Have you ever met a girl playing online vidya?

Have you ever met a girl playing online vidya?


Even I'm not THAT autistic.

Why wouldn't you want to meet a girl?
Haven't you heard of the stories of people meeting while playing online games then getting married?
Don't you want that?
Do you want to sell a story?

Was your anime girl pic that much more important than just fucking embedding?

Don’t care. This isn’t cuckchan.

Yes. It filters out shitters, like you.
Thank you.

Yeah. An private RO server some years back. The bitch was crazy as fuck and loved fucking in public. Left her ass when she brought up subject of me letting her fucking other guys.

Did you really just filter me because you are too retarded to embed? This place is fucked.

Uh, yeah?
But what does it matter?

Yeah. I raped and murdered her L O L.

You're confused, newfag.
I love you though.

> suspicious that she is a he because there are no girls on the internet and a host of other suspicious things

is it still gay if they live stream a video of themselves sticking a toothbrush in their twat?


share story

Met two girls from video games.

The first one was a girl I met playing Brood War with. We ended up doing lots of 2v2s and UMS things together. This was maybe 10 years ago now, as I had just got out of college and was looking for somewhere to go. I ended up moving in with her, since she was in the same state. She was a huge pervert online but ended up being a huge fucking prude in real life. I thought it was just me because I was a deviant hypersexual who browses image boards that are 99% porn 23 hours a day, but everyone knew her as "christian girl" even though she wasn't religious. We fought about the pettiest of stuff, so I left and forgot about her.

The other one I met was in a different state, but we're the same kind of fucked up. We played ARPGs and other stuff together after we met. She's not really good at stuff but she's still fun. When I actually met her, she ended up being a real prostitute. She didn't try to charge me for her time or anything shitty, but I also didn't want to die of aids, so that's gone. She's really pretty though.

Women who are willing to meet you in games typically fucking suck. The best girl I ever met was from Facebook.

isn't this all that matters?

I wouldn't befriend a shower shitter.

Yes, and to be fair the only girls who EVER bring attention to their gender outside asking them are the ones that are typically attentionwhores.

Actually my last encounter with a woman in vidya reminded me why I don't play online much anymore

Never give children and women mod powers in games

just realized i haven't played online games since ro

That's a nice sentiment, but when you let someone into your life you also let in all their problems as well.

A few. I always lose contact with them though that goes for everyone I meet
I just want some buddies to play vidya with.

this, pretty much, good luck to ya

Yes and immediately muted her.

It was pretty embarrassing, I wish I could just talk to people in general instead

I probably met a few. Those that let it slip they're actually girls tend to be traps.

y-you can play with me anytime

I met my best friends browsing 4chan and I know someone who met their wife on Holla Forums.

I suppose. It depends how close you allow yourself to get to said person. An equal number of "doors" and "walls" tends to stop those things in their tracks though.

My old ops manager married his gf that he met through Wow and they just happen to live iin the same city. It was very fortunate of them, so I wouldn't call it normally possible.

With how shut in I am, something like that is my only hope.

I'm gonna die alone…

I met plenty of girls while playing WoW. Most were boring, some were attentionwhores. One was cool, but she was a pvefag, and i'm not into that shit. Pve is shit.

We can die alone together, if that makes any sense.

Bee yourself. Keep playing vidya. You will find someone. The only problem is when virgin fags suddenly stop acting like spactic retards once they find out the person they were talking to are female(female). Don't fall for the meme. Literally BEE YOURSELF.

ok i posted this story here and there but never the full thing so here we go

lets call her sweet tits

and thats how i had my best vacation.

also sorry for the long post

Brothers in loneliness.

Problem is that myself is a bit of a emotional spaz that can't stop overthinking everything and tends to push people away because of my own pride not accepting them.

I never met a girl on vida, but I well I did meet a guy who kinda changed my life. Now am a faggot who loves the dick. Funny thing is he's the most stable relationship I ever had.I have a wonderful guy.

I mean I get the whole joke thing meme, but like. Thing was I never considered dating a man until him, was straight for years.

