Just fuck me in my ass already

found this fucking shit on fucking wikipedia
TES without Soule? Music is one of the biggest but give a shit parts of a game. And everyone just shits all over it now. This is only the guy who's been doing great music for the same series over the past 15 fucking years, yeah, just getting "bored" won't have an effect on anything and isn't an ominous sign of things to come.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's just music, man.

what is this and why does any of it matter

He sounds like a massive hipster faggot.

The TES series has switched composers in the past, what are you so upset over?
I liked Heberling better, but had to deal with the switch to Soule.

That's a lot different to the newer music, it's also more memorable.
A big problem with the newer TES music is how generic a lot of it is.

jesus christ

Are you excited for Skyrim II as well, user?

Oh fuck off, DF's music was a hundred times better than Soule's garbage.

Maybe they'll do with TES what they did after GTA3 and just start using established music. Imagine TES6 with Greensleeves being played non-stop in every town, roadside inn, and bard-infested dungeon you enter.

I pirated Fallout 4, Todd. Leave me alone.

So you're one of those babbies that started playing at Morrowind or Oblivion?
You're on par with people who claim to love Fallout but started at 3.

Why did this have to change?

That's not the exact song that plays in-game, it's surprisingly hard to find the midis on YouTube.

Because Bethesda is too pussy to have anything actually cool happen in their games anymore.

nice epic oldfag meme

Maybe they'll use a proper lute this time.
And let you actually play the instruments.



Todd-posting and trying to look cool for the circlejerk mentality is why the epic Daggerfall meme exists, basically kindergarten-tier online peer pressure, which is to be expected from mouth-breathers like you.
Arena is amateurish hodgepodge, everyone knows that, but Daggerfall has an actual storyline and is "big," but we can't say we're epic oldfags with Morrowind because Morrowind has a big reputation, and we can't Todd-post Morrowind because the basis for Todd-posting Skyrim is that Skyrim isn't Morrowind. So, to still look like epic oldfags, we just bypass Morrowind and pay lip-service to it as that "great game" that ruined everything and then quietly, gently step back into Daggerfall as the "real" game so we can keep our circlejerk airtight.
Three upvotes for each of you epic oldfags!

Honestly, OP, I agree. I am sick of these hipster faggots shilling an old, outdated mess like Daggerfall when superior games like Skyrim™ VR are on the way.



I should also point out that ZeniMax is currently being sued for using music without consulting the artist as they were contractually suppose to (archive.is/omwad). Seems like ZeniMax/Bethesda aren't good with handling music.

truly you are the oldest oldfag here, epic meme
thanks for proving exactly right btw

Haha, of course user. We're all fellow gamers here. Glad to know you've pre-purchased Skyrim™ VR so you can enjoy even more of Jeremy Soule's compositions.

What did he mean by this?

Arena and Daggerfall really were the best. Todd made it out of love. The others were not made out of love because many newfags loved those games, unacceptable for epic oldfags. Seriously, why aren't real anons like moderators? You know exactly who and what to ban!
epic meme btw

Its the shittiest game in an already shit series.
There are quest essential areas in dungeons that you can't even get to without cheating.

At least you'll be in school come

yeah, you're a loser lol

Thank you for proving me right.

Nobody said TES1 or 2 were the best, you're just sperging the fuck over them even being brought up.
This is honestly fantastic bait, 8/10

keep going

lmao this really is the most reddit board on the site.

user, it didn't matter who composed the music, the next TES game wasn't going to be a real TES game either way and we've known that for years

Just get Ben Houge

What a tragedy.

OP is a truly the Faggotborn.

Epic meme, you are a real user. First exodus, I presume. Epic oldfag.

Nobody cares, go back to playing Overwatch.

epic oldfag meme, well done, sir.

What exactly do you have against the Daggerfall composer? Nobody in this thread has said it's the greatest TES ever and only one person has even said they liked it.

read around awhile, don't succumb to the circlejerk mentality, and you'll figure it out.

Consider suicide.

