Was this a parody of feminism?
Was this a parody of feminism?
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No, CD project are very progressive
feminism doesn't need parodies , it is the joke
That's unbelievable.
I've always seen this scene as pure sarcasm.
It was supposed to be a homage to that big game of thrones girl, also in the previous DLC hearts of stone, they say something similar about how its the 13th century with Shani so not so sure about it being sarcasm.
I don't know it seems a bit out of character for it not to be sarcasm, also the woman is the one sperging out and looking ridiculous for insisting on her sex so much. My headcanon says Geralt was just making fun of her and she was too retarded to notice.
Plus her genes won't make it to the fourteenth century at least.
There was this one scene early on with a hunter that was kicked out for being a freak.
It is sarcasm. CD Project are okay.
Seems more like they are mocking the feminist morons who don't understand history. But that's just how I see it.
I think people (mostly redditors and americans) have become painfully unaware of sarcasm, which is originally used to make fun of someone without him noticing.
On the other hand it makes it easy to mock people without them noticing until they've already made an ass of themselves.
Does anyone else remember reverse italics? They were made so that you could indicate what was sarcastic. They never caught on and I feel like the internet is worse off for it.
But you're not supposed to indicate it and you shouldn't need it unless you're a moron, then you deserve to get baited.
A lot of sarcasm relies on tone of voice to come across, which you don't get over text messages
You literally just said that most people are unable to pick up on sarcasm now, hence the need.
that is only if you're retarded and once again it should be pretty obvious with context.
most people on the internet yes (read : retards)
of course it is sarcasm, only autists cant recognize the tone of geralts voice, if anything, it sounds different from his regular tone of speech
Congratulations, you just defeated yourself in argument.
That depends, have you never heard of Poe's Law?
If they did they'd just become another tool to use sarcastically, how ironic.
Roche recruited a woman at some point before the second game, but said woman being a woman was generally just coincidental. The most the game really focuses on that is when Henselt raped her on Roche's branch of the story, or when you fight her in an arena match. She offers to sleep with Geralt if he beats her seriously, and she gets upset that Geralt tried to make her look good and throw the fight because she's a woman. I think it was a good way of having a character acknowledge her sex but at the same time having more to her character besides her sex. Unfortunately that's probably the most we'll get from female characters these days in games, whatever's shorthand for "I need to do what the men are trying to do too, but I'm a woman so I also have to manage that".
you have to be joking. Geralt's voice actor sounds the same 100% of the time. his voice isn't any different in this scene.
Siri is shit at sword-fighting mate. Geralt is leagues better at endgame, to the point I choose him instead of her when I had to fight the general. She's trash at it.
Neither of those things are true.
Is this scene sarcasm as well?
No he doesn't.
No he doesn't. Witchers are sterile due to the mutations they undergo.
Do you even know what The Witcher is?
I never said they based. I said the developer was okay. Not perfect. Not flawless. Just okay.
would you be kind to a friend?
He sounds like John Oliver.
Not overly kind to a girl I wanted to root
That's also why they added niggers, just to spite SJW… oh wait
You mean the few niggers he trades with or the majority that he murders?
bitch doesn't pay attention to the story.
They loved it
that image fucked up
Is that dude flipping out because a nigger got added or what? I don't get it.
You mean the Sandniggers that immediately want to kill him because they are too retarded to listen to him? The Sandniggers Geralt then immediately proceeds to murder?
I think if you're getting mad about a game adding merchants that come from a far away land than you might also be a bit of a faggot user.
no, he's praising cdpr (who is only 30% polish now) for being diverse while making nods at kingdom cum deliverance for not being diverse because it would be historically inaccurate.
cdpr has been compromised for years now, it's sad to see people deluding themselves in the very thread that this isn't the case.
This whole quest is one big joke you fucking dipshit
I forgot that being realistic about things is evil now. My bad
What? I'm talking about a game with knights in ye Olde Europe where niggers didn't roam, how is that unrealistic.
my mistake, I misread your post
I don't see it.
you should look into who the guy is (game journo who constantly whinges about drumpf/ebil nazis/diversity) and it'll make sense to you.
Because it is inaccurate. Here, archive.is
Educate yourself.
This. Remember the not-Guybrush cameo ?
This was the guys article before the expansion
thank you, my greatest ally
Oh, I know who he is, and his history. Him praising it means nothing. The fact that you murder 90% of them brownies right at the start of the expansion and he ignores it so it looks like cdpr is being inclusive and shit is.
