in all seriousness.
all complete seriousness, as in no more memes or witty comebacks.
all of that shit aside, completely serious right now.
if I had a gun with one bullet, and you were standing in front of me.
but next to you, was Hitler, alive again and ready to kill another 7 million or so Jews.
Honestly, I would shoot you. I really would. Why you're even on Holla Forums is something I really would like to know. I want to know how you managed to stumble into this place, and who told you about this secret place of the internet.
Honestly, you're the sole reason Holla Forums is full of fail nowadays. It would give me great pleasure to know that before I left, I could at least convince one idiot to leave this place for those with a positive IQ.
So please, in all seriousness, just leave this place and never return.
In all seriousness
Dead thread.
Kaybe you are a sick degenerate
nice copypasta bro
You're a mememaster Yan.
I'm going to bookmark last thread so I can cap that little episode.
I swear to fuck I just saw Grim irl.
Grim, why are you in Canada?
Fuck it you know what?
No more Mr. Nice Guy, I come in your threads and I post so that you think someone gives a damn about your stupid worthless so called "life" well this is the end of the fucking line. From now on im gonna make your message board life a living hell and you cant do anything about it except burn, and if someone comes to put the fire out ill tear them down like a tree limb by limb just like I did you. I almost want you to test me just so I can unleash the beast on your sorry ass and be done with you forever so go ahead and give me the green light,faggot.
What episode?
Boo getting memed.
I bet he's crying
I'm pretty sure he did
Here, Kaybe.
You see the irony in this, right?
Oh. It was probably just boring Yan and Scoot "memes". I don't think I'll bother looking back.
I just think it's cute how fragile his ego really is.
hows things, emi?
...As in the philosopher or is this some new manga I'm not aware of?
Not much of a conversation. I thought it was going to be something juicy.
Whenever somebody says that I can't help but think back to the Fragile Eagles Ping meme.
My maymays are not boring
riding that hog is a classic
I feel like it's going to get better later.
I like your may mays.
the former
I hope so.
I know you do, you don't have shite taste like KAYBE
I'm aware of them, why?
A week or so until I get my phone back and upgrade phones
What's a non-shit phone
Locke is pre-aite
notable independance declration makererererer
Cool Cat says we should not bully.
tbh I like France more than the UK.
We're both revolutionary societies and they gave us a really nice statue that I masturbated thinking about one time.
Come get me.
ever read any of his stuff?
a gentoo
if i want to read locke, what should i read, and what should i expect going into it? ive pretty much given up on reading nietzsche any time soon on account of how fucking awful his writing is, so i figure its best to ask before i buy this time.
We will always have France's back.
No one bullies France and gets away with it motherfuckers.
Ask Germany if you think it's a good idea to fuck with France.
Yeah, no.
Fuck France.
lel no
My sister went to France this week lol.
I'm just baiting, France is gay.
I only ever read Lord of the Flies over and over again.
Nietzsche was more of a abstract writer, he did study philology before writing his own shit.
Um, im not too up or sharp on my Locke, but its very libertarian if I remember rightly...
Overslept by about three hours
I think it's time to brush and go to bed.
nini neru
night gogs
so my image hovering doesn't work anymore
what do
get a new ipad
Nobody seems to be able to use it.
I don't even have one
Are you some kind of retard
nietzsche is extremely pompous in his writing, and it makes me cringe, hard. im trying to slowly work my way back and get a good understanding of the history of liberalism, and locke, along with burke, and john stewart mill seems to get mentioned an awful lot in the context of liberalism.
dude what up
look, im sure his ideas are great, but the way he writes makes me cringe, and ive very little tolerance for cringe
Would anyone care to learn or teach me to play Endless Legend?
I'd go with Stuart mill too. To be honest I would perhaps look at utilitarianism too. A branch Mill belongs to also.
Sword's got tribe leadership now btw.
Holla Forums is fucking broken just dwi
desktop notifications dont work
24 hour captcha is rand(0,12) hours
autoupdate kills itself every few threads
cant unembed yt videos
cant filter from dropdown menu
cant unhide from dropdown menu
It's a miracle qr works
I only have issues with half of those.
also prolly why hover no work
My sleeping for the next few days is fucked.
At least the food place is still open.
