#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Evening of Flames Edition



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What did BBC mean by this?

Archive of previous bread

If you happen to play online games with a Japanese person, teach each other your languages. I just taught a Japanese guy the english word suffering on PSO2 and he thanked me for it.

The story until now, #TorrentialDownpour news related and not.
- archive.is/KGEyx
Our Holla Forums and cuckchan /g/ made a replace for nyaa after it was taken down, make sure to use it… Now Approved by Japs.
As a troll move they put the fakku doujins you have to pay for in download state.
Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt


At least I can see Tim Soret managed to find back 1% of the balls he lost.

GG Summer Cleaning
Long story short, we're in the process of cleaning things with the third anniversary of Gamergate coming up. So here is what needs to be done:
>1. The Gamergate wiki needs some updating on it's history, timeline, and wanted pages. See what needs to be changed and/or fixed.
>2. We are posting and archiving older GG OCs, screencaps, and the like. If you believe you have something relating to the early two years of GG, be sure to post it.

Hey, I made these


Kathy Griffin Reveals She’s ‘Completely Exonerated’ After Secret Service Investigation For Beheaded Trump Photos



Fucking damnit. She should have been arrested and tried in court for death threats to the president.

Its going to take much longer than I expected to go through these logs. At about line 685 I reached 1% (using VIM). So, unless I'm retarded, there's about 67,815 more lines and it goes from Dec 22 - Jan 4. Here's the short serious chat index and I'll repost the long one as well.

(short) pastebin.com/sgnepkM5
(long) pastebin.com/DZNhLASv

Maybe it's because I am sauced as hell, but I see a dumb opportunity to rile this goddamn insane mob.

Make OC of the gender swapped version of the Dream Daddy character they essentially have made into their Mohammed. Not lewd, lewd, outright porn, anything. Since the existence of this rule 63 character is heresy, the amount of salt that could be mined from these cunts would be astronomical, perhaps on par with Boston Harbor. Spread the new content, and bask in the ass pain that results, and bring some vengeance by proxy for the artist that was scared off.



Where were you when Chris Chan turned out to be the hero saving us all from the bankers, fighting against an unjust system through the courts?

I wanna give you all gentle head pats.



I don't think I'd want to live in a country that rounds you up and tries you for holding up a prop of the president's head, no matter how awful the "joke" is. That's pretty North Korea tier

He isn't bashing traps now, is he?


Shouldn't he be dead right now? He said about 2 years ago that he has 2 years left to live.

Nothing, apparently Chris didn't pay back a car loan and is being sued.

take breaks user, this is some serious shit.

I'm just going through the stuff PedoDan set up against Hotwheels and I already feel like having a rage aneurysm.

suggestion for a OP

We should begin targeting Patreons investors and reporting Patreon to the AG of the states where Antifa is designated a terrorist organization for this shit like new Jersey ect


So when Trump banned trannies and the Dems said they're going to campaign for trans rights, does that mean they'll push Wu?

I never understood that. Holla Forums, along with Masterchan, had reputations for being pedohavens long before the exodus.

Would be lovely if these metrics could also designate active accounts from accounts that haven't so much as opened youtube in the past 5 years.

Many of the million+ subscriber channels have hundreds of thousands of subscribers who never watch shit. Either that, or youtube's metrics are so fucked that they can't count views properly. Would be nice to see the chair pulled out from under one of these faggots for once, instead of just losing a couple hundred subs.

If they push Wu it would hilariously fall flat on their faces. The Democratic Party is heading towards dept and they are falling apart. Soros and the Establishment is keeping them on life support.

Isn't Masterchan a pedo honeypot?

Rumors, I don't know if that has been confirmed.

Wu Flynt 2020. The first individual to hold two offices at once.

Oh, sorry.

Chris is being sued in an incredibly one sided lawsuit he's guaranteed to lose.

>Vote for Wu and she will fix the GamerGate harassment. Because each of You has a Wu.

Should really qualify that I mean, President and VP.

This is scrumps new account replying to totalbiscuit and JK Rowling. I can't see ANY of the other replies.

this is the subtlest fucking pun I've ever seen in these threads, god fucking damn it push /wooo/

Since when?

When gg was getting kicked off 4chan and Holla Forums was being floated as an alt, a lot of anons objected because of the cp issue.



Why isn't it?

The fucking hell? MY PORN?!?

It even applies to the tweet he's responding to.

Its basically saying that they want to sever the presidents head just like isis.

"We're Suing Youtube" - Youtube channel ZombieGoBoom is going to file a lawsuit against Youtube for revenue lost during the Adpocalypse

good luck to them I guess

Yeah. I can't get it to show them. If you click on totalbiscuit's tweet you get the replies, same for JK. But not for scrump, and it shows he only has 8 replies (one of them mine)

So this is way how tumblr finally died.

I agree with second pic, but probably from another reason.

It is freedom of expression, and a valid action under the first amendment.

It isn't a nice one, and one that we should heavily condemn, but not illegal or censored.

And Holla Forums calls for the day of the rope, and GG calls for the destruction of san fran. We should allow it but not support it.

You have to go.

Fuck it. I want the left destroyed and the earth they stand on salted. If i have to censor free speech to prevent more leftists from popping up, then fine. Im tired of having to fight them off rather than preventing them from existing in the first place.

I was testing to see if I replied it would let me see the rest, twitter's been doing that lately too, not showing the other replies until after you tweet yourself.

Please let me stay.


But you are cutting off your nose to spite your face user. Look how the democrats strengthened the power of executive orders under Obama. At the time they loved it, but when Trump got into office and started using the same power they flipped their shit.

We shouldn't take one of our most powerful weapons off the field just because the left can use it too.

These people are fucking vile.

Oh great, as if their little circlejerk needed any more sociopathic sycophants in it.


The problem isn't the act of free speech, the problem is that, today, people are willing to compromise on their ideals just to make people happy, or make themselves look better, or not make themselves look like the "bad guy". And, once that begins to happen, all shit starts to go down. The idea that free speech is a problem is a red herring to the real issue, which is, once again, the reluctance to actually grow a pair and stand firm on what you believe in.

Freedom of expression, true freedom of expression, fucks with the left hard because they choose the weakest arguments to be the hills they die on, instead of small talking points for discussion.

Speaking of which, wasn't there a screencap someone made about how free speech is the most powerful weapon people have against oppression?

Very good point user. They love to parasitically latch onto established male characters and gender swap them. Let's see how they like it when we do the same with their own beloved IPs.

I swear leftism is a mental disorder and that they need to be put in a mental institution and medicated.

I'm glad you got it friendo.

Before I spend all day searching my sadpanda favourites for non-pornographic/untranslated galleries to move into another category, is there an option that will streamline this for me? I haven't found anything I can search to exclude translated galleries and searching "-language:english" just excludes everything for some reason.

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse
☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"
☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm
☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone
☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games
☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him
☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny
☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis
☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook
☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community
☑ Became Linkedredchannitin
☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs
☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file
☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done
☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons
☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible
☑ Revealed international culinary secrets
☑ Convinced an user into becoming a trap
☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA
☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot
☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough
☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness
☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by
☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"
☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB
☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu
☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system
☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'
☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it
☑ Having a girl fetish
☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb
☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality
☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5
☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist
☑ Created Gamergate America
☑ Became starmen
☑ Brought misogyny into E3
☑ Turned Mario Mexican
☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles
☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid
☑ Blowing everything up

What if I taught a person who understands English Japanese?

This whole situation makes me angry.





That would be indeed helpful. We need more of us to learn Japanese and more Japanese to learn English anyway. It would help if we have a program to get across to teach the languages on top of the materials that we already have.

I'm fine with it. She was obviously not a real threat, and we can't be a party of 'you're not allowed to insult us' because that's SJWs.
It was dumb of her, but I'm fine with people like this showing just how retarded they are to the next generation of kids. I'm hoping on it, in fact.

Mark is a hare hating Jew and manipulates gg.


That's what this thread is for: However, the problem isn't learning the language as much as it is continuing to learn the language. In the U.S., at least, we are the least lingual country in the modern world. Everyone else, including Japan, is required to learn a second language by the time they're Elementary school, later on in middle school for some places. Here in the U.S., we just blow off learning another language, despite it being a two year requirement in high school, and we move on in life because "Every single country already is learning English/Spanish, so why should I bother." Speaking of which, I need to get back into working on my Nip. I decided to blow it during all of last two months.

Bad tewifag.
Go back >>>/2hu/

I do hope that the entire purpose wasn't only about getting quads with that statement on this thread.

It's why I said "On top of the materials we already have."

Which is why it's a good idea to get a Japanese online buddy to practice with or practice speaking with the other anons here. When it comes to Nips online, the trade-off for them is that you could teach them or help hone their English in return.

Before you ask, I'm not linking the video, as it's just a video of him playing PUBG.

Well Mark does have an irrational hate for the Tewi threads, considering Holla Forums is the only board that tends to cause drama about it. Everyone else is fine with it.


I wasn't but that would've been neat.

Go away rabbitphobe.
Besides, only I get to molest tewi

I think you are confusing it with the normalization of conflict on Holla Forums.

That game is next-level cancer.
I fucking hate normalfags and their obsession with every game being a safe space where people get banned for doing anything they don't like. Every game they touch becomes no fun allowed.


Meta fags are cancer and just when these threads were getting back on track.

