Other urls found in this thread:

hey faggot mod

delete this one too


it's board culture so its ok

Just be funny Katie.

Are you surprised?

what are some games where I can be a tranny?

Bullshit, some faggot will start posting gay furry scat porn pretty soon. Thats what these are for.

She used to be /ourgal/ and totally apolitical. It's a bit of a shock to me. This isn't the first time she has showed her true colors, I just haven't paid attention to her. Honestly, I thought she was done with webcomics after she started working for NASA or something.

I don't think that frequent SRS, HRT, and psychiatric evaluations are cheap procedures. If they don't have that treatment, then they become unstable. Not worth it.

Yes, military men undergo psychiatric evaluations too, but it's not prior to the military. It's after they're injured in their service. Mentally ill people are prohibited from entering to begin with.


But of course this is obviously all political and has nothing to do with practicality.

>some faggot decides to be a piece of shit on LOL threads
Go be subverted somewhere else


No goy, you have to pretend these people aren't mentally ill. Because, the Holocaust or something.

Ah, that'd explain it.

Isn't that a hoax?

How new are you kiddo. These threads devolve into that very single time

Does it? I may be missing something

Yes, but it's also the founding myth of the modern civic religion.
On a related note, it pleases me how butthurt Jews are over Dunkirk for not spending half the film portraying Hitler as literally Satan. It's just a war film and they're assblasted over it.

What a deft misdirection. Trannies and their feel-good allies, the narcissistic faggots, can't help but take the bait. But it is still a good policy to reject mental illness from armed services.

I saw the movie and thought it was a bland, boring and pretentious piece of shit. I'd gladly have some of that salt you're talking about to remedy the situation.

Good work landing a job in any government institution without having zero online presence and/or being an overt leftist.

How new are you?
it wasn't always like this, and you should know it if you're trying to pass as an oldfag.

oy vey, watch your mouth goyim, that's hate speech

Ah, I see. I've never tried applying for a gov't position so I did not know that.

Source on that? I want some jewish salt to go with my popcorn.

Women, yet again, displaying why they are unfit for any position of power, whatsoever. Making decisions based upon your "feelings," is beyond pathetic.


Reminder Brice Jenner, a fucking richfag with more than enough money to receive proper treatments, still drove into fucking people while on HRT. I would never let these people anywhere near a warzone let alone my car



do not be so bigoted user :^)


Skimmed off of Twitter.

Ooh, a blue check mark. No idea who he is but he doesn't look Jewish.

Military not hiring gays in the past or transgender isn't discriminating against those people it's protecting them, these people are normally very prone to to flipping their beds in the middle of the night, or being locked in their tallboy, or being just plain beaten up, the military tries to stop it but it happens, go join the navy or airforce if you're a fag, the people in those arms are so effeminate and weak that they are practically gay.

Trans people are mentally ill. No one mentally ill should be in the military. Thank you Mr. Trump for the salt, you spice up my life.

It's a reverse-trap, user

since when was katie a guy?

girl guy, whatever
that profile pic screams guy to me.

Real shame that they jumped right on the anti gamergate bandwagon and gave the most pathetic excuse, sacks of shit like that deserve nothing.

they are kind of ambiguous.

Katie was a gamergoober?

anti gamergabes.

He's a cheeky cunt

This is delicious. Seeing these people get bitten by karma is beautiful.

Damn, she's pretty cute. Maybe not a 9/10, but easily a 7.

When did you realize that Jack Thompson and other critics of video games were right?

Please kill yourself blatant bait man.

When I found out they were just useful idiots for jewish senators.

GG is just a vehicle for attention. It's another mindless topic through which you can proclaim your empty and useless opinion to elicit attaboys from your like-minded peers. Regardless of which "side" you're on.

nah, GG helped change things for the better.

GG has lost a large amount of its steam at this point, too much waifus, not enough outrage really, that said to say it is and was simply a vehicle for attention is retarded, much like you are.

Not call of duty

The only place where GG really dropped the ball was forgetting to follow up on the Digra/MacArthur leads.

good goy

I genuinely feel bad for the guy. He was so far gone, down the wrong path, and yet he had nobody around him to steer him clear of it. His gf just egged him on, and he was mot likely surrounded by yes men telling him to just get those hormones, just get that dick removed and inverted, to just spend the rest of your life as a sterile freak dilating your gaping wound until you kill yourself at age 45.

He was a lost cause, and he could've knocked all this shit off and gotten his life back on track. Unfortunately that was not the case, and now he's more than likely going to kill himself soon.

Even for her, that was very courteous lighting. Also it was taken a long time ago. Here's a recent one.

D&C please.


I'd still dick her, but I'd make sure she feels she was raped though.

Spotted the lefty

They create violent, depressed, asocial drones who will never procreate, have jobs, or leave their parent's households. They promote "thug culture" through games such as Grand Theft Auto. They're centres of animosity and violence as one can see with Fighting Games. They cause obesity as avid video game addicts stuff their faces with food as fast as possible to return to the game, only leaving from their keyboard to get more food. They're overall a fucking disaster for society, and it's no wonder that the decay of modern society has coincided with the rise of media obsession outlets such as Steam, Netflix, Facebook, Youtube and so on.


