How bad have these gotten?

Due to certain circumstances I have to pick either one of these , I remember playing both of them awhile back and having a blast mostly because I was fucking around with the lads and dropped them once I stopped having fun.
Apart from the usual grindiness, p2w bullshit or Russian bias what else has made these shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

No, just nazis made shit tanks and lost the war. Under communism you can make tanks better if everyone is happy under soviet labor, worker's equality gave greates engineers and science minds to russia.

Very bad. Now it's pozzed to hell and back.

To cure yourself from WoT nostalgia, watch "World of nightmares" jewtube series.
On another… remember how tanks jumps around after collisions and disappears after being wrecked. Also, aimbot-to-ammorack.
Stood strong, hold your dignity.


I can't really remember what shut me off WoT, I had played during early open beta up until I think either Tier 7 or Tier 8. Aside from the grindness I guess I just got bored

Go back to vkontakte.

t. Gaijin Executive

It's either this or ASSFAGGOTS really. I could always dip my dick into Granblue but I feel like I wouldn't be able to come back.

Yeah, sounds about right.

Looking back I can't believe it took Germans so long to utilize sloped hulls. There's so many flat sides on the PZ4 and the tiger.

By the time panthers started rolling off the production floor Germany was looking a supply line issue. I forget the exact number but large amount of panthers never managed to reach fights because they broke down on their way to them. Same thing with Tiger 2s.

Between USSR and USA tank spam there was nothing to stop them from getting overwhelmed.

On topic-

I recently tried world of tanks out to see if I could get back into it. I'm really competitive though so I know if I were to get back into it I'd have to apply to a clan, do all the clan activities, be available for battles and deal with all the clan bullshit.

Between that and grinding up all my daily doubles I noped the fuck out. I do miss it at times though. No game gives me a proper thrill of battle like WoT did.

suka blyad xaxxaxaxaxaxxa rooosiya stroonk

IIRC the Germans did use sloped armour, the angle was just somewhere around 80 degrees so it looked pretty flat. Krauts could make good tanks and all but they were a bitch to maintain, and by the end of the war some tank crews had minimum training so all their neat war machines and wunderwaffen were being run by idiots I'm looking at you, Jagdtiger crews. Supply lines and large-scale mobility got shut down by Allied air raids, and of course there's the fact that Germany was at war with the two big industrial powerhouses as well.

Yeah, no game really gives you that same feeling when you charge down a hill while playing Panzerlied. Only to get BTFO since no one was covering you.

You libshits don't understand, continue to poison russia with demoralization and faggy protests for liberal values, bolsheviks will take over after you and send you to gulag as soon as window for revolution against Putin opens.
You know nothing.
This post was written in sarcastic manner, if you are completely stupid

Жители Приморья! Пришла пора стать свободными! Вспомните свои корни вольного Украинского козацтва из Зелёного клина. Именно за ваше происхождение москва всегда гнобила Приморье, забирала все ваши доходы от труда и недр, занижала уровень жизни и издавала придурошные законы, мешающие вам жить. Московские воры запрещают вам ездить на праворульных машинах, а кремлёвский холуй задорнов на весь мир оскорбляет ваших женщин. Пришла пора громко заявить - Приморье не россия! Дух свободы не сломить во Владивостоке, Хабаровске, Иркутске! Уходим из состава россии - тогда наступят времена почище. Вся кремлёвская олигархическая клика на Дальнем Востоке должна быть ликвидирована. Подвиг приморских партизан не забыт и вдохновляет молодое свободное поколение на новые свершения. Парень, уничтоживший фээсбэшников в Хабаровске - герой. И это только начало. Дело партизан живёт. Любой прислужник москвы на Дальнем Востоке должен находиться в состоянии страха смерти и бежать отсюда. Все чиновники, фээсбешники, полицейские, а главное их семьи, должны подвергнуться народному суду, травле и террору. Создавайте автономные ячейки для партизанской борьбы, количеством не более шести человек. При освободительном восстании армия и флот перейдут на сторону народа и помогут избавиться от московских упырей. Приморье должно выйти из состава россии или станет полигоном неизбежных будущих войн за ресурсы между Китаем с его сателлитом северной кореей и россией. Если Приморье будет независимым - больше шансов получить международную поддержку и избежать войны на территории Дальнего Востока. Дайте будущее своим детям - сделайте Приморье свободным! Слава Приморским партизанам! Приморье не россия! Наше дело Правое! Победа будет за нами! Приморье будет свободным!

It's not stupid to not want to get mauled by P-47s

Oh, so you are a butthurt hohol. Still waiting for second holodomor?

which tanks are you referring to?

There were quite a few German TDs and assorted SPGs with sloped armor. Basically everything up to panther/tiger2 that wasn't a particular TD had large flat faces that could be pinned by relatively smaller caliber guns. The trick comes at aiming them accurately at 1k+ meters. The engagement ranges in WoT are typically much smaller with many fights being sub 200 or 300 meters. The longest shot I ever made would probably have been 600 meters or so.

If you want get picky you can point out certain parts of the pz4 and Tiger that have small bits of sloped armor but the lower plate and upper plate were almost flat. There's that little divit but it's almost sloped too much to the point where it would just cause a round to hit the flat plate anyway.