Exactly what kind of game is it that actually killing someone in the game (something the game allows in the first place) is grounds for a permaban?

Excuse me, that isn't my fault that some faggot vol nuked your rabbit, rabbit, rabbit thread.
I would rather molest Reisen.

I think I remember there was some sperging in Holla Forums about rabbits, R.O.B. and 4am.


Yeah just one sperg, instead of banning him for 3 weeks, make it a year.

Oh by the way, really quickly, if you could provide a list of the names of the people in the chat logs? I keep mixing up some of these pseudonyms and I lose track of who's who.

Why are retards bringing up meta shit?

I love Reisen's legs.

Why is she so perfect, bros?

Don't forget he decided to keep some streamer banned after some playful back and forth banter been them until "he took it too far"
Unless he got unbanned and I didn't hear about it

There were only 80 posts, do you expect a (10)?

ROB threads were neat for nostalgia; 4am threads are another thing.

It's battle royale: the game. But I guess you can team up with people, and if they decide that time you killed a teammate wasn't actually an accident, they ban you.

I don't play them, but what normalfags want spreads. I don't want these rules infecting a game I do like. Not everything needs to be a bannable offense in a video game. giving players control of servers again would fix a lot of these problems but I guess player-run servers are just too haram to have anymore

How about the SEC now that Trump is solidly in power? Last time we tried it was under Obama.

I expect you to take you whining and shitstirring elsewhere

The story until now, #TorrentialDownpour news related and not.

- archive.is/KGEyx

Our Holla Forums and cuckchan /g/ made a replace for nyaa after it was taken down, make sure to use it… Now Approved by Japs.


As a troll move they put the fakku doujins you have to pay for in download state.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

(((They))) don't want to lose shekels. So player-run servers are getting thrown up by window

I wouldn't be surprised if part of this push is the realization that "Hey, if we ban them for stupid arbitrary reasons, these morons will buy the game AGAIN instead of moving on!" I hear from people I know that Overwatch is doing the same, to the point that you could theoretically get banned for "throwing" in the game's equivalent to just a casual match. Keeping in mind that this game has the LoL audience, throwing could be anything from picking the wrong character to being bad to getting up to answer the phone. I miss player-run servers so much. If you wanted a safe space with no fun allowed you could have that, and people like me could have our fun servers that are a little more lax about what you chat about and occasionally have people goofing around.

It is, you authoritarian faggot.

It's crude and tasteless, but that's a far cry from being illegal like say, outright calling for violence against the president.

But they already did.

You're right. It isn't free speech, it's hate speech :^)

You do realize you can't go into a crowded theatre and scream 'fire' can you?

There is no limitation to what you can do in art
the difficulty is to define when it is art and when it isn't

You could like, not play games released after 2009. That basically gets rid of 90% of cancer.

Its not hate speech its a death threat. There is a difference.

Yes you can. If it causes a riot you can be held liable for that, but just yelling "fire" isn't illegal.

I've heard that before, on several occasions. And all those cancers have spread because of it.

I'm glad porn and waifu dumping is finally dying.

We still have a some people dumping animu grills without contributing anything in the same post though.


At least Phantasy Star Online 1 has the private servers. Sega wouldn't take them down since they have nothing to gain from it due to moving on to PSO2.

Oy vey

Yes you can you fucking retard.


I don't think so, the lead dev made some sob story about how he once "got kicked in the chest through a glass door," and used it as justification for why the guy should stay banned.

No clue but getting it in trouble in individual states would be funny remembering how they got pozzed clebs & businesses to boycott stayes over trans shit

Huh? We might be talking about the same thing but I'm having trouble understanding what this means. What did the guy get initially banned for? What banter? I'm confused.


Except that is safety guidelines, and "FIRE!" is not an opinion you retard. There is also such a thing as social standards and etiquette which are not directly connected to the law. Free speech is about having the right to share your opinion.

that specific example notwithstanding thanks to recent changes, the point still stands on restrictions to free speech. (Even if they are a bit looser now apparentlyl

You chose that example retard. The point does not stand as you have yet to come up with another example.

Yeah, alright.

I'm don't know whether or not some of these identities have already been uncovered but this is what I gathered from reading so far. Also, most don't have last names. Revelations may be made further along in the main chat log.

Ian Cheong
Dan Olson
Izzy Galvez
drinternetphd (Zoe Quinn)
Alex Lifschitz
nicholas.boterf (Might be his real name?)
Athena Hollow
Quinnae (Katherine)
Sarah Butts (I think Zoe referred to Sarah as Stephen once, though it could've been the timing of the message)
SF (No mention of name)
David Gallant
Secret Gamer Girl (No mention of name)
Peter Coffin
Remy (No mention of name)
Veerender Jubbal (No mention of name, maybe its their real name)
Annie Kelly
Rob (No mention of full name, was referred to as Kirby once I think but it could've been a joke)
Charloppe (Charlotte)
Tessaract (No mention of name)


Veerender is that guy's real name, and Rob is UnseenPerfidy, as far as I remember.

But yeah, I keep crossing up Qunnae, Athena Hollow, and Tessaract, and I also have no idea who SGG and SF are, which fucks me up a bit.

I think I heard somewhere that SGG was actually a 30-something year old neckbeard.

Is that not the point of the game? Frail alliances and last man standing?
It sounds like this game was made purely for streamers.

Go back to your original post where you accuse of not "understanding there are rules and restrictions to free speech". You never state why you think this. What speech have "we" defended that violates those exceptions to free speech?

I remember hearing claims on twitter a while ago that SGG is actually a man pulling an AlisonPrime but I can't remember who said it or when, or I'd check into it.

You guys might be thinking of A_Girl_IRL, but I could be wrong. Wouldn't surprise me.



According to kiwifarms SGG is a 30-something neckbeard named Jake.


Congratulations you have noticed that treason, child porn and declarations of murder targets for mob violence are not protected.

Ah one second of searching brought up a Kiwi Farms thread on SGG.

It's sad how the true spirit of journalism can only be found in people like Lois Lane or any journalist in vidya.

Stop responding to the retard in the crowded imageboard.

the edit is bretty good as well

Guess it really is someone else then.

I found descent Journalists called OAN ( One America News) and they are pretty good so far. Don't know much about that though but I want to see them replace CNN in airports and government offices.

You meant (((gaming journalism))) or sometihng else? I don't know who is who anymore.

Sometimes I wonder if people didn't get journalist and publicist jobs mixed.

Not a bad edit. Val made that one, didn't he?

Damn it


Demand corrections and retractions from the American Spectator and/or the author of archive.is/ExQlW

zlemonides [at] uchicago.edu
editor [at] spectator.org

Be polite. Explain what is wrong and why it is wrong. Have your evidence.



What other alternatives are there? Parasites will probably want to move onto one of those after Twitter sinks. And I want to follow.

That account was already taken down user.

So i've been trying to shill our sites through Facebook for the past 3-4 days.

I've been careful to only share the most innocuous articles while being also careful to not share any specific info anywhere of what i was doing to keep Goons, SJW's and other assorted faggots from fucking up with my shilling but sadly, it was pretty much a waste of sanity and time.

I shilled most articles through normalfags with a decent size of followers(30kish) and while the posts themselves got decent likes(around 200) and views(around 1.5k) like half of them got six gorillion dislikes for the most stupid shit you can imagine.

When i was checking the comments i noticed colossal signal virtue orgies happening in a lot of them, always triggered by the most cliche SJW's screeching about those sites being pro-gg, trump, hitler, asian(not even joking).

I don't think it's possible to get anything done via Facebook with so many SJW's using the platform and Facebook's express censorship on their side.

Oh and it's really fucking difficult to shill on Twitter because block-bots are fucking everywhere, i think we will need to reach pro-GG Jewtubers to shill our sites effectively.

OANN is quite awesome from what I heard. Shame that it isn't on every pay-TV platform.

No clue who made it, honestly.

Priority according to whom? When did this get brought up?

Careful not to fall into that trap user. Just because there are SJWs and skinwalkers screeching in the comments, doesn't mean there aren't people who click the article, enjoy it, and remember to go back to the site again later.

Also, dislikes? Doesn't Facebook still not have that shit?

This is the future they chose.

Make an alternative and have it be a Free Speech Platform that Twitter failed to be. Also improve on the flaws of Twitter.

What did they expect? This is comical, this should be written in business book so people learn that basic shit can destroy even overlords.

Good idea, problem is that twitter is basically an advertising platform for English speakers.

lol link?

Sorry i don't want to derail but i need to get this out of my system, this kind of videos get nearly a million views/4 digit likes and man those comments…i just can't unsee that shit…


Gab, WrongThink, and Minds are the first to come to mind.



Dr.disrespect or something like that, some streamer.
The banter was between the dev and the streamer. dev admitted to being a fan of him but like stated
There were some articles on it.

Sorry, lemme clarify.
He got banned for team killing. Then dev kept the ban after the Twitter bants

Look at me I'm a gamergater
lewds lewds lewds and twitter posts

Holla Forums is right.

I meant as in comments showing dislike towards the posts.

I still can't understand why is bad being pro-asian, are the asian considered whites now or what?

Nothing can delete the horrors i've seen the past days.

Google, its going down antifa and click on the first link.


This is going to be gone soon, hopefully. Gen z is supposed to be the most conservative generation in a while.