I am genuinely offended you would call me a leftist. What, exactly, lead your to assume I was left-leaning? My empathy towards a man who was steered down the wrong path, and threw his entire life away for regressive leftist political gain?

I suggest you take a remedial reading comprehension course, sonny boy.

same. I have a fetish for purifying sjws and feminazis into trad wives

Sounds like you are projecting man.

it's like we are living in final days of Rome

After looking at Neogaf and Gamerghazi, I don't blame you for thinking that.

Vidya was good, but it unfortunately turned into a mistake.

People look for escapism in times of depression and social unrest. That doesn't make it the cause. Fuck off.

Schlomo please.


You're some kind of extra stupid if you think video games somehow rewrite the person playing them. Fat people were fat before vidya, violent people were violent before vidya and lazy degenerates were, well, you get the point. You have this bizarre aversion to the idea of personal responsibility that makes me think you probably wandered here from Holla Forums. To which you're welcome to return at any time.

But Jack Thompson's whole schtick was that violent video games affected people negatively, there is no study that backs that up and lots of longitudinal studies that disprove it, of course playing video games all the time will make you a total fucking loser, consider suicide.

Don't just consider it, I recommend you call a suicide help line, preferably one that will help you plan it so it's effective.

Not for that reason, just because she's a self entitled little shit, and I want to take her princess complex away from her, but only just her.

Why oh god WHY do people think permanent mutilation will make them happy? What gives them this delusion? If you were unhappy before surgery why the fuck would surgery be the answer to your problems? Most people who do this to themselves are still fucking depressed even after they cut their dick off and they take it out on "the evil bigoted society who will never except me!" The problem is YOU! YOU ARE YOUR OWN PROBLEM! Stop trying to chase non-solutions and look at a fucking mirror first!

Enjoy the calm while you still have time, for the fall will be quick and angry.

Is that a boy or a girl?

I posted a pic, it's a girl, an ambiguous girl.

The grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side to these sorts of people. Rather than face their problems head-on like an adult, they will do anything and everything within their power to avoid such a thing. For those with gender dysphoria/mental illness, that means pumping your body full of blockers and hormones, and mutilating yourself to feel "better in your own body." There is a reason why trannies have one of the highest suicide rates in the world.

Is that the polite way of saying unattractive?


Totally not a mental illness guys. It all makes sense to me now, why most of them commit suicide post op.

You tell me.

Either unattractive or could easily pass as either. It could go either way in this case.

all me

I'm blind you dick

That's pretty good.

All me

I implore you to read The Fate of Empires by John Glubb

He asserts that all major Empires go through several stages before either inevitable collapse or balkanization. Ever major empire in history has never lasted more than 250 years. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule found thus far. Roman Republic lasted about 250, Western Empire lasted about 250, The British Empire about 250.etc

Here's where it gets rather rspooky. America is currently 241 years old This means either we are VERY CLOSE to regime change OR America is the exception to this rule

THAT SAID. When John Glubb was writing his theories the Internet did not exist yet and mass media was still in its infancy, we do not know how these will play a factor if at all. Information and people travel faster today than they did during Imperial Britain and Rome

If you have empthy then you are a leftist cuck.
t. Holla Forums

The majority of trannies are mtf, which is a concrete example of the grass actually being greener. Being a woman in the western world is easily one of the most comfortable, privileged existences you can imagine. It's only natural that weaker, mentally unstable men are trying to take the easy way out of the social pressures and responsibilities of being male by swapping their sex.

I saw the pic earlier. She looks like a goblin. I'd probably fuck her if she put on some makeup and dressed feminine for once.

Hold up, try guess based on her voice.

Not making a webm.


Haha it's turning into CosmoWright

I wish you weren't right.

Not even close.

Ah yes, so let's accept this escapism, this degradation into a state of pure pleasure-seeking so that one can become a fantasy-obsessed shut-in dreaming of a better world yet never working towards it? You are the reason that the world is burning, that the times are turning to hell. You who lie in inaction, hoping someone else will fix the problem.

Humans are creatures of habit, of excess and decadence. Give them the ability to become weak and sensitive to the dopamine release and they will. Without any sort of iron moral code mankind will melt in a puddle of degenerate fluid seeking another shot of their drug of choice. For some that is video games.

Why do you say there is no study that backs it up when there have been many studies which do just that?

I just watched Rick & Morty, it literally is the definition of Reddit tier humour.

This is how I know you're leftist trash.

Instigators are gonna instigate.

>he says while being on a Video Games board

Well i guess it depends when you consider America an empire, exactly. It started gaining vast amounts of territory in 1800, acquiring colonies in 1898, yet only became a superpower in 1945.

But surely the US will fall within the next 40 years based on its current trajectory.

Trying to convince you to change for the better as I have. Stop playing video games, they're Judaic brain rot.


At least he's comically pathetic instead of the typical "lol where did my motivation go" bullshit.

