Has any video game made you sweat? Either due to embarrassment, fighting a difficult boss, or a really intense level, have you ever gotten a sweat on?
Personally, I sweat quite easily, and it usually occurs during a very long boss fight where I may die at any point. I also got very sweaty during some parts of my WC3 playthrough, but that may also be due to the fact I'm not very good at RTS games.
Sweaty Moments
I am literally sweating right now. Because this summer sucks.
There was moment, when I was playing castlevania nes, but ever since that day nothing else has put quite the level of the stress on me, I mean even all games like dark souls and blood borne, well you just know their is going to be a bonefire near by, but the Dracula, lol Save? The fuck is that you faggot, and the first time Dracula used it's true form, it was fucking great.
Crash Bash's special challenges, those that force you to play the same minigame three times in a row against stupid hard AI with unfair points advantage and with them specifically programmed to gang up on you instead of winning. Fuck you Rilla Roo, fuck you and your stupid ass gimmick/glitch, I hate pogo sticks, I hate them forever and ever.
Senator Armstrong. Im not very good at beat em up style games my reflexes are rather bad, but i made it to the end and man what a boss fight that was. Arguably one of the better bosses im a game ever.
Anyone else or just me? I'm being completely serious.
The two times I was working my ass off to beat a game because it was hard?
… heh
My pits grow moist (sometimes even drip slightly if shaved) often when I'm playing DOTA 2.
That's a nice amount of fuel you have there. It would be a real shame if you have to blow it all on healing.
The first two I can see, but how is NuDoom intense? I played it through myself, mind you. I felt quite comfortable considering how easily you can get health back.
do you have any pictures of yoshi's sweating?
I dont but is this something that should exist?
rhythm games on higher difficulties, my hands start to get sweaty when I miss notes and start to use excessive force to get back into the beat other than that I'm not sure if I sweat during games
haha i'm just wondering its just for laughs haha
No, shitposting aside, do you want someone to draw it?
BoI does get to me a lot. Usually when I am lucky enough to find brimstone.
Every single race in Wipeout HD.
I thought lizards couldn't sweat.
This feels kinda insulting.
you do know that the original dev's made the Omega Colection, right?
I didn't. I thought they got broken up by Sony a few years ago?
they did, but then made their own studio which is said to be working on a Wipeout spiritual successor
Super Mario Maker got pretty intense at times.
I love those moments when it's at the end and you'll either win or lose, then you win and noticed you're drenched in sweat.
Armstrong is way easier in Sam's DLC. Blade Wolf is still a bitch though.
Honorable mentions to those Blowouts in STALKER that only ever happen when you're in a tight spot.
Don't fall in, Holla Forums.
Why user, what's the worst that could happen?
This is your future
What game is that from user? That mech looks badass.
Not sweating, but my hands were trembling after I finally managed to pull down that damn Star Destroyer.
Competitive melee is the sweatiest game. When you go to a tournament, everyone is wearing antiperspirant but they they will still all have massive sweat marks even in winter. For me when I still played, even 30 minutes of tech skill practice would leave me sweatier than an hour of power lifting or running.
Blacklight: Retribution. It was amazing when it was run by competent devs who cared, but as is inevitable with seemingly 95% of free to play games, it's in a state of 'the servers are up but no one is caring.'
It had some of the best gun customization I've ever seen. I'll miss it dearly.
Not just because I ran out of ammo, but because the game froze in that same moment which means I'll have to redo almost half an hour worth of progress.
I need my looting fix and I got it as a gift like 5 years ago.
Already livin' the dream, gramps
The finals bosses in Sonic and the Secret Rings and Sonic Unleashed.
Both had you flail the Wiimote to beat them down.
Agreed, worst was the last level though, the music kept ramping up in tempo, you clear the wave where the fucking bulls are running circles around you and feel good… and then suddenly you hear the mechs stomping in before they blow six new entrances for enemies to pour in from.
THAT was fucking intense
No sweating out of intensity, but COD4's Mile High Club mission on veteran difficulty had me trembling like I was having a seizure when I finally got to the hostage after the 100th or so attempt. Luckily, I scored the headshot on the first try.
The 1944 Gotterdammerung and 1945 Endsieg scenario in Darkest hour had me shitting myself
Does this scene count?
Fucking Dead Ahead.
This too but not as bad.
Don't pull your hair kids
It won't grow back
Eyetoy and washing those frickin' windows with your arms like a retard possessed.
