ITT unpopular games you love
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The game was bonkers, I'll give it that
I personally believe that Action 52 is a hidden gem that is underrated. OST is amazing and the game has a very creative cast of characters.
You should give it a second chance. Trust me. Action 52 is better than what gamers make it out to be.
Portal 2 and Skyrim are the best
Pokemon stories have always been shit. They should just stop trying and focus on making fun and replayable regions as opposed to making stories and cutscenes galore.
They used to complain about SPM, until a few other games in the series came along.
I went back to finally finish SPM a while back and compared the script of the localization and the Japanese original. The biggest issue was on Nastasia. While she was more of a generic dutiful secretary type in the original, the English script was a bit too heavy on the sarcastic Bill Lumbergh-esque lines at times, especially dropping the "like, yeaahhh" even in dramatic moments. You can also be extra-picky if you prefer Francis watching more magical girl shows in the original compared to the made-up sci-fi geek programs from the English version.
Sorry Holla Forums isn't a hivemind.
Man compared to what came after I think people stopped hating on SPM.
Also I'm sure that while the game has its fair share of backtracking it is overall less than the 1st 2 at least
And what's funny is that's the exact opposite direction they headed. Pokemon used to be all about exploration, now it's about autistic stories.
This game was the most meta game I've played.
Oh, forgot to mention that with the change of Francis's Otakuness being localized to more-known (at the time) comic con-grade geekdom, his infatuation with Pixl for being cute to snap creep photos of like otakus do to idols was changed to him snapping pics of a rare geeky haul to wave his e-peen on forums – though this is also more since Nintendo wanting to play it more safe for content when it comes to Mario games (same way with Bowser's/Inkling Girl's arm gesture changed and removing the chalk outline of a Toad in Rogueport
Remember when you had to go to the ass end of the Safari Zone to get the HM you needed to progress? Remember how pretty much nobody told you that's where it was, you just had to find it by yourself?
As for unpopular games:
I really do like Oblivion and Skyrim despite their many flaws because I have an insatiable appetite for faffing around killing evil shit, taking its stuff, and leveling up
Same, but being unpopular on Holla Forums doesn't make it unpopular.
How was Undertale unpopular on Holla Forums? There were a shitload of Undertale threads when it came out
How was Undertale unpopular on Holla Forums? There were a shitload of threads when it came out
Yeah, now try to make one of those almost two years later. Once it reached "meme" level and such an enormous level of mainstream popularity it became almost taboo.
Same with FNaF
It really is strange
I have seen it happen so many times. It even happened with minecraft and The Walking Dead.
all the music wa stolen from atari st games.
Other M. That game is a classic. It didn't deserve all that hate just because SJWs were triggered that Samus was portrayed as a proper woman: effeminate, nurturing, timid, and in a need of a man to tell her what to do and give her instructions at all times. Other M was the first casualty of the SocJus craze.
It's truly an amazing game. Summoning a giant shell to steamroll every enemy on the screen was the best feeling.
You know, acting like a blatant retard isn't proving a point.
Despite having practically no story or character development, I really ended up falling in love with the heroes of this game for some reason. And that fucking music, my god.
Except she's a fucking robot 99% of the time. Why are your opinions so shitty?
Not that the 360 had many RPG options.
You can still make Walking Dead threads here just not season 3 ones since Clem is no longer a loli and got beaned.
You keep attempting to push this lie in every Metroid thread, and now you bring up the game explicitly for this purpose, eh? How stupid do you think we are? The game was shit for a myriad of gameplay reasons in addition to its awful writing and narrative, and you would have to be insane to think otherwise.
This was the Dark Souls of mascot platformers.
At least it had one great one. Still a shame how Blue Dragon fell so flat.
I replayed Super Paper Mario last year because I was able to borrow it from a friend. It was an unpleasant surprise to realize the game was worse than I had remembered it being.
Because it isn't. It doesn't have RPG mechanics beyond health and damage, and you can't even control how to level those up.
No it does not. Aside from the twist with the weeb kingdom being nuked, it was more or less the same heroic world-saving adventure as the other Mario RPGs.