Rick & Morty did what every adult comedy cartoon does and went into a nosedive after the first few episodes.

That is what gets me the most, adults can make their own dumbass decisions and fuck up their life for all I care but when this shit is pushed towards children who don't know any better I get really angry. I wanted to be a T-Rex when I was 9, can you imagine peoples reaction if my parents took me to the doctor to have my arms chopped of and made into a makeshift tail? People who put their children through HRT therapy need to be thrown in jail.

Who will be president after 8 years of Trump and what will cause America's collapse?

Did you forget to put on your tampon, ma'am?

You are, by far, the biggest dipshit I've encountered today.

kys, retard.

You as well, consider suicide. But first take that remedial 2nd grade reading comprehension course. That way you can die a semi-educated man.

Won't work here. Shoo shoo, lefty goblin.



So is the internet, that doesn't stop you all-rightists at Holla Forums from using it.

What makes you think I'm a leftist? A leftist would revel in decadence and the decay of society.

Why do you moralize instead of leading by an example?

The internet is a tool for conversing originally used by scientists and the military. Public usage was initially for information, businesses, and communication.

Lead who by example? I'm trying to convince you to stop partaking in this garbage waste of a life and seek to help restore society. I can't lead any of you guys by example through posting here, I can only "moralize".

Why do you reply to bait

this tbh
These people already have a host of mental issues, putting them on a battfield would be like creating x many more Tranny Phantoms.
So in short, more supermarkets being shot up by autistic permavirgins with terrible aim.

Wrong. If you count America as an Empire, you also have to count Rome from the very beginning too and then Rome would have lasted from 27 BC til 1453 AD (if you count Byzantine as Roman Empire, if not it would still have lasted till 476 AD) the Qing Empire also lastet longer than 250 years and so did the Ottoman Empire, so the thesis is incorrect. Also the idea of Empires going through different phases and ending in a decadence phase is nothing new.

Ever heard of Body integrity identity disorder? Its also known as amputee identity disorder and is pretty self explanatory. Not the same as Gender dysphoria but it really puts into perspective how terrifying it can be when ones mind has it out for them in an oddly specific way.
As for the specifics of why people experience gender dysphoria, we may not know for a long time due to the political climate discoursing research into it. There has been some research that indicate its linked to hormone levels before birth as well as some that indicate it might be genetically inherited (top kek), while the politically correct cause is that it is a natural and healthy thing that does not require treatment to stop but requires treatment to enact.


No idea.

checks out

Hell, I don't expect these retards to know even the basics but wasn't it only the Luftwaffe that harassed the retreating boats? I don't recall the Wehrmacht even engaging the British until after the retreat.

is there a version of this without the retarded audio file? just a compilation of screenshots, perhaps? i intend to show this to anyone who thinks this kind of shit is acceptable and "perfectly natural" and to be honest, I don't find it funny. this person was essentially just one of the "useful idiots" who actually took action which ironically made him more of a man than the rest of the clueless bunch. he deserves what he got but at least if all of these gender spectrum morons followed suit, people would stop preaching this bullshit soon enough.



Do it yourself lazy nigger.
It's not that fucking hard to separate video and audio.

When will these faggots realize
Is not an argument?

Dude never stood a chance. at least he can serve as a warning to others so they don't make the same mistake

Oh shit, another dinobro in the threaaaad~

I wanted to be a stegosaurus.

It could be because I am dealing with a severe lack of sleep, but I have no idea what the second "panel" is trying to convey. I cant follow their "my gender your gender we all gender gender bullshit".

I'm curious as to why all the army-hating lefties are angry about this. You'd think they'd be happy their precious trannies won't be shipped out to die alongside those evil straight white men.

They're either joking about how they used to recognize each other as their old gender, or they're joking about talking to each other after the transition. Either way, it's fucking stupid.

muh equality

Actually the Qing Empire lasted from 1644 to 1911, which is more or less 250.

I'd think trannies would be the first to die in a combat situation though.

She avoided voicing any anti-Trump opinions during elections, save for couple of retweets. However, her boyfriend seemingly did all the "BIGOT DRUMPF" posting for her, and her father had a fucking meltdown - like, his every post was about evils of Trump.

Armyfag here.

Although it's probably been stated in other places, let's sum up why this is all a non-issue:

1. Serving in the Armed Forces is not a right. The branches have no obligation to take you in if you're a hindrance to force readiness and combat capability. That means no fattys, no alcoholics, no gangbangers with criminal records, no disabled people, etc.

2. Nearly all who openly identify as transgendered either are disqualified from joining due to other exigent circumstances (I.E., can't pass PT standards) or simply don't want to join, mostly since serving your country is seen as a toxic and masculine thing that only right-wingers do. Openly transgendered people who want to serve and meet the standards are about as a rare as pink dog shit, so losing them among the ranks will have a negligent effect.

3. The Armed Forces stresses placing the mission and your fellow members before yourself, and individualism is treated like a cancer. Transgender advocacy is primarily focused on the importance of individualism and is largely incompatible with military doctrine.