Conservatism is the New Counter Culture.

its on paypal now I see

lets report that then

Asians just aren't minorities anymore. By shutting up and actually working towards better lives, Asians are looked down upon. They're hated because they succeeded. Just like Irish people, Italians, and the lot. They get this yo-yo treatment of "Are Oppressors" and "Are not oppressors". It's bullshit .

The funniest part is some colleges are actually deducting points on college tests because they're asian, and adding points for spics and blacks.

Asians aren't gibs me dat faggots, they work hard and build themselves up, this runs against what democrats want so now they're seen as another enemy in the way of "progress"

They will probably return to tumblr.
There is also plurk and soup.

I see you witnessed LGBTBBQ degeneracy.
I recommend you watch some cute videos, play unpozzed vidya or just go to sleep.

Asians are next in queue to go. I think they could rule world reasonably well, if white people are gone. At least for ~100 years. Unless it's China.

Keep it up. When you meet resistance, you're going in the right direction.

… and collect evidence of the most offensive shit.

It's a good idea, but nobody seems to know how to get in contact with them.

Another way it could also be done is, for example, drawing the original characters as happily married men with spouses of the same ethnicity with no interracial (black with black, white with white) and children. Such "cis normativity" and the inaccessibility of them being married would piss them off so badly.
Or pictures of them being gang raped or simply killed by islamic extremists would also do the trick.

Does IMC's discussion with BTP disclose who the others are?

Memeteor when?

That's just sad.
I don't feel angry, I don't feel upset. I just feel disappointed that the last few generations aren't dignified and adult enough to put their foot down and actually parent the younger generations into a people with ambition and a will to achieve rather than as a generation of virtue signalling homosexuals whose only achievement will be the downfall of the western world.

Well what can I say?

Dont do that last part, they get enjoyment out of it. The marrage thing will get under their skin the most. Imagine someone drawing you as a happy housewife, knowing that is the life you want but cant have because you spent your late teens and 20's fucking around, so you can only get a beta faggot to marry you and you have to raise cats instead of kids.

before gamergate i was actually content with doing nothing with my life and playing vidya all day. the degenracy of the left pushed me to fight them for my life back

The happily married life is what the girls protesting it want. They are idealizing a relationship with fictional characters much like waifu-fags that they want but will never have.

I think he means the other Holla Forums

I'm not sure, I haven't watched their discussion.

When all of liberalism, socialism, and postwar consensus moderation are classified as "conservative" then the number is going to be higher.

iirc the video goes for a bit over 2 hours but could be a useful tl:dr for you.

Oh wow, they're actually starting to become known? I watch those guys a lot.

They're skewed to the right in their reporting, but they still do a decent job of keeping their bias in their pants compared to any given MSM outlet.

OAN wants to grow nationally. It's worth helping them beat CNN.

Mass Effect: Andromeda labeled "a significant contributor" to EA's record breaking digital sales numbers





Destructoid contributor Joel Peterson updates article on Sega Genesis Flashback, issuing apology for the piece being "a little too inflammatory, and was not well thought out"



Thanks, I'll check it out before I send the completed Main Chat index so if he does mention names I can edit them in.

Interesting things still seem to be going on behind the scenes at Destructoid.

That fucker sits fence fairly often, but at least he's willing to write about topics that don't necessarily get covered by gaming media.

EA's sales numbers were THAT low?

turning this into a webm

Its nice to see everyone calling out JK Rowling for her bullshit, but the sad thing is that its all a show, she's aware of her reach and that her followers are idiots, they won't look anything up, they'll just take her word for it.

Easily one of the things I hate the most about social media, most people access it through a device in which a lot of knowledge is mere fingertips away, but they don't give a shit.

This bullshit is exactly why Trump is using periscope and tweets so much, to bypass the media entirely because they change and doctor stuff to make him look bad, now some innocent boy in a wheelchair is being used to smear Trump. Fuck these people more and every every damn day.

screw that shit, I want lewds.


I think the lewds are making us unproductive or rather counter productive. So I'm not going to post lewds in these threads ever again.






Just a reminder to never get upset at neutrals, that's what SJWs do that pushes people away and it's something we've been mercilessly mocking them about since 2014.

Funny how Kain ends the piece by linking to the artist's patreon

Flip-Floppers like Boogie and Total Biscuck are fair game, though.

Neurals are fine, the obviously malicious "fence sitters" are not, the ones that call both sides extremists, yet are obviously leftists wearinf a facade.



Absolutely cannot emphasize that enough. We are not aGG. We are not SJWs. We don't care if you don't want to take up our flag, we only ask that you let us wave it in peace.

You know what, the artist deserves it, after all the shit Tumblr put her through.
Literally 6 days after release, and they start issuing death threats and try to justify their behavior to the devs after they tell them to knock their shit off. But we are the ones that are monsters.

Rutger Hauer is on Holla Forums? Cool.

Sausage please.

At least he was talking about some incredible sights, instead we got event horizon.

The world is a dark place.

I want to die.

I don't disagree.
I just found it funny how it's the only link.

To be fair Erik is just misguided, at some point he started to accept the problem with SJW and Feminism but he folded like cheap paper once the SJW's started bringing up his daughter into conversations.

It's sad to see it but men can be easily manipulated if you are willing to use the women in their lives as pawns.

But all sides have extremists, even neutrals can lost their shit and start trying to heavily disrupt a side to join their neutral stance.

People need to stop seeing the world as a side vs side war, you don't need to take a side to be able to have educated opinions about different subjects.

You know, if you actually did something other than play video games this shit would have stopped, or at least slowed, by now. Sure, your parents did nothing too and their parents caused it but now you have inherited the earth and have a war to fight.
I just want the culture war to end. I want to die knowing I did something. I want a lineage.

I think all that degeneracy is one big, legalized, generalized snuff movie at this point.

Go back to your safe space, snowflake.



Tbh a lot of ME fans took Andromeda up the asshole willingly. I think it did sell well; probably not as well as the previous games but it did sell.

I know people who'll swear by the game. They say it's awesome


Then go to porn boards or sadpanda faggot.

Shit user, you saw more fucked up stuff then I.
My list:
Honestly, we both just saw worst of humanity.
The worst is I don't even feel anything anymore. Just meh. Unending MEH.

No triple A game gets a discount 2 days after release and has the DLC cancelled if it sold well. Not even if it came close to breaking even, it has done terribly.

This. I feel like those are fake numbers.

Are you talking about that movie scene or the actual real deal because I have a similar webm saved thats from a movie.

why the fuck are they so concerned with what gays are sticking up each other's asses?


At this point honestly I don't know.

I've heard a lot of Bioware fanboys start to point out flaws in the game that weren't immediately obvious with animation errors. Like scripts not pausing when you interrupt a character in the middle of moving to another place to hold a conversation, which causes the models to spaz out.

The most troubling aspect of degeneration is how easily people are brainwashed into accepting it. Much of that acceptance is of course promoted via falsehood as stated:

Regardless, compare modern games to older ones and there is a clear decline in competency as the direction of the industry becomes more agenda driven at the expense of all else.

Find something to do regularly to keep up with learning Japanese - such as watching subbed anime/films. That way at least you're hearing the language.
A half-hour show every day (or 2) or a few films a week doesn't take up much time.
Even if you're doing something else, have the audio - or Japanese songs - playing in the background.


I don't know, that pic was unrelated, I just found it funny. It's just a pun from mombot, there's been an archive for a month.

All this kind of videos used to be common place during the late 90's and early 20', i'm sure they are still somewhere but they are probably honeypots by now.

Mea culpa, i should have wasted less time surviving nearly alone in a 3rd world country :^)

If it wasn't due those scarce but precious videogame moments that helped me to cope with my shitty life i would probably be part of some cartel or a corpse instead of the decent middle-class young man that i'm today

I feel that way for a couple years but then i started to value life and goodness, seeing so many degenerate shit and having a harsh life turned me into a good man.

Jordan Peterson "cruelty" lecture was like if he could see inside my mind, i highly recommend to watch it.

I remember when there was a period of time where we could barely make it to 500 posts for a week straight and had to constantly bake early, you fags have been spoiled and don't know slow breads.


Erik Kain is frustrating so you need to call him out on his shit. But when he's doing something right you promote it. This is how you deal with "neutrals" generally. The problem with SJWs is that it's never good enough regardless.



Wow, go play some videogames user, peace of mind is a first thing before peace for the whole world.

Dropped. Another pick-me-up article for the "strong" sex to feel better about themselves. Someone should compare how many "Women are great! So much better than men TBQH!" articles per month gets shat out versus how many for men. I have a felling that ratio would tend to infinitity.

And you could take this for the road as well

I will watch it later. I am tired. Goodnight anons.
See you at end of bread, or at next one.

Article Translation: We have such a long way to go in our discrimination against talented white men. We must nurture our hatred and destroy the livelihood of white men far more if we want to drive this industry into the sewer of politically-driven cronyism ensuring it never produces anything of genuine merit or quality ever again.

Today has been a very bad day. Sorry for blogposting.

VERY good goy


What could be more troubling might be the degrees those new game devs might have, and their resume. I don't mind more women in gaming but if they can't walk the talk, why bother hiring them when you can have competent people instead?

I had to. I really wanted those uncensored japanese granny videos and nobody has downloads for them.

I once lost my card and had to get a new one. When I was in a store I kept entering my old pin. Took my like 3 attempts before I remembered that I had gotten a new pin. Also how do you pay for porn and then forget your login?


Be careful of those "trials", sometimes the cancel subscription button is deliberately broken, so you'll be left paying for the full month every month until you cancel your credit card.

