Wow, who runs this board? Meta threads are allowed under bumplock, which the thread was.
Meta thread
First for mods = fags
Doesn't that mean the thread was fine?
Reposting webm for nostalgia
Meta threads never accomplish anything, anyway. They're just used as a venting session and then promptly ignored.
Holla Forumstards need to leave
That is all
We were discussing the user stats from the ads page, along with the flaws of 8ch's design.
Has that ever worked? Normally any attempt is sabotaged by the board owner and staff of the board they're leaving, because aside from shilling it there, there's no way to gain exposure unless you want to risk inviting Twitter and Reddit to hang out.
remove furfags
Yes, dismissal typically means the report has no merit or otherwise won't be acted upon. As usual, Holla Forums moderation is lacking in consistency.
Goldenron deleted it by mistake, our apologies.
How's it hanging Mark?
Mods are fags, the thread was fine and had minimal shitposting which is rare in a meta thread.
Not that I know of. On top of that it also invites shitflinging on unrelated boards if it's popular enough. "Just make another board" has never been a proper argument against shit moderation.
There will be
Oh hi Mark.
What's the hardest game you've ever beaten, Mark?
Well I know you guys don't want my advice, but /svidya/ worked until they tried to make it about Holla Forums, the best advice I can give you when assessing the situation is IF you want to make another video games board, then don't do what we already do, but rather offer things this Holla Forums doesn't such as a stricter ruleset, pure nipponese or a retro only focus.
I'm alright, just listening to embed related and lurking some threads.
In a first playthrough? Koumajou Densetsu, it's not hard but at the time I tried tanking everything.
Expanding on it, not even making new imageboards really works in terms of getting users interested in showing up. Sure some places like 7chan end up existing for fucking ages with loyal group of users, but they're never nearly as popular as the original they spawned from.
/vr/ does this, yet all retro threads are done here because it actually has traffic. I really wish you chose something other than Holla Forums because using legacy names fucked the site over.
Well the thing is what brought people to this Holla Forums in the beginning was that people were fed up with the mods and that GaymerGays were banned on cuckchan, if moot didn't ban the GoofyGoobers then we probably wouldn't be here since the demand for a new image board wouldn't be so high. What I did is that while GG was looking for a new board, basically everyone rejected them. Then I found /burgersandfries/, which lead me to creating Holla Forums at 5am and using this timing to my advantage, meeting HW, throwing a huge party, etc. People say that I got lucky when I got this board, and they're not wrong. however what lead me to owning and keeping Holla Forums is luck, timing, the overall situation, and a good team to back me up. Without any of these things I would just be another faggot talking about Sanic on Holla Forums.
Which can also be pointed back to what you said a few sentences back. It's familiar, people would have left 4chan regardless, obviously, but if he didn't someone else would have made a "Holla Forums" regardless of there already being a board for it or not. That's what I think at least.
Which is why "making another board" that shares the same topic as a more popular board is never going to work unless someone fucks up so bad that a large majority of the users will want to jump ship.
Nice trips, Mark. By the way, there was this /wv/ 'weebvidya' board, it is still alive somehow if you call a borderline corpse 'technically living'. Our numbers are stretched too thin to make another living board and also nobody even know those boards exist, and advertising them outside the 8ch would only saturate the number with twattards, plebbitors, cuckchanners, and other undesirables we fled from.
And also there's the fact that if we don't respect the anons then they would leave the site, unlike the goons over at cuckchan, we have nothing but respect for the community. Without you guys we wouldn't not be here, even with timing, luck and the effort we put into the hotpocket structure. Yes, we still have our issues and we're nmot 100% perfect, but nothing is.
Forced user is still fucking stupid and you queers should've just taken your autism pills instead of sperging out for ages until Mark finally relented. There's plenty of boards more autistic on this site than Holla Forums, and yet all of them operate fine without forced user. The only arguments I've seen for them are muh ROB threads and muh 4AM, but I haven't seen hide nor hair of either of these threads in months. Also, IDs are mutually exclusive to forced user, so it's certainly not in the name of user anonymity.
