LJN vs Ocean

Which was worse?

Tell the folks at home what either of those two things are.

LJN made ET, right?
I guess they win by default.

ljn will always be the worst in my mind because i had their spiderman gameboy game as a kid.
it was completely terrible and would bug on some events.

Everybody fucking knows what Ljn is you prick.

Ocean. Some LJN games sucked ass, but they were playable. Ocean games always felt like the controls were broken. LJN sucked, but people think they suck more because of AVGN.


Ocean is a company that is similar to LJN. Look at Total Recall (C64) or Waterworld (SNES) for example. They make games with broken controls and bad hit detection.

LJN and Ocean were all about picking up cheap licensing deals for movies and stuff to push their shitty games. They both relied on the same gimmick

I still think Ocean was worse, but they were both about slapping famous movies onto their shitty games. But Ocean was a little shittier.

Ocean, LJN had good music from time to time

I still own Arcades Revenge for the snes

Ocean did some stuff that I remember fondly. Jurassic Park 2: The Chaos Continues. Co-op that shit. It's fun.

Then there's LJN, who did True Lies, Maximum Carnage, Beetlejuice, which are mostly inferior takes on other genres.

Lots of shovelware in either case, but I guess Ocean comes out on the bottom just because LJN had more games that were half decent.

At least the soundtrack was awesome. Shame about everything else.

Yeah i looked it up recently and it was by Tim Follin.
Pleasant surprise

Who had the better composers overall, though? LJN got Tim Follin for Pictionary, but that was just one game.

I'm quite fond of the Mission Impossible soundtrack for the N64. I also consider the game pretty decent at least mechanically. Worth at least a playthrough.


No you dumb nigger faggot

That does not excuse them from sucking.


LJN had a few hidden (if flawed) gems. They also put out a legitimately good game, which was True Lies. (The entire Smash TV team worked on this one. Which is why it turned out so great.)
LJN also managed to get licenses while the media they were based upon were still relevant.

Compare this to Ocean who were always put out games a year or two after it's no longer in the theater. The Flintstones and Lethal Weapon come to mind.

you better post the rest you double nigger

Yeah, it was pre-Hitman social stealth. I don't think people appreciate the novelty of it.

What are some good Ocean games?



LJN because they gave Bethesda a start.
I kid you not. One of Bethesda's first games was an LJN title.

goldeneye came out 2-3 years after being in theatres


LJN did a few good Spiderman games.