go back to 4chan, cuck
Probably the G9 Eclipse's autocannons in Just Cause 2.
Shit thread, though.
what more buzzwords do you know people?
What a sad existence you must lead if the word dakka triggers you enough to consider it a buzzword. Would you prefer that I said "large calibre and/or high firerate weaponry" instead?
I've always liked the M60 in l4d 2
LMG's are usually the best guns.
Yes please, use the English language as it's meant to be.
I will get shit on for this but, unironically, Borderlands 2. It's garbage but a gunzerker dual wielding two vladoff miniguns produces an adequate amount of dakka.
(Some nice dubs ya got there!)
KSP with BD armoury
Always nerfed in favor of not wanting to upset assault rifle babbys.
From the Depths is alright if you have severe autism for gun customization. Here's a shitty gun I made late at night on a looted prebuilt antlion because making a ship hull takes forever
Gauge 150mm, 1200mm shell length, range 3820m. The shell itself is just a sabot on a solid piece and about a meter of gunpowder.
It's not every day that retards make it this obvious that they're retarded. Bless you user, now I can safely skip your posts.
Holy fuck someone else with enough autism to play this game? From the Depths allows for some serious fucking dakka to be made. You can make CRAM cannons with colossal shells bigger than some of the aircraft in the game. You can make missile launcher bays that shoot tens or even hundreds of custom missiles. You can make 6 barreled full-auto monstrosities with custom shells and unholy firerates.
From the Depths IS dakka.
I presume you prefer your weapons to be choppy rather than shooty.
Jesus Christ.
10^10 =/= 10
10^10 = 10,000,000,000
There would be ten billion times as many guardsmen as atoms in the universe.
What the fuck?
Fuck off, you dakka gaijin
You'z a stupid.
in nudoom you can upgrade your chaingun to deploy 3 barrels which mulches just about every enemy, despite nudooms flaws i thought that was fun
Metal Wolf Chaos.
who the zog invited you grots here?
Mien greenskins
Warhammerfags really need to fuck off. Most of you shits probably never even played the original 80s tabletop until you saw all the shitty memes and youtube videos 4 years ago.
Infinity is better anyway.
What's the dakka-equivalent for choppaz?
With autistic shit like that, how can someone not love 40K?
Trailblazer, a doom mod, has a minigun. Pretty standard.
But you can upgrade it to triple its firerate and also add a HMG so you can dual wield. I find it to be a reasonable level of dakka.
How friendly is EDF to friendless newbies?
While you guys keep jacking each other off, let me suggest to OP the Chicago Typewriter from RE4.
Gep Gun/Plasma gun in Deus Ex
holy guacamole!
He's using Tor.
Go back to reddit, newfag.
congrats Mr. Fishermann
Please do not give newfags the benefit of the doubt.
The first SMG you get in this game has two firing modes: Full-auto and assblast.
On assblast, it burns through its 100 round mag in about 2-3 seconds and is more than enough to kill anything that moves in this game.
It also has a minigun and every weapon feels like it kills in a headshot. The semi-auto sniper is particularly satisfying to use.
That doesn't even touch the fuckery that is a Daishi D in the tabletop.
You autistic nerdgins don't even know how to Bane (Kraken)
Fuck yeah mechwarrior/battletech
Dungeon Fighter has a launcher class that switches between various giant guns (pic, on the left), but the game was only worth playing when the level cap was 70 or 40.
Russian overkill is pretty good in this aspect
I don't think he was trying to make fun of you guys, porbably just wanted to have more meme phrases or something.
The list is looking pretty good, but I'm surprised no-one has brought up Bulletstorm even as an honourable mention.
zoggin' humies an' their talkin
Alright I might have to get this.
You can play it all the way through solo very easily, and you'll probably have to since all the multiplayer people tend gravitate towards a handful of levels. It's not like multiplayer groups are hostile to beginners though, it's a pretty simple game so long as you know how to shoot.
I still find it crazy that the industry is in such bad shape that their goal is to now rerelease mediocre games from a couple of years ago.
Enter The Gungeon
FEAR is all about SLOMODAKKA.
Fuck, the particle effects are pretty.
Here is the secret: You just build everything but the hull first. You then build the hull around what you got.
Isn't this how the A-10 was born? The gun was made first and then someone built a plane around it?
Dat's 'ow you makes all da good dakka!
I'm not sure anyone realizes that this is a bait post.
The dakka is solid, but I have my issues with the AI. It seems impossible to make a plane that isn't wibble wobbling around.
$20 is a hard sell though, since I'm strapped for cash. Is there a crack of it? I played minecraft for a about a year and then threw some shekels at development when I had the dough. Thousands of hours into that.
I got it for 6 bucks during the sale, and I don't feel ripped off. It's on IGG though, so there ought to be a crack around.