What's some online multiplayer game that I can piss my life away with

What's some online multiplayer game that I can piss my life away with.

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Play on the Felmyst WoW private server when it comes out. Holla Forums is setting up a guild there.

I fucking love gummy and I was an active world PVPer who also controlled 90% of the cloth market back in scriptcraft, but him going back on dynamic leveling and forcing 2.0 itemization makes me skeptical.
But hey, happy to be proven wrong.

Any thing to play in the meantime?

why, my peanus weenus of course


it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah

ITT: online multiplayer game that I can piss my life away with - my answer, of course, my peanus weenus


Trying to fit in too hard, user?

second life

Do valvedrones even exist after the paid mod fiasco?

league of legends, dota2 if you're russian

I dunno, personally I have just been playing little things. Like I have been playing a few singleplayer game I got during the steam sale. When Holla Forums gets around to playing on their server; TF2Vintage, that has been fun, but they don't play all that much.
But overall, I get your struggle. It really feels like there's nothing really out there in the way of multiplayer games because the only multiplayer games people consistently play are games like CS GO and ASSFAGGOTS that hold a monopoly on players.
You could try Rocket League. It's a fun little game that keeps you occupied, I play it in between game binges.
But honestly, just wait, Gummy said this phase of testing is going to be shorter than the 1-70 phase, and the 1-70 phase lasted three weeks and we have been doing this max level testing for nearly one week, so optimistically we will only have to wait a week or two.

Why is summer so awful?

Was this image made in 2011 by a 13 year old?


Yes, clearly

idk, stopped playing lol years ago when I got banned for calling someone a faggot


Dota, by definition, fits best on what you said

Elysium Anathema realm aka nostalrius

I stopped playing when they released LC and the 'normal' version of LC was literally an incomplete version of arcana.

That, and I'm still salty that after I stopped playing, timebreakers hit almost $160. Not sure why

shit, it's either aos or private wow server?

What other MMOs do you like?

Was it really that long ago?
The majority never really liked that shit, but the vocal niggers were insanely loud and shitposted constantly, advocating for Steam and Valve because they were blinded by Portal, TF2 and HL2.

On topic, pick a dead MMO and find private serbs.

Are you from Leddit or 4cuck?
Can you explain why so many of them are here at the moment?

Well other than being tricked into fishing and cooking lobsters for my brother. Had fun in RO but I'm done with private servers.
Aion I had great fun until the publishers told people to be grateful for free patches.

Ever play Lineage back in the day? I'm this board's resident Lineage 2 Classic shill and am always looking for fellow anons to play my autism simulator with.

No, but I did have a friend who would often skip school to play lineage 2, and learned how to program so he could write his own bot.
I did give it a go a few years ago when they had some expansion or event, and guess it wasnt all that impressive since I quit after a week.

Might have to give it another go since nothing else catches my eye.

EVE Online. It's exactly what you want, a retardedly grindy MMO with more content than you can imagine.

It's a pretty big time investment until you're relevant for mass PvP (pending on which class you choose), but it's a fucking great game if you love hardcore PvP-centered timesink MMOs. If you decide to play on the official server I'd be happy to help you get started.

Knowing that someone who starts later will never be able to catch up triggers my autism so

The first thing I see on the site is a call for donation, but it's also supported by G2A which is a proper company (for russians). Is this a private server or official?

Guess support classes are in short supply like in any mmo?

If you're lucky or smart and manage to make to the top of a large corp it's pretty easy to make it to the top.

You might be on the wrong site. Classic "Club" is a private server looking to capitalize on the official NCSoft rerelease which is hosted in the west by 4game. Just Jewgle "Lineage 2 Classic Skelth" and a 4game site should be the first link.
Yeah, support classes, debuffers and healers are probably in the highest demand.
Also, it's worth noting that it's not "officially" supported here in the US, so you need a VPN/browser VPN to launch the game, which you can then close.

I'll give EVE a go first since it's free, and if I don't like it L2C.

Not sure who decided charging 2 euros/month for 1 month sub but 8 euros/month for a 3 month sub was a good idea.

You're trying to fit in too hard, faggot.

The only valid argument is the second one. Taking or binding you to contracts, all the other are just opinions

Sure. Metadata totally doesn't get stripped after a while.


The Blue Whale Game is the game for you, OP.

I know you're not meant to judge a mmo too hastily.

But god damn eve is putting me to sleep.

For something to be a game, it requires a lose state, and most have a win state. What are ours?


are you retarded? just browse around

isn't L2Classic just a pay 2 win now?


Does Quentin even exist anymore?

The EU server isn't. There's no cash shop or anything. The Russian servers announced they might be adding one with lower level shit, much to the chagrin of their playerbase. The EU players saw this and it was promptly shot down by the EU community mod.

i guess i could give it a try then, gib link and playername

I thought he posted on Holla Forums and /christian/ as a tripfag.

