>drunkenly ravages the nearest cat
>>131005805Why the fuck is this character so attractive? I keep rewatching Double Trouble morphing into her and biting my lips.
>>131005952Competent and heroic characters are attractive
>>131005805I always found it weird that Entrapta brought along the that red First One's Tech that turned her robots into murderous maniacs.
I can't believe Adora just turned on the milking machine
>>131005805It would be so easy to have sex with her without asking like this.
>>131006290>>131006334Who gets to be milked by the milking machine?
I step on ur butt
>>131006603built for prone bone
>>131006615does adora take barbed dick?
>>131005805>>131005876the only she-ra fanfic i wrote was about corrupted futa she-ra raping catra.thoughts?
>>131006671People pretending this is incest are absolutely insane.
While we're here, lemme ask you guys something: does the Adora and Catra thing have a believable arc?I started watching the series and Catra was a huge bitch to Adora all the time. I stopped watching it and next thing Iknow everyone'sbooing crazy about "I have always loved you!" "I have always loved you too!". So I've always wondered, is there a progression in their relationship or is it just Catra being a huge bitch for the entire run and then love out of fucking nowhere?
>>131007024>So I've always wondered, is there a progression in their relationship or is it just Catra being a huge bitch for the entire run and then love out of fucking nowhere?Just that.Once Adora leaves the Horde, Catra is just an enemy to her. Catra is possessive and escalates from dancing dominantly with her at the prom to shocking her, mind controlling her... if this was a male character it would be denounced as nonconsensual BDSM.And the fact they were raised together starting at the age of like 2 makes it weirder.
>>131007024>So I've always wondered, is there a progression in their relationship or is it just Catra being a huge bitch for the entire run and then love out of fucking nowhere?The progression really starts in S5 from Adora's part. You need to believe that Adora was super repressed about her feelings the whole time and that's why it was never brought up.
>>131007148>if this was a male character it would be denounced as nonconsensual BDSM.Man, you completely missed out on Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey, huh?
>>131006736>futaPicrel. You're a cool dude from what I remember, but futa is a bottom tier fetish.>>131007024>does the Adora and Catra thing have a believable arc?Kind of? It was obvious as hell with Catra but they kind of fucked up by having Adora tell Catra to fuck off at the end of season 3. Season 4 didn't really addressed Adora's feeling for Catra so season 5 had to pick up the slack and pretty much anyone can tell you that season was a rush job.So yeah. Catra's part was believable while Adora's wasn't.
>>131008805Who are these two.
>>131006603That pic is so fucking hotIt's literally perfect.
>>131008805Molly Ostertag and Non-Disclosure Stevenson
I love this murderer
>>131007148>And the fact they were raised together starting at the age of like 2 makes it weirder.This is pretty ironic coming from the same board that ships Lincoln with all his sisters, Pines twincest, Zuko and Azula etc.
>>131010889I contain multitudes.
>pew pew pew
>>131005805>I keep pressing this button but my girlfriend keeps sucking this guys balls.
>>131005876>>131005922Nice kitty you got there niece, but my cat is a flying bike.
>>131008483>Catra's part was believable while Adora's wasn't.Right, this. By the prom episode it's obvious that Catra wants to be Adora's dominatrix, while Adora is so having none of it that she barely mentions their childhood anymore.
>Ywn get spitroasted by Futa Catra and AdoraWhy live?
I want a scene like pic related to happen to mermista
>>131009164>1985: Scorpia looks and sounds like a New York drag queen>2018: Scorpia looks and sounds like a female gym rat with a girly personality
>>131013537its okay she had a bath
>>131012612Nice reference.
>>131013537>>131013555Yeah, that user just makes me want an AU where Skeletor raises Adora after the kidnapping and he's always ranting about diapers and the unwashed catgirl she adopted.
>>131006372Mermista is first in line for a bottle of SeaMilk
Every time Adora presses that button Catra gains 1/4th of a pound
>>131014048>Etherians wear Western fashions like tuxedoes and fedoras>we never saw Hordak wear a Dracula suit
>>131005922>>131006248>>131006194>>131006436>>131006603>>131006645>>131006671>>131006808>>131010569>>131010528>>131013555your shoe failed and your name is in several FBI watchlist
>>131013537this feels like a fake skeletor poster
>>131013555Catra's suffering is the highlight of the show.
