Destiny 2 negative buzz reaching catastrophic levels, Bungie adding exotic weapons to prepurchase to try and save it
Is this brand the most poisoned since mass effect?
Destiny 2 negative buzz reaching catastrophic levels, Bungie adding exotic weapons to prepurchase to try and save it
Is this brand the most poisoned since mass effect?
Other urls found in this thread:
$500 million dollarydoos down the drain. God, I love a good, slow burning dumpster fire. Can't wait for BioWare's Anthem to shit the bed just as badly.
Implying the brand was anything but normalfag bait from the start.
sup gay boy
The problem is that they made a sequel to a (pseudo) mmo without changing anything major. Graphics are a marginal upgrade and gameplay and progression is almost exactly the same. The only thing it's added is story, new weapons, and a few new powers. Basically, it is an expansion pretending to be a sequel, which isn't going to sell well.
And apparently since it's a sequel and not an expansion, everyone loses their shit, and they came up with some bullshit to justify it. I'm sure how they handled destiny 1 has put off a lot of customers as well with on disc dlc/cut out content everywhere, et cetera. This is bad business practices for short term gain biting you in the ass in the long run. Good riddance
Got any good sources for your info user? I could use a good read.
Kind of funny how Bungie just can't seem to make a good game without the backing of Microsofts marketing department. Really makes you think.
OP fell for the destiny 2 meme and couldn't get his money back so he came here to blog out of rage.
I call bullshit, but I believe it.
They haven't made a good game after they decided to stab everyone in the back and turn Halo into the abomination it became.
First of all: sauce or gtfo
Second of all: What the fuck kind of a grammar is that?
The fuck do these even mean?
I didnt pay a cent for the beta amd I was STILL disappointed.
Starting to think OP is a (1) and done shitposter just looking to stir the pot.
I seriously hope those stupid rumors of them forcing Blizzard to sabotage Overwatch in order to artificially prop up this piece of shit are true. Please, PLEASE be true and kill both of these shitstain companies now.
As much as I'm glad this is going to be a trainwreck, I pre-ordered Destiny 2
Let me try and translate that second word soup.
I think that's what OP was trying to say
>I pre-ordered Destiny 2
There's activision behind it. They forced bungie to butcher the game to sell more dlcs.
Of course, the franchise ended up being dead on arrival, and bungie lost many valuable members.
People hate on ea, but the real cancer has always been activision.
You only have yourself to blame. Learn from it and do not repeat your mistakes, or you're dumber than an animal.
So fucking cancel it you dipshit
Oni was bungie's last good game.
Destiny is part of a larger Bungie thing that consists of Marathon and Halo.
Bungie isn't just pissing the destiny "brand" away, they are pissing away Marathon and Halo. Most Halo fans who haven't moved on are probably completely unaware of the connection, but being a fan of Marathon is suffering.
Cute 2D girls wise arise from the ashes!
No source. No dice.
Check them.
Pretty much. As I suspected earlier, OP was just hoping to stir the pot.
Do you need spoonfeeding for absolutely everything? Can't you research on your own?
But it's too late now user. The industry is pozzed and doesn't want to get better, if the crash happen, the revival will be even worse, spearheaded by indie dev cucks and journos.
If you're going to make claims, post proof to back it up, faggot.
I might actually get this for cheap if the online is still strong later. This is actually fun.
Debunk his claims. He didn't even post something new. People have been calling Destiny 2 a complete failure for almost a week now
Praise kek
Good riddance
Burden of proof falls upon the accuser.
This is what happens when you turn your quality assurance over to your customer.
Really makes you think…
The fact you are posting pathetic comebacks instead of providing proof that would shut me up, is evidence of lack of proof.
This makes our board (((diverse)))
Do not lewd the Kiki
He just wants more (You)'s.
but user what about that epic cayde-6 trailer?
Whoever in Bungie after leaving Microsoft thought it would be a brilliant idea to join up with Activision should be shot.
Good point.
You're the only good one in this entire thread user!
I never thought a picture could give me cancer until now.
Fucking hell.
Oh fuck off nigger. All you need to do in order to find your evidence, is to type "Destiny 2 reception". You will be welcomed with a shitload of negative reviews.
But you won't do that. Because you're a retard, and retards hate doing stuff on their own. Too hard for them I guess.
The evidence has been around in every relevant forum and media for the past 6 days but you nigger never got arsed enough to read them. As I said earlier, OP didn't post anything new. It's a well-known fact that Destiny 2 sucks.
