Well, that was very anti climatic of an ending. I think I died 20 times in this playthrough.
Any anons here have an ending of a game leave them disappointed?
Disapponting Ending Threads
Just beat this recently and i agree. The ending was pretty cheesy, but i guess that fits the entire game. Also, fuck the labyrinth.
Ultima 9. Pls no bully, I hate spoony just as much as the nxt guy and I laughed like hell when his girlfriend commissioned that cuck porn of her oc just to spite him.
Arx Fatalis, spoilers from here on out.
After defeating the final boss you just leave.
Yeah, I thought I would remember it a lot better. Gonna start 6 tomorrow. I remember it having a bunch of different islands and awful fucking cgi cutscenes for the intro.
I only ever made it up to 6 I think. I have never watched any of spoonys stuff, the shit around him is hilarious though. Does he hate Ultimia or something?
Kind of: he loves "his" version of Ultima, in that he only cares about his memories of playing the games as a kid because they were a part of his childhood. He gives no fucks about the actual series itself and thinks the lore, world, and writing are dogshit.
Ubisoft, masters of making shit not fun.
How could he not like the Ultima Underworld games?
Which game? I don't even remember the last Ubisoft game I played.
I don't know user, which games have blood dragon in the title?
Is this some try hard "retro wave" hipster shit?
I don't even remember most of it truth be told. Just that the final boss was a cutscene.
Music was alright though
Why don't you play it and find out ?
They were way too good for this industry, and everything people like Roger Ebert would say about videogaming, while not applicable to the medium itself, sure as hell was applicable to the industry that snuffed that studio out. ;_;
What was the final cause of the studio closing down? was it cause their games were just to advanced? or hard? I don't fucking know.
The story I remember is that Ion Storm was hastily trying to get Daikatana out the doors as quickly as possible or something, so funding and effort on Thief 2 had to be compromised or something.
I don't claim it's the truth, but if it is it kind of explains a few things with The Metal Age(like all the buildings in Life Of The Party having mostly tiny rooms or not being accessable at all.
Deus ex has a dissapointing ending. I wanted one last big bossfight to end it off but you just do tasks and end the game. I guess you could count killing page, but you're only fighting normal enemies.
I haven't slept in 26 hours. I miss being a NEET.
You actually care about what that faggot thinks? He's a movie critic who cares what he has to say, it's thanks to all those various hollywood rejects who suck his corpse's rotting cock that we get so much terrible design decisions that actively try to take the "game" out of video game.
The Rage games ending. Only selling gimmick was its mega textures. Mediocre game all around. Final battle is against a horde of enemies. Press button and cutscene of satellite in space and then it ends.
The first one had an underwhelming ending too. Spam click in cyberspace and destroy the ai only to go back home and live in your shitty apartment building again and hack better with your implants.
6 is the best game in the series. The ending is your standard cheesy happy ending, but the credits song is terrible.
that's what you get for being a dirty pirate you need the manual as a guide
nm. was thinking of KQ6. haven't played them in like 15 years.
Rage had such a disappointing ending since the who game was only 5 hours long. Though there would be more and it just ended. Of course the game itself was a complete disappointment bit I felt it was a great base for a sequel to fix most of its problems.
People say KQ6 is Sierra's best adventure game, but I could never get into it and thought Gabriel Knight blows the everloving shit out of it and also has excellent performances by BOTH Tim fucking Curry AND Mark fucking Hamill.
What Skyrim had is something that I wouldn't even count as an ending.
Most of their games were commercial successes.
Their last real game was Thief 2. After finishing up on it they started work on Jane's Attack Squadron which was a self published Flight Sim. The royalty payments from the publisher of Thief 2 were delayed by months forcing the studio to shut down after being unable to pay their employees.
The game was fun as fuck and was the only good part of Far Cry 3. Go the fuck back to reddit, Blood Dragon is a classic. Its one of the only games that ever made me actually laugh out loud too.
But that fits the story perfectly. You become too powerful to be on that dimension (which is your own anyways), so you return home after the work is done.
Sadly no more banging Alia
Also, checked them quads
That was a glorified turret section, dork. Even if the game is a joke it seemed a bit cheap to pull even as parody.
Holy hell the projection. Enemies are bullet sponges and the "humor" gets old 10 minutes in.
Go back to where you came from you digital rapefugee.
Cry harder bitch faggots.
Looking Glass and ion storm have nothing to do with each other besides former staff forming Ion Storm Austin as LG imploded you stupid fuck.
