Mass Effect: Autism removed Denuvo
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Meanwhile Bamco works their ass off to patch Denuvo in Tekken 7 while at the same time breaking the game, only to have Denuvo cracked in less than a day. When will they learn?
This .gif bothers me because I thought the bitch was going to do a disco pose fever.
wtf i love biowarw and want to buy their games now!!
s a l a r i a n
c u n t b o y s
Cuntboys are super retarded.
How much does that cut the filesize down by?
hopefully every byte
They're upset it's so bad that not even pirates want to bother with it, so they're trying to encourage it so anyone would actually play.
I hate Denuvo as much as the next guy but, if you seriously think that these cracks will bring anything else other than even more retarded and invasive DRM's from Publishers you're being delusional.
…which will still get cracked, the only ones who get fucked over by this, ironically, are paying customers.
It's because of you niggers that KLK is now furry.
This wasn't a crack.
Bioware removed Denuvo themselves.
Remove Denuvo from Tekken 7 please.
We really can't get worse DRM than Denuvo
This looks infinitely better than the trash heap we got.
Nice ip logger
tbh the only right way to do drm is with a launcher and online server browser mode that can only be accessed with a legit account. That way, paying customers don't get raped and pirates get to play without enjoying the multiplayer "premium" but since they can try the game in lan with "friends", they still get a taste of the full game and may even end up buying it.
Well, still better than denuvo.
Yes. Yes! We need even more restrictive and damaging DRM slapped on games by publishers that fuck every legit gamer over five ways to Sunday. Maybe then even the most gluttonous dicksucker finally wakes up and starts boycotting that garbage.
nobody is even pirating androgena
dont be making cracks goy, fuhgeddaboutit
There's a youtube version if your tinfoil hat is too tight. And a webm version. But you deserve neither.
So what? It's not like this is gonna make it a good game or anything
I don't think the point is that this will make the game better, the point is that this will de-legitimize Denuvo further.
I don't want any more ip loggers
It's not a crack. Bioware had such little faith in Denuvo that they probably cancelled their contract.
Read the article, they themselves were the ones who removed the DRM.
You're forgetting the part where in 5-10 years after the publisher stops caring about the game they shut down the servers thus making this "premium" part of the game is locked away from everyone forever.
I have I better idea, and this may sound crazy so bear with me here, how about they stop spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on implementing DRM and just make a GOOD FUCKING GAME THAT PEOPLE WILL WANT TO BUY.
i thought that was already done with every game cracked so far
You giga dingus, players would still be able to set up their own custom servers, so those will appear in the browser even if the official ones stop running. Unless it's Konami
Still, I'm glad to see those faggots starting to get more and more fucked over by their contractors, and not just baldman.
Now, if only automata would do the same.
From all the publisher that there are, $quare €nix would be the last one to ever remove Kikongo from their games.
It's hard to find that image amusing knowing that guy is borderline suicidal.
That article was three years ago, he has about a hundred orgasms a day. That's an orgasm every nine and a half minutes. They're all incredibly painful.
Also, keep in mind that shit like Dude Sex: Mankind Flopped still has Banango, that's how much $quare €nix cares.
Squeenix personally invested on the fucking thing, they helped create it and get it 4free.
Technically you are correct, the cat&mouse game of DRM and cracks will continue and escalate over time as it always as.
However, there's a limit to how far it can go: the money a company has.
DRM always costs some money from them, both for the company that developed the DRM, for server costs if they use it and even from lost sales since some people won't put up with it on principle.
The more advanced the DRM, the more expensive it becomes and at some point it's not going to bring enough money to justify itself. That's when it dies and companies start looking for another one (Denuvo is quickly reaching that point)
However further from that, a company might just not have the budget for even decent DRM if it keeps fucking up all the time. A lot of AAA games today sell millions of units and yet barely break even or don't even reach that point due to how bloated these companies end up being.
One of the first things to cut will be DRM, especially if it's not credible to stop pirates anyway.
The only thing Denuvo ever made was kill discussion about the games that released with it unless the games were actually that good (Automata for instance), showing to everyone that DRM doesn't matter, it's quality that sells games and that's why those got discussion going on.
So in the future, DRM will be seen as an expensive useless tool employed by incompetent hacks to hide their shoddy work while they slowly bankrupt themselves.
That seals the deal.
Good thing KLK and everything else Trigger has produced is garbage
Heres the Trigger autist
If it was enjoyable it'd still be a downer as you'd eventually grow use to them, and cut out a huge part of life (sexual pleasure- even from masturbation).
Since shit fucking hurts- it fucking hurts.
Poor bastard's urethra probably feels like fire even when pissing- assuming he can even aim for the bowl.
Not to mention constantly walking around with a boner and softly moaning (in pain) is sure to cause misunderstandings.
Plus- the dick is not designed to be hard for excessively long periods (hence "if erection persists more than hour, call your doctor" on pills). It's like the muscle being constantly tense.
Walking around with a dick that feels like it's constantly got a torn muscle or cramp in it, urethra burning, and a surge of pain ever 9 mins or so with a dab of pleasure that he's can't focus on anymore.
Shit'd make you an hero, cut your dick off, or become an episode of Criminal Minds.
Why did this one take so long?
No glory in cracking a game nobody gives a shit about?
what condition is that?
For him.
Persistent genital arousal disorder.
From what I've read, suicide is a common result of the illness.
Welp, there it fucking goes.
I'd still buy it if it was less than 60 bananas. But a game with denuvo isn't worth the hundred and something it went by last sale.
Read the thread, retard.
This shit is something straight out of hentai.
In other news, does anyone even give a shit Andromeda dropped Denuvo?
No, why do people still give a shit about Bioware at this point?
They're dead and Anthem isn't even an RPG and looks like shit
So was it ever cracked?
Because it's entertaining watching a dumpster fire burn.
It's Destiny with more niggers. It will fail about as hard as Stillborn did.
Fuck off
casuals love shit like Anthem and they still think the Bioware name means something
maybe they even think the Bioware name means something BECAUSE of ME2&3 not in spite of it
Didn't help Stillborn or the first Destiny any.
Not after Inquisition and Andromeda, both of which sold like shit. BioWare isn't even making DLC for Andromeda because the game sold so poorly it can't justify costs.
Explains a lot.
it's not even friday???
sage for off topic