I don't think you need a cap for that. It's fucking common sense.


I've never forgotten mine before.
debit at store, leftovers from a prepaid gift card for porn


It's a nearly-empty prepaid card anyway. I just wanted to masturbate to Mami Kobori's video there. It's really disappointing that I can't find this stuff anywhere.



The Western Industry is going to die because of these fucks. But then you got British and Canadian Developers getting funded by their governments to make more shit that would inevitably bomb. I know that they get funded to make propaganda, but what they forget is that propaganda only works when people are buying it and nobody is touching these games so it defeats the purpose.


I know that feel. There are also a bunch of videos that no one has. There is this one pornsite, all their videos from 2010-2013 are online, but the 2014-2017 videos are not available on any pornsite whatsoever. I almost registered there too.


I haven't been in angry in a while so i welcome this feeling, it motivates me to keep improving myself to be able to fight for the things i love.


Night user.

I needed food. That's why I was at the store.

Normally when it's this bad I just look for those free passwords that always end up online, but there was nothing for this. I don't really care about the dollar, I just want a couple specific videos off of there because they cater to my fetishes perfectly.

that's nothing, try and find a job in a constant in crisis country

So you went to a sex shop to buy food but bought porn as well? Nice try Eichenwald.

The game is already at bargain bin prices, all plans for DLC were shelved, the team was dissolved and the ME brand was put on ice. There's no way it did "well."

From my experience, most people I saw on forums were disparaging the game. Even Bioware fans.

To what end?

We have OP Timber here and you and some Jap-user could have helped. Is there any more Japs in this thread I need to know about? You guys could have helped.

You are like me, the most frustrated you are the better you get at something, I usually write and hell, I don't remember which was the reason I got mad that time, it was like october 2016 or something, I wrote over 30 pages that night alone.

I must see what happened during october 2016, possibly something socjus related that made me that mad.

I had a site for that but it stopped updating, where do you usually go?

Fun fact that probably everyone knows. In that scene the random guards that he talks to are just random guys who weren't told the script and if they laughed they would get paid.

The more frustrated I get the worse I am at something. That's why i try and remain calm.


No, I paid online for the porn and then walked a block to the store for food.
not that it matters, I just found an old archived halfchan thread with a link to a google drive account with the main video I wanted uploaded to it. I spent probably 2 full days over the past couple months looking for a free download for this video and never found a fucking thing

I know a couple languages, but not Japanese.

Nowhere special, it varies. I miss using empornium. I wish they would open registration again.

The other half isn't great either.

I pay for music, what's wrong with supporting people you like? Carpenter Brut for example makes good music.

Many years ago I visited two different forums. But they never really had good passwords, they always had brazzers, playboy and the other casual trash and very rarely you got good stuff like Met-Art. I had them bookmarked but deleted those because I never found anything good there.

Yeah I read that a lot, and the first time I watched that scene I could get behind it, but today I doubt it. I mean, this is a big movie and they can't let things up to chance like that.


So, wait, their entire point of destroying the U.S., and then the internet, is to rid the world of the last bastions that celebrate a free market where their propaganda can fail while something non-PC approved can succeed?

Why does this feel like old knowledge, but still some sort of startling revelation?



I stopped reading this when the writer started blaming deaths on capitalism. They seem to not get that it's not surprising for deaths in high crime (which are likely underreported because they'll contribute to"racist" stereotypes rather than actual preferential treatment to others) or poor undeveloped uneducated areas. It's not new information, as opposed to notable incidents in what's supposed to be a safe area (school or banks like the writer says have higher priority). you could make an article on the little progress and development in such areas, but people die everyday. Major incidents and news in countries we interact with are more relevant since they are more likely to affect us.

Incredible amounts of blindness to use "hierarchy of victims" and still having it be a SJ piece, considering the amount of bias in reporting of victims whom aren't a "minority"


I can barely remember the second language I was taught in school. I only remember the other stuff because I grew up around it.


Nah, movies weren't pure propaganda outlets back then. And people actually had fun filming that kind of shit. And for what it is it doesn't ever seem high budget, most of the money went to props.

Deakin University is in Melbourne, Australia. SJW capital.

Okay, the payment processor they use had an option to cancel the payment, so I might even get my dollar back. I'm just glad I found a free download. Now if only my head didn't feel like there was a small person with a hammer trying to break out of it.

You'd think you'd learn from you Japanese Mom/Dad. I don't know which parent is the Jap, but damn it you they could have taught you.

I know, right? Let's laugh at him.

My mom's japanese but she never really speaks it around the house so I never picked it up. My grandpa on my dad's side lived with us so I picked up a lot of german from him as a kid, though. He speaks it almost exclusively and insisted I learn.

I thought it sounded familiar, Mega Hitler. That just means its trash going to a trash university.

Well, might as well learn Japanese now with the rest of the weebs here. You have the advantage of having a Japanese mom for that.

Hitler and the imperial Japanese army are rolling in their graves.
Jesus user

My memory's pretty bad now on account of I split my head open a couple years ago and it scrambled my eggs. There are days I have trouble with English. I don't think I'm gonna learn much more.

If it makes things any better, I pirate pretty much everything. Even books. The only time I buy movies are when they're ones I really like, and I want to support the creator. I bought one tv show, because it's one of my favourites of all-time and I genuinely wanted to have it on my shelf.

Looks more like GRAYED to me, ayy lmao


Wow a porn spammer and everyone falls for it.

Ara ara~ maybe she can help us with OP Timber while giving us hot and steamy head-pats.

lel, google "european people history", for some reason only niggers come up. Google is 100% propaganda.

I think those are dead guys she raised from the dead to be meat sticks for her.

Like, as in a commission? Cause that'd be okay. But anything else, you deserve to be bullied.

I don't think I've ever gotten headpats from her. It's a struggle to remember a time she even hugged me. My dad was always the warmer parent.


Well it sure is a good way of creating a black market.

Why the fuck would that be okay? There are maybe a handfull of non jewish artists out there.

Japanese women are always cold. Life would have been different for you if you had a Jap Dad and White mom, a whole lot different.

I've considered commissions but I've never found the right artist for the stuff I wanted. I think if I saved up enough I would commission someone to draw Sakuya from Stella Glow sexually bullying a faceless man.

What did he mean by this?

Oh my god, Mauer, the judge literally told you that you have no case and to stop pulling this shit. You're now found in contempt of court, good job.

Cause some artists are good, and getting them to make your exact specification of porn can be worth it.
But I've drawn porn commissions, and my own, so I may be biased.

Got any other Japanese artist recommendations? I sadly only have the source Vaporwave faggots used.


(1) more for the thread because why the fuck not.

name me some artists that are worth it please.

That is a fantastic edit.


what game, I always forget the name

If you want something to do:



I'm a hapa too but mom moved here at 3 and grandma died before teaching us, if my friends available I'll ask him if he's interested in helping with translations for Timber

someone other than Eltonel…
a dead one, Power Drive 2000, hasn't been updated in ages.

It's good to see you have friends you can count on to help. Be cool if you learn Nip with us as well. Is there any other Hapa here? I notice it's all MW/AF and not a single AM/WF offspring.

Eltonel, definitely. He drew me this recently. Commissions are closed I believe so you'll have to wait for him to open them up again.

Heard Paps is good too.




Usually I like eltonel but that L/Rukakko's face is fucking weord

A little, yes, but it's not complete yet.

What's wrong with someone taking pride in what they say (Despite how much of a faggot they are regardless)? Even people asking for tips put some of their own money in the jar.

Can't wait till this tranny is hung out to dry in court and all the sites rushed to defend it.

Hes still going. That whole shitstorm started a while ago,this is why you get your kids zapped early in life.



**Why? Wouldn't it just be a totally subjective list of artists that I enjoy, that you might not?
The important point was that spending money on commissioned porn was worth it because you can commission artists to give what you want, which you might not find from just searching on various sites.**
But if you really want a list of artists I follow: Kevinsano, Krash-zone, Razalor, Atryl, Maniacpaint, Tarakanovich, Sparrow, Aeolus, Doxy, Norasuko, Necrosmos, Makku, Mike Inel, Cyancapsule, Argento, Incase. Probably more, but I'm tired. I think these artists do commissions or have done commissions. I think some also have patreons, which is similar to commissioning them, in a way.
spoilering because this got off topic

Eltonel draws pretty nice stuff. Should you commission Papi for porn though? Maybe if you need some sprites for a game or something.
Not that I have money but the only people who I'd consider are crazy in demand or crazy expensive. You have to be on some VIP waiting list.

Pappy draws porn too.

Should I bring back the link to the gurochan topic that discussed why men are more plentiful in gore meanwhile women are more plentiful in guro?

I have a question. Wouldn't Muaer have signed a contract stating that the music produced for the would be the property of the contractors that supplied the music? As the author he would get the royalties (at best) but lose all claim to be able to claim copyright infringment?

Where? It's just hard to imagine.

Yeah, that's basically what happened, from what I understand. But, because he was subcontracted and didn't complete his work (but got paid for the work he actually did), he's trying to use that as a "gotcha" to get money.

Yeah that is why none of his shit is sticking and going back up once actual people look into it. Why he still has access to youtube's copyright claim system though is beyond me how do you not get locked out when it's been proven you abuse it?

Because Google is lazy. I don't even want to say they're retarded, they know exactly what they're doing.

*that the music produced for the game

Good morning, faggots.

