Post and recommend various weeb games (VNs and H-games are welcome as well), especially the good ones. Kicking it off with Kichikuou Rance – it seems like everyone knows Sengoku, but forgets about this gem.
Weebshit thread
How about faux weebshit?
What does this even fucking mean? I've seen retards use it to describe everything from actual niche Japanese games to anything made in Japan.
We're on a video game board, so let's limit it to Japanese games. Chink and korean games would be acceptable too in theory, but they're all shit so don't post them
Post (good) weeb friendly vidya and try to steer the thread into something other than shitposting?
Revolution 60 is not a weeb game, stop posting its fanart.
What's "weeb friendly"? Holy fuck you people love to make up terms and then never define them.
Post Nip RPG/VN hybrids
Then why didn't you just say that in the first place, OP? Quit being such a fucking faggot.
Because other shit is allowed too, but since you're clearly autistic, I decided to give you a specific topic
now you better deliver, fag
I can't tell what's worse - that you're shitposting your own alice thread or that you have shit for brains.
Fuck weebs.
That's some quality writing right there
Weebs really are cancer. Dumb as rocks, always engaging in console-war bullshit, rampant autism, anti-social, low standards for shitty jap games, etc. This board would be 10x better off without them.
Kill the weebs. Kill them until they are dead.
Dumb as rocks, check.
Are there any good dungeon crawlers for PSP? Preferably first-person ones, and with English translation.
Play 街〜運命の交差点〜
No, seriously it has to have the best writing I've ever seen in a VN and that's saying a lot since 90% of VN writing is shit.
If you like Wizardy style RPGs then the King's Field Additional games are pretty good but they are only in Japanese. I mean as far as the items go it's mostly kana but you'd probably have troible understand the dialogue.
I speak Japanese fluently, worked at a Japanese company for 4 years, lives in Japan, have a lot of friends, a Japanese girlfriend. I don't like anime but I love Japanese RPGs and old school Sound Novels. I'd agree though that most Weebs are ducking pathetic, morbidly obese man children with severe social and hygienic difficiencies, are most like pedos and have about as much taste as a deaf dumb blind quadriplegic that's lives in a vacuum their whole life.
This is pasta
Oh, is Kichikuou Rance's gameplay like sengoku? I may try it out. I hated the dungeon crawling from the 4th and 5th ones.
Are there any other games with gameplay similar to Sengoku Rance? I'm not talking about the H-scenes part.
Dai- games are generally the same in terms of management, but vary wildly in terms of how the management is - best one is Daibanchou so far. If you're into 2hu, there's a fangame called Sengoku Gensokyo that's very similar. People also recommend that Alchemy Meister game, but I didn't try it out yet so can't comment on that.
Yeah, Sengoku is basically upgraded Kichikuou. Still, Kichikuou has a different story and some different mechanics, so it's really fun even if you know Sengoku well. The only drawback is that it refferences the previous titles heavily (as do most Rance titles. Sengoku is probably the most stand-alone one of them all).