The developers permabanned a person for calling someone a faggot because there was a group of people defending jason because she was a female because apparently that equates to 'sexually harassing a child' and the mods on the reddit have been in full sperg mode deleting or locking any threads talking about the ban. Whats worse is the DEVS KNEW THE GRIEVERS and received no bans.
Have you guys seen the Friday the 13th controversy?
Other urls found in this thread:
Source, nigger.
Explain it better.
what? Also where's the source, where's the screencaps, where's the salt?
Maybe the first Jason was a female? Because it was the mother all along?
So they were defending Jason's Mother.
I wouldn't know a source besides plebbit, but like I said they're cracking down and deleting/locking everything. Here's a couple of threads still up.
gotta love internet drama
Here's the devs "great" response
This could be a killer of free speech on Steam
This game looked like a piece of shit without this drama anyway, only normal fags bought this shit and they're getting what they deserve.
why do you think people came to Holla Forums in the first place?
Would sue for defamation if not true. I have a feeling the dev is making shit up to cover their ass since they're purging everything in sight.
I don't mind it, I enjoy the tears and dev asshurt
Post more screencaps goyim
That sucks. The game did look interesting, but I wan't going to give Gaben my money. It looks like the devs were trash too, so I saved $40. I wonder how this will play out?
If they're full on banning and deleting shit, you know they're hiding it because they know they're in the wrong. I can't think of any instance where someone has mass deleted/banned when they knew they were in the right. Also, it clearly shows that these guys are complete amateurs.
Well, the game's pretty dead anyway so I suppose this will just be the final nail in the coffin.
Why are game devs so gay?
If you watch a few play throughways, you'll have no desire to buy it. It's 1/10th of a game at 2/3 the price.
They usually go through college to get these jobs, and you know what happens in college.
Regardless of anything, these devs seem like enormous faggots.
That better be a woman.
Getting censored fot calling a rock a rock.
Because anyone who doesn't hold their infantile beliefs have been driven out of the industry.
I'm surprised that the comments are all complete faggots like the first guy. Also, now that I think about it, these guys released the game without the promised singleplayer, probably to milk more money.
*aren't all.
This happens with Overwatch all the time - yet Blizzfags defend them anyway.
The first 2 are scum and lack of good design but the third one is full on retard. You don't ban people from your online focused game for obeying the rules to said game. They basically got robbed for using a product as intended. Fucking amazing.
this is great I hope their shitty game gets downboated into the ninth circle of hell on steam
Seeing them try and spin it as "sexualizing a child" for calling them a faggot is CCN-tier. It's fucking ridiculous, and by far the worst offence of the whole debacle, being about one step away from "we're glad we banned that nazi pedophile", which is probably the next move they'll make.
The commenters in that thread are already saying that.
oh hey I'm on Holla Forums now. Cool. Fuck the devs. If you have any questions I'm the op of the review. btw this is the one girl from the game that said they knew the dev. They are the community manager for turtle rock studios.
I can smell the beta orbiters from here.
Why did you spend money on such a shitty game?
fucking awful
Post nudes.
It's always the fucking community managers of these fucking companies. Probably the position with the most least qualified people.
Cunts truly ruined gaming.
I thought it was a cool game at first. Then they banned me and added their psuedo "reasons we can ban you bullshit" I guess im bobo the fool.
The devs are faggots but you're an even bigger faggot. Kill yourself.
Are you going to try for a refund?
calling me a faggot but using reddit spacing lmao
I already have I've gotten complete silence.
If companies stuck to hiring only competent men and women, every company would be 85%-95% male, but because society is mentally ill at the moment they literally create meaningless positions and reserve them for women because their useless, and then turn around and say "look we have X amount of women working for us."
They do the same thing with niggers.
kill yourself you attention whoring faggot
Kill yourself you phoneposting cunt.
Did you try steam support? I've actually gotten things that are well beyond the refund window refunded from them if you give a good reason.
Steam support is pulling le 2 week meme on me.
"I Gat 40 hours out of this game guiz totally worth it." I fucking hate retards who keep spouting this shit to rationalize their shit decision making.
why do you play shit games?
What is this 2-week meme shit?
Other than that, what is your view of the game and the devs after experiencing this?
If you play a game for more than 2 hours, or have it in your library for more than two weeks, you lose your right to a refund.
Poor. Their community manager has obviously never done this before and its really sad to see such a promising game run by such retards. I don't really mind that I was banned, just pissed they they got off scott free then I was accused of some dumbass shit for shit talking. I asked them to post proof and they wont. I know they don't have it. Even if they did I know that it would only hurt them to post it as it would show what really happened and it wouldnt be what he said happened.
Wait. So, two friends can't sabotage their teammates?