She deserves it and you know it
user, there are people here who bought Fallout 4
Jesus fuck, publishers contract these fucking cancerous blobs while Sheldon Pacotti hasn't gotten a contract in years
It's because they are cheap and feel privileged to work for those companies so they won't complain when they get their rights trampled on.
I know that, thanks for trying to educate me, but it still pisses me off
I get that you need to get new talent and newly graduates and such are the key to that, but at least try to get some good talent.
Fucking 70s to the 90s you had basement dwelling IT programmers and tabletop autists making agmes and they came out wonderfully.
But I guess that to complete checklists what you really need is braindead SJW millenials
Because that has worked out so well for The Division.
Braindead SJW and diversity hires have their uses, especially because of government grants which reward you for hiring people out of college/uni or minorities who would otherwise have no chance for a job. Then once the subsidy ends, they get fired. I'm in HR, I see that shit every year.
Bungo on suicide watch.
It's like Bungo doesn't want people to play their game.
Normalfag literal niggers are the audience of this, of course they will be all over this
Just like the dudebro normalfag audience was all over Skyrim and Call of Duty on the 360 last gen.
The industry has become full on cancer and the audience is to blame for the most part.
I've been watching youtube videos and reading some comments. People have been very critical of destiny and are shitting on it. Destiny fags are pretty salty about it too it seems. Should I post some youtube vids as proof for the complainers or nah?
Gamestop pre-order bonus is… saving $10 and a fidget spinner. On the one hand, are they smart by giving early adopters a savings that actually has value instead of digital horse armor? Or is the fidget spinner indicating peak retardation and they've run out of ideas to jew people with?
No, don't post anything. They can go fuck themselves. If doing a simple 20-second research is too fucking hard for them, then they shouldn't be in this board.
I dunno how these shitty multiplayer games sell year after year anyway. Maybe normalfags are just finally getting tired of them.
Do it.
Fucking hell you must be retarded. You either supply the proof or not. It's called burden of proof for a reason. We don't do your shit work for you when you post on here.
Keep lurking
If it's so easy, then why can't OP provide a link? Why is it my job to prove what he says to be true?
https ://
Here's two i've listened to so far. One hates it, the other is lukewarm and sad more people don't like it.
The accuser needs to bring the proof, you filthy weeb posting, subhuman degenerate.
It was a digital preorder, I can't.
Top lel. nu-Bungie is just as bad as 343.
I haven't seen the anti-weeb bullshit pushed like this since the First Exodus. It didn't work back then either.
But I posted proof. Literally right above your post?
And what's wrong with anime?
Why would you post this?
blissful to be maru with no concept of modern vidya
To prove even normalfags are hating destiny 2, not just anons? That's the point of the thread itself.
Shit taste.
Lorefaggots has been fucked around with for years now. You can't have a Warframe thread without like 50 anons autistically screeching about muh lore.
I think devs know exactly what they are doing.
If by dozens you mean Way of the Samurai series then 4 games are not dozens.
I mean you're not wrong probably, but I can't even thing of anything else.
I mean weab games are still pretty alright. I don't really know when the last time I enjoyed a AAA western game was though.
That cat looks asian.
OP's full of shit, as usual.
Destiny 2's fan sentiment and impressions bullshit marketing term used to group tweets, forum posts, other stuff are 80%+ positive and the trend has been increasing since E3. Preorders are outpacing the original game's by a 3:1 ratio last I saw the internals. And they're expected to pick up like crazy in the 3 weeks before it launches, as with most games And so on.
I'm sorry user, but it's not going to flop and it's going to make us a shitload of money.
t. Activision user
The real flop is going to be the Bioware-made Destiny clone that was something like 90% faked footage at E3. Look forward to it.
I think I know exactly what you're doing there.
Since every wanting some kind of source, Here's my uncle from the south talking about he couldn't get a refund.
This. You guys are overestimating the will of the normalfags. They'll eat the Destiny 2 shit right up with a side of season pass.
If anything ever made me want to fucking vomit, it's this. fucking hell I want to die.
This user gets it.
As much as Holla Forums shits on that Cayde trailer and all of his cringe-tastic lines, normalfags eat that shit up like you wouldn't believe. Seriously. It's actually really depressing.
And the season pass sales are really strong, too.
Nope. I didn't waste money then, and I won't waste it now.
Video games are dead.
