New classes footage unveiled, looks like ass to nobody's surprise
Monster Hunter World confirmed GARBAGE
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I'm buying this shit so hard.
that actually looks kinda fun
am I retarded, or is it OP?
I don't even own a Switch
I am more surprised that this looks like legit monster hunter gameplay, and not what i've seen on e3.
The only thing that didn't look like monster hunter in E3 footage were better than PS2 graphics.
Muh DS club.
The game honestly looks alright in some places, but those hit effects are really flaccid compared to previous games, there's no blood even.
looks neat.
Why does nobody ever teach you to contain your asshurt? Why do you have to make it so obvious? Nintards are just like liberals.
Sad they changed the sound effects but it looks like monster hunter.
Definitely looks more monster hunter than the chinese MHO.
I smell an angry nintendo fan.
oh since op is a retard, the rest of the weapons are here
There's some weird stuff but the worst thing is the sounds and visuals making it look like you're attacking a rock and not a monster
At this point, I'm done wondering if people are seeing shit I'm not seeing and beginning to believe that salty faggots who could never git gud at MonHun are purposefully trying to fake an angry fan revolt in an attempt to drive down the sales to punish fans who have asked for console and PC versions for years.
Not even close, i'm done with Nintendo after how retarded the Switch turned out to be
whats retarded about it
I also found this one. Can't be arsed to make a webm though. I think it's basically what posted, but all put together.
To me it looks like newfags trying to fit in. They think we hate every game or something and attempt to make a post and shit on a game they think Holla Forums does not like. They're basically volunteer shills.
You do own a DS though
it's not looking bad tbqh famalam smh
the original trailer made it look like some super casualized Ubisoft title, but it looks better w/ every vid I see I'll buy it when i gets on sale
The fact that it doesn't even know what it wants to be for starters
Don't derail the thread
Fuck off OP
Come on capcom, I know youre trying to hit that realism for the casuals, youre not on a nintendo console anymore. Its okay to make then bleed like normal animals.
Also that dual blade gameplay looks fucking sick. Im always on the fence about getting this game and that stupid faggot OP is making mean closer to buying it now.
Yes absolutely, these redditors or cuckchanners fresh off the boat are so easy to spot, they merely act like they think that we do here and run along with the retarded "Holla Forums doesn't play videogames" meme. :^)
Is that a fucking fencer?
This is the Japanese trailer, they usually censor the blood over there.
Very pleased that MonHun is free from ninny's leash after so long.
Monster Hunter came first, but yeah pretty much.
I don't get this
You summed it up perfectly, good job OP!
I wonder if they've ever gotten shit from PETA.
The only thing that can stop me from pre-ordering/buying on day one is the probability of denuvo.
If it's not there, my money is capcom's.
I should and will send a message that Monhun's place is and always was on PC.
Well it sure is a good thing they have fucking damage numbers now, otherwise you'd never know when you're hitting or not.
I would hold my money back until we figure out the full monster count and until we know if there's G-rank or not.
Shut up and buy it
I fully expect it to have half or even one third of the content of PSP era monhun game.
It's fine, they basically start from scratch with this one, instead of re-releasing PS2 game with new shit in.
Good. Thank you for realising this. Now GTFO of here and go back to where you came cunt.
Blood is dust now but I'm aware that's just the Jappo censorship.
They're sorta-kinda touting it as a mainline MH which means it'll have a shit-ton of stuff by default, likely a best-of from previous games along with new content like the previous mainline releases.
Win 10 exclusive?
What would possess you to think that?
It's on MT Framework, shit will probably run on XP.
I'd rather some effects were exaggerated. I can barely tell that the hammer's caused a stun state after knocking the monster over. Just barely visible fizzle stars that can easily be lost in all the effects if it was a full 4-man hunt.
Actually, if I had any complaints about MHW at all it's that the colors are way too muted.
holy shit, source? mt framework is god tier
Some upcoming games, I got excited for, turned out to be win 10 exclusive.
Is this bait? It just looks like Monster Hunter but with prettier graphics. It looks fine, unless you just dislike Monster Hunter.
I thought the exact same thing.
No it isn't and you shouldn't buy this game.
I will buy it. What are you gonna do about it? :^)
I'm dubious but I'll probably still get it
Once it drops on PC, of course. I'm not buying a console for this or any reason
Fuck you
Since this has MT framework that means it'll be cracked on day one along with possibly a steamworks fix on day one. This is fucking wonderful.
There are a few things about World that seem a little off-putting but I'll be picking the game up regardless because it's a fucking Monster Hunter game.
I just hope that the US will get XX sometime within the next year or two.
The lack of effects completely goes against the MH aesthetic. It's always had this odd mixture of highly details monsters in both appearance and ecology, fluic character animations and a feeling of danger but juxtaposed them with goofy cartoon bullshit like the animations for using items, some of the ridiculous illogical attacks monsters can do and "you fainted" after getting hit by something that should turn you into a fine pulp. They made a game where when the giant t-rex with a flaming sword for a tail gets knocked out and has fucking starts circling it's head you don't feel the need to question it. Everything I've seen of MHW ignores the cartoonish angle and goes for pure realism, and I feel like it's missing the point of what makes mh so charming.
It's the dumbed down westernized version, complete with shoehorned in buzzwords like open world and drop in multiplayer, and lets not forget those damage numbers.
Looks great, no stupid anime bullshit like Cross except for LS cause it's LS. Bitches hate it for being different because it isn't shackled to shitty fucking handhelds and catered for autists. No reason to complain if the old games will always be there.
You don't know shit.
Selling retardedly well. Still not enough games on it though.
Casuals love cheesy blood effects. I think the reasoning lies elsewhere.
They still have the ridiculous cooking animation so I think you're a bit too worried. I don't quite recall previous weapon trailers having much goofy stuff in them.
I know enough to get my pay
Fair enough.
It's MH, its entire existence caters for autists. I sincerely doubt there'll be a Switch version but it's been shackled to handhelds for so long because of the immeasurably big bucks present in putting it there, I recall more than one anecdote about MH being a system-seller for 3DS systems over in Japan.
I also will buy it
No, Fuck you!
Looks way better than the old nintendo grinding shit
You've never actually played MH, have you?
Anyway, looks closer to MH than the initial reveal, which is good. I'm not quite a fan of how flashy some of those new attacks look, though.
What are you smoking, it's a 3 second clip. "Oh wow they didn't completely ruin movesets".
Too bad they casualized the fuck out of it, don't forget your free remounts if the monster hits you off, or environmental damage doing 300+ when a level 3 GS charge does ~120
It got me to buy a 3DS and a New 3DS, so you'd be right.
I know they have been using MT Framework since at least Tri, and I haven't seen Capcom really have a bad time porting a game with MT framework yet.
Also thanks, you're the cancer killing video games. "Guys it shares the same title as the thing I like, I don't care if it's ruined as long as it shares the title of the thing. This is perfect for me". Like whenever anyone goes "I don't know why games are bad now" it's because companies know they can just slap a title on something and blind brand loyalty will get enough sales to make it work. It's people like you that cause long dead IPs to be dug up and butchered.