That was one of the best fucking parts of Left 4 Dead!
Griefing is fun when the majority of the players are in on it.
"Muh toxic" fucking god damn niggers at riot started using that and now its everywhere. Fucking hate that fucking bullshit blanket term.
Well, shit sucks.
Link the devs to this thread. They won't ban you here.
Grieving is toxic user. Hurt other people's feelings is wrong, especially online and over a game that you can easily walk away from with no consequence.
You should be more pissed at the fact they claimed you sexually harassed a 12 year old.
fuck you satan , you used to be cool
Let's keep going and see how much worse it gets.
So a 12 year old kid was playing an 18+ rated game and the community manager was helping them play (also breaking the ToS)?
Having people who called them out banned is one thing, but there are several reasons here why that bitch should be fired.
Of course it won't happen, but this shit is like as bad as it gets.
Honestly it would be pretty funny to watch them crash and burn.
edc9d3 got what he deserved. If they sue him for sexually assaulting the kid, it would serve him a good lesson to not buy and eat shit willingly.
It's probably someone from Tumblr then, apparently they love to throw "harassing a minor" on the pile of accusations whenever they decide to lynch someone for wrongthink.
good luck with that
Why? Why should I be scared of an accusation they can't back up? It just makes them look like shitters more than me.
Do you have any screenshots or videos of what happened?
I think i got the gist of it, even with OP writing like a nigger.
Dont care.
Because it's a serious crime they're accusing you of.
Community managers are the corporate version of forum moderators. Apart from being autistic, anti-fun stuck-up assholes with a huge ego as expected of hotpockets, they're usually also women who have no link at all with the community and sound like salesmen all the time. See: "Sally" from when J*gex killed Ace of Spades.
A serious crime that even if video evidence of the game showed up it would still be a fake accusation. Which is why i want them to post the evidence.
Fuck that. How about people act like fucking adults. If you think that you need to protect peoples "Feelings" then you might as well lock every single person in a shelter. Its bad when you believe that people can no longer survive in the world without the protection of insults and harmful feelings. Being a dick is one thing, but to make society into a creature that can not defend itself from words means that it should just die. It wont be able to survive. Society is so babied that people can not even deal with the most smallest of things. They are mentally stunted due to all the faggots who continue to try to "protect them from mental harm". The brain is also a muscle, and without mental pain there can be no improvements. That person will stagnant. When something really does happen they will not be able to deal with it and end up causing more damage to themselves and others.
In other words, people who can no man the fuck up and take words for words are worthless in society. They have no mental fortitude and can not help society progress. They need to be fucking killed. Darwinism is a thing and in todays society we are not letting that device do its job.
I'm gonna shill this video I made for laughs.
Based Dingus.
I've had my review flagged for review before - devs have no legs to stand on
Get a jew lawyer and sue them. Promise him a cut of the inevitable shekels you'll win.
Also, force Valve to respond. Ask them if it's normal to be accused of a serious crime without proof, just for leaving a negative review?
T-this doesn't actually sound to bad anyone know a jew lawyer
Doesn't sound like a good case to me. He'd have to prove that his reputation was ruined and/or he somehow lost money. Pretty impossible because he's under an alias and there's no way he lost money from this except for 40 bucks. I'm not sure what consumer law is like in the states, but where I'm from, at most he could get a refund.
He's wasn't being homophobic. Faggot nowadays is just another word for "asshole".
Im sure some jew lawyer could figure it out.
Suing people costs a lot. But, definitely do this. Getting your money back from Valve is easy. Just requires a little pressure. Forget the 2 week meme, you can get your $$ back.
In America, you add "emotional trauma" to every lawsuit and instantly add $1,000,000 to the amount in damages.
Dont you know goyim? Calling someone a faggot is on the same level as sexual assault!
So apparently the dev has gone full on apeshit and has now resorted to calling me a "fucktard nerd"
Just screencap and post. Dont give them a chance to retract or delete. Screencap every instance of them doing something worse than the previous. That way when they want to refute we have a winrar full of their shit.
Goddamn it! Gamergate just wasn't good enough. We need to start openly discriminating against snowflakes in our hobby. We need to make it deliberately toxic so they won't bring their political bullshit in here.
If you can't handle the trash talk, GTFO!
Link it. Also, archive and screencap. Do it now fagit.
My bad I thought he specifically called me it, but its pretty plain to see that it was aimed at me.
Does he want me dead now?
so by calling someone a faggot you are also racists against niggers?
Why is this becoming more common, I mean the whole "Be a good fucking human being" BS being spouted, like it's some magical bullet that puts in the you moral highground. Fucking millennial's that wouldn't know hardship if it slapped them in the face spouting this shit from their ivory towers.
