I have a feeling that Metroid Prime 4 is going to end up like Starfox Zero

I have a feeling that Metroid Prime 4 is going to end up like Starfox Zero

So it'll be a good game but retards won't be able to understand the controls?

No, just bland and forgettable

After Other M and Fed Force? It's entirely possible with Sakamoto handling the series

Do you stay up 24/7 waiting to defend Star Fox Zero?

Why are they making a Metroid Prime 4? Phazon and Metroid Prime/Dark Samus are gone, that story is over. I wish they would drop the Prime subtitle, even if the game is still in first-person. That would make it feel less like a desperate attempt to pander to fans after five years of disappointment.

The game is going to be about attempts by the Federation and/or the Space Pirates to duplicate Metroid Prime for their own use. In the end, what they'll come up with is something decidedly inferior to the original. It's going to be a metaphor for the game itself.

You know you HAVE to buy it, right OP?

I mean if it bombs your precious Metroid franchise will be killed off for good. So no matter what you're gonna have to fill out a preorder.

Jews always win.

What makes you say that OP? Was it the lack of gameplay or even having a release date? Perhaps even it's the fact that Jewtendo is shit in current year that tipped you off.

I-it'll be good, right anons?

I'm sure that when that dogfucker Bill Trinen announced that whatever was left of Retro Studios was not gonna be developing the game, and a "talented new development team" was gonna be making it, you'll be assured that this is gonna be classic Jewtendo quality!

From what I heard, the three spin-offs (Reach, Wars, and ODST) were great titles, but it was like having a deluxe sundae and pie after a Thanksgiving meal (More goodness, but you regret having it).

Because that worked out so poorly for Splatoon.. oh wait.

Halo and the spinoffs are honestly the most fun casual multiplayer experiences I've had, especially 3 and ODST. You're not going to overdose on Halo playing Reach and ODST. They were fun for what they were. 4 and Guardians, however, were too much. Guardians was especially shit because it removed splitscreen and it tried to be more competitive despite being the most casual one in the series.

Splatoon is a completely new franchise, though. A new team will likely not understand why people like the original games.

If they are new, they won't want to fuck it up. How often are new teams given one shot to make anything for Nintendo?



Nobody wants to fuck up a video game.

Not often after the CD-i and Sony.

The story was one of the best things about Prime you retard.

That doesn't make sense. Star Fox Zero sacrificed quality to push a controller gimmick. The Switch doesn't have a controller gimmick beyond what the Wii already pushed(which worked well enough with Prime 3), and every Switch game has to be playable in handheld mode, so there's no way their wont be a dual analogue control option.

It's dumb, but at this point the Prime subtitle just means Metroid in first person. Hunters and Federation Force had nothing to do with Metroid Prime/Dark Samus or phazon either.

The pinball game wasn't in first person, so if anything it just means "Sakamoto didn't take credit for it". It's a brand mark for a second class developer on the ladder of corporate command.

Tanebe has good ideas and the story should be taking some interesting turn. That said, I'm still convinced Tanebe wanted to make another entry in the "prime style" of games, but was forced to make other games, though with Metroid so high on his mind, he was eventually permitted to use an E-shop title to fill that role.

Pinball was a retelling of Metroid Prime 1 as a pinball game though. It's the one time outside of the main trilogy when the subtitle was appropriate.

I mean there is a desperation to not fuck up because the opportunity is a rarity.

Fuck her

t. L* I N I S S H I T

Depends which studio is doing it and if the director is competent.

SF Zero was shit because of Miyamoto's design philosophies regarding peripherals, and we already know the Prime series director is working on 4 so it's not like Shiggy or any other big Ninty devs will have a say in what goes on

Why do people hate Star Fox Zero? From looking at videos of it it seems pretty good. It's what everyone asked for, Star Fox 64 2.


It has retarded motion controls shoved in because Wii U, and it's a bland rehash of 64.
If anything I'm excited for someone to rip the finalized Starfox 2 rom out of the SNES scalper box.

Every time a new Star Fox game comes around there's a hell of a lot of whinging it's not just 64 HD, so I guess they figured they'd just give the fans what they want.

If it worked it wouldn't need the dedicated fix my aim button.

Hi Zero Tilt Autist

It's the eternally asshurt zero autist.

I have a feeling that there's going to be $15 amiibos for every suit ever made, or at least the Fusion and Phazon suits. I have an even better feeling that they'll have passive bonuses and upgraded weapons.