What you meant to say was
Ebert may have been liberal oil driller but he was right about games not being art.
Somehow the bannerbot knew what I was going to say.
In regards to MGS, I would add MGS4 to the list
Gunman chronicles.
You don't fight the final boss
To be fair, everyone's heard about Mass Effect a couple thousand times already
We'll never have a XIII game situated during the El Cascador story arc.
Jade Empire
almost criminal lack of closure.
Arguably Republic Commando considering there will never be a sequel.
Most disappointing ending ever.
Rufus had a hard life.
Diablo. The first one. My friend and I played through it on PSX with a janky multi-page memory card that kept losing our save mid-way through. We busted our asses, kept multiple saves, and finally made it to Diablo with the melee guy and the magic guy. Diablo died in 6 seconds, then we got a short FMV ending. All that work for fuckall.
Wonderboy in Monster Land gets special mention. The game is kinda tricky but not too hard, up until the final level. The final level is a maze you will not be able to navigate in time your first time through, unless you looked up a map online. The final boss is tough, and after he dies he comes back even faster. You can refill your health once during this battle if you haven't used the item up already. If you die, back to the beginning of the game. There are no continues(SMS version). And the ending? A screen's worth of Engrish that doesn't really say anything of value, then it dumps you back to the title screen. Yay.
Return to Ringworld. Pretty good graphical adventure, but the ending was supposed to be a lead-in to a sequel that never happened. Feels like things just stop mid-scene.
Return to Zork. For a graphical adventure that's already a massive kick in the dick, RtZ takes it a step further with the end and ending. The last puzzle? Dump all your items into the pit, if you got all the items you can continue, otherwise you are fucked. The end battle? Playing chess with knight pieces. The ending? You finally encounter the wizard who sent you the S.O.S., he says something about the chess knockoff game, game over. No explanation as to why any of the events happened or what anyone's motivations were, since most of the plot got scrapped right before release because they ran out of budget. The entire game feels surreal since there are people and places, but they seem to exist in individual vacuums and have no relation with one another. The ending just feels like a letdown. You can feel the exact point they stopped caring or trying to polish the game.
I go through 3 games and everyone's doomed anyways.
Was fine with the game's original ending.
Name a single double fine game with an ending
The guy in the mech with the teleporter cannon wasn't the final boss?
Also shit I wanna play some gunman chronicles again.
You get that information from talking to people. Especially Canuk and the temple priestess.
fallout 4 comes to my mind, new vegas as well, as nothing really get's a solid solution, even the best ending is everyone treading on ice, but carfully. fallout 3, but that was just a shit game to be honest, fallout new vegas at least does something with it.
bioshock, all of them honestly.
Half life, pretty much besides ep one has a actually good climax and end.
The dark souls series, least 3 ends nicely. vampire the mascraid bloodlines all the endings, (beisdes the werewolf one.) blew hard dicks.
Ending was shit, and they skipped way too far forward after the opening crawl.
I wish they had turned it into a long running radio play and develop the characters over the summer. It would have been cool as a radio play, where it would put the listener in the role of someone listening in to the two characters on the radio.
Some bullshit right here.
The whole deal is the he will never ever get goal, because its misogynistic
What possessed you to play that shitty movie?
I liked how it looked.
Quite aside from it being garbage (hope you pirated) the woman chatterer alienated me completely by pulling the 'fake collusion with unseen forces' *joke* early on, from that point on I kept every interaction as short as possible, I'd have turned the radio off at that point if I'd had the option.
I have no idea what you're talking about but I want to learn more about this.
Funfact, the only inspiration the team had to make the game was art made by some dude.
That's the only reason it exists, it's just a bunch of stuff thrown together to showcase pretty landscapes
Pretty much everything Daedalic produces(Edna 2 at least has a pretty good secret ending where Lily tells everyone to fuck off in a glorious rant and Drawn to Life 2 where it is considered a good thing to destroy everything you worked so hard to save to awake a shitty kid that lies in a coma you don't even care about.
Crysis 1. Very, very shitty ending if it even deserves to be called one. 2 and 3 had decent endings, but 1 has almost nothing. You leave in the dropship and that's it.
Fran Bow. Everything took a turn for the worst after the twins, actually, but goddamn.
I felt ripped off even though the game was cool and Fran is lovely.
