5 terrorists and 1 hostage go in
6 body bags come out
5 terrorists and 1 hostage go in
6 body bags come out
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New polish op is cute
Who was the cleanup crew? Wouldnt that mean 2 other people went in?
Blast propelled them into a body bag and out of the window.
looks like a reskinned valkyrie or iq
I'm so fucking shit at this game, man.
Neat. Any other info on them yet?
Will we ever get another team that doesn't have a mandatory cunt in it?
What? I might have to get this game now.
t. pole
Don't get it bracie , save the money and buy a better game they didn't fix shit in the new update. Same shit, new package.
blitz is even more pathetic. he can't even choose what pistol to use.
the shield guys should fucking get a machine pistol at least.
Blitz has the best pistol in the game though
Where are her nudes?
and why can't I get into this game? This game just pisses me off and makes me want to replay R6:Vegas.
Why? It wasn't even that fun.
Because I had more fun with that game than this one. Feels real fucking bad, man.
I blame the dlc kikery and the modern fps player. I might just be too old to hang with the modern fps player that cries about one hit kill melee attacks.
I'm somewhat with you there, but with most "competitive" games, really. People these days seem to be only out for instant gratification, even more so than normal. If a game isn't going absolutely perfect you can bet at least one asshole will quit immediately, leaving your team with one less player.
I'm seeing this stuff more and more in Siege now, too. It wasn't that bad even half a year back.
Fucking kids, man. I swear.
People do that?
it's fake as fuck
Do Ubisoft care about their shitty coding? I'm stuck on the "NAT strict" shit and because of that I can't play TH in lone wolf (yes, the game doesn't want me to play alone because of my supposedly bad connection).
I saw a thread on leddit last week so I guess I'm not the only one to have that issue, at least on the WEU region.
I wish they would patch that shit as soon as possible, before the Health Death update.
This. That mentality is mostly present in CoD (you notice that you're starting to get spawnkilled faster than the usual, you check the score board: 1 or 2 players vs 6).
I guess you can thank esports for that.
So, Unit 777?
Why go into that much detail? Easiest thing that disproves that is she looks cute and ubisoft has consistently shown they can't do female faces for shit.
They're preparing various optimization, model, and effects rework.
Apparently they're also set to finally make valkyrie look like something.
operator as fuck
You ain't got shit on Spetsnaz.
What is going on
It's the team that works on, and I use this term loosely, mil-sims so they are bound to have significantly less poz. I mean, they even seem to know how guns function so you can have one in the chamber and only cock the gun after completely exhausting a magazine.
Kill yourself you fucking normalfag.
Looks like a significant improvement in comparison to what we have now.
In this case looks more like they are making it look more human. Seriously i've never played this game but that first picture doesn't look right, its a bad model due to things like the angle of the lips, the blank as fuck eyes etc.
It's almost as if Ubisoft wants to kill their one actually good game.
Sure it's a retarded opinion this one
I agree that the DLC is bullshit but at he end is just cosmetic and all the things worth are easily grindable with two games
Mate I can deal with a 4v5 dropout….what I can't stand anymore are the "lolsofunny" cunts that pick caveira, down all the team and leave so they actually don't get the ban or the ones that pick recruit, kills you and then snackbar themself for the giggles
Are you going to get triggered over anything negative said in the thread and individually respond to each and every post from days ago?
Can you tell me the secret to get 10-25k renown ina few matches for the skins / operators?
of course they can, its just that it would be bigoted to show a beautiful women since it makes ugly women who dont even play the game feel bad.
it all makes perfect sense.
Literally Fuze wet dream for a team
Mate just end yourself already, I bet that if I make a huge answer replying to all the anons you would bitch anyway
if you play a mission you gain ~500 extra with the missionshe first op of each base unit is 500 so git gud moron
I've heard that they want to get rid of the renown in TH with the Health update.
What do you expect from a board full of pedophiles?
You can say that your retarded posts 'needed' an answer too, I'm not the one bringing a day old thread to the frontpage just because I got bumb touched by a poster three days ago.