Fuck off, kike.

epic oldfag, well done. The knowledgeable ones like you should be awarded moderator privileges.

you first

What the fuck does that even mean?

and the whole thread is just you todd-posting
epic meme btw
and please take your serious discussion thirst, which is just a bullshit rationalization of your assrage, and shove it up your ass. thanks.


8/10 if bait. I genuinely believe you're an idiot.

**Aside from the original GG movement, what got me with fullchan/v/ was the friendly, ironic almost, shitposting, which I could really only compare to old /mu?, with the whole "you're taste is shit!… I guess I still like your playlist though". If you really are looking for games, you'll find them here, through fire and flame, and you may or may not enjoy them, it's really entirely up to you. The real shitstorm starts when you refuse to believe no one else likes your game, or you're marketing "come on guies why haven't you preordered the dlc ?"
Frankly stop posting Bethesda stuff on here, it's been done to death, people take it as marketing or trolls, and if you're a legit enthusiast who found your way one way or another, you'll task your own opinion.
Todd die in a fire you fucking cunt

no, it's just a shitty circlejerk meme
keep trying to massage your assrage though

jeremy soule's music all sounds the same, and the elder scrolls games are all awful. nothing of value was lost.

I take it back. Even a master troll wouldn't do this since it makes them look like they're out of arguments. Honestly I had high hopes for you. Sage because this thread is now total shit rather than funny.

I honestly forgot you were here, not even joking.
and you forgot to sage your post, stupidass.

That would make sense as you've never replied to this guy.

Someone delete this shitty thread, jesus fuck.


I'm glad I have this power over you

I like fallout 1 and 2 better than three, I like NV better than 3 and 4. But I just think the california line with food and shiz should finally get in contact with the east. And have like a east west civil war with brotherhood and enclave colonies. Yadda….\

But Im just a fecking faggot

the mods know you're garbage, they're probably enjoying this as much as I am.

What's the point of having IDs if nobody uses them?

Post more Gundam.

Check my digits over there -→

Todd you cannot hide from me

Whose hiding?


Soule should probably finish that album he kickstarted.

After the trainwreck that was Fallout 4, your main concern over Skyrim 2 is the music?

well meme'd, epicly done.

agreed tbh

not the main one. Main one is that there will be more minecraft filler.

Think about it, the games will be even more Souleless now.

Carlos you've overstayed your welcome.

Put yourself in his shoes. Would you continue composing music for Bethesda given what they've turned into over the past few years?

Consider he did it for the VR meme.


only made five posts and left the thread over an hour ago dude
the thread is also about the composers, which is why he was only talking about the music

that show introduced me to endosomatophilia

dis shit

Soule makes only generic orchestra garbage.
TES was always shit.

The deeper you dig the more it will show, until you come out the other side and see what is happening as the waves of separate dimensions roll, tumble, crest together while you realize you are not riding, you are sailing the depths of that which most do not live to speak of and come through on this tide again to speak of it.

There is no way off this boat once you have seen the presence of others and see them forever heaving with the tide of an unknown moon in your periphery. We are at full mast with no captain, listing up against the shoals of other places.

Who cares? They're never going to make another good TES game anyways, the series already reached peak performance with Oblivion

top fucking kek
ebin thread OP

They're talking about this thing by the way.

Secret of Evermore's music was better than anything he worked on with Bethesda.
I think he might've had more freedom than "dude just make a generic fantasy music or a two steps from hell tier ebin music"

You are an extreme faggot.


I can't tell if OP is casting out some really good bait or is genuinely this much of a shitposting mess of a human.

The distance alone between the east and west coast would make any conflict like that completely unfeasible, not to mention utterly pointless. The amount of resources wasted just to travel from one coast to the other by foot would mean any potential gain would be worthless unless one side completely conquered the other, and even then the gains wouldn't be enough to justify such a retarded and dangerous move.
Given that the centre of the US is basically all desert and both sides would have to march their armies over it, any kind of conflict would be over before it even began.

