If there's so many women in gaming, how come it's so hard to find feminine computer cases?
If there's so many women in gaming, how come it's so hard to find feminine computer cases?
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Because there aren't any women in gaming
make a feminine tv, fridge, toaster
then we will talk
Not unless they're doing data entry.
jeez, that would be hella easy money, would it not?
Design precisely one case where it's like… A pink LED heart-shape on the front, and throw some more hearts here and there. Biggie d$llars.
This is the last girl case I can recall.
I am sure if you looked at prebuilt computers, which is what women will buy, you'll find the option to get it in pink.
no, thats OP's case
Don't forget these horrible abominations. This is like letting your bitch pick out a car.
I feel that pink PC cases are mostly marketed to women who are in some relationship to system builders. Mothers, Grandmothers, Sisters, Daughters, Girlfriends, Spouses, Nieces, Cousins, etc. Men are not these creatures who never interact with women except to oppress, that is a fictitious monster feminists have dreamt up as there is no real problems for them to "solve" thus no reason to give them attention, influence or money unless they fabricate problems and convince others those problems exist.
They're called towers, you scrub.
uh excuse me gendered marketing is fucking sexist ok assholes
The reason people even bother to give these lunatics the time of day is because women spend 80% of the money despite earning 40% if it. They'll probably use the same snake oil tactics car salesmen use on women to sell them pink macbooks.
50% of gamers are women and there's there's nothing you can do about it hahahaha
Stay mad nerds
What's a feminine tower called?
I thought Zhe was trans now and considers zherself one if the new genders.
That's right, women are only able to act instinctively. You can't blame them, it's in their nature to be retarded.
Women fear being raped online that's why they know what's good for them and got Gone Home.
I can't blame them, but I also don't want anything to do with them.
Girls don't use desktops outside of their shitty call center or secretarial job.
They just by an apple laptop or non-apple laptop if they want to play nerd and put a vinyl skin with some stickers on it..
Because the women market is primarily centered around mobile games. Literally the vast majority play little games on their phones like farmville or if she's really into a challenge Tetris. Yes that's right, Tetris on your phone. All attempts to appeal to women is combination of Nintendo's Wii fluke and an inability to understand that the mobile market and every other vidya market shouldn't even be considered or treated the same. And almost all of those mobile phone games are put under the statistics that shits out the "50%" number this guy gives
You'll see more women playing tabletop games then you will a console game, since there is a social element involved and you directly talk to people.
That's being defeatist you cuck, now man up and marry a slut for your country. :^)
i got you covered fam
Countries only exist while men defend them.
Let them fall I say. Make sure next time don't give women the right to vote.
It's mostly all for naught since a big reason women don't play video games is because they're afraid of how other women will judge them for it.
It's the same reason they don't tend to go into computer programming, don't become electricians or plumbers and why they don't generally do traditionally "guy" things unless they're already social outcasts, or specifically want male attention (IE: female streamers who only do it because they get attention from guys easily and can make money off it).
Women playing actual vidya (not phone games where the statistics are much more equal) might change in the next few decades but it's not the case now
Generally the only reason a woman will play a tabletop game is because her boyfriend is in the game/is already into it.
It's much rarer for a woman to start a group with strangers or join a group with strangers she doesn't know
Never go into another brother war, either. It's why we have women's (((suffrage))).
Don't make me post it. That's not a female, it's a candle that has been left out in the sun too long.
… playing tetris on your phone is acceptable.
I blame the washing machine and Jews.
Yet another example of (((liberal))) degeneracy. The AIA doesn't want you to know this, because they got corrupted in the 1950s, but high elevations are linked to lowered test and homosexuality. If Western civilization is to survive, it will have to forswear these glass-and-steel affronts to god, and adopt the time-tested mud yurts of its ancestors. As a bonus, dirt floors toughen your feet to resist infection, and exposure to heavy metals lowers IQ. That may not seem like a good thing, but lower IQs reduce attack surface for hostile memeplexes. Haven't you wondered why based Arabs and black guys haven't fallen for the gay plague? It's always super-smart kikes and whites who go tranny or whatever. I'll tell you one thing: my son is going to receive extra lead with his Wheaties. A little lead now'll save you a little brass later.