He pretty much showed me guy's are pretty much better in every aspect, only thing we men lack is pussy's and boobs. Like, seriously that's it. I pretty much know you guys would fuck guy if you comfortable with it. that's why the term trap exists.

Like serious, men are just better, and don't come with the emotional bullshit women bring.

If you met someone and you were friends with. Played vidya together and shit. And suddenly you played a vidya where voice chat is common. Would you act different if you heard a female voice? Why would you? Why would you act different? The fuck you got to lose? Literally bee urself.

Imma chuck a live grenade in that box, force her head back in, sit on it and pretend she's Schrödinger's cat.


A couple times. Most of the time they're just there playing like an average person. Except this one time.

mfw I black knighted and became legend.

the weird part is, this is kinda true, go in expecting everyone you know it's a guy so you're not a sperg, or more of a sperg than usual

i've never met a trap worth talking, they all were kinda self-absorbed and shitty, you do you though man


This is the truth. The problem is that spergs, just like myself, suddenly act different after finding out the person I've been talking to, were friends, were killing faggots with, is a GIRL and it all goes down hill from then.
Why? Why does that happens?

because we start to think IT will happen in the back of our minds, maybe we don't wanna admit it, that's always been the problem with me, i hate it

I'm a girl. Give me (You)s.

Sorry to hear that man, that sucks, to be fair, I'm not dating a trap, for me I look past looks for the most part. I mean if they take care of them self's decently then that's good enough.

I get its weird, it was for me a long time.

I mean, their's really nothing actually wrong with being gay, gay's are happier than most straight couples so. I guess their's the dominance structure. But it's just about finding what works.

You’re not, because you don’t know the rules.

you just couldn't resist could you?

You're right, user. People in general though….. I wouldn't say they scare me as much as I just don't get along well with people. Not even trying to sound like an edge lord. I just have trouble connecting with people on any serious level or know how to keep people in my life. It's tough. I never really made friends as a child. I hope now I can get more into gaming and hopefully meet cool people online at least. But it's a gamble to really find the right kinds of people through that method.

But like I said, you're right. I don't have much else to lose. What's one more embarrassing memory if I fuck up?

"met" as in met up physically or just became online buddies? cuz any female online buddies i had turned out to be the worst autismos and usually became tumblrites.

tits or gtfo
Mentally ill crossdressers need not apply.

Get fucked blizz and crazy cunt.

sorry, sorry, i misunderstood, what you wrote, still man, i'm happy for you, i dunno if i'll ever date a guy, seeing as i go for feminine people
i've had lots of manly guys come on to me, like real hard and that's put me off to them

i just hope everyone in this thread gets what they're looking for

I hope the same honestly, too many sad anons.

I'm tired of tits. Post collar bones.

May your trips grant your wish, dear user.

Enjoy your AIDS, fagtron.

I had a friend who married a hamplanet he met online. He was happy, so it must have been for him.
I've known this to happen since RS2. I had a friend in-game, who had a 'girlfriend' in-game as well. He ended up freaking out one day, so I'm sure she was a he.
I've had friends tell me stories of guildmates who hooked up with trannies that they met in a certain mmo. It was fucking gross and they all left the guild shortly before I found out.
No. That shit is cancer and the women are bottom of the barrel more often than not.

on-line friends only. You don't want to deal with the psychos offline as well. There are a lot of good people online, but it's best to keep the friendship there.

You fucked up there. It along with a lot of stream-able games are pure fucking cancer now. Just look at how retarded hats got in tf2.

This is where you fucked up. Don't ever get into their personal life beyond what they tell you at the moment.
That's always a bad sign. You should have kept them at a distance at all times.

yeah I couldn't agree more.

These moderators are cancer.

You know you only get aids when you tear open something inside of the body, which you can avoid a lot of ways. It can also happened to a women by the way, and you get aids that way. The asshole needs to gental loving, which you don't what that is by your reaction.

Holla Forums is a den of newfags

But… No one asked for this, faggots everyone!

post the one picture where he posted his dick on Holla Forums and that avatarfag was all "Oh."

That sounds an awful lot like a lie someone with AIDS would tell you.