Dunno if you read the rest of the thread, so I don't want to try and jew you into playing if you don't want to/don't know what L2 implies. It's basically Interlude/pre-interlude with different rates and changes from classic. 3 bucks for the first month, if you're a based Ameribro use a VPN/browser VPN to launch the game and then quit it.
IGN Sovereign

both boards got rid of names.


Every community will sooner or later reach a near unbreakable consensus.

oh nevermind, i thought it was free.

yeah not paying to fall into L2 addiction again.

Stop being so obviously new.

you're just trying to fit in now.

I think you're confusing this place with cuckchan, which must be where you come from. People here disagree about everything. Consider lurking more.

Well, can't blame you for that. Small price IMO to avoid a cash shop, but it basically is paying to have a second job

its not like i can't pay the 3 dollars, the thing is im probably going to have lag up the ass because i live in spicland.

see, if i wanted a good community of european players i'd just go play L2Dawn, but i get like 400 constant ping there.

L2Dawn, by the way, is a prelude server with no cash shop that is free 2 play. so im not sure why you're paying 3 dollars when there's a server that does the exact same thing, in your same region, for free, and with a huge community too. Giran is crowded to shit with personal shops.

I didn't mean to sound passive aggressive user, my bad; I was just stating my preference to playing on an official server. I just started a month ago and am enjoying it, along with some QoL changes that pservers don't have. I empathize with anyone playing from a spicland country, might as well play on a hueland server.

didn't sound passive aggressive at all. hope you have fun.

Win state is not required

no mans sky

Pic related. We've always had a ton of steamcucks on this board. We've since then weeded a lot of them out but we still have plenty.

Wow good thing OP didnt mention how you can get banned here for making fun of blizzard or you spergs would have hanged yourself.

Casual faggots, the lot of you

holy shit

What type of game and does it need to be free?

banned where? we can make fun of literally every company and every person here, including Mark, Jim "pisswater", Cuckmonkey, hotwheels, and some of the faggot mods like pewter.

i -assume- OP is looking for something free. but i am looking too and i wouldn't mind paying a small sub as long as the game is good. problem is? modern MMOs aren't good.

Dota 2.
Learn to play meepo.
roflstomp everyone because there is literally no counter to an autist playing 4 heroes simultaneously making fights a 5v9

thank god valve is getting shit for most of that today

SEGA's the next Valve in that respect
Can't wait for the time when SEGA fucks up and cucks still defend it until it fucks up so bad it's indefensible.

sega does what shittendon't

How new are you?

really? by who? i mean which mod specifically? i hope someone documented the whole incident with the board log because thats hilarious.

its akin to getting banned for making fun of gone home

People seriously don't know this?

And this image is an old and captured early when it happened, the banning went on for weeks if not months and is the reason a bunch of people (including me) left in disgust. I only drop by now and then to funpost and laugh at the user count.

too bad those guys apparently were too retarded to use the board log to get his username. that way we could bully him directly

Let's be honest here, it's probably mark

i don't doubt that.

anyway, going back on topic, is anyone else throwing their life away on an MMO? i tried the Holla Forums WURM and Mabinogi, i didn't like either of them. i don't know what else to kill my life energy with.

I like Fallout 4.

Is that 4chan or Holla Forums?

8ch of course, how far back do you have to go to have those post numbers on 4chan. Does 4chan even have IDs?

Fascinating how there are people who don't know about this

starcraft broodwar

dota is great if you want to experience what it's like to have your soul sucked out of your body slowly over a 5 thousand hour process

I tried, but every non-korean server is filled with shitters and/or laggers, and koreans just shit all over me while lagging

pfft I had that back when LC came out


Probably because a good chunk of anons dont give a shit about overwatch.

Any, no

I tried ;-;


He posted some stupid shit and someone reported him to the police and he got SWATed and was shot becuase he was holding a steak knife at the time

Once the remaster arrives, the game is getting updated, with turn rate and other updates to the netcode along with match making, for free.

I haven't had too much of a problem with it, i mean there were lagging sometimes, but you just make another lobby. I only had lag in one 4v4 games, 1v1 was rarely laggy.

There are different non-korean servers like , like iccup, but you have to play it at patch 1.16.

well…. looks like i spoke too soon. i should have doublechecked before posting


shows pic related, i can't even find why they shut it down. RIP all my level 50 characters

maybe you were right d4e6b2, private servers were a mistake.

I remember going into ow threads, shitting on them and leaving at least 10 times around release. No bans. And it was full of people shitting on them.

Free trial to lv 35 on all classes

No thank you

GCD isn't as bad as it sounds but I can see how it isn't for everyone

you just want to bait us into buying this shit game. i dont care how "final fantasy" it is, its a shit wow clone

As he said, free to lv 35 and job advancement at 30 so you can play it for free and get a feel for most of the game.

For me, it was too slow and jrpg for my liking.


thats b8 m8. i also played the free trial, and quit about 10 minutes in.

the combat is generic, the quests are all markered (because chad and stacy would get lost otherwise!) and the job system is a fucking mess.

Pic-related might have been relevant 4 or 5 years ago, but Valve isn't fooling anyone anymore.