A reminder two users gave him reddit gold for that post.
People paid money so he cant see ads anymore and make a custom reddit alien thing.
I cant take that shit seriously. "reddit gold" is like paying for features that should of been in the site to begin with. Like 99% of those can be added with a single fucking extension. The other shit is like…fucking paying for circle jerking.
Paying for shit that should of been there in the first place is just sad
How does that make any sense at all
No you dumb fucks the person playing Jason was a girl.
Its the only public way reddit can make money.
Apparently. How a developer thinks calling one of their customers a 'piece of shit nerd little fucktard' is professional in any degree, I've no idea. Who owns the Friday the 13th IP? Maybe we should make some emails. I doubt they give a shit about the IP's reputation though, considering they allowed Jason X.
But arent they owned by a big company that pretty much finances everything? I dont think they need money nor should they do it like this. Its a shitty business model. "Pay for features that should of already existed" is akin to "pay for on disk dlc" or "pay for dlc that should of been part of the main game".
Op of the review here. The jason was the 12 year old BOY not the girls helping him team kill. That was the community manager for turtle rock I posted.
The fact they decided to attach their name to a no name indie studio with no track record, doesn't bode well for their ability to make good financial decisions.
English motherfucker, do you speak it?
So, it's fine to troll, as long as I am politically correct about it?
Who cares?
faggot acted like a faggot in a faggot to other faggots and faggot devs banned the faggot.
just all around faggotry
The biggest faggot in this thread is you, shilling for the devs and their faggotry, you cumgurgling knobgoblin.
You faggots really need to get on the ball with using when this shit happens.
don't care about gay drama like this. this shit is all gay. talk about video james
Oh, and one more for the fucking road.
Hey at least they didn't call your mother to say how much of a bad boy you were as Tripjew did
How much do you want to bet he has a large stash of CP and loli doujin somewhere?
This is hilarious. You ban one person for saying faggot, and you justify its use by people who want to insult people. It's like a knife that only cuts when people think its sharp. The more these moral highgrounders kick and scream when people talk shit, the more it'll happen and the worse it'll sting. Loads of popular people use faggot as an edgy joke, and edgy jokes fade in time as people look for fresher material. But insults last as long as people still get insulted by them.
I didn't even notice that, and it says a lot about how disingenuous this shit is.
it would be a shame if a bunch of feminist organizations found out they were slut shaming :^)
This really looks like less of a moral high-grounder situation and more of a George Costanza type of situation where he goes on a ridiculous tirade after getting caught doing something embarrassing.
I'm so shocked that computer bound nerds can't comprehend proper human behavior.
every time
Yeah but they're throwing around so much newspeak faggotry it's like some sort of SJW spaghetti spill.
Can't somebody go to court and fuck the devs out of everything for this?
Holy fuck there is a contradiction every two sentences
I haven't even gotten past the 2 paragraph, which is it you millennial faggot fucktard? God I can picture what this cunt looks like so clearly in my head I'd be surprised if he wasnt the estrogen infused nu-male i'm envisioning
Seems like most of the defense of it on steam is people saying "lol they can ban you for any reason they want, it's their game", completely missing the point of that being sort of the whole issue. Devs can, and then no one ever buys their games again. You don't do it, not because it's illegal or something to ban someone, but because it fucking explodes into huge outrage. That review is currently the top one with 90% support and more than 600 votes, that's hardly a small matter. The first review people will see when buying their game is the one complaining about exactly this.
Of course, there's the multiple other top ones complaining the game is flawed and buggy, isn't worth the asking price, and isn't going anywhere with lackluster patching. That wont help much either.
Some more archives of stuff. Anyone want to actually post some of the stuff they've got screenshots for? Or at least dropping the links to them so I can do it? Lazy Cunts.
They can't though, not legally. The game's only component is multiplayer, banning a person who purchased the product at full price means essentially forcibly returning the product without recompensing the buyer. No matter how you look at it, this is illegal.
You're a bit late champ
Any clue how to archive the Steam review page's comments? The comment threads are not separated with a different url, so and Wayback don't save anything but the latest, the caps are the main thing you need to see though.
Hey, Satan still cool
There's a difference between ivan.slavovich96 playing CSGO and that degree of facebook-tier normalfaggotry. Good thing you don't come across those people when playing good games.
is there's a story with that?
Have I mentioned how much I hate how steam's review comments are set up? This video record is the best I can do to preserve the comments that are important.
If the trash talk is funny
Fagex bought Ace of Spades back around version ~.5X when it was just rising in popularity, and then had all sorts of retarded ideas implemented resulting in the last public release of .75 that very few people enjoyed.