Also, Mark's a fat cake-hoarding kike.
Well 'weebvidya' is Holla Forums, I try to get rid of the anti-weeb shitposting as much as I can without going full imkamfy. I also don't wanna ban things unless it's absolutely necessary. I don't wanna ban the ROB threads, not because I like the guy, but rather because I feel it's unnecessary to ban it. We have to be involved with things, but the less involved we are then the better things are. I mean this in a libertarian sort of way rather than the anarchist kind.
Mark-kun, I was here when the autist sperged out about this sticky the first time.
Shit, not even /vg/ sees any use because it's easier to get new people to join if you have the threads on Holla Forums. I think the biggest problem is just the 'that board is dead so I wont go there' which leads to the board being even more dead.
The 4am threads get deleted by 10am or something like that none of them would use the board because they're too busy circlejerking in their hidden irc room, and ROB threads usually get forced off the catalog quickly due to hitting bump limit after 30 minutes.
Wew, I had completely forgotten we had forced user.
I'm not claiming you're new user, I'm just explaining what I think lead to the rise of Holla Forums. Either way as you know, everyone thought that we were gonna make our own names, and we did until Josh fucked everything up.
The issue the site has now is how does the administration get people onto the smaller boards like /m/ or /k/.
Adding shit to the front page doesn't really work because I literally never go to the front page and I doubt most people do either., and I highly doubt the 8 random boards that cycle in front of the top 15 help either. At this point, having boards themselves shill other boards would be the only thing to help, but even then only the ones that are marked as kosher end up being shilled which fucks over the entire system.
Because there's no reason to. Gerenal threads are allowed on here. 4/vg/ was made as damage control by mootles because LoL generals and the like were basically permanently plastered on the frontpage of Holla Forums. In the end it was nothing but mistakes and got Holla Forums the reputation of "lol we don't talk about vidya here xD".
Of course. Like I said in the other thread, no one likes to post on a board with 3 new posts per day. Trying to force it by posting there yourself just feels like a futile attempt at CPR.
I understand this, but also I want you to know that something need to be removed before it takes root and stay. I am okay with forced user, I am not sure what other anons think, some may with me that trip and namefaggotry needs to be excised, some think it is stupid as fuck. And with you have to take these regular anons, actual autists, trolls, funposters, jaded geibergator, and many more into account, and separate the goons, summerfags, plebbitors, etc. from them; I say you have your work cut out for you.
I'm gonna go for a bit, I'll try to come back later
Yes, we do. and we'll try to do what we can.
So what you're saying is that all of the non-reasons that autists insisted we needed forced user were, in fact, non-issues? None of this was fucking necessary and Mark capitulated to a badly forced meme like the dumb slut he is? Color me shocked. The 4am board is run and circlejerked by a different set of people that used the thread. Nobody wanted to "go back" to somewhere they never belonged in the first place. Quite frankly, the le evil boogeyman irc suits me just fine, mostly because it barely gets fucking traffic and is easy to keep up with, but I haven't stayed up late enough to post in 4am in over a year, so what do I know.
Everyone who wants to have moved over has, everyone who hasn't moved over yet won't. Which is a shame, because I'm still missing boards like /lit/ and /jp/, but they're simply not going to crop up here because a) Josh ruined everything, b) Jim is a huge kike, and nobody's going to trade the villain they know (Hiroshima, that pedo running Lainchan, etc.) for the villain they don't, and c) nobody trusts this site to stay up for longer than five minutes, for good reason.
I take offense to /k/ specifically, since I know it gets some traffic. Not to the extent that half/k/ does, but it's a non-zero amount and isn't the emergency you're making it out to be.
Also you never fucking read what I post every time I bitch, please respond.
You don't, generally. You can point to them like what happens now, but you can't force someone to go to a board he has no interest it. It has to happen "organically". You also need to realize there niche boards that weren't all that affected by GoiterGabe and most of the fags from those boards stayed on 4cuck which is going to make any similar board we have here to be even more niche.