This is also untrue. The platforming is floaty and - because you hold the Wii remote like an NES pad, removing most of the available buttons - simplistic. If you seriously think it holds a candle to any real Mario platformer, I urge you to replay Super Mario World or Super Mario Bros. 3. The physical sense of motion in those games is much more responsive, and because of that the gameplay is overall more complex and interesting.
Super Paper Mario has more "puzzle-like" platforming enemies, such as the boss fights with Mimi, or enemies who need to have specific parts stomped in a specific order, but the actual mechanics of jumping around are poor. The game is not without its good parts, such as the writing and the overall self-aware approach to humour and the obligatory slew of puns any properly translated piece of Japanese media will have, but the actual game mechanics are poorer than both the RPGs which preceded it and the mainline platformers it tries to emulate. Even something as simple as the B button controlling Mario's hammer is gone, which means you have to pause the game and scroll through a menu every time you want to switch items. TTYD handled character upgrades very well, and SPM just dumps it all into a menu. Awful game design.
I've noticed a weird phenomenon with this game where its defenders seem to ignore all the good qualities like the tricky usage of 3D and 2D level design, or the genuinely wacky stuff (the chameleon boss has an attack where he grabs Mario/Peach/Bowser with his tongue and swallows him/her; for Mario and Bowser it's normal, but for Peach he blushes before chewing and swallowing, which is something I'd expect to see in a fanmade vore comic, not something with Nintendo's logo on it) and instead focus on the game's most middling aspects. I truly don't know why someone would structure an argument like that.
Saw this back in the day and all the other ANGRY >:( REVIEWERS hating on it but it's an actually fun game if you don't have ADD
This might be a weird way to describe the music, but it sounds like real classical/orchestral music rather than something composed for a video game and played with violins, if that makes sense. Tell me about this game, user; I'm interested now.
I remember seeing this game advertized at the back of the FF7 manual.
Voice acting was meh but other wise an underrated game imo
No, Crash Bandicoot is according to modern game journalists.
didn't a remake of the original come out recently and they said it was brutally difficult?
I like games where I am confused about how to play them and then eventually master it thru trail and error. I believe this builds character and eternal rage.
That was the joke
Technically a sequel to what we in burgerland know as the final fantasy legend series for the gameboy. You are given a choice of 7 different scenarios, demigod Trap magician, Yuri Vampire, Shojou Power Ranger, Mech with amnesia, etc etc. The game world was divided into separate islands flaoting in the void, each with a wildly different theme (Modern Americana, Medieval japan, Tibetan mountain range, Gothic fantasy land, and so on and so forth,). Some scenarios had a halfway decent story but for the most part the game gave you very little direction and pretty much let you just wander. It's grindy as fuck and the graphics were a little janky even by psx standards, But I got absolutely lost in it as a kid and beat all seven scenarios at least once.
I highly recommend emulating and seeing if you like it.
Oh also, same composer who did the original Zelda games if I recall correctly, which would account for the quality.
Shut the fuck up, Tavistock-kun
Super Paper Mario was a good game, albeit not a Paper Mario.
some nostalgia goggles in here, but the game is actually a fun experience if you want a comfy jrpg
The issue is the big maps and long roads and big battle encounter rate can be a little punishing, and dated or tiresome for this age, but it's still a comfy jrpg you can play and enjoy
shame it was unfinished
the game is shit, and SJWs didnt exist back then
This thread is really making me want to play this game again..
are you fucking twelve ?
Dude people that would later turn out to be SJWs actually defended the game. You got it fucking backwards. It failed cause it was a shit game with shit writing.
Agree 100%. I like the battle system. I hope that someone makes a good hack of the game some day.
Quality bait.
Mana, not Zelda (and he was too busy to work on Secret of Mana, but did all the rest of those.)
Also a fuckton of content got cut for this game. Mosperiburg was part of Asellus' intro (as was that one eternal flame that speaks to you in Fascinaturu that does nothing else), entire regions got dropped, Fuse was a playable protag etc
It's a shame they never went back to a similar setting. Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song is good, but I miss my mechs, realms and guntech. Even if it does mean getting my questing cockblocked by Tanzer
That sounds fascinating. I'll see if I can find a working ROM and emulate it.