I have 2 years experience in WoT and over 400 hours in War Thunder.
Both are currently broken.
World of Tanks has made the Maus and the Type 5 heavy absurdly OP. Only way to hope going through them frontally is by buying premium ammo. Regarding premium ammo, this game has the worst P2W economy in any free 2 play ever. There are ammo types in this game that are literally the exact same shell caliber and type, but does more damage and costs like 6K credits each. Also the maps are pretty much all corridors and only a few are good for scouting and sniping.

War Thunder has the worst and most historically inaccurate ballistics and gun statistics in any "simulator" ever made in the history of man king. German tanks have worse penetration and rate of fire, for the sake of balance. However, last time I checked, simulators were never meant to be balanced. If they cared so much about balance, then they wouldn't add broken Russian post-war tanks in the game that fight against Panthers and Tiger IIs.

Gaijin moderators will also ban you from the forums if you ever win an argument against them. I once provided multiple historical documents and research that was proof that the German tanks in the game had wrong RoF and penetration. The moderator called all my sources "blatant propaganda" and insisted that their own Soviet documents were far more reliable sources of information. He then deleted the thread and banned my account.

In War Thunder, German tanks load 3 times slower than they did in real life. Meanwhile Russian tanks load faster than they could IRL. Armor ballistics are also horribly broken and to this date you will impossible shots or penetrate something that you shouldn't be able to.

Also if you want to camouflage your tank, your only option is to pay Gaijin some shekels and buy overpriced and low-poly foliage that can be added on your tank, but stops rendering from 200+ meters anyway so it's worthless and a scam

wew man I thought you were just shitposting
turns out you are a real pidoruski and do believe your shitpost content was real it was real in your mind gopnik goy

Also please refrain from talking about German tanks in WWII because so far half this thread is nothing but cringe and horribly wrong statements, desu

Страх. Единственное состояние в котором позволено жить русским. Я обращаюсь к каждому и лично к тебе, мой зритель - заставь русских бояться. Русский народ-гной должен жить в постоянном страхе. Для этого есть тысячи грамотных методов. От точечного комментария с угрозами близким до прямой физической ликвидации. Каждый из нас должен делать то что может и умеет лучше всего. Не жди что русских унизит или уничтожит кто-то другой. Действуй. Везде где есть русские им нужно создавать атмосферу страха. Начиная от сайтов и форумов, заканчивая уютными городками на западе где есть русские эмигранты. Если руССкий сознательно не отрёкся от этого самоназвания он должен сделать это из страха смерти. РуССкий никогда и нигде не должен находиться в зоне комфорта. В школе руССкий ребёнок это изгой, на работе руССкий это бесправный раб. Гнобите этот народ-пидор, подавляйте волю и прививайте комплексы. РуССкий петух должен постоянно находиться в состоянии апатии и страха. Пидораший народ заслуживает только этого. Посей страх в умах руССких и станешь для них богом. Заставь руССких бояться.

I was just going to post that.

you need to go back to your interracial porn collection Holla Forums cuck :^)

Still better than Armored Warfare.

this bait


Sad fucking thing is Planetside 2 has better tank v tank combat-and it's a total shitfest.

As a player who plays only germans in WT I can say you're off point, it doesnt matter that the gimped reload or penn a bit, what matters is that any time you play anything above BR of 5.0 you get uptiered like 2/3 of the time and the meta now is play americans / brits since the AP buff made them pretty damn good.
I continuously run into american / brit tanks with 5.7 tanks that are my favourite and cant pen them from the front in any reasonable way and flanking is rarely an option, even on fast tanks like the panther.

The one way they could make the game enjoyable was to give you the option to decline joining an uptiered match. Nobody would do it given the chance and nobody would get overtiered. Hell even reducing the uptier from 1.0 to 0.3 or 0.7 would help a ton since then you'd atleast meet tanks you can destroy from the front just like they can do to you.
But fuck waiting few minutes for a good challenging match when you can wait 15 seconds to get put into a match where the best tactic is to hide near spawn so you can kill one or two enemies after they wreck your team and then you.

Using sloped versus vertical plate is a tradeoff: Sloped plates mean less space inside the tank meaning less crew comfort and less shells carried. If you don't give a fuck about crew comfort (T-34) or your tank is fuckhuge anyway because you're using a aircraft radial (Sherman) it's not that much of an issue.
It was however for the Panzer 3 and Panzer 4 and when a sloped front plate was put on trial it caused issues with the driving wheels and internal space, so this modification was dropped in favour of the Panther.

Don't forget they nerfed German armour due to "impurities in the steel", oh and they nerfed some British tanks from their historical armour values because Russian players complained that they couldn't pen the caernarvon in their £40 IS6's.

Why is it so hard to make a modern tank game without this bullshit.

You need it to be both not F2PP2W and not made by slavs.

Holy shit my sides, you shitting me m8?

I would settle for just not made by Slavs.

fighting is-6 with a tiger 2 its an impossible match. you could say its realistic, but a post war tank vs tank that was rushed to the field its not realistic.
they can pen you form the front easily but its imposible to you to even shoot their tracks

I've always wanted a Tank Sim similar to Silent Hunter.