4. While there have been noted examples of transgendered individuals in the US Armed Forces, most did fuck-all in their military careers and only came out AFTER retiring from the services, which makes their status as transgendered entirely moot. The most prominent Armed Forces member who was transgendered is Eric Manning, who stands out as the most prominent traitor in the US military since Benedict Fucking Arnold.

sage for not video games.

due to suicide or poor firearm handling?

That's true but there's still the Han Empire, the Zhou Empire, the Parthian Empire etc. All of those lasted much longer than 250 years.

Hate to piss on your parade here, pardner, but that's wrong. Serving in the military can actually get you out of prison if you're eligible. It's half the reason why there are gangbangers in the army doing stupid gangbanger shit.

you're damn right

Well before the Qing Empire was the Ming Empire, which again lasted about 250 (1368-1644). I think it's referring mainly to global superpowers though anyway.

I wonder what China was like before the commies


lol no

Still the original post said "NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule thus far" which is simply not true. Saying "the average empire lasts for about 250 years" would be more accurate.

nonburger here, care to explain?

No user thats not how it works, yes the judge/ prosecutor can send them to a recruiter but the recruiter doesn't have to accept him.
Thats just because the Army is stupid as shit and is pretty much 1 IQ away from eating crayons like the Marines.

I'm going to have to dump some pics.


confirmed for not being an armyfag.

Do anyone ever joins US military to serve their country? I thought they all doing that to avoid college debts, and that's why wimmin and trannies want to serve so badly.


it's already shit quality in the video, i figured i'd ask if someone happened to have it in presentable form

GG was a lost cause from the get-go. Reddit latched on and it basically fucked itself over from the get go because the ones leading the charge got too distracted with themselves, the memes, and what they were going for. The whole thing was a joke.

That too but 70% of it is mostly the republican gibsmedat program for their constituents.

I actually agree; anything that you indulge in will eventually accustom you with the tome, either by desensitization of some bizarre stockholm syndrome. However, i don't limit it to video games; Jack Thompson is a joke because he singled-out one area of entertainment rather than trying to combat the hordes of violent movies, music, novels, comic books, and television. Rather than him being a moral crusader fighting against the tides of degeneracy of a modern era, he's just an old man yelling at kids for using technology he isn't familiar with and therefore hates.

ps jerking off to traps will make you gay because eventually youre gonna think its ok to fuck men as long as they dont look like men and thats when you get HIV

I had a belief that everyone should have some kind of civil service. Did the Army for four years, went to Iraq and Afghanistan, and then went back to civilian life. Politics or college debt had nothing to do with it.

It's mostly done ironically at least in season 1, not that redditors would realize this.

Qings are usually the cartoon-style villians of Hong Kong kung fu films, so i'll let you guess.

so you're saying that you're retarded

people with far less crippling physical issues get barred from the military and don't cry this much about it, and some one tell me what fucking trans people were gearing up to join the fucking service in the first place

They can be cannon fodder. Let them soak up all the bullets and shit, then send the real soldiers in.



The whole "Go to War or go to jail" thing doesn't exist anymore.

You have one felony or violent related crime, they shut the door on your face. Besides, the military has been downsizing since the Obama administration and they are not desperate enough to give pardons in exchange for service. If anything, the standards have gotten much so tighter in the midst of all this downsizing that you either have to be physically perfect with excellent test scores and zero dirt on you or you're not getting in.

You're talking out of your ass, and you are a faggot.

At least the shitposting eases the pain.

How old are you?

Both are equally likely to me.

It isn't a good idea if they are, the army pays for shit unless you are an officer, plus you have to sign away 4+ years of your life to where they don't even pay all of the debt off.

38. My fucked up back and knees from having a full time job at the age of 15 doesn't help either.

how old is too old? I dunno if I would join right now this second but I would if I needed a job in desperate times or America was actually under threat.

Why did Russia manage it but not China?
Was Mao just that much more retarded than Stalin?

33 is the cutoff point.

Managed what? Self-genocide? Because they were both surprisingly good at that.

Not for AF

this woman and her titless girlfriend are disgusting.


Going from agrarian shithole to industrial power. I could be wrong but as far as I know most of the deaths in Russia were from the commies saying "fuck the peasants, the vanguard needs food more" and not "dude melt your tools lmao".

oh good, cuz chances are I'd blow my brains out at 30 no matter what so I can join and die that way if it all went to shit tomorrow


I don't care

she's funny

but you're an idiot if you think anyone that thinks the same would actually follow her every word like a bible

I secretly hate her new hair style

Military prohibition is not enough. He needs to do his worst.

Yeah, I don't know how the fuck spending money on training a person pumping who is pumping hormones of the opposite sex into their body that evidently have a huge impact on mental health is seen as an intelligent decision. It might be a bit much barring them from the military as a whole, but infantry and frontlines are a definite no. The military needs soldiers who will operate effectively without any meds.

At least fucking source these insane people or claims instead of throwing that catchphrase at the beginning.

Look at these walls of text that no one will ever fucking read.