>>131014444Quads of truth
>>131014292How did you know my shoe failed? I literally had to buy a new pair last week.
>>131014865Is that adoras face when she gets facialized by dicks
>>131015029What would tongue kissing Catra feel like? And what would, god forbid, her licking your sensitive body part feel like?
>>131015052There's a comic strip about it actually
>>131006736Based. Should have been Glimmer though. For some reason I really love the thought of smashing her pear shaped body until her huge ass cheeks are red and sore.
>>131014292> your shoe failedOh man you have no idea! I was running down the track and my shoe just started falling apart by the time I finished the only piece of my shoe still on my foot was the heel. Also I’d like to say thank you to the FBI for keeping watching out for the missing pieces of my shoe. They were literally scattered all over the track.
>>131014985No, it's her face when eating out Catra's pussy, you can see the experienced tongue action
>>131008483futa on female is kino, there is literally nothing better>>131015382glimmer only made me horny is a fat slampig later on.this is an older story, not sure I like it anymore, but it's here if you want to read it:>archiveofourown.org
>>131015845bad kitty!
>>131016298don't mess with me kitten, I know your weaknessother than attention from adora that is
>>131016384What is the wettest she ever got in the show?
>>131015845Adora likes what she sees
>>131016384Seeing catra act like slyvester from fucking looney tunes makes me hard
>>131016419>What is the wettest she ever got in the show?I'd say every time she sees adoramore seriously I'm not quite sure. do we ever see catra shower? the brainwashing pool doesn't really count I feel>>131016527kek
>>131016465especially when you consider this is the same room where she had a mental breakdown in season 4
I wanted Adora to hook up with fat ass Glimmer god they are so sexy together and just imagining Adora rapes her when Glimmer goes schizo like she usually does makes my dick explode. The queen of Etheria is a bitch to a First One just as nature intended.
>>131016653glimmer's ass is for bow
>>131005805Rewatched this recently out of boredom and found it was actually a lot better than I remembered. Was it really bad or did we all just get swept up in Holla Forumsntrarianism?
>>131016688>we all just got swept up in Holla ForumsntrarianismThis and lesbians make Holla Forums feel insecure
>>131016688>weEveryone except chudcels thought it was kino
>>131016688the latter. the essence of this fucking website is contrarianism
>>131016653>implying it would be adora doing the rapingAdora is going in the royal seraglio next to Catra. Etheria has a lot of princesses, but only one Queen.
>>131016686No her ass is for Adoras futa cock and so is Bows anus too.
this comic is based
>>131016759>page 6source?
>>131016759Whats wrong with Frosta shes so tiny and feisty she needs futa correction asap.
>>131016759oh wait never mind it's in the bottom right>>131016825she's like 10
>>131016835Not him but I would pound frostaa ive cunny
>>131016527Based ice loli.
>>131016835All pussies need to be stuffed with futa cocks especially unripe tight ones.
>>131016788>>131016835I didn't have these comics, thanks for sharing them.
>>131016759>Cant imagine walking futa fuel like Angella being sexy while in a meetingCmon Adora imagine her talking about rubbing a big dick with that poker face and serious expression.
If the show had continued, would have Adora have transitioned?
>>131016883>>131016862>>131016845>>131016835>>131016825UOH! frosta cunny!
>>131016983>oh no people are discussing the show>im gonna deroooool
>>131017062adora has good taste in ass
How the FUCK did this frame make it in?
>>131017172based as hell
>>131017281good comic
>>131017300it's funny and hot. can't ask for more. except maybe swiftwind!
>>131017364as a horse fucking chad, i love horsecock. but dont care about swiftwind.
>>131017376T. Pic related
>>131017040>Noelle makes her fucked up life and marriage the focal point of a kid's show>Mx. ND has NOTHING to do with Shera!
>>131016788>>131016835Do you have part 1?
>>131017453horse pussy is kino.and horsecock is great on futa draenei girls. and as much as i like watching girls get fucked by horses, swiftwind doesn't do it for me.
>>131005952>Why the fuck is this character so attractive?You're attracted to men.
>>131017523I love seeing porn of girls getting fucked by horsecock but>futaYa lost me their>>131017521Adora needs corrective breeding to make her straight and normal like a regular girl
>>131017523horsecock futa draenei is one of the greatest things to come from WoW
>>131016550>do we ever see catra shower?
