anyone else playing this game?
do you guys have any good survival stories?
how long have you gone without dieing?
what's your current playthrough like?
Cataclysm DDA
And I was this close from building my own villa in the middle of the town.
They also buffed number of Zs in latest versions. Have to slaughter a hundred of them before I was able to move around from spawn location. Also shockers are buffed too.
Yeah, fuck you. I'm all for challenge but thats a little to much for me.
I played a bit of this quite a few years ago. I liked dicking around with vehicles, seeing how crazy of a machine I could slap together.
The Killdozer didn't work out quite as well as I had hoped. If you drove at just the right speed, you could kind of go through buildings and trees. Any slower and you'd bounce back, damaging only your vehicle, any faster and you died instantly.
On motorcycles, driving toward walls and blowing holes in them just before making contact worked a lot better.
Slapping a fuel tank and a flamethrower on a shopping cart was probably the most practical thing I came across. Fired far enough to not set itself in danger, and you always occluded its line of sight so it wouldn't try to fire through you. Hobo's best friend.
what on earth is this
Shit, is this you in the first pic? If so I remember you. You made that saucer looking thing.
Fuck me
The name and look of the vehicle are familiar, but I'm not sure if I was the one who made it. I did dick around with several shapes, and there was at least one saucer in the bunch, so maybe.
If the image is from the first thread it was posted in, it would add up. Fall of 2015 was when I started getting out of CDDA, and that's from July.
On an unrelated note, I hope rifled barrels and explosive slugs in combination still produce the same effect as it used to.
Its big leonardo if that helps.
Man I haven't played this game in a while after my endgame character got OHKO by a auto tank. I should pick it back up again, I've never even seen triffids yet. And some other shit.
I could read that much out of the image, so not much help there. Also FETA camps.
My memory's spotty, so unless someone else is or pretends to be the person responsible, we'll never know.
I always ran into triffids. They were either fun or terrible, depending on preparedness and bloodlust. Fire is only good for the first level.
So far its just been mushrooms or fucking slime pits for me. I'm trying to think of a new character to make.
Also what size city is that?
Wew that city.
Does high city size prevent labs from spawning, or am I missing some in the picture?
wouldn't know, i got thee image off of google
most maps i make have small towns separated by miles of forest and swamps.
good in the sense of low zombie spawns but supplies can be scarce and it burns more gas getting from point A to point B
Must have fucked with the city size, I wonder how hard it is to live in that.
you need to go back
blocks your path
Blease no
That's why I play desert maps instead no fucking bears mooses or fucking jabberwocks.
I've never seen a jabberwok, are they that bad?
Not really in the late game, what's bad is that the NPC will have a mission occasionally when you ask them about their mission and if if you don't ask it still exists.
So when you first start sometimes there is a fucking jabberwock near you.
Which is impossible to kill in start, as it has around 500 health and can cripple in a hit.
The game has lost its appeal to me long ago, sadly. Around the time the furries invaded and took over.
Yeah I fucking hate thresholds, it would be fine if mutations gave you animal parts, but to railroad into specific evolutions included clearly pandering to furry ones is abysmal.
Specially since these faggots like most liberals got burned out and really don't do shit for the game anymore.
However I like the furry suits, because zombies will occasionally be wearing them.
Also gives potential for massive zombie hordes of furry zombies which take more damage from fire and heat.
They're pretty much a death sentence if you stumble upon one early game, but they're not too dangerous in mid to late game. They only have strong physical melee instead of anything dangerous like firearms or martial styles.
This, I wish you could become some hodgepodge but instead you get locked into shit.
I've been playing around with the cephalod mutations with unstable genome mutation and ended up evolving quite a bit of weird mutations, ended up coming out a little like Cthulhu as I had wings and phelloderm to make my skin green.
It wasn't even that that bothered me. The game just started to feel different in general. Not sure what exactly, but I still play a super old build sometimes and enjoy that more. Back when vehicles were still rare.
Fucking early game sucks, oh you don't have jack shit to defend yourself with? Here, a few running zombies, spitters, feral hunters and fucking smokers, or worse a hulk. Have fun faggot.
I always end up using the burning building scenario and spawn on a gun store.
If you have such a tough time you can go to debug mode and allow increased point allotment.
Helps to make a character who can fight in melee, or start innawoods and only loot houses on the edges.
Nah using debug menu would make me feel like I'm cheating, spawning inside a gun store, even if it's burning, already feels like a pretty big advantage.
