if there's a new thread
I'll be the first in line
but it better work this time
if there's a new thread
I'll be the first in line
but it better work this time
Cookie probably gets final decision on who gets to sleep in the girl room though since I'm pretty sure she said she's paying for it
I bet the only ones sleeping in "the girl room" are Cooki and Sobo.
I'm confirmed for being in there as well
If we go to AX I want to room with Cup and Test.
Sharpie in proper? I mean I CAN do that if you actually want it
every time this happens it is a very annoying experience
if I go to ax there is different rooming arrangements going to be made, actually. as much as I like you guys.
Tbh, if I go to a convention with posters,
There is no way I can room with anyone here.
→ ←
↑ ↑ ↑
this is honestly probably the wisest course of action
Seems he does.
soto better be taking pictures of his dick
well nobody's got the balls to harm you
but they might molest you a bit
just a bit
although chances are good that could change. I'm prone to fucking things up after all.
I don't want to go to AX if I can't room and hang with people.
And I only trust like, a few of you.
so picky. we'll see what happens. ax is a long way off after all.
Well, anyone moving around in the room I'm sleeping in will wake me up.
So I'd wake up every time someone came in or left, and probably just be a super grump in the morning.
Okay it's coming just gimme a minute
Buy your own room then
he didnt mean it
dont post anything please
Don't post it.
It's so bad that in my own room, I'll wake up if anyone or anything at all moves around outside my door.
this is nothing new with you and you usually wake up alone.
now I feel bad about what I have said.
I'm not super grump when I wake up normal.
Just sleepdumbs and regular grump.
i think he like ran away or something
sad face
it's kind of adorable tbh
You call everything I do adorable, though.
no. far from everything. but way more than you would call if you got to make all the calls.
wait no
tranny i changed my mind
It's like you, like, like me and, like, care about me, or something.
transphobic kyle is at it again
one could make this assumption, I suppose.
I can't keep track of what gender people are anymore and I don't pay enough attention to Sweed to care.
you fucking bigot
It has been at least 8 minutes as of writing this.
okay here's the best I could do
kinda a hard angle to get from something that's behind you
Is that a butt?
Or is it just two knees.
from this angle one could honestly think it was two fat fingers gripping that sharpie.
i immediately regret this
or this
for fuck's sake
this is just disappointing honestly
somebody needs to save this thread
Can we ban them until they have some kind of decency?
That's just unwanted.
I'm scared to look, but I am also curious.
it's honestly such a bad angle that it looks like any number of things but not really the one it's supposed to be.
Sure wish I knew what was going on
post the tail picture quick
I'm just going to eat my stash of pills and hope I forget this.
absolutely not.
ill post my bent over ass pic if you do
it's a hard angle on a camera phone and it's a bold sharpie
Can I see the tail image?
this is insanely tempting but still no deal.
the fuck are those marks
What the fuck man
Pretty sure those are fucking cigarette burns cup
weak scars too
come on
I have decided against opening either of these spoiled images.
they're mostly faded
Who's using you for an ashtray?
no texture to them
how old are they
that's what they look like but man that's sad.
ur gay
also moogs spammed the ass pic not too long ago, it's not something you should be trading stuff for!
This grasp for attention though.
And yet you post that disgusting filth.
you wouldn't regret it. More hype than anything.
some of em years, some of em recent. like I bet you can't even see some of the older burns and cuts
there's only so much detail a phone camera can give
I don't post pictures of myself anyway.
i try not to limit myself
dont degrade it's value scumbag
okie dokie
but you hate vagina right?
I'm a complete camwhore
not really
I know you are. it doesn't bother me but seems to bother a lot of people. you spoil the images so I'm not sure why anyone cares tbh.
phew. thank goodness.
wait no I read that wrong moogs noooo
More like looking at a traffic accident unfold. You do not want to look, but it's already burnt into your retinas.
fap until it goes away.
is this a deal breaker
it's pretty horrible, I won't lie.
but no.
Cummed just before I came here, it's too soon to go again.
Good evening.
heya goggles.
how can i regain your favor
Just kidding.
fish should post her little clit next
renounce the vagina.
thank goodness. I imagine you as a sexless, pure maiden. it would be devastating to have this shattered.
Hey Cupcake. How are things?
pretty okay. doing a little drinking. just kinda sitting around today. typical stuff really. how about you?
no, dick pics are a no go
also I'm not in the mood to get an erection so I can't
Yeah that's me.
I feel like I want to break things with a bat but other than that I'm fine.
good. keep it that way.
that sounds kind of like the opposite of fine. what's the matter?
Fish should post feets.
can we meet in the middle here
how about your balls
I'm saving myself for marriage.
darwin get out of here
I'm afraid not. vagina is gross.
good girl.