When updates inexplicably ceased and people started suspecting foul play, Fagex stepped in, demoted a handful of former mods and replaced them with their shit community manager that, like most female CMs, had no idea what the game was about, spouted passive aggressive insults, and was condescending overall. Anything remotely negative put towards Fagex was banworthy. People who had been part of the community for years disappeared after one slip-up if only to cover up the history of AoS and quell dissenters like some sort of dictatorship. It sounds dramatic, but that's what it actually was. Offensive jokes were then banworthy, so threads were often closed and its posters temporarily banned if not permanently.
Then they made the switch to the new forums, which curbstomped the old community.
Their security is so great that the email I used specifically for that has been spammed to shit and I couldn't sift through it if I wanted to.
We need games where the devs ban normalfaggots so we can have the gamer culture we had in the 90s where being called a faggot didn't turn you into a sobbing mess.
I miss these days. I want my LucasArts games back. I want my Westwood back. I want my old Blizzard back.
Devs are niggers these days.
Is that supposed to be John Travolta?
I have received three emails from J*gex for "trying to trade" a Runescape account which I have never had.
Without fail a woman will fuck everything up
Community manager is a position given to someone who isn't bright or skilled enough to be any use to the dev team, but they still have to be apart of it because they're fucking one of the devs or project managers. Community managers are cancer.
Since these devs are obvious rookies, I'm really surprised that no one has gone at them with the: "Sexual Harassment has a very distinct legal definition and if you are accusing anyone of a crime in your comments you are opening yourself up to libel lawsuit" angle. If they have evidence of a crime (death, rape threats) it is their obligation to go to the police. If it isn't worthy of the police attention, then it shouldn't be worthy of a ban. If they feel anyone is in danger and they choose not to contact the authorities then they may be liable if someone is harmed. If they want to play stupid games like this there are plenty of stupid prizes for them to win. If they start reporting trolls to the police they are finished as a company.
this will only get the game cracked with pirate servers dedicated to it especifically to fuck up the dev
IF and only if, it tuns out that this shitgame is relevant enough to warrant the effort, wich i doubt
the streisend effect is gonna kill it, not just the game but the devs rep as well
the game isn't good enough to put that amount of effort into playing
Fucking cancer
Everyone from Turtle Rock seems to be pretty cucked. One of thier writers is a good DM but a super fucking cuck.
I'm having a hard time understanding part of your post.
But judging from the rest of the thread, this sounds like your typical lib sjw corruption. A shame a Friday the 13th game had to be the victim of their bullshit.
The shit trips confirmed otherwise.
People started clinging onto me because of the power I had in the community and my connections to the devs to the point where I jokingly made a thread about how I was feeling sick and I got so many people strike my ego-cock that it took me back into reality and gradually abandoned the place. People who cherish these titles are either sociopaths or losers, never be one unless you care about your community more than you care about yourself.
Just reply that the argument is invalid because humans are animals so acting like an animal is what acting like a human bean entails.
As a dev how can you handle this shit?
Just leave the game? Make your own server? Do a faggot list to avoid? Ignore that shit?
Pretty much that
Stop being a cuck.
I want summer to leave
Speaking from personal experience and mistakes I've been part of, you'd want to generally ignore most of these reports from offended people and focus only on the most problematic cases. Instead of permabanning IP hopping bastards (and I mean, people who find ways to break your game and repeatedly harass in the actual sense of the word, not in the "he called me names" type), make the punishment a mild annoyance that will build up over time until he just gives up and goes to better pastures, otherwise the offender will think themselves as special for being granted special treatments. We used to change their status to something that would ridicule them instead of permabanning them after it proved useless, so [lil faggot] xXx_H4CkM4St4h_xXx would get fed up of being identified by that tag everywhere he went, no matter the username he picked.
Games should work on lunch. I'm sick of wasting my lunch breaks on playing broken games.
Is there an archive of the forums soemwhere?
|Where've you been?|
its literally dead by daylight with less content and polish.
Its absolute trash.
That's some kind of bothering me.
Nah, the place got nuked and the only backups were from way before anything happened.
Silly faggots, we're not afraid, we just don't like you
No one cares. We’re not going to buy video games anyway.
I just made an "outraged customer" thread on steam and i can't believe this game and devs have actual dick suckers defending them like crazy.
She's mentally disfigured by years and years of abuse, user
That works, but I was hoping to be corrected and there was something funky with the covered side of her face, even a lazy eye would suffice.
Dead by Daylight is better anyways.
holy FUCK
On top of that he was accused of a serious crime. That cannot be legal
Lawyer up, nerd.
How many more fucking times will normalfags have to get their shit pushed in by these "superior" indie "devs" before they realize they should stop giving them their time and money?
Every single time they give their shekels and then it's "oy vey we be censored 'n sheeeeit" and yet there they are, again and again, feeding this vicious cycle.