People beg for a decent Monster hunter game for PC for years, and they bring us "shares the name but we better hold your hand" version. Christ I hate capcom, I can't wait for this game to do fantastically and then become the next big "I'm such a nerd" game. Just so I can finally put this horrific mess to bed.
(also that monster is a reskinned ludroth with it's hind legs slightly raised.)
What's wrong with that Ludroth? He looks sick.
The combat in the game looks decent besides the bullshit backwards dodge.
Monster Hunter fans aren't bitching about the combat, they're bitching about everything else being casualized.
Could be neat.
And they soiled it.
These are the things to be worried about.
Combat looks almost identical to 4th gen besides the new mounting shit. You have no idea what you are talking about.
each of them were ~34 seconds, what are you smoking
who are you quoting?
If you're gonna be pissed about the game, use points that actually hold water. Not pretty cool looking weapon showcases.
Go back to reddit.
DBs look fine aside from the backwards dodge. I hope they release a demo for this shit because everything aside from the combat is a gigantic turnoff for me.
your standards for a game looking "better w/ every vid u see"
I don't want to play devil's advocate, but come on fags, swapping weapons in Monhun alters your playstyle drastically enough to consider every weapon category a different class.
It's just convenient to refer to them as that, instead of going out of your way to say "weapon category" or some shit.
That's Great Jagra, a new monster.
It's so new it shares a skeleton, and looks almost exactly the same as a ludroth but without the neck frill things.
Oh man Great Jaggi and Great Wroggi are totally different monsters guys, one's a different color!
Class typically implies a choice made a character creation. By your logic, swapping from an assault rife to a shotgun or a rocket launcher in an fps is the same as changing class. Stop being stupid.
Are you seriously going to bitch about subspecies or are you pretending to be retarded? Everyone that plays monster hunter knows that subspecies are just reskins with 1-3 new moves. No person is denying that.
ye, same, GS and bowgun are looking fun enough as well
you can only go up from a "casualized Ubisoft title"
Well it is in games like PSO or FF14.
I'd say monhun is closer to that, than some FPS.
Also Overwatch :^)
I don't think the Jagra is being presented as a subspecies of the ludroth
That's not what I was implying.
nobody even implied that it was
What part of these is supposed to look like ass?
Liken in the euro/US version or in the japanese version?
Except that it's obviously a skeleton move on the same level as a recolor.
For some reason the nip version of Monster Hunter on the PSP had bigger blood effects
If they're going to recycle weapon and monster animations, why not skeletons? It's a stupid thing to bitch about.
Am I missing something? That looks like Freedom Unite with a few more moves. Since when is that a bad thing?
Having a selling point be completely recycled is why MH:X was annoying too.
They've learned nothing from 4U holy shit. As if the free remount wasnt bad enough.
do you think the Alatreon is a subspecies of Kushala or even Teostra because they have the same skeletons??
MH:X was annoying because they added unbalanced styles and useless hunter arts. Everyone wants a game with the monster variety of FU without the garbage hitboxes. Recycle ludroth skeleton for 20 monsters, I don't care. Just give them all unique animations and attacks.
You're so fucking asshurt I can smell burn from here.
Go back to your 3DS and stay there please.
This one doesn't. Those animations are recycled from the ludroth. Also >implying that grappling hooks and shit are good when previous footage revealed that environmental effects do a massive amount more than weapons.
They all looked visually different enough not to be mistaken at first glance. Compared to "oh it's a ludroth". Kushala and Alatreon do have that issue though, mainly because they're both just large generic dragons.
Toestra has that lion's mane thing going on.
And in this case they're even the same god damn color
Great defense of the game, anyone who doesn't slurp capcom's cock when the game reeks of casualization and low effort must be a butthurt 3ds baby right?
It's good you realize what you are.
I never said grappling hooks were good, look at my first post. Also not every animation it has is a ludroth animation.
R.Ludroth and G.Jagras dont really look the same at all to me, they are just the same color and amount of legs, thats it. Ludroth has its sponge beard, higher head position and crusty tail going on while the Jagras has dreads, bigger head, and its inflation/vore gimmick, and i think its so because capcom tried to make them look unique as possible. I think anyone would be able to tell them apart, even from a distance. Although i thought Mizutsune was a subspecies for the R.Ludroth at one point.
But I can agree with the shared move sets. I saw the R.Ludroth's pounce and side roll attacks from the Jagras.
They actually made light bowgun interesting for once? And bow slightly less mindless? I'll be plundering it at release
It looks cool as fuck.
I'm preordering this shit SO HARD
But that's retarded user
it's not even new, these are the same movesets with 1 or 2 new moves, op is just retarded, of all the things to complain he picked the one thing that has barely changed, and it looks like for the better.
Let me guess, Sword and Shield main? It seems like it's still pretty much identical to how it was in FU while everything else has gotten at least one or two significant additions.
the X+A dash off of a ledge is strong and so is the charged leap they added in 4th gen
Ooh, so close
Gunlance supremacy never ever
Though I also use CB, and at least that still looks about as good as it was in 4U, though it's hard to tell from just 30 seconds
I'm sorry for your loss at least you can keep Horn company at the bottom of the fucking kill times.
Seriously the horn nerfs in Gen/X/XX were astonishingly bad but everyone ignored it because of the useless double note system being pretty to look at.
They also added the oils in X, which is one of the few things I hope they keep from that pile of a game.
Looking forward to the game but console warriors are so retarded and cringe-worthy.
Nintendo fans literally could play Monster Hunter for 10 years now why you retards couldn't. By pretending you care so much about the franchise don't you admit they had a better library and more fun than you for 10 long years?
Not to mention it's unlikely Capcom won't release a new MH for Switch. Capcom is retarded but probably not that retarded.
One franchise is not an entire library.
Oh wait, in modern vidya, it is.
I'll be the katana edgelord. Hopefully the character customization will be good enough to make my character look like Sam
Got ya covered fam!
Absolute madman
How many of you fucks are going to play on the eventual private server the crack will provide?
It was a rather popular face in 4U, with the signature pussy sniffing smirk.
If it's good I'll outright buy it, they do free dlc and event shit for every game in the series so it's one of the few series where I can actually justify it.
Really depends on a lot of factors
Looks exactly the same as older MH games
If OP is a shill, then I quite impressed. Cuz muh dick is rock hard from them vids.
Wasn't this game confirmed for the Xbone, xXxbonexXx and PC as well?
Why does it seem like the hit detection is off in the OP's videos?
Yes, but the Japs love their PS4.
Xbawks and PC will saldy be released later. Worth it though. If the game is as good as it looks in the vids, then I'm most likely getting it for 29,99
Hit detection is fine, it's the audio/visual indicators of hits that are off
If you watch that LS jump attack, the hunter runs up the monster perfectly, matching it's contours as if it was a scripted animation, so at least the hitboxes are great
So is anyone going to explain WHY this looks like ass? I'll admit I haven't really played any MH games before (outside of a tiny bit of MH3U on the Wii U) but I'm not exactly sure what's so bad about what we've seen of the game to date.
I've generally avoided the MH franchise due to its more handheld focus but if this shit turns out to be decent I was thinking of perhaps picking it up on PC (especially since the Switch isn't getting a western release of MHXX anytime soon if ever either and I'm not planning on buying any of the other consoles anytime soon).