It was fun but it was paper mario only in name.
She did the "We can do it" feminist pose which is "Go fuck your mother" in other cultures.
It was patched out of course.
Nigger, it's just a bras d'honneur. Same meaning as giving the finger.
In Japan this is a victory pose. Bowser did it in the Japanese version of Mario RPG but they obviously had to change it for the other versions.
Wait, I thought Yoko Shimamura did Mana? Ah well, great OST either way.
YEah it was a damn shame. You could tell the game was setup to have some epic secret 8th scenario after finshing the rest, and we just got a bossrush/devroom easter egg instead. Feeld bad
Good god, a thousand times this. It was the main draw of that game for me. Something about that patchwork of wildly clashing genres and timelines just worked so fucking right. I'd kill for another game to pull that off right.
Take note SJWs THIS is how you diversify a cast.
Crash isn't that difficult. Game journos just suck at gaming.
This game is the is to Serious Sam what Half Life is to Quake.
< "I'm enjoying this so fucking much"
< "haha, it's great, because this is exactly what slavery feels like to the characters, what an immersive experience"
Super Paper Mario required you to be as patient as a cow and half as skilled.
This fat piece of shit needs to get his channel taken down. I hate when I look up a random video on retro video games and this disgusting ENTERSPERG shows up.
I don't get the hate from this game especially by Chrono Trigger fans.
Probably because it's a sequel to radical dreamers, and not chrono trigger.
That being said it's still a decent game.
Ah shit, my bad you guys.
holy shit just make them on cuckchan or reddit where you belong.
no bully
Hi plebbit.
Check these
Did you forget that reddit HATES unpopular opinions and only likes to worship and worship?
The pose is meant to be, flexing your bicep and feeling it.
The anime was good, though.
nudoom is a fun video game that is bringing modern fps games in a good direction.
quake champions and lawbreakers are good games.
Out of curiosity, how is Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadow for the DS in comparison?
I never noticed this. This game has so many little cool parts but it also has stuff like "hold right for several minutes" and "write down a ridiculously long block sequence on some actual paper" which makes it really annoying to play through.
I had this game for PC back in 2003
I got it from a computer convention
It was great
I loved the soundtrack
loved the gameplay and completed it
I dont know why people say this is the worst Sonic
I can't speak to how fun the game is, but I don't think shoving metroidvania elements into FPSs is a good direction. It's less shit than the deluge of CoD imitators which have ruined the industry since 2007, but that doesn't make it good.
This objectively untrue. Quack Chumps introduced CRAPCUNTS gameplay into what was supposed to be a pure arena shooter, to say nothing of the awful gameplay and sound design; why does a rocket spawn two feet behind where I was when I clicked the button? Why do all the guns sound like toys? Lawbreakers is a joke with a UI barely a step above fucking Stillborn's, which was a joke, and (((Gender-neutral))) bathrooms as set dressing aren't a good direction for the industry, either.
Overall you should go back to rebbit and kill yourself.
I didn't mind that stuff too much. The Paper Mario games usually had some bullshit like that where they showed utter contempt for the player's time, but working yourself out of slavish debt was a funny enough premise for me to enjoy myself. TTYD had the endgame quest where you followed General White around the entire world only for the whole voyage to be meaningless.
It's an interesting trade-off: that kind of quest is funny in retrospect, but it made me grind my teeth together when I was younger. The purpose is pretty evident from a design perspective (hey, maybe you should go revisit some of those earlier areas after you defeated the boss, eh?), so I can't be too angry at it, personally.
Speaking of Sonic I really enjoyed 3D Blast. People gave it alot of shit for being isometric but once you take the time to get used to the controls it's a ton of fun and has great level design for the most part, world 2 being my favorite.
What is metroidvania about nuDoom?
This is the censored version mind you.
I played 248 hours of this, enjoyed every bit of it.
There's nothing wrong with first-person adventure games, but a focused hardcore shooter like Doom doesn't need that finery.
