Oh look, more musoshit but it has a Nintendo topping
Fire Emblem Warriors
You're not the sharpest tool are you OP?
I love Musou and Nintendo
hyrule warriors is by far the best musoshit game
I dont like Fire emblem enough to want this though
You will never justify that WiiU no matter how many times you try
Seriously though.
Have you guys noticed the complete 180 attitude towards the Muso series since Hyrule Warriors dropped?
To hardcore muso fans.
To the Normals.
1. Your post did implied the opposite.
2. Kill yourself then.
but its on the 3DS you fucking moron
go console wars your way back to halfchan
I remember thinking back when Hyrule Warriors came out that Fire Emblem would make for a great Musou game, since there are so many games with wonderful characters to choose from and the theme would fit the Musou style gameplay pretty well.
Fast forward to today and I have absolutely zero interest in a Fire Emblem musou game because they shot themselves in the foot and announced that the game was mostly gonna feature characters from FE1/Awakening/Fates. When Treehouse was showcasing the game during E3 I pretty much gagged when one of the girls playing the game wouldn't shut the fuck up about how much she loved Chrom and Xander.
Hyrule Warriors runs like shit on three of these. It's pretty easy to guess which ones people had at the time.
That's another reason why a lot of musofans hated it.
no it doesnt
Goddamn it runs like shit on old 3ds.
It's good but it doesn't hold a candle to DW8CE, WO3 and SW3.
Orochi 3 sucks
In having the 0 effort nip voicework, yes, but it's (((cost effective))) for koei to not have dual audio since SW Chronicles so that's kikery we're going to have to deal with.
People wanted for this for ages.
Better late than never.
You son of a bitch. You know how dangerous is the monkey paw and yet you continue to wish for it.
Hyrule Warriors was the only time I can actually recall normals in general paying attention to musou. Niche as hell otherwise and probably the biggest offender of love-it-or-leave-it, either musou clicks with you or you despise it and that still holds true with Hyrule Warriors.
It's not unplayable like any means but I won't pretend it doesn't run like ballsack on O3DS. I played through it on a 2DS and it was serviceable but the second I got a N3DS there wasn't any going back.
Stupid fucking flags coming back at random.
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
I mean, if given the circumstance I could monkey paw something, I'd definitely go for it just to see how bad things could get.
In fact, watch me do it right now you bastards: I WANT A NEW ADVANCE WARS
when something good happens but at a high loss?
the game is not going to have you know who
Right now I'm more interested in how Dynasty Warriors 9 will turn out. It being open world probably won't be a gigantic game changer other than maybe less loading screens, but I'd like the difficulty changes to be more than just stats and damage taken.
I've been wanting a Mortal Kombat Musou game before Gamergate even was a thing, but it looks like we're not even an inch closer to that
Rip Shrektor the Wrector
Pretty much the same situation. Now I have the same disgusted reaction like when we heard of a Fire Emblem and Persona crossover and then it turned into pop idol high school shit.
Musoshit is like deep fried squid; it's terribly unhealthy but you just keep chewing on the same piece for hours and you can't fucking swallow but hey there's some nice aesthetic.
It was not a persona but mainline SMT, so it sounded perfect at the time. But then the trailer hit with too much Persona and jpop until it became jpop the jrpg.
I blame Nintendo for this fuck up, they fucked their fans in the ass when it was a jpop characters of fire emblem and fucked with the SMT fans when it was more of a Persona game but light-tier
I don't even think Atlus gave a fuck about this game.
That's odd, didn't see you posting a thread complaining about every other muso that got shit out the past few years, wonder why you felt the need to do so for this one.
I fucking hate you IS. I hope the IS CEO gets assraped by Billy Herrington.
I want OP to have his favorite game at a heavy cost
To be fair they will probably include a fuck ton of characters from across the games as DLC the same way they did with Hyrule Warriors. It's another cow for them to milk for the next two years.
You get it. and it's everything you could have ever hoped for.
However you die shortly after getting it and are only able to clock in about a half hour of the game.
They have 6 gorillion characters in the series, and they pander to the nu-FE waifufags. No surprise here.
Do the Japanese even like Mortal Kombat?
I don't even think that game is legal in Japan. Damn Japanese government and their vidya laws.
Yet Rapelay is
Do you want Nu-tendo to touch Hector?
Let him be, I only want him to return when ISis shows that they've returned to actual fucking form.
This is the only Hector you will ever get in a Muso.
I'm joking. FE7 Hector will be 10th Week, Fan Voted DLC.
I wonder how big this club is.