It'd be hilarious if not so tragic.
Indie "devs" are just AAA dev rejects who never could cut it in the incredibly formulaic AAA "dev" community.
They get high off the smell of their own USI and pixel farts and then wreak havoc on the normalfags.
Meanwhile, those who actually TRY to churn out good vidya get shafted, ignored, etc.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Gaming these days is all about insulting your intelligence. It's just like findom - give us your fucking money and fuck off normalfag.
And normalfags willingly do it for no payoff whatsoever.
woooowwwwwwwww d000000d look at those upboats i want to be friends with you because you use reddit because reddit is cool because cool people use it
You make an interesting point.
Well done
I don't think so. But maybe the creator did it subconsciously?
At least the community is calling them out on it and shitting on them. There hypocrisy and protecting their own is too hypocritical even for redditfags to deal with it. I like how they say shit talking is ok against the wrong thinker, but not ok to call some kid shit talking you a fag.
im hungry now
Are you guys not aware that Holla Forums used the unicode filenames once upon a time?
Or is this a new epic ftw meme I am not aware of?
Even leddit thinks this guy is being a retard.
From what I'm understanding here is that you should never play an online multiplayer game ever.
why does he keep changing his story and the reviewers story hasn't changed at all with multiple people coming forward confirming the reviewer story
Many other imageboards use them as well. Summerfags are ruining this board.
better call saul!
This is why I don't buy online multiplayer games.
wow ebin OC , all my upboats
just keep patting yourself on the back retard it's not like we have IDs or anything here
This is as good a time as any to learn that we have ID's. Hopefully you'll keep that in mind in the future.
Wait till you see…
(((░░░░░░░▀▀▀██████▄▄▄░░░░░░▄▄▄▄▄░░█████████▄░░░░░▀▀▀▀█████▌░▀▐▄░▀▐█░░░▀▀█████▄▄░▀██████▄██░░░▀▄▄▄▄▄░░▀▀█▄▀█════█▀░░░░░░░░▀▀▀▄░░▀▀███░▀░░░░░░▄▄░░░░░▄███▀▀██▄████████▄░▄▀▀▀██▌░░░██▀▄▄▄██▀▄███▀░▀▀████░░░░░▀█▄▄▀▀▀▄██▄▀▀▌████▒▒▒▒▒▒███░░░░▌▄▄▀▌░░░░▐▀████▐███▒▒▒▒▒▐██▌▀▄░░▄▀░░░▀▀████▒▒▒▒▄██▀░░▀▀░░░░░░▀▀█████████▀░░░░░░░░▄▄██▀██████▀█░░░░░░▄██▀░░░░░▀▀▀░░█░░░░░▄█░░░░░░░░░░░░░▐▌░▄▄▄▄█▌░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀█▄▄▄▄▀▀▄▌░░░░░▐░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀▀▄▄▄▀G O T T A G O F A S T !!)))
never claimed it was someone else. I am very aware of IDs. It wouldve been autistic if i tried to claim it was someone else.
And people laughed at me and called me cancerI when I said "Let people learn the new formatting options now, so that later you can point and laugh at the people who missed when they added it."
Fair enough I guess
Holy shit by the end of the day he'll be accusing the guy of personally shoahing all 6 million by himself.
I am ashamed of myself
(((░░░░░░░▀▀▀██████▄▄▄░░░░░░▄▄▄▄▄░░█████████▄░░░░░▀▀▀▀█████▌░▀▐▄░▀▐█░░░▀▀█████▄▄░▀██████▄██░░░▀▄▄▄▄▄░░▀▀█▄▀█════█▀░░░░░░░░▀▀▀▄░░▀▀███░▀░░░░░░▄▄░░░░░▄███▀▀██▄████████▄░▄▀▀▀██▌░░░██▀▄▄▄██▀▄███▀░▀▀████░░░░░▀█▄▄▀▀▀▄██▄▀▀▌████▒▒▒▒▒▒███░░░░▌▄▄▀▌░░░░▐▀████▐███▒▒▒▒▒▐██▌▀▄░░▄▀░░░▀▀████▒▒▒▒▄██▀░░▀▀░░░░░░▀▀█████████▀░░░░░░░░▄▄██▀██████▀█░░░░░░▄██▀░░░░░▀▀▀░░█░░░░░▄█░░░░░░░░░░░░░▐▌░▄▄▄▄█▌░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀█▄▄▄▄▀▀▄▌░░░░░▐░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀▀▄▄▄▀G O T T A JEW F A S T !!)))
What a surprise.
Why do developers hire community managers? The position attracts power-tripping bitches and faggots who have no real skills, and unless you're a retarded mouthbreather like Jonathan Blow you could probably handle PR and and board moderation yourself.