Keep yelling yourself that.
Is this a new copy pasta?
feminine penis
How is this supposed to be sexy?
Mac has games.
Does compute for me.
Phone cases obviously don't count. Phones provide utility that virtually ANYONE can use. Even the most backwards rednecks have cell phones now. Hell, most of them have smart phones at this point. But I'm sure there are still a lot of them who still use much older cheaper models.
So does modern PC.
Put your head in the oven already.
No. PCs are still magical mystery devices to rednecks. At best, they have a $300 laptop from Walmart, but only know how to access Facebook and email on it and pretty much nothing else. They're far from ever buying a desktop PC, let alone building one with a custom case.
Phone games are not relevant to the OP. It clearly says "feminine computer cases." Not feminine phone cases.
The case is part of your tower, you maroon
The woman who made Long Live The Queen is a fan of classic Fallout and King's Quest. I'm sure there are more out there, but they're not autistic enough to spend their time talking about them unlike wh*te bois.
Which redneck are we talking about? Some of them are able to build a desktop out of junkyard parts.
It's simple. They aren't PC gamers. Women are a small minority of PC gamers. They mainly play games on their phones and laptops. I'm pretty sure there's some kind of market for female mobile console gamers too.
Kentucky rural rednecks are what I'm talking about.
You sound like you take it up the butt.
I can see their point kinda but will never work
no you
I have that case, only in red.
It's okay. I don't care for all that plastic. It would hold in heat compared to an all aluminum case.
Just use wood bro.
shameful tbh
Heat can only build up if you let air stay in your case for longer than you should, user.
Are you talking about a big ass side window? I got a case without that cause they seem tacky and annoying to me.
Nope. Vents. Side windows are for classless showoffs.
How fucking spergy are you exactly? Do you fill out the entire spectrum?
You do realize rednecks aren't as retarded as you think they are, right? We're talking people who hack the firmware on their tractors to install VLC so they can listen to music, podcasts, etc. while operating the most boring machines ever.
Barely able to hold employment. Totally and utterly unable to convince a woman to want to spend time with me, at all, ever. I've never been tested, but I suppose I'm pretty fucking spergy.
I don't think they are retarded at all. Their interests just usually lie elsewhere.
Yes but that's not the point, games like Tetris are the games people want to play on a mobile phone not fucking CoD.
I'm from a small rural town in KY with one stop light and no Walmart.
The main guy at my local Shooter's has a southern drawl, listens to country 24/7, and lives in a farmhouse. He also has a $1000 desktop and plays WoW on his nights off. That's not just an isolated example, either. If you're telling me the truth I think you should get out more
I've been playing vidya since I was 3 years old. I'm tired of being called a meme or a farce
I believe you. I'm just a total shut-in and always have been. But I used to be in an Army National Guard unit with a lot of rednecks. And they were completely insufferable. A few were nerdy. But most were assholes. And naturally, I was around a lot of rednecks growing up. There is a lot of good farmland where I'm from. Some of my own family and family friends were farmers, etc.
None of my immediate family were farmers. My dad did do a lot of hunting and fishing though. He was actually a TV/VCR repairman, back when it was still reasonable to get them repaired instead of just buying a new one. Now he's an electrical engineer, even though he never went to college.
And what shall we say of woman? Does not the chorus of modern voices tell us that woman thinks, acts, loves, and desires as man does? Do they not also tell us of the equality of the sexes in almost every faculty known to us? Ignorance it is, indeed, for one must take into consideration the state of man and woman in kind.
For man, there are generally three kinds: the appetitive man, the passionate man, and the rational man. Now, there are certain man who claim to be rational, yet are more akin to the passionate or the appetitive—their desire is not wisdom nor virtue, but rather either material satisfaction or glory in the sight of other men. Indeed, this three-fold division of mankind has been observed since ancient times, as it was the noble Plato, who mused on the nature of many things, that provided this distinction in his dialogues. This is of man, however. What shall be said of woman?