They "changed the turret to it's historical version", which is code word for "Russians are bitching we have to nerf something".

Don't you like driving tanks made in 1943 against tanks made in 1958?

Disagree. Slavs put out good games when they put their minds to it (Blitzkrieg, Silent Storm, IL2, Steel Fury, ect) Just keep them away from P2W shit otherwise hand rubbing WILL intensify.

Slav Jews?

I got to tier 4 and got sick of being continually shoved into matches with tier 5s and 6s.
It did not help that I was trying to unlock the E50 and E75… Which meant at tier 4, I was forced to use the worst tank in the entire fucking game…
Against shit 2 tiers higher than me.

So, yeah, fuck WoT.

You'd love Armored Warfare then You have to face vehicles 5 tiers higher than you which means vehicles from the 50's can face tanks from the 80's

Playing this game reminds me of chrome hounds. Then I get sad chrome hounds is dead

Was making me feel part of your plan?

So it's just like playing War Thunder as germans, yes?

Imagine going up against tanks that have Tungsten Perpetrators, Fin Stabilized HEAT rounds, Composite Armor, Modern ATGM's with nothing but WW2 Surplus rounds and Steel So it's Kike Thunder dialed up to 11 on the imbalance front

Play aircraft mode as the Germans and you won't complain. They have a cannon armed plane and a 430 mph monoplane right in tier 1.

It's all about the Battle Rating nigger. There's planes Tier 1 that will face Tier 3's cause their Battle Ratings are that high.

Well aware of that. The planes i mentioned have a BR of 1.7 to 2.0

I have less experience with War Thunder but I can tell you why World of Tanks is shit. In no particular order:
- Artillery is gay as fuck (for both players)
- Massive power creep
- Premium shells that make armor useless
- Maps are just small corridor fights
- Guns are too easy to use with extreme accuracy, causing the camo system to define gameplay (if you're spotted, you're dead)
- Clan fags have enough gold to spam premium shells for years
- Clan map is just a series of alliances that no one will shake up. WG doesn't implement any of the suggested changes to improve the situation
- WG ignores objective reality and frequently brings in napkin tanks/components
- cross team chat is gone so you can't play the trash talk meta

Honestly I'm just going to stop now. I loved WoT but WG seemed determined to make the game worse all the time and they have succeeded.

Late war WW2 tanks like the King Tiger recieve a 0.95 armour effectiveness modifier to represent the degrading steel quality. Except it's pretty bullshit since German RHA remained hard to a fault but became brittle and extremely spall prone instead. This caused interest in layering different steels in late war research to alleviate these problems (making it pretty much a precursor to composite amour).

I stopped playing WoT when changed the VK 36.01 into a heavy tanks. There's only so much BS I can take.

I've been playing WoT for 2 years and you're either a casul or haven't played in half a year.

Somewhat true, but they nerfed the fuck out of it. The absolute maximum possible damage they can ever do to you know in your 2mm armor light tank is 600HP.
Not really
Russian tanks are crude and only good for newfags. Once you learn how to play, German tanks are the best in the game. Best armor, best gun penetration, good alpha in high tiers and good RoF
Can't argue with that. It's true that WG has fucked this one up.
Most of them, yeah. Can't argue with this either. But still, a trillion times better and more realistic than the abhorrent War Thunder maps that were made a fucking worthless piece of dogshit who never touched a good level editor in his boring life ever
First time I ever hear this. Guns are accurate IRL. In this game they're not that accurate. Only British and German tanks have good accuracy. As for camo, that's not true. Heavy tanks have poor camo but make up for it with good armor. Medium tanks have average camo and make up for it with speed. Light tanks have the best camo, best speed and worst guns with lowest HP.
True. "Clan wars" in this game is nothing but a bunch of faggots who play this game 24/7 and shoot daddy's money. It's no secret that every relevant famous WoT player hates Clan wars and never participates.
Can't argue with that
Considering that the game was always meant to be a silly arcade tank game, I see nothing wrong with this. They bring many interesting prototypes.
Thank god it's gone. Worthless waste of human resources in your team could easily get pissed off and start reporting your position to the enemy team like the worthless cucks they were.

Honestly I was shit at WoT, I don't remember why I was shit, I was just never consistently good at it. But whenever I had a good match, I had fun unrivaled by most other multiplayer games.
Personally I'm thinking of getting back into it myself but the initial download is turning me off.

See, it's shit like this that made you lose your quads
If you ever trudged that shitpile, it should be obvious that the Germans had the best line of tonks

This nigga knows what's up

Isn't that game is fucked over and over again that Obsidian had to step down? I remember when people called AW as a competitor to WoT, but now? It's filled with fucking whales

You know those absolutely golden matches that you'll get on WoT? Always fucking remember that it's the RNJesus taking a pity on you and lets you have fun. EVERYTHING that factored into the 'golden' match is thanks to RNG. The way it works for me is that you're gambling time into the game to get some fun out of it, of course 90% of the time you just end up with bad matches, BUT there's always a chance where you get to shine in the game, that's the 'Jackpot' of matches where your persistence in the shitty game paid off and you got an amazing match that made you feel like an tank ace. However, don't be fooled since it's WG's way to make you play the game again JUST so you could have that sweet 'MVP 10/10' matches
-t. WoTfag from 2014 quit 1.5 years ago, Blitz is ok tho

nice post

What's blitz about? I remember reading about in a previous wot thread but not looking it up. I also played it around 2014 so I don't know what really changed about WoT. Last I remember they nuked shell trails because they were moddable and the devs were too incompetent to do anything about it, so you'd end up being shot by arty without really knowing where the general direction it came from.

