One month into Tekken 7's release

We're already hitting SFV-tiers of bad with Tekken 7 even though Tekken 7 was a fucking mess if you followed the Vanilla version in 2015. Let's keep wasting money on fixing Denuvo instead of game-breaking shit, guys! That will fix things.

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Harada is like a store brand Kamiya, how is that possible?

It it because he's less gook-ish and has a higher temper threshold?

His ego went to the roof when he took advantage of everyone shitting on Capcom over SFxT and SFV. It also doesn't help that his translator Mike Murray is an incompetent sjw-cunt who is a smug ass-hole around everyone hoping Cristina Vee sucks his dick. The fgc never calling out Bamco, Capcom, NRS, and even Arcsys for fake careers and weed money also contributes to shit like this.

I wish Shantae would suck my dick too but that doesn't mean it's ever gonna happen.

Why is Harada being such a jerk on Twitter? Is he being sarcastic?

He's trying to emulate the "charm", or lack thereof that kamiya has had with his fanboys. Basically peen stroking.

I want to see empirical proof. Chloe is cute. I'd listen to that weeb gush about Naruto and Bleach if she was putting out some fuck.

Is this real?

Did he really code and release that patch all on his own, user?

I'll remove you.

Does the removal of colors affect the default colors of some items, including the characters' default costumes?

At least Kamiya actually made his games instead of filling in for a series.

It's not perfect, but it still deserves to sell more than SFV.


From what I've noticed.
It does grant a slight advantage on dark colored stages.

But if you couldn't beat a draggy player regardless, then it doesn't matter what color they are.
I shiggy the diggy.

There are still more Lili and Zafina cosplaters than any of the new girls from 7, and damn near no one plays Chloe in the competitive meta. Drama aside, Chloe is literally shit-tier with Eliza and Gigas, and Gigas is even more broken than Chloe (inconsistent attacks, combos, and juggles, whiffs, bad hitboxes).

Yup. It's actually sad.

Everything (see the second pic)

No it doesn't. Tekken 7 is just as bad as SFV.


Reminder that every nigger in the fighting game thread bought it because "take that SFV XDDDD".
You just got memed on kiddos.

I think you heavily exaggerate and make stuff up to the point your post will be hard to take seriously, user.

He seems to be more mad about the fact Harada is unclear and misleading with his tweets, not douchebagry. The guy is right, but most of the time you can tell Harada's sarcastic, like with the Roger "controversy" earlier this year when some actually believed he gave a shit about PETA. He really shouldn't have pretty much stated next characters and story mode updates are coming and then gotten mad at a site for reporting so though.
It's not an obvious joke, it seems like a promise. Why say stuff like that if it's not what you mean?

I wouldn't say so, though neither of us has proof. I know I've seen way more people player her than the likes of Gigas or Shaheen, and when it comes to fighters indifference of the won't-play sort is probably the worst. I've seen tons of Rucky's and 1 Gigas with no Shaheens, so I'd say you're fucking wrong. No Pandas either, but I did encounter several Kumas other than me and that's no surprise considering grizzlies look way cooler and cuter than pandas who are ugly creatures.

That's impossible and bullshit. Maybe in one-two cases a Steam worker decided to agree for no reason and someone reported that was the case, but there's no way they would not be told to copy/paste the generic "too late, 2 hours/2 weeks limit exceeded" if more people tried that. The same IIRC happened with that failure man of the sky game not long ago and I was glad I don't even like this genre so no temptations. Still, to say Steam offers refunds of this sort is definitely incorrect.

The nerfs are really fucking out of nowhere though, especially for Kuma. I don't think a single person asked for this.

You don't flip at people who are pissed over shit like removing a fucking color and updating Denuvo instead of fixing your game's issues. Harada and Murray should have had better communication.

Shaheen was "T6 Fat Bob-tier" good in Vanilla 7 until he got nerfed in FR with Josie and Jack (Jack took it up the ass when Vanilla died). Only weebs who think the Lili x Asuka shit is good and casuals are picking Chloe and Eliza until they get bored of her (They don't last long). Tier-wise she is garbage, and almost as bad as Gigas, who really has problems. There are reasons why you never see Chloe in tourneys. Online doesn't mean shit, user. Btw Gigas is literally broken for the wrong reasons.

Gotta save those Mary Sues, or Harada and Murray will be sad.

