Official Win-O'-Thread

>What is this thread?Every Wins'day at Win-O'-Clock we gather here and post links to the latest scans and rips of comic books.Most links we uploaded ourselves, others we are sharing from elsewhere.Some comics we've even purchased ourselves (but most we didn't).If you'd like to help out, just ask and we would be delighted to tell you how.Otherwise, be patient, be polite, and understand the simple concept behind these words: Not posted means not available yet.>Where can I find old Win-O'-Threads? Win-O'-Thread/ Win-O'-Thread/(Note: This finds the OP for old threads. If you want to search for comics in the archive, clear the subject field!)>Where can I find downloads for other comics?Warez forums/blogs, DDL-indexing search engines (like FilesLoop), torrent trackers (like 1337x) and other P2P networks (like DC++).If a link has been posted on 4chan, you can search for it in the Desu archive (add "http*" to searches to return only posts with links).If all else fails, just >buy it.>Where can I buy comics? the various publishers' webstores, and at your local comics shop.>Where can I find an LCS?>Where can I find out when new comics are released?>How do I download from websites that only give me .exe files?Untick the checkbox under the download button.>How can I find this thread every week?If you are using the inline extension go to or use the option under "Filters & Post Hiding".If you have 4chanX go to Settings > Filter > Subject and add the following line:/Official Win-O'-Thread/;highlight>And last but not leastLuCaZ better post dem books