Holy shit, this really is what gays believe.

i didn't save anything of his

What did he mean by this?

it was some cap from a thread, i always found funny

No, I don't think girls play online vidya.

That post you responded to a minute ago.
Did the AIDS make you forget?

Alright Holla Forums, you've successfully convinced me there's a genuine gay agenda with all the bullshit I just read.

Sorry, I have to say something. The fact that you call fucking CS:S a "stream-able" game really shows how underage you are. Please kys.

wish i had more stuff saved from the old days



Games with online components are almost always shit, so no.

I met some grills playing SS13 years back
Never got to know them very well because I'm an antisocial asshole that can't into human connection

Yes. "She" had a bigger penis than me.

So what's the problem

I was too "shallow" a person then.

That joke works on like three levels
Well done

pfft… women, amirite?

Motherfucker what details are you leaving out? I firmly believe all women are crazy but getting this kind of reaction is close to impossible under normal circumstances.

I have the best gf

Come the fuck on.

Do you stick your tits in between her dicks?

anyone up for some worms armageddon?
not a girl tbh

< don't ever fucking breed
< oh you won't, carry on.

Anyone have the rest of the screencap? I only have the picture.

What are you, gay?
You might as well just get a fleshlight or something if you're too closeted for that but not closeted enough to just fuck a woman


Yes and it resulted in the worst mistake of my life.

And that's the story of how I was the pathetic fucking loser who had an online relationship. I still wonder if she told me the truth but I'll never really know and haven't talked to her or her circle of friends since. Games we played not included out of fear of me or her being recognized.

Girls have notoriously bad taste in vidya. If you're meeting them online, you're probably a shit taste faggot.

You have a boyfriend.

why would you sit in a chair like that, the only point of reclining is to lean back on something and like that she'd have as sore lower back in no time


she was taking a different dick, you shoulda been wary the moment she made excuses even

I considered it unlikely as she's a neet and shy as all fuck, but frankly if she out and said that was the case I would of probably taken it better. If she out right admit to being a bitch then she's a bitch, but I am left to wonder.

I really wish girls didn't have shit taste in games. And I only dated one girl who was super down to play any game I showed her and get in to it, wish more were like that.

Yeah, that never happened faggot

only makes her more likely to hop to the next piece of positive attention. women are horrifying. but yet the urge to find that nice girl will overwhelm us all

It did, but she was also 18 and I was 22 so she let me guide her in a lot of shit. It's a rare situation and I haven't encountered it before or sense. Usually when I get girls to play games they want to play terrible shit like the sims.

My wife and I met in an online match of DOA2Ultimate.

Neither of us used mics, but I forgot to unplug my mic from my previous game. I ended up cussing her out because she was spamming Hayabusa's 3 kick right trigger attack. She heard me, plugged in her mic, and apologized because she's just learning Hayabusa. I apologized back and told her I don't usually use my mic for fighting games because of this. We began to chat, then learned we lived in the same city (Los Angeles) and started hanging then dating, then getting married. Now our first child is due in November and we're about to move into our first condo that we bought.

I've met several years ago. It's nothing really special to me since I just seem to attract autistic girls it seems. Not as much anymore since I'm nowhere near as social online anymore. The times when I do talk to others they usually enjoy my company and want me to add them but I generally follow a rule to never add anyone I meet via matchmaking. Not that I would want to these days since most people in general (especially the cancer I play) are pretty cringey or absolutely awful. Even then, that's when someone does talk and/or willing to work together rather than chilling out and listening to music. Finding good teammates is a near nigh fucking impossible task.

I kind of miss meeting more people online years ago. It was a time where there were much more autistic faggots like me who were talking than some dudebro.

You haven't interacted much with women then.

but the sims is good user

Yep, they have typically been crazy or hambeasts. Always had one of them try to hit on me whenever they heard my voice over the mic. So now I only have my mic on when speaking with friends on Discord. Trying to meet women outside the internet generally means dealing with women who like casual normalfag shit like League of Legends or Pokemon.

Hey, I played it with her. I just want a girl who can get all the way through Splinter Cell Chaos Theory and Xbox version of Double Agent.

why xbox version specifically?

