hamper your success as best as they can. It doesn't even have to be an error on your side, some insane person can accuse you of something, their post gains traction and you're forced to make a statement. Then someone will try to dig up shit you said years ago or misinterpret one of your statements and next thing you know, they start a whole smear campaign. It can happen to anyone who isn't part of their groupthink and it will affect your image to the public, which most likely will affect sales. You're very naive if you think the industry is all milk and honey.
For one guy all it took is to press "like" on a video criticizing Sarkeesian's business practices to lose all his connections he's built up over the years, because the fat fuck in charge of PR for Vlambeer pulls a lot of weight in indie circles and decided the guy has to go. Now imagine that there's plenty more people like this and that it's part of their job.

Fair enough, that's what I should have said
Blame game is easy, but the rest of that sounds like quitter talk to me. There is always something that can be done, if you want it badly enough, you be the one to do it. Pointing fingers rarely gets anything done.
A game about an edge lord going on a random murder spree that was heavily pushed as being super edgy? I would consider this being pushed for banning the exception, not the rule. Porn VN's and Sanran's are being pushed on Steam pretty regularly with no problem, so I honestly have no idea what qualifies as being "DELTET THIS" tier and not. People getting upset over something like Hatred that could be a bigger autism magnet that leads to school shootings than Sonic honestly makes sense. I'm glad it wasn't banned tho. Look at this in the light that years ago, angry mothers, pastors, etc. were trying to ban Pokemon of all things. If the only thing people are getting massively butt hurt about are porn games on major platforms/distributes and Hatred like games, I don't know what to tell you.
I don't think that's how that works. I will say this again in simple terms. BUY AND SELL ARE DIFFERENT WORDS. You can always buy whatever, but things can be stopped from being sold. Please learn the difference.
That sounds like other devs being shit heaps. Again, a problem of the games industry, substantiated by journalist. If all of the games industry just stopped paying attention to journalist and stopped giving them press copies and shit like that, problem would be solved. Never going to happen, but just a nice thought.
That's just a humanity in general problem. Yes, journalist are a massive problem, but people need to either do something about or, if they can't than switch to a different tactic/target. This whole problem would come crumbling down if any one of the parties, be they the journalist/games industry/consumer/etc just stopped taking part in it all. It's why I'm one of those "we need a games industry crash" kinda guys. It's not the best solution but it's the most likely one.
This whole conversation stemd from some fags being upset that the LISA dev became insane and naturally became an SJW type, so to wrap this up: Stop fucking complaining about shit if you aren't going to do anything about it. And no, pirating games isn't that big of a help if you were never planning on buying the game in the first place.

The five guys saga/gamergate tried but got co-opted. Feel free to try again, though. I honestly have my doubts an honest campaign will bear any fruits in today's climate.
Does it matter? Censorship of any kind sets a precedent for more things to get pulled. I can understand pornography not being sold on most platforms, but the whole censorship campaign behind Hatred wasn't because of how brutal it was. There's been games that have been far more gruesome.
Sure. But the best way to prevent people from buying your product is having someone else convince them that it's bad, for whatever reason.
Again, it's a symbiotic relationship. Journos profit from drama because they can write articles on who is the latest to-be-shamed shitlord and consumers who don't bother to inform themselves will listen to them. And again, good luck trying to get through to any party. Publishers/devs and journos sure as fuck won't change because their income is on the line. Your best bet is to make the consumers aware that shit is fucked, but look how that went last time.
I do agree that a crash is the most likely thing to solve this problem, but even if it happened, all of this would start all over again eventually. And with how rooted everything has gotten, I'm not sure it's that likely to happen.

Austin is a victim of this whole indie clique system and there's gonna be plenty more. Expect more threads like these.
So what do you suggest people do that hasn't been done before and isn't a waste of time? Should they just keep quiet about it and accept it and possibly let things get worse? Should more people like Austin be taken advantage of? I like your idealism, but you don't provide any new ideas.
What does piracy have to do with any of this?

Soret comes to mind, but he was already egalitarian moron, still shame the proved to be fucking spineless and apologized for views, now he's being figuratively crucified because he literally have the left power to attack him.
What Playasia did is the go-to response, they got boycotted so hard they gained 20k followers.

If I were a dev I would or I guess I am going to keep my mouth shut regarding anything even remotely political. Soret seemed harmless but the left still jumped on him, and him apologizing didn't gain him favors with right-wingers. It doesn't matter what your views are, you will piss off someone. Wish it wasn't so but I guess that's a fact of life in 2017.
Besides, the guy sold his soul to Microsoft so he doesn't really need to worry about making a name for himself. His game was at fucking E3.

Ya see, most people would point at that and say "MUH SLIPPERY SLOPE FALLACY" but really I kinda agree, but everything in moderation mate, sometimes some things just shouldn't be put on certain platforms. I really would rather not Steam put shit like Farnham Fables, the crocodile furry game, on their platform, because stuff like Steam and GOG should hold some semblance of professionalism. If people want to sell degenerate shit, there are tons of other platforms for it, including selling it yourself. Of course Steam QA is out the fucking window right now, so my hope dwindles daily.
Ya, that's where other people don their white armor and defend. Otherwise that's something that will always happen, and it doesn't actually affect YOU IN PARTICULAR from buying what you want. I get the feeling the original guy I was responding to was having fears that HE IN PARTICULAR would not be able to buy certain games, and the way he said it made me think he was implying that he would just be restricted from buying something that was already on the market. I'm not arguing that some games won't be SOLD because of outside pressure, but you will always have the option to buy shit you want and give money to the people you like, even if that means just straight donating money to someone.
Holy fuck did you not read the next fucking sentence of:
I don't know, that's not my job. I don't really care enough to do more about it than inform myself and engage in conversations like these. You can totally talk about it if you like, but do you really think coming into a random Holla Forums thread that was entirely unrelated is going to get anything done other than some people either shitpost each other or MAYBE a nice conversation is had? I'm not here to provide ideas, I'm just saying stop preaching to the choir if you actually want anything done, or at least keep it to appropriate threads.
Just a jab at those who think "LOL I'M OWNING THIS DEV AND THE GAMES INDUSTRY BY PIRATING THIS GAME" because I've seen that dumb shit a lot.
Anyways, last post from me, this has derailed way too much. Thank you for being actually decent to talk to, that doesn't happen here too much.

to which your reply with "fallacy fallacy", or explain to them difference between a slippery slope and a convenient staircase.
slippery slope

It's a game for people who like style over substance.

No it doesn't. It makes like 5 party members unavailable but you can still finish. The islands are completely optional. I've never reached the top of the hotel or found the fishman village. Also Death Queen is harder than Satan.

I wouldn't put QA and having guidelines as the same as censorship due to developer views and content. The problem with Hatred was that it was pulled retroactive due to the outrage, not because it offended some sort of rule. That's where it gets dangerous.
Well, I do remember when imageboards used to be a central driving force for internet trends, so you never know. Practically every meme popular with normalfags now originated from places like these. Sometimes amazing things spring from a single shitty thread, or as a result of one seemingly meaningless discussion. Most people aren't aware, but small actions can make huge waves.
I think it's valid to try out a product of someone you're unsure of supporting, especially since demos have pretty much died out. But I think that mindset is a result of shitty developers who perpetuated the meme that a pirated copy equals a lost sale. Anons simply play into it for fun.
Likewise. I think it does happen if you try, be the change you want to see and such. Stay frosty.