Attached: hydra.png (1920x1200, 101.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:!BS8ynI4Q!s4bMiMGn-B2a58_SJWT8LrBWcSpaI2rInVU3VYSzQcgHellcop!AeMCCDbA!DGL4GlTePd4FpdpzN7giytCrN6x3vr_ySuhECCCeR08Iphigenia!AftGnYxA!4POWevjNa125x9krdh9-dr3JL65hwn2fXKHLFKjqEYgKing!AXshDagY!gpKnwe2zbjY4unVM7wzxQeC3YSNEB4qYmCC8zWKJ6CoThe!lKdjVAJT!kS9p-DTunrkwvsEAF6zf2DXtiLeKHB6swI68S-1DTEsVinyl!cPl3xSaL!VhgnnMRIBPt6JCf4FAIH_Uv8LgIPYFo73Y8-H4sL0r4!selgWJiJ!efEMn7Ip-ulzxLsBt5hWqXUQj04B_OT612IIldJXGzYBatman!8WMyyLhI!S2NZKDs1Y1_8a-m7pddwrEovOFDAw2E6-eD9aoUbydIBatman!IGkViSTD!zzMTiFhFS8ow_ZZUeBHmMvmMkWYEq3Hvwzr78tQUGSQClear!UGcAVQQJ!wPG5toeeBasWjCbATi9HLX7qRyzgu2xdSoyqo89yZ9QHardware!MGMyzBzJ!tOt1OTW7p76bA2ro8udS-XZlhjZOiq-OkBV-1YxPqv8Justice!VPdnCBRK!QShde679M7-GCj6uUFaEb01-1pfY5BE4EmQZPnCW1V4Shadow!EeET3ZLB!LW0wryJMx0eqqyRYf6neG5aJB6fSsTamNpYSampQUegThe!lbMhxLLI!7pRDd2vcW6xWQGImtYbrNixkY8dRxhyMyA8QXxjK-WEMickey!8SdwUJZT!LdY5w43egTUs--vRghzs1NJGW2on6-AZyC2Ho3-E7P8Doctor!cbdiSRbD!hZ0aEtU_hnCXdkwYVpzwsnOqx-mmhp3p59xihVb0830!m0dTibLC!l6QhH43MGUFRnJwyr0-YQV3x-up0NN-JMzTYE5Pimi4>I!2wki1CYT!tRHvrpz2hO4YRLPkXB7rQScfXUATCQ8tUltQsllOs20>I!yhcgyJLa!0GwWfMqHk90zG8p0qRgsdRiy6Bgb4cdI-H2ub-QF_rA>In!n4l3XSaT!47ow_cXdTByxswV4g8X8t7Znp6s_Z9eWJS9bOj883nk>Is!a5NWQaRJ!7Jtzm-1lMX7txubHv1drsac1kMY43Ax_ZoLQzeXDdLQ>I've!Phtnka7L!x0lEn3QzZ1DsYWeN0JJ9YymNYvBe2YFly1ikNrgZWjY>Let's!Ds1kTbrR!juLUNNT-tGsBSXZHBiFvzrYOoURmIaqkRryBAovIn6s>Lost!e48G1AbQ!UcTyjBGZsHwwlhlNHKlrM_8cUCPCFjuou5Y8zEzmgfw>Mieruko-chan!7sMQgJaC!t-vWCGNTAbfU9MMc1R4meXp_RwFQ39Gb-NYJSzJRxoM>MonsTABOO!KwcHkC6K!iD1mi-uT8-gp_3fm3gXN4W5CqnSf-5tM0Tst1P5lV-0!j8sQ2KQB!5bmd2cHcs2nVnxc3kts41ScPq0vm4KrhrKIagTLmEXM>Play!T1dH0DJB!UYdFWJjC3yfmvBOUOzGLix3d_7wNKUV70FBqI9Cfyvs>Solo!6wlTnSqD!eJVLifY4TOai0XwGrbfYmymKjJoSs_a-Zr0kjzWURsw>The!rkkHlZDC!vuKvCKTCighDojx-PvQIH7kl0blEV0JxX9mYYsIqZs4>The!v4FXmRAL!LpPqs1uS2x0OsxdoAUXugbB7HdeT4-W-M7054iT0kR4>The!zosjkbRZ!AO18rWHKcNYaG0hbWTlWCQNzuFQ9PcuKBr1-gJ3fwGY>The!nklnGRiK!MPxIt78DK46IGE4hcMe2e0Ukvrhm_DO_xrenvoAT0_g>Trinity!7gUUzByS!zmhMcPvRaK4-RFqheswdlZPXeTmzFPlXKw1673A5xSM>Trinity!6x0TkQYS!mH6nM1-QY9HqNxTjS95quPnWVb0nZprUNlxY_3f6TUA!io1hEJ5Q!6JWfH6lHRw3d5wg3OGNc-tPGlBeoLbug-z1ZioOE7_E>Ciguatera!jwdkADqa!rkfdCesEW7zyh8hUzBuWDuOInfunJwZ-2hd_2fUwgCg>MARS!vscETbAJ!794NpecjC3a_CpnXbHKWIWeFTMw9OdIT9mXtXLXi7ZY>MARS!rpN03B5D!UaZ9zW1Sp6kKuUbA4ZkRJYCJTc2tuhm0YRYv9NVD3Xg!JDkSBJ6R!YPHEzvCnMA97xdCd7XoQipgXq_dutR9pI_1ofaLnQLE's!cXEh0a5L!vMzJyry9k2ooF2lWialhR54x5991NHTTB6HXWaDQ7KMNew!QWND0DIA!fuV3GNqSGNqcS64985p9dte258c-_vObg5SOIsw9M7ATuki!BaExzaYK!4hbYXPGbB7HIOU2oqzWZuE5uY-LIUJMAK6rT7uAggJg!9TFAET4J!vSBqOeclCgDk_XCvQEqIu2rlQtL2y7bV1McDisfq7zERepresent!!xPdQyQRL!Z7RBh3OS4W-tPOWlIcbVW2mZk3B0E3ufNMPSCOPIIFMUzaki-chan!dLN3BDRD!x_lPorIKGj-8DWy8ImRoK7ekP45A_hAdaBKUEQNmGO4Interviews!Nf8kCAbR!noXCVlNTaTYfcCPyHUVX-Mrzc2qEChyeINuBt_yB3Pw!MadAiaja!u7aGLNEIY11CDSaFVhowDq8NIOM5yEKh8SrejS3nUeYWhat!oStX1aDS!R85-QvD8EibOL25-2LWkatRSTDXInAF0bLAsJDr6TRgJim!8D1iAIbT!YWA28xB3Qryz0e95bBlZMV54G-CpDiRCQBfa25H1SQI!kKkBjC7Z!S6etVwP2TyxOZX35cHpgn7TtqRuuCeM99weZMAfTpmIGunsmoke!8PVEiCaT!zWkCWhXpLQtn72NjnlwC120btLEq4avWNtde1S3FraEKathy!QC1VCDwK!3fzW2oOfUoXYpfsOSxmwHqPICRv63A8lsEFsV76WBCYKid!ADV1iBpJ!4RB2Zt1CO2ZZUzrDnl2gOs6HR3xVIQ2hHFAGpqRnotgLife!JONyxJaQ!8txQqjcGb_QTHQ2-beVIM-aMdOYteCrkKm_VslBD2PQLinda!1H0V2QBZ!D-HzMwcVB7BZQEjl-tb3j-UwPY5BOLHHmOujMFV2IbcLove!wDclGI6K!mTA0yzXXpm17GmcYUMuf6MhQ24tIn2zX_Quey5QJ_44Millie!hDdW2bjB!knP2CQJhSRr6hlTcDyVPb8MOtuCWW-Pq29zTMFD81VgMoon!hGFhUDjD!heggoH9J1K8_UkQ04R9t8CRfppI5dV4P8epfIiVv6OYPatsy!YWEllKgQ!6f2jl-Sb_Q_a1ZqHE3nPSs3Wrju3nyCtgsFBypn6lJQPatsy!NaklUajS!GpZpP4AGXt0xvh9C1LmVtomVEeC9qV8WBvGQJAG_Q_4!Xx9yXagR!4qSVdgA9c9IM2LdKd6dgCkxSDXDB9crd3PRgh0SSsiU>Reign!jpsl0Joa!inj1EBXzJiKRWjCiRKk1cIGafrkeaJBeYV3aj4MV6qs>ReZERO!Ok1zGawa!E4jbw5eOdMeACHd90odll0oI2L6Jo9Uhcqu8GGi6Nyk>So!LpVFXQIZ!OTIPXql_IvPB92mgmYFvBMutQOQ9TnITI98teIZK8OQ>The!q0EHHJgL!mzCv_IpJhiQmLgzpX62-4dRCliXMjCYish4FZx20Obw>The!elESnJQZ!9xkmQ-qtX_uSVUYqVRyhRQLKMaKoiCS97dGWRKEA3sk!kKkBjC7Z!S6etVwP2TyxOZX35cHpgn7TtqRuuCeM99weZMAfTpmI!FTkGzIoQ!9M8eMV32mg4KkPHphLzLlx8HtTe7Lwm6UQcRLW9Sk-4!xe0h1a6Z!Hx67XdaGr8Mj7RaAglW67hyYIbGCNUcj-kbLUrwUtfM!palhWQhL!tL-0QCMk6ZXAVgxHuquYRcsnmhfyLBWPzwD0QfGpRD4!RfNzQCTC!nHrAKEyTTk0znqz4WsMAwFE_unbL8RzmvbJWM5AgFRM!EekUnKxS!5STFzawacWP_iWSMcTQ4tX6qPLArK_Kw9O31mPrBunw!QHsThYyQ!mokClHQlGgI8ApGaMUJ6KfSacepOH4kij341RoB8sAE!EWNjmRQZ!jhktdvextf_OmQpaeygEfegQHz2CFviPXlOc86pTNeo!cLUnDapJ!ZYNWTJdxTtLc1a6m_ZbiyRpgWLG7BPMmD2ScvfpDh2U!YDVwmZCQ!DlsD0i-GeuH9dJ2dFvGQzJNHZw2kk7TvQrdxx6vQlo8!YGEh0DzB!9Rl96TLAoRUvJ7_txfgFFAlcwJyu44PSH72v6BL5rqQ!EGMiGYDb!T0oGZOP_7Eu0CiCLD8u0L84PRjxQacZbjtbr-edK0_M!oHFVDTQb!q1JEcMvkXkWuKcspMtGIlYax7TNg4uT_W75gJnc_THk!UD0AkSjD!JKfz4pGfUQXagFnHCumtNLn6q9Fe8OiR8TjetblVchk!RTMj0TLS!mn1cu9SO-qjK--TiedRKqx5xyBOasbuuufNiI4Ql6HM!RT1k0TZY!Zg9KhqsRTUQPLUyJjPqGJpfDUZo0T260xQEsvvOwCHs!IDU0CLiS!JBwNxCZOYSe_sF8v6dG-8HreKN-GaXq4pBcVqpWfheg!NK8AHToY!hzof-ic_-ImRa5Uyc4fhGK6EyyGkqaL8HfqplR1RLHc!IPdGCKAZ!3Y7XfI62zQjzRCBc9pJzcH_QsK0g52I2di1SlVguoao!xKlhRQ6B!9Fa4yVW3XTBcqjLglXZtotK5lnoK_Hmysz831pQ3UiY!VTVnVJpT!SkxJp1XsFfl1BoWGkt7iZkFU0wAQXzJTNhOAbL0g2PU!EC1kWLSA!GAPLx7Tf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A Thing Called Truth (2022) (Digital) (DR & Quinch-Empire)!BS8ynI4Q!s4bMiMGn-B2a58_SJWT8LrBWcSpaI2rInVU3VYSzQcgHellcop v01 - Welcome to Hell (2022) (Digital) (DR & Quinch-Empire)!AeMCCDbA!DGL4GlTePd4FpdpzN7giytCrN6x3vr_ySuhECCCeR08Iphigenia in Aulis (2022) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)!AftGnYxA!4POWevjNa125x9krdh9-dr3JL65hwn2fXKHLFKjqEYgKing of Spies (2022) (Digital) (DR & Quinch-Empire)!AXshDagY!gpKnwe2zbjY4unVM7wzxQeC3YSNEB4qYmCC8zWKJ6CoThe Lazarus Sourcebook Collection v01 (2018) (Digital) (DR & Quinch-Empire)!lKdjVAJT!kS9p-DTunrkwvsEAF6zf2DXtiLeKHB6swI68S-1DTEsVinyl (2022) (Digital) (DR & Quinch-Empire)!cPl3xSaL!VhgnnMRIBPt6JCf4FAIH_Uv8LgIPYFo73Y8-H4sL0r4

Anyone got the last few weeks of Marvel Infinity books? been a while since any of them have been ripped


>making a thread just as euro nighttime startsHave you learned nothing? Burgers are too fat and stupid to manage even a simple task like keeping the win-o alive.

>>130996608>Making a post when your third world electricity finally came on today.

Anyone has Morrison's run of Doom Patrol? I can only find it in spanish for some goddamn reason.