What? I thought people said Eltonel specifically didn't do any gay shit or anything close to it? I was told this when wondering if he'd draw futa Viv fucking Gilda.


>Direct linking (((vevo))) shit

Recommending music - it depends on genre.
I listen to just about anything.
All my links are on other laptop
Still, this lady can belt out a tune.
Pretty well known song too -
渚ゆう子 「京都の恋」 Youko Nagisa - Kyoto No Koi
[Big band version and some views of Kyoto]

It's 8:21am here, you prick!

Well, it's Kalafina's MV. I know it's VEVO, but you don't see their talent everyday.

Can't tell whether this is Gookanon or JapAnon right now.

Wasn't there also an Aussie/NZ user?

Shit, you're right, forgot Marche lurks in this thread. Though 10:24AM is kinda late to be morning, isn't it?

In that case the company who contracted him could sue him for breech of contract. The order would go like this;
< The developer would sue the music contractor company for loss of profits
< The music contractor company would sue the creator for breech of contract to recoup losses from previous suit.
This is why music creators do not sue for more money in films, etc. Shit flows downhill.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Seth McFarlane also a major liberal faggot?

He might be one of those Old libtards, maybe the ones that despides the new ones.

As much of a Lefty as Michael Bay is, I think (IOW, they have shit opinions, but you can sit down and have a beer with them). So, yeah, this:

Shitpostanon here but I'm not Marche.

Would like an archive if anyone has it

Destructoid keeps getting BTFO.

Demographics shift but the artificial push for it is definitely disturbing and worse, ideologically motivated.

Reminder that there are still barely any articles on this and those that write articles tried to defend Mauer.

Who said that?

I have another commision request which is much gayer than that, he didn't say anything. I know he won't do real fucked up shit, nick bate level requests.

Shit, apparently this didn't cross my mind when posting this but it's the developer's YT channel, not some random faggot who made RCRU videos.

Got you covered, user.

He seems to flip flop every now and again, I can't tell.

He's a normalfag who just wants to smoke weed and make shitty jokes, who's political expertise isn't well versed, only looking at it through the simplified strawman scope that alot of people see it as.

As much as I despides Family guy, they go all out in their fights.

Yeah, okay, Mauer is definitely going to be found in contempt of court, then. Probably criminal harassment on top of it.

I'm not a fan McFarlane's style of humor, but I'm still looking forward to The Orville since it looks more like Star Trek than STD does.

He is a old school libtard while he can be retarded he'll still sit down and talk to you still. He did call out modern libs in when Brain got called out.


Jesus Christ. I'm glad I'm not @jack.



no first for benis, therefore sage

I know I've seen the video that this gif is from, but for the life of me I can't fucking remember where it's from.

You happen to have archives for these? I'm asking because I really don't want to have to dig through fat leftist Hitler's tweets to archive the ones in your screencap, especially since he spews so much shit that it's tempting to archive it all.

Yep. Peter Coffin even chimes in.


These people know socialism cannot withstand multiculturalism or diversity right? There is a reason why Hitler's socialism came with destroying the jews and everyone who was different.


Thank you, was about to blow my lid on you posting screencaps without archives. Why that still isn't a bannable offense for these threads, and why people still do this even after numerous reminders is beyond me.


he or she whatever it is I'll just thread it as a fag is up for a hard awakening in the future.

What the fuck would be new-styled socialism, bob?

What's even going on in this video, the quality is too shit to see




been a while since I've heard that name

is he still pretending that his gf isn't a realdoll?

He kicks himself in the balls. I think he also kicks himself in the back of the head thirty seconds later, I saw that episode when it first aired. I even remember my dad saying something along the lines of "this guy's a fucking moron."

To be fair their version of socialism wouldn't be multicultural either since they want to destroy all white people and render everyone else to an amorphous brown ethnic mishmash of "PoC".

Robots do all the work and we all get free shit, dude.
So in other words, everyone will live like movieblob except they'll live in a robot's basement instead of their mom's basement.


I'd live in the basement of an ara-bot who comes into my room every night to sexually assault me.

Seeing the shamisen stuff posted in before bread reminded me of these guys - the Shibatas.
There was a video for this but can't find it - probably deleted or it maybe on NicoNico.
Japanese youth are keeping alive their traditions it seems.

From what I remember, he is married with a women who is supposed to be from scotland but speaks like a cali girl. This woman had Peter's kid but she despises it so much that she beats the child while Peter looks on helplessly. She doesn't like Peter touching her so it would be reasonable to say that their marriage is loveless. The only reason she probably doesn't divorce him is because he doesn't have enough money to make it worthwhile.

I will also add that apparently he DOES have a realdoll to serve as a lover because his wife doesn't like him touching her in any way.

sounds like he would be better off with a realdoll


Reminds me of that episode of Fairly Odd Parents where Timmy wishes everyone in the world was exactly the same, only to find out that people still found differences and were still assholes.

In other words, he wants a robot mother to do all his shit because his birth mother died on him and he is too lazy to live and get on with his own life?

Yeah, sadly the chances are she exists and is just crazy. It was more fun to believe she was a doll, though.

Gotta give /cow/ props for the digging.

Still weird how, for a guy married and has a kid, he still spend christmas tweeting all day.

Tweeting is cheaper than putting food on the table.

If there's anything that people like Spoony have taught me it's that twitter is both an addiction and disease.

After they realized Toilet Nigger was being abused by his mother while Peter say there doing nothing, /cow/ lost interest in digging further. TN's life is just too tragic (with the abuse and having Peter as a father) and not self imposed like normal lolcows. The only people making Peter Coffin threads now is Peter Coffin.

Yeah I learned that shit back when I was trolling on the GameTrailers forums I spent way too much time posting garbage just trying to piss people off. I only stopped because a mod banned me.



Wait the kid is being abused?

When /cow/ did a reverse image search on Peter's son, some of the results came back as a toilet.

Polite sage for offtopic, even if we are past bump limit.

When Peter did a live stream for /cow/, at one point Peter's wife went off screen to do … something. You could hear her in the background calling TN a little shit or something like that, followed by a slapping sound. A second later you could hear TN crying as babies do when the shock of not knowing if they have done something wrong or not turns into a reaction of pain.

So he is Chris Kluwe?

That's not funny. That's not funny at all.


Well they're both Kluweless.


Okay, storytime, please?

Has your green card expired yet Carlos?

That is why /cow/ stopped talking about him.

Poor kid even google thinks hes a little shit.

Not Kluweless, just beta as fuck.

That's an oxymoron. A common trace of old commies is that they were extremely prudish. It's liberals you're thinking of. It's right there in the name. Think "libertinism".


It's older than any of us, and will only end when America itself does, I'm afraid.

Why is there a Red Cavalry hat hovering over his head?

what the fuck

Literally all commie states had the exact same structure, inherited from a country on the verge of complete collapse, with adjustments here and there. It would be like if every capitalist country was like Dickensian England. That's something that just doesn't get into people's heads.


I saw thon retarded posts. I'm betting troll.

But they are more than happy talking about Nick Bate. He also abused his sister, in horrible ways too.

Someone has to have called Child Services on him.

It was just something pathetic about the whole situation that made /cow/ want to distance themselves from Coffin to the point where it was Peter that ended up making the Peter Coffin threads. This resulted in Peter being told to fuck off.

I think someone in /cow/ did that.

Eh only on the pelbs

The dude from the NKV & Castros bro Raul LOVED to fuck little kids

Speaking of annoying spics. IA just uploaded his video on Jilted Juan.

So that's why they wanted Elian back.

Thank you, was waiting for this.

it was socialism its why he needed to keep conquering shit after he ran out of kikes to oven

Ah yes the old white people can't use dreadlocks argument.


Isn't it funny that they keep telling white people (or whoever they think are white) "don't do this, don't do that," and then turn around and say that white people are uncultured?


Couldn't tell you. I didn't make this piece of OC

Dont they already genderswap alot in their fanart?

White people have culture, its just that their culture is being overwritten with black and muslim culture. If you go out to an entirely white community its like culture shock.

It's only okay to genderswap if you're part of the socjus mob or pay them protection money via virtue signalling.

I've realized that blacks who aren't from the US are actually pretty chill and when they come here they work hard.

American blacks are literally used as slaves for votes. They keep crime on the rise to keep them in check. Once the right reduces crime they can see how they are being used as livestock.

Always hire Haitians my dude. They will work their ass off and every single Haitian in the area will come into your store to talk to them and buy shit.

It's a weird phenomenon. They take a loosely-defined base, "White people" in North America, and immediately declare them to have no culture. Then, they take a bunch of other people, see Brits, French, Germans, Swiss, Finns, Italians, what have you, then start lumping them all in with the "White People." These people clearly have their own unique and distinct cultures, but they're getting it slowly taken away from them, be it through devaluing compared to other cultures, calling it racist or whatever. Slowly you get a bunch of people who are disconnected from their cultures, and, in feeling no attachment to their identity, do not react when being told they're mayonnaise whiteys with no culture. As such, all of these cultures and identities are destroyed, forgotten and their benefits die off. This leaves room for degenerate culture, Marxist state culture, 'multiculturalism' or whatever your doomsday vision is.

I'm really beginning to hypothesize that John Adkins is delusional.

Would it be transphobic if nips made them shemale or futa?

Chris Kluwe is a feminist faggot and former professional (?) athlete who helped cover up a rape thing going on.

