/agdg/ + /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General

someone has to do it edition




Old thread;

Other urls found in this thread:


Still haven't actually made a PMAP loader, I'm kind of questioning why I bought a motherboard for a chipset that's been deprecated for a few years, but it'll still be quieter than my current setup. Oh well.

Fuck off, shill

Will unlock when the other thread reaches page 13. I love you guy, but you know the rules.


If anyone wants to try it, here's a copy of my weekend project.


Control pitch/yaw with WASD. Controllers MIGHT work but I haven't tried to use them.

Increase and decrease thrust with F and R respectively
Shift = afterburners
alt = free mouse look
tab = use nuke
space= shoot cannon

You only have one nuke

Play some chill music and relax. Post crazy landings and 9/11 recreations.

You can't make video games.

Is C Primer Plus a good start to get into programming and vidya making?

But that's the only thing I CAN do, though, user.
That, and a bretty good homemade pizza.

lol what a loser

view doesnt work pls help

player should be in center of the black box

Tortilla as a pizza pad tastes like shit.
I'd rather spend a bit more time but make something good. Make proper pizza dough with yeast, and it gets nice and thicc.

Unless you're one of those faggots that likes thin crust, in which case, I'm sorry about your terminal brain cancer, user.

Enjoy becoming a fatass

I'm ~110lbs, user.
That pizza I made is about four days worth of dinner for me.

Take this the right way, but I can't tell if you're serious or if this is a joke.

Jokes on you I wipe my pizza with paper therefore it's healthy :^)

Finish Platform Masters you autistic faggot, if I die before it comes out my life will have been for nothing.


I love pizza

check out my boob lady

finally finished the model

I'm disappointed, user. Can she at least use her boobs as a weapon?

Looks good. A little thicc for my taste, but I like the overall aesthetic.

she's gonna have a chest bump move that confirms into her grapple like pic related

Most excellent, my dude.

that being said, we're looking for a 3D animator

my animation skills are substantial enough to do the job, but I don't want to have to juggle doing both animation AND modelling, that's going to halt development to a crawl

I'm also going to be on the job of creating stages, so having 3 major roles in this team is going to be a huge stressor on me and a bottleneck in the development process

if anyone here is versed in 3D animation and is interested on working on a fighting game, please let me know

Why would I be joking?

I thought I had a solution. If I could set port y to -56 it'd be fine, but it turns red and won't let me.

When I get bored again, I'll use this project to learn perlin noise and terrain/city generation/deformation


How do I make a shitty browser based text adventure game? I want those furry Patreon dollars

Javascript a shit and I dont even know what HTML5 does over old html

Use Twine.
of course, that would put you in the same league as ResistJam participants, but I doubt you care.
Pic related.

GameMaker is shit, use something like Godot

Are you able to pay for work done? Or are you looking for someone to do it for free

Eevee (PurpleKecleon's cuck bf) enters game jams and posts on the Pico8 forums all the time. They're shitty people and you cant expose them without getting banned.

Shitsux but ive accepted it. Awful people get got by karma eventually

I started making a top hat for the heck of it but I'm bugged by the wings. I'm wondering if I could get some advice.

Also, im retarded, how do I create a gui theme with the current godot interface?I'm trying to make styles for my buttons

lmao we have no money, we're just working on this out of passion

once we can get a playable demo out there with 1-2 complete characters and a working UI and all that meme we're probably gonna do a kickstarter, or support the project by patreon, whichever is more viable

but thats kinda the problem with not having an animator; we could have a playable demo probably by the end of 2017 with a good bit of content if we just had someone who could animate so I'm not doing the vast majority of tangible artistic work on the project

Do Patreon. Cuckdev has been milking that shit for years now and probably got more money out of Patreon than he ever could doing a kikestarter. Even then, he's still planning a kikestarter so he can pay TinyBuild to make the rest of his fucking game for him.

Probably will, but we need an animator first to speed up the development process to even get to that point

then we can use the patreon to support development further after that point. I'm okay with working for free on this project so I wouldnt take a cut anyways lmao

Say i want to pay for an animator, what's a good place to find them?

The thing with cuckdev is that he's pandering to the lowest common denominator to acquire patreonbux. Don't expect to get showered in shekels if you're making a game you actually want to make.

I used to use gamedev.net for finding small gigs. Haven't done paid freelance animation for a few years though.

What the fuck is the deal with this fucking shill thread still being up?

what even is this meme

Trust me, last thread was worse.
I'd rather deal with shills than normalfags.


Probably some autist got asshurt that his faggoty thread got deleted for posting like a shill and is now going into random threads and calling them "shill threads" to make a "statement" aka being a yuge whiny bitch


Fuck off, shill.


why are you on a fucking video game board if you dont want people to be making video games??

combat feels great, can't be perfected
dodging is actually feasible, at least when your opponents only do one punch per second
added more difficulty sliders

What the fuck is going on with duplication of the character model there? Looking at it is making me feel sick.


Christ, use a motion blur shader. That's nauseating

i am using a second camera for motion blur on the characters
but that alone didn't look enough

Does anyone have any good results from using webgl + javascript?

How do I know if my game is good looking enough to post?
Is Game Maker games allowed?


Yes, user, Game Maker games are allowed as long as they're not shit.
So ask yourself a few questions. Do you considered mediocre work to be good enough? Do you hold Toby Fox as an idol of some kind?

If you answered "no" to both, then congratulations, your game might be not shit.
And you won't know if it looks good unless you post it here, will you?

Pic unrelated.

You are making a matrix boxing game?

If my PC stopped recognizing my hard disk and is now not even booting, how many chances are there that I'll be able to recover data from it if I bring to a technician?

Depending on the answer I might kill myself

Slim, but it's still possible. Gotta believe in yourself.
So here is your daily reminder to

Ironically enough I was in the process of backing up when it got fucked

Sucks, man.
I'm paranoid to keep two backups - one on my SSD, one on my flash drive. Update weekly.
I'd lose a lot of stuff - pictures and so on - but I don't really care all that much about that.
My GMS project file, music folder, art assets and everything else I keep, I back it up.

It's all lost nigga sorry

There is a small, really small chance that it was instead a sata cable dieing, or an electronic piece that can be identified and replaced like a burnt SMD Capacitor.

There are some mildly expensive ways to recover the data though but it depends on the damage for example:

Damage to the mechanical heads or spin motors : Costs thousands of dollars to repair and recover the data.
Damage to the memory control chips: Somewhere in the high 3 digits
Damage to the motor controller and rest of the board: About $400 max

Depends on what you mean by not recognized.
If it's just at the OS level (like from the file explorer) yeah it's likely salvageable, even if the partition just RAWed itself.
If it's not recognized at the BIOS level though then it still has a small chance to be something simle to fix but you're likely gonna have to fork out some cash if you care about what's on it.