It doesn't look like ass, OP's just retarded
People have disliked other smaller parts of the game shown off so far, but this is the first time all the weapons have been shown off and this is the most positive thread I've seen for the game since it was announced
Some people feel like the game has been casualised and westernised to some level even though this is being made by the same ol MH team and they've said this is just an expansion of mechanics. People see the items while walking thing and are mad before they find out it's a really slow regen while you're using the item and it gets wasted if you try to roll out of it, etc.
The biggest problems with the game so far from my perspective is the scoutflies shit and the free escape hookshot. There's also the bugs that are like free max potions from another video, but we'll just have to see how the final game turns out really.
I want to get into MH before this game comes out, where do i even begin?
I hate MH4 for introducing flying magic aerial garbage. I hate MHGen for reinforcing it.
je suis monte
Poorfags are upset they can't afford a PS4, Nintendo fanboys are upset at this "betrayal" because they were probably not born when monhun was on the PSP.
It'll have a PC port and it's on MT Framework, it'll probably work fine on poorfag laptops.
4U is the one usually touted as the best for newfags
looks pretty sweet
Is that the very first game?
I don't want to be out of loop with the ongoing story and shit.
There's no ongoing story.
You play as a hunter and beat up monsters.
That's it.
That said, 4U is better if you're going to go into World, as the older games don't have a lot of mechanics that 4U and World have.
But will i get lost in the sea of game mechanics if i don't play from the start, kinda like jumping into SFV without playing the 27 games that came before it?
Your fagginess is showing, SFV has way less mechanics than previous SF games did.
If you get lost, you're a certified retard. If you have a 3DS, just download the demo and see how you go.
I only have a very strong pc.
Emulate it or something you dumbass.
emulate p3rd, it's babby's first MH and PPSSPP run wells, after than you can emulate MHFU also on PPSSPP or 3U on CEMU.
don't preorder
I think the PSP games came out before CERO was created.
Literal fucking magic, and also absurdly broken from a gameplay standard, but I'm mostly bothered by how you can magically change directions in the air. Likewise with the SnS user having a move where the hunter can now jump 38 feet in the air under his own power, it just looks completely out of place.
Every attack a commitment, every action deliberate, a battle a methodical exchange of moves between hunter and monster; that's what Monster Hunter was to me and that's been disappearing starting with MH4 in favour of the generic action gameplay of dodge, attack, dodge, attack. I'd bet money World will have a wider default i-frame window on its rolls.
Other than those complaints World aesthetically at least looks a thousand times better than the 3DS games, the world isn't some kids drawing and looks a lot like MHDos Jungle and the 1st through 3rd gens more grounded palette, the monsters look like monsters and not like anime laser dragons or transforming mechazillas, the armor looks like it was crafted out of monster parts and not ripped from Phantasy Star Online.
3ds emulator does not exist, so i'll go with
Looks good to me, we will truly see when the game's out.
holy shit that looks bad
IG is technically also a gun
You shoot pheromones or whatever to direct the beetle
So basically the air hops are powered by the magic of bug farts
Superman dive air-time is significantly shorter than previous games but the recovery is the same, so who knows.
What the fuck is this shit, nigger.
You can't even shitpost right user
Call me when it becomes firstperson, can have shotgun and rocket launcher, and opens it source.
See I never understood the weapon additions starting with 3rd Gen.
Why this transformers bullshit? Why not just a fucking Axe? We have Sword & Shield, Greatsword, Dual Swords and Longsword but you're afraid of introducing a regular fucking axe?
Why not just a fucking Glaive motherfucker, or a Spear, or a Halberd or fucking anything normal? Why the fuck does it have insects involved in any way? This shit looks retarded; why the fuck would a monster hunter be throwing fucking bugs or all things at a fucking dragon? The logical hoops you need to jump through to justify this crap is beyond the pale.
At this point the devs believed introducing a new weapon every game was mandatory, as this weapon is completely redundant. It's just S&S but with anime transformers bullshit and OP damage values.
lookin 4ward 2 that next meme image macro, champ
I just don't get the appeal of chinkshit if there's way better dino shooters out there.
Can't disappoint such a polite lad.
user you dope watch this
There are two guns types and a bows in this game. The game isnt even mainly a shooter, its an arpg, you would know more if you took the time to actually check it out instead of talking baseless shit you lazy fuck.
The only thing that looks disappointing is that monster's design. It's precisely an ordinary iguana with the only exception being that it has unwashed stoner hair.
I'm hoping it's MHW's version of the Aptonath and the herbivores have really stepped up their game.
I'd rather have a hairy iguana than an F-15 jet fighter with with teeth and a pulse cannon.
Dude there's a lance that transforms into a shotgun or a rifle, depending on model, that also has a second transformation that turns it into a directed fuel-air explosive deployment device.
Your argument is as absurd as the weapon designs - and yes, the weapon designs are absurd. Monster Hunter is an absurdist game that pretends to play it straight. Don't want a glaive that has an insect buddy living on it that likes to mix monster smoothies and share it with you? Go play Toukiden or something.
If I'm honest, the insect glaive never stuck with me, nor did the swax, but the Charge Blade is godlike for its mid-transformation full-defense block frames. The only thing that has more godlike defense than CB is a lancer with Guard+2, Evade+2 and EvadeDist, and you actually have to possess a rudimentary concept of timing to be invincible on CB. It's a really fun, extremely active weapon.
You talking about embedded?
The gunlance is a cannon with a pointy hinged cap on the end, it's not the same as massively complex and delicate self powering machinery in a weapon you're supposed to be slamming against the head of the monster, or fucking bugs. The charge blade being ridiculously overpowered in Gen is not a point in its favour. All the new weapons stink of anime trash; luckily the kiddies weeb aesthetics are going away with world, hopefully with most of the 3DS playerbase.
Don't try to gatekeep me faggot I've been playing since PS2.
No I'm talking about Vafalk and Atoraru Ka, a dragon with literal laser powered jet engines in its wings and a bug that puppeteers a giant God Eater tier mecha dragon with strings made out of it's web.
I have never met someone who's so willing to be a boring piece of shit.
That's just standard dragon element user
You might as well get mad at Jho for breathing the shit
Can't we have both? What's wrong with a T-Rex inspired monster and also having a super powerful laser jet dragon. It seems pretty par for the course in a monster hunter game considering what all has already been added. Really as long as the fight is interesting and challenging I don't think I can complain.
Isn't everything overpowered in Gen? I loved the CB when I used it in 4U, but when I played Gen the game in general felt so easy that I was actually falling asleep in the middle of hunts. It might have just been because I was forcing myself to do an IG run, and IG + mount mechanics means it's nothing but brainless flippydippy2win. I dunno.
Every time I feel like giving Gen another try, I just pick up my 4U cart instead.
What are the main differences between CB in 4U and Gen? Do you know off the top of your head?
what are you talking about people complained constantly about MH:X/Gen/XX.
Also real talk, Monster hunter fans are desperate, they'll latch onto any game no matter how bad and praise it because "IF I DON'T SUPPORT IT CAPCOM WILL KILL IT"
Probably the part where the monster just stands there, lets him wail on it, does a weak-ass jab, instastaggers, and then repeats. Maybe the bit where someone dipped the entire game world in Clorox. Hell, it could even be the fact that they tried to demo Dual Swords and didn't even cut off part of the monster.
