will SEGA ever make anything remotely like this ever again?
if they do, will they horribly mess it up, or will they wise up after sonic mania prints money, hire some competent A-life programmer, and produce chao adventure 3 as a standalone game?
Will SEGA ever make anything remotely like this ever again?
fuck off
I dunno why they keep making shitty Sonic games, instead of making more Chao Garden. At least put Chao in the Sonic games so there is a reason to buy them.
I think part of what you're forgetting is WHY chao garden was successful. It was an addition to a fairly solid action game and gave a break, but also ,secondary objective to every level. Sure you can beat a level, but can you find the three tigers? How about the three boxes? It was great, but it wouldn't quite sell properly on it's own.
If it was a mode in Forces, for example, it would give you reasons to do stages over to get animals and drives for specific traits and skills. It's why SA1 and SA2 have such intense staying power; the garden gave you a reason to keep replaying the game but also make progress.
well what if chao were presented in a different manner? one very unlike the bioware game
>yfw Sonic Heroes has Chao garden with online minigames where you can bet apples and a functioning kindergarten with other player's chaos
Well what about a chao adventure game?
A puzzle platformer where you play as some sort of chao caretaker and do entertaining puzzles and such to get things to help chao grow?
sorta like Monster Rancher where in the later game,s you raised the stats of your monsters so you could go on expeditions.
Chao Garden Music again, never ever
Chao are so fucking cute. I actually bought the 3DS Chao theme just to hear the music as a surprise every now and then.
The person that made it was dragged away from the company by their spouse.
Chaos are the inverse Rabbids. Rabbids are "cute" mascots that took over the Rayman franchise and made everything worse. Chaos are cute mascots that didn't take over the Sonic franchise, but if they did, everything would be better.
I love Monster Rancher 2, and I've always wanted to try 4. I looked up the prices for it on Amazon and Ebay recently and was appalled. I never would have expected it to be that rare/in demand to justify the price.
Can you even emulate those games well? Can you even get monsters from discs when you emulate them?
What if Sega decides to make an official Babysitting Cream game?
Not in 4
Why Sega
It's like Sega is messing with me on purpose.
Well the Sonic cycle has proven to be tremendously profitable. Turns out it's easy to have consumers wanting more when you put out a sub-par product that makes a good enough first impression to inspire hope.
This. While I wouldn't mind it being in some other game, I feel it needs something to hold it up sicne its best done on the side.
For some reason, you made me imagine House of the Dead with Chaos.
the nights chao was sweet
I think one of the things I liked most about the Chao Garden was that Tails and Eggman walked around like normal without their mechs. They had to create walking animations for two characters who never step foot outside of their mechs while you're playing as them otherwise.
Chao garden was never good.
Thanks for coming in to post your opinion which nobody cares about.
Boy I sure do love responding to every saged post a person makes for the most retarded reasons just so it gets back to the first page.
Don't. Fucking.reply
Anyone knows why they removed stuff from the gardens in the GC version? Look at the Dark Garden at 3:30 for example.
i feel like the chao garden was the only reason i liked the adventure games.
But it feels so GOOD, user. Better than getting a Chaos Chao.
Pretty much this. In both games where it was present, it was an extra incentive to learn to play the game better and to optimize your playthroughs. You HAD to find the animals and the capsules and the chao key in the main game, because the Chao garden had emblems that need collecting if you want to 100% the game, and on the other hand the Chao garden functioned as a way to chill out between the action packed levels. It was also a great way to make non-target demographic players get interested in the game, as they'd be left to their tamagotchi when the core players had finished their levels.
Honestly, the reason why SA2 sucks is that they really didn't want to make an alternative playstyle for Tails and because they wanted to add those extra hours of gameplay in the hunting stages.
Either the same old uncensored "SEGA does what Nintendon't" or they just wanted to save on memory for the extra shit packed in those tiny discs. Alternatively, because the garden was too dispersive for new players.
Wow, Gamecube (and subsequent port) Hero and Dark gardens are fucking gimped compared to the Dreamcast version. I had no idea, I figured everything should have been a straight improvement.
4 is REALLY explore heavy, needing it to learn techniques at all. It DOES let you raise up to 5 monsters at a time, but you gotta focus on much of the nitty gritty stuff yourself. If you do get it, I strongly suggest you only raise 3 monsters max.