Was there any abnormal noise / smoke coming from it?
Do you have a spare SATA cable on hand?

What are good backup options if I don't have the money to get an external HDD?

For programming or /agdg/ projects, a private Gitlab account. HDDs aren't expensive, it doesn't have to be a dedicated external one, just get a 2.5" internal HDD and a Sata to USB3 cable.

People have been able to recover data from HDD's after Typhoons nigga. Just send it in. Though itll cost $500+ depending on how bad it is, thats what im doing to recover my 5 years of memes, porn and webms i lost 2 years ago.

People have been able to recover data from HDD's after Typhoons nigga. Just send it in. Though itll cost $500+ depending on how bad it is, thats what im doing to recover my 5 years of memes, porn and webms i lost 2 years ago.

R.I.P user. We will remember you.

not everyone here is from usa/europe, if he shot down a second drive as an option for price it's because of a reason.

with something git based you have the advantage of being able to backup as soon as you make changes but you can always use storage services like mediafire or mega, for example. I'd just put shit with a password just in case

People have been able to recover data from HDD's after Typhoons nigga. Just send it in. Though itll cost $500+ depending on how bad it is, thats what im doing to recover my 5 years of memes, porn and webms i lost 2 years ago.

First and foremost keep a checksum list (easy sfv creator or something similar is what you can use for that) of your shit with every backup, backups ain't much use if they're not the right shit.

Pretty much any sort of copy will help you protect yourself against something but here's a few idea if you're not sure, preferably use all of those but if it's not a possibility try to at-least have three or so backups in completely different places, if you care about your stuff that's the bare minimum.
Prevents cryptolocker from fucking you up if anything, and might save you from accidental deletion
Will save you from simple HDD failure
can help against catastrophic failure of your first computer and theft in some case
the more the better, short of the service fucking up badly or going under your data is generally safe from deletion, but keep it encrypted just in case
Should save your shit from anything that isn't failure of your storage medium or complete destruction of the place where said copies are stored
Doesn't matter if the media you're storing to isn't that reliable what is important is redundancy

At least it's not the portal 2 theme.
I just installed my parts into my new case, and I'm finally back on track, except that I can't fit my bulky older sata hard drive in. Still haven't written a PMAP loader.

Try with a known good pc, if nothing shows up, try professional data recovery, because you probably aren't going to get anything.
Also, don't off yourself, we love you, or something like that.

I have a bit of experience with that type of stuff, and most of the time the data is easily recoverable; with the right tools.
This isn't too hard to lookup on how2 do it, but what you use depends on exactly what is wrong (it could be any number of things, but not enough info to definitively say what that is, sry).

It may not even be your HDD, it could be your mobo if it boots/shuts down, or your PSU if you can't even boot at all, or it could be something else… which you could determine via the error code (mobo beep code upon boot/shutdown or blue screen error code will work to diagnose it).
If you simply can't boot to your OS, then your OS' partition could be fragmented/corrupted, and this really isn't a big deal.
You can put a linux distro on a usb, and use its file explore to grab w/e you need.
Or you can plug your drive into a working computer (may need to buy a usb to sata converter if you only have say a laptop), and use its file explorer to grab what you need.
There's really quite a number of ways to get access to your files.
Also, as long as a pointer is left over to your files you can at least partially recover them with any data recovery program (if they're not overwritten, doubtful if it just crashed).

why so aggressive?
The dude just wants to make a game.


The shadows look very neat.
Could you post image of how the mesh looks?

Suppose I manage to create the best fighting game of all time.
What are the chances it completely flops and doesn't sell a haypenny just because it doesn't have online play?

I get the feeling I'd be better off making a 1P game that requires a lot of content than risk a fighting game that, while requiring less content to be fun, might flop without online, and might still flop even with online if the online turned out to be shitty.

Doing some light muscular detail. Will probably apply it as a normal as well.

you will be able to recover it. If you REALLY care for the data, you'll have to spend a few hundred bucks. It's preferable to killing yourself. We need your game. as anyone's

You didn't drop it so it's likely not machanical. But if you hear any abnormal sounds coming from it after turning it on, TURN OFF POWER IMMEDIATELY and send it for data recovery.

One of the few cases when data is unrecoverable is when the platter gets scratched. You really don't want that.


have you seen the quality of the stuff that gets posted here you can post your game no matter how bad it is.

The very fact that you are working on your game is important. Show it,

I dunno man, most of the projects here are alright. Or at least show promise/dedication.

The only really, really bad thing I saw recently were that one user's writing efforts.

Learn basic javascript. Not necessarily how to interact with the DOM, but how the language itself works. Write functional, not OOP if possible.
Learn basic OpenGL. opengl-tutorial.org is good. You don't need to learn C++, as long as you're not retarded you should be able to learn the graphics bits.
Combine the two. Webgl is a GL ES 2.0 binding for js that browsers implement, so you just write regular graphics code. If you are retarded, a library like three.js might be better.

Enjoy your data loss. Even a DVD in a shoebox is a better backup solution.

Go dumpster diving for broken laptops. Usually people toss them because of viruses, broken screens etc. Bring a screwdriver and salvage the drive. If you could get a few together you'll have more than enough redundancy. Another option is to buy a stack of blank CDs. Use redundancy and verify checksums yearly. Keep them in a dry place and wrap them in a thick layer of newspaper.

Here's a question, user.
What's the likelihood that my HDD, SSD AND flash drive will all fail at once?

The flash drive is, really, just a third resort in case somehow both the HDD and SSD fail at the same time. Otherwise, if one of them fails, I have two other backups, which need to hold out for two or so days until I get a replacement for whatever failed.

That, and I don't have the money for a better option right now. Every shekel is important, I ain't exactly living in Bel Air.

i hate weight painting
why isn't there an easier way to do this, automatic weights are fucking shit
i need an artist
shit looks relatively fine in blender, but once i try and get the new mesh to animate it completely fucks up

Honestly, I doubt either will ever fail. I've never personally experienced a HDD failure and only once for an SD card (powercycle a raspi a few dozen times). I'm just being cynical. But it is a fact that flash-based mediums are horrible in terms of reliability and should not contribute to the 321 rule. SSDs i think are fine. I've tried researching SSD reliability, but I haven't found any good data. As always, redundancy>reliability.

It's a pain in the ass, but not that bad.

i wish
the head is split up into tons of unnecessary bones and pretty much all of them are fucked up

Do you really have to do this for every character? Isn't there an automatic process that takes care of this?

there is, but my animations don't quite work with it
either the rotation is fucked up due to root motion, or the character is floating in mid air
using the exactly same skeleton SHOULD give better results, but it's fucking impossible to get it right


It's a good book yes, but for video games go for C++. Don't forget to do the exercises that comes with the book.