Don't waste your time on gibbering madmen.


For your amusement, something #TD related, featuring our good old narrative-pushing fedora-tippers and ANN (I'll let the angry plebbitors reeeee for itself) disrespecting dead Nips as usual.
The plebbit thread: archive.is/X1omT
The (revised) ANN article. archive.is/wiJV9
Unfortunately plebbitors are not familiar with the concept of archiving.


And you'd be right, Mombot's digging on him showed that he was expressing these shit opinions since at least 2004. It wasn't until the "fake it 'til you make it" dipshits that inhabit Gawker and Polygon came into power that someone actually took him seriously.

That reminds me: archive.is/z7iZz

I guess pedos are a universal constant.

The means of production weren't collectively owned tho, that's the important part. In fact, Nazis coined the term "privatization".

fug forgot pic

The Dems brainwashed them that they'll never succeed in life because of whitey so why bother trying to get out of the projects?

Rewriting history

So the leftist hate for laborers continues? If that was true.

They really aren't good at this whole thing. The bigger mess you make, the more you have to do to clean it up or sweep it under the rug as it were.

So, if ANN and MAL are full of disgusting kikes, where does one go for anime news and shit?

I wanna see them memory hole the berkeley riot with all that footage people have now.




Why do people always fucking buckle?

From this video series it seems that despite the fact he's autistic, linkara seems to still enjoy and is content with his content.

Well, she's not backing down from the people who actually sent her death threats, but you know some of them will go "well, I didn't send them, so I'm in the clear," even though they excused them.


Fucking assholes.

Not really rewriting history - it's projection. The left don't want to debate - mainly cos their arguments are irrational - so it's a tactic to shut down debate. They'll state that their opponents have nothing to offer so no point in debating them. The socjus herd then just go along with it - 'don't debate', essentially 'don't listen to what the other side have to say'.

It would be so, so simple to just respond to these idiots with just a phrase "I don't really care. It's fan art."

She's apologising to the people who say she's caused them/their communities "pain".

ie the people who said that her art was transphobic, and probably explained why

when it's


Direct from the source.

Well, yeah, I'm not ignoring that, I'm just saying that they're not exactly saints themselves.

Details? This is some scary shit, though it sounds like it wont effect the us too bad.

That archive is from the wikipedia article, surprised infogalactic does not have their own version on it. You can check out more articles discussing it by googling "EU Right To Be Forgotten".

For some reason I think if that law passes a group of people will find every instance of deletion and spread it way farther then it ever would have gotten. It's essentially a government triggering the streisand effect.

The wording is bad, especially with the context of his death as well as the revision cliff note. However, the outrage in the thread over the overwork in animation studios seems like narrative pushing. Lots of anime has shitty scenes and not being able to critique that because someone died is their (sjws) narrative to me. The anime industry and Japan in general needs a reform for the care of their employees, and should be talked about more often, but that doesn't add or detract from a review of a scene that's objectively poorly done (even if its technically a valid reason for the quality). His death is sad and I view the redditors in the wrong for using it as an excuse for calling the author of the article out over something they might not have known. I could be reading this situation incorrectly, and who I'm thinking you were implying is in the wrong, its pretty late

All she did was just paint a bigger target on herself and admit her piece was transphobic, she gave them an inch, they're going to go even harder on her now.

Pick your search engine and follow the same example as here:

Except instead of smaller vidya sites seek out smaller anime sites.

Also, skimming through it, there's no explanation of how or why something should be "forgotten" or deleted. Someone just files a complaint, and it will be removed. However, the one thing I'm questioning is how this will be different than what goes on right now with how the press and people try to rewrite history.

It's Tim Soret all over again (Except, this time, for a derivative work)?

look @ this

What a fucking wuss out. Just tell them to fuck off and get over it. God damn. She was doing that before and now just buckles all of a sudden? At least most of her fans are telling her that apologizing was retarded.

Why can't people just stand up for their fucking work if no one stands up for their work this shit will just keep getting worse and worse.

I really wish the devs did more than just say "don't do that, that's not cool." Especially when people started replying to them with "I don't usually condone death threats, but…"

If someone is working for a company with 'Anime News' in the name then they should know this stuff.


I hate to say it, but do we have other instances of artists being executed for their work aside from Charlie Hebdo?

Search up Vann Nanth or Vann Nath. He died in 2011 and he lived under Pol Pot's regime in which every intellectual had been killed and replaced them by teenage members of the Khmer Rogue. He was forced to paint portraits of Pol Pot in order to live.

There was also that artist from Pakistan(?) where the local extremist group broke his hands for making cartoons critical of them, and his response after he got out of the hospital was to draw himself with hand casts flipping off the viewer.

Looking it up, here are a few other names (According to this article):

Obviously I played Colin McRae Rally for the politics.

Patreon made a statement about the Lauren Southern thing, but more and more people are calling them out about the bias they showed. Then in the comments you get that Cathy Young retard and this fag jumping in to defend patreon taking down those mean old bigots.

Some more names:

please use archive.is/blog/5-badass-comic-creators-who-died-their-art/

I recall reading something about that. but the study was done by some ass hurt chinck. Which are notorious for cheating at entrance exams. but you have to believe it when you see some of the scores blacks need to get into some of these prestigious schools

Something like;

Of course Israel was involved. Of course.

user, I'll ask you to screencap them. If they don't have their faces on the information regarding them being threatened or killed for their work, please do so. Their stories needs to be heard and should be heard.

Its a good thing im just going to community college for a few years and bailing as soon as i can get a good job. Fuck higher education.

Tetris has a political agenda! Because it's made by a Russian!
…I feel the bile rising up my throat just reading that.

That web shitting on BioWare none stop, then finishing up with Jade Empire shots just to drive in the pain of what was once a great studio and brand. /sadface


It was a pretty obvious conclusion. Women are very social creatures who bend and sway wherever the wind dictates they should.

I've heard so much different shit regarding Lauren Southern that I have no clue what she actually did. There's a lot of shilling going on on leddit, though. The mods of r/patreon are going around and swarming any threads about it. When people bring up them not shutting down antifa accounts, they feign ignorance and downplay the guy on patreon employee supporting them as "just an engineer, not an official spokesman of patreon."

KiA continues to disappoint.

Something about boats.

Are you kidding me.

she was friendly with Defend Europe, guys who basically turn boats of "refugees" back and report on coast guards corruption in letting them in, ontop of that they do save drowning moosies but send them back
she just happen to go out with them one night and report on what they do
and ya know reporting the facts is bad and all that so the SJW kept saying she tried to down them bla bla bla


Isn't this the turbo-jew who stole OC without giving credit and reposted under his channel and voiced it over to get money?

also shills games without disclosure among other things

So basically, she's 'responsible' for them drowning because they're throwing themselves into danger attempting to illegally enter the country?

I think that stuff came from that group sinking the empty boats so that they cannot be reused again by other migrants. Since most people are dumb and do not read they thought oh she is sinking boats full of muslims and watching them drown.

This is the most pathetic ban I've ever seen.

Just saw this. The KiA mods are fucking klutz.

user dont try to do it on facebook. not because of SJWs, but because 90% of people dont know or even heard of GG

i tried that a couple times and no one ever seems to know that GG is

you want to shill/red pill people? do it at work or with friends. talk about current events that are happening and slowly be like "believe it or not all this shit is happening because people tried to fuck with videogames" and go from there

also i might not know wtf youre talking about. i just joined the thread and saw your post.

Nah, let him shill the sites. He's not shilling GG, he's shilling alternative sites for normalfags to use for gaming news, which is good and fine.

ahh i thought it was about gg..
but seriously i red pilled my whole circle of friends and family
im really good at it for some reason


Reminder that nothing of value would be lost if Reddit was dragged into the Abyss to never be seen again.











But remember, he keeps crying "people believe devs before they believe me." Yeah, Alex, they're going to believe them over you, because you've shown literally no remorse about death threats and actively fuck with the livelihood of literally hundreds of people.

So nothing's changed from the whole "Video Game Addiction"

can someone please tell me why I'm getting pop-ups like this.
I have him whitelisted for adblock and I have pop-up blocker on for this site
What the fuck.

Wait, forgot their quote…

Do you have Noscript installed?

Thank christ I don't live in worst korea. There're few things more destructive than the oedipal mother, and here you see a state inhabiting that archetype to a T.

What did she mean by this?

Need context. It sounds like sarcasm though.

Wait, am I reading this wrong, or are they blaming a murder on Danganronpa? If I was going to imitate a Danganronpa killing, I would probably go for 2-5, where he sets it up to look like he was kidnapped and tortured, rigs a trap to start a fire, and uses his supernatural luck to guarantee that the person he wants dead will accidentally kill him by trying to put out the fires with a poisoned fire extinguishing bomb.

Here's a mock-up of the text for the OC:

I didn't but I do now. Holla Forums wasn't working without them though, so I enabled them all on this site; I'm assuming that's okay to do, or are there some I should leave disabled?

Fucking kill me I just wasted about an hour of my life arguing with a literally retarded KiA mod
Here's a screencap of what transpired
Fuck this shitty site; I'm gonna go to bed.

I'm just not sure if they're saying it was an imitation of a Danganronpa murder or if I'm dumb and misreading it.

I think it's more "We're going to ban this over-the-top violent mature video game because a murder just happened recently & we don't want anyone to get reminded or upset"

Nothing else besides the site itself. If you go to other places, you'll have to allow some scripts to run. Some places like Google however still work without scripts enabled.