Indeed, one might say that there is the same three-fold division in woman. One thing must be said, however. The divisions in man are said to be pyramidal; that is, the higher one goes from appetitive to rational, the fewer men of such nature there are. Indeed, the vast majority of man will seek after only the flesh and drink. Fewer men will seek after glory and honor. Even fewer will seek after virtue for its own sake and the light of wisdom. However, what defines man does not define woman. Man is but a bridge between bestial and divine—it is in his own power to choose the baser or higher things. No man in his right mind would argue that his future is in animalistic frenzy; the more a man seeks virtue and wisdom, the more human he is.
Woman, on the other hand, does not operate as man does. Indeed, as the rational man is the ideal man, so the passionate woman is the ideal woman. Why so? For it is in the passions that woman’s true power lays. Is it impossible, therefore, for woman to be rational? By no means, but it is fairly difficult, and there are fewer rational women than rational men. Indeed, one might even claim with force of wisdom that there are no rational women. The passionate woman, as does the passionate man, seeks glory in her own right. She seeks praise from her fellow creatures and uses whatever seems best to achieve this praise. Is it not common to see women acting cordial to one another, the shining beacons of virtue, only to compete discreetly as ravenous she-wolves? Indeed, virtue is not an end for the ideal woman, but a means. She may use virtue, or the appearance of virtue, to accrue the much sought-after glory due her station as passionate.
Therefore, it is no small surprise that in any medium which man seeks to master, whether for the sake of pleasure, glory, understanding, learning, or the thing itself, woman quickly follows his steps. Seeing as how the rational woman is so rare, it is of no accord what she does. Therefore, it follows that appetitive and passionate women follow man’s pursuits, the former seeking base pleasure, the latter seeking praise and glory. Indeed, one can easily surmise that a woman never truly learns a craft, participates in events, infiltrates communities, or seeks virtue for their own sake—she does it so that man and woman alike may praise her for her perceived accomplishments. And this, my friends, is why woman will always be lesser than man, for she is dominated by her passions.
If so many furries are into pc gaming, how come it's so hard to find furry computer cases?
Don't know why MGTOW gets bashed here, they are the only way to beat the feminists.
They all caught on fire from the shitty ventilation and fur getting caught in the fan.
Furries are, in reality, a very very small subgroup of PC users. They aren't worth investing in.
It's like you don't recognize that the more men join your gay movement, the less incentive the remainder have to follow because their odds improve for every other man that cuckolds themselves out of the competition.
Furries understand better than anybody that faux fur traps a shitload of heat. Besides, they find it more rewarding to buy a basic case and paint it how they like, with their own hands, if they bother painting it all.
Nice try, Moishe.
They are for the laughs
Women are a fucking pain in the ass. Why can't you just hang out with guys, you know? Just live with someone of your own sex. Just do what you would do with women, but with your buddy. Why don't guys do that?
Cause men don't have vaginas or boobs.
Because woman for now is a necessary evil.
how transphobic of you
No, user, what we need is a great plague or natural disaster to remove a significant portion of the population.
After the Black Death came the Renaissance.
Investing in furries is like investing in a drug-addicted upper class. You give them their degenerate fix, and they'll meet whatever price you set.
Here ya go, dual chamber edition.
because against my own will i desperately want to hug, kiss, talk with, slowly and sensually fuck, and have kids with a woman
I thought we were past this :/ smh
I know you're just pretending to be retarded, but I come here to get away from this bullshit.
underrated post
And after the Renaissance came the Enlightenment, there's always something worse waiting around the corner, so you either bite the bullet and go along with the crowd or do like the romantics and off yourself hoping to be forgotten.
Because there aren't any aside from all those trannies and trapfags, and it would be sexist or some shit to sell such cases.
Because girls prefer something they can carry around and shines a lot. Can't do that with a computer case.
Who is this cat?
If we only had a means of ensuring that the undesirable had no means to reproduce and those detrimental to public virtue could be imprisoned or executed, we wouldn't nearly the problems that we do.
Besides, why not begin the grand suicide of humanity with yourself? :^)
I'll tell you "something" for the right price.
no, fuck off. We already have one of those cat autists on the board we don't need another.
I thought we ran that faggot off.
Post all your banana reaction images.
I was gonna type a serious response but then I saw your funny little meme face there at the end so thanks for saving me the time I guess. Regarding suicide, don't worry about me, I'm way ahead of you.
