When did Mario fans become more autistic than Sonic fans????
It's embarrassing
When did Mario fans become more autistic than Sonic fans????
It's embarrassing
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That's not a recent development.
When did OP become such a faggot?
When nintendo and sega were having their console war in the 90's
You can do better psyops than that, CWC.
nice trips
they're both equally horrible and exactly as autistic.
At least the Mario females that people like to sexualize are fucking human.
Furries are always lowest of the low.
Not even a furry (or a waifufag) but
Show me a Mario girl on par with Rouge. I'll wait.
Literally every single one of those sounds like literally every single fanbase that exists.
Are you new to the internet, OP?
He posts on the board that currently has a "best Mario girl" thread.
I wouldn't want to, because she's a fucking anthro bat you furry fuck. Maybe that freaky pink fuck that shoots eggs out of its mouth?
You dumb faggot. I'm not even attracted to women but keep being a retard
im asexual
please go back to tumblr
Nigger, how is that mean I'm from tumblr? Weirdo
Only tumblr uses those dumb fucking sexualities, or believes they exist. Now get the fuck out.
In 10 years we're gonna see some really weird Mario porn on neodeviantart.
I'm Marksexual
Nintendo fans in general are worse than Sonic fans aside from Wario and Kirby fans, they seem pretty chill for some reason. Sonic fans just want to play Sonic games and talk about Sonic with other cripplingly autistic people. Nintendo fans have a smug self righteousness and elitism about liking Nintendo games. They may even be more autistic about their games than Sonic autists are. They get upset, almost to the point of tears, if you mention that you didn't pick the "right" starter Pokemon.
Asexual has been a term long before the ages of tumblr. Go away, you're making my asshole itch.
Yes, as scientific terms for species that actually are asexual. You are human, humans are sexual animals, you cannot physically be asexual.
Nintendo fans have an elitism even about liking certain characters. I saw waluigi fan attack a daisy fan because the character was "irrelevant". which doesn't make any fucking sense because both characters are irrelevant and dont contribute to the series.
could you imagine a mighty fan attacking a nack fan because their favorite character is irrelevant? That's just a one example of their general ass backward logic though. sanic fans can be embarrassingly autistic but they can be fun. sanic fans seem to genuinely love their series and their characters but mario fans only seem to care about the main cast and the 3 games they like.
Wario games and Kirby games are more unorthodox and carefree than most nintendo games so thats why their fanbase is laidback
I agree, tumblrfags need to leave. And so do redditfags who like ubishit DRM titles
R6S is good, go fuck yourself.
bump because some autist got in his feelings over a shitpost
Half a cock suck isnt a cock suck you cant just say stuff like that
siege is good but lets not pretend the Damocles sword of Ubisoft doesn't loom over it at all times
OP is clearly a mad sonicfag.
Stay mad sonicfag. Mario still has great games.
rabbids :^)
Your opinions are just memes.
They might be memes but they are fresh and true.
Mario fans will never be more autistic than sonic fans
sure, they're both overthetop cringy on almost equall levels but Mario, unlike Sonic, has had a consistent track record of making good games and keeping the cringe level to a minimum, or at least below sonic levels
Any fanbase that can Survive 2006 & Unleashed has super saiyan levels of autism
That's the curious part of it. They have consistently mediocre to pretty good entries in pretty much all of their franchises, so how is it that they're even bigger sperglords?
furry characters will do that
I'm referring to Mario/nintendo fans
and I think you knew that
Oh yeah?
When the average nintendo fan had to play mental gymnastics to give relevancy to their choice in continuing to buy nintendo products years after iwata's awful impact has been made. If you think otherwise you don't understand how the human mind works. These people are like progressives yelling for failed practices to be re-implemented in society for them to fail yet again and ignore reality when it comes to hit them in the face.
What the fuck is a Mario fan? He's like THE video game character he's so well known. I don't know who anyone who identifies as a "Mario fan".
And how the hell could Mario fans be worse than an entire fanbase of furries and autists. There is no Mario OC or a Chris-chan equivalent. Just comparing the Odyssey and Sonic Forces trailers should tell you which is more autistic.
They seem to be different shades of sperg
Sonic fans are at the point where everyone is self aware and they can have a nice chuckle. Despite everything that's happened, you can't look at it and say it's truly bad, because who doesn't love high tier autism.
I think Nintendo fans would be a better fit for what OP is talking about. They don't like one franchise in particular, they're secondaries to pretty much everything, with Mario being their face.
I haven't seen Sonic fans perform Olympic tier mental gymnastics over why their favorite monolithic cooperation is actually the good guy.