Suppose the text works.

I guess that makes more sense. A lot of those murders would be pretty annoying to copycat. I guess clubbing a trap with a dumbbell and stringing him up would be easy enough, if you really wanted to copy it for some reason.

I'm getting really tired of people using that shitty excuse. There will ALWAYS be something.

Even then it's fucking stupid because it accomplishes nothing but to serve the authoritarian mindset.

look @ this



Besides their dumb stance of "A big bad event happened & we don't want anyone to be upset", I wonder if there's ever going to be a beta or leak of the games containing the removed 9/11 material.

Game's been available for over a decade.

Game actually looks pretty good! I don't even think that type of game is made anymore nowadays.

Forgot to add

So when will trump get impeached? Failing to repel Obama care is perhaps the biggest loss of an American president in decades.

He wasn't high enough level yet. He's wearing the macho brace though so things will work out.


What rights do they think disabled people don't have?

Sweet dreams, user.

That's right on the mark. It's why I said that states with these sorts of bans embody the, "oedipal mother," because it's essentially how an overprotective mother behaves.
Naturally, these people don't know that they're embodying the oedipal mother (aka pathological feminine) archetype, nor do they understand how it's in direct conflict with the development of the heroic masculine archetype, nor do they understand the developing hero's capacity to make order out of chaos.

Freud believed that the defeat of the hero at the hands of extream empathy, especially from a parrental force like the state, was the primary story of human history and I'm reminded of how close to the truth that is everytime I hear about countries that ban games.

I typed that wrong. It was about ableism and disabled people advocacy. Either way it is retarded. Takei jumped in too to shit on Trump and then compare McCain to Snape.

Its always fucking harry potter. wizardry was always better

I still have no idea what they want. More wheelchair ramps? I don't think there's any real stigma against disability other than shit they made up. If anything people seem to go out of their way to be nice to people with (physical) disabilities. Until this I actually forgot that 'disabled advocacy' was ever a thing. Liberals moved on from that so long ago in favor of LGBTQIA+P+.

I'm not even surprised anymore.

Pokemon Go: Dashcon Edition



McCain wasn't "secretly good", he's always been a RINO and he's just shittershattered because he doesn't like Trump. You'd think Takei would be old enough to remember McCain's 2008 platform, going on about how he's a renegade and barely a Republican. The man is a Democrat in all but name and his head looks like a potato.

I seem to remember Moon Rocks Wu talking about making games easier, less complex, and putting in more QTEs in order to make them more accessible to diabled people.

Meanwhile, there are disabled people (like webm related) who play vidya better than most able-bodied journos and SJWs.

The past is irrelevant to him (and the Left as a whole.) The Narrative is everything.

I wish I could ignore the past so easily. Would make my life a lot happier.

Pretty sure all the bad and incompetent shit that the Democrats which FDR was part of was blamed on the Republicans, gotta love historical revisionism.

Its funny how every fucking bad thing america did is blamed on the repubicans.

I have no love for Pomemon GO, but that's just unfortionate.
I suppose you could say that Niantic was not Noah when the flood came.

Didn't a blind guy play through all of Ocarina?

Dwell on the past and you lose one eye. Forget the past and you go blind.

just googled it, and yep

this just shows how important proper sound design can be for a game

source of that game?

OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast

I guess reporting these kind of people won't do a thing.

What power do these people have to go unpunished by their shitty and criminal behavior?

Being on the "right side of history". Just say it's offensive and you get a free pass.

And the artist girl ended apologizing I believe?

People these days don't have any spine nor learn that won't be enouth.

You should never apologize to these people, even if you are wrong.

I can't help but feel pity for her. Also, she could just say that the genderbent trans man was now a transwoman, so that would shut them up.

They are useful idiots of the establishment, and they will keep acting like this until a different ideology becomes dominant.
I believe in karma and these people will get what's due.

Also, I think worth noting, these kinds of people are the ones that would stretch out their right arm the furthest during 1930's Germany.
Easily led people, or sheep if you will.

They would say that she was trying to find an excuse and continue harassing her. When they got someone, they're going all the way, no excuses.

Sorry for blogpost.
>visit Sweden with family
>Right off the ferry
>Filthy, lots of trash
>Migrant harasses my Mom, telling her not to take photos
>Dad tell the sandnigger to fuck off
>Grandma gets the meat she's looking for at the butcher's shop
>Sandnigs following us around
>Fuck off soon after
My legs were shaking. I know it's not bad to be scared, but I was so afraid all I could do was quake in my boots. I felt like I should've done something.
I hate bring weak.

Alunya a slut

Learn to be strong so you don't have to fear anything. Sort yourself out.

Nigger shut the fuck up with your made up bullshit.

I found the problem.

A degenerate commie slut.


It's your own fault. You have to realize that the shitskin hate white people and are pretty open about their hate towards us.
They will not hesitate to kill you if they get the chance, and they will also suffer no consequences.

Sweden is a warzone without the open firefights.


Remember that one girl on youtube? Was pretty obvious she was fake, but some of you pedos insisted that she is real.


Which girl?

Good evening, pendejos!

I don't remember her name. I mean that one little girl, 9 years old or something, constantly swearing and shit.


literally who gives a fuck

yep that one
Took some people WAY to long to realize that she is not real.

it's 1:00pm

You are a bravest man than I.
I've seen the beginning of many, but didn't have the guts to watch that shit.

As a Donkey Kong fan I hate them for fucking that shit up.

Then only tumblr, twatter and nsabook remain to be destroyed.

It was obvious for me for almost 5 years already.

BTW: Did any of you anons heard about that genderbender james bond movie called "Atomic Blonde" which was released two days ago?

WTF, i hate Sonic the hedgehog now!


Fugg :D:DD:D

… user… she's right there in front of the camera… what are you talking about you dunce ?
Are you retarded, autistic, or a combination of the two ?..


Delete this
The only cat we allow around these parts are the capitalist kind

delete yourself buddy.


You should have been banned for terrible low quality posts goddamn.

But silly Marche, we are turning her into a capitalist fuck pig.

I don't want to rape that cat. Instead, I want to show her the joys of capitalism through lots of love, hugs, and bread.

you are being corrupted and tricked into communism
this is how they get you

find yourself a proper capitalistic catgirl

The parties switched :^)

I hope you're all helping out to make Holla Forums a caring, happy place

But Marche.

If you like Miranda, you are a furry.

No im not
im a person of perfect taste in best girls

It might be obvious to you, but a lot of people still fall for that shit. Never mind that we still have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and there is ISIS in the region who actually does try to fuck with us and our allies.

Why (Aside from that feminist crack right at the end)? Or is it the fact that the entire clip was, honestly, unneeded?

There are NISA shills in the Falcom thread. It's weird

Isn't Miranda an impure wench?
But yeah, Galko's pretty good.

"I'll have them niggers voting democrat for 200 years" - Lyndon B. Johnson

She is a good wife

She is literally a whore.

It should be noted that Knuckles is frequently shown to be incredibly dumb and massively gullible.


It isn't that weird, when you know that Falcom lost Ys 8 to fucking NISA.

That doesn't mean shit, they do this a lot. They take the idiot of the show and make him say "the right thing". And when people don't listen they can say that even X said so. They do the same with Homer right now.

No she isnt

Uh buddy, if someone is using a TV show or a film as a valid argument in a "serious" discussion, especially one that's a comedy, they already lost.


But will I defeat those nazis if I cant make harry potter comparisons


Everything is goatse if you dig deeply enough.


Everyday I find more crazy SJWs devoid of all logic, using disingenuous arguments and bad faith. It really drains me after awhile. I've started muting people on twitter. I mute any and all "sassy black woman" gifs, emoji replies, where the whole tweet is all emojis and pretty much all leftists in general.

He's presumably claiming that she's reciting a script written by someone else.


😂 👌😂 👌😂 👌

Oh, and the clapping emoji between every word. I mute that shit so fast, unless it's being used ironically to make fun of it.

Who cares about that mockingbird shit, the original pic already was old and it suddenly gets posted a few threads ago and appears in some shit game now. Why the fuck are people dragging this shit back into the sunlight, marvel is still fucked and isnt going to make shekels.

Sorry, I don't really care but I saw that the dev was being smarmy about pissing off frogs and thought I'd share.

I really wonder just how lucrative these mobile games are, and how many people play them.


Very much, if you notice how much gacha-shit games are on mobile. It's ridiculous.
I play one. FFBE. I didn't made any microtransactions.

I didn't realize this earlier, but that's also the entire premise to the series Eureka.

That doesn't stop them from using it.
And normalfags probably swallow that shit.

What is this sega shit with destructoid?

I'm pretty sure we're laughing at how hard their just going to fail with this.

I thought it was worth posting. There's also someone who claims to have written for Polygon in the responses bragging about how the comic that was cancelled after 8 issues was nominated for awards.


Ah, the Polygon writer's actual name is Justin Carter, that's why I couldn't find his articles at first.


Notices the lack of calling out right wing extremisim, but doesn't have a problem with no mention of antifa or riots or the black bloc.

This person is followed by a lot of gamergate peeps, and was retweeted into my timeline by another person followed by a bunch of gamergate peeps. Both of them are tweeting shit about right wing extremism now. I don't get it. Everyone I follow is anti-SJW as far as I can tell.

I'm tired as shit right now too though, so maybe I'm just being retarded. It's like, everything else from this account is anti-SJW/leftist and pretty centrists. But then this comes along.