It does to a certain extent. I only am on the frontpage when I want to go to the catalog because I don't have the catalog bookmarked. I went to /qq/ because of that the first time it was advertised. I don't really look much at the randomized board list though.
I just want to see smaller boards get some traffic over everyone cramming into Holla Forums and Holla Forums because everyone else is there.
More or less. You must have missed the 10 minutes he tried forced user a while before people started being pissy about rob threads though. I'm literally the only one that actually posts on /4am/, everyone else is there for all of 5 minutes and then fucks off back to the irc or discords or cytubes.
Why did the vidya teases thread get deleted?
The index still counts as the board faggot. Sticking a whole lot of shit to the front page of the site isn't going to solve anything.
Fuck, I also missed /k/. Know what I also missed? Interboard stuffs like Soccer Cup, I know we got board mascots coming up but I surmise less than half user here nary gives a shit.
Josh fucked up the board move, Jim is a fucking Mason, our collective arsehole are monitored 24/7 by some wankers in alphabets underground hole somewhere because ebil chan lelelel spewed by media. Fuck all of this, I just want to post freely about video game (and sometime other things) without political correctness shoved down my throat and without cancers present in other boards.
This is how my day goes
Is Nate still alive?
What reason is there really to throw such a bitchfit about having forced-user though?
The only way I can see smaller boards get more traffic is by us in general getting more traffic from outside sources/advertisement or because some other similar place has a meltdown and migrates to here. The former comes with the concern of undesirables like redditors coming here. But then again this last year has done that damage already anyway.
Oh, no I just meant the first page of a board. I never go to the main page of 8ch.
The election fucked the site over, but moot trying to fuck over Holla Forums back in 2015 was already killing the site.
The election, the admin switch, the disaster that was Infinity Never, Hotwheels wanting the reddit audience, It's been a bumpy ride after our honeymoon period ended.
Cuckmaster fucked Holla Forums over right after he fucked us over. Remember Holla Forumsharbour, the reason why our neighbour Holla Forums and their sitcom hatesink archnemesis Holla Forums.
Fuck no, I was there for the whole thing, bitching the whole time. It was retarded then and it's retarded now. As for /4am/, God bless, but I can't say I blame anyone for wanting to fuck off back to cytube or discord or irc or whatever. These sorts of things start on imageboards and fuck off elsewhere when they become too closely knit to stay. It's the way things are. People are still going to bitch about them even though I'm pretty sure nobody cares enough to continue posting here anymore.
I complained about /k/, but I'm pretty sure Mark's right about /m/. I got a buddy who likes that shit. Ripping him away from halfchan was like pulling teeth, but finally he was satisfied with 8/m/ enough to start posting there. This was a while ago. Recently, I saw him sharing images from half/m/ again, and I can only assume that whatever was going on over there was paling in comparison to halfchan, so everyone's gone back.
The unfortunate fact of the matter is this: after GG, imageboard culture balkanized, especially if you have more than one hobby and said hobbies are diverse. Some people moved away from halfchan. Some didn't. /sp/ fucked off to its own board after coming here, for understandable reasons. I miss you /sp/. Some moved from imageboards altogether, and fucked off to twitter and GNUSoc and Discord and IRC and Voat and Reddit and God knows where else. Regrettably, I don't think we're ever going to see a grand unified site like halfchan was pre-GG. I'd like to be proven wrong, but the more time goes out from Burgers and Fries, the more it's set in stone that, if you like certain things, you're going to have to go to places other than 8ch to get them.
Hotwheels really shit the bed when he passed the torch over to Jim. I think that if he had stayed at the helm of the site, there was a chance to rebuild goodwill after the dumpster fire that was Next, but letting Jim take over really spelled out the end. Unless Jim's willing to let someone more amiable and charismatic take over in his stead, and stop operating the site from the shadows like a Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain, this site's never going to be anymore than a niche site for certain topics.
