Ah fuck, didn't pay attention to the ID.
pls see
My line of thinking is purely MP. I highly admire OpenMW, but I'm not likely to use it for general play too much. Multiplayer is the draw for me.
Consider that one of the most appealing things of SWG was that you simply lived your life, doing star warsy things while still staying relatively grounded. Jedi were suitably rare (for a while), you weren't anyone particularly special. You weren't the hero of the main story, you as a character just were.
My personal ideal is something along those lines - except in Morrowind. Morrowind map, Morrowind mechanics. The problem of everyone simultaneously being the Nerevarine is a thorny one, but it can be addressed later.
From an MP standpoint, it's a good stand-in for guilds. Bonus points if the first person to a certain high rank gets to control membership and kick players out.
It would make sense to add the functionality as an option. Everyone likes housing, and it's comfy as fuck to put candles and odds and ends in appropriate places. I'm thinking it will require work on the MP end (LUA script?) simply because you're dealing with treating players differently.
I know, but not everyone will be playing a wizard.
Still worth stating.
The game is far too obscure to be able to rely on p2p, and with different mods between different servers, it'll just be fragmented even further. Pulling directly from a mod repo eliminates that issue.
Tons of potential for abuse if you let characters just roam around freely between servers. I'd consider that to be fairly low priority.
Keep in mind that all of this is slightly longer term. Custom items and stability seem like the highest priorities.
Honestly, I'd love to see proximity chat on both text and voice. bonus points for sound filters so high elves all sound higher pitched and whiney, dunmer are low and harsh, etc.