The chair force would kick me out as well. Feels real fucking bad. All I can do is try to be the best person I can be in real life and shitpost subtly.

It's how science as a religion works. Get someone with a degree to say it and suddenly it's trufax, no further questions asked.

I figured that was obvious. Also, I enjoyed it. It was nice to have meaning. I'd never do it again, but for what it was it was a good learning experience.


Now Hans, we all know who did most of the genociding here, but Stalin was no jew himself and plenty of russians had no quals with the folly of communism.

The USSR looted Germany just as hard as the Allied powers. Not even niggers would have been able to fuck themselves up with German scientists and a shitton of gold.


I did



Why the fuck is China so incompetent?I can understand a country having flaws but this is more like a bunch of flaws in one area that calls itself a country!

Look at this faggot with ADHD

source? can only find about the four pests campaign which was about sparrows

It's probably because in periods when they had the power to do anything someone took over and squandered it.

Not only that, but assburgers, anxiety, and depression! Hey, I bet that makes up more than 80% of Holla Forums right now.

Why don't you take your scholarly jargon back to Holla Forums with the rest of the tinfoil klan, eh?

If you read closely, you'll see that guy got corrected in one of the other screencaps.

Quit making shit up and do it you fucking liar.

I think whoever wrote that may have meant sparrows, since the consequences of removing sparrows seem in line with the crane ones.

And a projecting moron
Do yourself a favor and kill yourself Wang.

She sperged out before at that one guy from NASA who had that one t-shirt.

Unless something has changed I was told that the air force doesn't take anyone that doesn't have 20/20 vision. I'll look into this again.

Is that supposed to upset me? Make me spill my spaghetti?

Easily one of the most boring war movies I have seen. I might be biased because I made the mistake of seeing in IMAX, but I don't think I would've liked it if I watched it in a normal theater. Tora! Tora! Tora! is better in every regard, but because that jawless faggot Roger Ebert wrote a scathing review and because it doesn't show the Americans kicking ass, nobody watches it or even knows what it is.

I heard they tried their hardest not to say nazi

I did

They'll take you if with corrective lenses you are 20/20, I think they have a minimum vision for without as well.

If it makes you feel any better, I also can't get my VA benefits because I fall outside the height range.

It's another episode of the butthurt chink!

I just hope my fucked back and creaking knees don't fuck up my chances.

No they don't, besides you're offered one free cosmetic surgery while you serve, which can range from lasek eye surgery to breast implants, just as long as you can justify/prove that it will improve your job performance.

I suspect they were throwing people as fast into the Gulags as the Chinese were starving to death. (There were Russian famines btw partially thanks to Lysenkoism)

Found the barely literate chink.

They seem culturally (even genetically?) predisposed to follow authority even to suicidal levels.

I can't recall a single time that they did say Nazi. The closest they got was when they called a Frenchmen a "kraut" because a bunch of soldiers thought he was a German spy.



Is that a post-trauma haircut?

I watched Tora! Tora! Tora! as a kid and remember enjoying it. I was also surprised that it entertained the idea of the higher ups letting Pearl Harbor happen to get the US into the war.

Do it user,I believe in you.

You mean Sakamoto from Nichijou or Sissel from Ghost Trick?

That reminds me of a line from "Hell or High Water" watch it if you haven't motherfucker:

One final question before fucking off for the night, how intense is BMT? If it's pretty intense I will hold off and get >>>/fit/ before bothering a recruiter.

Depends on which branch you join. Marines and Navy have swimming reqs, Air Force and Army don't. It'll also change where your training takes place. When I shipped to basic, it was in Texas in the middle of summer.

Its mainly psychological, they yell at you trying to get you to break your military bearing, but once you figure out the game its easy as fuck.
Only real challenge is the PT which is every day except Sunday and alternates between 40 min not stop running and strength day which is just lots of push ups and sit ups and squats.
I don't know how bad your bones are but you may want to see a doctor first before joining.

Actually, we're going through the decline of the republic era. Next up will be 100 years with 50 "presidents" (maybe more), followed by unification under a powerful emperor

Fuck, guess I gotta get a 24/7 gym membership and go early as fuck in the morning or in the middle of the night.

Why is it that every board I go to gets visited by missionaries from Holla Forums?
I just want to unwind after work, man.
I stopped watching porn, I started lifting, is that not enough?

Can confirm this shit is real

Every woman I know has cut their hair short post-breakup

They literally all do it

What makes you say that?

You don't need the gym, for me I just bought some dumbbells, a pull up bar, and did a mile run every other day.


Because America is almost literally following the same timeline. We're coming up to "Julius Caesar" right now, which was ~200 years after Rome overthrew their kings and formed the republic. Corruption is a major issue in our government, that pretty much everyone does, and gets used against them as leverage to make deals (right around the time of Julius Caesar this was huge, you had politicians getting elected solely on promises to end the corruption). During that time period, a lot of political wars to "protect" Gaul were happening, against barbaric bands looking to take land for themselves (mostly Germanic), and Roman leaders liked to play soldier by leading legions out to fight them.

yo when the fuck did this happen? you on they're patreon or somthin?