Why do you keep them then? Except you're planing on facial movement which will triple your workload.

just trying not to fuck it up
if the original model has them, i figure they might be there for a reason

Damn the real electric arc furnaces looks pretty cool actually, I think I should model one soon enough since the one in Factorio looks pretty lame compared to it. But first I need to finish the SU-100 HP version at least since I got busy with a few other things. And using the best Nvidia cards as rods for best methul production :^^^))

Kurwa I fucked up the posting.

I've come to the point where I can't progress without real a real artist.

All graphics are placeholders, and even the things that look decent need to be changed.

I can probably finish the entire project without any "real" graphics, but if I can't finish this project with "real" art, then I don't know if I want to continue.

Should I keep going or give up now?

Oh, and if I wasn't clear: I can't make art for shit.

Daily reminder Unreal engine is owned by the Chinese.

What exactly do you need and how much are you willing to pay for what you need?

quick question for 3Dfags

how do I make a controller bone for my IK rig that moves everything at once without rotating anything?

gif related, I created this one using the old guide that taught me how to set up an IK rig but the controller bone just causes the entire skeleton to rotate uncontrollably whenever i just try to move it. I'm only trying to translate it in this.

I started out thinking about making a hentai -trainer game set in an "after school" club with a lot of management features and several girls.
Alternatively, I might just ditch the hentai part and instead make it a family-friendly management game.
Making it an H-game would require a lot of good art. Just a management game would just need icons, backgrounds and portraits of passable quality.
I can't afford a professional, and trying to find an artist to do 100+ assets and loli-hentai-scenes for free is like trying to borrow money from a jew.

Speaking of Godot I tried it for a bit.

Their script has all their variables declared at the bottom rather than the top. How does this still work? (I mean it works fine so I don't care, but I at least want to know why)

The compiler is looking over your entire program for syntax errors before it even attempts to run it, so it can pick up and put those variables in place before running any executable code.
At least, that's the assumption I'm making, as I don't know shit about how GODOT complies code, but that's generally how it works. Compiler goes over all your code, looking for syntax errors (places you forgot to capitalize, forgot a semi-colons or otherwise violated the rules of the language you're working in), if it finds none, attempts to run code so that you can find all the semantic errors (places that work syntactically, but don't do what you intended them to do).

I hate to be a hipster but "Money don't grow on trees, I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed and ain't nothing in this world for free"

Yeah. I wouldn't do it for free either.
I'll trudge on, and maybe I'll get some up and comer to join me when I got some more gameplay to show off.

Is your pivot point set to 3D cursor? Check your tabs at the bottom of the screen and make sure it isn't

im not trying to rotate it in that gif, thats me trying to just move it around

How is this the hipster perspective? Sound conservative as fuck to me (not in a bad way, mind you).

Oh- so it's not like the script file needs to have it first- it's just how that engine decides where it restricts it to be placed.

Might dig into it again.

More or less, yeah. Depending on the language it could not matter in the slightest. Regarding C:
I also often hear that putting variables at the top of the function is the best way to do things, but I strongly disagree. I prefer to confine variables to the smallest scope possible so they have less chance to be misused and so I have less stuff filling up my mental space in each line on the program.
While all versions of C allow lexical block scope, where you can declare the variables depends of the version of the C standard that you are targeting:
C99 onwards or C++
Modern C compilers such as gcc and clang support the C99 and C11 standards, which allow you to declare a variable anywhere a statement could go. The variable's scope starts from the point of the declaration to the end of the block (next closing brace).
ANSI C (C90)
If you are targeting the older ANSI C standard, which happens to be the most recent one supported by Microsoft's MSVC compiler, then you are limited to declaring variables immediately after an opening brace1.
Also worth reading: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declaration_(computer_programming)

well it kind of works, although some spots on the mesh still need tweaking
i got rid of the blur effect, kind of pointless if it's only the player that uses shadow clones

I meant because I was quoting that lame song that everyone uses in their commercials

I like that, when dodging, he turns into a double nigger.


can you guys rate my hand, i plan to sew it on to a human model soon, but i want to know if i got it right.

Something looks off but I can't quite put my finger on it.

assuming the first hand is your hand, why even bother with the second hand? that's just completely wrong

First image is alright. Pinky finger looks a bit off though, could be a bit thicker.

Other two look like shit.

The bottom part, that being circled in red, is way too big, mate.
Pic 2 shows what it would be closer to.

parent a root bone at the base of the spine/hip location. Whenever you want to affect the entire rig, just select that bone.

since everything is IK rigged, all of the IK controllers need to be parented to the root bone as well

sure ofc, good point user.

…which is what I've been doing, which is causing the issue in the gif i posted

it's the fight of the century
i really should have given them finger bones before fixing the weights
either way the arms look like shit, so i'm probably gonna redo the weights anyways


im sorry i forgot to write, that the 1st pic is a reference for the topology i got on some blender forum, and yes this is my 1st attempt at a hand.

It's decent for a first attempt, you should spend more time on the index finger tho.

Same part's still a bit too big but better now, the middle and ring fingers are too long. The three middle fingers are too thin, very unhealthy-looking.
I'm not an expert or anything, just looking at my own hand, putting it against the screen and seeing roughly how it should look. You should do the same.

Only problem I have with this is that all the fingers are pointing straight up and yet have a gap in the middle of them.
If you look at your own hands you see that when the fingers are separated then the fingers are also at a slight angle, not parallel to each other.
Also the thumb is waaay too long.

it most likely that way because, when i was doing both sides, and just getting to make the base for the fingers it did not make a good circle so it is a bit deformed

well im just going for something that looks ok to good, but i should asked, can i rig it and will it animate well. because that all i really want to know.

yeah i plan to fix the thumb asap, i only made them straight because it easier to make, then if they are at an angle, it kind of the reason the pinkie is like that, it was at a 45' degree angle but it was a bit hard to work with, so i just made it straight.

definetely make the the thumb tinier, and make index and middle thicker

I hope this wasn't based off of your hand, user, or I have bad news

ya know, I think the model will require a bit more sculpting work to look like the qt from the picture.


I wouldn't choose an anime style for my game either, but…
that's what the dude is trying to do. These models are pretty well done. Faces aside, the anatomical details are excellent. If he wants to do a loli model based on the attached image, this is the level of quality he should aspire to. He seems to want to make the bellies perfect, it's something I can appreciate.

Does anyone use webgl?





Dead Hard Disk user back again

Sent it to a repair place because I was scared of touching anything myself. Dude says that they're able to see it but that for some reason it has formatted itself but they might still be able to recover the formatted stuff.

Haven't heard back since I was told this, so maybe there's some chance that they are actually able to recover stuff.

Are you going to invest in an external now?

Implemented a fairly basic save feature. Keeps track of in-game time, player room and position. Will, of course, keep track of other variables once those come into play.

pause menu is a placeholder for certain, title screen is most likely too. just need the graphical assets, which will take a while to finish

Oh. and does anyone else leave notes for themselves for what to do the next day? I leave my PC on overnight and i have a notepad document where I note everything down. It's the first thing I see when I switch my monitors on in the morning.