Once I was banned from a developer Q&A moderated by community managers because I asked the community managers if they ever felt inferior to the real devs.
There he goes accusing you of an extremely illegal and fucked up crime again. You have to push Valve to do something at the very least. You're a legit cuckold if you don't.
I haven't seen this level of desperate retarded damage control in a long time. He just launches off into a sperg-fueled rant that is only tangentially related to the ban and just rambles on, blatantly contradicting himself along the way. You would think someone in their position would at least read what they fucking wrote and ponder the consequences of such a post before blindly hitting submit in a fit of rage.
Oh boy, this is defamation of character and now he can sue over this.
And then he retreats to his cocksucker den where everyone gives him backpats and makes him feel like a little bit less of a huge fuckup before bed. How pathetic.
Have we done it? Have we achieved apex butthurt?
This isn't quite Phil Fish levels yet.
This is the greatest thing I've read in a while. The sheer asshurt radiating from my monitor right now is amazing.
Because they don't actually have a working definition for what a good person is, only the rules set upon them by those around them. They're in a cult which offers a feeling of safety and camaraderie by virtue of being in a group, but doesn't allow for proper integration of the shadow. Instead, it simply demonizes a set of behaviors, which then lets them feel morally just by lashing out at people who take those actions, thereby placating the shadow that they refuse to acknowledge, but still allowing it to do what it wanted to anyway. I would argue that Anons are actually more "good human beings" than they are, not in spite of, but by virtue of the integration of the shadow. Vid mostly related.
Now the white knights are turning it into 8 whole minutes of nothing but sexual abuse towards a minor.
They're dragging someone through the shit with ZERO proof to defend some limp wristed cuck dev and his shit game
Wait. I don't think this is some nobody. I think this is a dev. Here's the whole screencap.
Why would anyone pay for this?
Yeah, this is grounds to sue now. I really hope someone has some kind of recording. This company is finished.
Now this right here is legal gold. The guy could fuck the devs over hard enough to kill the company with an accusation of this magnitude.
I feel so flattered.
These faggots need to be slapped around by reality something fierce.
That guy really should take legal action against the devs because of this shit. It's gone way past the limit.
No one pays for it for themselves because it's fucking worthless. It would make absolutely no money if it wasn't publicly visible as a super-upvote.
This shit should have been $10 wtf there's more content in browser games
I want to know, if I leave a negative review for a game, is it Valve policy for the devs to accuse me of extremely fucked up illegal shit with 0 proof and 0 repercussion? Is this condoned by Valve? What if I'm a normalfag cuckold who uses my real name on steam? Should I have my life ruined because I left an negative review?
I tried to push the user to pressure Valve to choose a side in this, but I don't know what he's doing. Probably nothing, because most gamers are cucks.
I don't think Valve has an opinion on anything unless a big enough stink is raised.
Valve tend to shut down (((hate campaign))) reviews and screw with overall rankings/review ratings.
However- they did pull that game of that shit-tier dev who sued reviewers over bad reviews.
If the guy won't do anything, nothing to stop others spreading the fire IMO.
The thing that bothers me is that it's a fucking M-rated game. M-rated game, M-rated chat. What kind of message are we sending when we are letting 12-year-olds play games where they stab people to death, but lose our fucking minds if they heard the word "faggot"?
If you can play an M-rated game, you should be able to handle M-rated speech at the same level as would be expected of a 17-year-old, otherwise you shouldn't be playing the goddamn game.
It's like everybody has fucking forgotten why these rating systems exist in the first place.
oh well. this is monday if you played warframe
and warframe is still online for some reason to many casual i guess since you just have to reach the leaderboard to be banned
Go look at the history of L4D.
Cow the beginning
Guess which one is ThePraetorian. One guess.
the jewish looking dude next to the rightmost guy
To add even more fuel to the fire, these shitty devs have a super special Jason available only to backers, I think it's called the Savini Jason, and it's specially designed to be the unequivocally best Jason with its stats. They refuse to release it as paid DLC to players, and evenw hen they fucked up and sold it on PS4 shop for a day they still refuse.
So yeah, these devs are faggots and none of this actually surprises me.
Let this be a reminded everyone, never support a multiplayer game made on Kickstarter. You'll only get shafted in the end.
faggy moustache guy
The cocksucker with the mustache? Looks like he takes miles of nigger dick. They all do.
His face looks like it was poorly photoshopped on or a mask.
Will the cuckold uprising occur within our time Holla Forums?
>Implying redditors haven't already
oh for fuck sake thoses analogy are killing me.
how can one be so retarded?