>>131017568futa on female is literally kino.there is no better genre of porn
>>131014206>Hordak>wearing pants
The futa comic literally made me watch this show.
>>131019959What comic?
>>131012383>got high as fuck>decided to read the Kyle Man saga on a whim>binged it and am now on chapter 8-2I only glanced at the threads, but all the anons singing its praises were right to do so.
>>131013917This reboot was unexpectedly based. Will there be another season or is it hopeless?
>>131016550We do see her get sprayed by Netossa.
I need Glimmer's butt on my face
>>131017568>Adora needs corrective breeding to make her straight and normal like a regular girlfiles.catbox.moe
They're so hot and stupid
>>131021036Another season dropping in August.
I really liked this show.
>>131016686>Just stroll into the palace one day>End up KingBased.
>>131023784This should have always been Adora. Catra makes no sense.
>>131023806Prince ConsortKings out rank Queens, so a reigning Queen's husband has a lesser title.
>>131023818How do you figure?Catra is the one with repressed emotions and the more hostile relationship to Shadow Weaver.
>>131016835we need a scene of Swfit Wind fucking Melog to troll Catra and Adora
>>131023854Still not bad for a kid that just invited himself into the palace.
>>131023888It's a parody of the Ice Man strip so it's not like this comic was meant to be insightful. Catra's feeling for Adora were already blatant since the beginning and Season 5 was basically the show telling Adora that she should fuck Catra already.Basically, the joke would've been funnier with the more oblivious Adora.
>>131017521If You Were Less Boring Your Daughter Wouldn’t Be Pregnant on nsfani dot com>>131024012that'd be pretty funny yes
>>131020972Whoah thanks! Glad you are liking it.There'll be a storytime this weekend, if the stars align, it's be a big one. Most challenging chapter yet
>>131012383>pew pew/ss/
>>131005805Man that bit still cracks me up. I miss this show.
>>131005805This show had a lot of great girls in it.
>>131021364So hot
>>131023784>Shadow Weaver>giving Catra advice>not neglecting or molesting herNot muh Weaver
The most wholesome menage a trois
>>131005805This show feels like a lifetime ago.
>>131024772never see the end of related guy she-ra comic...
Does Kyle do yoga? Either way he's getting stretched out.
>>131027541I read that comic and it was so fucking good.
>>131027677Really? To me it feels recent. But that's maybe because I started watching in 2020 around when S5 came out
>>131005805Is there any footage of Aimee Carerro or AJ Michalka swearing, preferably f-bombs?I wanna hear Adora & Catra using bad language.
>>131027541Underrated girl
>>131030356>>131030492>>131030562>>131030568I hate that cunts ugly rag hair
>>131030689It's not goregeous but I've got no problem with it.Just some dreads with short sides.She's in a militaristic cult. I'm glad she has more than a buzz-cut.
>>131030689you can just smell the oily neckbeard from this post
>>131030689That's what I like the most about her and her eyes
Rewatching the show I noticed on Entrapta's introductory episode that this little green guy pops out of nowhere to warn Adora and Co of the rogue corrupted robots and then we never see him again. Ever.It was weird.
>>131030848Huh, totally missed that.Also we never see Entrapta's "Kingdom".She basically has a nice house and that's it.
>>131030568Saccharinerose draws some of the nicest Lonnie art. I like the Lonnie as She-Ra AU. Mostly because she wouldn't take any of Catra's crap. Good.He's fucking savage when it comes to Kyle tho.
mellow lonnie is a gem
He made me gay.
>>131030910Same with Frosta's kingdom
>>131031041He cute.
>>131030910>>131031668Once again, one of the weak points of the show: World-building.
>>131027175Though that was Keldor for a second there.
>>131030986Best girl
>>131005987this, heroines are really hot
>>131006736>futaanon, seek help
>>131016688Honestly it's not that good, not even saying it to be contraption. The story and characters felt really shallow and the art direction is pretty lame
>>131005805Loved this dork.
Reminder that Entrapta is canonically middle-aged
>>131016688It's a solid 7.5/10.
>>131034287How middle aged we talking here? Like mid 20s or something really bad like 38 years old?youtu.be
>>131034171Honest it’s not even the art, I just hate how little shading there is in the show
>>131017381She's gonna get you!
