Jesus that's a disappointing resolution, did I miss anything big or is that all there is to it? Is the sequel worth playing? This just seems like a big let down, I was expecting more. I still enjoyed the game though, and I pirated it anyways.
Play Hotline Miami after remembering how long ago Holla Forums hailed it as top notch
There's a special place in hell for cunts like you
It's a 5 year old game, and it's not visible from the catalog view. Give me a break.
Nobody knows there's a spoiler before reading it unless it's marked with the spoiler tag. No breaks for you m8
Saged and reported. I hope you get assraped wihtout lube in hell by Satan.
Was this game even good? I heard it was gamemakee
It's indietrash that only low-t numales play
It's a short fun game. HM2 however is a study on how not to do level design.
I don't see how the reveal could be satisfying after all the druggy hallucinogenic ambiguity. They could have kept things completely obscure and you'd be pissed, or they could reveal and you'd still be pissed, because it wouldn't match what's in your head or the satisfaction of mystery.
The plot is a mess and is inconsistent with itself. There's nothing to spoil.
hm2 is good because no shit music but didn't like characters being different and even some being 'weaker' like the son.
hm1 is almost good but has shit music that completely ruins it
also 0 arcade mode.
So are there any games that have mysteries and vague plotlines, and ARE resolved interestingly and satisfyingly?
Call of Chtulhu Dark Corners of the Eart.
Does anyone else play this game with mouse and gamepad? The setup hard to figure out but I like it.
Not specifically this but something similar.
I don't play FOTM games, and this game screamed FOTM to me
The nationalists want to break off the alliance because it's not really one per se. The game is set in an AU where America got into WWIII with Russia over Hawaii being invaded by Ivan and despite almost successfully recapturing the islands, SanFran gets nuked and it capitulates the US (for some reason in this dystopic world the death of the Bay Area is not seen as a good thing). The Russians peacefully occupy most of the US without making them renounce their freedom, but they import their own Mafyia in the country. Obviously pissed off at their govt being such incompetent morons, a bunch of ex-military personnel, under the instructions of a fat commander wearing a panther's skin on his face, start making the phone calls threatening people to destroy their lives if they don't go around murdering others (what they've been doing to you too, by the way you're also ex military and so is Beard who is the guy who saved you ass back in Hawaii, but it's on the house). Since in no way in hell it should have worked, even the "masterminds" (the Janitors who are just self insert of the devs) are shocked at how easy people get pissed and go around murdering slavs and spics.
Now the idea behind the first game is that you're just one of the many people who get scammed into joining the AWDS, pretty much, or 50 Blessings. Not you as in Jacket, but you as in the Player, because you seek the cheap thrill of hardcore vidya gameplay of gruesomely murdering people at your own leisure or some other leftcuck "vidya r art MGS2 is my favorite title ever" lesson. When you play HM2, you're basically doing the exact same, only even worse because you just want more of the same and the devs' keikaku is to make every character in 2 a worse version of the ones in 1. The main idea behind both games is that there's things that are much bigger and greater than you going on, but if only you stopped caring about your escapism for a moment you'd realize that. Obviously it doesn't fucking work because if I am playing vidya I've had enough bullshit from the world throughout the day, but that's pretty much what's going on. Oh also Beard died in SanFran and in the end everyone gets nuked to the stone age, except for the Son (Tommivan Wiseauski) who ascends to a higher plane of existence and presumably Biker who is just hanging around the desert getting hallucinations instead of being a citycuck.
Also while all of this is going on back in Russia a bunch of underground fighting gypsies who got injected with some experimental drug (presumably the same shit they're importing in the US during the HM1-2 events) revolt against the Russian govt and for odd reasons instead of being gunned down they manage to beat riot cops all the way to the Kremlin where they murder NotGorbachev.
One of the reasons visual novels are so popular is that they have a hard-on for this kind of thing.
What kind of ending were you expecting?
I'm sorry, when did this happen?
It's from mother russia bleeds, that beat em up that looked good at e3 but came out and was mediocre
He's trying to tie in another devolver published game, Mother Russia Bleeds, likely from the incestuous clusterfuck of references each game has to others.
Oh, it came out and was mediocre? That's a real shame.
Don't play the sequel. It's a case of level design so objectively bad that it ruins the game. Normally level design isn't something people talk about except to maybe say it was bland, but in the case of HM2 it's so absurdly fucking bad that almost everyone realizes it. It's completely at odds with the gameplay. Many, many times you'll get shot by enemies you can't see without using that far look mechanic (which you obviously can't do in every direction at once) and the levels are littered with glass windows which makes you extremely vulnerable to the millions of gun enemies. The pacing is very slow because of the bad level design.
It gets better after you get good tbh
Well you missed out. It's pretty fuckin good.
Of course you're going to fall back to the "gitgud :^)))))" shit. Some of the shit is objectively bad, like how some levels have patrolling enemies in massive areas where you risk being shot from any direction at any moment. And since you have to pick enemies off from far away, they're going to hear your gunshots too and come shooting at you from outside your view.