Please understand user. He had a stroke and now acts like this, we been trying so hard to help him it's been hard for him, he's moved in with us ever since his wife left him,
turns out she killed herself a few day's later, I help him out most the day, I take him to the park and we talk about the colors of the world. he's still in there, but he's a shell of a man he used to be.
I remember when we used to do the same, but with him taking me to the park, we get ice cream every time. we just sit their, he would talk to me about his life he really respect on what my views on the world were.
I was just a 8 around that time, he's been this way ever since I was 13, he no longer remembers most of what we did, I miss the special games we used to play, I always promise not to share it with anyone.
But I feel safe talking about here, I used to feel so much bigger when we spent are time alone together, Now I just feel like a peace of myself is gone, and I just look at him with both loving nature, but I feel also angry, that I lost the beautiful person he was.
You sound so gay holy shit.
Trips confirm f3ae80 sucks dicks in the park.
You better just be bullshitting user.
Why don't you cry about it homo ?
You need to be at least 18-years old to post on this imageboard, anons.
Don't worry it was just pure bullshit, I don't how you could by that shit. I mean come on, some freak looking happy on bad touch uncle? Though he's not wrong about the gays part. I suck dick happily. I mean anons, how can you not love your own dick, if you don't love your dick, then you don't love yourself.
I think he confirmed that all by himself tbh
A reverse image search revealed.
Yeah the assessment of f3ae80 as a lalaprancing homo-man is 100% accurate.
You could have just read what I said, instead of have being autistic user.
You made me feel sad about this user. I'll never forgive you now. I hope your boyfriend cheats on you with a cuter boy.
Top tier ignorance fam.
Knowing I made you feels this way user. Makes me feel warm on the inside, I wish it was always just this easy.
What talent?
You're a very mean user.
I never played the original but I know about most of its promises and how it fucked itself during development and lies and stuff like almost all brandspanking new pushed titles.
My bro played the shit out of the first and wanted me to join him with his guild, which turned out to be a total normalfag grouping and them ending in a shitstorm over some gamer gurl and her 'boyfriend', he says he's not planning on getting the sequel because of how bad the story and gameplay is.
Not only are you a literal nigger when it comes to doing research on your own, but you're an anti-anime shill.
Go here and follow their guides. Their board wasn't originally made for people of your case but it proved reliable in dealing with autists like you. >>>/suicide/
I know his shitty art, however if you mean would I recognize it by looking at it, no, I cant.
I have zero artistic abilities. The only art that I can recognize where it came just by looking at it is Tumblr art. They all have a distinct look.
To be real, even if it's just a reaction. Knowing I made you feel, it's one of the two reasons I come back to this site. To see the feelings of others, hopefully I was cause of such thing. And seeing the autistic screeching, these two things, are priceless and are to be treated with the respect and love they deserve. Never change.
Why does this board always listen and believe when its convenient for them
There are plenty of sources ITT.
Are you asshurt droneboi? Pull those pants down.
But only the bad ones!
lots of sonyggers in this board user. they cling to whatever game gives them any sort of exclusive content because muh ps4
I bet someone has a huge stash of lucky star porn. I bet you want to fuck konata.
Is that how it is really?
I mean both warframe and destiny 2 are multiplatform, so I assume these drones are just stuck to their shitty franchise because I dunno, stockholm syndrome or purchase justification.
I loved that anime way more than I should have.
Fuck man, this place is a fucking joke, glad it is dying.
no you fucking dont old man faggot i cant get banned here like i can on cuckchan Holla Forums.
No shit. Who doesn't?
Aaaand another (1).
Whatever you are doing, you're good at it, I gotta admit.
Someone gay like myself, besides age actually matters to me, because I like my men to develop, I'm not picky when it comes to my mean, long as I can see them as cute, (And they take care of themselves as any person who cares should.) Seriously learn to love your dick anons, your better off. Even more so when your women are more likely to sue you over gay shit and take most of what you own. Then clam rape charges as well.
I dont understand how weebgoon even works. I saw it once or twice from an user false flagging. But it isnt rocket science to know Destiny 2 is going to suck ass.
what is it like being a homo faggot?
shut yo' gay azz up
mfw Bungie gets paid and gets to keep their independence by shoving this out the door.
Now I feel better about you trying to bully. You're probably some small twink fag who couldn't even bully a girl.
Konata is for cuddle, not fuddle.
Incredible, how do you manage that because normalfags are so god damn easy to pleased a game has to be nonfunctional for them to dislike it.