It's a whole different game made by the original team and feels a lot closer to Chaos Theory. I would actually rather play the Xbox version over the HD version. Also weird and of note is that the PS2/NGC versions are also a different game, based on the Xbox version but with levels cut up and reduced to run on the lesser hardware.

I didn't know that, that's pretty interesting

The only woman I know introduced me to Shmups which tend to be my go to when I just want to become a lump on the couch.

Now I need to find a copy of that.

I became really good friends with an awkward Russian girl in an MMO I played who seemed to have a crush on me but I was too autistic to return the sentiment. She played a lot more than me so would always help me gain items and run content others wouldn't want to take me to with me. She'd even give me really awkward long PMs trying to explain things any time she did awkward stuff or we had a disagreement. She kept asking to see a picture of me but I never sent her one. For the last few weeks I still spoke to her she seemed really depressed, then without any warning she never logged in again, I'm pretty sure my autistic aloofness didn't help, I'll think of this on my deathbed.

I remember a few burger girls found my accent sexy but I found their interest more disturbing. I have no idea if this is just something that americlaps are used to or what. My accent isn't even that great.

Sounds pretty hilarious. Good luck on the kid. Do you two still play any good vidya together? I can't imagine playing anything that isn't shit together.

You'll be surprised what some girls are into. Although the bell curve of how many of the ones that do play something that isn't casual shit is quite sharp.

We don't play a lot of other games together besides co-op musou games. We do co-op on the Souls games, but I mostly play JRPGs and she likes to replay Dark Souls 2, 3, Bloodborne, SMT: Nocturne, SMT Digital Devil Saga, and Ocarina of Time over and over

I met a girl once, playing Rift when it had that Raptr giveaway, a rogue. We ended up playing together for a few years after that, but eventually lost touch when she left the game. We did end up coming back to it around the same time, during that crazy underwater expansion, but we didn't end up playing all that much together. Never really found out of it was really a girl though, but I guess I didn't really care beyond curiosity. Didn't really bother trying to get in touch outside of the game either.


Yeah, weird right? Seems like the guys at Montreal just wanted to make one last game on the Chaos Theory engine. Ubisoft really kind of screwed them though by making the HD version made by the secondary studio (Shanghai, of fucking course) the main advertised version.

I bought a sealed new as the day it was released copy for $20. I'm also a pirate, but at that price I was like "why not?".

Sometimes it nice to have a physical copy of something to toss on a shelf or something.

I didn't even read this but it gave me secondhand autism

What MMO? I hope she's still alive. That would be an absolute shame if she did end up dead. She sounded cute from the way you described her but I share that sentiment about pictures. I never would ever want to post a picture of myself online.

She better have played Majora's mask otherwise I may have to call her a pleb.

I remember I had a friend who used to always point out whenever there was a girl on the team and I just didn't really even care. He made it out as some kind of special event and not even in the ironic sense. I still don't understand the holy grail of that kind of shit unless I'm fucking with them.

This. I never understood the motivation to not having a digital copy. I prefer having a physical disk so I can just load it up every now and then when I want it. Although no longer having a DVD drive does make that a little more annoying.



It just never really came up beyond one guy in an instance group asking if she was really a girl and she said yeah. That was about it and it never really went any farther, we just continued to play the game together.

Doesn't help when you're an only child and you have cousins younger than you already starting families of their own. Holiday gatherings are getting more and more awkward every year

You never exchanged pictures either?

No we did.

Was she at least cute? Mind posting them?

This. It's the only way to confirm you're telling the truth.

I picked up a girl at an EverQuest convention and ended up dating her.
I went to a couple of them. the spergs went to the panels, everybody I knew went out drinking in whatever city the thing was in. getting drunk with verant staffers and listening to them bitch about their shitty jobs was fun. sometimes we'd use the old trick of getting a smoking room (this was a looong time ago) in a convention hotel and they'd give you a suite with a bar for the price of a regular room.


Long since deleted, I kind of purged everything I had of her, she was curvy, wore glasses, and had long hair. I had no interest in any kind of revenge of the sort, but I suppose I could of gotten it, I'll only say that she's pervy and an artist, put two and two together.