HM1 had some amount of having to get used to the levels too by dying over and over, but it's ten times worse in HM2. Maps are larger and you're at risk of getting instantly shot by an aimbot that saw you from behind him at just about all times through two windows. You can't rush like in HM1 because, once again, if you do that you're going to get shot the instant you pass by some windows and three guards spot you at once. Using only melee isn't even remotely viable unless you spend tens of hours on every map to find out every little quirk and detail about the AI (and then you'll still die a fuckton simply because of the random element).
You can spend hundreds of hours in any single game to learn it inside out, but that doesn't mean it's a good game. It's like saying that DmC or whatever shitty game you particularly dislike is a great game because you spent five hundred hours in it to memorize every enemy placement and AI quirk.
This "player has 1 health" meme has to stop, give the player more health but add more mechanics such as limping and bleeding. The camera is pointlessly jittery, why didn't they just make it like a proper top down shooter controls? The music is blaring and gay as fuck. The colors strain your eyes. The story is edgy trash that sounds like it was written by a high schooler. Overall, it has some potential, but at the current state it's an overrated meme game.
Are you literally autistic?
Dont forget the "Crouch down to avoid bullet fire" enemies
The first part of Dead Ahead was a pain
The devs are Swedish. They only chose Miami as a setting because they really like the movie Drive.
Drive took place in LA retard
Looks like trash to me. I don't intend to ever play it.
I guess the swedes are retarded then
no, your the retarded one.
There is.
It is not good as the first one but you should play it for the sake of Richter. OST is also better in my opinion.
The level design in hotline miami 1 isnt that good either in the second half. The instakill gameplay doesnt really fit large levels with a ton of enemies. I will stay away from 2 if thats the case. The music is top notch of course and the graphics are in my opinion good, but the gameplay to hotline miami comes and goes
If there was a meme edit of Hotline Miami, which masks should be in it, and what would their function be?
Spurdo - Finnish translation
A mask of your face attracts every penis in the room directly to the player's anus
Bane mask: punches kill, same as tony.
Patrick Bateman: not a mask, part of the campaign like HM2: x2 combo multiplier.
Chen: footsteps produce a honk sound effect, alerts enemies nearby.
CIA: another character part of the campaign: Plays like Pardo and starts every stage with a pistol.
Jimmies Gorilla: able to take two extra melee hits or one extra bullet before death.
EFG mask: translate everything into L33tspeak and put a stupid filter over the game to simulate an Anonymous announcement video.
If you liked the story of Hotline Miami 1 then you should definitely play 2. It gives a lot of context of what's happening in and around the first game and also gives a pretty satisfying ending to the whole series Hotline Miami 3 never ever
Guy Fawkes mask = edgy hacker on steroids
Trollface = Random controls that switch during gameplay
😂 = psychedelic colours and trippy music, blood & guts is rainbow-coloured
Rage face = like ‘frenzy’ in ‘Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines’ – you are almost invisible, but you have limited control
Hide the pain Harold = you can take twice as much damage
Actually, the Russian son died in the end of the Apocalypse level. After consuming too much of the new drug his mob created, and killing his own men and Jacket's fans in the process that he saw as monsters, he hallucinated into going to Valhalla, but he was in fact falling from the roof of his headquarters. After Manny kills Tony and walks to his car, you can see a corpse covered in a white blanket outside the building, that's what's left of the son.
Yeah, the devs really did not want to leave the door open for Hotline 3
do you have that? I want that.
I had this idea for a sequel, actually. Every playable character wakes up in an afterlife where the conventional laws of nature, time and space are not adhered to so, for example, Evan and Jake may run into each other and, when they next meet, Jake runs into him again 10 minutes later but Evan says he's been wandering aimlessly for several days. I'm thinking the afterlife would bear a strong resemblance to Egyptian mythology's underworld where the soul must embark on an arduous journey to meet with Anubis to have his heart weighed against a feather. If his heart is too heavy: he gets eaten by Sobek, the crocodile-headed god.
2 is 3, though. There is no Hotline Miami 2, it hasn't been made yet.
No, I just use a PS4 controller and mouse.
Isn’t Suda51 working on that?
Or was that all a prank.
Suda is too busy sucking Nippon Ichi Software's dick to work on anything
Gondola: Enemies ignore you. You can't hurt enemies.
Play the sequel, it explains alot more shit and shows the aftermath as well as the beard guys story
Good post. Was the US actually occupied and puppeted though? Annexing the mainland USA wouldn't be feasible at all. I though the leaders just cucked out after the nuke, signed a peace deal to prevent a nuclear war and mightily triggered the army and the militia. I have no idea why would you give up after losing San Fagcisco.
What are you, 12?
Don't pretend you wouldn't have bitched about "muh injury mechanic dragging down gameplay" had that been the case.
Doomguy helmet – every kill is now done as a QTE, and only 12 enemies at the map at one time
Red user – you start with no weapons, half the health
Femanon – Unlimited ammo & health
Moonman – All enemies are niggers, kikes, & SJWs; cracks jokes & makes snappy one-liners
not-LEGO head – everything is awesome brickified
Ruski – only weapons found are bricks, glass bottles & AKs
New Zealand Fail Guy – enemies will just laugh at you and won’t attack you unless provoked