Serious Sam thread
hopefully cancelled. serious sam has been a cancer on the first person genre like quake 3, inspiring masses of simplistic horde shooters under the guise they are retro throwbacks. The games themselves have largely been identical too.
Like all cyclical threads with no real point other than to exist, it is absolute cancer on this board too.
Can you name them? I need something to play.
nice try
painkiller and its dozens of shitty expansions, necrovision, hard reset, shadow warrior reboots, absolute trash.
Oh, you made it sound like you knew what you were talking about (not really).
Absolute trash is a series?
You're right, being life support for the genre for a decade IS awful!
right here user :^)
You haven't heard about absolute trash? It's really popular with redditors and normalfags.
You know, I've always considered Second Encounter as one of my all time favorites, but I've only played it when I was younger and with cheats.
I started playing TFE on Normal in SS: Revolution without any cheats and it's a whole different feeling. Before this I'd never even concerned myself with choosing a weapon, I'd just use the rocket launcher and the cannon, never even used shotguns or pistols. Fuck yeah, this is some good vidya right here. Even managed to remember how to get to the secret falls level.
I remember how I tried turning the cheats off when I got to the snow village level and having my ass handed to me on a silver platter. Don't play games on Easy kids, you get used to winning.
Kulkluxklan a best boss.
best vr game imo
We need more games that revel in the pure unbridled excess of throwing huge amounts of dangerous shit at the player, who has an equally large and dangerous arsenel to throw back.
I honestly doubt they're even working on it.
Every thread until you like it :^)
who thought this was a good idea?
They are
Check their Twitter
FE and SE are on VR as well, they are the best VR games avaiable at the moment and no teleport or standing still garbage.
You can keep shilling your shitty channel all you want
Even if they gave a time for release you couldn't trust it. They've given a release date time frame repeatedly and never met it.
You do not know what is good in life.
Reminder you can move freely in the other games with VR.
TFE HD plays fine but the original's fps drops to single digits for me. Anyone know a workaround?
Install Gentoo
This whole situation seems familiar…..
You are mad if you think they will make another dumb Serious Sam after The Talos Principle showed them that they can pull off a game with more than just shooting waves of enemies
The old arcade had beach head where you actually wore a helmet with a screen in it and turned your whole body to aim. Was really neat. Arcades' main strength was gimicks like this. Fight games and bullet hells, although undoubtedly being their biggest sellers, can be replicated really cheaply with a computer but the full seats and steering wheels for car racing games, guns for gallery shooters, and other massive shit like that is something you can't really get privately on the cheap.
At least Sam won't go around spouting shit memes like Bazinga, right?
What? Last I checked Croteam wasn't a bunch of incompetent retards blowing money and telling lies while passing their game around to get fucked by multiple publishers and developers until it hit rock bottom and gearbox got a hold of it.
Everything Croteam is doing is fairly sensible. Rather than rush out SS4, they are gaining knowledge and experience by making smaller side games using ideas they want to incorporate into SS4. Would you seriously rather they just rush it out years ago after the mess that was BFE, or spend all this time adding that shit in without testing what works and what doesn't? Every game they release that isn't SS4 just means a bigger and better SS4, and that is something we should be happy about.
Reminder that Croteam is first and foremost developing the Serious Engine. Serious Sam is just a means of demonstrating the engine
Serious Sam.
whats the point if nobody wants to use the engine?
I know its a really good engine but everyone is so far up their ass with garbage like Unity that they don't stand a chance
They don't actually give out the engine to be licensed. Even if someone wanted to use it, they couldn't.
so their focus is perfecting a game engine to be used by what exactly? if we are taking into consideration that SS is just an engine demonstration
who would win in a fight, serious sam or five nights at freddy
Maybe they get off to it?