The fuck is going on here?
Like, this is what my screen looks like now, no matter how I move.
I can’t get the game to work at all. I spawn in a building and after a minute or so my left arm starts to heat up. Then the rest of my body parts start to heat up one by one until they’re “too hot”. Then I vomit 1000 times per second until the game freezes and I’m forced to crash it to the desktop. This happens every single time. What the FUCK is going on? How can anyone learn how to play?
Oldest trick in the book.
Dunno, tried changing the tile set?
What are you talking about? Early game is great because it actually presses you.
I played a Senior Citizen war vet who got wounded early on and hung out on the outskirts until night fell, then broke into a bunch of houses for loot until a feral predator caught up and I had to resort to a firearm I looted from a security van.
Cue running the fuck away from the zombie hordes coming to investigate the sound, and spending the next few days recovering while looting just enough to straddle the line between famished and very hungry. You don't get that sort of difficulty once you've gotten all your tools and are able to fight on even keel with multiple zombies.
I've never seen shit like that happen, might be related to tiles since I just use console graphics.
The only thing I can think of is that if you did a random spawn scenario instead of spawning at an evac shelter, the RNG might have fucked you by dropping you into an irradiated area, which would explain the heat and the vomiting.
Note that irradiated areas are generally rare outside of very specific places, so that would mean you got hilariously unlucky with the spawn site.
Ok, except what you described is literally every single early game start: hug the outskirts of the nearest city, break into surrounding homes at night, get attacked by the occasional pack of ferals, find barely enough food to survive.
I'm surprised that people leave the wacky zombie types enabled. Everything more than a spitter just seems excessive to me, but preferences are preferences.
I prefer to play with maximum infinitely-respawning zeds, but slow shamblers only.
Never safe, you can't sleep an entire night almost ever, but you generally don't stroll through a town and get sniped by a Plasma Railgun Hyper Special Forces Cyborg Zombie Elite that destroys you and the surrounding three city blocks from his zombie sniper roost on a mountainside three miles away.
I don't mind that kind of gameplay, but it fails the theming test for me.
On that note, are there any mods that turn all of the zeds into AK-wielding, exploding muslims?
That’s… possible, I guess? I was in a building with cardinal direction exits and stairs in the center (that I couldn’t figure out how to use). If that’s an evac shelter, I think I was still fucked somehow.
Anyone have a pirate/usable install link? What about something with a graphics pack?
Exactly, it's the desperation for survival with the hodgepodge of items you get, and having to decide whether to press your luck or not.
Technically, the safest way is to go innawoods and survive off what you can forage there, but that's considered imbalanced by a lot of people due to the minimal risk involved. More importantly, it's boring.
This somehow looks more autistic than Dwarf Fortress what is it and how do I play?
I don't hate the weirder zombies, I just wish you didn't end up having half a dozen of them thrown at you at any one time.
I can handle the idea of encountering the occasional bloater or a spitter to help shake things up a little and force a change of tactics, what I'm not ok with is 4 ferals, 2 necromancers a brute, 2 spitters and a smoker all within one block of each other.
After a while you get used to it.
Kill Zs, dont die.
Zombie themed roguelike. It's pretty fun, since you can do stuff like build a deathmobile, become a mutant cyborg, stuff like that. It gets a little boring late game when your character becomes a god, then you'll walk around a corner and get blasted by a turret and die.
Please don't fucking kill me Mr.Moose
Just download the game from the wiki and then get the game launcher from the forums, the game launcher automatically searches for updates and keeps all your configs between updates. Graphics pack are already in the game, just download the 'tiles' version of the game and choose the tileset from the options menu. For keybindings and help use ?.
No, that sounds exactly like the standard evac shelter.
It's still possible that a random radioactive terrain encounter spawned there, though.
The only other possible explanation I have (other than a game-breaking glitch) is if your class had very heavy and hot gear and it was summer, you might get that sort of reaction. If not, then I would try scrapping the world you created before making your character and making another. If it still happens with characters in the new world you made, then it's a game-breaking glitch.
You probably call people casual for using a tile set too.
Fair enough, but one of your issues you're having is that you're in a burning building if you have wander spawns on you will eventually be encircled.
Also in town has native zombie spawns.
Like I said innawoods is good to start because you can make a makeshift crowbar with a rock and pipe, then sneak the borders of towns looting and killing the occasional zombie to get your skills up.