Most bars will ID you for that information
Here's the thing:
Nintendo fans have always been more autistic than other fanbase.
Fucking i want to fucking die
kys, faggot, even Call of Duty and Battlefield at least make a half-ass attempt at a campaign mode to justify having the nerve to charge full price for it.
that dog is crying!
also you should be deleted
…. Why was that saved to your hard drive, user?
you're like six kinds of fucking wrong, but i won't defend its lack of campaign and pricing, especially since i purchased it on sale and would tell anyone else to not only do the same but try a free weekend first. Especially considering even if you buy it on steam you have to launch fucking uplay to play it
Cute cop out.
Are there people who are neither children nor adults?
You should have used that image for this post.
I don't know, but I can tell you that women are both.
Don't forget:
lying scum
Oh gee, whatever would I do without some shitty tacked on story mode that is forgotten the second it's over. And there is singleplayer/co-op, it's called terrorist hunt. The game is also nothing like CS:GO, but keep getting mad at people having fun and supporting a game they like.
He does have a point.
The camera is the only real challenge of the game.
the lack of campaign and tacked on terrhunt IS a valid criticism with this game since the full game is 40 bux as it stands (and ubi trys to trick players with the starter edition). Even big fans of the game will say to buy it on sale. Comparing it to CSGO is completely braindead though.
It's a shame Ubi owns this title because it could shine so much more without them fucking stuff up every second patch. Operation Health is a fucking disaster too and the new ops are supposed to be august and we haven't even seen a teaser
delet your life
Because Mario games kick ass, and Rosalina is the best.
Submit yourselves the cosmic mother goddess of all. Your entire lives, from birth to death, come and pass but within a mere blink of her deep celestial eyes. The universe is her gown, time her breath, space her warmth, reality her ample bosom.
Rosalina is eternal love.
worst ""fanbase"" in existence. mario fans dont really love mario
I don't know where you got this insinuation. I love Mario
Wouldn't mind a Rosalina-only game though
Explain to us how Rosalina, despite only starring in one game and just being cameos in others, is the best character. Don't say "Because of her backstory!" because that doesn't really define a character for the most part but only provides a background.
What makes this character above all others?
you got that right, whenever I dare bring up the very idea that ocarina of time isn't deserving of the number 1 spot on all the top 100 lists I get a shitstorm. I can't even tell nintendo fags that goldeneye 007 isn't worthy of the top 100 without getting a shitstorm. These fags won't even accept that Doom, a game that holds up today is better than 007 a game that was clunky even at its time because fucking pc games with proper controls existed before it
Dobson please go. Something being overrated is a big problem only when it is dogshit like Skyrim and Bioshock. And people who think that OoT is the greatest Zelda game isn't that all encompassing much less the greatest game in all time.
I may be an autistic faggot and all, but even I can't swallow thae lie those games are supposed to be a single continuity. That bullshit is retconned so hard it makes Metal Gear look like it makes sense.
That said, fuck it. I think the CD-I games have given us all more joy than Skyward Sword ever did. Why not welcome into the nonsensical clusterfuck?
Mario and Sonic are both franchises that appeal to children and have so many mismatched continuities and "canon" spinoffs that adults can waste time trying to piece it all together in hindsight. If they're drawn to this sort of thing they're basically screwed from birth. Even if you ONLY like one specific generation of Mario or Sonic there's enough weirdness to get lost on without really trying.
They also have decent enough waifus if you like submissive girls in frilly dresses, underage furries, and/or koopa cock.
The real question OP was too afraid to ask is who reigns as Supreme Autist: Chris Chan or Movie Bob?
End your life.
Nigger Ign and every normalfag gaming outlet hails OoT as the greatest game ever made, and even when talking to normalfags they just take it as a given that it's the best game ever made.
basically most nintendo fags some keep at sucking nintendo's shit others leave.
Nintendo basically join EA and friends of don't fucking buy from ever again.
I mean you can see it sales numbers nintendo doesn't put out anymore. They don't produce enough shit their exclusive shit is debatable at best these days I'm certainly not looking forward to anymore shitty translations of Fire emblem and other games that shit was fucking horrid in Fates literally killed a huge aspect of the game. their shit never goes down in fucking price either its cheaper to get a ps4 plus a couple games and a year of Psn+(coupled with bunch of f2p games that don't even need psn+) at this point then it is to get a single switch game and a switch.
the 3ds is the only thing worth investing in and then Pirating the games you want since most of them are single player outside pokemon online battles which is basically filled with hack pokemon and monster hunter in which case we are getting a PC monster hunter game finally at which point why bother with 3ds online
I've come to tolerate furries more than waifufags and weebs at this point.