>>131034405>something really bad like 38 years oldI'm 38.
>>131033089The worldbuilding is not terrible and thwre's passion to it, but feels frustratingly unfinished, there are many things that should get more explanation but they just don't.The fact there is no proper timeline or map of Etheria kinda sucks too.The old show had one at least
>>131034668Well, for cartoon character ages. 38 isn’t even middle age yet
>>131034171Season 1 is fucking dogshit. Feels like a webcomic with animators. but after that the show starts getting better and keeps getting better until S5 is almost (ALMOST) on par with ATLA. And then its all over. I just wish the quality had been more consistent.
>>131034936I should give it a rewatch, S1 left a really bad taste in my mouth
>>131034936Fag whos only seen up to season 1 so far. When does it get gud?
>>131030689>I hate that cunts ugly rag hairSo shave her head.
>>131031041That's not Spider-Man.
>>131030782>implying non neckbeards find that dew rag mess attractiveWhy is it that femoids only defensive response is to insult the other person and infer that hes either a loser/neckbeard/incel?
>>131016759she thought about it
>>131033158As sensible as it was for Keldor to be a blue person, I really dig that the CGI show made him Claudius from Hamlet.
>>131034936I found most of S2 to be the worst part of the series. White Out, and that DnD episode got annoying. Entrapta's hair is super strong because she and Hordak were pretty much carrying the show as well. It only strated to really pick up after Shadow Weaver got her focus episode onwards.
>>131034287>>131034405The tweet clarifying her age stated that she was around 29. Middle-aged would be over 40 if Etherian women have the same life expectancy as First World Earthlings.
>>131035257>Entrapta's hair is super strong because she and Hordak were pretty much carrying the show as well.I laughed.
>>131007148>if this was a male character it would be denounced as nonconsensual BDSM.Also 4chan would be screaming BASED everytime it's brought up.
>>131007148If Adora was male it would be one of Holla Forums's beloved ships>self-insert and sexy evil kitty waifu>I can fix her
>>131015491you fucking idiot, who do you think made your shoe fail???
>>131035611>quick catra! suck he milk out!
>>131034414Was it because of the budget or that's just the artstyle?
Pss pss
>>131035492>Adam and the Princesses of Power>Adam is brought through a portal from Eternia as a baby>raised by Shadow Weaver, adopting Catra when he's a toddler>Kyle is now Kylie>Adam renounces the Horde to fight for Good with his magic sword>ship tease with Princesses>but Catra is endgame>meanwhile his parents on Eternia are mourning his loss but at least they have his twin sister
>>131036174I honestly don’t know. The marvel spider-man cartoon had the same issue
Post catradora making out and being cute
>>131025017>There'll be a storytime this weekendI have motorcycle classes this weekend and I'm probably going to a seafood restaurant in the few hours I have free. Doubt I'll make it to that thread.
>>131038140>motorcycle classesCool. What kind of bike you get?
>>131030964>He's fucking savage when it comes to Kyle tho.how so?
>>131030964>>131038318Never mind I looked it up. And I thought Noelle was needlessly spiteful.
>>131031041I wonder if Kyleanon is the Kylefag who watched this show exclusively for Kyle because his fetish is exhausted blond twinks.>>131038183Probably a Cruiser, but I'm not fully committed. I'm just taking MC classes to see if motorcycles are right for me. I fucking hate driving cars.>>131038318The dude hates Kyle. Probably because he gets in the way of his Lonnie x Rogelio ship.
>>131038479>exhausted blond twinkssounds hot>CruiserJust don't get one with a ridiculous arm position. Your shoulders will thank you. When you do a test drive, don't just go around the block. Try to take it on a highway and really settle into the seat.
>>131034837>The fact there is no proper timeline or map of Etheria kinda sucks too.The best we have is this one from the Graphic Novel, but even this one kind of fucks with the show's canon
>>131034837>The fact there is no proper timelineI heard the whole series takes place over three years, which doesn't make sense since Frosta looks the same in every season.
>>131038859That's the same outline as the '80s map posted above, with Mount Candila around the south end of the Valley of the Lost.
The visuals of this show are just very pleasant to me. The animation isn't amazing but the character designs are all just so nice, in my opinion at least.