For a game with an 'ambitious, living' gameworld, they couldn't have shown a more static and uninteresting monster or location to demo.
Why does it look like garbage? Because its not on the switch?
Would you buy a turd if someone taped on "Not Available on Nintendo Platforms"?
If your eyes weren't glazed over with muh console war then maybe you'd be able to see how unimpressive this demo was and is.
Poor quality bait
Nigger what the fuck are you on about? This looks completely fine, are you fucking retarded?
I never realised how many people in 8ch MonHun threads just bandwagonned into the series with 4th gen. The fucking hypocrisy of thinking the F-15 jet dragon is "cool" but the Frontiershit is not is honestly mindboggling to me. If that crap had been in 2nd gen you'd think it had been some promotional content for a different game series. Don't worry though, when World comes out the mass infestation of soulsfags will be far worse bandwagonners than you ever were. Seriously, enjoy the last months of Monster Hunter threads because when World drops the population of these threads will quintuple with people complaining that World doesn't play exactly like a souls game.
This. I think Monster Hunter needs real competition in the genre it's created; God Eater and Freedom Wars were too weeb. Toukiden had spammy action combat before MonHun did and you play the entire game with a purple filter over everything. Soul Sacrifice was the only one to have a remotely interesting world design and aesthetic but plays and is set up very differently from Monster Hunter, it stands on it's own two feet but scratches a different itch. Now Monster Hunter has become both weeb and spammy (though thankfully they're dropping the weeb in world) but people still buy it because of the brand name. I'd like to think one day some autist will make an open source classic Monster Hunter engine, but that's a pipe dream.
You'll have to try harder than that.
Its on PC too, you know. The only platform it isn't on is Nintendo.
There is no war here, you're just flinging shit because you can't reach the grapes.
Yeah but the important question is will it have denuvo?
I don't know how much you're getting payed for this but it's clearly way too much because you fucking suck at this. You and the tons of people saying "im imma buy it u mad lol :^)" are doing really shitty jobs and really should be fired.
What the fuck does weab even mean nowadays?
Since when do Monster Hunter have classes? I thought you made your gear and you start from there.
It doesn't, OP is just an idiot who has never played the games.
I do! You get a shitload of prefect block frames on most of your attacks. So spamming on of the attacks (on a I think) made you basically invincible.
What in the actual fuck? Why?
There should be block frames only during the the two transformation-attack transitional animations, and only for the brief moment that the shield is thrust forward as the blade attaches/detaches.
Why the fuck did they make Gen so damn casual? I know it didn't have G-Rank, but neither did P3rd and I don't remember P3rd being as piss easy as Gen.
Gen was made by the man responsible for P3rd, which is an easy game.
It's fair to say that P3rd is an easy game, but Gen barely even has anything resembling a failure state.
lol what the fuck?
This game is looking awesome so far, I just hope they try to change the formula of traditional Monster Hunter a little, like making it less grindy, making the gameplay more fluid, making gathering and farming less boring and taking out the ridiculous 3% or less drop chance. Hopefully they already done some really nice changes like showing the damage you do, making better animations and showing when your weapon is losing its sharpness.
And, to already answer the complaints I'll receive, I'm not saying that they should exclude the grind completely, just tone it down, I mean, it's fun to fight the same monster 5~7 times with pals or even alone, but it's not fun to fight the same monster 20 times just because you want to get a rare item to make a strong weapon or armour. Since this game is focusing on the western market, perhaps there's a chance they'll make it a lot less grindy and more straight forward, like Dark Souls.
Dobson got to him.
I bet they'll somehow manage to fuck up the faces, too.
Tsujimoto et al. outright stated that their new target audience has always been too fucking retarded to figure out when to use a potion.
Casualization is the very essence of what's been happening to MonHun.
Streamlining =/= casualization
That'd be just Dandy
Speaking of mounting cheese strats, wasn't the Lance actually like 10 times better for this since the leaping attack you can do from a charge comes out and recovers faster than that shit.
Fuck off nintendrone!
Can you Play Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate in HD? Can you play Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, arguably the best Monster Hunter game? Can you play Monster Hunter XX in HD? No? Then fuck off sonnyger. Besides sources already confirmed they are working on a new Monster Hunter for the Switch.
Oh no! An early-game tutorial monster is weak as shit! What's this series coming to?
Hell, even harder monsters will drop their spaghetti under the right circumstances
I just made a low rank los trip and stagger like 5+ times in a row with the regular iron LS
This is looking ok but still too loose and unrefined in the combat. At least it's starting to look more like dragon's dogma and less like a QTE simulator.
Considering that kelbis are only 'unkillable' in foreign releases, the 'localisation' teams are either huge pussies are have definitely got some shit from some pretentious environmentalist group. Even up to XX you can still properly kill a kelbi, but ever since 3u kelbis always display a stunned animation and get back up in, even though you can still rip out their livers and flesh or tear off their skin. Not to mention that this actually makes the stun mechanic for horn carving more ambigious so it actually interferes with gameplay to some degree.
They changed the colour of kill stars to orange in Generations, so you can differentiate between a stun and kill.
Nigger if you actually believe any MH ever surpassed FU you're a fucking retard.
Am I missing something? This looks exactly like every other MH game except without ps2 graphics.
this game looks fun as fuck. the hit detection looks good, the movesets look fun. and the animations of the enemy look pretty cool. also thats a pretty comfy pretty environment.
whats the problem here? my shit detector is usually pretty accurate.
am i getting interference from my longing for a real monster hunter game?
mayo's not bad at all if you use it as thermal paste in the proper spot.
I fucking hated the gameplay trailer at E3 and the other one they put out after that, but this looks actually really good. I've only played Freedom, Freedom Unite and 3 Ultimate but I see nothing outrageous here. In fact, in my opinion, the ranged weapons just straight up all look better. I never found them fun to play, they controlled stiffly, they were slow, sure they took skill because you had to position yourself correctly but just because something takes skill doesn't mean that it's fun. This looks like you're actually doing something other than standing 10 feet away and and sniping weak spots. The only weapon that looks like it has been heavily changed seems to be the GS looks like it has armour moves now but it still has it's old moves. I hope that World is a case of shitty marketing but the game is actually good.
What the fuck? What happened to this place since e3?
It's coming out on PC and Xbone fuckwhistle, and the series started on PS2, stop being such a whiny little bitch.
Sony always wins, baby
Maybe people realized that being a console pleb like you wasn't a great way to go
Oh yes, because running around a zone blindly looking for the monster was always the best part of monster hunter. Fucking kike. Explain to me how that's better.
I just like that HBG still has all my faves, the rapid fire thing is neat I guess but I wont use it as much as the new siege mode
That doesnt explain the sonyggery going on all over the place here. Its in every thread.
I assume the monster they are using as a punching bag is something really easy, and they probably have late-game weapons too. Is that correct?
World's actually pretty dang good looking thus far, I just hope Capcom doesn't shit the bed again.
200% Casual
This kinda looks like a blend between dragons dogma and EDF.. If that's the case, then this should be fun.