Shit I didn't hear that….that would make TH basically useless tho….any source on that?
I want to fuck autism eyes Bandit
get out faggot.
but he's so useful and cute
And you're so gay and obnoxious.
RSS is a massive surprise hit, I'm almost certain its like the biggest thing that makes them a steady profit so they're scrambling to fix it, from big problems to shit like facial models, they did the same twitch making her appear way more feminine.
But the game is still kinda busted, hit registry, netcode, servers, all sorts of shit.
i miss the good charm challenges
operation health has been attempting to tackle many of these issues but they seem to be digging themselves a hole with half their fixes
Post your best alpha packs
I've gotten a bunch of black ice ones but I don't like those skins so I don't use them, pretty much don't like any weapon skins that aren't a solid color.
despite the autistic screeching of tumblerites, games like overwatch prove people are more likely to buy even a crummy game if theres some waifubait in it. I'm sure the siege devs realize the fanart being made of their characters and popularity of their more "eccentric" operators and aren't going to make ugly for the sake of ugly at this point
I mean for fuck sake IQ is the worst op in the game but people still like her cuz they made her cute
Yea my friends been telling me a lot of the fixes aren't working out to well.
matchmaking is a fucking disaster as of right now, constantly being dropped into matches that have already started, or worse into a match-point
depending on the match that's a free alpha pack roll right there.
I hadn't heard anything about that, but I didn't look into the alpha packs much either. I just open em when I get em and occasionally blow my renown on em since i have nothing else to spend it on. Theres like a
You can buy them with renown? Oh shit.
yep, surprisingly not jewish of them to allow.
Yeah, I totally thought the "buy more" option was for money.
You'd have to be a fucking unborn retard to think that sex doesn't sell.
Don't think you can get elite skins from alpha packs.
there's a phenomenally low chance if I read correctly.
this is ubisoft we're talking about
oh boy a "legendary"
operator idea
defender with a net gun
So a movable frost? Could work but is only useful if paired with cav that gets an interrogation
A guy that have holograms of the match ops in some position, like peeking or laying down or crouching….use them as a distraction or a bait
A guy with a gel gun, 2 shots, can fortify again the holes in the wall or the hatches or door/windows making it shootable through with a decreased damage, kinda of seethrough so if they blow the wall with termite but gets killed and the guy can shoot the gel they have wasted time
A operator that can reinforce doors or windows as a trap, he blows the door, rush then place again the door-trap so if the defender tries to flank gets killedbasically a claymore a bit more trappish
A operator kamikaze, if gets downed he can explode a bit in case cav gets closer
The whole TH renown thing was because people could use cheat engine to modify values for payout (not even joking), and instead of fixing it, goobisoft completely removed the payout.
Got Arachnophobia headgear for Sledge
Nice ass, too.
Nice… so after the next patch the only way to get renown is to play pvp so if I hate that mode I can't unlock new operators, gear and get those new skins.
Why did you even buy it?
The only reason PvP is worth playing is because Ubisoft has done fuck all with co-op. Article 5 could have been the start of something amazing but, instead, Ubi just ignored it in favor of "muh e-spurts".
If Terrorist Hunt had even one tenth of the attention PvP has received it'd literally be the only mode the majority of players would touch.
Terrorist hunt exists as an unguided tutorial on how to play PvP, that's all it ever was meant to be.
It was designed and marketed as a multiplayer game, Battlefield has a full single player campaign but I don't know a single person who's played through any of the recent ones.
Ahh yes, those rooms filled with proximity-detonated nitro cells, the suicide bombers, the complete lack of actual defender gadgets - perfect training for PvP!
It teaches you the most important lesson, to be aware, and that running around like it's CoD will get your ass shot.
would get shelved in no time because people would learn to identify quickly, also higher levels its headshot city so no ones going DBNO as frequently
I aint trying to be rude, but there was no incentive to play siege outside of the PVP
You didnt post the HK QT though
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