>>131035042Season 4 for sure, but I liked the build up in S3 too
>>131039256Little Adora is super adorable.
>>131038937>Entrapta was stuck on Beast Island for 37 tidal cycles>a tidal cycle is a little over a day>Entrapta was stuck on Beast island for at least 39 days>the events of season 4 happened within the span of 6 weeksI can't really keep up with this timeline fuckery, but they probably didn't want to draw a pubescent Frosta.>>131039106I thought I remembered a map that had Beast Island on the corner of the map, but I may be misremembering. I got to make time to rewatch this show.
>>131039615>Little Adora>adorable.Duh, how do you think she got named?
>>131039652I love Catra's glowing eyes in this pic.
>>131035257I started watching the show for the sole reason that it had a D&D episode.
>>131006736I’d love to give you my thoughts, faggot, but it appears that in your perpetual cocklust, your semen encrusted fingers failed to type in a fic title or link.Succeed in failing a HIV screening homo
>She-Ra movie finally happens>It's just 90 minutes of drunk Adora>Highest audience and reviewer scores in RT history
I wish to enslave that pussy
I want to plot and scheme with this pretty kitty
>>131006671>Came here to post thisYou son of a bitch>>131014444>If Prime was female then this would of been seen as the redemption arc of Catra>Finally loses her toxicity and gains happiness from an accepting family>Gets cloned and becomes the official underling to Hordak in the standard invasion package.
Glimmer's mom!Has got it going on~
>>131041694Micah was a lucky man.R.I.P. RelatedGuy
>>131038318Hates Kyle for being forced into the ship by the storyboarders. I think he's too harsh, but some of his rants have some truth to it. The storyboarders shouldn't be sneaking things up behinds the show writers back/consent. It made Rogelio come off as an unintentionally crappy "on and off" boyfriend/friend and Kyle appear like he has Stockholm syndrome.
>>131034287>>131035271>Tweets are cannon
>>131038479>I wonder if Kyleanon is the Kylefag who watched this show exclusively for Kyle because his fetish is exhausted blond twinks.Kek, that's not my post haha.I started to watch the series because of Adora after I saw a clip of her standing up to Catra in S3. I like stories where abused or mistreated people find the strenght to stand up to those against them (by themselves or with others) while remaining good people. It's my favorite moment in the series.I hated how Kyle was treated and I discovered other people who felt the same. How he deserved better friends, or an adventure, or to go rogue, or have his bullying not treated as a joke, or should have joined the rebellion with Bow, etc. So I set out to give him that kind of story as a little storytelling exercise that became a not so little passion project. Which has been good since I was going through a really bad artblock crisis of sorts and it's helped me with that as well.Also he has a nice simple design and makes funny cartoony faces, that alone makes me want to draw him.
>>131042685Look, I'm not saying Glimmer should make out with her mom.But maybe Glimmer should try making out with her mom.Just an idea.
>>131043473And then you watched enough of the original show to put Mantenna and Modulok in Kyle's story!
This show has too many great waifus. And a great theyfu
>>131006768it's a gaslight, like the abuse thing
>>131044043Adopted siblings is not incest, retard.
>>131043932>oh god his voice is so sexy>look up the guy who voiced himYeah, I think I’m gonna stick to 2D from now on.
>>131044064You obviously never had an adopted sibling in your life before.
>>131044064They're siblings, that's the best part
>>131042685Micah's super lucky, lost his wife but now he has this younger version in the form of a daughter that he hasn't been around so he's going to be super attracted to her and she can be his new wife!
>>131006736Where can I read it
>Her face when some lady in waiting whore chats up daddy
>>131044385God I wanna fuck Queen Glimmah
>>131043802Yes hahaI've come to appreciate the old show. It's not perfect but it left so much groundwork for a reboot to build from.So I wanted to experiment with that.I see the world of She-Ra was trying to be more sci-fi than fantasy. Light Hope is an AI, the sword is a piece of tech made to control She-Ra, Grayskull is revealed to be the name of Mara's rebel squad, there is no great destiny, no higher powers other than Etheria being something of a living organism of sorts. It probably has to do with the showrunner's issues with her religious upbringing. But compared to the Filmation shows it's a bit superficial to me imo. So I thought that as Kyle could go on an adventure where he grows as a stronger person, but also starts to uncover old feuds, older gods, and forgotten ancient heroes. The sword and sorcery buried under all the tech stuff. And the worldbuilding has enough gaps to incorporate those elements to it.