The argument I made was based on statistics (how extremely few women statistically play actual video games you would normally associate "gamers" playing) and based on conversations I've had with women about how they talk about what they do with other women. Almost no women I've talked to who play video games regularly describe having good relationships with other women and if they do generally do not bring up video games to them.
Would a feminine computer case have a dildo strapped to it?
Tits or GTFO
user, that case isn't nearly fuzzy or glittery enough to be a girl's case. It was probably just designed for a twink faggot and she's making fun of him.
Yeah, and some of them are able to build advanced chemistry labs out of kitchen utensils and cleaning products. That doesn't mean they know what the fuck they're doing.
Games with more facebook features = more women. Steam is the number one reason a woman might play video games on a computer. Adding more "social features" to a game will draw in more women. By social features, I don't mean ways of communicating, things to do with other players, or fun items: I mean of course, Facebook shit like statuses, blogs, absurd cosmetics, etc. etc.
Because they're like feminine dick: they don't exist.
They already make the Macbook.
I'm gonna ask for the source, if that's okay with you.
Source in filename, tard.
and you're a cool dude
< in mobile gaming!!
I had so much fun on these as a kid
Pink was a manly color before the women took it and left us with the girly color blue.
This user speaks the truth.
Here's what a "feminine computer" looks like.
Now why would you want something like that
Fucking koreans.
You know, I knew what to search for so it should follow that i'm aware of where it comes from.
I was showing you that i already got the source, i thought you were teasing it.
I was. Though I would say that it's usually better to encourage people to do the work themselves, there's actually a shocking lack of gifs from the show on google, even searching just the name of it.
Because they're no longer… Ugh trigger warning… "Feminine", you shitlord! These days of misogyny are over! Now they're strong independent women who need no man, you pissbaby!
Yeah, there are actually a lot of female gamers, 50% to be exact, goyim.
Women are fags
Got you covered, m8, no one left behind
Because of the minority of women who play video games, only a small minority of them play computer games, and even smaller minority of that small minority bother to build their own gaming rigs, and an even smaller minority of that smaller minority of that small minority that builds rigs would ever buy an expensive overdesigned ill-fitting "feminine" case, instead of a good cheap functional case that you stick under your desk and almost never have to look at, so who the fuck cares how pretty it looks.
Isn't that the mutant that cried to Total Biscuck and got a guy kicked out of a convention over a fucking joke?
You're totally right my man.
You alone make a big part of female gamer statistics, eh? Ever heard of outliers?
Typical fucking trick, merchant.
Female color is actually blue and the male is red. For the Sun and Moon.Yes, it was the hebrew who changed that.
Nice subtle "muh socialization" propaganda. The reason women don't go into computer programming is because they generally have inferior mathematical/logical minds, and the reason they don't become electricians and plumbers is because it's dirty and somewhat physically demanding. The reason is biological, from which social conventions have emerged. The only time women will appear more frequently on any metric of participation in video games is when the metric itself has changed so drastically that it is no longer relevant. Retards like you will hurrah over the excel spreadsheet number finally matching up without understanding what's actually going on, in that every game is now some casual bullshit aimed at women, not that women have magically started participating in the sort of titles that currently exist or that have tragically already rotted.
I come into these threads for the gay anons it baits
Like you?
Children can't initiate a process to ruin your life forever. Nice try Anita.
So living in a basement will make me more alpha?
It depends who I'm talking with~
I like it. Would go well with a black desk.
will u be my gf
Women are biologically bad at meeting all those requirement, there isn't a conspiracy.
"girls do code" camps do anything but doing code.
My friend was going to actual programmer camps and they were figuratively on an IV of pizza and energy drinks while programming 16 hours a day.
How cute's your dick?
to beat the feminists, you must kill their jewish overlords first.
Does this get you off or what?
You're a meme and a farce
by gf bought her sister a gaming laptop for her B-day. it was black & red.
I think by "feminine" you mean some sort of bimbo style pink stuff, but bimbos can't into computers.
Women are the only ones who are hardcore enough to want gaming laptops these days.
I think it's mostly because gaming laptops are the only ones that can run demanding games.
And they didn't want a desktop PC because of bad past experience/sister's a student