I'll lose no sleep over whether you believe me or not, even if I still had them I would consider it too risky of this coming back to me with a friend of hers seeing this and realizing who I am. I'd rather leave it all behind me really, the story is perhaps enough as it is.

The girl that I am currently living with initially entered our relationship with some terrible taste. She's been playing basically nothing but MMOs for half her life.

UO > EQ > City of Heroes > WoW
With the occasional dungeon crawler like Diablo 2, Torchlight, etc.

She's always willing to play any game that I put in front of her, which is awesome. But I realized right away that she just isn't fun to play things with. She has that raider/spreadsheet mentality, and she has to min/max everything we play. If I play a game for 40 hours, she'll end up playing it for 400. She'll digest every bit of information about it, break things down into spreadsheets and work out the most optimal way to play the game.

I actually really hate playing games with her now, because she makes them incredibly unfun.

Too autistic for friends, let alone girlfriends. At least I have wizard powers to look forward to using soon.

And you both liked each other?

She probably did meet someone else somehow, or was brainwashed by a feminist friend or something maybe.

>she's pervy and an artist
I've dated someone of the same combo previously. She drew porn of us. It was kind of weird.

I met a girl playing quake live and all she plays is instagib all night every night. she was pretty good too.

I think he's trying to say she has a tumblr.

Thankfully not. I don't even play online vidya that much.

also timestamp for proofs

woah, thats fucking cool, kind of? I mean. Actually yeah I don't know how I'd feel about that

This did happen around when black lives matter kicked off with it's shit, and some of her friends were the two faced kind of sort regarding junk like that, not to mention she was starting to get in touch with a lot of other artists. That's probably the worse case scenario in my head. Like I said if she was seeing someone else then she's a bitch and I can move on from that, but if some one else was quietly subverting her view of me, then that's tough to swallow.

she never drew porn of us, that she showed me at least, but she did offer I suggest things at times

She actually does but that's not what I meant, saying more is too risky.

Chubby girl, makes art, pervy, tumblr, glasses
That could only be half of the tumblr userbase.

I would know, i can think of at least 12 people i follow that fit that description. Long hair included.
Or does she come here too and wanna avoid her seeing this?

I doubt she was taking a real dick, she turned her attention on another of her prospects more related to the game or whatever she moved onto would be my guess, wanting to latch onto whoever was the top dog there and bleed his status onto herself.

There is a lot of delusion and naiveté in this thread, women do NOT have interests like men do, you find a girl who likes games? It's because she likes a guy who likes games, or thinks it's a way to get attention from guys since she isn't getting it elsewhere. This is true of ALL female hobbies that involve other people in any way shape or form and many that don't. The brightside to this is, if you find a girl who is into you, you can easily get her into anything you are into, but it will always just be skin deep, it's how they are with everything that isn't a relationship. Another tip on how to weed out women who are leading you on, you WON'T be able to make them change what their interest or behavior is to suit you.

Yeah, but instead they come with AIDS and all other kinds of STDs, but especially AIDS.

I said curvy not chubby, perhaps more curvy above than below. And honestly I have no idea what she is up to now, probably for the best.

Never ever, girls being fan of vidya are a greek myth.

It has always been a fantasy of mine, not even specifically a girl, but just meeting a group of cool people I can play vidya with, talk about whatever and maybe even meet up with.

There were two times I can recall when something like this happened yo me, but in both times I was just a little kid (fucking maplestory man, I miss it.) and I guess ever since then I wanted to recreate it as an adult.

It breaks my heart that all MMOs and multiplayer games seem like shit nowadays.

Now I understand why you're called Holla Forumsirgins.

Jesus Christ, you're deluded and desperate beyond comprehension.


I don't know where you came from but you need to go back

Yes, I meet a cute little girl called Mark

Women always sperg out when they're hiding something despicable. She cheated on you or did something equally as bad, if not worse to you.

I can assure you, you had a relationship with her, given how much time you both invested into this fucking mess. But the moment you found out she was unwilling to meet should've been the point where you should've ditched her and cut all contact. I think in her eyes you were just giving her the attention she never got from her dad and boosting her ego, enough to ready her up for a man she's actually interested in.