Whenever I post anything about those games I always get one or two anons going "Aww yeah, that game was the shit". I'd say they're more obscure than unpopular.
Have you never played a DOOM game before?
what are you talking about? nudoom doesn't have metroidvania elements unless you count searching for secrets and collectibles as being metroidvania-esque, which doesn't make sense because it's just following old school molds set by the old doom and quake.
yeah, but it's balanced. quake champions is not a "pure arena shooter", it is just an "arena shooter".
if I wanted to play a pure arena shooter I would play some reflex arena or xonotic.
just your opinion, and even if your opinion was true that still doesn't affect how good the actual gameplay is.
I didn't even notice. but really, who cares?
Doom has plenty of labrynthine levels, but to my knowledge the player never has to backtrack to previous levels. I was under the impression nu-Doom encourages the player to do that - again, ignoring the core issues with gameplay and level design, of of course.
These are all optional save for the first one
Only backtracking in the game is for keycards within the level
The only suit upgrade is double jump and weapon upgrades are rewarded through combat and also optional. There are also no gated areas that need weapons to get through
I'll agree and say it's not perfect and could be better though.
Despite what most reviewers gave it, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is not that bad of a NES game. Full of great platforming and excellent surprises.
That's not as bad as I'd heard. Fair enough.
Dark Souls 3
It was the first game that I played in the series. I think if it failed at all, it was as a sequel and not as a game. It's still my favorite game even after playing the other ones. If it matters I played as a pure sorcerer the entire way through. It's really underrated by fans of the series as far as I've seen.
Funny you calling anyone else reddit.
That's why it's considered bad, the game is easy as fuck to cheese yet will make newcomers drop it if they dare not make the right elemental choices at the start.
I enjoy playing the game.
Fuck off, reddit
Play ACTION 52 Reddit commands you to do it.
Action 52 is a true hidden gem!
Nice downvote faggot.
+1 Dumb
+1 Autistic
+1 A-Log
+1 Powerlevel
+1 Agree
+1 Winner
+1 Informative
It's not just because it's popular, it's that it's popular with tumblr autists that ran it into the ground with cringeworthy shit like that twerking video.
it has a number of problems with genre dissonance. it tries to apply all control and acceleration to the d-pad or arrow keys (depending on version) to feel like Sonic but turning works like a car racer. Incidentally, this is similar to one of the actual problems in the Zelda CDi games sans-cinemas (pressing up to jump)
this is mitigated in the PC version if you use xPadder or the like to reassign controls
in japan it came with a 1/2 inch thick instruction manual
in the west it came with a pamphlet that's so sparse it's an insult to lump it in with other pamphlets
it really starts to actually feel enjoyable to play when you figure out that you should press left and right on the skill screen to interact with the environment
Thanks for the upvotes!
>my pc was a piece of shit that ran vista
Alright I have a few. Daggerfall is not a good game. Yes it's huge, but it's all procedurely generated so everything looks the same. It's broken beyond belief and there weren't even any modding tools for fixes. The UI has not aged well at all. I appreciate the innovations that it tried, but frankly it failed at them.
Near the same vein, Morrowind has not aged well. The UI is atrocious and the combat is somehow even worse than Daggerfall's, probably because chance to hit is based on fatigue now as well, which you use just by slowly jogging places. I know there's a great story buried beneath it, but at this point it's probably better to just play Morroblivion.
Square does not need to remake Final Fantasy VI because right now they are fucking retards and they would only fuck it up horribly. If they get better though, then absolutely.
Skyrim and Fallout 4.
I fucking hate this game. Why couldn't they have made a respectable sequel that had an array of interesting multiplayer options, and a decent story with decent characters that managed to carry a similar tone to the original? The gunplay itself wasn't too bad, but that's about its only positive, and even so a large number of the older weapons were totally removed. The game played like some type of Halo clone and I just fucking hate it for not living up to the standard that the first game set. Somehow, I just know this is all Microsoft's fault. Fuck you, Microshaft, I hope you all get AIDs and live out the remainder of your days in unimaginable pain.
Ah my bad. This is for unpopular games we love. In that case I'll agree with him in liking Super Paper Mario.