This. Every single forced section with her is a slog. If they didn't give her spammable teleport bullshit and regenerating heath to make laughably easy the death count would be much higher.
CDPR sure aren't based but they're okay. Tons of gender bullshit though.
This is an article citing tertiary sources. And while it is plausible that vikings who settled in Iberia might have converted to Islam, it's still a far cry from "Europe was predominantly black."
You are just paranoid.
He sounds more deadpan and tired with her shit in the original.
Geralt tries to be a neutral fenceshitter so he doesn't make any actions to revert the sex roles or societal changes resulting from passage of time, he only notices them, but lacks the quality of philosophers to have insight allowing for making prediction where will the society go onwards or the implication of changes.
is that loss on that ring
Furthermore, you're still posting screencaps of articles that cite tertiary sources.
Looks like it, way more than arabic that's for sure.
I need that western influence
They were also known for engraving runestones with theological motives, even the converted vikings raised them.
Thats why there are a few "byzantine runestones" with crosses and christian shit engraved yet not a single "islamic runestone".
Odds are that guy was a Varangian who fought for the Byzantine Empire against the Arabs, stole the ring from a dead guy and took it home when he retired from the guard (assuming the engraving isnt a coincidence, after all the muslims did saw Allah engraved on the foam from a cup of coffee).
What's worse, only english has a direct translation
As in, every other language was not translated from original Polish script, but from the English one which was translated from Polish.
Absolutely fucking retarded
No. CDP proved their hatred for white people when they forced a nigger into the game. Why so many cucks still defend them when CDP literally hates their guts is beyond me. Enslaved mentality at it's finest.
Eh, just wait for cyberpunk game to release and prepare the buckets for the incoming salt from the shills.
Oh yeah, can't wait to see a world where 25% is white and the rest niggers and gooks, and STRONG WOMYN everywhere killing white straight men justified because being white is a crime now.
Which one?
The nigger you HAVE to meet to start the first DLC. He's important too despite niggers never having been important once in history.
Olgierd von Everec isn't a nigger
tumblr is great for porn
no, but that NOT A FUCKING WEBM is honestly funny.
I don't remember the name. I stopped playing at that point. But it's a nigger in WE WUZ garbs you meet very early in the dlc who apparently is so intelligent he can make magic weapons NO white person can, not even dwarves.
he is literally a semite "from a far away land" who charges you an arm and a leg for useless enchantments.
he is part of the DLC as an apparent post game investment but he is literally worthless and you don't even have to meet him.
did you quit the first game too when you encountered azar javed?
At that time i wasn't aware of the genocide, so i didn't think too much of it though i found it strange why a jew was in this game. But he was evil so it was fitting. Though had i played it today when i know what i know, i would stop there because even if he's evil, he has NO PLACE in a white medieval european game
Witcher is feminist as fuck. Sorceresess are the most powerful, a lot of women in high ranking positions. Gerald literally a bootlicking cuck if you go with the Yen route.
A quest is literally to make a woman king of the fucking Vikings.
And just to add, sapkowski is a feminist as well.
When did we enter this timeline?
I need to go back and fix things.
this post reeks of Holla Forums
fucking end yourself subversive kike.
Ah yes, the classic divide and conquer when faced with hard facts. How about you kill yourself you niggerloving kike?
There's a 'master' swordswoman who gives lessons in 'medieval europe'.
Yeah cause Ciri is not his figurative daughter clown.
Add to that the 'viking' kingdom where stronkwomyn become jarls. Go play your feminist game and pretend it's based. Nobody's stopping you.
you were exposed schlomo
There isn't
Literally needs outside influence to get anything done.
He's actually just a pinko lefty, being asssmad about selling rights to witcher for a 1 time payment when offered residuals, and also about the free market.
That's not proper English you retarded stormfag
That sounds like they're messing with the [current year] people.
No. Not loss. They expected one of them in the wreckage.
That scene just shows how Geralt says there is no reason to be some alarmist feminist because muh wimmin aren't opressed. How is that "progressive"? It's exactly what we do now with women, we tell them to shut up because they aren't slaves and they can do what they want, so they should stop complaining.
Also, the first video from the OP looks awesome. I didn't know TW3 had such a nice atmosphere, look at that fucking village.
you should play it user, it is really worth your time
I played Witcher 1 only for a few hours before I lost my save and also interest in it. Played it because Gothic 2 is one of my favorites and people recommended Witcher. I loved the dreary atmosphere in the first one though, and that video of the third game impressed me because it looks like an actual medieval village, like I could actually be there. I'll play it, I love games where they feel "real."