OP is the hero we needed.
Someone archive this thread

Music can make a massive difference for the enjoyment of a game, especially if a game is shit


This is the best thread ever. Definitely deserves some Soule music right about now


None of the Elder Scrolls games were or are good: they're generic fantasy in a genre of video games filled to the brim with generic fantasy.

Good. TES6 will be shit anyways.

The music from the pre-Morrowind era was much better for the genre. Nowadays it all sounds like generic fantasy film, instead of generic fantasy video game. I'm trying to play a game, not a god damn movie.

I like this opinion of yours. The best original music that video games has to offer distinctly sounds like something from a video game.


I legitimately think Oblivion had some of the comfiest music in the franchise.

We can see your ID, faggot.

I think Oblivion has a couple comfy songs.In my opinion most of the songs were better in Morrowind. His recent work has been so mediocre. Guildwars 2's ost is just so generic, and Skyrim's rendition of Morrowind's music is so lifeless it hurts.


All his music sounds the same.

epic daggerfall oldfag meme, well meme'd, sir.
only 2d games are any good tbh. Gaming died in the 90's because before that people didn't make games for money, as we all know.
epic meme

I know, faggot

Rate my music. Me and a friend are making an open world exploration game inspired by Cyberpunk styles of music.


Oblivion's not that great of a game but it's comfy and this video made me want to play it again.

Take the mask off, faggot. We both know you never will, because that would require bearing your true intentions.

lmao so true, well post'd

Who cares?
Even when it was good it wasn't really good just eh and there's no chance it'll go back to being eh again.
What's next, are you going to get sad if some of the cucks from metallica dies even though they haven't pumped out anything good in a long time and have been insufferable faggots for about as long?

Actually, it is the games you enjoy which are in fact "just eh" and the games we enjoy are the good ones. Don't worry, it is a common misunderstanding.


Metallica is actual trash. I only listen to classical music and movie and videogame soundtracks.

What composers do you like?

Have you not been able to realize he's shitposting? Check his history.

Johannes Brahms is my favorite

No, my op is serious but otherwise I'm just been making fun of the circlejerk mentality here and how utterly stupid the epic Daggerfall meme is re

Pleb. That's not even classical. The best shit is Italian Baroque, anyway.


C'mon dude, I doubt you care about it THIS much that you'd be shitposting over it for the past 10 hours.

Fuck both of you. Playing games isn't a fucking competition. Life/living is shitty enough as it is, why do we have to have normalcattle-tier elitist bullshit here? Skyrim/Oblivion are games right? Then the belong on Holla Forums, period.

I like Soule's music but the man is a total pretentious fool. Reading quotes he's said about his own music is like some kind of ironic parody of a chunnibyou Zoolander. It's that bad.

epic meme

I'm having fun, I enjoy insulting this stupid circlejerk

lol he does have a kinda fag aura. Fag's typically are cringe writers.

soule was always trash

You should really consider suicide.

But you're insulting yourself more than anyone else.

epic Daggerfall meme

you're totally not a loser lol

You are now immortal, user.

actually, you are a loser.

go back to crying on /sudo/


Music is extremely important in games, don't let people tell you otherwise OP. It sucks that Soule is such an idiot when it comes to games themselves, or that he hates the guts out of anyone who pirates his stuff, but in the end, he does make good music. The good thing about game music is that idiots can't put liberal lyrics into the OST to spread their shitty agenda, so it's mostly fine.

sauce on pirating? That's funny because I pirated all his shit lol.


I searched for it and I can't find it anymore, but basically, he compared piracy to the holocaust, lol


holy shit he is a kike lol (((Soule)))

You talk too much.

What the fuck is it with everyone and vr? It's not even very good. I don't understand the obsession.

Hipsters and corporations.
Yeah VR is the future but all this VR autism is just retardation when nobody has put out a good set of VR controllers/headsets/whateverthefuck.
Also something I personally fear is that VR will kill everything that is not 1st person kind of like consoles killed everything that's not shit

Thank you for your service user, but it needs to be uptaded.

This fag may hit (100) at this rate

VR is a plague on the industry, get your priorities straight

He's trying to save our board.