I see you haven't been to the showderp or digimon threads in a while.
The meme that Ninendo makes the best games causes this autism. The attitudes of Nintendo fans are inherited from the time when vidya games were called 'Nintendo games' by most normalfags. It's like a religion at this point.
Depends on how you mean "supreme". If for general laughs and being a god of lowcows, Chris wins undoubtedly because despite his sad, pathetic life he's brought consistent, laugh inducing entertainment for a decade.
Bob on the other hand, despite having lolcow tendencies (i.e. his book) and stupid specific autism about the Nintendo of America canon of Mario and Captain N, is just an insufferable, smug, pretentious punk bitch who still has people follow his word. Between his politicking and bad research on a given subject, and the fact he makes a living in those regards, I would (finances provided) gladly fly to Boston and look up hus address just to punch him in his diabetic fat mug.
Skyrim won the Test of Time award.
Are you going to complain that a relatively old game that everyone play that people generally liked is on top of a lot of people's opinion lists?
>I'm probably responsible for your opinions on both threads
Rosalina is the most well-defined and endearing character in the entire Mario series. Beyond her touching and well-written backstory (which few, if any Mario characters possess) lies a deep and mysterious character who has made it her duty to fill the cosmos with stars and other celestial wonders for the people of the Mushroom universe to make wishes on, and she is very doting and caring towards everyone she meets, in particular the lumas who are basically her children. She rises above her personal sorrows to maintain the responsibility of "motherhood" and help those in need, perhaps as retribution for the fact that she will never see her own mother again.
Also she's really pretty and I want to sleep in her arms and be there for her and eat her cake
I don't blame you for your mental illness.
You are really giving the gay furfaggots a run for their money with this autism.
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.
I'm blaming Super Mario Sunshine. That's when Mario developed enough of story and characterization for autistic faggots to go full autism on it.
That and it looks as primitive as the money for nothing music video.
After reading this post I've come to the conclusion that Rosalina is not 'Nintendo's lighting' that some folks shitpost around, but rather 'nintendo's shadow'. I mean think about it.
I don't give a fuck what you think faggot. To deny Rosalina is to deny life itself.
Shadow is cool though. And Rosalina's arc isn't over, she's presented as an eternal cosmic presence who basically maintains Mario's universe. She will be there until it decays to nothing, and then still be around to give it new life, as evidenced by SMG1's ending.
So basically she's always going to have an excuse to be around. Not like that whore Daisy.
And what the fuck is so weird about drawing porn of Rosalina, how the fuck is rule 34 of her surprising or "weird" in any way, have you even been on the internet before? Are you one of those tumblr idiots who complains about "girl fetishists"? I don't get how Rosalina porn equates to a 'fetish' unless your fetish is 'being attracted to girls', in which case, guilty as charged
fun fact: this music video has a black and white checkerboard tile floor. This means it has something to do with the Illuminati.
You act like any of these characteristics are special, they're pretty common outside of her franchise.
Ironic waifufagging is still waifufagging
She'll always be around, but what reason will she have to be in games outside spin offs?
Cool your jets nigger, he meant she had a lot of fetish specific porn like weight gain or fart
it's true, OoT isn't as good as people make it out to be, the problem is that if it doesn't get that number one spot then tons of fanboys get anal and start shitting on the list
On the flip side, I don't think Mario has anything like baby foxes, babysitting cream… So.
This, 10000%. Couple with the fact that none of the areas feel natural and that familiar enemies like koopas and goombas were added in at the last minute because it took them that long to get good at 3D modeling, and you have a quaint artifact at best.
Mario Time machine is good you faggot come here and fite me I learned a lot about history when I was a kid because of tha game and the surfing minigame was fun
Any Top [n] list is going to get shit on fam, it doesn't matter what's at the top. People should make 100 games that are good, sorted in alphabetical order lists. But then that wouldn't bring in the clickbait shekels.
Not possible.
Bob Chipcuck begs to differ
He's bad but there's so many sonic tards who are worse.
It's a stupid term for an involuntary celibate who has become a permanent voluntary celibate.
No, sonic tards are just degenerates you can laugh at.
Mario fags like Chipman are not only pathetic but they're insufferable elitist retards who vastly overestimate how great Nintendo is.
Someone hasn't paid attention to cwc since he became a libshit tranny who puts voodoo curses on Trump every night.
Yeah, and no one takes him seriously because it's Chris and putting Curse ye hame has on drumpf is the type of retarded shit he does.
Bob meanwhile gets triggered day in and day out, acting like he's the smartest guy in the room and still has a small audience clinging to his word.
While I agree with what you're saying
Doesn't that sum up literally every group ever?