But turn off skill rust, the shit sucks especially when you are in the mid-late game and shacked up in your base trying to read to raise your skills.
ASCII purism is far older than reddit is, m8. It's as old as the tiles for ADoM.
Getting back into this game again after a long hiatus thanks to this thread - is there any kind of mod list that breaks down compatibility by version?
I'm mainly only looking for some mods that add things like more types of guns/ammo, melee weapons, armors, more wilderness survival innawoods stuff, and a cleaner that removes all of the fursuits and dildos and other nonsense from the game. Also maybe that robot-building mod, because that looked neat.
I've found the mod forums, but it's a clusterfuck and a half. I've downloaded the latest experimental, but I also have experimentals B-2601 & C-3816 from 2015 and a couple of stables from 2014ish.
The vibe I'm getting is that I should stick with the old-ass versions of the game and forget about trying new and interesting things, but I figured I'd try to catch some wisdom from the thread.
Dont be a fag, install latest experimental.
Honestly, I like most of the stuff that was made over the last few years. There's a bunch of internal mods you can turn on during world creation that will do most everything you listed, though not one for purging all furshit, although there is one that removes mutagens.
Well I guess you can't change the nature of man to find something irrelevant to brag about.
I've got them all installed. I'll try out the latest experimental first, though.
Damn. There used to be a mod specifically for that, but the link is long since broken.
Aha, I figured it out. Using the debug menu to increase your body parts' HP causes your body to heat up until you vomit to death. Why the fuck does THAT happen? I want to getgud, and to do that I need to fuck around and learn this AUTISTICALLY RETARDED CONTROL SCHEME without having to worry about dying every second.
Who knows how the game is coded?
A metabolism effect where a massive "heal" results in a mega-fever like symptom?
Or some effect where having HP above maximum increases body temperature by some calculated HP=BodyMass calculation?
Everyone who bothered to open source files.
On a scale of Dwarf Fortress to Rimworld how difficult is it to learn the UI?
Closer to rimworld, its actually pretty intuitive to figure out.
The key tho much like DF is mastering and understanding hotkeys.
Fuck Moose shitters. Somebody give me a video with a person punching the fuck out of a moose like that Kangaroo video. I want to see them fucked over without resorting to pussy tactics like guns.
Ben knows whats up.
So which martial art is best? I seem to be absolutely wrecking things with non-stop axe-kicks thanks to Taekwondo.
ty I'll give it a go.
The debug can be fun when you want to make a car that goes fast enough it practically warps though whatever
Krav Maga and Dragon Style are both pretty decent. Dragon style has blocks and good knockback while Krav Maga has fucking everything except consistency.
Boxing was hilariously broken because uppercuts were treated as headshots, with corresponding bonus damage. It gets funnier when it turns out that due to a programming oversight, uppercuts would headshot anything, even things that lacked heads like shoggoths. I'm pretty sure this was patched out though.
What's on your cata playlist?
Why are they so OP?
Try that in real life.
It depends on what you are looking for, the only worthless MA is aikido.
Krav Maga gives you the most bang for your buck with highest damage bonus and every good offensive move in the game
Ninjitsu makes your movements 1 sound and combined with weak scent allows you to safely sleep in the middle of cities.
If you want to be next level get Niten Ichi-Ryu and you can basically kill any monster in one or two attacks.
Moose may be herbivores but they are incredibly large, strong, fast and sport massive horns on their head they can impale you with.
I cannot remember the last time the recent release asked to report bugs to darkling wolf.
You really hated living, huh?
Though, what I've seen, in Cataclysm they act like bull mooses during mating season more of the than not. But who can blame them for being agitated, when freaky undead mutant critters are running all over the place.
Moose are half the size of an elephant, with legs so long they stand about 8" tall. Pictures don't do justice to how fucking enormous moose are.
They're also extremely aggressive and will murder humans indiscriminately, even charging at them from hundreds of feet away without provocation, and they'll even chase down snowmobiles.
Even worse is that their legs are so long that when you hit them with a car, their massive body comes smashing down directly above the cabin, crushing it flat and pancaking everybody inside - because moose weigh 1,500lbs (3/4 of a ton).
The only good moose is a dead moose.
Because they are taller than a man at the shoulder, weigh as much as a car and have a head made of weapons?
playable moose mod when
Total moose mutation when?
Also any anons considered making a roll chart for this game? Might be fun.
The thread shuffles and rises to its feet
Did they actually go through with adding that retarded nutrition system?