Actually my bf is pretty dom, which am quite happy with.
That's even gayer than me.
thats really gay dude.
Nah. PVP's a big part of the game, but we don't care about esports for it. Overwatch does that.
Wrong again. We might get the IP if that happened, but not Bungie.
That's true, actually. The game's done, but it's still easy to tweak numbers. Common in gamedev, user.
Oh, they are. Our attach with Destiny 1 players is really, really strong.
Not true. Just OP larping, I'm afraid. Normalfags are gobbling this shit up. As usual.
anything with a decent ad-budget will get normalfag sales. even if the game comes out and they don't like it they don't care, buyers remorse isn't a thing to them
Gay. I bet he even cums in your ass.
Not yet, but I plan on it.
Cute. Better not wait too long or he might find someone else.
Good, good
ill take your moms virginity.
It's his own fault for wanting a slut.
Just watch Activision-user. You don't design an entire game around PVP balance for shits and giggles.
Not really wrong, it's basically a less shitty version of what Bethesda pulled with Arkane.
By comments you guys released a version of the game months old. Who in your company is that retarded?
No it's not, Activision has done everything to hide the dropoff rate of players from Destiny 1. The entire point of a reset with Destiny 2 is to get those players back by offering a fixed experience and a fresh start. Even your devout player base picked up on the drop off early last year.
Not all Japanese media is weeb.
Weebshit is
While some exceptions exist, if it has/is any of the above, it's weebshit.
the joke is that he's 54 year old man who looks like a monkey
The cancer is within all of them. At this point the only company that is borderline okay is SEGA and that's only because they have great PR managers. Everything about current gen developers reeks of shit.
truly powerful condemnation from someone who posts a tumblr gif and clearly has an advanced understanding of these subjects and isn't just a mouthbreather
Basically the only thing I have to look forward to.
we could tell
Hope it flops and your shitty company loses millions
or Apple since Marathon is great
I'm sorry, but I have to agree with him. That trailer was a blatant copy of the first Destiny gameplay demo. Beat for beat.
Everyones taking it too
It's also coming on PC but only via Blizzard's rootkit.
I bought fallout 4 at full price and all the dlc and I am having a wonderful time. 350 plus hours on survival. still fun even knowing han solo is your son.
Did there need to be a 2? Why didn't they just pump out another xpac?
I'll be over here dancing on the death of your job at viral marketing, faggot.
Dude, that's way over half. That's barely pushing a tenth. That's fucking horrible.
Vgchartz is bullshit though.
We're not comparing VGcharts to actual sales, we're comparing their data to their data. It's a reasonable metric for just how stillborn Destiny 2 is, and it's looking to be Battleborne 2.0
user, you realize that actual preorder data is an industry secret and something every company guards jealously?
Totally irrelevant. The place pulls data from a bunch of sources and those sources shift. Our internals for preorders are passing 2m. Already on track to outpace the first Destiny by something like 25%.
Maybe if you have no idea how the industry works, were we get our numbers, and where places like VGChartz get theirs.
I'm sorry m8, the game's just not going to be a flop like Holla Forums would like. Keep an eye on the new CoD though. That could go either way.
You mean posting actual pictures of our internal numbers? The incredibly private ones that would cause our corporate lawyers to flay me like a fucking Game of Thrones character? You high, user?
We don't give a shit about sites like 8ch. Marketing doesn't even come down here because you're not our audience. I'm just some user who happens to work at Activision and doesn't want to let people like you get other anons hopes up that a high profile game might flop.
I've cited at least one source, you've cited fucking nothing, and haven't even provided any evidence you're actually Activision, so nah. It's a flop, your numbers are tanking, and you're just here to damage control~
I bet your dad works for Nintendo too.
Why the fuck would people play Destiny in the first place? Warframe already exists and is infinitely better and is free upfront. And it has sexy robots and a jewewss space mom with cock sucking lips.
Ask yourself user, if the game is tanking why in the christ would we come on to a tiny board like 8ch/v to shill for it? Are you that delusional?
And posting a shitty, unreliable source is as good as no source at all. You might as well post the Inquirer or something.
If you're on consoles, Destiny is the better option. Warframe's also way more complex and scares away the normalfags. We know. We studied it. It'll be interesting to see how Destiny does on PC, though.