Funimation, not even once
Was this a parody of a good thread?
Was this a parody for a good post?
I thought that was just a lie. How wrong I was.
I know that it's an anime about dragon maids or some gay shit, but people don't talk like that. No one speaks to each other like that outside of the bubble that thinks that way.
It says so fucking much about the people translating it.
oh look the person who post Simpsons happens to be an Anti-white liberal bigot.
That's it, I'm learning chinkoneese. These translations are officially making me dumber.
The part about losing to a women screams "this isn't sarcasm". Those that think this is sarcasm are the real autists.
Man how do you read that from simpson images and me calling you a retard
You okay man?
Kill yourself, faglover.
This sounds worse than a fucking fan dub
You are trying to hard
Poe's Law is merely an excuse for being retarded nowadays.
Next you'll tell me we need big "/s" after our posts.
Seems like the woman needed some emotional push back, and Geralt being a wise ass, gave her none.
She became more insecure and kept trying to bait him into engaging, and he pushed back by practically saying 'Quit being a bitch'.
There's also a gay character in the beginning of the game that you can't say anything negative to or kill
I-is he playing witcher on the PS4?
That ain't a fucking woman he's holding.
The Witcher games take place in the 13th Century? Everything about those games screams 14th Century, which is, coincidentally, when the middle ages stopped being fun.
You must be watching a different video or have severe schizophrenia.
Everything, specially the phrase "women own taverns, etc" implies he's saying women are at the same level as men and shouldn't be treated as lower beings anymore.
"It's the thirteen century" cements the idea that it is progressive.
Sandniggers already appeared in the books and their kingdom is also mentioned, so i don't understand why that goat fucker is making a big deal out of it?
It's the current century you bigot, ugh
oh look its the forefather of the time telling liberal faggot
It's not the translations that's making you dumber. It's partaking in degenerate hobbies like kiddie cartoons from japan
stop being rude
you should give first one a second try too tho, its rouch and combat is meh but at least quests and writing make up for it
Don't grace the petty, badly put together bait with a (You)
season 3 never ever
holy shit, this is real?
he is right tho, Im sorry for your autism
They're sarcasm, autismo :^)
Yeah vikings traveled all over the fucking world. They also landed in North America before Columbus' expedition.
If anything it's a faithful dub to the original. All anime is like that but you just can't tell because it's not in a language you understand.
What about the bit where a 20yo girl is twice the warrior your "hero" character is?
I'm assuming these scenes are just flavor text and not mandatory. In true Witcher style there should also be a "get the fuck back in the kitchen" remark as well. Either that or CD Projekt have fallen very far from previously offering women as trading cards.
no I mean if thats a ruse or just a fandub, I know geralt is sarcastic, joking or just wants to fuck those females because Ive played all three games. I dont watch chinese cartoons so thats why Im asking.
and watch this, the whole quests with the not-brienne of tarth is just one giant pop culture reference/ easter egg, or joke if you will
which character do you mean ?
He only opens up if you pry, though.
Geralt's always been a faggot when it comes to women. He's a badass the rest of the time, but cucks out with every woman he meets. Just look at his relationship with Yen. So either Geralt is being a pussy with Shani there, or he's just trying to get at hers. Either one would fit his character.
Then again, in the books Geralt and Regis spend like 3 pages talking about how abortion is okay and a woman should be able to do anything she wants with her baby when their female archer companion gets knocked up after whoring around with some elves. Her name was Milva IIRC.
Then he asks Geralt if he's cool with that, and your options are basically saying yes, or just changing the subject suddenly.
how the fuck does west cucks everything it touches? not even taiwanese animations are safe
this is a weird timeline
The game looks good but mostly I'm gonna buy it because they tell SJWs to go fuck themselves.
…this is a fandub right?
shit nevermind
Well Geralt is a moralfag and I always bother to ask.
What did out expect? You can't afford to tell a faggot to fuck off in the current year. At least it isn't
Someone should make a collection of all these jabs he does.
No it doesn't, it looks like they are trying too hard in being immersive and realistic to make it play well. Looks clunky as fuck.