>>131043039>Adora: I didn't make you pull the switch. I didn't make you do anything. I didn't break the world, but I am gonna fix it. And you? You made your choice. Now live with it.Legit kino moment
>>131041794she says it with such an "I know this kid is going to smash my daughter one day" tone, too.>>131044043>azula and zuko? this is fine>dipper and mabel? this is fine>literally any combination of family members from rick and morty? it's fine because they made references to incest in the show!>a blonde human from another planet bangs a brown catgirl she shared a bunk with in the child army? EWW THEY'RE LIKE SISTERSIt's pretty funny how down for incest conservitards are as long as it's not gay. I guess it comes with the territory.
>>131038140Aw shucks. I still don't know which day of the weekend it'll be though. I'm so restless it might be on Friday, but I can't confirm. It's gonna be a fairly long storytime this time so it'll take time.but good luck with your classes. A motorcycle sounds handy. Also seafood is great. Enjoy.
>>131043797Mother x Daughter incest is kino. Shame it's rare as fuck in favor of Oyakodon.
Can't find anything for Glimmer x Angella that isn't Deviantart tier.>>131043473>Kek, that's not my post haha.Never said it wasn't. It just activated my almonds and made me remember past threads.>I started to watch the series because of Adora after I saw a clip of her standing up to Catra in S3. I like stories where abused or mistreated people find the strenght to stand up to those against them (by themselves or with others) while remaining good people. It's my favorite moment in the series.That's pretty interesting. I'm guessing the ending left a bad taste in your mouth if the stuff Adora did in season 3 is your jam?>Which has been good since I was going through a really bad artblock crisis of sorts and it's helped me with that as wellI guess it's paying off because I'm invested in the adventures of the blond fairy. It's always nice to hear what inspired fanfic writers to write their works.>Also he has a nice simple design and makes funny cartoony faces, that alone makes me want to draw him.That explains the slapstick and goofy faces during moments of crisis then. Not a criticism, just something I noticed.>>131046279>but good luck with your classes. A motorcycle sounds handy. Also seafood is great. Enjoy.Thanks. Hope you publish your next chapter in a timely manner.
>>131046341more like Bow-yakodon
>>131047162We need more Omnicidal Characters
>>131044760Who is the artist?
>>131048254Esteban Maroto. Love the aesthetic.>That's pretty interesting. I'm guessing the ending left a bad taste in your mouth if the stuff Adora did in season 3 is your jam?Yeah...I really didn't think Adora was getting back with Catra after the whole portal thing.Didn't help Catra was consistently awful to everyone she came across to besides Adora and maybe DT. Enrapta, Scorpia, Kyle...
>>131049564>I really didn't think Adora was getting back with Catra after the whole portal thingNobody did. I still remember the meltdowns Tumblr, Twitter, and /u/ had.
Which Princess would win in a Twerking Competition?
Is it true that the main writer of this show wrote fanfic about it
>>131050167I forget why, but everyone is convinced that Stevenson wrote this ficarchiveofourown.org/works/24280306Which isn't... technically fanfic if that's true
>>131047056>I guess it's paying off because I'm invested in the adventures of the blond fairy. It's always nice to hear what inspired fanfic writers to write their works.I take inspiration from the original show, but also things I like. Movies, books, series, music, real life. It made me spend more time looking at things I enjoy than things that make me angry or drain my energy like outrage twitter news or youtube videos, etc. It's improved my mood. >That explains the slapstick and goofy faces during moments of crisis then. Not a criticism, just something I noticed.Kyle started as a comic relief character so I'm trying to keep him true to his roots in how he is klutzy while taking the way he was mistreated seriously at the same time. It makes him more endearing imo, but I also enjoy drawing funny faces. >>131049786In hindsight there would have been meltdowns eitherway. If Catradora didn't happen then there would maybe be queerbaiting accusations.
>mogs Catradora in every wayheh, nothing personell Noelle
>>131050729Is their show still a boring pile of dogshit?
>>131050729they're not even half-sisters
>>131050244Noelle kept teasing that she made a fanfic that's suppose to be a continuation from the ending. She published it under a secret account and didn't really give any clues from what I remember.