It's unnecessary. People who post here want to post anonymously, putting a gun to their heads and saying they must is only treating them like children. You have to be over the age of 18 to post on Holla Forums, stop treating its userbase like underagedb& and start treating them like adults.
Honestly, besides 4am faggots and a couple of cunts in GG threads, I never saw anyone using names or trips. Why are you pretending you are not part of this cancerous group of people who post here for attention?
You are blowing things out of proportion. No one really cares or even realizes anymore that forced-user is on because only a minority uses the name field. It also happens that those people that do use the name field do it to create some retarded personality.
No one else really cares about forced user and if it can prevent faggots from popping up then I'm for it.
At least 4am related shit is "over". I think the main issue with the site is just that people are starting to realize that alternatives to 4chan that offer the exact same shit as 4chan aren't nearly as good because they don't have the population and topics 4chan does. Sure it has far less boards than us, but 7chan has more boards than 4chan and 7chan is just as dead as us. Places like lainchan or 420chan or 1chan keep people because they actually have topics that nobody else has in such amounts and they don't really want to have to jump to an all new site and have to lurk for months before they post/get banned constantly because they're being a massive faggot.
It's sad that this site exists for Holla Forums and Holla Forums only, but a few other boards have some movement. You don't absolutely need fast boards, but perhaps a little faster than they are now. I wouldn't consider going back to cuckchan, if this site died with nowhere else to go I'd simply abandon going to a video games imageboard. Half/v/ is unbearable.
this. i would rather deal with our slow-moving boards than the lightning-fast total cancer that cuckchan turned into
Because my experiences mirror yours, and there's no reason to force it when people are going to anyways. I've also never used a tripcode in my life, even if I had the opportunity to. Hell, I don't even know how the fuck to do it without looking it up.
If people want attention, or are going to be huge queers in threads, they'll just samefag like a motherfucker and you'll get people responding to them with (119) or some shit. If you think that forced user is going to wave a magic wand and filter out perceived faggots, you've got another thing coming.
You're right. And honestly, I'd welcome it. Holla Forums would probably enjoy a boost in quality if there were a vidyachan that focused on it, the way Lainchan is leaps and bounds better than Holla Forums is. Then again, anything's better than Holla Forums.
And /a/. Half/a/ is a miserable shithole, and, in spite of the fact that 8/a/ is a circlejerk with an addition for fellating its shitty mods, I've got to hand it to them, our /a/ has nigh impeccable quality posts.
If some of the smaller boards were a hair faster, it be a lot better. I'd really dislike for the really shitty parts of Holla Forums and Holla Forums to show up and ruin the boards though.
You don't even know. Some faggot there said there should be an upvote system that lets people get more lenient bans.
Oh yes I do, I lurk there daily. I try my hardest to minimize posting there, since posting anything just ends up in me raging at potential responses, but trust me, I know. The chief irony here is that Holla Forums tried so hard not to be half/g/, and in the end, the mods give so little of a damn to enforce any kind of quality that half/g/ far surpasses them. Even though /g/ has shills and generals out the ass, it actually has the audacity to talk about its board topic.
Got some source? I'd love a good laugh.
The problem is less slow boards and more non-existent or dead boards. Shit like /m/, or /d/, or /ck/, or /jp/. is right that 8ch primarily serves Holla Forums and Holla Forums posters, and while we have some slower boards, the fact of the matter is that there were plenty of boards who didn't move over, will never move over, and whose topic material is at the mercy of halfchan's shitty tumblrite moderation. That said, memes and bullshit aside, there are high(er)-quality boards remaining on halfchan, but these communities are niche enough that they're never going to move over. Not even "in numbers large enough to support a slow board", just in general.
Those motherfuckers.
I was too flabergasted to ever actually save it, and it was quite some time ago.
/a/ is what happens when moderation is done right. The rules are clear and concise, and applied consistently. As a result, anons learn how to make good posts or they fuck off, raising board quality in either case. And, importantly, you very rarely see the staff capcoding as if they're more important than the users.