The biggest issue for populists around the time we're talking about was taking land from the major landholders (kind of like mega corps) and giving usable land to the roman citizenry, since a lot of the land wasn't actually being used to farm and was just being held by those with a shitload of wealth.

I care why?

You seem to have an intimate knowledge on that subject, user. Care to tell us more?

Why they have to blow everything Trump does out of proportion? They're acting like there's a gorillion trannies lined up wishing to go out and die for Israel that now will never get the chance because muh ebil president :(((.



Fuck me. Now I won't be able to finish my baloney sandwich.

if you don't want to hear anons talking about the Jews then just go to literally any other website, because everyone everywhere else is totally subverted by the Jews and so has no reason to mention them.
it's not fucking complicated, user.


Outside of deployments the military is easy as fuck, and the only real thing the military wants you to be is ready to do your job, the jobs you have the most work in are training or general logistics.

Some kind of civil service should be mandatory, yes, so many misguided youth these days, maybe it would even straighten out the few bix noods that can be straightened out.



They don't actually want to fight, they're just hoping to get all the cushy non-combat positions. It's like how they complain about inclusivity in male-dominated jobs when they don't care about any of the physically-heavy jobs, just the ones related to STEM.

Does that mean Trump is Julius Caesar?


i bet you bought riteaid stocks too retard

Be the change you want to see.


If he had any military experience he would be, though it could be argued that economic wars are the new battlegrounds.

No one's certain, I'm just pointing out the correlation. I'll probably be dead before it even happens.

It's just that, patterns repeat themselves all throughout history. If you take some time and study them, you can guess what's likely next.

it was a good read


That pic reminded me of video related

nigger there is no "good faith" in war, it's either kill or be killed
Hitler let the British army live foolishly and suffered the consequences.


Why couldn't this be one image…

Make into one image,user. You can't just complain and expect results.

Holla Forums just discovered that Youtube kikes are hosting hundred of animal abuse videos, this is huge
>>>Holla Forums10308715

Youtube is also hosting hundreds of pedo porn videos, nothing is going to happen.

Free/cheaper health care to fuel their reassignment meds and surgery

Obvious as fuck that this barely matters to the POTUS and he's just throwing it out there to distract the Twitter apes while he takes care of some actually important business that they might get riled up about.

Seriously why do people waste their cellular cycles on this shit.

I dont know, i searched "monkey hate" just for the fuck of it
I got a bot vibe from it. Probably some depraved social experiment.

Do you mean CP? How is that possible? Wouldn't they check out any video that's flagged for it?

We host videos of maggots eating a living person's scalp and slavs jumping off buildings. I don't see the problem of enjoying raw footage of Detroit.

I talked to an user who finger fucked her

so how many is he missing?

They can be fully clothed and be doing something nonsexual.

For example there are videos of toddlers like 4 or 5 years old sitting on chocolate cakes and getting their underwear smeared and messy, with appropriately creepy comments by someone about how they've messed themselves and both laughing.

Its fucking disgusting and creepy

If you fuck around with different languages and search settings you might find regular porn.
I just found this.

Stalin was a Georgian, not a russian.
This is like saying obama was black instead of jewish, so the jewish lobby isn't real.

Before mentioning Russians genociding themselves and similar commie stereotypes, tell me if the following sounds familiar:

You have massive self esteem issues. The only solution is suicide

Reading that post made my skin crawl. I regret engaging you on that topic and now I will carry this fowl knowledge with me for the rest of my days.


even if this is a shitposting thread there must be SOME fucking sort of significance and not complete, utter randomness

Nigga unless you're some fat chick with starbucks in her hand, no one cares what you're doing or is gonna get upset with you. Everyone at the gym is there to make themselves feel better by actually improving themselves.

Go to the gym when you get off work, 3 times a week.
Start Couch 2 5k.
Figure out a full body work out. Do not be afraid of not using enough weights, in the following sessions you'll eventually figure out how much is enough weight. Just focus on keeping your form right.

Also squats are great, but if you fuck up your form or do too much weight you'll injure yourself and keep yourself from working out for a few days. Much worse than just using less weight. You should still do squats.

Fuggin' don't get social anxiety over this. The longest conversation you will actually have is

Goddamnit I'm late, anyways LOL

post it.

It makes shitty vidya web comics.