Plus a git.
Plus a variety of cloud drives.

I've just been layering percussion I guess.
Still haven't made a PMAP loader.

I can't really leave my computer on, since pretty much anything with lights in a room prevents me from sleeping, though I do leave documents in things like google drive.

Don't want to start a consolewar-tier shitshow but when i compare the two

Unreal Engine


why would i pick Unity?

Because Unity isn't owned by the Chinese user.

Unity is owned by SJWs, which is worse in my book

really made me think

This isn't even snek anymore.

Let's be realistic here, blueprints are absolutely useless.
Everything in UE ends up looking the same, and its also tuned to work better with realistic models.
Unity has a massive community to support it. If you have a problem, Google it, and you're 100% sure you'll find a way to fix it. If you want free content or plugins to expand unity, bam everything is there ready for you.
Not sure how to do something? Unity has literally thousands of tutorials and hundreds of premade character controllers that have been worked on to an almost autistic degree.

Ue is great if you're a big dev, Unity is still the best choice for a one man or few men team.

Disclaimer : haven't tried other engines apart these two.

this better?

I hope this is sarcastic bait, as otherwise, you're an idiot.

Correct. But royalties are a total fuck over and also binds you to Epic forever. Any company that wants anything from you in percentages, should be normally avoided, especially when chinese or jewish. Take a guess whom Epic is owned by.
Also correct, an okay choice if you are fine with C++
Kek, it's the other way around. using Blueprints is slow as fuck and only useful to shit tier artists who need visual spaghetti because they're too retarded to use C++
And bloated to boot. You need to turn half the engine in order to work on toasters. It's better to start of with an empty canvas in my opinion, but to each their own.
So does Unity. The only thing Unity absolutely misses is a Material editor, but you can get one in the Asset store or pirate one

What's this, 2009? Unity is available for free in full package. The "noob" version only has a forced "made with unity" splashscreen at the start. Other than that the "noob" version is entirely the same as the "pro" one.
Javascript is indeed not Javascript, but C# is the real deal, and if something is missing you can easily include a .dll file with all the C# shit you need.
No. This depends entirely on Artists. You can easily get Unity games to look like UE games if you know how to.
It has gotten better, but yeah. People still think that Unity, Blender and FLStudio are as shitty and noobish as many years ago.
However, it's not the programs but simply 98% of the users that are shit.

I literally cannot wrap my head around 3D modeling. The fact I have to not only build from a single cube, but also plan out every detail of my model in advance while it's still in it's rudimentary stages so I can have good topology when I add subdivisions, not to mention having the right faces in the right places to extrude from. And that's not even going into rigging, weight painting or texturing.

The Sims fucking spoiled me I just wanna drag and drop, fuck.

Always fun to see
Go download a good 3d program

Look here, it's a well rounded resource:

No need to box model a character from scratch.
There's a few methods that are pretty easy.
Use makehuman or something along those lines, get a good silhouette, and then re-topo that for your low poly base model.
Or, just download a low poly base model to refine/re-topo (for correct deformation during animation, and subdividing); though you'll have to refine it for your silhouette by hand.

Then, use that as a base model to subdivide, and then sculpt for details (be it in blender, zBrush, etc).
After sculpting, utilize that for baking details onto your low poly mesh's textures that has the good deformation topology.
Rigging/weight painting in blender is semi-automatic if you use rigify.

You should probably be more specific, and offer exact advice; not arbitrary conjecture with a vague suggestion.
Also, they didn't once mention blender.
Their problems are, in actuality, related to being a beginner at 3D modeling; which occurs whether one uses blender, maya, or any such 3D modeling program without a proper resource to guide them.


I've already replied to you once in this thread. Read it. Webgl is just OpenGL ES 2.0 in a browser and any modern GL tutorial will be applicable.

Don't listen to the usual Unityshills. They'll shout 5% at you, even though they've never released nor are close to release a game breaking the 100k revenue mark. Muh Chinese is just an excuse to make up for the lack of arguments, with Unity, you're giving your money to pic related.

On the other hand, if you are looking to increase diversity and progressiveness in your game, Unity is the perfect engine for you: blogs.unity3d.com/2016/06/02/do-you-want-to-make-your-studio-more-diverse/

Almost every tool in Unity is inferior to the UE4 version, especially VFX.

That's the answer you get for every damn Unity problem, all the time. Nothing gets improved because it would kill the marketplace money tree. I used Unity for quite a bit, never again.

The one thing Unity does better than UE4 is 2D, there is no reason to use UE4 for 2D as 2D in it sucks absolute ass.

I'm using 3DS Max though, Blender was waaaaay too autistic for me

Now that's super cool. I didn't know MakeHuman was a thing. Does it have anthros though because I need to make anthros

Using Unity for 2D is also pretty retarded. Perhaps not quite as retarded as UE4 for 2D but still retarded.

Can someone please explain people's obsession with dark themes? No matter what website I use, there's always retards screeching about how not using the dark theme is the equivalent of heresy.

Could be worse. Could be using RPG maker for a platformer.

It's meant to emulate old school screens that were solid black except for the words. It's a 70s thing you kids wouldn't understand.

Fuck you

If you can't get the basics with a good program then 3D modeling might not be for you.

Polycount has some excellent users that will point you in the right direction in case you need help, but that's pretty much all I can give you. If you can't figure it out on your own then maybe it's just not your cup of tea.

If that's the case I suggest looking for an artist or modeler on Twitter.

It's because bright UIs make your eyes bleed. I always work in a well lit environment and even then it hurts my eyes, I can imagine how horrible it would be in a dark environment.

Houdini shows this best I think, after the new UI update you can actually look at it without scorching your eyes out.

Not using dark themes really fucking hurts your eyes when you stare at it for a long time, especially at night.

better? also is to topology good for animating it i want to try to learn rigging and animating, so is this good enough?

No. Shorten the thumb, move its joint farther down/closer to the origin of the thing. Shorten the middle finger a hair. Smooth out the bump on the pinky's knuckle (the bit where phalange connects to hand), as knuckles don't protrude like that there normally.
Finally: Fucking kill me I have phoneposting.

do you have hands? take a picture of one if you cant model it and look at it at the same time
sorry for being so loud, but actually observing things helps alot in art

the thing is is that im not aiming for perfection, im just aiming for decent, just to get a good model to use in a demo, as well as move to rigging and animating.

in all honesty im thinking of just redoing the pinky.

Hands arent really that important if this is just a test model.
Just give it a general shape, connect all the fingers, and then add detail via texture.

And Krita is inferior to Photoshop, but it's still a viable option.

I agree 100% on this one. Either you have to write shit yourself or get it in the Asset store.