What's up with you?
yeah good luck getting through fucking 17th century locke then
ah what do u do
im just hangin out chillin u know how it is
I should get some more books.
what would be really nice is if there was a good book covering the overall development of liberalism, from its roots to its various current offspring, along with a nice, succinct covering of each major persons points and arguments, because if its anything like as dense as hayeks road to serfdom in terms of whats expressed its gonna take me forever to get to grips with the topic. theres also a few major liberal thinkers who i think may be a bit above me, hayek is fairly digestible but some of the more prominent liberal texts seem to be very much targeting philosophers, and employ a lot of language im not at all familiar with.
Yeah I feel you.
Have we met before?
Do you remember speaking to a Karen poster on Holla Forums?
cmon, shakespeare is more fucking readable than nietzsche
dude there are a billion karen posters
no idea if we've met anywhere but here
why do u ask
I would suggest so.
I mean, I did philosophy and Religious studies alot in my educational formation so I am pretty read/able to read such stuff. But I guess if its a new arena for you then it would be a bit of an arse on.
I am sure there are some A-Level philosophy lesson/school books that deal with this sort of thing in a rather tame and undaunting manner.
Perhaps start there? little steps always help.
The Qur'an is the most readable book.
I remember someone posting Sailor Moon on a circlejerk thread I was on and we had a really long conversation.
He spoke like you, I wanted to say hi again.
What can I call you?
I always enjoyed reading Nietzche, but he is a lofty writer. I never did get around to reading about/the works off Schropenhauer...Mister Nietzsche's inspiration.
After all, Nietzsche is heavily influenced by the works of Plato and other classical writers.
As that was the curriculum at the time of his educating.
As such he would be using their tones as structure for his work.
Either in a genuine or satirical manner.
not me, i only started posting usagi recently
im sci
i don't understand how you can have any difficulties with fucking nietzsche of all people. he's basically the only philosopher whose writings don't have chapter long proofs or complex terminology you have to learn by heart. he's big and pompous because he's making himself the antithesis to humility and logic. you're supposed to just read one of his aphorisms and get an aesthetic fucking sense of what he's saying. if that's hard you aren't going to get very far when you come to like fucking karl marx or hegel.
Ah shit I didn't remember your trip.
You recommended me Primus, right?
Or was that Sato?
thats me
Soto is the really perverted Mexican.
true, but i would have thought entry level stuff would have maybe stuck to greek philosophy so new students have a good solid base from which to work their way up to modern stuff.
i dont know, maybe ill get over it, but its all a little to showy for my tastes, makes me think of a 15 year old trying to dress his writing up to make him seem smarter than he actually is.
see above
im not very keen on pompousness, id prefer logical proofs and technical terminology to asinine attempts to dress up ones language
You're a fucking idiot if you think that's what nietzsche is. if you can't be open minded enough or do enough research to understand why he writes the way he does or try to get anything out of his writings what are you even doing reading philosophy.
Oops, was afraid I spelled it wrong.
I liked them, but not too much. At least they weren't what I was looking for.
You recommended me something like RHCP right? But I meant their latest album not the earlier stuff. Like the Longest Wave or stuff like that.
How'd your thing go? The interview?
He is a pretty cool dude IMO, but like everything in life. You either like it or you don't.
But definitley consider reading more philosophy, if anything it makes for nice brain jogging.
That reminds me, I ought to really look into transhumanism again.
Recent reading has reintroduced the topic into my braindome.
Nietzsche is more readable than the emacs manual.
he's more readable than a fucking cereal box like
Loco. Is there really any need for this tone?
i thought i could handle it, i didnt expect to be repulsed to such a degree
will do man
emi pls
you simply dont understand the brilliance and majesty of emacs
the last book i read was fucking harry potter dude
you foreigners and your "being educated"
The C++ Complete Reference is a better read than Nietzsche.
I read Paprika.
now that would be saying something
Could be wrong but this kind of makes me feel that perhaps fedora tipping euphoric atheism edgy type memes relating to Nietzsche may have coloured your perception negatively. Like disliking certain music or some show because of the people associated with it. Not that I am particularly passionate about him one way or the other.
I thought that was a film or some shit
It was a novel first.