Attached: file.png (1280x1996, 2.51M)

Any chance of getting this trade while it's still on sale? DC Through the 80s: The End of Eras


>can't even keep thread alive over the weekend

>>130996927You didn't even try, did you?

tell me why

>>130998610>keeping the thread going between comic releases isn't a requirementEven if it's the best thread on Holla Forums.

any comic/manga about people struggling to make ends meet? but no fantasy elements plz

>>130999588>any comic/manga about people struggling to make ends meet? but no fantasy elements plzPic Rel.

Attached: based on true events.png (768x516, 223.99K)

>>130999761tis true

>>130999588Kyokai no Rinne. Just ignore the fantasy.

>>130996369seconding this. Patsy walker have couple of issues already out. Someone oughta to rip them

Attached: patsy.jpg (996x755, 111.56K)

>>130999588Spider-Man, just ignore the fantasy.

>>131001207>>131001696jesus christ, you're useless, Holla Forums

>>131001835Hey man, I already drew you a comic, what more do you want from me?Spider-Man is better than Kyokai no Rinne.

>>131001867most things are better than rinne thoughthanks for the comic, I'm not having a good time rn

page 7

>>130998845I'm pretty sure I did but I guess I failed.

Attached: 20220530_221005.jpg (1009x1458, 318.83K)


Sticks and Stones (2004) (c2c) (Pyramid)

Attached: Sticks and Stones (2004) (c2c) (Pyramid)_001.jpg (1783x1784, 740.25K)

check this out

Attached: 2927990.jpg (600x780, 127.61K)

>>131004245Yeah, so?

>>131004245>current DC editorial could name two characters in this picture, and they'd have trouble getting their eyes off Batman to look at Diana

>>131004245Was Creeper ever a member of Justice League?

Proofreadanon, are you still around? Someone on kaskus is doing scanlations of Jacques Martin's Lefranc series, and wondered if you might be willing to give them a proofread. I'm not sure on the quality as I haven't fully read them, I think they are better than that Indian guy that was doing Vagabond of Limbo, but he is at least partly using machine translation, unfortunately. So yeah, feel free to say fuck no if you want.THE LAIR OF THE WOLF, ENGLISH Blue Mummy - Translated to the English Language, By might have something of my own to post up later this week or next, if you're still up for doing proofreading in general?

>>1309969273 volumes have just been uploaded on colecionadores, if you can live with the shitty filehosts.


Attached: JLI 30 years later.jpg (595x900, 168.55K)

>>128474344Dear Torquemada,Could you please update your "Judge Dredd (from Progs, Megs, Specials etc)" mega folder up to the latest issues?Much appreciated in advance!


>>131001523>>130996369not worth the money to keep up the monthly subscription

Action Comics 2022 Annual 001 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!selgWJiJ!efEMn7Ip-ulzxLsBt5hWqXUQj04B_OT612IIldJXGzYBatman 2022 Annual 001 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!8WMyyLhI!S2NZKDs1Y1_8a-m7pddwrEovOFDAw2E6-eD9aoUbydIBatman - Beyond the White Knight Showcase Edition 001 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!IGkViSTD!zzMTiFhFS8ow_ZZUeBHmMvmMkWYEq3Hvwzr78tQUGSQClear 006 (2022) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)!UGcAVQQJ!wPG5toeeBasWjCbATi9HLX7qRyzgu2xdSoyqo89yZ9QHardware - Season One 006 (2022) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)!MGMyzBzJ!tOt1OTW7p76bA2ro8udS-XZlhjZOiq-OkBV-1YxPqv8Justice League - Road to Dark Crisis 001 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!VPdnCBRK!QShde679M7-GCj6uUFaEb01-1pfY5BE4EmQZPnCW1V4Shadow War - Omega 001 (2022) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)!EeET3ZLB!LW0wryJMx0eqqyRYf6neG5aJB6fSsTamNpYSampQUegThe Nice House on the Lake 009 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!lbMhxLLI!7pRDd2vcW6xWQGImtYbrNixkY8dRxhyMyA8QXxjK-WEMickey Mouse - Zombie Coffee (2022) (digital) (Salem-Empire)!8SdwUJZT!LdY5w43egTUs--vRghzs1NJGW2on6-AZyC2Ho3-E7P8Doctor Who - Empire of the Wolf (2022) (digital) (The Magicians-Empire)!cbdiSRbD!hZ0aEtU_hnCXdkwYVpzwsnOqx-mmhp3p59xihVb0830

Fuck yeah, I was hoping that Mickey Mouse book from Fantagraphics would get ripped.

>>131005227Wow, Booster Gold looks like my Neigbours dad.That's a bit creepy


Is that it for today's comics? Fuck, I really hate these 5 week months.

>>131004812He was made a reserve member back in 1969... I think. Even the fanwikis aren't too sure.

Attached: file.png (400x579, 492.48K)

Does anybody know of a decent program to convert pdfs into images? I tried using Irfanview, but it just converts the first page, which isn't exactly helpful.

>Cheeky Brat v03 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!m0dTibLC!l6QhH43MGUFRnJwyr0-YQV3x-up0NN-JMzTYE5Pimi4>I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World, Too v01 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!2wki1CYT!tRHvrpz2hO4YRLPkXB7rQScfXUATCQ8tUltQsllOs20>I Want to be a Wall v01 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!yhcgyJLa!0GwWfMqHk90zG8p0qRgsdRiy6Bgb4cdI-H2ub-QF_rA>In the Land of Leadale v01 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!n4l3XSaT!47ow_cXdTByxswV4g8X8t7Znp6s_Z9eWJS9bOj883nk>Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon II v02 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!a5NWQaRJ!7Jtzm-1lMX7txubHv1drsac1kMY43Ax_ZoLQzeXDdLQ>I've Become an Omega Today (2021) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!Phtnka7L!x0lEn3QzZ1DsYWeN0JJ9YymNYvBe2YFly1ikNrgZWjY>Let's Go Karaoke! (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!Ds1kTbrR!juLUNNT-tGsBSXZHBiFvzrYOoURmIaqkRryBAovIn6s>Lost Lad London v01 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!e48G1AbQ!UcTyjBGZsHwwlhlNHKlrM_8cUCPCFjuou5Y8zEzmgfw>Mieruko-chan v05 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!7sMQgJaC!t-vWCGNTAbfU9MMc1R4meXp_RwFQ39Gb-NYJSzJRxoM>MonsTABOO v01 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!KwcHkC6K!iD1mi-uT8-gp_3fm3gXN4W5CqnSf-5tM0Tst1P5lV-0

Attached: DanMachi II - c007 (v02) - p000 [Cover] [dig] [Yen Press] [LuCaZ].jpg (1733x2600, 1.5M)