That was fine, the whole point was that the one and only, and last good deal he did in his entire life had him killed. I loved that. The usual complain is
for the final scene, but for anyone who isn't a retard it0s obvious that Goal knew Rufus died, which is why she laughs at Cletus pretending to be Rufus and then looks at Deponia with sorrow. And then everything is screwed by Doomsday
Beat Yakuza 5 yesterday. While the finale had some good moments, the ending sucked donkey balls. The end boss' motivation boiled down to "1v1 me fag" and the ending failed to provide some decent closure to some of the side protagonists.
Overall, the writers seemed more preoccupied with piling up plot twists than making the story engaging and this reflected in the ending.
Should have contrasted that by an ending where he doesn't do anything good at all and everyone dies.
Worked for Drakengard.
Speaking of which
Drakengard has pretty much increasingly terrible ) endings, but it's kind of the point
I admit the whole thing was handled poorly, but I liked the scenario as well.
Seriously, it was pretty damn good, you couldn't have another ending because at that point you literally didn't have a choice, since if you didn't do anything you'd die anyway. Toni is still better than Goal as a character, though, even though Goal genuinely loves everything about Rufus.
Lame. Uninstalled the game as soon as I beat it and downvoted the torrent.
Here's your (you)
This isn't even good bait
because it's true
"Art" is a completely meaningless phrase that serves no purpose other than to allow governments to enforce double-standards on what they will and will not try to censor.
You just had to remind me of her delectable robot ass the day I wake up with a rat clawing the fuck out of my dick and leaving me with enough wounds to make it literally impossible to masturbate for at least a few weeks, didn't you?
Don't blogpost.
Even now, there's hope for man.
Please forgive my ignorance, but who the fuck is this pilsbury doughboy faced lump of xenoestrogens?
No, no I didn't you faggot. The new blood that is entering the video game industry are literally rejected C-List writers who couldn't make it in Hollywood, they along with all sorts of faggots like hipsters an "Art Critics" put guys like Roger Ebert on a pedestal and worship the ground he stood on for fucking everything. His quote of video games not being art is the driving force of their self loathing of being a game developer and motivation of copying Hollywood in a sad pathetic attempt to get sempai to notice them. Except that he's a movie critic and faggots who want their games to be an artform are the kind who don't even enjoy video games in the first place like Anita, you know the very fucking people that caused the shitstorm forming GamerGate.
Hired by Bioware with few to no qualifications, probably had a friend on the inside or something. Said some incredibly stupid things about writing in video games. One of the many factors responsible for all the garbage in ME3. Also gained a draconian reputation along with STANRY ROO on the Bioware forums for her DING DONG BANU happy policies.
I doubt Roger Ebert ever gave a fuck about video games. I'm sure that he probably lived to regret making this quote, because it meant that from then on he had to answer hipster neckbeards burning questions about vidya rather than talk about movies like he wanted to. that being said, Ebert was a major hack. I saw his movie that he made and it was garbage
Really all the needs to be said. How can their constant, painful failures be described as anything other than masochism?
**self-inflicted failures
God, don't remind me. Making a whole sequel so you can piss on everything you made just because people didn't like the ending is childish as fuck, I don't care who does it. Danganronpa did something similar with V3 and I hated it.
Don't get me wrong. I actually loved that aspect. I don't consider Doomsday canon, but I absolutely enjoyed it as a middle finger to the faggots who didn't like the endings.
That makes it worst!
Pretty much.
I really wish people would stop freaking out whenever someone says "what I do is art. This is art" as if he was acting arrogant by saying something is art.
Art just means you did something with the intention of it being appreciated for its beauty. That's it. It doesn't mean what you did has merit or that it's "high art", it just means you did it for its aesthetic value.
How so? It was pretty damn good, because at that point and since the 3 clones were dressed the same, Goal couldn't differentiate them at the time, it was virtually impossible to do it giving their background. What made Goal realized the real Rufus was the one who sacrificed himself was the fact that he did sacrificed himself, something that he'd only do to himself.
I think Rufus is one of the best written characters there is.
I understand why they'd do it that way, Fable is supposed to be a heavily "choice" based game. The problem is that all Fable games fail at this presenting you with "Good/Bad" choice. At the very least you could fight Jack of Blades in Fable 1, which is why it's still the best.
All of the God of War games end with a not-boss fight, with some QTEs and that's it.
Remember when a few years ago some people including devs and journos were saying boss fights were too "gamey" and thus unnecessary in video games? My guess is a lot of AAA games decided to take that advice.
Pretty much. Hipsters ruin absolutely everything.
what are you talking about?