Mobile version of WoT that's actually better in alot of ways. One thing that made it way fucking better is that Blitz sidesteps 50% of grinding the PC WoT would have gone through, and is also very generous with the boosters. Also the game will celebrate your tank's Birthday by having it get 5x EXP and 2x Credits if you managed to hold on to it for 1 year, isn't that fucking cute?
To be honest with ya, i don't even know what's up with the game anymore since i fucked off from along time ago. What i know is that PC WoT is getting shittier by the day i don't even care enough on how much the fucked up.

You should see how badly the new devs are fucking it up. And people thought things couldn't get worse.

Or just don't play any of those shitty games.

Every time I see someone mad about War Thunder they're mad about tanks, and I think about how glad I am that I don't really care about tanks because boy do you guys get shit on a lot, then I go back to flying.

Who are the new devs and how are they fucking it up?
How is AW fucked up anyways? I hadn't played it myself but it seemed to me like it was simply World of tanks, simply with modern tanks. How could you fuck that up?

New devs are inhouse at
In answer on how they fucked up World of Tanks with Modern Tanks, they found a way. Essentially by taking a list of everything World of Tanks did wrong and doing that list instead of avoiding it.
Could write War and Peace with everything they fucked up but here is a short condensed history.
They catered to a small portion of whales at the expense of fucking up their entire community and game.
Now to add onto this you have to remember the game was balanced around vehicles being on the SAME tier, i.e. Tier 5's were only meant to face Tier 5's. The power gap was unreal.
Then there is the map and gamemode design
On top of this there's bugs and updates

Is there a reason why most devs are utter shit at multiplayer business? I could write a similar story for Spiral Knights and Global Agenda, and those are games I truly loved.

Keep noted this was back when Obsidian was at the helm and only a fraction of shit that went on. I have yet to mention when they actually managed to ddos their own site or their failure at events.

Post Christmas it was announced Obsidian was not going to be working on the game any longer and development was going to a Studio. Apparently patch 0.19 (imBalance2.0) was finished but Obsidan hadn't been paid for it allegedly. So we get:
You'd think they fixed this shit right with 0.20?
What about the hotfixes?

There is way more to this but to get in full you'd need to write a 10,000 word essay.

Oh and I forgot to mention, it's been well over a year and a half and no new vehicle line has been introduced. Just gaps in the current lines filled and reshuffled to make it look like more vehicles have been introduced.
Still no Lords of War either or Clan Wars, not that there's actually a population now for it.

By any chance do you have documents of WWI era tanks? I was downloading some pdfs, but that shit is pretty rare

I'd wager it would be similar to naval guns of that era.

I've been playing WoT since the beta but stopped last year. He's completely right.

corridor maps and powercreep. Also selling pay2win tanks.

Still haven't noticed any powercreep. Maybe that's just me.

Sorry fam but I'm only interested in WWII and modern tanks. I know very little about WWI-era armor.

or maybe you are just playing your op t8 prem, that's why you are not seeing it

Stay away from WoT. Premium tanks are usually best in the tier. The only way to escape premium tank spam is to get to tier 9-10, then you have to deal with premium round spam.

Most newer premium tanks require you have premium rounds to pen them, and the premium tanks require premium rounds to pen anyone else.

WoT is the biggest cashgrab game since Star Citizen.


I think I asked this in a previous thread too, isn't World of tanks one of the most profitable online games ever?

There's something wrong with her height. She looks like a midget but doesn't have the face nor the body of one, what the fuck?

Polite sage because this is not what the thread is about.

You've never seen a 5'0" chick before?

Not really. ASSFAGGOTS is more profitable. But it is a damned profitable game nonetheless. It is something that would never be made in the West cause no investor would take the risk.

Post Tankfu

The effect of sloped armor was well known, atleast since the CSS Virginia in 1862 and used for naval designs since then.
The thing is sloped armor has a ton of drawbacks, part of the erason why modern tanks arent sloped all around.

You know what they should do
They should stick a giant cannon on a very light, unarmored frame
And then stick a very powerful engine on that frame
And then a bunch of wheels
And then, most importantly, a stereo system on that frame. Give it to some speed freak who loves his drifts.
Instant unstoppable "armor"

Paint it red as well?

Yes, it makes it go faster.

Everytime I read about Obsidian's/ failure I have to laugh. They're literally racing to the bottom to be worse than JewGaming and Gaijew.

I've heard there was some shit with the thicker armor you penetrate the more damage you do?
Like frontal penetration does more damage than side penetration.

I think I need to write War and Peace for it cause there is way worse stuff but yes the absolute height of retardation was they introduced a mechanic that if you shot someone with 100mm with AP you got a bonus to damage. Instead of rewarding skill shots it instead encourages you to actually aim at the thicker parts of a Tank's armour to do maximum damage to the point that you actually do more damage hitting a Tank from the Front than the rear. I shit you fucking not.