Just check your phonebook and see if anyone's last name ends on berg, stein, blatt or witz, call them and ask them if they're a lawyer.
don't try to understand, just laugh at them
Complete cancer, shit like this make me wish for a GamerGate 2.0, we need to expose and defame these scumbags, let Internet Aristocrat/ Mister Metokur know about this shit.
yes, another gamergate, can't wait for nothing to happen for a year and a half except faggots circlejerking.
pls no
ThePraetorian has a pretty lol reddit history too. Straight up beta, from **
Go away, Anita.
Maybe without the "no, it's actually about ethics, we welcome niggers, faggots and degenerates!" "#not your shield" faggotry.
By the way, libtards are still butthurt about it, so must mean something good came out of it.
Could use some more entertainment for the rest of the summer.
Schlomo with the mask looks like he walked straight off a propaganda poster
Seems like the type of shit that usually happands in most Garry's Mod servers.
I thought I was the only one, periodically I get emails on my work account from Fagex telling me shit about my Runescape account when I never even played Runescape and more importantly almost never even use my work account except if it's work-related.
I laughed, but I'd probably have the same response to be honest.
Why are there always "le kekistan XD" fags like you showing up, trying to co-opt and transfor, gamergate for something that it isn't?
Gamergate accomplished what it wanted, leave it alone.
believe in yourself user-kun
go fuck yourself you cocksucking faggot
it's not like I was ever going to play their stupid sjw infested game anyway, much less give them money
I hate those faggots, i want nothing to do with them.
Never said there wasn't cancer in GG, the people who co-opted the movement into being "only about ethics" rather than being about people sick of cultural marxism everywhere, where the cancer that killed GG.
Now, i said GG 2.0 but i obviously meant a not cancerous version of it.
Orion was a fun little game
kiss my ass
Good work, user.
I've read through too many stories similar to this and not enough stories of actual legal action taken.
Why do these faggots all pull this same stupid expression? What are they trying to convey?
Its the look of confused bewilderment.
One of the mods stepped down a few hours ago objecting to devs being on the mod team.
You weren't around here when GG began, were you? Faggots like you who are the ones who killed GG, co-opting it for your own political goals.
Fucking this.
The dev just flat out accused the guy of being a child molester. That's the kind of thing where just the accusation will cause immediate social death. No company will ever hire someone who's been accused of child molestation. This guy has the devs by the balls if he just archives the shit that's being said.
John Lennon was already a commie. Yoko may have been a catalyst, but the wheels were already in motion.
You kinda have to be fucked to start dating Yoko or continuing to put up with her bullshit
That guy is fucking amazing. What's the backstory there?
I was hoping this story had a bit more lore. Thanks for the recap regardless.
I can't believe I used to think like this, I can't believe I actually unironically used to post on reddit like this
well you unironically learned from your mistake and no one here remembers you so you got that going for you.
I was hit on by this cute college redhead when I was around 13. I was at summer camp, and went to the basement of one of the buildings in order to escape the heat and the crowd. She followed me and started making some advances and I told her to get the fuck out and leave me alone. Another instance, I had this friend whose mother was a divorced MILF with no boyfriend. I was having a sleepover at his house and she called me into her bedroom wearing nothing but see-through lingerie. I stood in the doorway and kept trying to look away and left the minute I had the opportunity to. I thought it was just a thing she did, but she continued to have this sexual aura about her. I might be kidding myself when I think I could have really fucked her, but my God, she had it going on. These are the only two instances I've had with older women. I had a lot of opportunities with girls in the same age group, but I've never made any moves. I just freak out.
Habbenings are habbenings
Gamergate set out to give a bunch of internet nobodies a soapbox to stand on and an intangible common enemy for them to rally against? Wu is an idiot for thinking Gamergate elected Trump, GG let the Left become as cancerous as it wanted to be with little to no repercussions, well that and BLM, but GG came first IIRC.
Where in his post did he say he was one of those?
WELL WELL WELL! Looks like the devs have just been removed from the subreddit mod list! This has changed from about an hour ago.
Are you one of those faggots who made Holla Forums leave because you told them to cool it with the antisemitic remarks and then got surprised when there was nobody around to do all the digging?
They just removed their names. You want to bet they're still running the place?
One of the mods resigned.
No, I'm one of the faggots who wanted Holla Forumsacks to leave when they started trying to co-opt GG by saying that its about fighting leftists.