I was slightly concerned when I only saw the PS4 logo at the end of the first trailer, but it's good to see monster hunter finally coming to pc as well and xboxxx1xxxxx I guess
Halo wars?
Both trash games user dont feel bad.
got a source for that? sounds hilarious.
its just sony capturing the japanese game market
they went for that cinematic look. theres no way that the games play out like that.
isnt it amazing how sony is always the red herring for nintoddlers? nomatter what it is, nomatter what the topic, its always their accusation.
fucking sonygger!
fucking sonygger!
fucking sonygger!
every time.
all monsters spawn on the map? hmmm this can be dealt with without fucking the game up in a few ways…
The monsters roam you fucking nerds. And yeah, those locations are predetermined too, but that stil doesn't change the fact that it isn't
when you go to the spawn location in,, say, zone 7, but by the time it takes you to get there, the monster has moved on to zone 10, etc. etc. And besides, you've been able to make psychoserum since MH2 or some shit, so what's your argument anyway?
i wish they'd adopt a real hunting method other than looking at a map or tracking it like that. i wish you could check dung, destroyed path, or things they've eaten to track them to their current location.
i've grown to hate minimaps and radar in games.
whenever its a game where i have to travel a long distance, i end up staring at a mini-map instead of the game.
If this game is fun I hope I can play it with all of you
Yeah that's what I think too, the gameplay seemed pretty forced and all they cared about was to show off the new gimmicks. But as long as the game itself is good,I don't care about marketing.
Well, the firefly highlights stuff like that to track the monster, at least that's what it did in the first trailer. So I guess you could simply not use the firefly and look for the tracks yourself.
That's always a shitty argument
Why do people suddenly care about hunting? The only reason why Monster Hunter is named Monster Hunter is because Monster Killer would have sounded retarded in the west. The games never were about actually hunting the monsters, it was about having a giant bossfight with them and then capturing/killing them. I couldn't care less about the glowing shit that leads me to the monster, I just want to fight it.
My point is what you just said, you mongoloid. Monsters have spawn points and preferred hangouts. As a hunter, you're supposed learn shit like that just as you would in real life. All else fails, you have psycoserum and other esp tracking methods.
Bitch, I'm not defending the feature. I'm saying the people who call it worse than the old systems are retards, because we've had psychoserum which straight up shows you where the monster is on the map, for fucking ages. And the only other way of "tracking" the monsters is to figure out where they all spawn and roam, and just go to those same locations every time. At least this firefly mechanic leads you to the monster by highlighting actual monster tracks.
Fuck if I know. Ask some of these retards who think that memorizing spawn locations == tracking.
Didn't you hear. Now that monhon is going to other systems it's now shit. Like clockwork.
they didnt show any cutscenes or forced perspective… like camera auto zooming to the monster as they approached it.
it just seemed like isolated set up situations that you CAN do during a fight. probably with the help of demo levels.
have they released any gameplay footage?
i wasnt aware about the firefly. following a firefly is still alot better than moving your triangle towards a red dot on a minimap. i find myself doing this in games more and more and its not fun. this is how i steer my horse in dynasty warriors when there arent enemies to slaughter.
its not making the game shitty to have or not have. it'd just be a cool feature. the focus of the game is still on combat, but i think a "hunting" part would add a nice level of suspence and build up to the boss battle.
Memorizing spawn locations isn't tracking a monster, you fucking autist.
Yeah they did, video related.
Sure I don't have anything against it, I just don't understand why people suddenly pretend that tracking the monster is the most important thing in the series.
Why the fuck even bother to make it open world at all then? Just so you can have a blurb on the box that people eat up? So it's either a waste of dev time because even in fucking older MH unless you had an item it didn't highlight the monster for you, but now you get the big glowing arrows meaning there's not even a reason to explore short of "time to do my optimal ore grind rotation"
Also defend mantles, there's no reason for them to exist
My only big concern is the Dragon's Dogma style of shooting for HBG. Maybe for Bow and LBG, but increasing mobility kinda detracts from the character of the HBG.
I kinda agree with you there. Scoutflies are functionally the same as a free psychoserum. My only concern is that the trailers make it seem like you have to manually investigate every clue the monster leaves, which might get annoying, but I doubt it'll be that big of a deal.
And having a drone that auto finds it for babby sonyggers is?
I wonder what changed. :^)
It's always been bad, but the difference between then and now is that OPEN WORLD is a giant selling blurb
The whole tracking thing is most likely just for promotional purposes "LOOK AT OUR SICK NEW FEATURES GUIS XD" it probably (hopefully) won't be that big of a feature.
To be fair Psychoserum took resources (even if a small amount) and inventory space. Also I always liked the preparation aspect of Monster Hunter when it comes to hunting, you know your target before hand, so you prepare accordingly, just like real hunting. Being able to change gear mid mission removes a very big element of preparation and makes quests where you have to hunt several monsters way easier.
Overall I'm extremely skeptical about this game, the colors being so washed out, plus all the casual features along with removing elements of pre-planning plus the broken as fuck mantles that can give you several skills like earplugs, tremor resistance and even freaking hyper armor is fucking retarded.
I sure will miss seeing "Now Loading…" every min while chasing a monster!
i dont think theyre saying that. but it is arguably the biggest flaw of the game. starting a level and just running through an empty map looking for an enemy seems like something that could be improved.
hunting is a good way to fill this void… beats garbage mobs tbh.
It kept there from being large tracks of nothing like basically every open world game in the past 10 years.
Also don't be so hard on yourself, there's a lot of retarded people in the world, most even mentioning preordering games
I bet you can just look up their spawn locations on the wiki, like you're used to anyway.
Where have they said they're removing prep work?
This is what butthurt does to you.
Ah yes thats what its for, removing loading times. Stop being a disingenuous cunt
I'll be as hard as I want. Retards are the reason why video games are garbage. If it's not casuals forcing the devs to bend over then it's retarded console fanboys looking to bury a decent game because "Look how casual it is! Fucking garbage!" This is the future our hobby has to endure, feels real fucking bad.
The moment you can change gear at any time during a hunt so you can go in with a terrible set of gear for your target and change when you start getting your ass kicked, instead of having to plan BEFORE the hunt like an actual hunter what gear you'll bring to take out your target efficiently.
wait… theyre letting you re-equip mid battle? thats lame…
I don't see why it is garbage, but it sure is being casualised, but atleast we have an option to switch off the aid feature, the tutorial is biggest cancer in my opinion.
Where have they said they're removing prep work. And why would I go in with a terrible set of gear.
Not from what I've heard. Pretty sure they said you can retreat to a camp and change gear there.
There is no need to prep before a mission if you can just change your gear at a camp during the mission.
Oh, so you just get all gear and items for free, do you? And if you're out on a gathering mission, and you're suddenly attacked by a monster, but you're in your gathering gear so you can't really fight it, why is it so bad that you can go back to camp, change your gear, and go fight the monster?
well lets say you gear up for a specific guy. then want to fight mothra. instead of having to go back to base, re-plan… you can just switch your shit to anti-air.
kinda lame tbh (if thats true at all)
why would that user just lie like that?
oh you haven't heard about Mantles either then
the two we know about so far are the rocksteady (HG earplugs, Windproof, Quakeproof, and immunity to hitstun for 30 seconds)
and whatever the other one is called
that makes the monster drop target even if it's midcombo.