The only reason i am still using Unity is because i've been using it for years and know it like the back of my hand. And Unreal, the only other option i would ever choose is sadly owned by Tencent, has Bluememe shit instead of a scripting language to prototype, and most of all wants fucking royalties. At least in Unity you pay once and you're fine if you ever make more than 100k, and Marketplace and Matchmaking online scam is totally optional, but UE royalties screw you over by default.

You. I like you user.

inadvertent xform somewhere?

How did games like Wizardry store their maps? I need each room (tile on a 2D grid) to have 4 walls on/off, as well as some more bits for containing switches, items, enemies, etc, so I'm guessing 8 bits per room. Outside of manually typing in all the map data in a text file, is there an elegant way to do this? Or will I have to make a level editor before I can do any real map design? I'm going to have to make a level editor, aren't I?

More than 8 bits.
You could probably easily make a basic dungeon by hand, but a level designer tool will help you out a lot, although it might limit your shit. Unless all you want done is the retarded gruntwork of design and doors and whatnot.

This said, if I were you I would do it like this: (for a shitty first pass anyway)
My C++-inspired and shitty way to do this would be to store each room as an object on a grid object, with story encounters, loot, and mechanisms stored elsewhere and brought in, while generated shit is done at runtime.
Try making a simple (dead simple. Don't overcomplicate it) text adventure game to understand how the map and monsters and loot should (in your eyes and understanding - more important you know what to do than follow my idea on how it should go together) go together.


Using python (pygame), I've already got the information in memory and handling it with gameplay, the issue is with how the map itself is stored. Like, a plaintext file for each floor? Then whats in that file? Or is there some other way, like dump all room objects from memory into a file and load it directly? I was going to figure this all out myself, but given this problem has been solved since the early 80s, I was wondering how they did it

I kinda get that, but my monitor's not that bright… or something, since I spend a lot of time staring at " bright" themes, even at night and I'm fine. Having the option is always nice, however.

I'm moreso confused by the elitism of dark-theme users, where, if you don't use dark theme, you're somehow inferior and should be shunned by all, like a middle class kid in a hipster private school.

I can imagine that, although there are games that look completely different and are made in UE. I guess the out-of-the-box-beauty makes people lazy with postprocessing and general style.
I've used Unity before and i know, but the flipside is that there's a shit ton of garbage tutorials teaching retarded methods as well. Same sort of goes for UE4 as well though from what i've seen so far.

I have used Unity, it's not based on Hearsay, though i'll admit i tried it a few years ago back when the pro version still cost money.

For me this is a hobby, and reaching a release, let alone a point of success where the royalties kick in would be a dream come true in its own right. But sure, this is a downside.
Im torn, it's a nightmare whenever you have to do something complicated but it's easier than writing it all in C++. Some simple functionality is nice to have in that format. I like to prototype things in BPs and then rewrite it in C++ when im done tinkering.
Im not an artist, so that's not exactly an upside.

I am unfamiliar with python, but here's what some googling suggests:
If that method doesn't work, you should be able to implement your own textfile-based saving method.

Faeries gather ingredients for you, there is now a cool animation and it shows in the log

You have a hand right? at least one, flip your view by 180 and put your hand up to the screen, if your hand matches then I feel sorry for you. Your topology is just all kinds of fucked up, where are half of your loops even going? Your proportions are off too.

Does tutorials for game maker 1 translate to game maker 2? Trying to follow coding but getting errors.

Should I just switch to game maker 1?

Game Maker Studio 2 redid a bunch of shit.
There's specific GMS2 tutorials and apparently GMS2 has a bunch of good shit in it, but I never cared enough to update and rewrite everything, since GMS1 works for me just fine for me.

If one were to do the assets, what's the odds of finding someone here willing to do the programming on really simple, 80s Arcade-tier games, clones, say, with board-tans?

Depends on the quality of the art and how interesting your idea is.

Making a tan game seems pretty boring to me, but I'm sure someone might be interested.
You should start by posting some of your work to show off that you can actually accomplish what you say you want to make.

Well, it's just I've been doing this stuff for myself for fun, to sate my autism that enjoys keeping track of the characters people create and so on, but so many people keep asking "are you going to make a game from it?" that my plan was to do a full Vivian sheet then post it here for anyone to use. But if I could get help to do random simple stuff like, dunno, a Bubble Bobble clone with this theme, or Galaga, or any other random simple-ish thing like that where it's not an outright big platformer or beat-em-up or fighting game, dunno. Might be neat.

Mostly I'm just ideaguy-ing here but since I'm also kind of making actual assets, I'm wondering if anyone'd care for this at all. If not, eh, I'll keep doing it for myself anyway.

actually on a similar topic

fightan-fag here, we were working on a fighting game but we realized we were going for a project that was too large in scope and decided to put a pause before we get too deep into development to look at other genres we could work on

Our current unity dev is pretty solid working in 2D as evidenced by the about 9-days progress he made on the fighting game movement we accomplished, but he is self-admittedly not the best in 3D

this is kinda important cause one of the genres I was suggesting we switch to was a 3D action platformer in a similar vein to Jet Set Radio Future which I suggested due to our character designs and aesthetic being in similar vein to/inspired by JSRF so existing assets we've already created could be translated into the genre easily

it's also just a game I'm super passionately in love with and would love to show my appreciation for in a spiritual successor

what I wanted to know is if any unity developers who have experience working on 3D games/3D platformers would want to work on a project like that

first 2 pics related, the current character designs with completely finished models that would be easily translatable into a 3D skating platformer setting.

I want to know if there's any sort of interest in this type of game because frankly I would LOVE to work on it immediately, and it's much less animation-intensive than the fighting game department is.

I know no game development isnt a cake walk but the amount of art assets required to even make a functioning FG prototype is too tremendous of a task for little ol me.

Also, we're still looking for a 3D animator if anyone's biting. I'm okay at the task but I have my shortcomings since it was never something I focused on learning, just knowledge I picked up through my 2D and 3D art learning process

Please tell me she has some sort of boob crush attack in whatever style of game you choose.

read earlier in the thread, she was gonna have a boob-chest bump attack that confirmed into her grapple

I'm thinking if we can make this game well and it succeeds we can use the success of that game to have time to work on the fighting game in the distant future

I hate to be that guy, but -tans are inherently cancerous, Vivian is shit, and I see board mascots from 4chan in there

No, no but like this.

honestly we don't wanna do that sort of thing

He's a shitty Holla Forums drawfag who worships their shekelgrubbing catgirl drawfag and draws Vivian getting molested by commie catgirls to piss off Holla Forums, so of course he's a cancerous faggot.