Hyrule Warriors is good for the duration of the story mode and 1-2 Adventure maps, but then it gets repetitive even for Musou standards, or maybe it's the fact that the large boss battles are a huge bitch with their randomness.
A shame because I'd REALLY like to see the OCs appear in another Zelda, having a deranged sensual villainness lusting for Link cock was refreshing, Lana was cute even if quite a bit Mary Sue but with fun fighting styles, and Volga was a cool motherfucker.
And I also hate how much they've twisted Fire Emblem's general feel, not taking into account the horrible edgy animoo sameface style the artist has.
The friendship themes were always there, but it was more ``we allies must kick evil's ass``, but they're now very heavy-handed with MUH FRIENDSHIP, MUH BONDS.
But seriously, fuck this artstyle and how bland it is, though it now feels fresh to have blonde, blue-haired protagonists for a change, instead of mystery meat or any other kind of human character.
I'll just watch some ryona videos if they don't pussy out with showing asses or copious cleavage, even more if Nowi or any loli dragon is playable.
I'll eat my hat if Robin, Lucina, Ike, Marth, Roy and Corrin have a moment were they wink hard at the audience because OH BOY, REMEMBER HOW WE APPEARED IN SMASH BROTHERS? WHAT WAS THE DEAL WITH THE GORILLA AND THE PLUMBER? SO WACKY, YOU GUYS ;D
And once again nu-Fire Emblem fans will start doing le epic bantz because veterans are a bunch of nostalgic grandpas and Lyn/Hector/Ephraim are overrated, yet they gush for Marth or Alm.
It pisses me off that they're intentionally limiting themselves to characters from a few games out of such a large series. Even the ultra casual mobile game has characters from every FE.
Kinda ironic how Hyrule Warriors seemed to care a bit about different weapons and giving Link different dynamic movesets, something that Nintendo couldn't be assed to do with the Links in Smash Bros, and now Fire Emblem Warriors is limiting itself. Nintendo must have a tighter grip on the game, it seems.
Any lewds of female OC yet or are we going to have another Tsubasa situation? Female OC a cute.
is it too much to just want a smash bros version of this? Also it's stupid FE got this before Mario.
Not him, but he's saying that Hyrule Warriors was one of the rare times where normalfags cared about a Musou, slapping MUH ZELDA on a game will do that. Then it must've run out of steam fast once you notice how much autism you need to enjoy them.
I just hope it doesn't become a more common occurrence where KT/Team Ninja start grabbing Western trademarks, and even so the meat of the game needs serious dedication and grinding.
Gotcha. I hope the girls are fappable at the very least, so I can watch some Ryona videos on Youtube.
Bitterness aside, how would they make the mounted units work? Will people like say, Frederick, Haar or Farina receive a bonus if they get on a Peggie, wyvern, etc? I also wonder about the dragon loli units. It's easy to imagine them wrecking shit as dragons, but they'd be easy targets like the Great Fairy. And I can't imagine them attacking without transforming, maybe they just use glittery magic swirls with the Stone or something, though brawling or kicking might be fun.
What about the leveling system? Will they simply promote once they hit a certain level?
you know exactly whats going to happen
You dont this kind of suffering, it gives you just enough hope to feel total despair.
At least Fire Emblem Musou makes 1000X more sense than Berserk and Zelda.
Berserk could only work as a hack n slash game or a story driven muso like the first One Piece game.
Example, the Berserk game for the Dreamcast is borderline Dynasty Warriors to begin with. While the PS2 game reminds me of the first One Piece Muso game.
Hell, I know the secret to making a good Berserk game.
Look at games like Dragon's Dogma, Guardian Heroes and Dragon's Crown. That's what they need to do. Will they ever do it? Never.
Second. Decide how much of the story they're going to follow.
Third. Make that nigger actually finish Berserk before they make it so the shit does not end in any fucking cliffhangers.
DW5 was the best DW. That mode where you created a rando who served under any general in the game, got their abilities, extra perks, got to use strategies like fire raids and shit, I'd love to see it expanded on.
Post some OSTs damn it.
was this game censored?
Haven't they been doing that with near-every game since under the Empires title?
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Michael @SciresM May 19
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Michael @SciresM 18h18 hours ago
SHA256(botw.romfs from cart) == B82EB7C1C90020AB76D39D685D5828085FDF2290789606BEE30259662FD40FB3.
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Michael @SciresM 19h19 hours ago
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Also figured out how to access other titles' main-RomFS recently(system/games) - minus when a game-update for an app is installed.
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yellows8 @ylws8 Jul 6
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yellows8 @ylws8 Jul 6
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Michael @SciresM Jun 1
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