I need to make a new meme
its not that, its just on a purely aesthetic sense his writing disgusts me in a way thats kind of hard to put into words. i like clean, concise, clear writing, nitzsche likes to dress up his writing with every poncy flower and bow tie he can cram in.
okay i just listened to the song and yeah i dont really go for stuff that sounds like that
this is probably the closest song to song ur gonna get from me as far as having some similar general sounds
that's delicious
loco is the only person able to have opinions since hes the only true artist.
his deviantart commissions are lit
Make a Canadian Grim meme.
Ok, TP.
Grim poors maple syrup on his nipple, done.
I have too many grim memes
Is the admin meme over?
I swear to fuck I saw him at my bank today.
I was thoroughly creeped out.
Maybe I'm just racist and all curries look the same to me.
hell be back
Erio for admin 2016
Can there be more Scoot memes?
mfw our token curry looks like a dirty muzzy and our token spick looks like a chink
Sobo looked so much more mexicasian three years ago.
Sure, just place your order
r u rin
Get creative!
I guess that's a no.
Not sure I'd want that because the admin can't really do much anyway and that would make it harder to just disappear for weeks at a time, but I guess adding edgy aesthetics to the theme would be fun.
-pets u- :3
My name is Bloodsy now.
Yes, I am Rin.
oooh yeah pets
That sounds hard
are you sure you want that
I think of Blood-chan when I see that because Kamuu calls her that. :3
You're like a kawaii puppy.
*humps leg*
I noticed a wallet on the ground in our own garden.
it contains all passes (bank, ID, health etc) from two Ugandan migrants.
I already know what I'm gonna do with it.
but what would you do?
Is this a Scoots meme?
I made the joke that my name's Blood-chan now, lol.
I should go back to MYdoe.
I'd return it to them.
Because I'm a good little bitch.
Yeah, hide it so they get deported.
Continue Lolis und PANZER or 3DS Max for Dummies: The Anime?
Etch "VOL = VOL" in red.
3DS Max for Dummies: The Anime
Is this a Scoots maymay?
I forgot that it also has a document that they have been arrested before.
expected of you
but they can't see that
i would throw it away because I hate black people
Turn in to cops.
Say you saw two figures running off when you opened your door and found this.
Turn it into the police.
Say you heard a rattling at your door and they ran off, dropping that, when they saw you were home.
but you're into black people.
I'm not gonna make up a story.
but yeah I'm giving it to them
Say they pinned you down and robbed you of knifepoint.
Bonus points for self-inflicting stab wounds.
stupid sexy niggers
You're slipping.
really no stories.
I'm a bad liar around coppers.
you go girl
There'd be no DNA evidence.
Gotta make your lies believable.
Good goy
Is this a scooter meme?
Are Jews hated in Holland too?
Turn it into the police.
Tell them you saw it when you went out to cool down after having an eight hour long fap session to your Canadian girlfriend.
Make the lie big
Make it simple
keep saying it
and eventually they will believe it.
only by the muzzies
..I guess I can do partial truths.
They're probably like the #1 Zionism apologists.
I had 20 million Euros with me and they took it ALL
You're adorable, sweety.
Perfect lie.
Wow, oversalt
To think you once were considered "close enough" Aryans.
I'm not salty, I'm trying :(
Next one will be gold, I promise.
It's probably fat, gay furry porn.
Close enough.
You only called it after I mentioned it so you don't get to have that point.
can you ask moogs because like I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that
pays bas more like pays less amirite
thank you for that tickling feeling in my chest.
German propaganda.
we literally were never like them.
The very foundation of our country was based on liberalism.
Indians were considered true Aryans
He refuses to draw me furry shit.
definitley kek
i don't think this is going to work out between us squash. i'm sorry.
u guys fuckin gay? whats going on here?
I like how Sci chose two people who aren't even talking to eachother as if they were doing something gay.
It's like his comment had not relevance.
You're welcome, sweetheart.
As always.
lol you faggot, we get it, you want to sound intelligent and important and so you go to a forum like this and find some other jizzbag like you who just writes the same shit over and over again to have a debate so that someone can finally listen and hear your point of view because everybody who comes across you isn't interested. You're not smart, you're not interesting, you're an unemployed dullard who uses 4chan to get the attention he doesnt get at home.
I clearly read your post, typed up a response, and submitted in two whole seconds.
Goddamn kike worshipers.
Yeah, and they fuck cows.
Goats > cows
his posts might as well be negative space half of the time
whats with the edgy bigotry performance u and tsuchi are doing for each other? this is like an internet attention whore mating ritual or some shit
gween tea
did you have your fun?
it's actually more hip to support palestine these days.