Of course the downside is that you have to refill them at the base camp! wait what do you mean that's not a downside when you can just completely restock and refill mid hunt at basecamp anyways
Time limits are still a thing
Also you can take new quests without leaving the map, which means you can't be prepared for everything all at once
So you still prep, you can just do part of it at camp
Everyone raises a stink about this, but nobody's really provided a solid argument for how it removes thought from the gameplay loop
It is a Japanese trailer.
Please don't encourage console faggotry. It is also coming to PC. I hardly play video games anymore and I don't trust new games.
Yup, just fast travel to a base camp mid hunt and change gear, should have worded that better, my bad.
Can't you see the writing on the wall man? The fact that you can change gear mid hunt means you don't have to worry so much about preparing yourself for your target before a quest because you can just switch gear during the hunt, instead of having to restart the entire mission over. It's like bringing every lure and tool for a hunt instead of just bringing what you need for your target. Part of hunting is preparation, knowing what you're going to hunt and bringing the right tools for the job.
Yeah! When I'm walking in the woods I bring guns in case a wild animal shows up and tries to attack me, that makes complete sense. If you went into a mission with the goal of gathering, then of course you're not going to be prepared for hunting. Monster Hunter is about preparing yourself before a hunt, not just flicking switches mid hunt to do different shit.
old way
new way
Seriously though, fuck you spergs who think that the problems with MonHun, which stem from technical limitations, are some kind of divine aspect of the holy gameplay formula.
Using "Open-world" as a selling point is retarded, but how is a seamless map not better than having it made up of separate rooms. From what gameplay demos of full hunts have shown, the jungle map still seems pretty well-designed. Few open expanses of nothingness, decent variety between different parts of the map. It feels like any other MH without the loading times. What does the game lose out on from this change in map design?
Meh. Not that big of a difference if it's just a single monster, or two of the same type. This only poses an issue of casualization in multi-monster quests, where you no longer have to compromise between which weapon is best for each monster's strengths and weaknesses. Otherwise, it's just a convenience that doesn't change the core experience much. Unless you're in multiplayer, you never lose much by just abandoning a quest, besides a couple hundred zenny, a lucky meal, and 2 minutes at most. I'll only be concerned if you get access to all your other items as well.
Going back to camp to change equipment to fight a different monster sounds like going back to base and re-planning to me. And besides, who'se to say I even have a decent anti air weapon?
If I had the foresight to use a basecamp (which you do in monster hunter) I would bring hunting gear and keep it at the camp just in case.
its not that bad, but if the camps are common and plentiful. it removes and element of "oh im here to gather, i better not disturb that big motherfucker" and if you do, youre forced to retreat or run. kinda adds a cool level of challenge and risk/reward.
sounds easily exploitable…
ok, how far apart are these camps? if theyre atleast like bonfires in dark souls, then its not a big problem. but if theyre like checkpoints in a modern FPS then we have a major problem.
fast travel usually resets everything though.
old way
new way
who said these are problems? It's like saying the tank controls in Resident Evil are bad when the games are built and balanced around them.
We don't know how many camps there are, or how far away they are from eachother. This is just Holla Forums being Holla Forums.
from how they're talking it's checkpoints in modern FPS.
and fast travel doesn't reset anything because it's tied to the DROP IN DROP OUT MULTIPLAYER
Eat shit casual, just because you have to actually put some thought into something doesn't mean it's a technical limitation.
Really? In the gameplay demo they showed last month he stopped fighting the T-rex monster after it got fucked by Rathalos by opening the map and warping to a basecamp, changed gear, then went and finished it off.
you asked for it
Based on one of the promo videos, you can go back to camp mid-fight and change gear. That gives the monster you are fighting time to get away and probably heal a bit though.
Is this shitposting?
I can't even tell anymore
Busywork for busyworks sense is my favourite game mechanic too!
It's actually 90.
This is also wrong
Why is there so much misinformation in this thread, we've had plenty of gameplay footage and dev interviews
You're acting like planning in advance and spending your time carefully measuring your options is a gameplay experience on par with the most exquisitely designed games ever. Most of the time, it amounts to just picking a weapon that neither is strong to, and making sure you aren't running into the fight wearing armor with -50 elemental weakness.
If you're even remotely good, elemental weakness on your armor won't matter that much, because you shouldn't be constantly getting hit and having to turn the fight into a war of attrition as you chuh potions hoping they die before you do.
I wouldn't mind if there is some kind of 5 or 10 monster quest and you can bring extra armor and a weapon. But I don't like the idea of all your armor and weapons just being there for you to take at will.
I wouldn't even see the point in leaving the mission, especially if you can get new quests while out in the wild.
imagine if theres a camp site between every few "rooms" though. itd be easily exploitable. i kinda like the parts of MH that are like "oh shit i should have brought X" but now you gotta make do.
its like going camping and forgetting a lighter. "now i gotta make a fire the real way" vs going camping in your back yard where you just walk back into your house and grab a lighter.
its all just speculation then about the campsites, but that can be a major flaw. worth looking into in future released gameplay videos. and worth paying attention to in reviews.
the fast travel not resetting anything i can see being cheap.
i was just assuming, but when he went back at it though, did it remain injured? or did it heal.
Looks like OP is another one of those retards that think Freedom Unite had the best gameplay.
What worries me the most is the IG footage. As if autistic baguettes weren't bad enough already
You can change armor at camp because you can choose to stay in the area after you've killed your target to hunt other things. Take the gameplay demo for instance, after killing the anja, let's say the player wants to go kill that Rathalos, wouldn't it be nice if he didn't have to sit through several loading screens to change into an armor with fire resistance? Yes, it fucking would.
.>I wouldn't mind if there is some kind of 5 or 10 monster quest
There can now be 5 monsters on the map at the same time, so that's not a stretch
Where the did I say that? My initial argument is that preparation is a key element of actual hunting and part of the series' identity. Changing that removes part of the hunting aspect of the series in my opinion.
It's all pointless speculation. And this thread is full of it.
Better than the retards who cream themselves over underwater combat to this day.
Was still injured, it died pretty quickly to the HBG.
everything is speculation if the game isnt released. but theres nothing wrong with looking for problem areas in future games.
well thats lame. seems super exploitable.
only thing bad about these webms is the monster itself, it looks so boring/uninspired/ugly
We've only seen the ancient forest map
There's literally one camp in it, just like every other monster hunter game
This shit's ridiculous
Also the fast travel is just an infinite use farcaster that you can't use in battle
Have any of you people played any of these games before?
Sure, but we could do with fewer autists pretending monster hunter is some kind of fine art.
Play the game enough and you know for a fact that monsters will spawn in specific areas and then move to another one in the time it will take you to run there. Hunting is out the window. You're not tracking shit or exploring a huge world where you need to spend most of the mission trying to find where they are, because most players end up memorizing the maps anyways.