Oh dear

seems it worked if you're dredging all that back up, to be frank

Holla Forums and 4cancer should be left at the door, this is why we left that hellhole to begin with

Don't bring this shit into agdg

I really like your stuff and jsr but I doubt I'd have the time to help. 3d with unity is pretty easy though, good luck if you decide to go this way

he's retarded enough to think that openly showing things youre working on is shilling.
shills pretend to be a neutral third party and market a product.


Don't want to derail the thread further with inter-board shit so I won't even reply on that end, but I am curious about the 4chan stuff. What characters do you mean? All the characters I have there are from board-tan threads I've seen on various boards here, whether obscure or not. There's characters like /m/tan there, I suppose, but like punished Holla Forums, it's not the 4chan version, it's a version made in this site.

Anyway other than for this question I got my reply already, won't derail further especially if there's people from the GG threads wanting to drag that shit here too now.

sage for irrelevant

Shill has meant "person I dislike" for at least a few years now

id Tech 4 is neat shit but I'm worried I'll have to gut the internal physics engine and replace it with Bullet, since it shits itself if you create too many ragdolls and I'm worried how the IK system scales even with the BFG Edition's threading support.

His spritesheet has an entire section dedicated to the Political Ideology Catgirls, that should have been a massive warning light.

"hey i'm working on this" is the opposite of shilling
"hey i'm pajeet from trashcanistan, Ubisoft 3rd party marketer, and you should be hyped for Ubisofts HOT new 2017 GAMES"

Think about it for more than a microsecond, if telling people about your game development makes you a shill then why the fuck would shill be a derogatory term, or more to the point, why would anyone use it as such?

Why id tech 4?

Because I somehow forgot Tesseract exists and feel like a complete retard for forgetting the engine I fucked around with ages ago. I'll write a more detailed post and probably post some screenshots in the morning when I'm less tired.
It feels amazing to finally discover the perfect fit for that one niche engine everyone else ignores

Sharing something from a side project of mine, I want to make some stuff to sell at Renderotica and/or Renderosity, this is for Genesis 3 Female figures but I plan to adapt them to earlier Genesis figures, a little high poly if we think about game development though.


How would you do a hit detection check in melee combat? Right now im checking at one specific frame per animation, but it doesn't feel good. I suppose a better way is having a "lethal timeframe" with continuous checks for intersections. How do i make sure that the weapon only hits a target once, though? All i can think of is a unique id per performed attack, and the potential targets store an array of attack ids by which they have been hit. This seems pretty complicated for such a simple thing though.

are you only concerned about melee weapons?
in that case make a class that enables/disables collision checking during the start/end of the attack animation
in unity you've got animation state behaviours that work at the start/update/end/IK of the animation, so at the start you tell it to check for collisions and at the end you tell it to stop
or you could directly do the same thing with the frames of the animation, one to start checking and one to end, this is the more accurate choice
as for how to actually stop/start checking, just use a raycast or whatever

Yeah, that's not the issue, how do i keep targets from being hit multiple times per attack? Is there a more elegant solution than the id / array thing?

disable the checking when you hit the target the first time
but if you want to be able to attack multiple targets, only once each, make a list of targets that have been hit during this animation, don't hit them if they're already in this list

Alright, thanks user

Working on a game with melee right now in UE4, what I do is I have shape components (usually boxes) on weapons in their BP (so they can be easily scaled, moved, etc), and then I simply multi boxtrace that shape at that location from the location it was in the frame before (which I stored) to the current one. This makes one continuous trace along the arc that returns everything it went through that frame with a lot of precision. Animation notifies are used to tell it when to start tracing and when to stop, so you don't do it all the time when the weapon isn't in use.

This does create straight box traces between two frames even though there might have been an arc there, but that doesn't really matter, you're basically sampling a curve and the samples are so close to eachother that what's in-between has very little importance. Something to keep in mind if your attacks are just a few dozen milliseconds, however.

That sounds even better, i've been using OnComponentBeginOverlap for a box collider around the weapon.

Got a question about your Class / BP hierarchy for weapon equipping
Right now i have in my Player BP:




It's bad writing user again.
Can someone please help me check if this is alright? It's the description of a piece of armor in the game I'm making.

' The Monte suit is a protective piece of attire that takes the form of a loose casual suit with a dangling red tie, it’s an asset of Maxwell that serves only as a tool of defence against enemies in combat. The material used to make it is an artificial Chinese fabric called Ji, Ji is flexible enough to allow Maxwell perform acrobatic feats and it comes with sewn in nano-bots that toughen it during combat. The Monte suit is strong enough to take only seven hits during any fight, after which it wears away and leaves the Players body exposed, at this moment the Player would only need to be hit once to be killed. The shield power of the Monte suit can be extended by purchasing Vitalbot upgrades, which help to increase the resistance of the nano-bots beneath the threads and therefore increase the number of hits Maxwell can take. Health can be acquired in-game by perfectly countering certain attacks, performing the multiple strike kills on enemies or butchering them with right-handed weapons.'

apart from looking out for little mistakes like that I'd say shorten it down to the important bits, unless you want it to be in depth like that

Armor Suit

Protect you in a certain way

This and that, but it can be upgraded

Make it pleasing to the eye rather than have a bulk of text.



I'd advise you to have a point for point description, like suggested.
And then have an option for the player to read the wall of text if they press a certain button.

It might be better, actually, to have a one sentence description of every item. If I'm not mistaken, the Mario and Luigi games, in the equipment menu, if you scroll over an item, then it will show you a one-sentence description of it at the very bottom and show what your stats will become if you equip it. Pic related.

So once again, a dedicated lore tab is fine, but don't make reading all that necessary. You're making a game, not writing a fucking novel.

As for the writing itself, there's certain parts where you seem to combine what should be two sentences into one, and it sounds bizarre.
I tweaked it just a bit for you so it's better grammar wise, but I ain't exactly a literary genius of any kind.

I mean, it's better grammar wise now, but style-wise, it's pretty shit. But again, I can't help you in that regard.
To finish off, learn two very important things.
Number one - an average sentence is 10-16 words. If you type up a 30 word plus sentence, people will have forgotten the beginning by the time they get to the end of it. That one sentence about vitalbot upgrades, i sat there for five minutes thinking of a way to rewrite it while still relaying all the information. It's a fucking mess, man.

Number two - Have you ever heard of paragraphs, user? Using them doesn't make you a redditor, unlike what some may say, but rather, a reasonable human being.

Yes, weapons are blueprints (which are derived from a C++ class which handles all the gritty stuff). Basically the way it works is that every attack is a skill which is part of a rather large skill system which handles everything from basic attacks to shooting a fireball to buffs (mostly with UObjects and structs). Basically it goes like this

It's a rather complicated process, which is the result of the skill system that has to cover a broad spectrum of stuff (I didn't cover the majority of it, lets just say there are a lot of layers of UObjects and structs to try and keep everything as self-sufficient as possible), but in our case it actually makes things simpler since everything works within the same standardized framework. All in all it's probably overkill most of the time, but in our case we needed a system that would support possibly a lot of different skills and weapons so I ended up taking more time on this thing (which is on it's third iteration and probably not last) instead of risking it and maybe having to go back and rework it later when it isn't good enough. I honestly have no idea if this is the best or even a good way to do it, but seems to work very well so far.