This is a lie and you know it.

I haven't even fired the game up for a while now.
I don't want to know how bad my custom characters are fucked.

Would be nice if that was a feature and not the result of them fucking things over.

Fighting games are currently in the state of fucked and not fucked until observed.

As long as you don't look at Tekken 7 or SFV, everything is fine.

I agree completely, but Avoiding the Puddle Aussie seemed to be talking about a different aspect of the communication - Harada being so incomprehensible, people often take conclusions from his speech, but they turn out to be wrong. That's also very true. In the twat I linked he pretty much states more characters/story is coming, in another tweet he chastises a site for posting that is the case.

I never said she's good, but she's clearly got a decently big playerbase online. I wouldn't say popularity at tourneys really means someone is hated or not, the guys there are an almost irrelevant minority when it comes to the number of the whole playerbase. Also, they rarely would autistically stick with a shitty character because they like him (her here) as they simply want to win. That's probably why you've seen tons of Shaheens in tournaments when he was OP as I doubt you've played the arcade yourself. Liking's got nothing to do with this, only the desire to win.

Even if we assume tournament play is the one that decides if a character is popular or hated, there's still Gigas who probably does just as bad.

I don't even understand why they'd do so. Just buff the Mishimas if you want them be at the top, don't randomly nerf other characters that probably wouldn't compete to begin with. I think they want to keep Kuma at the bottom for some reason.

Is it really that bad? I was thinking about getting it for me and my dad to play, is it not worth getting at all?


It's a really fun game, this thread is just high-grade autism.

Tekken has trannies now?

So neither deserves any sells?
"Not as bad" is a useless point.

I never knew that some of these autists are fanboy fighting between SF and Tekken.
Very cringey and pathetic.

I'm only sad because NJPW's first big mainstream cross promotion in the US is this piece of shit. I hope the Yakuza stuff will go over better in the US.

Also if you want to play dress-up just by a doll from a toy store.
smh fam

so should i refund it or not?

If you enjoy playing the game and think that you will for the foreseeable future, no.

LOL! All I see are capcucks trying to drag Tekken 7 down after it crushed Shit Fighter V.

You are ruining the customization on this FIGHTING GAME, how dare you!

Just refund homos and get lost

Holy lel this is awesome

Good answer!

using exclamation points should be a bannable offence

I still guanantee you it will dwindle. She's not gonna replace weeabo-tier trash like Asuka, Lili, and Eliza in the future unless they really push her hard again with a buff or something. People drop her when they see how she's limited.

Chloe still isn't a popular character either way. Out of that stuff, maybe a few people really cosplay as her unironically, and very few are legit Tekken fans. The official merchandise with her like the shitty Bishojou statue doesn't even sells.

I'm honestly more disappointed how they nerfed Kuma, who was always a joke character (but a fun one). It's more baffling why Lee and Eddy got nerfed too because Lee is a popular character (Oh wait, Mary Sues). The color thing is just funny how they ruined that, and Harada is acting like a cunt over the backlash.

"B-b-b-but it's okay when other fighting game developers fuck up lol! UR AUTUST HATRS! Harada is perfect!"


But people have a point that this game's customization is a joke compare to 6's which was amazing. It doesn't make or break the game (in this case it did with all black), but it feels so half-assed. It's not like they have a bloated roster and limited hardware as excuses for Tag 2.

You're a retard.

The color thing should get patched soon, but if you're getting bored with it, I would.

It's release wasn't that much better than SFV. It has more polish, but lacks a fuck ton of stuff Tekken is known for.



Lee, Eddy, Miguel, Kuma, and Eliza are console exclusives until Harada feels like adding them to the arcade version like SNK added EX Iori, EX Kyo, and Mr. Karate in KoF13.

underrated post.

nerfing eddy was completely justified


You know you're dealing with shit devs when they focus on patching the worst DRM ever invented then their own game.

why? they're classics.
also you guys totally lied, my refund wasn't honored
guess i'll just have to git gud

Oh is this arcade only? I was confused because I have them on PC.

You goyim enabled it yourselves.

I understand a custom or two, but why is the game allowing you to turn your character into an unrecognizable, neon colored mess wearing all sorts of random shit on him?