I agree with this
I gave up on Deponia after the second game was garbage. The first one was Ok.
oh and I just realize you are a normalfag who fell for the slowed down Diana Ross meme
I dunno, people are gonna not like parts of your game just as often as they're gonna sing praises, and from what I've read online a lot of people who hated the ending liked the series up to that point. It just felt like the game was made out of butthurt rather being some brilliant deconstructors or whatever.
lol what?
You aported so much to the discussion. Thanks for your input, it was and is vital and deeply moving.
What else are you gonna de-grease pizza with?
Why couldn't they have just used the aesthetic to make a Skinwalking Simulator instead?
Why are all these references to skinwalkers?
I'm missing something?
Who else made a reference to skinwalkers?
Some anons in another thread.
final fantasy ix had a random, out of nowhere last boss that seemed rushed in at the last minute that really ruined the ending. like orgasm denial.
i felt like i was halfway through the game and that there was going to be some twist and it keeps going. but then it was just done.
Oh OK.
Well to answer your question Firewatch takes place in a prime skinwalker location. I mean you're alone and lost in the deep woods in a remote location. You've got a fire tower bunker and a mystery about missing people. The game is almost a bait and switch with that setup, just like Gone Home was.
I really hope some enterprising /k/ tier agdg user makes a Firewatch clone with skinwalkers, or goatman or sasquatch or stairs.
Is that a reference to what?
the nosleep story?
We don't talk about the stairs.
But that's what is so brilliant about it. The problem is that fans thought that Rufus' story was going to have a good end. I could do an autistic rant about it if you want, a bigger one, I mean.
Sure, but there was a huge shitfest not only about the ending but also about a sequel to know "what happened to Rufus", even though it was obvious he died. The dev gave them a sequel and showed them how Rufus could survive the fall, which could only be done via time travel and deus ex. That was hilarious as fuck.
Here's the ending if you're interested.
It is.
You are referencing /r/nosleep?
fuck off reddit
I know Holla Forums doesn't like Borderlands 2, but back then when I bought it, it wasn't commonly known that the game is total cancer. That being said, the ending was total trash, well just like the rest of the game. I mean it had some dark points so why not make a darker ending? Jack was a very okay dude.
You want The Pre-Sequel, for better or worse of it, it focuses entirely on Jack.
You still got a butt don't you? Oil up that finger.
Any /innawoods/ anons who've seen stairs innawoods? The most out of place thing I've ever seen is some rectangular 1ft deep pit with cinder blocks outlining it
I'm not familiar with this stair thing you're alluding to. Is this some greentext story from /k/ or just creepy out of place stairs in the middle of the woods?
It's from a bunch of stories that got written in reddit
They're not so bad
No thanks. I'm sure the stories are probably at least somewhat entertaining but I make it a point not to go there. But hey, at least I went to the spoopy thread on >>>/k/ and found me some cool ones I hadn't read in a while.
when was the last time you cleaned your house and how long before that time?
I just want some structural mysteries
All Borderland games feel really shallow for some reason. The aesthetic and atmosphere is there, but everything is so bland, from the voice acting to the animation, you just don't feel compelled, the story is kinda good, though, at least the premise, but the entire game doesn't do anything about it.
It was alright, added mechanics were top notch.
This game has you collecting artifacts an ancient hero used to beat the big bad, gives each one a description of what they did, and then you use absolutely none of them on the final boss (or at all). Additionally, the devs decided the final boss was an appropriate place to put reference humor, and the epilogue section is filled with reference jokes and memes. It's a shame, because I really enjoyed the rest of the game, but the ending left a sour taste in my mouth.
To be fair, the entierity of the first one was underwhelming, but that was probably because of the time it was made.
You felt like you were halfway through the game on the last disc?
Come to think of it the fight with Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion were also both disappointing shit. I will never understand why people like Obsidian so much.
Some rocks fall and almost everyone dies.
The Witcher 2
The game was just too short, it definitely deserved an extra chapter or two. The final encounter with Letho just felt forced, anti-climatic and just sad. It was literally no different than the chapter 1 fight except easier because your character is more overpowered, and you have much more maneuvering space.
I didn't really want to kill him, but I would have simply felt like a total cuck if I let him go considering what he did to Geralt. Plus, a game like this without a final boss fight is just incomplete. The Letho encounter just cannot be compared to the crazy Witcher 1 frozen finale with the Grandmaster of the Order. You knew it was the end of the game.