Do you even redpill mate? There are also the "Challenge" videos, basically some pedos start commenting on innocent little girls Youtube channels abput how they should do the new challenges that they just came up with (which usually involve phallic objects like bananas or their feet) and the girls unknowingly do them. Sickfucks start watching and the videos start to get popular and get recommended so other little girls just start copying them and the kikes in comments keep asking for more sick stuff while upvoting each other "Now put a banana as deep as you can in your mouth :)))))" and there are also literal russian rings working on the tubes uploadig seemigly innofensive videos of girls doing gymnastics in tight clothing (which for some reason have bitcoin accounts in their descriptions…) and other girls unrelated to the rings also copy this. Is a never ending spiral of degeneracy and it makes big brother youtube money.

user, I understand the point you're making and I agree wholehearted that it was a jewish plan with jewish leadership, but if I somehow triggered you and made you think I was trying to D&C then let me reassure you that it was not the case. There are traitors in every nation, American, German, Russian, Chinese, whatever, and the jews always make use of them to kill their kin and place them in positions of power (see: neocohens). The harshest crimes are not the jew's (this isn't to say they should not be promptly incinerated), for they are disloyal to all, but the traitors', which you no doubt will concede existed in abundance within any communist state, USSR included.

truly we need to adopt your moral compass so we can erase these little porn actors from existence


I take it you havent seen the vids

It's not. Just because someone is stroking themselves off to something does not relegate it to pornography. Are floor tiles all pornographic now because of floor tile user?

u do it, shinpi no sekai

If everything non-sexual someone has fetishized is porn, then the definition of porn is destroyed because that's basically everything.

First you said you were joining the Army last year, then you said you were in ICE, then you said you were a prison guard.

We used to have civil air patrol and civilian marksmanship for that shit but I think those programs got sliced down to nothing, that and progressive parents are terrified about the concept of the non-gender binary joe/ann picking up a man slayer and shooting aluminum representations of persons of color. No one takes their fucking kids outside anymore, I go on hikes every weekend and I never see families, just new age faggaloons and old people. The only people that go camping are teens looking to get shit faced in the woods. It's fucking pathetic.

I thought I had a pretty well adjusted childhood, sure I came out broken as fuck but I think that was more to do with bullying and being exposed to degenerate shit online at an impressionable age than anything. Certainly wasn't because my dad took me hunting.

Bradley Manning did nothing wrong (other than being a little careless about what he released, and that's frankly Wikileaks' fault more than it is his, you can't expect your source to do all that work) and only went tranny after being subjected to torture and MKUltra-style brainwashing in prison through physical and sexual abuse.
Fuck off, ROB.


kek, would you be so kind?

Looked at his account, he still is, everyday since election day it looks like. How mad do you have to be to post nonestop about someone winning an election?

I'm too lazy, but at least I got the sauce.

You know It's funny, the reason faggots are so vocal on the internet is because they'll get their fucking teeth kicked irl

Oh really? Now you're suddenly an expert on this, Katie? How amusing.

Here's your (((you)))

Rome is calling.

Nigger, everyone in the military does what their master tells them, that's the point. Better a brown die than a white.


Why I am not surprised?

Whatever you say user. I'm sure that filling the military with the exact people that we want gone (and have even less intelligence and individualism than grunt-tier whites) and giving them state of the art technology is a good plan that'll definitely pay dividends when the happening comes. Having people in institutions isn't important, our inherent virtue will carry the day.

Stop attention whoring you piece of shit. Seriously, and you won't why people hate you.

Oh you're on of those people.

Which is a good point in itself. It'll never come if we just wait, unless you seriously think the Jew can't make it work until long after we're both dead.
The black pill is a really bad look, user.


Well, he's probably right.

Pic always related.

80% psychological, the pt isn't even bad, the worst part is getting smoked by drilled Sargents, which you eventually get use to and enjoy.

Be careful user, I know battle buddies as they call em who get hurt because of shit like that and get held over, which can kill motivation, but you should be fine.


Try and do 50 sit ups and 50 push ups a day, doesn't have to be all at once, our first Sargent suggested it to us and it did wonders. If you run, start small run a mile if you aren't use to it, once you do then two. Then try to improve your running speedor both to about 15:45 minutes in two miles, depending on your age. Also burpies are a good endurance workout if you don't wanna run, personally hate them though.

Ever hear of Plato's allegory of the cave?
It involves trapping people inside a cave from birth until puberty and playing out the entire world around them as shadows on the cave. They are chained to the wall and cannot move and cannot go outside, so the shadows are all they know. Because this is all they know, they do not want anything else.
Now consider Body Integrity Identity Disorder. Using the same allegory, we can ask, "Would one know they are suffering from BIID if they are not told?" The same for Gender Dysphoria, although a bit more exaggerated, "Would a man ever think he is a woman if he never knew that it was possible? Would he think he is a woman if women behaved the same as men? Would he ever want to BE a woman if he never knew there was the possibility?"
Why would a man believe he is a woman unless he was told he was not manly? Why would a woman believe she is a man unless she was told she was not womanly? An underlying issue is brought forth when asking these questions. A man believes he is a woman because he enjoys womanly things. (Vice-versa is true as well.) Rather than having these unusual inclinations shunned, or waived as simple character traits, society now imposes an entirely different approach.
(((You are trans. Your identity is not you. You're suffering. You're a victim. You can fight it. You can do something about it.)))
Indeed they try to do something about it. They undergo intense hormonal therapy and eventually have their biological genitalia mutilated in the quest for a new identity. When this identity is obtained, the questions are asked again, "Would I have become a woman if I had never known it was possible?", "Was I ever trans?", "Am I okay with being unable to start a biological family?"– Leading to what we observe, and have been observing, today: incredibly high suicide rates for post-op transvestites.
Society's politically correct structure is imposing upon people the notion that they are victims no matter what they do. Instead of tackling one's own misgivings about gender, they are told they do not have to. Instead of finding out how superficial "gender identity" is, they are told it is the meaning of their lives.