Why do people almost never mention how the site was absolutely unusable during the whole infinity next debacle? That alone was the biggest factor that contributed to the decline of the userbase. Of course, that would get in the way of pointing the finger at whatever group you happen to dislike, so we'll just pretend it never happened. Or maybe you're all just so new that you don't remember, who knows.
As for growing the userbase. We could do what 4chan did: engage in high-profile trolling that constantly puts Holla Forums in the media spotlight. I'm not talking about shit like being called most trolly in a dying magazine, I'm talking about constant media attention, shit that will net you epic upboats at plebbit! Shit that will end up trending on twitter and facebook, and not just every now and again, but constantly.
I would think long and hard about this, though. While all that shit was hilarious it brought in swarms of undesirables from all over. Meta-plebbitors who have this conundrum in their heads that because they are aware of the fact that they are unable to produce quality content that this not only negates their poor-posting, but inverts it, thus making them quality posters. The meta-plebbitor will peruse the imageboard searching for something he can take back to plebbit for meaningless upvotes, and to show the other plebbitors how much better he is than them. We'll also end up with angsty 15 year olds who like the 4chan facebook page and openly use imageboard memes/greentext on facebook. The normalfags on facebook better watch out for this kid, he will meme on you so fucking hard with canned responses he got from 4chan. I actually knew quite a few of these people, it's why I stopped using 4chan for the longest time, it was a stroke of luck that I happened to start browsing again the day people were spamming images advertising Holla Forums all over the site.
Finally, the state of the site today. I won't pretend that we're as well off as we were during late 2014/early 2015, but I still enjoy this site somewhat or I wouldn't be here. yes, it does suck that there aren't as many boards that get any sort of traffic. The attitude has also become a lot gloomier as well and we don't have as much fun anymore. Who knows what the future holds, though? Maybe another group of narcissistic hipsters will think they are above the laws of the internet and will try and censor a scandal across multiple websites, or maybe Holla Forums will go the way of many imageboards before it, slowly bleeding out until it dies a peaceful death. Not everything is meant to live forever. All I know is that if I had to choose between Holla Forums being laid to rest after fulfilling its purpose or becoming a reanimated corpse full of people who don't actually care for the site and are just picking at the carcass for something they can bring back to the sites they actually like, I would pick the former.
For now, though, the site is still usable and enjoyable for me, and I will continue to use it until I decide to move on or the site moves on, and, no matter what, I will always remember the fun times we had here.
Amen to that, user.
Thanks for the gondola user.
How could I forget IN and the fact that Josh was the reason it was even thought up to begin with?
/a/ is the opposite of Holla Forums, kind of on purpose, since they hate this board with a passion. Mods are incredibly overzealous and heavy-handed, handing out long-term bans for things that don't deserve it. This is what causes people to write high-quality posts or get banned. Also, I've seen my fair share of "behave of I'll rape all your asses" capcode posts on /a/, you can't bullshit me.
/a/ works incidentally, and its users choke on mod dick because it just so happens to work. It's also a bit of a circlejerk. They don't have IDs because it would make it clear that there's only a handful of users using it. I have my criticisms of it, and I can complain, but credit where credit's due, they stuck to "we're not going to be half/a/" and succeeded where boards like Holla Forums failed.
If you really think that faceberg and reddit and twitter users – those who weren't already jaded to hell after the infinity next debacle, that is – are the sort of crowd we need to grow the site in a positive manner, I'm sure you'll find the site swiftly moving towards the latter of those, not the former.
I understand completely.
Ain't that the truth. Holla Forums is so fucking awful.
just go to /games/. At this point whats needed is a Holla Forums replacement or for mark to step down. Most anons won't leave Holla Forums because of brand loyalty believe it or not. People WANT to be on a legacy board
Mark also seems to try and talk out his ass way to much. Sometimes I'm not even sure which end is which