Don't listen to him. The problem with the game is they didn't rehash 64 enough. Just get rid of the gamepad gimmicks and the gyro stages, and you've got a great Starfox game.

its been 7

I wish amibos weren't kids meal tier toys, I really want some Metroid goodies

Trust your instincts

I think gyro aiming will return for MP4. However it will probably be triggered by holding a shoulder button.

That it'll be shit because it doesn't have Krystal?

Give me a good gameplay reason why Krystal would have made Starfox Zero better.

Daily reminder that he's still in charge.

Seeing her ass in HD is a good incentive to play the game well

Splatoon/Breath of the Wild style would be fine. Dual analogue for large movements, gyro to fine tune your aim.


How? She'd be in a fucking plane unless for some reason you have video feed of Krystal as a camwhore on the gamepad.

Hi, Cody.



This is much funnier now because it's actually so bad it's good instead of a repeated joke

What a (((coincidence)))! Because viral marketers in here are gonna say exactly that.

And all the retarded tryhards will join the bandwagon to feel superior.

We know absolutely nothing about the game, there's no reason to suspect it will be like anything.

So with Switch VR or whatever being shown, do you think Prime 4 will implement this hardware?
Prime 4 is doomed to fail, what studio is making it? They don't trust American companies still right, so not retro studios, and they probably suck nowadays.

I'm nihilistic about any modern game that tries to sequalize or continue an old game. People in game companies cannot accurately depict what made original games great, and cannot implement it since they don't know, and don't have the intellect. Game's just gunna be a crappy voice acting linear rpg like prime 3 was (which I never played more than 3 or so hours of. The whole "You aren't alone in a world(s) and you are now the Fantastic Four(TM) )

So it will be fun, and take skill, but people will lose their shit because "I don't wanna MOVE MY TORSO when I play, I can't handle TWO SCREENS".

Seriously, you don't even need to look away from the TV with that, you just need to learn how to actually tilt the thing without overshooting.

ODST was great though.

I don't understand this. You don't need to use the gamepad at all, the aiming is the same as the old style if you just use the stick. Gyro aiming is the closest to a mouse, it's faster and more accurate than a stick, you'd figure all the people bitching at stuff like Halo for being casual would appreciate the upgrade.

Glutton for punishment aren't we?

It will. It will have those retarded motion controls shoehorned in.

Ok Mr intellectual, what is your argument against it, without using the word "gimmick" or "shoehorned"?

But the Wii motion controls were good in the prime trilogy

I would argue that even the games that didn't implement wagglan well like Skyward Sword would control better on the switch because the meme rumble can give actual tactile feedback

Lad, I gave up on trying to drill any sense into your thick skull within the first week of release. I'm just here to laugh at your autistic one man war against the rest of the board.

Good job, champ. Enjoy your high latency controls and low precision aiming.


He is special like that. Any minute now he will start into his

Even owning a ps4 is less stupid decision.

Considering nobody bought a Wii U, the switch already has more worthwhile games than the ps4

Depends how much you like RPGs. Persona and SRW makes the PS4 an investment.

Fair enough
I guess the tiebreaker will be which monster hunter game you like more

Nioh, Yakuza, Bloodborne, Gravity Rush 2, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4, Last of Us 2, GT Sports, God of War 4…

To be fair, a lot of those either have, or are themselves copycats if stuff on other platforms. SRW fans just want their robots, and only Sony seems to have that lately.

Well, there's also this.

Damn, I honestly forgot this was an exclusive. Well, fuck Xbox I guess.

What an amazing library

I here I thought people played games before giving their opinions around here.

And here*

Nice shitpost, though. Have a (you) for your effort.

Are you implying racing isn't a sport
You might even have half a point if it was need for speed or something but for fuck's sake it's gran turismo, the only way you can get more "sports" than that is if it was nascar

Of the metroid 2 remake and not prime.

You made a total of 4 posts combined in this thread, maybe resetting your router is too hard to do more than once before you make quality rebuttals like these.

Sports either involve athletics or, by your logic, you might as well say an arena shooter is a sport. At which point, what the fuck are you even bitching about?
Thanks for shitting up the thread anyway.

There's the argument that chess is a sport. It's a weird thing.

Tell that to the billions of people who consider racing a sporting event
And you're the one shitting up the thread by starting this argument based on one shitpost

It's gunna be shit anyway user


Zero had shit controls, deal with it retards.

Huh? Yes you do, unless you want to contend with an intentionally inaccurate reticule, and being fucked in the sections where the game switches to a cinematic camera to look cool.

It looks like the game failed due to retardation, not because it was garbage or anything.