People are thirsty for a FPS that has progression, user. THe closest thing out there was Borderlands, but the gunplay is absolute shit and the cringe 'badass' humor is fairly niche. Destiny is safe, bland entertainment that the kids love to eat up and parents love to buy it. The game's rated Teen; it's the equivalent of a PG-13 Marvel capeshit movie.
You're still a newfag clinging to the idea that we have to do your "research" for you so you can prove your point. You sound like an under-aged faggot who got caught masturbating. Maybe instead of focusing on his shit taste you should focus more on
Wow, mark is a massive faggot for word filtering le specing.
>tfw I was cautiously optimistic about destiny2
What the fuck would ever give you a hint of that impression?
I mildly enjoyed the first destiny for what it was
Pic aside you should really just kill yourself.
whether or not this user's dad actually works at nintendo or not, this is in fact the real reason people bought Destiny
I agree with you on the D2 sales, Bungo will make a ton of money out of it, they seem to have found the "perfect" horrible RNG formula that will continue to scam and waste more time from the people. Destiny's universe is so boring but the gameplay is one of the best out there.
Yep. People have been demanding a WWII shooter for quite some time and I doubt that the recent controversies surrounding the "diverse" soldiers, the supply drops and the "same old boring CoD" gameplay (spawn, die 5 sec later, respawn then killed in the back 5 sec later) will impact the sales. It will sell certainly more than IW/MWR but there's also the feeling that people are sick and tired of having a new CoD every year.
Also there's SJWars Battlefront 2 coming out at the same time.
I'll never understand why devs do this. Why not just have two separate balance sets - one for when you're engaging in PvE and one for when you're engaging in PvP? That way you can balance the game both ways. The fuck is this utterly simplistic idea sailing right over their heads?
Indeed and nothing is really balanced in PvP since there are no default loadout, the player who as the exotic gun from a raid will always win against a guy who only plays the PvE/story mode and has the random variant of the shitty default gun.
I played Destiny for 1 1/2 hears almost every day and the more I see about the sequel the happier I am that I didn't pre-order like a good goy.
Has there ever been a better example of wasted potential than this?
Am I supposed to believe this is real?
If you're dumb enough to get out of one AIDS(Microsoft) relationship and go straight into a relationship with more AIDS(Activision) then you're part of the problem.
This is the opposite of their destiny 1 beta strategy where they let you play a third of the game. Nobody knew it was a third at the time. People thought it was like 1/16th.
I thought they Destiny 1 strategy was to just throw as many celebrities at is as they could.
Nah they were never important. They just spout little quips when you walk by or talk during a loading screen in a strike.
Didn't they also get rid of the original voice actor for the ghost because he couldn't hide how absolutely bored he was reading the lines?
Officially they said it was too hard to schedule him in for lines but it's obvious they didn't like him.
I was one of the autists who bought the first one, and I spent more time than I care for grinding for exotics. I have almost all of them. But then "lol your gear blew up ;)" is what they give us in return. Fuck off, literally nothing in Destiny 1 mattered. The plot would be no different AT ALL if this was the first game we got.
I hated how when there was no content they decided to add "Moments of triumph" that required you to do tons of the most boring content in the game or you won't have the "special" badge to show you're "legit"
Even the one time we got something decent, Taken King, it was cut from the base game and a year late. And then it was a huge step back with Rise of Iron.
Maybe if my character actually spoke in the Destiny 2 demo I'd be a little more optimistic, but it seems they can't even get that right. Why bother letting me play as an Exo if their isn't even a cosmetic difference anymore?
So I'm not alone either, kek will bless you user-kun
Not even joking, when I look at my car's odometer and I have dubs, I praise kek out loud. I really believe
user you're not supposed to admit you suck cocks. you're supposed to suck cocks and say it isn't gay, you fucking faggot.
I don't even know how to feel about it
it's ok to like soft little boys playing with their soft sacks
First one: Interest in Destiny 2 on consoles is listed at around 30K pre-orders in comparison to the 150K pre-orders for Rise of Iron.
At least, I think so.
It was that faggot midget from game of thrones, and he phoned in the lines like nobody has ever phoned before. They would have gotten more of a performance if they killed him and manipulated his mouth by hand while squeezing air out of his chest. But that's also how he acts on game of thrones, so maybe he's just typecast as boring cunt who doesn't give a fuck.
didn't realize there were that many sick kiddy lovers on Holla Forums
…or are they really Holla Forums?
welcome newfriend, now get out
Activision user here again. Let's clear a bunch of shit up.