Only DDR can make me sweat
As a vague attempt to do quasi-exercise, i'd flex my biceps every time i did a musou attack while playing Dynasty Warriors. While trying to get Liu Bei's fourth weapon, all the other generals died so it was just me leading a conga line of angry chinese motherfuckers on low health; i'd run until my musou bar auto-filled, about face to unleash the fucking fury while flexing, then go back to running for my life. By the time i managed to murder the yellow horde, i was sweating from all the flexing i was doing to whittle them down. Definitely the most satisfying DW weapon i ever got, just a shame i don't like Liu Bei all that much.
OP confirmed lardass
My niece caught me jacking off to Honey Select
Did she like it?
i dont want to sound like a faggot, but the most recent game i can think of has to be the snorlax/pikachu boss fight in dark souls, trying to get pikachu's item to drop by fighting him last.
i beat that while standing infront of my TV.
alot of older games did this to me. ninja goemomemomem, quake arena online, starcraft online, and doaX
Dota 2 makes me sweat thats it
Being the last few alive and you're outnumbered by at least 50. That makes me sweat like no tomorrow.
Yeah that's not Omega Collection though. Some of the former SL devs are making Formula Fusion and some are working for a mobage company, none worked on Omega Collection.
usually only when playing with other people
very intense sweat was had
me in chat
When I play fighting games because I'm trying to improve and there's a lot to think and do and using a stick is a lot more intensive than a controller.
And that's how I learned this fucking game apparently slipped some new content in here.
i always needed to take a dump after these moments
I sweat every time I play a FPS and I've no idea as to why. I never sweat when I play other, more challenging games, but I always sweat when playing rooty tooties, especially CS:S. It gets to the point that I have to bring in a towel and situate it in my armpits to soak it all up. I forgot about wearing shirt while playing games long ago because of this.
Never sweat, but I do get tense. Any team game where the opposing side is right on top of you gets me. And when the AI gets locusts in Alpha Centauri
Fallout 4 has some interesting options to become a horror action game.
add porn
Well, the dust has settled, user. Time for the normalfags with shitty taste to act like they belong here.
s-stop talking about video games in Holla Forums, it's hurting my feelings!
If you were actually interested in talking about video games you wouldn't respond.
very much yes
Also, I forgot to mention that I did sweat during this boss in Partners In Time. The boss wasn't particularly hard, but it was so damn long and took place immediately after another boss.
forgot pic
Firstly, Holla Forums isn't one person.
Secondly, plenty of videogames are being discussed, it's just a shame that you play games that are so fucking shit, that the only discussion you can have about them is in which way they're worse than games that came out 20 years ago.
sage for offtopic
nice strawman, faggot.
If you can't discuss how to have a great experience with a shit game, then the casual fag is you.
But why would I play a shit game when I can play more or less the same game but better in the form of New Vegas?
call of Cthulhu hotel escape
Games with directional melee combat in general make me sweat, Mount & Blade I got used to, but when I played For Goner's beta for free I my palms got sweaty, knees weak.
Too bad the servers and design decisions for that game was god awful, and of course Ubisoft it had a few cool ideas going for it.
I fucking love rail shooters.
trying to keep a car, which wants nothing more than to fly off the road and kill you, on the dirt/snow at 150 kph while trying not to let the torquesteer or terrain legitimately rip the wheel out of your hand is genuinely stressful. it makes me sweat like crazy and i honestly wonder why i play it, because it's basically work at that point
does anyone know the song in the webm, or how to add little mods to your codriver's handbook
Outlast 2 several times
especially looking at you pool area
Dark souls 3
I have to give it credit, Darkest Dungeon would always make me sweat, before I hit 20 hours and had complete repetition abate that. Now with the Crimson Court expansion, I've sweated quite a few times in the new area. Fuck the croc- hybrid freamshow.
tribes ascend use to make me sweat all the time if i was the only good flag d
nothing more anxiety inducing than trying to be quick enough as chase when your flag is constantly getting grabbed
planetside 2 also gets my heart going.
sometimes when you're doing a point hold and can sense you're not keeping pace with the movement of enemies and know it's a matter of time before you slip
You have shit goddamn taste if you unironically like that jumscapefest trash.
You're nuts, lower that setting to 270º
shit was clutch i tell you hwhat
I don't understand this game. I spent about a week or more playing and beating every event in Burnout: Legends and then the very same day I try to play Dominator I keep losing.
Whenever I play these competitive shooters I start shaking for some reason. As if I'm cold, nervous and high on caffeine.