IIRC Obsidian essentially tried to do their own thing while just wanted a world of tanks clone. End result: paymasters got what they wanted and are now angry that it hasn't become as successful as their competition.

From what? Obsidrone's post on leddit? Sorry but a lot of the bugs in game, a lot of the maps and broken features, the balancing was all Obsidian's fault early on. I don't think the publisher is going to tell the devs to make the game as unplayable as possible then again it's so wouldn't be surprised if that was their plan


user, you really should do it. If only so we can screencap it for posterity and drop it in any future AW threads.

And of course, laugh at Obsidian/ incompetency more.

Don't you mean this one, user?

Going to take a while and I think I may have to make a PDF of it honestly.

He said wheels though, plus puma DRIFTS.


Forgot my image

You're all misunderstanding. Armor, even light armor, is bad. NO ARMOR, NO BODY. Just a frame where the wheels, engine and cannon are hung. You see ivan, when you have no body, you go fast, and when you go fast, you can't get hit. Even if someone is on the mark the shell will just go through the empty frame

Well the main reason modern tanks aren't sloped is because the angle of composite armor doesn't matter. Inside the composite armor boxes the sandwiched armor layers are already mounted at the ideal slope, so the box can be completely vertical like you see on the older Leopard 2 versions. And counterintuitively, some ceramics are actually easier to penetrate at an angle than they are head-on.

In the case of Russian tanks it kind of does matter, all their reactive armor is sloped so that on impact it sends the flyer plate across the path of the incoming jet at 45 degrees to break it apart.

at lest i truly see

Why did I agree to make this again? Would be further ahead but was a fat bastard who had to eat

Because you are such a kind person.

Probably be finished tomorrow. Haven't even got half the fun stuff in 2016 yet.

Never before have I seen a more accurate post.

This thread is why tank autists need to be shot and War Shitter/World of Shit players need to be gassed

Hey buddy, want to see some real autism?

This gonna be a spicy one, I can tell.

Wouldn't be surprised if the user takes a week to write it up. Literally there is so much to say that went wrong.

I'm sorry user, that's not a tank at all. A tank is a robust and well-armored vehicle whose purpose is to spearhead of a modern army's assault, it should have enough armor to protect itself from it's other tanks and should be able to shrug off artillery strikes.

this is true

I'm looking forward to it user

I hope he doesn't an hero after writing it. or at least only do it after he posted his magnum opus

more like 4'10

video games in general are pozzed you fucking idiot, do you not even know about the history of video games?

Just an update, holy fuck this is taking longer than I expected. I just noticed there is a bunch of stuff I forgot to mention that happened earlier on, and even then I swear I am forgetting things. If I get to the end of 2016 tonight I will be amazed.


user, were you one of the players who was part of the Obsidian focus group channels?

I still have the Skype history from one of these channels from the very beginning of closed testing. It's basically just WoT unicums trying to save a sinking ship but you might be able to pull some developer quotes (lies) from it.

What's a unicum? I've seen the term before but all I could do is guess that it's something close to pro?

Some arbitrary term for a good player. Not a pro by any stretch of the imagination, but in the top 99% of players. If you can win at least 60% of the time in solo pub matches across all tiers you're definitely what anyone would consider a unicum.

Did the user commit sudkoku?

He's probably busy pulling his hair out in clumos over how awful the games train wreck of a history actually is

For what purpose?

We're you the same guy who tried telling them that the Panther's reload time was supposed to be around 4 seconds, including sourcing 2 enemy nations (including France, who actually ended up using the Panther as their postwar tank for a little while) and a German source, only to be told it was all incorrect, including claims that the loader has to worry about "target acquisition" of all things?

Those super secret russian documents found in abandoned soviet submarine bases sure contains a lot of interesting information.

You sound like a Duginist Soviet larper. Cossacks are the best slavs, Russodomites are mongol buttbabies. I'm waiting for your (((you)))

any fags still playing wot? game sucks but I have fun playing it with muh pops

Yeah you'd be surprised how much sound, sourced, and totally validated information the Soviet Union had on every single nation's state of the art armored weaponry, the accuracy of which trumping the nation in questions own sources.

I'm honestly hoping that user with the big dream of recording an entire company's fuckery comes through, I really feel like reading a thoroughly detailed train wreck as it happens

The best one was the Russians who posted the exact Russian sources citing all of Gaijin's information as bullshit who got banned for it.

What did I sign up for anons?

Da fuck, why did my ID change?


weebs are the worst thing to happen to tanks

I'd wager Wehraboos are.

it gets worse


Truth be told this thread is kind of making me want to play WoT again.

It's a trap!

If you got an image for that I'd love to see it user

You knew what you signed up for, keep up the good work you can't disappoint anymore than the game itself user

I think I have to find a way now.

Just post it if you really want to quit. I doubt anyone would give it a second thought and there might be others knoweldgable of the subject that'll fill in the blanks.

They also wouldn't fuck up spoilers like they've been sleep deprived! C'mon user, you got a chance to make a tank thread great!