That should work just fine too. We used BPs but your system would work just the same, as you noticed, our weapons don't really do much more than carry the weapon info, the visual component, and check for collisions (which they just pass along and never handle themselves).

We do use some Blueprint Interfaces but I recently reworked it to mostly use the event handler component since it makes it a lot easier for the skill system (for example the weapon doesn't need to store a reference to the active ability actor that wants to know what it hit).

Initially I used a UObject but it was just extra pain to work with it, so I decided to go with an actor since there's only one of them per skill and it won't really be spammed so the performance hit is negligible.

I may also have inspired myself a lot in the Paragon AbilitySystem, though that one is infinitely more complex and advanced (and lacking completely in documentation), which was overkill for us hence this custom made thing.

Well, I want to also make crossdresser versions of my garments anyway.

Sounds progressive

My autism demands you make a platformer, friendo. It would be ebin if you did it well.

nah, is just for being able to properly make trap and shotacon renders.

Trying to get my feet wet in all this aggydaggy stuff, I figured a simple Bomberman clone in GM would be a good way to start.

But apparently I'm too much of a retard to get it right.
My animations keep getting fucking stuck. If I move to the left, the animation plays normally, but if I so much as press any other direction while the animation is playing, the whole thing will get stuck until I stop and press another key.

What am I doing wrong?
The way I have it set up is that the Key Down events make the object move (With a 'Jump to Point' event that moves the character 5 pixels to the chosen direction), the Key Pressed events change the sprite and set the animation speed, and the Key Up events set the sprite again (to return it to frame 0) and set the animation speed to 0 to stop it from playing.

So is SimCity Classic basically just a fancy cellular automata?

Have you tried ignoring the directional key press event if there is already another directional key being pressed?
That would also prevent your character from moving diagonally

Thank you user, i'll go through implementing something similar tomorrow

Sounds like that could work, I'm going to try and figure out how to make that happen. Thanks user.

IIRC the function was keyboard_check(vk_left/right/down/up)

First off, don't use drag and drop.

What said should work
I usually do this stuff in code rather than individual events, but you can do a check for whether any other direction is being held.

Alternatively, instead of "jumping" five points in a direction, you should set "hspeed" or "vspeed" to 5 or -5 respectively when a key is pressed and 0 when a key is released.

It'd be something like this for the "press left" event
if hspeed = 0 and vspeed = 0{hspeed = -5sprite_index = sprite_bomberman_left_walk}

and when you release left
hspeed = 0sprite_index = sprite_bomberman_left_idle

But seriously user. Learn GML, otherwise GMS will be as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

Thanks for spoonfeeding me, I'll see if I can set this up with Code events.

I don't have a lot of code experience, my knowledge basically amounts to simple Java/VB.NET stuff, will it be hard for me to adapt to GML? Gamedev in general seems like a pretty huge beast to take on.

I'm going to try and redo everything in raw code anyway, I just realized GMS2 won't let me export my project to an executable so I have to start from scratch on 1.4 anyway.



GML is completely different from every other language, it's why a lot of people despise it. It's really easy to learn, however. That. and it's really well documented - there's examples for how to do anything and everything, and they're just one Google search away.
And if that fails… I'm usually here. I'm not exactly an efficient coder, but it works and it works exactly how I want it to.

It's different for everyone, I guess, but coding is the most enjoyable part of gamedev for me, because it's always something completely different, and really, there's nothing that's impossible.

And if anyone's curious, music is the comfiest part - usually sit down for an entire day and end up with something pretty nice at the end of it. It's also the most rewarding, since I love listening to music.
Art takes a long time to do, but it's pretty comfy as well.
Out of everything, I hate writing the most since I'm not that great at it, but whenever I do come up with something good, it's borderline euphoric.

someone needs to subdivide that thing

It will be just a small model on the screen, not need for more polys.

>made the mistake of upgrading to Fedora 26 instead of a clean install and came out with a fucked-up X11
So much for using Red Hat software or being productive today.

Anyone here uses GzDoom and Slade to make games ? Because I need help with it.
Why when I try to launch my map instead of launching it it just goes straight to Doom 2 instead ?

What do you mean by "launch" a map?
This sounds like default programs at the OS level

t. someone who has only played shareware doom 1 demos

When you create a wad you have the option to press the little play button to test your level, and instead of playing my level it just throws me to the first level of Doom 2.

can someone make animal crossing but for PC, thx

I'll get to it user, come back tomorrow.


I'm trying to remember where I've heard this music before…

it starts with a p my man

this was almost impossible to do.

i give up, post song
in return have source for every song played in the weather channel




It's getting there. I don't have fancy shaders like that or the muscular skill. But I'm not going for that bony of body structure.

Just use Tiled and some script to convert output.

There's opensimplex, you know.

You didn't say >not opensimplex


I heard GML was based on Python (I think?), so how does that make it different to use? I'm asking from an honest perspective here, because I really don't know much about coding. How different is it from Godot's coding for example?

There's a lot of bad habits and overly simplified things in GML.
That's just a few things off the top of my head. I can personally confirm that learning "real" programming took me a lot longer than it probably would/should have if I hadn't learned GML first.

Can't confirm or deny that, in all honesty. It might be, but it doesn't come through in practice.

Having used both Python (even if it was brief) and GML, they're incompatible in every way. Basically, I know GML quite well, but I'd need to relearn everything if I wanted to properly use Godot. Same would be true the other way around.

Python is much closer to most other coding languages than GML is, whereas GML is far more simplified.
But I'll say this, transferring from one to another will be annoying no matter which you learn first. Some will find the oversimplification of GML to be annoying, I personally find the needless complexity of certain aspects of other languages to be annoying.
Like said, formatting is essential to the functionality of Python, and that pisses me off to no end. Pretty much ensured that I won't even consider using Godot.

Thanks for the replies! It's sound like a few of the things that annoy me about gamemaker are due to GML. Hmm…

doesn't godot just use C# or python or something, like an actual programming language.

IIRC godot uses something heavily based off python because they didn't like pythons performance.


It'd be quite a bit of fun from what it sounds like, but considering that making my game in GMS already's gonna take me ~2 years to make, I don't wanna waste another 4 on an engine when, in actuality, it will end up looking and functioning exactly identically.

Reminder that Godot 3 will have C# because they want the Unity crowd.

It'll also have D, C++, and Rust bindings.

That's fucking nice.

I've enhanced my YUME engine, now I have a flexible way of attaching objects to bones of an animated model - see the moustache on the NPC in the pic. This means that Speebot is getting unlockable cosmetic equipment!