SHould I sleep or OW?
Go ahead and reply, doing so only proves my point to such an extent that you might as well just beg to suck my dick and eat my bodily waste, so that maybe an iota of my greatness could pass onto you.
I got really hot and sweaty and now I'm putting off showering.
Pity him.
I've seen Stormfront types say this is because white people lived in India and that the caste system was meant to keep their race pure but it didn't work out in the long run.
i mean what is the purpose of this circlejerk 'teehee i hate jews' act ur both doing
if ur not trying to provoke a response from someone and instead just doing it at each other
i dont fucking get it dude
I really should buy a new headset tomorrow for le games
IKT is retarded, but I like what they are doing right now.
your entire life is less meaningful than this tehee i hate jews bullshit
You want me to go at it again or something??
but that's okai, if you do it before sleep but wait enough to have dry hair you'll sleep like a rose.
I'm going at around 23:00.
haven't even walked the dog yet!
elf uur
I don't think anyone else is on
he is below pitying
it's like tribal people dancing to get a partner for thr night, but their dance is hating jews
just an idea
Geneva Smith, 84, was sprayed in the face by an officer on August 9
Police stormed her house looking for her son
Smith fell to the floor after being sprayed and was arrested
She later had to be hospitalized after having a panic attack in jail
Hey, Ikt, Tsuchi.
I hear you hate Jews.
I too hate Jews.
Let us non-homosexually ERP while hating Jews together.
Don't make it gay, though.
In my schedule, I set sleep to 22:00, but I take a long ass time to actually fall asleep.
we'll see how it works out.
Please stop the anti semitic jibes
Someone post me that nasty image of Grim smiling
22:00 for me is walk the doggy time.
yush, it'll be just fine.
I was thinking of a tattoo idea, and a two headed rabbit came to mind.
not for u tho right
this was in my recommended list
I'm not sure if this is a Scoots meme
is this what the british monarchy is come to
I vote for the British Isles to leave Europe.
I mean, its what all monarchy leads to
grim come back
Make comments about ketchup nipples and he's surely to return.
I think that does the opposite
RIP gene wilder ;~;
Tell him you will call him "chocodaddy" then.
Hay, Swag.
nah it's hopeless
Here is the princess scoots with no background if anyone wants to add their own
oh god the glasses fucked up part of his face he looks deformed
no need to be mean guero jeez
[3:50:40 PM] Grim: aww
[3:50:42 PM] Grim: tokai was cool
[3:50:52 PM] Grim: tell him I miss him
I don't want to be mean either but he does a little without them anyways.
Sorry Scoots
i spend every day with mentally disabled people
I didn't know you had DID.
that's really sweet.
tell him best wishes to whatever he does.
after my repy and I checked, and jeez... the glasses have caused my face to disintegrate kek
I did have did but don't did have do now.
Yes you did be honest
This was funnier than it had any right to be.
walking doggy time
I wanted to see if he'd post but all that came from it was this relay game.
[3:53:59 PM] Grim: just post this at him.
Okay I did~
tell him how completely wrong he is
tfw only one who is glad Grim is gone
Yeah for me, I'm a Gemini, and I'm year of the rabbit.
u r the personification of cringe
ho boy...
That's fucking cool. Do it do it do it.
cooki i don't approve of tattoos in this household
I would rather have grim than loco in this community.
I wont until I'm 18. But all my family is tatted so I can't wait ^^
I would rather Scoots think meaty log in my ass than not
Scoot shut the hell up, Grim was mean. At least Loco is nice.
He's not a fake ass bitch who pretends to be nice at first then goes on to curse you out and become a worthless piece of crap who is utter trash and needs to get a real life off of the internet.
How about you jump off that soapbox biatch
u wat loco is fake af dude
I had my moment of venting, I'm fine now.
*jumps off soapbox*
What up buttercup?
Maybe you should get a tattoo of a box of soap on your forehead.
Ioco is a thread treasure and an invaluable part of the community and does not deserve to be treated like such a piece of shit by anyone.
He will always be welcome here.
welll i guess i can't stop you then
Also scoots is just messing. he loves me really.
Loco is a habitual liar, always is and has been.
shut up yan i'll beat you up cunt
That didn't wake me like I thought it would
brb going back to bed
??? no ???
