Who is the most egotistical game developer?

Who is the most egotistical game developer?


Phil Fish.

How many times a week are we going to have this thread?

Im confused here is this suggesting that Taro is the egotist or this Dev raging over him getting more attention than he is. I don't know the story over this so any explanation could help.

It makes me wew. Though if I had a game that was very similar to mine and got obsolete before it wasn't even out I would be assmad too.

Japanese Phil Fish

Pick one

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agdg guy was making a game about a robo waifu hacking shit up. Very Platinum-esqe. Nier: Autotomato came out and because very popular.

So, is he fucking Stefanie and how do you think Mrs Kojima feels about this?

His games don't sell shit because they are shit. Maybe he should make better games.


He's completely right in the part where he reviews tomato though.

Or maybe he keeps alienating potential consumers from his constant shitposting and blocking them for no reason

The /agdg/ fag is the egotistical fag. I haven't played Yoko Potatoes game for the record, as I'm sure the /agdg/ fag will come spurging out sooner or later.


But do you honestly think a game made by some baka-ass gaijin would be as popular as a game made by genuine nips?

This looks exactly how I imagine Saints Row's development after 2 went.

Pics not related.

His wife and son don't like video games, so Kojima is going for the waifu.

Kojima has no limits.

Look at all those video games