And source
Darwinism is retarded because it implies humans are slaves to DNA which is debunked by the existence of Epigenetics.
neo-Lamarckism is what you mean, is that people who are complete fuckups and take no steps towards stopping being such fucking failures should be left to their own devices so they end themselves,
Yep, I posted about that an hour ago
GG was always an anti-marxist, anti-feminist backlash. You beta cuckold faggots were the co-opters. Co-opted it and ran it into the ground, like with everything else in your worthless lives. You were and still are the enemy.
ah yes the "muh PR" fags that unironically believed "if you kill your enemies they win" GG was shit the moment it stopped being about uncovering the actual collusion and shady backroom dealings that ran far deeper than Kotaku writing a good review of a game for some chick who blew the writer and instead became this aimless movement that sat around emailing advertisers and parroting this unrealistic demand for "ethical journalism" ad-nauseum
and here's the "Muh PR"/ non-SJW leftist now
My favorite part of GG is how reddit never realized that "It's about ethics in game journalism" was an opposition meme, which they then took on.
Eurasia is our greatest ally. Eurasians are worthless, traitorous pigdogs and our historical enemy #1.
So I was right on the money then, Holla Forums's autism is what caused to get shit done, after they got bullied out by faggots like you, then ecelebs could take over the scene.
ThePraetorian is here.
Men will do anything and believe anything when they're in love. That's why the most dangerous women in the world try to attach themselves to influential men. Thankfully or ironically, however you see it – In this modern age, there is such a vast network of trophy wives who's only agenda is to have a rich man that the subversive harpies don't even have a chance to latch on to a strong man.
They have to roll the dice and pray they latch on to a guy at the bottom who's going somewhere.
It's supposed to be happiness - but even the most depressed fucks can fake it better.
Holla Forums did the exact opposite in trying to win over normals and gain influence in an ideological war.
Meanwhile at Social Justice Headquarters.
Holla Forumslacks were under the impression that they could win this fight alone. They had to tone the shit down. But no. They refused. Then the Tone Police showed up and that's when everything went to fucking hell.
This is what newfags actually believe.
Or Holla Forums, maybe both at the same time.
I was there since Five Guys. You're not fooling anyone you kike faggot.
Interesting timing. Pretty sure this is a different person/group than we've been putting up with most recently.
Not convinced this spam has anything to do with these cuck devs though.
Except you can't win over normalfags at all since you can't give them bread&circuses nearly as easily as the existing people in power already can, most normalfags will just submit to whoever won after the dust settles, the idea is to win over people who will get shit done, not people who will start sucking your dick only after you kill whoever was in charge.
A community manager fucking up the experience for players? Thats probably happened a mighty number nine times.
Well someone got triggered about something apparently.
Every fucking time, you dense fucking morons, ethical journalism never has and never will be a thing, the whole movement was a fucking waste after you shoo'd off the only people both willing to help dig deeper than some dirty hoe fucking dudes for a good review of her twine game. You made the only people who had the experience and resources to properly dig for info fuck off in pursuit of clueless redditors that not only didn't help, but also didn't really care, most still leftists even after learning all the stuff that Holla Forums dug up and you faggots promptly took credit for. If not for the subtle redpilling effect the movement had on some people, the whole thing would have had a net negative as far as I'm concerned.
>>>Holla Forums
some mods just resigned on reddit and they removed the dev from power lmao.
So many people failed to see what the real issue was.
Group A) Wanted to burn everything to the ground.
Groub B) Wanted to win the people in charge over.
The people in charge were more afraid of their image being tarnished than the backlash from consumers and fools honestly believed they'd pick their loyal customers over their image.
We should have burned it all. All this was really for nothing. Trying to save a bloated corpse.
Group B, the group that took over didn't want to blacklist shitty devs. They didn't want to boycott. They wanted to write letters – which worked until the Party Crew decided to write letters themselves, which they then used their vast connection network to make it seem like they were more important than the actual consumers.
A developer blackballed because the SJW Party crew said so.
What could Gamergate do against it? Nothing at fucking all.
Faggots going full Holla Forums and believing that people wanted to be associated with them?
Divide and conquer worked like a fucking charm and it didn't even need outside injection!
IThe SJW Party Crew sounded the alarm and the normal listened, en-fucking-mass because, surprise, it was a mic fight where they controlled the sound system.
Which is exactly what happened - the only thing that saved GG? The fucking FBI announcing that they had no wrong doings, but that does not stop them from repeating the nonsense.
All we had to do was win one fight at a time.
It's nice to see that Holla Forumslacks follow Hitler in more ways than one.
Exactly. It feels good know their are other anons out their who aren't fucking idiots. We rarely discuss GG, so it's nice seeing you fags again.
This is what newfags believe.
stop derailing with your hurt feelings about GG. This isn't about GG, fuck off to some other thread.
Does the game not show recent reviews for anyone else? All the other games I checked still had them.
Yeah it's gone for me too.
stop derailing with your hurt feelings about GG. This isn't about GG, fuck off to some other thread.
Same here, also if you scroll down, there are 11,507 reviews, not the 9,528 (9,529 now) in that part of the page.
He's right though. You're wrong.