Loco is a sweet heart who helps me with my drawing and likes my music and is a CUTIE paTOOTIE
I'm just thinking out this concept drawing, I want a good idea of what I WANT to put on my body before I just go do it. I'm gonna think about it all year, then on my birthday I'm gonna go get it
I'd rather get an eagle on my forehead then a soapbox, I'll do that on my chest or something.
I know, that's why he's funny
Try me.
It will be cute to see you flailing your girly wrists against my chest, whore.
don't get any tattoos on your face hun
don't even joke about that
i swear to god
Just got out of my shauer.
You should just tattoo an eagle taking a shower in four parts, one on each breast and one on each buttocks. Not necessarily in order or all in the same orientation, either.
k but he actually just wants u to adore him and think he's smart sorry
Hell yeah
How was that music show fam?
Shit looked so muddy
Dont you ew me, young lady
Everybody does it
total con
Ink think
I am doing that at the minute. I wonder if I should stick with my current idea, snake arm sleeve
yeah shit was absolutely filthy... and thats not just talking bout the mud.
fuck. so many drunken antics man.
if i wanted people to think i'm smart why would i act so dumb all the time
Sounds like fun man
How long was the event?
Nobody can tell the difference anyway.
tfw no idea why Ioco hates you but don't blame him at all for it
I wont I wont
cool i guess good for him
thursday until yesterday
parties on until 6am everymorning, bands on fromm 11am, couple hours dying in a tent before getting started on the day
hahaha yeah, atleast it aint.
i dunno
minds not made up
which i dont want before the buzz to skin
I don't think it would be. Now a tattoo that said "my other tattoo is funny" would be funny.
I even made a Grim-tier boo-hoo pity me post
my face isn't silly how dare you
How dare you cooki.
Silly and cute, handsome and funny, sweet and oh so sour.
You're all of the above.
Dont make me go over there
stop it you'll make everyone jealous and spill the beans about our dating
I need to stop watching sad videos on bad days. WTF
RIP willy wonka though right.
Uh, yeah, alright.
do you seriously think amy has seen young frankenstein
do you think that's a thing
Oh shit its Amy
Hi hi
I've seen clips and stills from it but I'd never get a reference to it.
Hey beautiful. What's shakin'?
What about Blazing Saddles?
That one I've only heard of. I know next to nothing about it.
Nothing much just woke up a while ago
Hows life been treating ya?
Where have you been anyways? I was kinda scared you actually got a social life or something cause you were gone for so long
Dont get the wrong idea, I didn't miss you or anything I just haven't bullied you in months so like you can't just leave like that
This is all you need to know
I'm gonna lewd the Yan
yyou rang?
Cuddling irl is actually really nice
It took me 23 years to find this out
Better late than never I suppose
I feel for you bro
I'll cuddle you, Amy
I feel bad for you.
Hugs freak me out, stop oppressing me.
^ up ^
It's like a cage made of arms.
How's your day going scooty 2 dooty
I personally love cuddles/being held.
I got hugs at this weekends festival
Felt good.
full of pizza
so good
and bard?
Daaamn I wish I had someone to pump me full of pizza
I'm feeling great today but my whole body is filled with the tired haha
Still not even sure I'm awake yet
lucky enough no work today or tomorrow!
And people say I'm crazy.
There is nothing more soothing than laying on a bed being held or holding someone else. Special feels.
Its not freaky... or a cage... its security...
same for me here fam-a-lam
no work tomorrow so get another shot at correcting my body clock
wake and bake?
Prisons made of people. It's like those things made by indigenous folk in that Pirates movie.
I'll oppress you hard
Lets cuddle senpai
hahaa man I was meaning too
but Last night I at eme an edible gummy and I'm still feeling it lol
once I get the dedicaation to get up and turn on the light and ohhh yeahh how about you lol
Do that and I'll saw your arms off and make them meet in your large intestine.
i never got held as a kid so now i emote it all the time on steam
Spoiler is cute.
I remember you mentioned that earlier.
good shit?
just a relaxing time for me dude. having gone through 4 bottles of amaretto, 3 bottles of vodka, 2 bottles of jagermeister, a bottle of apple sours and 5 crates of cider... im a little on the boozed/partied out man lol
Sorry, I left the thread to go play vidya literally right after I posted that.