I have no idea why this crazy mormon trad wife pisses goon people off far more than the actual card carrying national socialists.

Are they both the same person?

Who is this shit?!

…damn I never noticed that.
I watched that show for about 4 seasons before I realized literally every episode was practically identical.


You might just be a normalfag.

Chad Thundercock Hijack


Talk about a waste of everything. It's funny how they keep feeding attention to the President to the point everyone in the world talks about him. You sure didn't hear much from Obongo.

Keep his major fuckups and shitting on the people quiet and then declare him best president the us had in decades when he steps out of office. Cant believe people fall for that shit


Old news and pretty much predictable from Stephen Tyrone Cuckbert. Obama gets a pass from all the unrestricted droning, unlimited spying, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, ISIS, Refugee crisis, BLM, Ferguson, Baltimore, and ect, but hey, new Republican President to deride, insult, joke and revisionist off, right?

This will be entirely truthful and free from bias.

There will also be a similar cartoon about Hillary and the Clinton's lives.

Everything will be daijoubou.

This is some ebig halfchan maymay? Seems as forced and autistic as fucking Quentin comics


This will be a half hour of a ridiculous cartoon villain screaming stupid nonsense, every week.

These hurt my feelings plz delet

What these Hollywood kikes want to do is to elect another Obama, especially if you remember the 8-years of Bush bashing by the media, and another 8 years of Obama dicksucking and blaming the other side for all their fuck ups.

Yeah, everything now just reminds me of the Bush stuff. I didn't like the guy, but this is so fucking obvious when you consider that half the shit Obama did was just an expansion on what Bush did, only even more blatant about it. When you combine his complete lack of respect for the military, the BLM bullshit, and his open support of groups that are enemies I know Bush did the same thing, but I don't remember him being as blatant it gets a bit ridiculous.

Libel lawsuit hype.


Sounds similar to Big Hero 6.

Could I ask why we're still paying attention to Blob? He says something stupid every hour on the hour, and it get's tiring really fast because he has no new material to present.

And Iron Man 2, and the first Tomb Raider film, and Frasier's Journey to the Center of the Earth, and National Treasure, and Alex Rider.

Back then, I was liberal. I recently went through an old tumblr of mine and deleted it because apparently I used to be a liberal white guilt feminist. I can't believe what I used to be. It was Gamergate that opened my eyes, and now I desire the eradication of all Jews.

I once proposed a "no blob posting" rule, but I saw this and it was too juicy to pass up

It's hilarious that the actual Emoji movie is a clear bargain bin ripoff of stuff like the Lego Movie and Inside Out, and Blob thinks he's so smart and then just rips of Big Hero 6 and again Inside Out.
He thinks he's so very smart, but he's so fucking dumb.

Sounds like Her but with a kid and less depth.

I dunno. It's a bad habbit.

I was boarderline SJW before GG started, so I know how you feel. I keep all my old comments from before I got de-pozzed, though.

He thinks he's smart, but he's nothing more than a living embodiment of a nothing burger.



Did I make a mistake getting my mom into Jojo?

Yes. a severely huge one. You should've gotten her into Boku no Pico, instead.

Depends; is she reading the manga first or is she an anime onlyfag?
tfw Johnny Joestar and Funny Valentine figures are finally happening

How into Jojo is she at this moment?

Anime, since watching anime together has been our "thing" for a couple years now.
Also hell yeah, those might be the first figures I buy since I love part 7.

We finished part 3 today and anytime there's a twist or a shock I hear her gasp and when someone gets killed she goes 'noooooo' so pretty into it I think. She also talks about how the color shifting gives her lots of ideas for her art. I know Jotaro is her favorite character. She likes manly guys who don't cry or whine and Jotaro's stoic-ness is cool to her.

I bet she's looking up yaoi doujins.

You should start calling your mother a bitch to be more like jotaro, im sure she would like it.

We already say "fuck you" and other shit to each other jokingly.

I'm sorry; she's gonna turn into a memespouting chimp and start posing in public places.
'm sorry; she's already autistic

She doesn't care about that shit. The internet is just the thing she uses to watch Asian soap operas.

It's too late user. She's got the 'tism and she's gonna use it. Soon you'll be showering and you'll hear her say "NIIIIICCCCEEEEE" from behind the door.

Yo, hol up.
Are you the user with the fit mom that climb mountains and shit?


Should I count myself luckey that I haven't experienced any part of the Jojo series?

Nah, its good shit but it attracted fujoshits and other cancerous trash so the fanbase is fucked.

Jojo is pretty great, the western fans and jap fujoshits are just shit.
If you ever read the manga and don't skip parts.

The secondary fans are cancer, but Jojo itself is cool.

The new series attracted the tumblrshit sjweebs, even the Japanese Fujoshits knows how to keep their fetish to themselves.

To be fair, Comedy Central did this back in the early 2000s with "That's My Bush." It lasted four episodes, I think? And that was with CC's outrageously low standards at the time.


I'm just going to post a fit mom because why the fuck not.
Fit girls is best.

Whats going on in that picture?


Nah, it's actually pretty good. It's just, like every popular thing, it attracts a portion of incredibly autistic faggots to its fanbase.

Same with Little Witch Academia, I've seen. Lots of SJWeebs on twitter have avatars with characters from LWA.

Haven't seen much of My Hero Academia.

Little witch is pretty good

I finished watching Kemono Friends a few days ago.
It was a fun time, comfy as fuck too. Watching it after coming home from work took the stress right off.

You sir are my nigga.


It's a very fun anime. I'm hoping Ursula/Chariot makes it into the game.

She's my favourite, next to humbled Croix and Diana

I will always see kemono friends as proof that moefags will eat literally anything with cute animu grills in it, even bad 3DCG garbage.

Just because it has some cancerous fans who picked it up because of memes and word of mouth doesn't mean the actual content itself is bad. Araki could give less of a shit about that.

Good shonen, so far. Both the anime and manga are high quality. Like anything that gets a degree of popularity, stay away from tumblr of course, but the actual content is fine. The show has some good fights, averts adults being useless and kids being all powerful, has some top quality waifus and the anime OST is top tier.

As someone who hates moeshit and has reflexively avoided all CG garbage before this I can say you are wrong.

The secret of Kemono Friends is it's actually written well unlike every moe anime, avoids almost every trope or expectation you may have and it in spite of the CG is has good shot framing, composition and pacing.
It's also clearly a work of passion and care that is obvious when you watch it and not a soulless cynical corporate cash grab unlike shit like kancolle and idolmasters.

Best girl.

That webm makes me miss /f/.

Kemono Friends also gave us Gape-Kun.

Your feeling I can feel deeply user.


what non-animated children's picture book is this from?

I tried to like it . The setting seemed interesting, but I found everything about the humor completely offputting. The third episode with the bird girl who can't sing was when I realized that I definitely wasn't going to like it.

Love the fanart, though.

Honestly It's kind of strange that filthy casuals haven't attached themselves to kemono friends even though you would think it would have mass market appeal. I guess the 3D has acted as a filter from the worst aspects of fandoms so maybe it's good thsi was 3D.

That's fair. I didn't really get into it until episode 4, but I'm not going to tell you to watch a show you weren't feeling.

My Hero Academia. That's Himiko Toga. She's great.

Ah, thank you, but never mind.

Your loss.

Where da bakers at?


Bread title: Flip Flop Edition

So… any spaniards here?

Sorry for the following taco message.

¿Por qué cojones los antifas están en contra del turismo ahora? ¿Son como los negros americanos en contra de la 'gentrificación'?

That fourth gif was brutal.


I'd like to ask her about that time she murdered that guy to cover up an affair.


Burger here. I bet it's "colonization" or some such garbage.

That's hardcore yo.


Actually 694 now

Not spaniard.

Pienso que es por que la mayoria de turistas son "blancos privilegiados" o por que simplemente no quieren que la gente de afuera vea todas las pendejedas que esta haciendo antifa.

Could be, could be. Thanks for not minding my taco, but I'm fucking tired of comunists faggots.

Ah si, ahora recuerdo. Quieren menos turistas y mas refugiados.

Los turistas, incluso cuando tienen que aprender algo de civismo, al menos traen dinero y sólo se cagan y se mean en las calles en verano.

It's fine, I only hate spics that come to america and refuse to integrate (la raza) or even learn the most basic english words. And when I say basic I mean they cannot say "one two three" or "where is the bathroom" in english. That shit makes me so mad.

Ive come to hate all spics equally.

La verdad no entiendo como españa se fue a la mierda tan cabronamente, tengo unos conocidos que viven por ahi y me cuentan cada cosa mas bizarra.

El lado bueno es que por lo menos no esta tan mal como Venezuela o Argentina aun

Nobody like la raza faggots or people that behave that way no matter their race.

Even the aryan argentinians? :^)

Boatsluts has some decent doujins and fanart, but the game just from how its described is mobileshit. Idolmaster is namco and microkikes fault, but some of the spinoff stuff is fun like puchis.

As long as they stay far away from america, they're fine.

Well except jews and jew supremists.

Yeah you'd think that but so many fucking cucks defend them and their bullshit here and refuse to deport them even after the 6th time they get caught drunken driving which here is a big fucking no no.



Don't waste time deporting, gas them all.

Fuck off. Nobody gives a shit about e-celeb crap.

fuck you it related

This is Bob saying that he wishes he knew his parents better.