Bungie switched from using Dinklage because he's goddamn impossible to schedule. Unlike voice acting 'celebs' like Nolan North or whoever, actual celebrities tell you when they can do a session. If you're trying to make dates and need VO, you can really get screwed by that. That's why it was changed out. As for him sound bored, that was just Bungie's fault because they fucked up the voice direction.
Taken King was made from scratch after launch. Most anons don't realize, but just like with movies, a ton of stuff ends up 'on the cutting room floor' during gamedev. (Like half-finished levels, NPCs, enemies, etc.) Some of the stuff in TTK was prototyped during dev, but it wasn't anywhere near done. A few of its elements still shipped accidentally, and people sperged out with the 'oh god, on disc DLC confirmed' shit. Idiot kids who don't know how gamedev actually works.
hung over. might be typos. don't give a fug
You almost got me
You mean the same department behind the marketing of the latest Gear of War (nobody gave a shit after a month), Forza Horizon 3 (nobody gave a shit after a month), Windows 10 store (disaster), and Xbone (disaster)?
Stop arguing in fucking memes. Marketing isn't the force for manipulation you think it is.
Reminder, that Sheldon Pacotti also wrote Invisible War
Your life.
You can't make this shit up.
Fuck off, faggot.
If Taken King was make from scratch after launch how did elements of it get prototyped during dev?
Is it because you're lying? I bet it's because you're lying. Because those two statements are mutually exclusive, and you made them both.
Was invisible war's weakness in the writing or mechanics?
This is a literal circle-jerk, albeit for a good cause of hating activision shit, it's still a circlejerk nevertheless.
In 2014 you fags had coherent threads, now its full-blown shitposting since Holla Forums came, for some reason. It's like Holla Forums brought cuck-channers along with it.
This thread reeks of underage retards. I remember when boards were smart people acting dumb and reddit was dumb people acting smart, now reddit is many different people acting whatever and Holla Forums is underage retards acting retarded.
The quality of posts has degraded horribly. i want reasoning, substance and coherence to be the new counter-culture. I'm sick of this college freshmen faggotry on Holla Forums
Save it for the Meta thread.
horse armor would have actually been better, holy fuck I can't believe I'm pining for the days where half of a games unlockables were spread amongst 4 or 5 different stores. I never thought it would get this bad.
The pre-order bonus for the Rise of Iron DLC was a Gjallarhorn skin for the sparrow.
to each their own i guess.
Fuck's sake, user. There's a goddamn difference between a whole level or location being made and put aside vs. some rough levels being grayboxed and put into cold storage.
Do you breathe with an open mouth, too?
We laughed at it too when we heard, but then someone showed us some web article about how much money those autism spinners are making. Normalfags love them, user. And who do you think is going to buy the game?
I'm beginning to suspect even normalfags are getting tired of shooters. It's been the number one genre for over a decade. How many times can you remix shooting people before it all just blurs together into a bland mess.
I think that's part of why this year has seen so much attention towards fighting games.
wew, another day another failed AAA, is Assassin’s Kangz next
I call bullshit, at least if we are talking about multiplayer. Even playing fields for competition are vastly more popular than EXP grinding lootfest garbage. Take CS:GO for example. If people could level up and loot better weapons and shit, it would have died years ago because good fucking luck balancing out that shit. It succeeds because everyone has the same access to weapons. The only requirement is that you get some kills, win some rounds, or save up for a few rounds if you are losing. Then you buy what you want and get another chance at turning the match around.
I don't think they're getting tired of shooters so much as all the stupid progression bullshit in everything now. If someone made a game like Halo or whatever where you just picked a map, a weapon loadout and then played it I don't think they'd have a problem.
Well done, user.
I'm still buying Destiny 2 because it's the closest to Halo 2/3 I'll ever get
fucking fight me
cite your claims. i dont read about this crap and find it hard to believe
maybe buy a console you plebe
kb+m plus Halo 5 is shit
You got a good catch today!
Thank Jason Jones and the feminist kike board of directors. They brought Anita Sarkeesian into their fucking studio with open arms.
I don't have any investment in the game, but yeah, if somebody makes the claim that normalfag reviews are shit, then they are the ones who need to back up the claim. If I say that there's a whale in space, it's not up to somebody else to post the link to the whale in space.
The depth of industry's necrophilia knows no bounds. Good fucking Lord.
Go back to fucking reddit.
Nothing is wrong with Anime. It's nationalistic and pure.