I can't believe we're on the "Pewdiepie is attempting to warn people about the decay of western civilization" timeline.
it is time to stop posting
sadly, it has already gotten postponed for the early 2018, it was supposed to come out his year which got me sceptical
Read the Witcher books. They're pretty good but Geralt always turns into a bitch when he's dealing with one. The way it's written speaks volumes. For example, at some point a woman tells Geralt to look at his boots. Instead of writing "Geralt looked at his boots" or just implying the action and moving on, the author writes "Geralt obediently looked at his boots." The books are full of shit like that. I dunno if he's an outright feminist, but he at least has a leaning there.
wtf i love pewdiepie now
are we talking about english translation or the original ? because after this I just dont believe translations
its still shit and I want off this ride
Yeah, it was the English translation. Maybe it was just faggot translators, but I can't imagine there's too many faggot Polish/English translators. But yeah, it's possible. Still, there's taking liberties with translation, and then adding whole pages of content like Geralt and Regis not only condoning but encouraging Milva to get an abortion (Regis prepares the abortion potion for her). And then she doesn't even get the abortion and has the baby in the middle of a tough battle.
They simply couldn't help themselves.
Am I supposed to hold this man in contempt? I pity him more than anything. It's not his fault he's been lied to. He doesn't realize that the answer to his problem is literally in the very words he used to describe it.
not true. you should only recognize sarcasm in most cases if you know the person you're speaking with well. the world today is much less of a hivemind than it used to be, not to mention all the cultures and different habits that tend to clash on the internet so what might be sarcasm from someone is fact for the other. add to that the fact that there is 0 body language included in internet conversations. body language is basis for conversation and is around 50% of all communication in real life (don't quote me on the number, i think it might be even higher). that's the sole reason emoji are so popular. it's because they're the only way to portray emotion in text only conversations without actually writing paragraphs about what you currently feel like after talking about something.
Pretty sure it's significantly more than 50%
made me chuckle
This is what feminism looks like.
Holy shit
Yeah I read something like 80% of communication is non-verbal.
This reads like a women's Diary. Replace Women with Men and you'll see the similarities.
Except that acting like that would actually work for a woman.
oh my god is this politics? can i tie this in to politics somehow? who wants to talk about politics?
Go back to tumblr, or 4/v/ where you came from.
In Japan you can do that shit and not be gay.
stay mad you white hatting nigger lover.
Why are you trying so hard to desperately shill that amoral anti-white liberal video game? GoG may be Polish but they act like Kikes. Only a Jew would sell abandonware at a premium. Marcin Iwiński & Michał Kiciński? More like Merchant Jewiński & Mike Kike-nSki
So is this some random user baiting, an actually retarded Holla Forumsster or Holla Forums falseflaging as usual?
the other threads on this board? what are you even doing here?
There's no way to know, user.
Face it, video games, as a part of popular media and popular culture, are inherently political. It would be nice if they could exist in a vacuum, but they don't. When video games were an obscure hobby they could, but not anymore.
i want politics to fuck off from my hobby
Just like popular TV, movies, and music, it is. Maybe you could say they're only representative of the current political climate, but they have influence as well.
Politics is what matter, what matter should matter to you.
I don't see people complaining when some luddite user talk about the economy behind the game, marketing costs and development costs, that's the numbers behind the game, so why do you complain when we talk about what matters behind the game? The opening post mentioned feminism, a supportive ideology mainly used by Marxists to fracture the west to wedge in their communism, of course the thread will talk about politics with a subject like that, why you have to be mad?
If its not a joke what the fucking hell does "its the 13th century" even mean other than being a joke on current year, its not like the 13th century was full of progressives and shit it doesn't even make sense.
nothing you mentioned is 'inherently political'.
people who are willing to drag things through the mud can twist anything around to make it seem political, but that doesnt make it political.
the politics you want to talk about are the irrelevant normalfag shit that the media spoon feeds you. the politics people bring to Holla Forums are a fucking joke.
No, only normalfags ignore that everything is political, you don't exist in a vacuum and politics drive the enemies of our hobbies to corrupt and destroy them. Bump
He's always been like this to be fair.
I started following him months before he became YouTube#1 and he would always have his moments, but all people could think of back then was "god, he's so annoying i don't want him to be #1".
Now that he has been flagged as racist you guys are jumping on the train and finding all those little moments of badass of his.
Btw, i unsubscribed long ago, because even if he was legit funny at times it was kinda hard to roam through the amount of unfunny garbage he puts out on a daily basis.
do it
find them and kill them
kill them all
if theres an anime convention, try just punching them or anything
King Olaf of the Rus people thought about converting, but decided to orthrodox bs mudpeople don't drink
Yea bc no viking every wore stolen shit that was valuable
That's not "a quest" that's a choice you can make in a quest.
People in here are trying too hard.