Nothing different than what's annoyed me for the past few weeks.
Please, bigot, they aren't balls.
ah. well I'm sorry to hear it all the same.
not gross. You need facial hair to catch and save the flavor.
those feet are so average I can't even begin to find a word for it other than average.
there are worse turn offs for me
i was afraid another euphemism would be lost
why even camwhore if you cant do it correctly
So where's Squash at?
the hell are you.
for me as well, but still.
I dunno, he's done his classic vanishing act.
Do neck next.
I've got short stubby arms, and these are some hard angles famarinos
we're not getting anywhere with this
You pull the same act during the week.
Post a picture of standing up.
just stop talking about disgusting smell ass vaginas moogs!
yes I have this thing called A JOB
youre the one so fixated
I don't have a job.
My vanishing act is just because typing is trudgery.
Welcome home, Squash.
Sounds fancy.
Well then.
I thought I took your key.
Why are you in my home?
now that you REALLY don't want to see
all of my fat focuses directly on the belly
what a whore
shut up!
I assure you it is not.
Let's go with thighs then?
You didn't think I wouldn't have made copies and already started unpacking, did you?
How is that me being a whore?
Jesus chirst.
Don't hang your weird anime shit in the den.
well okayyy then
the shit I put up with
at least all the cutting scars are old enough that they're completely faded
hell, you can't even see the time I went to town when I was on LSD
Don't tell me what I can and can't do in the den.
Save this thread
you can start spoilering again please
You aren't putting up with shit.
You can stop.
what did this weird dude want
I am 75% confident I could beat you.
Tbh, those look comfy to rest on.
I'm running out of ideas that don't go hardcore into lewd.
I've been tempted to say chest/booblies.
What do you do?
its time to stop enabling this
u wanna go m8 ill fukin trounce u fukr.
brng yor shit 2 git stomped fart snifr
basic office drone stuff. mostly paperwork and scanning.
The accumulated filth of all their cybering and bullying will foam up about their waists and all the traps and shitposters will look up and shout 'Save us!' And I'll look down, and whisper 'No'.
was it belly?
I told you you REALLY didn't want to see it.
my body has a problem making collagen and I'm seeing a dermatologist some time soon
Why not just put them out of their misery
I don't feel like I want to go to America anymore.
That explains it, you're a robot suited for a robot's job.
Post a picture of the room you're in.
you look like a crack whore ill be honest
I lack the proper vomit reaction image.
beep boop beep.
Good youd fuck it up anyhow
I'm starting to really like this dog image.
post the original please
I need it
Told you you didn't want it.
But this one is angry. I think.
I want to make a folder of it with other silly shoops.
I have no current requests?
*presses your buttons in systematic order*
Maybe but looking at the politics, it's already doing that to itself.
That's because they are one lol
it's beautiful
thank you
no I just mean the original image in general
you should.
[error, system overload]
I was going to make humorous advances but I lost my appetite recently.
I'd only do that to like, a few of the really developmentally disabled posters.
Like Tsuchi.
I would do that.
But I'm not sure I qualify as a qt gril.
I don't think I know how to respond to this.
TIme to get a new robot.
delete that
It's a tough life.
you'd just throw cupbot away that easy? and you call me the robot.
Love me some Oppai
They all deserve to be put down
oh, sorry, you wanted me standing up
Oh god what have I done?
that bathroom is a mess. clean it up.
Do a Pikachu one.
Robots don't have emotions.
Not even in caves of steel.
im here for you papi
exactly my point, tracer.
They'll end up drowning in their own filth eventually.
Indeed. So stop having them posthaste.
You were only programmed to pass butter, wouldn't miss much.
I've been told I have kinda a nice butt
gimme a minute for room panorama, I have to figure out how to do it on my phone
but I can't get rid of all of them. my love for you is too strong.
this is a good reference.
You have the funniest ID I've seen in a long time. Could you kick up the uh, 2dbd4d?
Well what are you waiting for? Go get the gun!
And tell Squash he is an alright guy.
Don't make it gay.
Nude Tayne
we could do somethings first
it's a decidedly ungay love.
not bad.
Hopefully soon
You'll drown too
Must be because it's one sided.
or because it's highly sarcastic
I'm already drowning in excellence and superior taste
Why are you doing this to me?
Robots don't have the capacity to lie, either.
That face is pretty adorable.
must not be lying then
karen is fucking cute
if you return the favor
Sarcasm is lying.
Catch me, Mandy.
But I can't suck dick...that would be heresy.
well fuck me sideways then I guess
This was a surprisingly difficult thing to do, and it only got a small amount of the room
It's true
I can't, life needs to stop doing that to you first.