>Murcielago v19 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!j8sQ2KQB!5bmd2cHcs2nVnxc3kts41ScPq0vm4KrhrKIagTLmEXM>Play It Cool, Guys v03 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!T1dH0DJB!UYdFWJjC3yfmvBOUOzGLix3d_7wNKUV70FBqI9Cfyvs>Solo Leveling v04 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!6wlTnSqD!eJVLifY4TOai0XwGrbfYmymKjJoSs_a-Zr0kjzWURsw>The Dark History of the Reincarnated Villainess v05 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!rkkHlZDC!vuKvCKTCighDojx-PvQIH7kl0blEV0JxX9mYYsIqZs4>The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady v01 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!v4FXmRAL!LpPqs1uS2x0OsxdoAUXugbB7HdeT4-W-M7054iT0kR4>The Saga of Tanya the Evil v16 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!zosjkbRZ!AO18rWHKcNYaG0hbWTlWCQNzuFQ9PcuKBr1-gJ3fwGY>The Wolf Never Sleeps v01 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!nklnGRiK!MPxIt78DK46IGE4hcMe2e0Ukvrhm_DO_xrenvoAT0_g>Trinity Seven v24 (2021) (Digital) (F) (LuCaZ)!7gUUzByS!zmhMcPvRaK4-RFqheswdlZPXeTmzFPlXKw1673A5xSM>Trinity Seven v25 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!6x0TkQYS!mH6nM1-QY9HqNxTjS95quPnWVb0nZprUNlxY_3f6TUA

Attached: Solo Leveling - c009 (v04) - p000 [Cover] [dig] [Yen Press] [LuCaZ].jpg (1812x2600, 1.48M)

>>131006084Imagemagick or pdftocairo, both cli utilities.For imagemagick: convert -density 150 presentation.pdf -quality 100 output-%3d.jpgWhere you change 150 to the pdf's dpiFor pdftocairo: pdftocairo -jpeg -jpegopt quality=100 -r 150 comic01.pdf comic001 Again change 150 to the pdf's dpi.You can also tweak the quality as you wish, 100 is max, maybe play around with it to get the best quality/filesize balance for you.To find out the dpi of the pdf, I open one image from it in photoshop, there is probably a better way though.

>Ciguatera v02 (2021) (Omnibus Edition) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!io1hEJ5Q!6JWfH6lHRw3d5wg3OGNc-tPGlBeoLbug-z1ZioOE7_E>Ciguatera v03 (2022) (Omnibus Edition) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!jwdkADqa!rkfdCesEW7zyh8hUzBuWDuOInfunJwZ-2hd_2fUwgCg>MARS RED v02 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!vscETbAJ!794NpecjC3a_CpnXbHKWIWeFTMw9OdIT9mXtXLXi7ZY>MARS RED v03 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!rpN03B5D!UaZ9zW1Sp6kKuUbA4ZkRJYCJTc2tuhm0YRYv9NVD3Xg

Attached: MARS RED - c005 (v02) - p000 [Cover] [dig] [Dawn] [Seven Seas] [LuCaZ] {HQ}.jpg (2250x3207, 1.28M)

>read a review>the critic uses a lot of rare and disused words>have to check the dictionary every 2 linesLove it.


>>131006877what was it user?

>>131006877americans I swear

>>131005698Is this it for DC this week?

>>131008429Yep, it’s annuals week.

>>131008719Then where the annuals?


>>131004882>partly using machine translationI'll give them a look over the weekend. If it turns out being so heavily googled I have to reword every other page I'll drop it.That>Translated to the English Language, By Werecatbit doesn't really bode well, so my expectations aren't high.


>>131009488Fair play, I don't want to slag off the guy, but he did put out that second one VERY soon after the first, so I'm not sure how much care he put into it. Well, we shall see.Anyway, hope you're doing alright my friend. Random question, are you staff on BTN?

>>131009013Action Comics and Batman, that’s it.

>>131009600>btnNope. Used to have an account there and on ptp but I only checked in once a week to keep the accounts alive. Eventually I got out of the habit and I assume my accounts were pruned for inactivity years ago.

>>131006155Cool! What If I want to convert the pages to resized .png files?

>Karmen (2022) (Digital) (DR & Quinch-Empire)!JDkSBJ6R!YPHEzvCnMA97xdCd7XoQipgXq_dutR9pI_1ofaLnQLE

>>131009924Just change the .jpg to .png or -jpeg to -png. For pdftocairo you can use -scale-to flags for imagemagick you can use -resize's a lot of documentation out there on google.

The Stuff of Dreams 001 (2002) (c2c) (Pyramid)

Attached: The Stuff of Dreams 001 (2002) (c2c) (Pyramid)_01.jpg (1490x2183, 887.65K)

>>131010217 >>131003482 what are these obscure comics?

>>131010303The Stuff of Dreams 001 (2002) and Sticks and Stones (2004)

>>131010303I guess I'm not sure how to respond to that. What do you mean, what are they? They're independent comics from about 20 years ago.

Attached: 1624316253805.png (894x894, 1.05M)

>>131002388page 7 part 2

New Game! v12 (2022) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz (261.62 MiB) New Game! v13 (2022) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbz (266.21 MiB) Oh shit, Danke lives!

>>131012161hoping for Uzaki chan

New Game! v12 (2022) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!cXEh0a5L!vMzJyry9k2ooF2lWialhR54x5991NHTTB6HXWaDQ7KMNew Game! v13 (2022) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!QWND0DIA!fuV3GNqSGNqcS64985p9dte258c-_vObg5SOIsw9M7ATuki v01 - Fight for Fire (2021) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)!BaExzaYK!4hbYXPGbB7HIOU2oqzWZuE5uY-LIUJMAK6rT7uAggJg

>>131012355>Tuki v01 - Fight for FireJeff Smith!

Attached: 1116_stupidratcreatures.jpg (900x445, 250.18K)

>page 8

>>131012556Jeff Smith, whatever happened to that guy? I loved Bone.

>>131010375I meant obscure, not popular, 99/100 people never heard of them etc.

>>131013451He continued doing indie comics after a brief detour into pure superheroes with Shazam and the Monster Society of Evil.

>>131012355Obrigado, danke

>>131013451At the moment, he's feeling depressed because Netflix cancelled their adaptation of Bone. Apparently, the crew involved were really enthusiastic, and what they had planned was GOOD.

>>131013595>>131014324Yeah I knew about Shazam, haven’t seen anything else from him though.In that case Fuck Netflix, a Bone Series would have been awesome.

>>131014481RASL was pretty good sci-fi.

Request - missing Rick and Morty comicsRick and Morty Presents - Mr NimbusRick and Morty Presents - Mortys RunRick and Morty Presents - HeRICKtics of RickRick and Morty: Ricks New Hat (5 issue mini series)Rick and Morty: Corporate Assets (4 issue mini series)

>>131014568I’ll check it out, thanks.

>>131014969I've given up on most of R&M comics, I only wish we get the Presents issues

>>131014969Get Comics posted Corporate Assets about 2 weeks ago. I downloaded it over there.

>>131005698 Thanks (Zone-Empire) and (Son of Ultron-Empire) for the weekly Dc comics. Thanks user for the links.

>>131014481You gotta do it traditional animation, or traditional animation and live action, though.

>this is one of the five threads on Holla Forums that discuss comicbooksthis board is beyond

Attached: ghostrider7.jpg (922x1400, 128.58K)

>>131016087Speaking of which ... anybody have suggestions for something to read on DC Universe Infinite? I accidentally bought a year's subscription (again). I've been reading 52 but that's about it.

>>131016114read the first issue of the 1980s Captain Atom and return back here to say if you liked it or not

>>131016442Fourth Dimension talk was kind of dumb. So was equating Chi with "Quantum field" and going all Quantum quantum quantum. I thought it was overall okay. Competent but not really hooking me in.