Meant to say costume or two

It's cracked, just give it a try and decide yourself. Op is retarded


For what i have read Tekken 7 is a great game for online but it lacks features and have denuvo. I dont have it because of the later but it dont help that there are a lot of content that are needed for casuals

Sad because i heard that the netcode are quiet good and the gameplay itself are as great as it always have been since T5


Tekken has seen a dip in quality ever since Harada took over. 3 and 5 were the only good ones in the Harada era.

Aaaaand you lost me

Fuck off Harada, everyone got enough of your shit.

I wouldn't say that it's as bad as SFV at all, but they really dropped the ball with Tekken 7, they even repeated some mistakes from 4, like making normal throws completely useless now. At least the balance isn't as bad as 4 or vanilla 7.


Bamco has been just as bad as capcom in recent year, I don't know why anyone is surprised that the game is shit especially since it had season pass and denuvo as warning signs. The only reason it's selling is because; It's not SFV, Tekken has always been popular and it's the frist game in the series on the PC.

I hope they never resurrect Soulcalibur because they'll somehow make it worse than SCV

Tried to refund it just know, didn't work. I call bullshit on this one.

So… people with pirated copies can play online or something?

To all the casual shits saying customization doesn't matter

Pros were complaining in last year's world championship that some customizations (namely gloves blending in with background or shields making hands hard to make out) affected the gameplay.

Dear harada, I recently didn't pay for your game and will never pay for it even if you remove denuvo but i want you to cater to my opinions
t. pirates

With other pirated copies? Yes extremely easily.
With legit owners? Apparently there is a way but I never looked into it much to verify the claim.

Who's this?

No it wasn't. Eddy has been mid at best in almost every game. It's no one's fault you're a faggot who can't beat typical Eddy scrub shit. Nerfing characters to protect Mary Sues is flat out retarded.

The arcade version is it's own beast until Harada decides to update it with the nerfed console characters.

Because Harada and his team don't know how to make, code, and program stuff nowadays. We never had this problem with the older games.

Fanboy faggot detected.

We're getting Tekken Bowl…as dlc Enjoy the fact you might be paying for a mode you had for free in older games.

Vanilla 6 was very bad too with Bob being good at everything. There are reasons why people hate Fat Bob.

How does that excuse shit programming and shit game design? How come VF or 5 - Tag 2 never had these problems?

Lili customizes, but the tweet I posted is from a dude who reports Tekken stuff for Avoid the Puddle, Without Wonkey, no one would really know or get into Tekekn 7 because Bamco and Harada purposely did Jack shit for the non-Japanese fans and players.

Fuck man now I'm getting flashbacks, rage was also extremely unbalanced in vanilla which made Bob even more god-tier. BR fixed him somewhat, but that fat fuck was still high/top tier in BR and in Tag 2.

They could have just made a silhouette highlight feature like other games have, there are tons of other options they could have done but with went with the cheapest laziest way despite them begging people to buy the season pass.

Lars was fucking insane when he came out, but at least he was input heavy which kept casuals out of him.

Pfft that's some bullshit, I bet this shit came from DSP type players who couldn't accept a loss. Also during a tournament, I thought there were no customizations since they're using a console that isn't theirs. Or do they actually include item moves now?

That was pre-console release, you could play with your customized character in arcade tourneys.

Why are you allowed to breathe?

because the law on breathing can't be enforced without several breaches of the constitution.


It makes me wonder why T7 is so flawed when TTT2 was so amazing. WHY?

Sorry that was stupid of me.

Thank you Freedom ;-;7

who the fuck is flying wonkey?

A guy from Avoid the Puddle who is practically responsible for giving out Tekken 7 info to the non-Japanese an non-Korean playerbase. Bamco and Harada don't really give a fuck about the non-Asian playerbase let alone Tekken, as they spent more time on developing Waifu Simulator the game. Harada and Murray half-assed the hype for Vanilla Tekken 7 and FR (they even half-assed the console version hype), but when no one gave Murray asspats and blowjobs for stupid tourney announcements they didn't care about, he acted like a whiny entitled bitch until someone called him out.

This Tekken thread needs some CAPCOM AMERICA

What the fuck is up with OP and "Mary sues"? Its hard to take him seriously.

Like i said if you want to play dressup, buy a doll and play with that.
You kids are trying too hard to shit on games nowdays.
Go back to the gamergate threads and cry about everything there, like you always do.

t. someone who has never played a tekken game