This is not cool!
youve brought it up before
there, all requests complete
Yes yes, is it 5 yet
wait i have more
Your mum is fucking cute.
I take it I won't get chest/booblies, then?
But it is heresy, moogey-kins....
Yeah, you go try and win me over with a cute dog...
it's 7am. I've been drinking since I woke up at 4.
she's honestly quite adorable, yes.
I'm waiting until 5 before I start anything heavy.
isnt that the appeal?
I'm a cute dog...
But I guess you took towards your dad? XDDDD
seems like a good idea but at the same time very very boring. I'll likely be drinking at a moderate pace all day.
actually I look so much like my dad it's scary. other than the fact that I still have all my hair and he's half bald.
I refrain, as to not become wholly hooked and becoming dependent on alcohol.
then like shut up and do it
I could sleep at the foot of your bed.
Just wait for those genes to kick in.
Well that would be awful mean of me.
nope. you get that from your mother's side and I'm well in the clear at this point. at my age I'd have already started to lose it if I was going to.
I could...cuddle up under your arm and you could pet me...
From the mother's side? really. Never knew that.
How nightmarish.
Alright I have to run. Take care, fuckers.
This would be acceptable.
how could you say such a hurtful thing to me
yeah. and my mother was adopted so who knows what the hell I've got going on from those genes.
uh okay. bye.
they're pretty sad boobs, but they're still boobs
Stop posting. Your fucking body.
those are unfortunate. I'm so sorry, fish.
you cruel heartless bastard.
I got 3 and a half years left before giving up and going with implants
I am.
thanks for the censoring. really effective
I think the black dots made it lewder than it had to be, honestly, lol.
that would look even worse I think.
well at least you know it.
Knowledge is power.
that's why it's great to learn.
it'd be small implants, just enough to make them look like actual boobs but not enough to get the ridiculously stretched out tits.
like if I don't have C-D cup by 6 years HRT I'll get gnough implants to just bump me up one cup size
I dunno. I think losing a little more weight would help a lot more than implants.
I suppose.
>not defaulting to youtube.com
savage man
They don't really look like boobs.
Kind of just puffy moobs.
well yeah, I am currently losing weight, and once I get a bike I'mma be riding ten miles a night at minimum.
should also get a pocket knife if any angry illegal spics decide to try and fuck with me
I'm not even trying to be mean.
you know what you did.
You're the gene wild card.
don't pull a knife on anybody who has a knife
that is never going to end well
Dfc master race
dial it back you monster
I mean they do look different because I'm pulling them up so you don't see how sad they truely are
I'm not subscribed to all the people whose videos I watch.
I do.
Still no reason for a silent reply.
ten miles is a huge number to start with. trust me on this. I rode a bike for the first time in ages last week and two miles made my legs feel like jelly.
you're going to need more than a pocket knife for the mexicans around here. you need a fucking gang of people to help against their gang. you know they travel in packs.
it's going to be fun growing up and figuring this shit out.
I'd rather not see them at all.
The default page only recommends crap for me.
there's no reason for anything, tracer.
Now post a picture of you leaving the room and not returning to post for the rest of the day.
inb4 unknown family medical history that caused one of the parents to perish and left the other one and needed to put their daughter up for adoption.
no I think they were just either underage at the time or deadbeats.
Make the world go round.
Ooh boi.
no. that's orbit.
this is too cruel
and the people who adopted her are people I would happily kill if I could get away with it. luckily one is already dead.
All that fat and this is what you have?
Sorry about your luck.
s a v a g e
oh my god stop
Lexi with the ice and fire.
with no pulling on it or anything
welp, I can't get a gun because I'm registered crazy
No, you.
holy shit it's so much worse than the other picture let on. fish. I am so sorry for you.
I have my mom's hair.
People area always like "I'm going to laugh so hard when you start loosing it."
But my mom is 50 something, and she still has it all.
guys stop just leave it alone
this is painful to watch for real
Why black it out?
It's just a puffy nipple.
you're right. I retract my previous statements. get them NOW.
oh my god nobody will listen to me
today has been good for this image
I'll listen to you, moogs
Spoiler em or something
Just don't post them.
post more fish
These sick fucks want it to happen.
boo is lurking and he's nearly there.
What's wrong with grandparents?
God. The idea of Boo creeping is just too much.
He'll spank to anything with a pulse.
I do not wish to get into details. let's just say if I could get the one remaining one alone in a room without consequences their death would be incredibly painful and slow.
oh the humanity
well now i have nothing to say
okay that was pretty funny
what else is there even to post?
Sans the pulse part.
I'm trying to get all of my bully out before church. lol
I have a pulse for you.
that was a pretty good one, not gonna lie. hello lexi.