You're fucking full of shit if you think Monster Hunter is about anything besides fighting monsters. Most of the endgame hunts are just you, an arena, and a big fucking monster that shows up for you to fight, because the challenge is not hunting it's fighting. If anything, MHW has taken steps to make hunting and tracking a bigger deal than it's ever been.
oh so it's even worse than I thought and people will defend this
Prove it
Have you seen this thread? people are defending an infinite use farcaster, the fireflies, and everything else.
1 camp sounds great, but…
what was this user talking about then?
There's at least 3 base camps. I timestamped it here
Stop putting words in my mouth you double nigger, I'm saying that a part of hunting is PREPARATION which they've toned down since you can switch gear in base camps. And I know killing monsters is what the series is about, but I also know a good part of the series is learning what you're going to hunt and bring the right stuff for it.
I might be assuming, but this implies all your items can be accessed at base camp as well.
And you should read what I've fucking posted, you triple nigger, because I'm saying you're full of shit and over-emphasizing a minor aspect which only punishes you by making you waste a few minutes, unless you're dumb enough to put yourself through a fight without the right gear.
Stop putting words my my mouth, claiming I'm defending the firefly.
The parameters for "in battle" seem to be pretty loose
Probably has something to do with the super lenient stealth mechanics
And I'm one of the people doing that defending
None of that shit makes actually fighting the monsters much easier, and isn't a problem
Mantles are a fucking travesty and you're a faggot
But yeah, good news, hammer has self buffs now
Hey it almost caught up to the GL in gen/x! But don't worry the stun values got shit on because for some reason capcom hates horn
What's the part of winging it that you don't understand? Going in badly prepared and making it out of top is just as rewarding as planning ahead precisely because you can't change mid-quest so you have to make do with what you have.
Point to a post where I mentioned the fireflies, let alone say you're defending them.
so you can easily "leave" a boss battle and activate one of those abilities?
kinda lame. they should be limited items or something.
That's okay. I'm having fun stunning monsters.
The whole series has been going casual. At least we get to see what a HD los/ian will look like.
You've always been able to leave the fights and come back later. Hell, the monsters will even do that.
this would fix that issue. let you pack a nice inna woods bag… extra armor, extra weapon, extra items… then have that seperate from what you have on your person.
Yeah that would be interesting, especially if they restrict some missions to only what you have on you when you enter. Would retain the preparation while still giving you more versatility, but what I think that user's implying is that the item box menu is complete access to your full item box, meaning you can pull out healing items, traps etc. from it when you start running out, just fly away to a base camp and restock.
Eh, it's not a huge deal, just saves a bit of time running
You still have to run back to where the monster is
It's always been super easy to cheese the camp for heals in most fights without risking running out of time, this just makes the process a bit more streamlined, especially since you'll actually want to go back to camp to pick up new quests now
I just wish there were stricter limits on its use, like not being in the same area as a large monster or something
dear user,
It's almost a time honored tradition that any thread that does not call a game "GARBAGE" will be flooded with faggots crying that your are a Jew trying to actively shill them. Of course the new Monster Hunter looks fun. Its just niggers acting like typical niggers.
I'm going to buy the fuck out of this game! Get HYPE
Now I would want to see this implemented.
You're still exaggerating, but that might just be your own autism talking.
That's not some orgasm-inducing act of personal accomplishment. It's not the point of the game either. By the time you get to most multi-monster hunts in any of the games, you're familiar enough with the flow of things that you know to bring the right items and not run into a fight with a weapon that will play poorly against the thing you know you will be hunting. Item sets have been a thing for the last several iterations anyways, so now you can always have the exact items you need every time, anyways.. and besides all of that, the damage formula isn't so punishing that you can't beat a fire element monster with a weapon that has some fire damage on it.
I like monhon almost as much as classic Megaman but even i'm not that much of a sucker to buy a game on the first day.
when did I say I'm going to pre-order shit? I never pre-order games. Its looking good, I am likely going to BUY it.
Wait, so you're telling me there's no actual hunting in these games, just pulling out the fucking map and fighting? I'm glad I lost interest as early as I did considering the fighting felt clunky as hell for a PSP game.
Thank goodness, didn't want you to feel foolish just in case.
yes, but i feel like that exploit was something that could be dealt with. it used to be kinda tedious… seems almost like theyre helping you do it now.
id rather be in a position where i would rather risk death than walk for 10 minutes.
traditionally no, but this game seems to have implemented some hunting aspects.
Yeah I suppose you're correct. I guess I'm making a storm out of nothing. Still, being able to switch items mid-mission is another aspect of the game being more forgiving. Even if you bailed on a mission in the previous games, unless you loaded a previous save you'd lose a very small amount of money, so there was still a penalty. It will be interesting if they remove a ton of these things in High-rank the same way you don't get free items or the map in H or G rank in the previous games.
I think we can all agree the mantles are a fucking disgrace
It looks GOOD and I can't wait to play it with friends
What weapons are you anons going to be using this time around?
I'd take actually seeing myself catch up to the monster over stopping all momentum for a loading screen, only for the monster to immediately jump to the next small section of the map as soon as I enter the one it was in many times during a hunt.
Despite all of this bickering, I can't say I'm entirely happy with all the changes either. Some of the weapons look downright floaty in the way they swoop and dance around, but others look fine. I can understand and accept a lot of the changes, like the seamless zones, the changes to gathering and the removal of elaborate item animations, but I'm hoping they had the good sense to keep the central gameplay limitations in play. Limiting the inventory and how certain items stack, for instance.
Yep. It's never been a part of it. Until this one.
And then they made hunting and exploring pointless because neon fireflies tell you where everything is. I'd be completely fine with the open world aspect if those fucking casual fireflies weren't in. All the environmental traps and hookshots look dumb too.
funny how people are saying its casualized because they added a casualized hunting mechanic to a game that didnt have one. at all.
is following a firefly over clues any more casual than chasing a red dot on a map? i could understand this argument if they made you manually find clues before and now you had a guide, but thats not the case.
at most, this was just a missed opportunity.
however they let you turn it off, but if thats the case the firefly should "cost" something like take up an inventory slot. kind of like the chip system in nier. "oh you want to lock on to the enemy? fine… but then you cant hit harder or glide farther"
There never was any actual hunting. That's what I'm saying. People would memorize the spawns or just use psychoserum and follow a red dot on the map.
First off you had to bring psychoserum, have the correct armor skill or paintball the target. You could also wave at the balloon in later games and they would highlight a monster for you for a short period. That's not the core issue here for me anyway. They are developing this seamless open world which is fine, but what is the point of it when the fireflies just highlight everything?
I'm talking about world you retard, not older games. We know there was no hunting in older games, it was all combat. Another thing I forgot to mention is they're adding an open world but giving you fast travel. What's the point?
Waste of fucking dev time and they are contradicting their own design philosophy with this new game.
Do you even hunt, user?
Also there's more exploring now
Fireflies only lead you to monsters, which you would previously just have to casually glance into each area to find at absolute most
But now those fireflies need you to find environmental clues
And you need to pay closer attention to the environment outside of those clues to notice hazards, grapple points, shit you can use as ammo, local wildlife, etc.
And beyond that the maps themselves are bigger, more vertical, and have much fewer areas that are just flat plains, which mean you may actually have to put a bit of work into traversing some areas instead of just walking across them and maybe climbing a wall or two
Probably SnS for solo and bowguns and hunting horn for groups
I didn't know you could grow Ores at the farm.
pointless with fast travel
Which the fireflies highlight.