All in all, I have a worse story than yours, so if anyone is interested I'll greentext it.

Yes I have, and it was horrible

Too bad the community died off over the years, it was nice most of the time

It is nice, but the worst part is watching them die one by one, they stop connecting, they have jobs, college, girlfriends, eventually it's you and the other hardcore autist who never say a word. I'd ask you to play together but I'm not cool or a group

Most of those partners high sex partner ratio high std gays are located in commiefornia and those fags love to brag about it. gotta love the (((liberal))) agenda of divide and conquer. Take a minority group give them a voice and money and then pimp them out and degrade and degenerate them but provide for them as long as they do your bidding and corrupt others. they gotta give puritans the exact thing they need to hate to drive extremism : ). If you think they are not making them the exact image that the puritan conservatives like to hate on purpose your not paying attention.


They are pure garbage. The good ones are so few, that you might as well just avoid work or game contact with them and only focus on the persuit of sex.
Games or work with girls automatically become SHIT. PURE SHIT. They are designed to be casual so they can fit in with the pack. Their *I'm different* boils down to jeans with holes in them,a random piece of clothing and the different ways in which they go berserk when menstruating.

To be honest I've always wanted to fuck a "girl" with a bigger dick than me. I wanna watch that shit throb and beg for release as I pound their asshole until they make a huge mess on their stomach from the prostate simulation while I shoot my seed deep in their stomach I have such a fucking weird relationship with dicks I swear to god. I'd never put on inside me in anyway but goddamn the way they react to stimulus is so much hotter than vaginas

You are just brainwashed by gookshit hentai. Dicks don't explode from prostate simulation as in your futa cartoons.

mandatory pleading for video source.

I've seen it happen user, its just harder to keep an erection without direct contact let alone cum from it. A lot of gay porn has floppy dicked dudes because they arent actually aroused and cant fake arousal and orgasms like women can. That or the person in question has fucked their shit up with HRT. Yes it does take a bit of prep work but prostate orgasms do happen.

-t. Dick Expert

Just spit out yogurt on the guy's back, it's not that difficult (^:


I'm not arguing if they can or cannot happen. I'm arguing that they are completely different from those shown in gookshit hentai where the futa is fucking screaming and gushing all over the place. Still prostate orgasms suck. No idea why anyone would want to cum like that.

Why deal with the emotional bullshit that women bring when you can deal with the emotional bullshit + real-life diseases that homosexuals bring?

Your own company is the best company is all I'm getting from these threads


I guess, but I just like seeing it happen

Homos should be flayed alive.

It's really more like "Don't care about anything, because it will be used against you later."

Edgemasters might be onto something.


Women ruin everything.

Generally speaking, any girl that isn't an attention whore with vidya is either a lesbo, or someone with some deep seated issues. Almost no girl you meet in vidya is worth the trouble. Unless you have below average standards and are only interested in a one night stand.

Also this

good job OP

bump :^)

Great moderation you got there

You've got it figured out user.

You deserve it. I'm so suck of this banter bullshit.
And even when I'm going hard as a motherfucker carrying the whole team you still do it to piss me off.

Get fucked.

this has to be the shittiest theard of the week. check em

Not going to convince anyone of anything using 40 year out-of-date sources man.

or in society/politics

mature post

Because I'm a meat robot who likes spending time alone that much. I wake up, work on going to work, go to work, come home and work some more on chores, then work the dumbbells or books depending on the day, spend any remaining time on working the vidya, go to sleep, repeat. And I enjoy it all very much. I don't feel like I'm missing anything from not having a girl.

>playing Dota 2
>25 people join, then lowers to 14 after party leader switches to pudge wars
>jokingly/angrily tells me to fuck myself for what I did when we first started playing (I built for speed to get easy instant kills)
She ended up going back to the United Cuckingdom to go help her elderly mother and we grew apart. Still, it was a good few months.

This, except I also do it for all friends and not just girlfriends. Why do I need friends? Everybody I've ever met has been a complete pleb or brought along all kinds of drama and problems.