Well some new info surfaced. Apparently Obsidian's models were so broken that they were completely unusable so they had to remake models from scratch. Guess 2016 really was a completely wasted year afterall. Any Obsidrone's take on this? The keks rises

Congrats fag you made me reinstall
I'd forgotten completely, thank you user

A Silent Hunter Thread would be rather comfy.

I had more fun playing war thunder than world of tanks. I just like that you can be competitive without spending any money. No premium ammo or any of that bullshit, if you're in their tier you can realistically take them on. I'm halfway up on tier 3 and I never felt the need to spend a penny.

Just wait when you get to tier 4 and the cold war tanks start creeping in.

Yeah they really fucked it up, good thing you don't need to play higher tiers to have fun.

Don't tell Gaijin you are having fun, they will nerf it.

Baka gaijin wouldn't dare touching my kawaii Stuarts


Not even.
You get to BR5.7(or whatever the fucking Panther D and Tiger H are at), and you're fighting fucking IS-2 mod. 44s, Pershings, the 90mm premium Hellcats, and the fucking T29.

Is War Thunder plane mode plagued by commie shit? I don't care about tanks.

I checked their leddit to see what kinda people play it and it's seems to be commies making fun of Muricans and Wehraboos, as expected of those faggots. But it would be a problem if devs join in on it.

What about World of Warships?

Yes. The Russian planes handle like UFOs, and the last time I chekced, Russians get paid versions of captured German and US aircraft, which also get better matchmaking than their exact same versions in the US and German trees. Another fun fact is, wooden Jap planes will extinguish themselves if you set them on fire a good chunk of the time, where shit like the BF109 or the jugg will burn out 99% of the time. Also, Russian Tier 0 (reserve) biplanes get better armament than some German and Bong tier 1 monoplanes.

Decently fun game, and the pay to win shit is kept down to a minimum (there are still premium consumables). There seems to be a slight American bias in it, but I really don't follow the meta on that one.

It's been a few months since I really played it.
I played German, friend played Brit. At our best we both clubbed 90% of the players.
Russia has some real nice low tier stompers.
End game prop most people fly German/USA/Brtibong. Russia used to have the best tier 4 props but they got nerfed IIRC.
Then for jets its USA/Russia, even the Nazi's get top tier russian and USA jets because they didnt make coldwar era shit.

Does the multipurpose repair/fire extinguisher premium consumable still have 33% less cooldown than the regular one?

Thats bullshit from my experience. Japs always get assfucked instantly IF you can hit them. My BF's always were tanky as fuck and I usually burned out my engine. Then again some planes just spark other planes extremely well. I remember testing out the P-47 and it would light everything on fire, but im pretty sure they nerfed the 50cals.

It's decent at times. The arcadey gameplay works better for that game than WoT.

Tier 4 spitfires has insane climb rate.

I hate this timeline.

Life truly does suffer

Wonder if Armored Warfare will go to console? It is literally the only market where their policy of retardation and refusing to compete will pay off

Nigger there's already WoT on consoles and funnily enough, console WoT has better maps (you could get weather effects, something that is missing in PC WoT) ]
Oh and uh

Is there a reason why WoT runs like garbage? Sure, my toaster is a decade old but Ground Forces looks much better and it runs better than WoT.

WoT runs like shit because its a single threaded game trying to do lots of fancy shit. I can run better looking games with maximum settings including WT at double the framerate compared to fucking WoT at lowest settings.

Yeah, nah, fuck off. The only way to appease you retards is to make sure that your shitty tigers are only ever matched against T-34-76, and even then you will probably only play to make compilations of every single time T-34 actually managed to penetrate you and post them to youtube with passive-aggressive commentary. I mean, you complain about russian bios even though Soviet tanks are not even top tier neither in WT nor in WoT, and Wargaming in particular literally made up several German tanks based not just on something that German designers have doodled on the napkin while drunk, but on something that they MIGHT have potentially doodled on napkin, just to keep German tree competitive. But yeah, KV-1S had big alpha damage back in the day and you failed to penetrate T-34 once, so obviously my argument must be invalid.

Unless something changed recently, I had exactly the opposite experience back when I had toaster - WoT ran okay, not even on lowest settings, while I had to shit up graphics in WT through the config files, and it was still unable to have even 30 fps. Which was a shame because I fucking hate WoT.

Still around, haven't been able to work on it though much this past week cause I've had a literal gypsie infestation that I had to deal with. Got drunk, remembered a few things and trying to add more to it tonight.

kadyrov might be a filthy chechen but he's actually against hardline islamist terror and brutally cracks down on insurgency. he also publicly declared that any isis sympathizers found in chechnya would be executed. as far as dirty muslims go he's not bad

He is against anything he is told to be against, or else he gets a missile.


Gotta admit, literal gypsy infestatuon sounds a bit crazy

Hahahah what the fuck, are you seriously defending WT after all the stupid shit they pulled off all these years? Are you goddamn retarded or just looking for (You)s ?
Same shit different toilet, i've seen some baugette wehraboos clamoring that the Panther is on par with the IS-3 then again, the panther did served as the baugette's post-war tanks
Read the fucking thread you nimrod

Where in the slavland did you live user?