Loco and her daddy issues
Didn't you tell them that moles aren't contagious?
r e l a t a b l e
Aw man Amaaretto is amazing
haha I can only imagine affter that anyone would be
That must have been great at a concert setting
I doubt it but I can reach a part of yours with something
I think you are oppress worthy but still no cute outfit shopping spree lol
It's okay Yan, I can find it in my heart to forgive you
The lack of a daddy is a issue and thus IS a daddy issue
It definitley was... its like "right lets get on it, we wasted? right lets go see these 3 bands...oh theyre done? next bands not on for 2 hours? lets get re-wasted... get rewasted? watch bands... bands finished? get more wasted and dance in a disco made of mud.
kek amaretto and coke though, goes down too easy
shit, grand master flash played the first night
I just assumed the cute outfit shopping spree came at the cost of one hell of a good blowjob.
I took a nap I have so much energy now amagash
It is very possible I would kill my bank account until pay day for a good enough blowjob, you got me
Spend it all Neru!
I'm actually indifferent to this.
Really though,
I'm not expecting anything more than coffee and cruising, lol.
And I can pay for my own coffee.
hahah dude what? that sounds dope as hell who all did you get to see?
I've only ever gone to one concerta nd it was Laaaaaammme ozzy and slash but I mean it waspretty blegeh not no festival or anything
That's okay, I am alright with you being a little different!
Nah I don't make friends pay for coffee when I take them out to hang! I actually exaggerate my poorness a bit too much lol
Ihave to spend it on sometihgingngg
Sup spoils, how goes it fam?
Well, that certainly also works.
I feel the need to explain why cruising was my go to, but I'm not sure I really need to.
Gosh you're dumb.
saw grandmaster and dj yoda first night, then on the friday was sleeping with sirens, state champs, five finger deathpunch, gnash, fall out boy and Biffy clyro... Saturday was a easy day with boy better know, 21pilots, chvches... sunday was sigma, skindred, eagles of death metal, imagine dragons, the courteeners, red hot chili peppers and a secret show by You me at six''.
do you go to festivals alot?
in all seriousness.
all complete seriousness, as in no more memes or witty charges.
all of that shit aside, completely serious right now.
if I had a gun with one bullet, and you were standing in front of me.
but next to you, was Bane, alive again and ready to crash another 7 million or so planes.
Honestly, I would shoot you. I really would. Why you're even on my aircraft is something I really would like to know. I want to know how you managed to stumble into this place, and who told you about this secret plane of the internet.
Honestly, you're the sole reason /bane/ is full of hotheads nowadays. It would give me great pleasure to know that before I left, I could at least convince one idiot to leave this plane for those with a positive masterplan.
So please, in all seriousness, just leave this place and never return.
You missed the meme train by a few hours.
You've missed the meat train, my friend.
underrated post
Usually one a year for the past 10 years, never been interested in that "lads abroad doing lad things because LADS" holiday mentality.
Vinnie Jones best horror movie villain.
Travel abroad yourself?
ive been abroad a few times. just not on that inbetweeners kind of thing.
Spend it on love, bae
It goes! I meant to catch you awhile back bro, how'd you like best girl winning bleach?
You need not explain a thing to me, god knows I'm weird af so if we get into having to explain things I'll be here all day!
That's not not the truth
when do layers of ironic self deprecation loop back to layer 0
Glad to hear it. Whatcha up to?
When you add butts to the equation.
Those look like veins. It's kind of terrible.
We are not the same, I am too reckless
I'm not trying to go in that direction
I just couldn't bring myself to leave good ole amerikcky either
What's funny is that you can actually get like that irl.
I rate your band (5/7)/7
Not a lot just talking to the many people I consider the goodness of here, days off thanks to some rain damage in the store. Turned out to be a good thing though for me cause dead tired for the past few days, just finished 18 hours of sleep at that lol you?
showering with clothes on
Fair enough, then.
most disappointedat not catching die antwoord grrrrr
Waiting for the preworkout mix to hit me like, harambe, would. About to leave for the gym. How bad is the rain in Canada right now? I get rain almost every night here lmao.
holy shit i cant be concentrated
Oh dude that's badass I've heard of that fest b before
i have a good friend irl who really really lieks die antwoord
they probably put on a hell of a show
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
what the fuck neru
that was scary as fuck
it feels pretty sticky and weird but also comfywarm too
Good sleep y'all