I mean name of anime.

It's called
generic haremshit for weebfaggots

I don't like the ones where they do anal though. Anal's gay.

Not when the balls don't touch.

This is some prime bait


>>>Holla Forums

maybe you shouldn't stick your dick in things you shouldn't faggot

46 year old german abomination with an XX chromosome, commonly (though incorrectly) referred to as "woman", disgusting.
I'd understand if she was asian so she doesn't age until late 60's with good diet and cosmetics.

Yes, it's not even that rare. Why?

Oh sorry, I thought you were delusional, instead you are just a plain faggot.

We have IDs here, faggot.

Met dude in ff14, played for weeks- get to talking, after weeks of thinking im playing with a dude it turns out to be a female, found out we lived close, decided to meet. Cutie dress wearing girl.

Three years later, we live together, play video games daily and I enjoy a life of a having a traditional relationship where I work- and she stays home, cooks, cleans, and cock services on demand. Hyper loyal, and was a virgin when we met.

its not all bad anons! Just most of them!

Oh boy, here we go again.
>one day i tease her asking if she likes girls
>"I only like boys, not sure about the age tho"
>I reply "haha, i made you like that!"
>"Yes user, yes you did"
>Tfw i might have lead this girl to things with adults
>Fucked up my age of consent perception, and my conscience
>Fucking worth it, i'd do it again

I don’t like girls.

Sounds like scamming people out of shinies is pretty great

Every woman is a slut, some just have a higher price.

I fear the day when pokemon will have a real chat. The shout-out feature was 20 letters cap & heavily censored.
Kids should be denied access to the internet.

You are still young yet, you're preaching to someone probably 10+ years older than yourself if you are just now realizing all women are whores.

you're disgusting; just letting whatever arouses you overcome you and turn you into such filth
better hope Holla Forums doesn't find out about it

I don't know what your definition of "not bad" is then.

As huge nerd I got quite a few stories like that.

First GF was from playing counterstrike even.

And that was the best relationship I ever had. She was taller than me but she didnt have any psychotic tendencies like the huge majority of girlgamers have. She was shy, cute and interesting as well.
And she was a 9/10 to boot, which Id never have gotten irl in my 17yo state since I had acne.

Another one:

Ive never seen her again afterwards, no idea if she was too ashamed or if she offed herself for good, Im guessing the later, she seemed very strange and self destructive, wouldnt be surprised if she was on drugs even at that point.
Oh and yes she was fucked up already before all that ,she told me at some point that she was date.raped when she was 15. by.. a nigger, what a surprise.

Ill do another story, never met up irl tho cause she flaked out, just gotta keep the balance here so anons dont fall for the girlgamer meme.

Didnt meet her in a game tho, but has to do with vidya.

And that was the end of it… or it wasnt.

She came back after a month cause her douchebag ex dumped her, and she went naked on cam, again, to cum buckets, again.
That went on for 2weeks and then she stopped, prob cause I asked for more than that since I was nowhere near over her.

She messaged me again every now and then for years, Im glad Im off that ride tho.
Shes the perfect example of why you shouldnt ever date gamergirls
Her current bf told her he loves her best friend before they met up, she still went out with him regardless.
A year later that same bf had to go out of the room and hide there til she was done skyping with her exboyfriend from 2years ago to not hurt his feelings.
The worst thing of all tho is that she wanted Rand Paul to win the presidency.

So stay the fuck away from girlgamers, find a cutie girl outside and get her into gaming, everything else is a trainwreck waiting to ruin your life.

Better find a good guyfriend to play vidya with, no drama involved, and your nongamer gf can make you some tasty food while you play.
Girls suck at video games anyways.

Where can I get a fat wife who plays games with me all day? On reddit everyone has a fat wife who buys them snacks when their shitty new AAA preorder arrives.

ironically they are the perfect couple

big fuckin news, that's nature at work buddy

They like to talk and there is always the virgin faggots that will start conversations because they think they will fuck them

So if you play online you will meet them, you can hope its in a game you can mute people

No shit m8. Just a reminder for the people here that still believe in the 3d virgin waifu.