The Last Guardian

wait, so this game came out already, why didn't you guys tell me!

Other urls found in this thread: of the co.TRS0&_nkw=shadow of the colossus&_sacat=0

It wasnt that good, rent it, steal it or buy it used in fucking gamestop and return it.

it was OK, had its flaws and wasn't really too great of a premise ultimately.

still interesting enough, however.


Or maybe just buy it since in 10 years faggots that are now shitting on it will hail it as the best thing that ever happened to games like the last two

well, once it can be emulated everything will change. always happens.

Cause last time I checked both games on the PS2 are still really expensive, even if you can both emulate them and play the ps3 ports

ico and sotc are both like $10. The collection is the definitive version anyway.

It was awful, that control delay, the definitive version is building a pc specifically to handle playing it on the pcsx2.

I only played the ps3 version of the collection though.

lol, I can see so many emulator bugs in that video alone. this is sad.

You're so gay I can smell your gaping asshole all the way over here through the internet of the co.TRS0&_nkw=shadow of the colossus&_sacat=0



I asked the same question, some time ago. The consensus was that it's an alright game, but not as relevant as it would have been a decade before. The rest is noise for the memekids who actually believe that Holla Forums hates everything.

I'm only mad that the people that attempt to [email protected]/* */ are so fucking dumb

buy me panzer dragoon saga


spend $60 on a game you can get for $10

There's a reason people aren't talking about it, it isn't worth talking about.

SotC isn't worth talking about, but that doesn't stop people from hailing it as one of the best games ever.

This is what happens when you occasionally make a masterpiece and then don't fuck off.
SOTC was a fluke, and LG proved it.

There are people this retarded browsing Holla Forums


So does the kit die or the monster die or both?


More excited for the SotC remake. Hoping for all that cut content to come back, namely the colossi.

My brother was about to buy it at $60, told him we should wait, good thing he listened to me.

Name sounds familiar. Didn't this game come out like 5 years ago?

It won't
Already confirmed

because it is one of the most perfectly designed games ever

They already confirmed it won't have new content

It was shit with bad framerate, it only had a couple of threads before everyone moved on.

That game always felt very barfy to me.
Something about the camera, the graphics, and the low fps count.
Did anyone else have it?

Especially it's OG framerate.

Like nauseating? Not me.

Who is this marriageable minx?

Only game that made me feel sick was Pac-Man World 2, something about the color palette and how loud/bombastic the music was

It's a game built on one gimmick that gets old before you reach the end. It was pretty novel and cool at first, but I don't know why people hold it up as being such an amazing game.

Too bad they forgot to make it fun.

How did they manage to fuck it up after 10 years spent in development?

Also, in the remastered PS3 version, they made it so the character uselessly flails around like a limp noodle WAY more often. Any time the colossus moves in the slightest way, it basically stuns the character, which occurred much less often in the original.
The result of this was that many of the colossi become extremely frustratingly bullshit on hard mode, and you HAVE to cheat in order to beat many of the colossi on the time-attack modes.
This seems to hint that the team who "remastered" the game for the PS3 version didn't even bother playtesting the game on any mode besides normal mode, otherwise they would've noticed the obvious problems with making this retarded change to the climbing mechanics.

Some shots of the back of the Colossus were just ugh.
Why do they make the hair with that ugly wavy texture that looks like a tiny explosion?
I'm bad at explaining things I'm sorry.

I rented it, and barely got out of the first cave before sending it back. Maybe the concept of having to build a bond of trust with the animal thing isn't bad if you stick with it, or if you're a masochist, but I don't like having to enter into a negotiation with a game every time I want to take an action - only to have the game fuck off and do what it wants to it. That's just bad design IMO.

ITT: desperate weebs engage in bargaining, denial, and revisionism to explain why mediocre nip title was promptly forgotten