Because EVERYBODY has played Mario once in their lives (not finished, played). Whereas only nineties kids remember Sonic from 1991-2000 during the console wars, then went underground until modern day because your own console covered half of the advertising; nintendo has been carefully been controlling their presence for eons with the ultimate party games. Mario games at least have 3 multiplayer games per generation, while Sonic is lucky to have even 1 per generation. By indirectly exposing siblings to multiplayer games who may have only played Pokemon, for example, they'd warm up to Mario's santa-like visage through Smash or Mario Kart. And although that's not exactly a bad thing, as people learn about the queen of platformers, it is simply a numbers game about exposure. For example, AGDQ: does anybody speedrun Ecco the Dolphin, Comix Zone, Gunstar Heroes, or Jet Set Radio? No, those are has-beens, and Sega stretched themselves too thin in terms of market presence and instead fund passion projects like Bayonetta, House of the Dead, and Virtual-On. Nintendo has won the search engine war by simply treading water, and rigging this game since the 80's. Embed related.
When people talk about autistic Mario fans, they usually mean people like Bob Chipman, MatPat (a thrid of his videos are Mario related), and GaijinGoomba. Sure, you can't see them coming like you could a furry, they're just simply there, and weirder for it.
Stay salty furfag, sonic fans will forever remain the laughingstock of the internet and not even 1000 blobs will tilt the scales.
Nice rebuttal. And people say Mariofags and Nintencucks aren't insufferable.
The difference is that all of those games were coming out alongside actually good games. Sonic fans have suffered through whole decades of nothing. Whole decades of "well the third of the game where they actually let you play as Sonic was okay" and "this handheld game that bastardises the classic Sonic formula with too many boost bars isn't the worst thing in the world, I guess".
Isn't it obvious? Their only defense is throwing a 3rd party under the bus going "See, this is worse than nintendo!" It's like thin skinned faggots who doesn't realize how thin their skin actually is.
I find that Nintendo fans in general are a lot more autistic than usually recently. maybe it's because I grew up with all nintendo systems and I'm just now seeing the light. Also Nintendo shit in general is always at absurdly high prices if you're a buyfag. I've seen people try to sell me Mario 64 for $50 and it was just the cartridge.
I know sonic fans have had arrested development since the dreamcast died, but if you honestly think one has to be a nintendo fan to point out sega's consistent failing (and evaporating revenue) you're just as delusional as the cucks pretending that the daylight stages of unleashed were alright.
Why do Nintencucks love argumentative fallacies so much?
So…. everyone?
Where do you see this?
Like pretty much any game? Also you're out of your mind if you think there are more of those in the Mario fanbase.
Pretty sure adolescents play the games too.
Holy fuck what a shit thread, bait or not.
The Zelda timeline isn't even hard if you just play all the games in order. Almost every one defines how it's related to at least one other entry. Ironically, Link to the Past is probably the one that does this the least, but nobody is confused by that one.
This is bait but answering seriously, I actually do not agree with Mario fans in general being as autistic as sonic fans. They've come close but not there yet.
Rosalina is a good character but completely loses her charm when thrown in spin offs. She surprisingly doesn't hold up well and seems generic when paired with everyone else playing sports, karting or doing minigames, even compared to Peach or Daisy. The problem is that Rosalina has a decent backstory and her more distant personality only works in Galaxy, but doesn't hold up well outside of it with characters that have more vibrant personalities that work better off each other. I used to be a huge fan of Rosalina during her initial debut but I was wondering why I started to stop caring for her and I started to realize the above.
Can't speak for OP but I see it with the Waluigi/Daisy/Rosalina crowd.
I don't agree with OP's points since he's a faggot and they apply pretty much everywhere, but Nintendo fans in particular are some of the most elitest, insufferable motherfuckers I've talked to.
Yeah, Samus has a lot of fetish-specific porn as well. Pretty much any Nintendo girl does. Not sure what your point is.
I disagree, I find her personality cute even in the spinoff games. She's clearly used to being quiet and reserved so it's cute how whenever she gets a boost in Mario Kart she does a sort of inhibited "wooo!", trying to get in the same spirit as everyone else. She still has things on her mind even when she's having fun, which is relatable and adorable.
Never forget that the longest piece of fiction in the English language is a Super Smash Bros fanfiction.
Everything in the 80s had that checkerboard layout.
mario 64
Granted mostly stuff from the GCN and GBA era but still. Shame to see most fans be shitty.
This doesn't make anyone autistic.
They're the same fucking people.
t. The guy who wants who's the best Mario girl.
The answer is none
You're basically a closet narcissistic faggot, you still jerk off so gtfo.