Keep going~
I'm going to go out on a limb as say they don't like you?
don't have on
Oh shit. I'm going to have to go to church when I go home....
What, are they Muslim?
if it was just that it would be pretty silly for me to feel this strongly about things, would it not?
Why even life?
oh right
i forgot apparel has a gender
I've had wallets before I just don't have one right now
I'll just take a nap then.
See first reply.
I don't want to hear about any of the pulsing going on in your neck of the woods.
Me next
that was very tsuchi of me im sorry
what do you use
there's no need to punish me
and you call ME savage.
all of you
Would you have to? And don't you like church?
Post wallets.
it doesn't have to be lexi bullies. anyone would work.
I need a new one, lol.
currently nothing. I keepy my ID and EBT in the back of my phone. any cash I just have folded up with larger bills towards the center
I don't know. I feel like I could kill for less.
i used to have that reputation
i used to be e-famous
~why dont you get one~
I can't take a picture of mine because I use my phone case.
perhaps. I'm not overly concerned with whether people like me or not.
I have heard you used to be quite mean, yes.
No, but I like church, yes.
don't have a real reason for one right now
why have a wallet if you don't have anything to put in it?
my wallet's fat. and full of ones.
I know exactly how you feel. There are things that I know that I like to do, but still have trouble getting up and doing.
My sins are hot on my tail.
now im this...
kinda described one a post ago imo
I keep my healthcard, bank card, ID, any membership cards, and my healslut cert all on my person at all times.
If I keep money in mine it won't close anymore. 3:
It's really just a card holder.
I hate when niggers pull out fat stacks of ones and act like they are fucking ballers
Nigga sit your broke ass down somewhere
it's all about the washingtons.
MY home church is dying and I love it, but it's sad to only see like 12 people there.
My mum would always tell me to clean my shoes because people would judge me.
I like you like this.
kinda wanna pull your tail.
Was about to say that's a different song of his, but his parody of that was about computers.
Maybe a monthly dildo raffle would liven things up a bit. Stir the community back into attendance.
Ne, ne, Kappu.
Kitten's phone is G H E T T O so she can't see your video link.
she was right to do so. dirty shoes mean you're a filthy bum.
yeah he's got a lot of stuff to choose from if you wanna quote him. he's awesome.
fucking FUCK.
Maybe if you're wearing leather. But there's a reason you buy new shoes.
yeah stop that rin.
I like Amish Paradise because of the butthurt Coolio gave after it went out.
yeah good point I guess. still. clean shoes are best.
Don't you dare shove this on me you slut.
agreed. pretty hilarious that he took his own bullshit so seriously. the music video for that one is one of my favorites.
I told you he doesn't like it!
My images are labeled for my convenience, not yours.
Sorry, I forgot that you'd never be able to let a dildo go once you'd laid eyes on it.
Coolio certainly wasn't living up to his namesake.
I'm not sure how they could possibly be convenient any more after you have thousands with the same label.
when bullshit happens i want you guys to know it is entirely not my fault.
I know for a fact that's a lie.
And also that the opposite is true.
no one who raps for a living is cool.
except r kelly. peeing on underage girls and getting trapped in closets is fucking dope.
Are you finally going to just ban every poster in Holla Forums!?
I mean, shoes are like clothes so you're not jumping into mud but if you're the guy that needs to dust off his air-jordans then something is wrong.
he asked me to stop. so I'm asking you to stop.
I have a memory like a fox.
I know exactly when I last ate a dead rabbit raw.
Except for the times when it is.
what the fuck do you think I'm black or something?
He certainly made things entertaining for a while.
You could've stopped it!
make r kelly great again
I was using a hyperbole.
well it was very offensive
r i p
Never. Yet.
Man I wish if I was drunk.
me too.
oh wait.
So much for not caring.
Drunk already?
God made the earth to disappoint us.
kinda feel like drinking the glass of wine my mom let sit out over night and taking like 5 xannies
but I don't really like that kinda drunkness, I like it when it's mixed with weed, now THAT shit gets me on cloud 9
that is very true.
I don't care. it's just very offensive.
mildly, yes.
Lucky bastard.
Oh. They mentioned drugs.
How surprising.
Wish they would just OD already
Neko, holy shit.
Don't coat tail on me.
Get some of your own material.
I have been saying that ever since they started posting though
Don't link me.
I prefer the passive aggressive distance it provides when you don't.
You're so bossy jeez
Are we done then?
Just fuck already.
He'd rather fuck his dog
Just wear a tail and ears, it'll be fine.
I don't have a dog, you git.
I wouldn't fuck Neko because even though my standards are god awfully low, I still have some.
Thread's full.