Fortunately, for 3 and 4, you can just put in a "all monsters in encyclopeda" code and then you can generate monsters from it. Probably the best invention 3 came up with.
Having played the fuck out of the dreamcast version, this is easy to explain. Basically ,the gardens were more elaborate in the dreamcast version, but the fact was that when you spent any actual amount of time with your chao in it, the mountain in the dark garden with the cool little pool, was only a "chao can spawn here" location and was never a place the chao would actually go to. Chao prefer more flat terrain or softer hills. The mountain was also prone to glitching chaos and maxing out their hate/abuse which could kill them.
and that was the last time I intentionally beat the hell out of a chao.
You monster.
Jesus Christ user.
I don't know how you manage to live with yourself, but I hope you forget how to very soon.
It's more like if a Chao doesn't get enough happiness points, it won't reincarnate at the end of its natural life.
Chao were fucking boring. Grinding them up to max stats was an enormous chore. Watching them do every single race represents hours of inactivity. I'm glad they've never returned because the awful roadblock they represent on the way to 100% completion is something I never want to suffer through again.
you understand that if they do, we are going to get a fullly pay to win system with tons of DLC dont you?
All it needs is a phone app/browser game that somehow interacts with save data from playing Sonic or even Sega games on any console.
Every ring you earn gets duplicated in the Chao World, and how well you did on a level affects the drives/animals you get.
Of course you can (((buy))) more rings.
Ideally I'd like something like that, but on PC/Console where you can interact with the Chao.
Little details like the noises they made aren't thought about nowadays though, or the time it takes to evolve/transform building anticipation. Odds are if it was made now it'd be a hyper-jewed tamagochi or Pokemon Go not linked to any other form of game beyond minigames and lack any cuteness.
I feel bad having to wake them up to feed them boosts.
I know vidya doesn't compare to IRL, but that's fucked user.
Chao that can draw also draw images of burning skulls if they are uber sad. They also do this if they become a Dark Chaos Chao- even when happy.
I think 90% of the charm comes from glitches and things kids infer from limitations of the game and their own crafted stories.
For example, I had a white Dark Chao I gave bats too until it had no feet or wings. Since it had 1 "rank" in singing, it did this poor sounding singing. So it was like a ghostly wail.
Or how my Power Hero Chao seemed to like to sleep behind a particular pillar. Odds are that was a glitch that "trapped" it in place, but my dumb mind never cared.
has sega done any P2W stuff or had any DLC for the sonic franchise at all?
Sonic Generations had an extra level- but it was really just a pinball minigame.
IIRC, Sonic 06 had some hard time trials for DLC- but they dropped off the map once the games infamy became mainstream.
There's also Sonic Runners on smartphone, which I'm sure must have P2W elements.
More specifically my dark chaos in sonic adventure 2 battle.
I had this one in particular, that I would regularly beat. Named "Devil may cry". I hadn't played dmc 1 at the time, I was just edgy and thought dante looked cool
I don't remember how, but I somehow got the idea that throwing the chao around would somehow make it tougher in the karate matches. So inbetween every stage, id regularly go and lug that motherfucker right to the mountains. Sometimes he'd be happy, eating his nuts, then he'd find himself flying towards the island in the dark garden. He hated me with every character cause of how often I throw him. He'd scream and kick for every one of them. I remember I truly thought that it would increase his attack strength. Except bat tits. Even after I sent him flying multiple times with her.
I don't know why but as someone who played a shit load of one when it was new I almost feel like that's cheating. I know it's not but I don't like games losing some of that esoteric shit like not being able to save your monster. Made each monster's death feel a lot more heavy.
dark ver. with my (you)s removed for those of us who browse in low light the objectively correct way to browse
This. I refrain from looking at online guides whenever I'm playing a title that I'm really enjoying. I want to see how I beat it first, and see the optimal way later, to refine my approach to things in general. You enjoy the "esoteric" aspect of the games which require thinking because you enjoy the struggle which improves you; the heaviness you felt is what built your character.