It seems like all their recent additions are for the sole purpose of lumping on more tedious micromanagement under the justification of "realism."
I tried it once, when they made it default and the disabling mod didn't work, as usual. It wasn't particularly bad, any time you didn't feel like cooking anything different you could just pop a multivitamin. There's no true reward for having a balanced diet besides marginally faster healing, and by the time you give a shit about your food choices you're not getting a body part down to yellow on a daily basis. You'd think you get a morale boost, or maybe 5% extra stamina for running, but nothing.
verdict: cool on paper, fruitless tedium on practice. Filthy clothing was worse.
There's a "hidden" so to speak martial art called Bashing which just pops up on your menu the moment you hit 2 or 3 Unarmed skill (can't remember exactly, sorry). It's actually pretty good for what it is, it gives you half decent blocks, occasional knockbacks, and the rare stun. I found it complimented Ninjutsu nicely for when I was caught without a weapon in hand or when holding a chokepoint on a bathroom window, since the zombies you knock back can potentially domino knock back other zombies as well. Wouldn't be enough to rely on it as only style but if for whatever reason you're dumb enough to pick unarmed skill over stats you could make do with it until you find a martial arts book.
Quick question, is the latest experimental version good?
Are shades of light and gore details working?
I don't wanna reconfigurate everything to play it again just to drop it
If you're running 0.C stable, then there's been a lot of changes. Most of them are good, some of them are tedious bullshit. Shades of light seem to be working, and when you smash a zombie corpse it splatters blood everywhere.
The problem with the new nutrition system that some faggot coder wanted to push is that you have to manage a dozen different meters that will cause problems if any of them get too high or too low. It turns the game into Gauge Manager 2017, and nobody fucking wants that except the coder who thinks it's a fucking great idea because of all the effort they put into it.
I get that they want to change up how people only eat oatmeal and cooked meat, but this is a godawful response to something that's really not that big of a deal.
No, the problem with the new nutrition system is that it adds literally nothing to the game. You'll find a bazillion multivitamins just by killing zombies, so all you need to do is remember to take a multivitamin after you wake up and you've short circuited the nutrition system. That's all the nutrition system adds to the game, two button presses once per game-day. It is the definition of bloat. Only If you remove multivitamins do you run into the boring meter management, but nobody is ever going to even suggest that because then the nutrition system would actively make the game shittier instead of being a nothingburger.
We are talking about the new nutrient system right? The one with all the different vitamins and minerals that was meant to encourage different foods and punish reliance on multivitamins?
oh gee i sure am havin
Unless you sit around eating nothing but potato chips and chocolate covered pretzels, you should be fine. The penalties for poor nutrition are slight unless you're totally starving yourself. Just change up what juices you drink, forage various berries and powdered milk, raid some hospitals for various dedicated supplements. You don't have to pay autistic detail to the nutrition system, no matter how hard it would make the coder's dick.
My biggest issue with the game is ancient and will never get fixed - interactions are all the fuck over the place and half of them are backwards. A simple example:
I've been slowly converting all of my electronics to be USP-rechargeable and have a massive frame outside my safehouse that's just the biggest solar arrays I could manage cobbled together with the biggest batteries I could manage and a big-ass storage compartment with a USP Recharge station installed. If the game could represent the abomination graphically it'd look like some horrifying machine from Nikola Tesla's nightmares. I went through all of that effort simply because it's easier to chuck my electronics into the recharger bin when I come back from a crawl, than to go cross-eyed through my inventory individually reloading everything like they're tiny guns.
I realize it's a nit-pick, but fuck it. It bothers me.
If they'd make all reaction commands work backwards and forwards contextually, the game would be much less tedious to play. Also if the % menu would actually show you all possible actions that can be performed on/around/with everything in a 2-tile radius of you, that'd be useful. It cherrypicks the most useless shit, and mostly just displays actions that you can't actually currently perform, which is totally useless.
At least the crafting menus and vehicle modification/creation systems work the way you'd want them to.
Yes. It doesn't actually do that.
I don't really have a face for a person so autistic that they don't realize there's a reason why eating mostly oatmeal and wheatmeal didn't kill all the medieval peasants. Turns out rougher carb plants also have plenty of vitamins as long as you're supplementing with meat at least once a fortnight or something like that and your teeth wouldn't just fall out.
That would be brawling I believe. It's basically like if Muay Thai and Krav Maga got combined and you have no buffs to stats.