>>131016114Have you read Suicide Squad v1? You have to flit between several other titles when they do those stupid mini-crossover events, but overall it's damn good.

Canek Jr (2019) (Digital) [Minifig]

Attached: 00001.jpg (1213x1852, 501.16K)

Anyone got a backup of this series "Nightmares and Fairy Tales"? I think it's been over 10 years since it was posted, and I can't find any sites hosting digital copies that aren't scams.

Attached: 1633037492550.jpg (880x1360, 249.82K)

Huge ask but is there a mirror link for the mega of the great x-men storytime that happened around 3-5 years ago? I went through desuarchive to find the original link but it's been taken down. I have Vol 1. through vol. 4, so if anyone wants I'll upload - looking if there's been any uploaded past the 4th volume

I Think I Turned My Childhood Friend into a Girl v01 (2022) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!9TFAET4J!vSBqOeclCgDk_XCvQEqIu2rlQtL2y7bV1McDisfq7zERepresent! (2021) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)!xPdQyQRL!Z7RBh3OS4W-tPOWlIcbVW2mZk3B0E3ufNMPSCOPIIFMUzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! v07 (2022) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!dLN3BDRD!x_lPorIKGj-8DWy8ImRoK7ekP45A_hAdaBKUEQNmGO4Interviews with Monster Girls v10 (2022) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!Nf8kCAbR!noXCVlNTaTYfcCPyHUVX-Mrzc2qEChyeINuBt_yB3Pw

>>131017965>Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! v07 (2022) (Digital) (danke-Empire).cbzbased

Attached: trunks.jpg (500x400, 62.92K)

>>131010066bless you

>>131017965Req: Re-up of Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! v04 (2020) (Digital) (danke-Empire) ? Everything seems to be pulled for that one volume

10ump unfortunately


>>131017965Demi chan already? 9 to 10 felt really short. Thanks.


Attached: 3-48.jpg (738x1035, 199.27K)

Help me Anons , I'm looking for a comic book: old blind guy was recounting his prison days to his son. Any hints? (Also, bump.)

>>131023646Could it be "The Hunting Accident : A True Story of Crime and Poetry" (2017) from David L. Carlson?

>>131006103>>131006116>>131006216Much Thanks!

>>131023646The Hunting Accident: A True Story of Crime and Poetry

Attached: B1t762GbtfS.jpg (2276x2560, 2.27M)

>>131024891>>131024806Thank you very much.

where's my lgbtq comics?!?!

>>131025295Cancelled after third issue due to lack of sales. (If you target your comics to 10% of the audience, sales are proportionally lower.)

What I Love About You v08 (2022) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!MadAiaja!u7aGLNEIY11CDSaFVhowDq8NIOM5yEKh8SrejS3nUeYWhat I Love About You v09 (2022) (Digital) (danke-Empire)!oStX1aDS!R85-QvD8EibOL25-2LWkatRSTDXInAF0bLAsJDr6TRgJim Henson's The Storyteller - Shapeshifters 04 (of 04) (2022) (Digital) (Mephisto-Empire)!8D1iAIbT!YWA28xB3Qryz0e95bBlZMV54G-CpDiRCQBfa25H1SQI



Attached: 4485670.jpg (600x926, 150.81K)

Attached: 2297181.gif (600x187, 73.43K)

>>131017675Shit, this is actually relevant to my interests. Thanks, Mini!


anyone got avatar adapt or die #2?

>>131006084>>131006155Would recommend using pdfimages from the poppler-utils package, as it can extract the original images from a PDF without conversion/quality loss.

Attached: 309867.jpg (706x540, 64.86K)

>>131026944all this spamming and you can't buy a copy yourself

Attached: autismo.jpg (1654x864, 286.96K)

This week's suggestions for rich rippers:Blake & Mortimer GN Vol 28 Last Swordfish Batman Reptilian HC

>>131003482>>131010217Thank you.

So comicscodes 10$ subscription started already.Fuck him, I won’t be using that site anymore and I hope no one else does either.

2000AD 2284 (2022) (Digital-Empire)!kKkBjC7Z!S6etVwP2TyxOZX35cHpgn7TtqRuuCeM99weZMAfTpmIGunsmoke Western 072 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!8PVEiCaT!zWkCWhXpLQtn72NjnlwC120btLEq4avWNtde1S3FraEKathy 018 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!QC1VCDwK!3fzW2oOfUoXYpfsOSxmwHqPICRv63A8lsEFsV76WBCYKid Colt, Outlaw 106 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!ADV1iBpJ!4RB2Zt1CO2ZZUzrDnl2gOs6HR3xVIQ2hHFAGpqRnotgLife With Millie 018 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!JONyxJaQ!8txQqjcGb_QTHQ2-beVIM-aMdOYteCrkKm_VslBD2PQLinda Carter, Student Nurse 007 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!1H0V2QBZ!D-HzMwcVB7BZQEjl-tb3j-UwPY5BOLHHmOujMFV2IbcLove Romances 101 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!wDclGI6K!mTA0yzXXpm17GmcYUMuf6MhQ24tIn2zX_Quey5QJ_44Millie the Model Comics 110 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!hDdW2bjB!knP2CQJhSRr6hlTcDyVPb8MOtuCWW-Pq29zTMFD81VgMoon Knight - Facsimile Edition 001 (2022) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!hGFhUDjD!heggoH9J1K8_UkQ04R9t8CRfppI5dV4P8epfIiVv6OYPatsy and Hedy 084 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!YWEllKgQ!6f2jl-Sb_Q_a1ZqHE3nPSs3Wrju3nyCtgsFBypn6lJQPatsy Walker 102 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!NaklUajS!GpZpP4AGXt0xvh9C1LmVtomVEeC9qV8WBvGQJAG_Q_4

>>131027005>Blake & Mortimer GN Vol 28 Last SwordfishOut since last December, try doing a search before your begposts

Attached: capture.jpg (1223x408, 65.13K)

>>131027622>Linda Carter, Student NurseIs it risque?

Attached: s-l1000.jpg (1000x562, 106.8K)

>>131027493it's just rco but paid?

Requesting Neil Gaiman's

>>131015262Thanks for that - I had no idea and had missed it!

>>131027622The only way to have good Marvel comics.

Dear Rippers,I know, that Locke & Key has been already fully ripped in HQ, but only in trades. In singles there are a couple of omissions, specifically Crown of Shadows and Keys to the Kingdom mini-series, which are available only in 1280 rips. So if you don't mind please re-rip them in HQ as well - Keys to the Kingdom is even on Comixology Unlimited.Thanks in advance!

Locke & Key, more like Bore & Gay.

>I'm the Catlords' Manservant v03 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!Xx9yXagR!4qSVdgA9c9IM2LdKd6dgCkxSDXDB9crd3PRgh0SSsiU>Reign of the Seven Spellblades v03 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!jpsl0Joa!inj1EBXzJiKRWjCiRKk1cIGafrkeaJBeYV3aj4MV6qs>ReZERO -Starting Life in Another World- The Frozen Bond v01 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!Ok1zGawa!E4jbw5eOdMeACHd90odll0oI2L6Jo9Uhcqu8GGi6Nyk>So I'm a Spider, So What - The Daily Lives of the Kumoko Sisters v03 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!LpVFXQIZ!OTIPXql_IvPB92mgmYFvBMutQOQ9TnITI98teIZK8OQ>The Abandoned Empress v02 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!q0EHHJgL!mzCv_IpJhiQmLgzpX62-4dRCliXMjCYish4FZx20Obw>The Holy Grail of Eris v01 (2022) (Digital) (LuCaZ)!elESnJQZ!9xkmQ-qtX_uSVUYqVRyhRQLKMaKoiCS97dGWRKEA3sk

Attached: The Holy Grail of Eris - c001 (v01) - p000 [Cover] [dig] [Yen Press] [LuCaZ].jpg (1733x2600, 1.8M)

>>131006877Pot it. Let's judge if you actually are an idiot or if this dude's a pretentious twit.