Which is all very visible but so was the case in the older games.
Which were added in 4U, I'm fine with this though.
Honestly user, my biggest complaint is the fireflies. I hope there is an option to turn them off. The combat looks acceptable for most weapons but I'm worried the armor system will be fucked and there will be no G rank. I'm fine with more vertical movement, I'm fine with larger/open maps. I'm not fine with the fireflies.
If several other things in your post weren't indications it was bait, this certainly is.
Extremely basic shit. You talk about it like it's fucking artisanship. Read the thread or just kill yourself. If you think the "hunting" in MH is anything at all, you must be fucking retarded
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
As someone who really wanted actual hunting, this is the part that disappoints me
That and how fucking bright and big they are
They clearly wanted to include real tracking, but compromised halfway to appease casuals and the veterans who would get mad because they've been conditioned to prefer the shorter hunt times that are meant to keep the game less of a commitment for a casual audience
If I remember correctly, the hunter in the first trailer acquires fireflies from a hive, then activates it.
I would love a monster hunter with a large map where you just use environmental cues to find shit.
Would be great, but probably too time consuming for playtesters.
But the fireflies point out environmental clues. Capcom included a tracking mechanic and then completely nullified it. It's like a game having a puzzle that solves itself.
You can only travel to camps
When you get close to them, it's not like they're marked on your fucking map
The older games didn't have any of that stuff
Also I'm pretty sure the flies are something you have to actively use, not to mention you have to interact with the clues to get them to track the monster for you, at least until you actually find it
That doesn't matter at all.
Still casual babby tier shit.
The flies shouldn't even exist at all, they are casual trash.
It almost for Evolve, and that was a competitive multiplayer game
It would be the comfiest damn thing ever
Though I can see it being a pain in the ass when it comes to finding monsters that run away from you
I'm not talking about things being visible, I'm talking about the host of new objects that actually matter in combat now that you have to actively keep a mental note of during fights, greatly increasing your need to actually explore and pay attention to the environment
*almost worked for Evolve
I don't give a damn if you can only fast travel to camps, fast travelling is retarded when they want you to hunt and explore. It defeats the purpose.
From the videos I watched there are way too many environmental hazards. Don't get me wrong, they're neat but they acbsolutely have to be balanced from how many there are. Their damage needs to be low. As fas as the grappling hook bullshit I have no idea how that will pan out but mounting looks easier than ever.
yea? thats good.
this thread is like that frogurt skit from the simpsons.
I never understood the appeal of Monster Hunter, its slow and tedious. The combat is no fun either, I wish it played more like DMC.
To be more specific, you need to find and examine the clues to get the flies to lead you to the monster, but they'll also lead you to it if you've already found it
The small stuff like bugs are one thing, but unless capcom are absolute madmen, they'd likely spread out the big hazards and keep them to one per area aside from arena maps
And in the demo we saw, that giant rock thing did about the damage of two HBG wyvern fire shots, which personally seems really tame compared to being able to call in three extra people online
Which is a shame, because the system itself looks great and if it wasn't for being able to grapple back on, it would offer a nice layer of strategy over 4's glorified QTE
Man, why do these threads devolve into consolewar faggotry? You know, people can have legitimate gripes with the several things the game seems to be handing out for free in this game, without being angry sourgrapes ninteniggers or whatever, and people can also legitimate like the new features without just being smug the game is away from nintendo. I'm sure we can all at least agree that Lance is the best weapon and all the others are shit.
I'm gonna make you trip balls, nigga.
It would be really good if they put in a option to play in "true hunter mode" where the fireflies don't show the way (you can still get info for checking marks), camp travel is disabled and the health and rage indicators are off.
It was confirmed that you can turn the damage numbers off. That will be the first thing i do once i start the game.
i as not talking about the damage number, but the pseudo health bar that the monsters have near the minimap.
Why though? I'm not asking Monster Hunter to copy Dark Souls or its combat, I saying that they should make a more fluid combat like the Dark Souls one, are you literally retarded? What other things in my post could be seen as bait?
Play a game with more fluid combat then. There are plenty of them.
release date?
You trying to say I shouldn't criticise an imperfection in a game I like and just stop playing it altogether?
You can criticize all you want. When you try to make every action game the same you end up with a boring genre.
I totally agree. If MH wants to be taken serious as a souls-like™ it also needs a lock-on.
I don't see how my points are funny or unreasonable and all you idiots do are post ironic memes without any real counter-argument to what I posted.
Fuck off neonazis, this site is shit and /vg/ is better.
How the fuck is it a meme? If you don't like the combat in Monster Hunter you have a myriad of titles to choose from with dodge cancelling out of everything and more "fluid" combat. Why do you want one game with unique mechanics to change to something that isn't unique?
What did he mean by this?
I'm seeing Godwin's law in effect more and more recently. It's a sure sign of butt frustration.
But observing it's behavior and making movements based on the observed behavior is, you fucking retard. Fuck dude you can guess where monsters hang out just by looking at half of them. They all have clues as to how to track them in their cutscenes. I get why you are defending this shit. You're the kind of moron who needs it.
I'm not defending it, you fucking retard. I'm saying there is no tracking in monster hunter. Looking at its fucking shadow as it flies away and estimating that the ludroth lives in water because it's a fucking swamp isn't the "advanced tracking gameplay" you claim exists in monster hunter. You fucking (1) and done (you)tard
*Ludroth is a sponge
Complaining about
Just because they're iconic aspects of monster hunter doesn't mean they're good.
That shits unfun as fuck.
Recent games never had tedious monster searching and the potion complaint is justified because you should be vulnerable when using an item. There are even skills to speed up the animation greatly.
complaint is not justified* is what I meant
I agree, being an unrepentant shitter that can't into basic positioning is not fun. I hope your designated tard wrangler doesn't leave you unsupervised with a plastic bag.
With a competent player? Yes, with SnS being fucking broken tier with it's ability to jump UP ledges for attacks, but don't tell a shitter that.
A couple of new webms of some monsters and gameplay elements.
I'm hoping a lot of beam blasting monsters come around, but honestly, the moment of invuln during your flopping to the ground tends to help you.
and I always remembered to paintball skittery monsters after that.
Things that will make MHW objectively worse:
The length of time it takes to drink a potion has been tripled
That falling rock does about as much damage as two of the HBG's wyvernfire shots if I remember right
Seems okay for a single use trap, especially if it requires some modicum of skill to use
The worse thing I think is the sheer amount of shit in the environment you can easily use to stun the monster and get in free hits
keep crying faggots, if the game is good i will enjoy it whether you cry a planet of water or not.
You better post screenshots of those sweet 'cheevos for killing Great Jaggi on the subreddit.
Gotta cash in on that gamer™ cred.
It's still tracking you shit eater. Tracking that greatly reduces the need for stupid tracking fireflies. The point that I was making is that you aren't going in blind unless you're a retard. Retard.
I forgot to mention how you ignored the entire "observed behavior" part. You should play another game that requires less thought.
you're not important. the franchise and the world will move on without your input. deal with it.