You play some else than Mario when you get the chance.
It's really doesn't, now I'm just not sure which word would aptly describe it.
It all went downhill with the Wii. From that point most adults jumped the ship, while the children and manchildren autistically clung on to the false hope that Nintendo wasn't actually turning to shit
you talk like a fag.
go back to /a/
Same. Some of my favorite games were made by Nintendo. It's a real shame what happened to both them and their fan base.
That was never a thing outside of the odd parent or weirdo. There's probably more of them now than ever.
Why are Nintencucks so defensive?
the only thing sonic has on mario is nep
This isn't new and I find it to be a problem that extends to most Nintendo titles. Smash Bros, Splatoon, even Zelda has some autism behind it. They either keep to themselves in their own threads or bombard boards with multiple threads about the same thing, all freaking over even the most minor announcement.
Hence she's the 'nintendo's shadow' shadow's character worked when the story was about him in SA2 and his game, in the later games he's just an edgy shallow fuck that's just there to be sonic's rival. Both metal sonic and knuckles have filled that role before so it's nothing special.
They've been like this for ages and are no different than Sonicfags, you fucking newfag You wanna see some real autism though? Check out the Mariowiki. Its nothing but lolcow material, max autism and shit that makes the Sonic wikis look sane by comparison. Some famous examples: one user has spent years there samefagging as two lesbian genderfluid twin "sisblings" from SanFran, another of their most active and alienating admins is a diehard brony with a Tara Strong fetish, Walkazo (one of the site's main supporters and founders) was an furrybird autist with a fetish for Bowser evolution who supposedly died despite that she was still making edits for days after her "death" until someone pointed it out and with no one refusing to touch upon the subject again and when she "died" her "brother" (another user there which was likely just a sock) gave the most half-assed and autistic eulogy imaginable about how his sister still exists in Rick and Morty while using quotes from said show during said mourning, and on top of all that is the Vivian article (an okama/crossdresser in the original game which they changed to a tranny for the sake of "representation" despite having no evidence on that other than their own view of the damn subject).
Pretty much. Most of Nintendofag arguments end with calling their critics a "Sonygger" despite that everyone on this board hates Sonyggers as much as Nintendrones.
His sister dies and he's telling people to go watch R&M while making jokes? This is the most forced and fake shit I've read. Why would they do this?
For attention, duh. Worst part is it worked, and all the autists that work on the wiki made a shitload of "art" and tributes dedicated to their precious martyr.
Zelda has the most autism. Not just the timeline shit, but simply circlejerking about how the N64 entries are the greatest games ever made.
And the huge spergout over Termina being confirmed fake in that recent magazine about Zelda lore.
Even though they already acted like it was an alternate universe, IE fake, even though the closest the game ever gets to implying that is reusing models from the last game, which everyone knows was done for budget and time reasons.
Nintendo's console and Nintendo's games are made for children, and products made for children that are enjoyed by adults tend to be autism central. At least everyone else tries to appeal to adults, but Nintendo never does. It's why all their games are censored. Nintendo is for children and autists.
Sonic reached a point of peak autism, where the sheer audacity of it caused large portions of the herd to die off, or at least channel their autism into more productive means, like making fangames and actually getting hired by Sega, or making fancomics and actually getting hired to make the official comics. Sonic autists reached a point where they became too legendary, and got made fun of so hard that they had to either go big or go home.
Mario doesn't have that stigma, so those autists are still running unchecked.
A lot of Sonic autists probably also moved on to other communities. I'm sure things like Homestuck, MLP, Adventure Time, Stephen Universe, Undertale, and whatever the newer cancerous communities are all stole a lot of the Sonic autists, who were more into the community aspect than the actual material.
That's pretty much exactly what happened. Hence why you so many "Donut Steals" and shipping faggotry within said fanbases.
splatoon original characters are total cancer, a long with those shitty sfm morphs.
Mariowiki forums is basically Yoshiart 2.0
Why are Yoshifags in particular more autistic than regular Mariofags? haha
After thinking about this, no i'm not so sure the mario fandom is worse. It's bad, but I just don't believe it especially speaking from a standpoint of personal experience with sonic autists.
Read every issue of "The Shroom" then.
Wow. You can really feel that Popeye inspiration here.
I've never gave a shit about "The Shroom" I thought it was like news from Super Mario. Do any of you remember TheMushroomKingdom.net? At the time, if you needed sound effects from Super Mario that was the place.
Mind if I ask What the fuck was the pic?
Mario doesn't have an autism gene named after him, so they didn't.
Pikachu does, though.
So you are a legit autist that doesn't masturbate?
I haven't seen shit taste this bad in months