This Week's MarvelAvengers Forever #6Black Panther #6Captain Marvel #38Carnage #3Deadpool: Bad Blood #2Ghost Rider #3Knights of X #2Miles Morales: Spider-Man #38Strange #3X-Men '92: House of XCII #2

>>131029252house of the woke

>>131029252Thanks, I don’t know how we would manage without you every week.


Attached: 2019_11_11_17_51_56 Real Sex 8_003414.jpg (720x540, 38.73K)

waiting forAvengers Forever #6Black Panther #6Captain Marvel #38Carnage #3Deadpool: Bad Blood #2Ghost Rider #3Knights of X #2Miles Morales: Spider-Man #38Strange #3X-Men '92: House of XCII #2

next week there are comics to read

>>131029816Thanks for keeping me in the loop.

>>131029897and the week after that

>>131029897Big if true.

>>131029897STOP LYING TO ME

Hello beautiful people, [Giant] is back again with not one but TWO new Reader's Editions!>[Giant] Godzilla Readers Edition ver01.cbz>Marvel's Godzilla by Moench and TrimpeOne of the best comics I've read, to be honest. Highly recommended, and the first Marvel Reader's Edition to boot.>>130532157>[Giant] Silver Age Atom-Hawkman Readers Edition ver01.cbz>Demanded and delivered, with interest! All main appearances of Ray "Atom" Palmer and Katar "Hawkman" Hol from 1960-1969.Although just Atom was requested, he and Hawkman were so tangled up (especially later on), I figured I'd do a "2-in-1" for the works:>Hellboy>Mr. A>The QuestionAnd taking requests as always.

Attached: holy circuits.jpg (1169x577, 349.11K)

When is the newest Darth Vader issue coming out? I need more Vader x notPadme interactions.

>>131030071What is this? Just old scans slapped together in one file with covers, letters and ads removed?

>>131030116Today I think

Jim Henson's The Storyteller - Shapeshifters 04 (of 04) (2022) (Digital) (Mephisto-Empire)!8D1iAIbT!YWA28xB3Qryz0e95bBlZMV54G-CpDiRCQBfa25H1SQI 2000AD 2284 (2022) (Digital-Empire)!kKkBjC7Z!S6etVwP2TyxOZX35cHpgn7TtqRuuCeM99weZMAfTpmI A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance 008 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!FTkGzIoQ!9M8eMV32mg4KkPHphLzLlx8HtTe7Lwm6UQcRLW9Sk-4 Avatar - Adapt or Die 02 (of 06) (2022) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)!xe0h1a6Z!Hx67XdaGr8Mj7RaAglW67hyYIbGCNUcj-kbLUrwUtfM Avengers Forever 006 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!palhWQhL!tL-0QCMk6ZXAVgxHuquYRcsnmhfyLBWPzwD0QfGpRD4 Black Panther 006 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!RfNzQCTC!nHrAKEyTTk0znqz4WsMAwFE_unbL8RzmvbJWM5AgFRM Captain Marvel 038 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!EekUnKxS!5STFzawacWP_iWSMcTQ4tX6qPLArK_Kw9O31mPrBunw Carnage 003 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!QHsThYyQ!mokClHQlGgI8ApGaMUJ6KfSacepOH4kij341RoB8sAE Cyberpunk 2077 - Blackout 01 (of 04) (2022) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)!EWNjmRQZ!jhktdvextf_OmQpaeygEfegQHz2CFviPXlOc86pTNeo Deadpool - Bad Blood 002 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!cLUnDapJ!ZYNWTJdxTtLc1a6m_ZbiyRpgWLG7BPMmD2ScvfpDh2U DIE!namite Never Dies 004 (2022) (5 covers) (Digital) (DR & Quinch-Empire)!YDVwmZCQ!DlsD0i-GeuH9dJ2dFvGQzJNHZw2kk7TvQrdxx6vQlo8 Fire Power 021 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!YGEh0DzB!9Rl96TLAoRUvJ7_txfgFFAlcwJyu44PSH72v6BL5rqQ Ghost Rider 003 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!EGMiGYDb!T0oGZOP_7Eu0CiCLD8u0L84PRjxQacZbjtbr-edK0_M Grimm Spotlight - Zodiac (2022) (digital) (The Seeker-Empire)!oHFVDTQb!q1JEcMvkXkWuKcspMtGIlYax7TNg4uT_W75gJnc_THk

Thanks to the Empire group for all this week's DC and Marvel Comics, much appreciated

King Conan 005 (2022) (digital) (NeverAngel-Empire)!UD0AkSjD!JKfz4pGfUQXagFnHCumtNLn6q9Fe8OiR8TjetblVchk Knights of X 002 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!RTMj0TLS!mn1cu9SO-qjK--TiedRKqx5xyBOasbuuufNiI4Ql6HM Little Monsters 004 (2022) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)!RT1k0TZY!Zg9KhqsRTUQPLUyJjPqGJpfDUZo0T260xQEsvvOwCHs Loaded Bible - Blood of My Blood 04 (of 06) (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!IDU0CLiS!JBwNxCZOYSe_sF8v6dG-8HreKN-GaXq4pBcVqpWfheg Magic 015 (2022) (Digital) (DR & Quinch-Empire)!NK8AHToY!hzof-ic_-ImRa5Uyc4fhGK6EyyGkqaL8HfqplR1RLHc Miles Morales - Spider-Man 038 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!IPdGCKAZ!3Y7XfI62zQjzRCBc9pJzcH_QsK0g52I2di1SlVguoao NewThink 001 (2022) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)!xKlhRQ6B!9Fa4yVW3XTBcqjLglXZtotK5lnoK_Hmysz831pQ3UiY Once & Future 026 (2022) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)!VTVnVJpT!SkxJp1XsFfl1BoWGkt7iZkFU0wAQXzJTNhOAbL0g2PU Red Sitha 002 (2022) (4 covers) (digital) (The Seeker-Empire)!EC1kWLSA!GAPLx7TfosTgGhKmeO8DV1ocGuZ6OoAgjj61z2M_WtA Solomon's Men 005 (2022) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)!hDlnGZQB!vnvg23VOV67a9T7YPFLRj6C00O2zC6GuHwxJObBg1DQ Step by Bloody Step 004 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!hH8knCwI!JUDSmdgjYJ9fBdVJNbXamzz4VT2yxax_au487HxcU5o Strange 003 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!obUQUZIB!JapHIWqOjHba_gmXZkV3p6gd35fEt510NEY0P-Svk7w Stranger Things - Kamchatka 03 (of 04) (2022) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)!NGcDkQja!YigwV1dNCA_TaDr8NsQtOPFgjMsrxIldt1UIlMXMuEE Super Freaks (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!sH8jEZ4I!IusyAcWHPzKNeDl0gVDLkU6Bt1Pa1zVrE9-CLT8KB4Q