Didn't the chechens got their own state? I mean it is a puppet state by proxy but it's still their own little land for them to fuck over. Oh and any recommended movies about the Chechen war? I've watched Prisoner of the Mountains and it was very relaxing and comfy plus it had a qt Chechen loli, but i don't think it fits the bill of a 'War' movie bar the action sequence in some parts of the movie

Surprisingly not in Slavland, but basically Slavland without any of the things that make Slavland fun.
Usually it's Albino Niggers and Communists that are the problem where I live, but this week was surprising since I had some gypsies to deal with.

Anyway update on AW essay, 3,000 words and still not left 2016 though getting there. Remembering even more shit and still think I am missing stuff out.


Hot damn user, keep it up. In the meantime, what is the cutest SPG and why is it no fucking contest?

Not even close. And before you ask, yes there was a closed top version with the 105mm as well


Finally got onto discussing "Imbalance 2.0" or the 0.19 patch. This is when things stop going downhill steadily and just trigger a whole avalanche.

How the fuck did the Krauts fit that gun into the Hetzer?

Remember these are the same people who built a gun that was loaded horizontally from the top of the weapon with a spinning chamber to feed it's rounds so it could fire in bursts with only the final round fired having recoil. You can't put shit past them. Granted these don't work for shit in the jungle to the point that soldiers testing the weapon were told in the case of jams to just carry a spare gun

WoT in the last year or two had a HD makeover.

I can't believe they just threw the whole based on real tanks or real designs of tank from archives out the window.

I mean sure, some of them were like lol, but at least there was some historical basis.

Now that they've combined it with the Tier 10 "grind for superior purple gear" this game is done

Was this something found in a fighting tunnel on Iwo Jima or something? What on God's earth is that thing?

Fuck me, meant drawn on a napkin in some Iwo Jima fighting tunnel. Did they just pull this out if their ASS?

It's an anime tank

Also, I'm unicum.

well enjoy being lord of that shitheap. The whole game is a complete joke.

Keep goin man, we need this

Personally I'd argue Vodka developers are the worst thing to happen to tank vidya. See: World of Tanks, War Thunder, and now Armored Warfare (thanks for fucking that game too, couldn't have done it without you!)

A tank sperg I know was involved. I don't have screens but they post on the Facepunch (inb4 FP is gay) WoT thread a lot and you could probably ask there.

Silent Hunter is great. Surprised it doesn't see more action here.

I don't know why I'm surprised this exists but…

Fuck me I was pissed when I got Midway and found out no one plays it

I slung gold shells around all the time. Doesn't mean I don't readily acknowledge how gay they were.

It's a tank from one of the Valkyria Chronicles games.
They did kind of the same thing in World of Warships, but that was reskins from Arpeggio of Blue Steel -Ars Nova-.

Howitzers aren't that big to be honest and easier to fit than a cannon. Wish I had the pics of the Desert Rats Tanks, they were literally the inspiration for the Orkz vehicles in 40k with what they managed to fit and add to their vehicles

Once I looked up what it was from, I almost wanted to say
But I had to stop myself because I'd rather not subject the Gundam franchise to this shit

I dig it.

I'd play the shit out of an early UC Gundam war game, but Id rather it be competent devs without a… Fuck it, I just don't want World of Zeon, or Zaku Thunder or Federation Warfare

slavs have to resort to pandering to animu autists, see

world of tanks literally put tank vidya on the map

Tank games have existed since the dawn of video games. Making a tank-themed shekel factory was not a kindness.

the only thing in that video that i agree with from the butthurt whiner side of things is that the allied .50 has better pen value than some german antitank weaponry and deals like four times as much morale damage as said antitank guns

i haven't seen a single one, but i got a really good book called one soldier's war by arkady babchenko. it's pretty fucked up, shows just how disorganized and cruel the russian army is even to their own people, and does a good job of highlighting how fucking stupid and pointless the war was russian soldiers would regularly sell ammunition to the chechens to get marijuana or food. downside is that the author can get pretty pretentious at times and clearly fancies himself a poet or something, but it's still a great book it also does a good job of showing the author's real, genuine descent into true shellshock madness

sage for gay doublepost

I enjoyed that book and would recommend it as well. One of the memorable moments was when they were in a city and one of the guys pointed out how an MG across the street would be perfect. The guy on the machine said he'd rather not be left out alone if a firefight starts because the Chechens might sneak in to the building and slit his throat.

Nips actually made it, 51vs51 PvP Battles on Large Scale engagements with mobile suits. Only problem is it's nip only.

And I've been trying to sneak in but was hoping to do so without shelling out the 3 bucks to do so. May end up doing it anyway just to see how fun it is. Saw some gameplay and it did t look bad

Shame that the West not only won't get this, but can't make this.

From what I read in the few threads the game had here the grind isn't terrible and getting new suits is relatively easy. And I mean for a dollar I may start doing it at least to test it out not knowing Nippon will be an issue, but there's guides out there I guess

Tanks should be more fun in games than they actually are.

Well finally got the time to get the tale of Armored Warfare written up and I am still missing out chunks of it I am sure. It's over 5,000 words and in .pdf format and here is a pastebin as well.