I grabbed it from a webm thread, I think this is the same guy.

That process started a good 40 years before the revolution and in the 1880s and 1890s their GDP was growing by double digits annually.

Confucianism. It works great in a vacuum and can adapt to relatively major changes over a long period of time or small changes quickly but if you have a social upheaval that Confucianism doesn't have an answer ready for and doesn't take place over centuries…

Steven Crowder, who some claim is a cheerleader for the Golden Donald, and others claim is (((our greatest ally))). Eh, he's right the majority of the time, maybe only because the left has been so egregious as of late.

Makes me wonder what the military has to say about trannies, because a lot of the shit that the public believes does not come from good research. It comes from women's studies departments and completely non-repeatable research like John Money's child molesting. This shit gets to the news and other places and gets repeated because some of these places just have no oversight checking into their sources… So this is how you get major colleges and news networks repeating the meme that it's even possible to be born with the "wrong" brain..

And then you've got the fucking military. An arm of the government so overfunded that they'll run some of the most ridiculous, dangerous, and thorough research ever performed by humankind. The US Army knows its shit, and while it may not be up to them to directly decide who can serve in the military (even though it should be) I can imagine someone passed a memo up the chain, now that we have a POTUS who isn't a virtue signalling faggot, that Trannies are not fit to serve because they suffer from insane delusions and have a dangerously high suicide rate, which is just plain bad for morale.

You fucker now I am thinking about side by side webm of that autistic chick with short red hair who gasped like a kid getting an N64 for Christmas when her fucking colossal dragon cock showed up.

Fuck off goon.

Did you just learn the term "get Go" or something, you shoved it in there so hard it doesn't even flow.

Post it!

I dont have it.

this it?

Why is 3DPD making me hard

can an average/below average dick size man even live in today's real world

Who is this?

They'll be just fine, provided they dont get with a leftist. They have ruined pussies due to years of fucking a bunch of different cocks and dildos. Pure women dont care about cock size.

You bet, tripsman. All it takes is a little something called cuckoldry.


your a big guy



thank you i didn't realize i made such a mistake.

Sure, if he can find a demure little woman who's sexually reserved and dismissive of slippery leftist slopes and degeneracy in general. So 95% chance of dying alone.
But this applies to more than just dicklets, as the path of the dildo leads to shit thicker than any human dick. The pursuit of girth is like an american's appetite, they'll always be greedy for just a little more and even if they abstain and return to decent portions, they'll always crave their previous excesses. This also applies to using progressively more degenerate porn.

I hate when aliens try to fuck my kids

it's a girl, it's the features
a ugly one at that

Hopefully a proper Caesar. Otherwise, darkness.



well the funny thing is that all the stuff that was being said before by these insane leftards about how difficult transitioning was and that is what made these trannies brave people and all the shit about high suicide rates and depression….
suddenly that's all not true.

Suddenly transitioning is not very expensive and it doesn't have any negative effects.
Suddenly, transitioning people don't seem to suffer from depression and suicide.

These people can't keep their narrative straight.
And you need to realize that is all they have. A narrative. They don't deal in facts. They don't deal in logic. They deal in narratives. Facts and data are only used to build these narratives and they are manipulated to do so.
They're worst than dumbshit flat-earthers (that they laugh at, even though they engage in the same practices).

These are the same people who claim everything someone does and especially makes is a political statement and that would especially include art.
This is why the "video games are art" push was so crucial to them.

I really need to corner one of these fucks and ask them just what in the fuck is the political theme of Pacman or Qbert.


Same here. I'm studying to become a children's Lawyer, and to think many young kids in my country will likely follow the same path because of "tolerance" is disheartning

You are more willing to say yes to things the more sexually aroused you are. Sexual arousal can often time be a long built up process too.
So this sexual fantasy is built up and built up and built up and then when they finally hit that climax…well…
We've all had that odd feeling of "maybe I shouldn't have fapped to that" once we've blown our load, right?

Except this mess isn't cleaned up with a sock.


More like

I do not like this meme.

plz get better at aiming so you don't have to buy arrows so much and then be my gf, sarah




Unless you have a microdick it literally doesn't matter, neither does your money or looks.
All you need is confidence.

But i already have a qt shortstack socially awkward gf ;-;


fuck that and fuck you; this threads already on blackout time so you may as well post pix

user who is getting fit for the chair force here, thanks for the advice guys. Right now my physical endurance is garbage. I've been yelled at by normalfags my entire life so getting yelled at again doesn't seem to worrisome.


thats how I knew you where a faggot

Pics of what?


Really makes you think


Can i get the sauce user?

Honestly I'm more okay with the idea of people thinking I'm a hate filled "bigot" than a faggot or…closet tranny? That's a new one.

ur gf xd