The Closet 001 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!UKFTVQAD!_Z7PphOnoYlEXpNXW8rCjAiYa8MEw8o0OutOEGAX7k4 The PhalanX (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!5P8XnaBa!pM837l0YdB_eyu4Dkuu8psVtfgM5w1Pze-oHo3WSEOM The Scorched 006 (2022) (3 covers) (Digital-Empire)!dP1x2IhI!RTfSaOD1fk-keX0YeXDgJkKkPhNjHxvCjDot5I90nP8 The Walking Dead Deluxe 040 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!0OExyJqT!rtZi2WV-4XwNDwo_sEMhA5c3k93rfylAC7citVOEGAQ Vampirella Dracula Unholy 006 (2022) (5 covers) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)!8T8GgbDY!iJUHIsaJO2BT8Zk4vm6-XEquLcfgUa_tG7eW8xaIeLA We Have Demons - Special Edition 003 (2022) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire)!kHEhERBI!mMvUzNVMbs4cVmmLngUMsuwawbBbxLibFnZ7lJKLN2g What's the Furthest Place From Here 006 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!BbkmGQYI!cOJSetwZccLElSVf80rskvGaPJaNkbqJoRxZnd5W4Ik X-Men '92 - House of XCII 002 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire)!9GVCkaYQ!G-hxxx3k-qJuDz6LaJlNX0vb3vOFO2CZk0KL8QUi9AI Star Wars - Bounty Hunters 023 (2022) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire)!VLUnkYYC!KmdD5NZ6vgFDRPRU8W-KnuZjFONor4EY42dhWxE2PHM Star Wars - Darth Vader 023 (2022) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire)!0PEmELoB!C08XyecBYbsbdq7M549ls84dlduRvof-9bAVeTdvll0

Gunsmoke Western 072 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!8PVEiCaT!zWkCWhXpLQtn72NjnlwC120btLEq4avWNtde1S3FraE Kathy 018 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!QC1VCDwK!3fzW2oOfUoXYpfsOSxmwHqPICRv63A8lsEFsV76WBCY Kid Colt, Outlaw 106 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!ADV1iBpJ!4RB2Zt1CO2ZZUzrDnl2gOs6HR3xVIQ2hHFAGpqRnotg Life With Millie 018 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!JONyxJaQ!8txQqjcGb_QTHQ2-beVIM-aMdOYteCrkKm_VslBD2PQ Linda Carter, Student Nurse 007 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!1H0V2QBZ!D-HzMwcVB7BZQEjl-tb3j-UwPY5BOLHHmOujMFV2Ibc Love Romances 101 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!wDclGI6K!mTA0yzXXpm17GmcYUMuf6MhQ24tIn2zX_Quey5QJ_44 Millie the Model Comics 110 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!hDdW2bjB!knP2CQJhSRr6hlTcDyVPb8MOtuCWW-Pq29zTMFD81Vg Moon Knight - Facsimile Edition 001 (2022) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!hGFhUDjD!heggoH9J1K8_UkQ04R9t8CRfppI5dV4P8epfIiVv6OY Patsy and Hedy 084 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!YWEllKgQ!6f2jl-Sb_Q_a1ZqHE3nPSs3Wrju3nyCtgsFBypn6lJQ Patsy Walker 102 (1962) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire)!NaklUajS!GpZpP4AGXt0xvh9C1LmVtomVEeC9qV8WBvGQJAG_Q_4

>>131030637>Star Wars - Darth Vader 023 (2022) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire).cbzVader is like totally in love again

>>131029528What's wrong with Cinebook?

>>131031213He's probably that guy that's salty that they cover up nips.

>>131031213Complete disregard for chronology. They choose whatever books from a series they think will sell and then renumber them to start with their own #1. A good example of this is their Clifton books. Their #2 (which is actually #32ish) references something that happened in the previous volume. That previous volume is Cinebooks #3.Butchering artwork to get the pg-7 rating and not bothering to offer uncensored versions as well, not even for their digitals.No, I don't give a shit if it's with the authors "consent". They don't have much of a choise when they can either accept the censorship or miss out on royalties.

>>131031213Cinebook is perfectly capable of releasing book 1 as book 7, 2 as 8, 3 as 2, 4 as 5 and 5 as 10.

>>131031461>they cover up nips>this is good for some reason

>>131031541Not saying it's good, I just don't give a fuck.

Do any women ever vist these threads.

>>131030071>Mr. ACan't help but notice you're not crediting the original scanners in these "Giant" editions of yours. I hope you're not planning on doing that with my Mr. A scans.

>>131031852what difference does it make? retard

>>131031862Has it ever occurred to you that maybe some of the uploaders may be women themselves retard.

>>131031852I assume someone nicknamed Shadowcat-Empire is a female.

>>131031862>what difference does it make? retardThe thread would be a little better if we had some female company here that's why.

>>131031961You wouldn't happen to have a pic of her by chance would you?

>>131030637>The Closet 001 (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbrIs this the first Substack comic to finally see a print release

>>131030613>Super Freaks (2022) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbrCareful, guys, this is a savage dragon comic

>>131031852There are no girls on the internet. Everyone knows that.

Attached: 1450412759748.png (1338x275, 458.49K)

>>131031852Yes: >>131031461

>>131030953Is Vader capable of making love or was that part of his body burnt out?

>>131030281Yeah basically for "re-reading" purposes. Not intended as a replacement for the "full" experience, just a supplement to it.>>131031858Honestly I never thought about it or realized it was a faux pas to not have credits. My "homeboard" is /m/ and we usually just dump stuff without anything attached.Mr. A and The Question were an user request but yeah, if I use your scans I'll surely give credit where it's due.

>>131032253Thanks, I appreciate it.

>>131032086Oh come on we all know that's a lie have you never heard of such a thing as live videos this how many men get to meet women, if you play you cards right then you may get to meet some of them in real life.

>>131032206Have you not been watching Obi Wan?There wasn’t much left of Anakin.

>>131032304>authorship>of material whose copyright isn't respected, with or without reasonThis will never stop being retarded.

Gushing over Magical Girls v01 (2022) (Digital) (user)

Attached: cover.jpg (1125x1600, 615.43K)

>>131032967I feel like it does serve a purpose, you can get a feel of what sort of things that scanner is interested in and how they align with your tastes, and if they do a shit job of the actual scanning, you know to avoid it. Probably more important in things like scanlations though.

>>131033018>gushingWell it's not wrong but it's a terrible title.

>>131033249I'd gush over them if you know what I mean.

>>131027622 Thanks (Shadowcat-Empire) for the classic marvel comics. Thanks user for the links.

>>131030587>>131030613>>131030637Thanks (Zone-Empire) for the weekly Marvel comics. Thanks user for the links.

Alien 012?

>>131033671It’s Kek, no one cares.

>>131032948>There wasn’t much left of Anakin.That's why I ask.

>>131033249Why do you hate opportunistic alliteration user.

>>131034666>Why do you hate opportunistic alliteration user.>GU>OV>MA>GIWhat alliteration?

>>13103367111 was skipped also. Had to get a fanscan from Getco

>>131032967The point isn't copying, the point is the lack of credit. If I deleted the writer/artist credits of the comics I scanned, then you'd have a point.