This thread was a clusterfuck since the beginning.

Do you want to know why these composers are working on fucking video games? Hint: it's not because they're modern greats.


>merely pretending

He may have petered out.

Shame, just when everyone was getting comfy.

Honestly why haven't we just killed them all already?

Why do they all go completely insane with age ?
My theory is that not everyone can be famous.
It's funny too because moderately famous people go insane at a much higher rate than superstars (probably because the latter have advisors).

What if someone happened to start with 3, but quickly realized the superiority of 1 and 2?


then you're a true oldfag, sir, and are one with the circlejerk, and will be granted moderator privileges.


It was a retarded question, yeah.

Fallout 1 is actually kind of shitty. I'm not even sure you can properly compare 3 to 1 and 2. They're completely different kinds of games.

Posting in ebin thread :DDD

Wrong answer. FO1 was greated 30 years ago, so by default it is a great game. Only normalfags like games made inside the past 30 years, newfag morrowkiddie, get on my Daggerfall level.


I'm willing to bet that this is the same faggot who shit up the 'Deus Ex is shit because it's Popular' thread a few days back, with his characteristic egocentric witticisms and incredibly flamboyant talent, neither of which he actually possesses but I'm willing to bet that OP thinks that he's the one who has done no wrong and puts everyone else to blame, despite being an obnoxious faggoty assqueef to every single person he has responded to.

And he doesn't read long comments, prompting to respond with only sentence long edgy memelord comebacks because anything longer than 9 fucking words stringed together is too much to maintain this underage high schooler's attention.

It also kinda reminds me of the OP in this thread..



Holla Forums is destroying Holla Forums and scaring off users. Holla Forums is costing Holla Forums money. Holla Forums is bullying the users of this site. Holla Forums is causing every problem on Holla Forums. Every post that I disagree with is Holla Forums. Holla Forums is responsible for everything on every board at all times. Holla Forums is every moderator and every shitposter. Holla Forums are the pedo posters and the anti-pedo posters. Holla Forums is every user everywhere at all times. Holla Forums creates the dankest memes but they are too powerful so they will destroy us. How did this happen? How did 10-15 shitposters become so powerful that they are everywhere at all times? The answer is that they are Jews. They were always Jews. We must put an end to the Holla Forums reign of terror. I say we raid them into oblivion and send them back to where they came from. Holla Forums must be destroyed before it is too late. If Holla Forums is not destroyed they will destroy Holla Forums. Just as the Jews wish to take over the world Holla Forums wishes to take over Holla Forums. Just today Holla Forums staged a raid on Holla Forums and blamed it on Holla Forums. Even though everyone on Holla Forums is also Holla Forums this cannot be allowed to stand. We must take our website back from the dangerous shitposters that call themselves Holla Forums. Holla Forums is the cancer killing Holla Forums. Holla Forums are spreading aids. Even though we ourselves are Holla Forums. Holla Forums are the niggers of Holla Forums. Holla Forums are the illegal immigrants of Holla Forums. Holla Forums are boat people. Holla Forums is smell. Holla Forums made the hot potato sad. Holla Forums will stop at nothing to destroy us all. Holla Forums will destroy us for our own good. Holla Forums is the hero we deserve but not the one we want right now. So we will hunt them. Because they can take it. Holla Forums is crashing this website with no survivors. Holla Forums is a big guy for you. If we remove Holla Forums will it kill them? It would be very painful. Remove the Holla Forums now.

Don't insult yourself just because you can't read user! Has the woman in the pic accepted your marriage proposal yet, or did you get cucked by the guy on your left again? To be honest, If I were you I'd probably try to stop having sex with the people in your family photos, but I guess if I were in your shoes, my options would be very limited.

that's a remarkably ineffectual comeback, it's "yo mamma" tier, loser.

Y-y-you L-Loser!
Get some creativity first you fucking nobjockey

eh, fuck yourself, slimeball.