Thanks user, going to start reading it now

Jesus Christ, that was a wild fucking ride. My only question now: How? How on earth does this game even still have players? I mean, you're last words are pretty much the devs are still doing the same Slavic welfare plan as the others, but how are they retaining players at this point? Is it literally only propped up by land whales and Russian government funding? You'd figure they have cut their losses and ran already.

top kek

in NA its like 20 at peak hours

Fucking great read. Sounds like an accelerated clusterfuck that WoT needed five years to even reach half way, and still going.

Absolutely incredible.

Git gud.

Yeah sure buddy.

I literally have no idea to be honest. Probably how that game Star Trek Online and Warframe still has players even after the constant fuck ups.
The short answer is that it doesn't apart from a few whales. The NA server is all but dead, the EU is becoming dead. I heard that the RU server is starting to crumble a little but they actually advertise that server so have players for it, plus doesn't treat their players there like complete piggy banks and routinely give them good deals and events that actually work.
The prediction is that they will eventually put the game either on Steam or PS4 as an effort to boost players cause they don't want to advertise at all but in reality it will be a temporary gain before sliding down into oblivion again.

Great job.
It seems like the running theme here is that when a problem arises, nerf the entire class of vehicles or the ammo.
What a fucking mess of a game.

That isn't even the fundamental problem with the game. Devs seemed so obsessed with what they what they wanted to do they forgot what was actually needed or important. Casing point is their unhealthy obsession with High Tier vehicles at the expense of fucking up the entire game. It is as if a bunch of World of Tanks rejects decided to make a game and believed firmly that the pinacle experience and end goal of World of Tanks was getting a Maus.

Dog Bless, i'll read that trainwreck right away user. too bad you didn't get those dubs

Too bad you were so close to trips.
Writing this shit up made me check up on how the Russians were doing. Seems that their community has completely nosedived and the live streamers that so jealously coveted either no long stream the game or get 0 views per stream

Why is is chasing the other one?

We will never know user. We will never know.

World of Tanks has no such system and never did. You are put in with fails because half of all players are below 50% winrate, it's unavoidable.
Wargaming shill please leave.

Just remembered that I forgot to mention the recent event where they decided to sell progression vehicles for gold. Not even Wargaming was that Jewish.

You do realize companies patent things in advance, before even knowing whether a product will be feasible, right? The fact that they have a patent proves literally, literally nothing. Most patents do nothing but secure the market space against competitors.

If you'd ever tried out XVM or some similar mod even for a single day you'd immediately see that the skill distrubution in matches is completely random, and any perception that the system is rigged against you is just a result of you sucking ass. Plenty of players managed to beat this "system" and consistently achieve very high or very low winrates. How?

In fact the distribution of player winrates is exactly what you'd expect from a completely random distribution, what a coincidence.

Wonder who could be behind this post?

You're a bitter conspiritard tomato pubbie. If you even still play this gay ass game, that is. Answer me this: in what way does skill-based matchmaking help Wargaming financially? You're not going to have an answer, because the entire moneymaking strategy of World of Tanks entails making players suffer between tiers 3 and 8 so they'll spend money on free xp conversion to skip it. Creating a fair battlefield safe space doesn't even fit with WG's agenda.

So this is how 8ch's server gets its power.

Was arguing against yourself part of your plan?
And in answer to WG's strategy as of early and late, it has all been about P2W not suffering grind, although grind plays a big part. How do you explain the Premium Time Players who got better matchmaking user and better RNG?

user the whole system is pretty much rigged to appease a few unicrums and to keep sheeple playing unless they decide to shell out for Gold in which case they find suddenly their win rates increase. There has been never been any denial from Wargaming that hasn't been their intention all along and even have the rights to a system that allows for such a process to happen.

user, excuse me, what the actual fuck are you on about? Wargaming makes the LEAST amount of money from unicums out of all the categories of players. They don't need to spend money on the game, they make so much gold doing tournaments and clan wars that they're entirely self-sufficient. I have 40,000 gold sitting on my dead account that I never paid a cent for and will never use. The most money comes from the players with the lowest performance who are looking for a way to compensate. Wargaming has stated this publicly.

Your suspicions are completely misplaced. You're saying that not only is there skill based matchmaker, but that it does the opposite of what it's supposed to do and actively unbalances the game? I suggest you read the description of the patent you just linked:

Do you see anything about player performance or skill in that? Me either. Just premium tank favoritism which is of course known to exist already.

Sounds like match fixing to me from the patent.
Isn't that was being said?
Nigger you are just embarrassing yourself at this stage.

What you just quoted contradicts your earlier claims. It describes a matchmaker where players who perform well get placed in battles where they're totally outclassed, and players who suck get placed as the top tier in their matches. That means it's rigged in favor of bad players. Even if it was true it doesn't support your argument that the game is rigged to appease unicums (the least profitable customers who only make up 1% of the game anyway), or that premium provides advantages beyond the credit and XP increase. I've gone on and off of premium probably 15 different times. It changes nothing, believe me.

You said that premium players get better RNG. This was disproved in a video test where a player using premium and regular accounts fired a couple hundred shots at a static target and recorded how often they deviated. The difference was negligible, so in terms of accuracy RNG that's also bullshit.

Your theory makes the holohoax look like a true story. WoT forum-tier logic.