>>131023646libgen it. it's there. 953 mbs

Attached: hunting.jpg (1920x300, 52.17K)

New scan from /m/.Redman The Kaiju Hunter

Attached: Redman The Kaiju Hunter Vol.1.jpg (1408x2347, 2.57M)

Attached: 7bd7f1009118c2851268f7bcd115513a.jpg (678x1024, 182.78K)

>>131035984what book was this? i assume JLA/Avengers but i couldnt find such a page

>>131006877>have to check the dictionary every 2 linesPeople just skip words, when they don't know it.

>>131031858you realize that a lot of old scan files that are available on libgen or on the hubs are not mentioning who scanned them, right? Not even a "scanner page" at the very end or a hidden file-name, nothingfor example: "The Atom v1 15.cbr" < that's it, nothing more.

>>131031520>>131031530learn to read comics, it's not hard


>>13103367111 proper rip is absent aswell, only on getcomics some lower quality one


>>131036089Not all scanners put tags in their scans (or filenames). But Libgen won't strip them out if they're there.

>>131035060>lack of creditIf you were a creator.I mean, I understand that scanning/ripping is a task that takes money, time, and energy, but it's also something that should be as anonymous as possible for being sort of illegal. Names and tags are useful for when you look for comics but they're also a clue for the authorities.If I was a ripper or scanner, I'd never use names or tags.


>>131030071Updated link (with credits)!>>131032304No problem, scanning's a real bitch and I can dig it.

Attached: proposal 88.jpg (555x510, 106.91K)

>>131037322And taking requests for future Reader's Editions, as always

Attached: hawkgirl.jpg (593x888, 250.86K)

One bump only, please.

>>131036480Autist Gonna Autist

>page 9

>>131035850so good, thanks !

Bumping for another round.

>>130996169>>130996169Hey guys, how's it going?Any smut this week?

Attached: 1300564546.png (203x212, 1.81K)


Attached: download (2).jpg (1249x1920, 676.67K)

>>131027493Hell yeah, either way, it was just a hub of scans, at least for the new ones, IDK about the requests...

>>131035984Cheat?Noble?LOL, that ship sailed a long time ago...

Bee beem bump

No X-Men Unlimited #32-37?

>>131043841No, think someone mentioned it's not worth paying the subscription for them


Attached: 1653967886695.jpg (417x393, 36.31K)

>>131043425Requests were a waste of time as well, if they weren't previously released they didn't get fulfilled.Like the comicsguy he just takes what others rip.

>>131030071How about completing Marvels Master of Kung Fu.The run from Mike Zeck and Gene Day still aren't available in trade format

>>131043887But was worth it for those webtoon remakes of old TPBs that they constantly ripped even though they were all inferior to the original versions

>>131028393Just in case, rippers missed this request.

>>131027493It's a real shame; the guy running it doesn't seem to realise that the whole point of piracy is NOT paying

>>131044524but what about the service/server cost?

Crom! This inaugural volume ushers in Marvel’s line of definitive Savage Sword of Conan collections. Full-color covers, letters pages, pinups, extensive articles and reviews on Conan, his world and his creator -everything’s included just as no one is spared the vengeance of Conan! After the breakout success of Conan’s color comic, Marvel brought the legendary sword-and-sorcery saga of Robert E. Howard’s hero to its black-and-white magazine line. In lushly illustrated novel-length adventures with all the drama, violence and allure the comic book medium can off er, writer Roy Thomas and Marvel’s greatest artists craft a host of Conan classics like Barry Windsor-Smith’s “Red Nails” and John Buscema’s “Black Colossus” and “A Witch Shall Be Born” featuring the infamous Tree of Death are just the beginning! COLLECTING: Savage Tales (1971) nos. 01-05; Savage Sword of Conan (1974) nos. 01-12, Special (1975) no. 01Savage Sword of Conan - The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Vol. 1 (2019) (webrip) (user)

Savage Sword of Conan, the cornerstone of Marvel’s black-and-white magazine line, offered up stories of fiction’s most famous barbarian unencumbered by the Comics Code. With the rules of civilized publishing cast off, Savage Sword presented ferocious, untamed tales the likes of which Conan himself would approve. Writer Roy Thomas and artistic greats, including John Buscema and Neal Adams, took full advantage, and the results were a sensation. Multipart sagas like “The People of the Black Circle” luxuriate in extended tellings, while a Buscema take on “The Tower of the Elephant” explores the nuance of an all-time Robert E. Howard classic. And we’re topping it off with a tale of vengeance lavished with fully painted coloring. COLLECTING: Savage Sword of Conan (1974) 13-28, Marvel Comics Super Special no. 02.Savage Sword of Conan - The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Vol. 2 (2019) (webrip) (user)

>>131044593How much does it cost?

>>131044524We’ll find out if the sites still alive in a few months.Sadly there will be some people daft enough to pay it despite getcomics been free to all.

>>131044593How is that our problem? I don’t expect anyone else to pay my bills for me.

>>131044918He’s usually begging for £300 to cover his monthly fees

Well done Jason Aaron you've managed to totally fuck up the Avengers Forever concept.' Now you may call me Star Panther' No, seriously fuck off you hack.

Libgen gone?


>>131011887page 7 part 3

HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS!Neal Adams (1941-2022), noted US comics artist who drew such DC characters as Batman, Deadman, Green Arrow, Green Lantern and The Spectre – and also worked for Marvel – died on 28 April aged 80. [JC] He entered the Will Eisner and Jack Kirby Halls of Fame in 1998 and 1999 respectively.John Aylward (1946-2022), US actor whose genre credits include Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (1993),died on 16 May aged 75.Mike Hagerty (1954-2022), US actor in Inspector Gadget (1999), died on 29 April aged 67.Jack Kehler (1946-2022), US actor whose films include Men in Black II (2002), died on 7 May aged 75.Ray Liotta (1954-2022), US actor in Muppets from Space (1999), Muppets Most Wanted (2014), died on 27 May aged 67.George Pérez (1954-2022), noted US comics artist who worked for DC (Crisis on Infinite Earths, New Teen Titans, Wonder Woman) and Marvel (two runs of Avengers, Infinity Gauntlet, others), died on 6 May aged 67. He entered the Eisner Hall of Fame in 2017.Fred Ward (1942-2022), US actor in The Crow: Salvation (2000), died on 8 May aged 79.Dennis Waterman (1948-2022), UK actor in Tube Mice (voice, 1988), died on 8 May aged 74.

Attached: scary as usual.jpg (670x909, 96.01K)

Today is a great day for piracy I just found rips for season 2 of Tom and Jerry in New York Tom.And.Jerry.In.New.York.S02.1080p.WEB.H264-SALT (7.5 GB)I found them here I shall go re-read the comics of Tom and Jerry, Yes today is a fucking beautiful day anons.

>>131043946Sure, I'll add it to the list

>>131045351sadly its off for now, not sure why or how long tho, it happens from time-to-time

>>131046453Sweet, I'll keep an eye out for it


This is the week?. What pissballs.

>>131047413Fifth week of a month. Just ask DC.


Is there a new pastebin for Transformers stuff? the old one in the archives doesn't work anymore

>>131046204 What about Justin Green?

Dead thread, see you all next week

>>131051085But where are my thursday comics?

>>131051633No Thursday comics for you someone rip this?