+rep fellow engine dev, keep it up.

4 years is a stretch, you can get a playable Wolfenstein 3D clone in OpenGL within a couple of weeks if you follow this guy's tutorials: youtube.com/watch?v=XS6BA1t2JYw (this is not the first part of the tutorial series)

blue dot = model position projected to screen coordinates.
red dot = mouse coordinates.

please no

Welp I finally managed to get a dedicated hosting for my factorio serb running up now so that I don't have to pay attention to it all the time and the like since my friend wanted me to help him finishing a great wall around our base, now I can focus my attention more on mod development. Luckily most of the error stuff was a few missing values and the like so no major changes needed.

Seems so far I missed the translation stuff but all I have to do is removing the empty spaces since they are invalid now for some reason.

Does that mean I can write C++ and not have to wait ages for it to recompile the entire engine now?

Nice. But if you bring stuff to him, what do the crystals unlock? They will do something, right?


Yes, crystals are used to progress to the next worlds, and if you collect all the crystals in the entire game and give them to a special NPC, there's something special to unlock and it's not something cheap like another wearable or a few bonus levels.

Besides all that, I'm adding an "Extras" menu with some gameplay adjusting modes…

Hey user, did you get greenlighted?

Yeah, steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=924909034

Yes of course all of suddenly I needed to add animation speed for my custom enemy building what a heap of bullshit. I think I should revert the brown effect on those horsefuckers, if I could only remember how I made the sprite sheet in the first place. Also I need to fix the enemy base spawn since I do not want that there are thousand of blue ayys around the map.

But what's the release date?

Is that a fukkin KKND vehicle?

you should not upload things to personal accounts.


Are there any videos of this in action?

I keep moving the goal post but I'd say somewhere in August.

Does it really matter? It doesn't make any difference to the end user afaik.

Right now I have only a few low quality videos of it, I will try tomorrow to make a few better one and I haven't figured out yet that OBS uses ALSA for sound instead of Pulseaudio since I don't use it at all.

May aswell post some random stuff I'm working on. It's some practice scuplting in zBrush.
Constructive criticism welcome on details/anatomy, but this is my personal preference for proportions.

I don't know enough to have any exact criticism for you, but my dick thinks you're on the right track. The top of the buttocks are shaped a little odd, I think. Too squared, or something, like they're being pulled up.

How do I make A* give up if the destination is unreachable?

Show it this.

Noice. Except for the butt. Too square.

So, it's official, I lost most of the progress I had done up until now. Granted it wasn't that much but it took me a while to get here.

I still have my camera script and the assets backed up, but everything else is fucked.
Remember to back your shit up lads.

I don't feel much nowadays, user, but I feel bad for you.

That sucks user. Don't quit, though.

I ain't sloppy, floppy!
I ain't seedy, CD!
I ain't slippy, zippy!
I ain't hit, git!
I ain't foxed, dropbox!

The thought greatly amuses me.

Butt is fine if you're putting a tail on top, but I'm sure it's not furry so should be softer. It just looks too firm like the butt cheeks are supporting something heavy.

I ain't zen, svn!
I ain't course, perforce!



Reptile tits are cool. You guys are just gay and like feminine penis.

Thanks anons
Will touch the butt up to make it look softer

what did you use as reference?
or did you do this off the top of your head?

But don't you know, user? It's hip to be square.

Sorry that I forget to make some new videos but I released the 0.1.6 version now which makes ammo production much cheaper to make, previously the cost was quite high which for example when the player wanted to make a 105mm HE shell he needed a lot of explosives production to get it going now it is not the case anymore. I need to revamp the ammo production line anyway so that it is more streamlined so that the player can make a large amount of machines making ammo intermediates at one side and then the final assembly for the actual ammo items which should be done in a way that is a long line which needs like only 3-4 items maximum to produce it.

For now I won't add much shit and I want to rather try to improve the sprites quality so that it looks much better like the SU-100 I made and some more balance changes. At least Factorio has uranium stuff now which I can add them soon in my mod.

I'm not good enough to do it off the top of my head tbh.
I'll upload my references when I get home, as I'm on mobile atm.

Here's a screenshot of a sample map running on Windows, will post another of the game's broken state on Linux once I reboot. Hopefully this is something I can fix myself and not another of Nvidia's infamous Linux driver bugs.

Please do.

And for comparison, this clusterfuck.

Here's my sculpting references:

That's just about all I used.
As I have my base female model w/basic structures I used to sculpt the details on top of.
I use the first method for the base model mentioned in one of my previous posts:


For each iteration you should have a running cost heuristic, and if it's above a threshold for the current cost of the current path; then exit that particular iteration.
Check the attached book out for a better explanation, look at chapter 4.

I re-read, and you may mean totally unreachable.
I'll give an example.
A really simple solution is to just keep a running count of the failed iterations in a row (as, it's only unreachable if it keeps failing).
Thus, after X amount of failed iterations in a row, that running count, has passed your "unreachable destination threshold", you just go with fail-safe state; such as utilizing the lowest cost path thus far that is the "closest" to the destination (via a distance metric determined via a bird's eye distance from the reached node to the destination node f.e.).

Another one is to utilize a heuristic for determining when the destination is unreachable, and to have defining a destination as "unreachable" more dynamic.
Though, you need a fail-safe state, but what best suits your needs is up in the air as to what that could be.

The inner thighs are too fat. Keep in mind that your model has the legs spread apart slightly, which should make that inner part less bunched up. The contour of these muscles should also end a little bit higher on the leg. In your sculpt they look as if they go all the way to the knee.

You also need to highlight the iliac spine bony landmark. You will see that the belly button is a bit too low and the angle of the inguinal ligaments is too V shaped for a female. It's the angle connecting the red and green bony landmarks in the reference you posted. The tendinous band that holds the belly should look like a sloping curve on a female.

The 3/4 view also looks off. From that angle the pelvis should be protruding more (in relation to the thighs) and you should be able to see the the iliac crest better. That area should also be a little more depressed due to the legs being apart, which sinks the great trochanter

Thanks for putting effort into the constructive criticism.
Thick thighs save lives, as mentioned, these are my preferred proportions; be it exaggerated artstyle or otherwise

The rest I'll work on, thx.

Godot 3.0 platformer demo

You caught me off guard and I laughed abnormally hard for some reason

It looks cool, but you need to add a way to "focus aim" in a specific direction.

It's not mine, just reposting. Juan is the main developer of Godot

Someone needs to make a proper platformer demo for Godot

Consider reading the description.

I can't.

I can check those dubs though.

He basically just took the 2.1 demo and flipped all the fancy graphics switches on, the assets aren't designed with the new graphics model in mind.

The controls and physics are ass, though.

Testing out some idle animations with the new rig.

It's like when you stare into the abyss and it stares back at you.