Pathetic. Apply yourself, you fuckwit. This is why you won't get those straight A's in school, why the hot girl in school you want to ask on a date will laugh in your face whilst chad takes her away from you, and why your parents think that you're a disappointment. If they don't now, then they will later once your report card comes back a few summers away perhaps :^)

I'm 29, fuck off.

I can believe you being 29 and being the recipient of all that stuff, but come on, you expect me to believe you've actually passed high school yet? Think you might need ten more years at least before that.

You're 30 and still posting on an imageboard?

This means you are doing that since you are 27.

By that I mean shit like pic related. Before you write another whiny report, just stop posting altogether and sort yourself out.


yup, I'm studying for the CPA exam through becker online, and to break up the monotony, I glance here every once in awhile for a laugh and to btfo of losers like you. I have a bachelor's and master's degree in accounting.

Holla Forums is destroying Holla Forums and scaring off users. Holla Forums is costing Holla Forums money. Holla Forums is bullying the users of this site. Holla Forums is causing every problem on Holla Forums. Every post that I disagree with is Holla Forums. Holla Forums is responsible for everything on every board at all times. Holla Forums is every moderator and every shitposter. Holla Forums are the pedo posters and the anti-pedo posters. Holla Forums is every user everywhere at all times. Holla Forums creates the dankest memes but they are too powerful so they will destroy us. How did this happen? How did 10-15 shitposters become so powerful that they are everywhere at all times? The answer is that they are Jews. They were always Jews. We must put an end to the Holla Forums reign of terror. I say we raid them into oblivion and send them back to where they came from. Holla Forums must be destroyed before it is too late. If Holla Forums is not destroyed they will destroy Holla Forums. Just as the Jews wish to take over the world Holla Forums wishes to take over Holla Forums. Just today Holla Forums staged a raid on Holla Forums and blamed it on Holla Forums. Even though everyone on Holla Forums is also Holla Forums this cannot be allowed to stand. We must take our website back from the dangerous shitposters that call themselves Holla Forums. Holla Forums is the cancer killing Holla Forums. Holla Forums are spreading aids. Even though we ourselves are Holla Forums. Holla Forums are the niggers of Holla Forums. Holla Forums are the illegal immigrants of Holla Forums. Holla Forums are boat people. Holla Forums is smell. Holla Forums made the hot potato sad. Holla Forums will stop at nothing to destroy us all. Holla Forums will destroy us for our own good. Holla Forums is the hero we deserve but not the one we want right now. So we will hunt them. Because they can take it. Holla Forums is crashing this website with no survivors. Holla Forums is a big guy for you. If we remove Holla Forums will it kill them? It would be very painful. Remove the Holla Forums now.

He's probably telling his mother on us right now.


Next joke?
Ahh.. That explains that then.. If I wanted to suck dick for money, but couldn't deal with the related stigma, I'd probably become an accountant too..

On a serious note, and I know you probably won't read this part because all the attention you have to dedicate to accounting is clearly not reflected at all when you post why accounting?

Haha!! Oh come on, kid you haven't told me what for once yet! All you're doing is pretending you're not typing this from your mother's basement with tears streaming down your chubby cheeks that someone told you how it is rather than getting you to get a fucking move on with your life like your mother really should, but she's too forgiving on you and just lets you do what you want, when really she should be trying to encourage you to get a job before you're 40.

I'll also be liking a picture of your degree? Preferably with your ID, so that it's not just some image you picked up from google, you faggot.

So I can have money and don't have to be a loser like you.

I get that you want to try to leave your past behind, but if number crunching for the rest of your life sounds fulfilling to you then best of luck.. I'd rather be happy and poor, than rich and broken.

there is no such thing, as you will eventually find out. Unless you're stupid, then you're fine.

Spoken like a true (((Accountant)))

Plot twist: the next TES game is VR focused.


In fact, skyrim is already in VR! Buy it again for that sweet new experience, it will blow your mind!

not even joking, I have a last name that ends in "burg." lmao. I'm also swarthy and greasy.

epic meme, sir, well done.

Why am I not surprised.



post the actual pasta fag