On one hand I'm glad to know we've got someone on the inside.
On the other hand it's proof Activision is aware of this board, and they know they are actively killing video games - you are actively killing video games.
Are normalfags in on this, now?
I'm sorry, user.
Alright I'm done replying to shit, I'm a fucking retard.
Coming from a former hardcore COD player this is spot on, particularly the loot box shit. I stopped playing after BO2.
Looks like you can download it now
mark is counting the bills every second this thread stays up
Hi, I never played the original Destiny.
Do you think I would enjoy Destiny 2?
I hope you are all having a good time.
Thank you.
Rory is a piece of shit and it needs to kill it with fire.
31 GB
Does it use denuvo? I can't wait for the crack to happen and the buttmad to begin.
It uses
It's all online so they'd need to reverse engineer the servers.
If Earth Defense Force sent us to the moon we all know the gravity would reflect that and it would be fun. When Destiny sent me to the moon it was grey. RIP Bungie.
Destiny is Borderlands if Gearbox was relatively competent.
But the normal jumps already have moon style gravity. What you're asking for would launch your guy into orbit when you jump.
You're a genuine mouth breather so probably.
Fuck you.
All the bad stuff is true but it doesn't matter since no other shooter is as fun.
user, getting skins and vanity shit is progression these days. Basically, people are hungry for FPSs that trick them into thinking they aren't running on an endless hamster wheel. Even useless cosmetic shit makes the normalfags think 'Yeah. My time investment paid off!' Ever wonder why Overwatch's crates would take 800hrs of playing to unlock everything? Yeah.
Actually user, gamers are killing video games. And not people like us on 8ch; the normalfags who spend $20 in Candy Crush or Clash of Clans. Money talks and bullshit walks, so companies like ours cater to them because their stupidity keeps our lights on.
Good luck with that shit. Bungie needs a whole team of people to keep them running and it's a goddamn witching circle since they're overwrought and absurdly complex.
Most people don't know much about the solar system, but everyone knows that jumping on the moon is supposed to be fun. Destiny blew it.
What are you talking about OP, it has over 20 million preorders with the original making 1 billion shekels! How can it be a flop with those numbers? How are people this fucking retarded.
you blew any chance even the biggest rube would believe you had inside info with this post
you can still play those games and while they're not very good they are so much better than anything nubungie can shit out
I never played Destiny 1 because it was not on PC. Is Destiny 2 really that bad of a game? I like the idea of a RPG shooter with MMO elements myself
They can't even write
even borderlands had more depth and more interesting enemies. and thats saying something.
Destiny 1 was fun and as someone who thoroughly enjoyed it, I'm avoiding 2 like the plague.
You are the problem, please go read a book
What are wrong with 2 other than the fact that it is too similar to the first game? Can anyone give me some videos/reviews?
Destiny 2 fucks up alot of shit for both the PVP and PVE crowd mostly its how slow the movement is now and how long the cool downs are for abilities
Movement is a fucking snails pace now compared to Destiny 1 and also how in 1 in PVP matches you could get like 4 supers a match in 2 your lucky to even get 1.
So now you go from this kinda interesting shooter about space wizards to a boring grind shooter with "oh yeah you have powers"
Even if it sucks I'll play it because shitty destiny is still more fun than anything else I can think of.
People like you is what causes more games like these to be shit they know you'll buy it anyway which is why activision and bungie arent nervous about people getting mad
Game is gonna sell, make money and normalfags will play it.
I admire you guys for your naivety. I'm too jaded.
Nice blogpost homo
you are clinically depressed
user, if you are in fact from Activision, I'm curious about one thing:
Activision likely grosses an excessive amount of money thanks to the likes of the annual Call of Duty, and now through Destiny, and it's
microtransaction service, which seems like they're preparing to be its successor, due to the former slowly declining.
There's likely a surplus profit that could go into investing and establishing new IPs to future-proof themselves, why doesn't Activision do that?
Some of your company's previously released IPs had/have potential for long term growth and establishing themselves.
Does your company set certain, strict, KPIs which make it challenging for your studios under your company to meet those set goals? - or is the risk just not worth it?
Except the faggot has forgotten the first fucking rule of inside user posting. Provide proof or you're bullshitting
Supers and all one hit kills in Destiny 1 were fucking CANCER in PvP, glad they came to their senses and fixed that garbage.
That sounds good
Are you 18?
Play Doom 93 instead with GZDoom.