I think most games can teach us something IRL applicable about strategy, or foresight, or technique. My personal example is usually Red Alert 2. This is the game that taught me that I could either get several cheap objects which would break (die) easily, or that I could save up, invest, and get something kick ass. This applied to tools, computer hardware, vehicle choice, food quality, and other broad financial decisions that I think of more as "waiting to level up" type investments.
Endgame is everything. Sage because I typed a douchy fucking blog out of nowhere
I felt like shit after doing that and was glad I turned the system off without saving it, but I got punished for it anyways later.
Thing eventually became a heroic Chaos Chao, but it's little consolation that his immortality and my knowledge will be forever tainted by the one other friend who we will never see again.
no I'm with you guys
And that, gents, is how I ended up going back to play Rancher 1 and 2 legit and fucking loved them.
In a sense, I kinda of miss having dial-up. It used to be that if I was tempted to look up a game on Gamefaqs or something to know how to get through it, that was a long time investment, and I'd be more willing to keep at it. Now a days, I might have already looked up how to get past something before I realize I should have tried longer.
You're not wrong. A few games might have gotten better mileage if internet wasn't so simple to access.
On the flipside, there was a game I got pissed at because i bought a strat guide that was flawed as fuck and I wound up doing a single pointless task endlessly because the guide said it was true.
Pretty sure that's true. Kind of a dick move to tell you to use it on shitty pokemon, though.
Also true, it's just not the Zubat in the picture.
Ok, that's false.
I know that feel.
The Sonic runner games on smartphones don't have pay-to-win either, standard Jungle Run-style "pay for much much sooner character unlocks" or "pay to continue" or "pay for a shit-ton of game currency". You can still grind out everything yourself entirely on your own and occasionally even the exclusively pay-for characters pop up as free rewards for game-events, and that's assuming you care enough to change over since all the characters are just skins.
Then don't use it.
Unleashed had a few DLC levels.
The Chao were supposed to be the generic "cute" sidekick trope character. They were supposed to be what Minions are now, the only difference is Minions caught on big while Chao didn't. Same with the Rabbids, or hell, take any cute sidekick trope character and it'll fit the bill. Marketers have been trying the same old fucking tactics for fucking decades
The Nightopians in NiGHTS Into Dreams were prototype Chao, though. In the manuals they were both referred to as "A-Life." Yuji Naka or whoever was just really into the idea of artificial intelligence and virtual pets.
They're more like Tamagotchi. Minions and Rabbids all look the same.
For some reason, when I was young, I never associated the shivering and crying with the emotion of sadness. I thought maybe they were cold, or just doing something for no reason. So young me never saw anything wrong with beating them or throwing them around. Is it really that obvious?
Yeah I could see how a kid could think that.
No, nevermind, you're messed up.
Well, they didn't even look like sapient creatures, to me. It was the equivalent of beating up a stuffed animal. Kind of cathartic?
Are you Heihachi?
The games make a point of giving them personality, and saying that hurting them is unjust. Chaos was right.
Someone can tell you it's a living, thinking being and also be wrong. It just looked like a battery powered robot, running around and doing random actions to look cute.
Was I wrong?
In the context of the game, yes.
Jesus fuck that's nostalgic. Gotta go see if I can find my memory card with my Chao data on it.
For the absolute longest time, I believed Chaos Chao must have been just a rumor. The whole thing sounded like one of those classic fake videogame rumors, and I still didn't believe it when I found pictures of them online.
and gentle reminder that the guy who did all the coding for this shit left and Nips never keep old code for some god forsaken reason
Some retarded bullshit paranoia over corporate espionage
They have a weirdly inflated sense of the worth of their code, they view it as their baby, and anyone who would try to open it up to see inside is a monster, nobody but them should be able to do that because they alone are the gods of that world
Simple, a solid minigame collection instead of an 80% bad 3d sonic game. Can even have some more in depth minigames like a chao dungeon crawler rather than just races and karate. Some minigames focus more on collecting chao items and rings, while others focus on testing out your trained chaos in competition and solo objectives.
Like Yuji Naka's spergout over STI using his NiGHTS Engine for Sonic X-Treme?
Don't worry, user. SEGA always finds ways to fuck up Sonic like your example.
There are only three real Sonic games, deal with it.
Which ones?
1, 2, 3&K
Good choice. Lots of people seem to treat the two like separate games even when they're locked on.