How will Atlus disappoint us this time? Find out on July 9th! (Featuring Lotus Juice)
Shin Megami Tensei Livestream Coming
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More faggot remakes, nothing new, no new Raidou ever
New SMT is remake of what?
Maybe its a remake of 1 and 2 plus a reveal of 5.
I wanna fucking kill myself
reminder that nothing is safe, nothing is sacred, nothing is untouchable. Accept it.
Good, they'd ruin Raidou. Let what is good and finished stay finished. Series should not continue after the original teams depart. It only ever leads to shit.
Calling it now.
Super SMT4 Apocalypse Anarchy EX edition.
SMT 5 on the Switch.
It will just be a reskin of 4, using the 3D models from Persona 5 and Imagine, again.
Persona 5 DLC.
Persona 5, PC Port.
Persona 5, the Fightan.
Persona 6 teaser.
Devil Survivior 3
Strange Journey Remix.
SMT has had the worst 25th Anniversary of any game company that ever decided to celebrate it. Even Sonic had better birthdays.
what the fuck did he mean by this, what game is he referencing
Persona 5
Persona 5.
The SJW Party crew flipped their shit because they couldn't inject the game with their memes and agendas.
Therefore, the entire script is wrong and needs to be relocalized for their special snowflake minds.
There was an entire shitstorm about this when the game launched.
I really didn't care too much since P5 has extreme easy mode that lets even the most cucked of cucks finish the game.
It sort of makes me mess the old days where if you played on easy or the game would laugh at you prevent you from seeing he ending.
but persona 5 plot is astoundingly simple and most dialogue "meanings" are just "haha being friends is cool'. what kind of fucking simpleton is this man?
don't answer that
Pure coincidence
I can actually see most of it except pc port of persona 5. It makes more sense if they ported it to switch so I could rape it, on the go.
SMT5 is probably going to be multiplat.
You need to leave
If it's the Switch game, it will be. Not once did they say "exclusive" or anything similar in official statements.
Ah, Burch. Still the laughing stock of video game writers.
It bothers me that they're calling it that in the first place when it's MegaTen's 30th. The pre-Shin titles aren't getting the recognition they deserve.
The worst part is that we've actually reached a point where everything is shit. The PS4 is shit. The Switch is shit. The Vita is Shit. The X_x420 Xbox_xX is shit . The 3DS is shit and I'm shit for owning all of it in ass clenching anticipation for games I want, while praying that the next installments won't be shit - - and the only franchise that hasn't fallen? Kirby.
Who would have guessed fucking Kirby would have survived where others have fallen and died?
Hell. They could troll everyone by releasing Megami Tensei HD, An Actual english Translation of Devil Kids that isn't shit, Makken X and Digital Devil Saga, again! if they wanted to.
Rhythm game.
I just want an HD remake of smt1/2, those games are interesting to read about but they aged like milk, with smt1 being absolutely abysmal to play. If they were remade with modern tech, I would totally give em a try.
I also want a version of or dlc for SJ with kanekos artwork back. Fuck that other artist. He gave Jimenez the most punchable face imaginable when he is supposed to be a pretty cool dude.
I think i may get depression if I dont get any of my demands.
you're saying it as if Atlus had ever dissapointed us…
Unless you're one of those "hurdur weebshit" mericucks who only play COD, GTA and madden
What someone actually liked SMT4? or do you live in a world where we haven't progressed past SMT:SJ
king cuck of West Cuckistan.
Your not my dad, fuck you Steve
There's a good chance he lives in a parallel alternate world where Nintendo and Atlus did not agree on the terms for 4. Therefore, we're split from that junction. Our timeline and his timeline both exist and do not exist until we reply to each other.
There's also a good chance that in his universe, they're announing a sequel to Nocturne.
oh god, he lives in a dystopian hellscape where they rape the corpse of finished stories
he knows how to win
He'll forge his own path through the chaos and we'll eventually cross again.
Fuck. I can't unsee it.
Please no, fucking keep it, port it to the Switch, just don't bring that cancer over here.
inb4 the cuck janis get mega triggered from seeing the golden lel face again.
But don't you want WAKE UP , GET UP and GET OUT THERE?
I liked the idea of doing away with the law and chaos stuff in SMT3 but the MC being the strongest evar by being a demon does bother me. I never liked the story of SMT.
The super hyper friendship chaosfag ending in DeSu1 really pissed me off.
SJW crowd cherrypicks grammatical errors and the goon squad joins forces with SJWs yet again to fight their common enemy of people slightly interested in Japanese cartoons and games.
Dunno if Vita is so shit as you claim it to be but sure I would say that the psp is allot better in regards to get a retro feel.
PS4 is good enough if you don't have a PC or just want to have a game console with some Japanese games.
XbaitoneX is just meh.
Switch is surprisingly good, I was kinda shocked over how much I actually like this system. Some of it has to be because of BotW and the tetris game.
3ds has some more life for sure. Nintendo is just killing the WiiU as fast as humanly possible and getting that stuff over to the Switch.
When it comes to game franchisees I'm not sure what is good or shit anymore most just feels like something I've played before, or it has a terrible pace or over game tested but somehow. I got hope because there is at-least one good game every year. This year felt somewhat special.
So hang on user there is always hope.
Not even close, thats an even worse assessment than Nintentoddlers on Zeldo, and that title is reserved for this little gem
Morgana will tell me to go back to bed in 10 minutes, whats the point?
you go to bed and fuck that cat good user.
Well, on the bright side we got shit like this.
That game isn't coming out this year and zelda is still better tbh.
Wow, Hashino doesn't look nearly as bad as he used to.
It's almost like he has aged backwards somehow.
I dunno if they actually play games tbqh,fam.
that first pic don't bring up quality of the translation.
But back to Persona 5, I dunno if it's as bad as some people want it to be. Sure, it's more mainstreamed and waifu quality is not up to standards as before.
Also Ann was only there so one could cuck the cat.
maybe just maybe he had sexual relations with a transsexual cay that happen to be black.
That game isn't even coming out this year, or ever, and besides, this years goty will be Odyssey.
Isn't coming out this year, it will
Just wait till Gamescom
Sure, and Skyward Sword, Other M and Starfox Zero are good games.
Shouldn't you be grinding right now?
im going to grind my dick against your little sisters ass
Enjoy grinding your dick against a skeleton
You sound as faggy as Linkara right now, but like I said your faggot game ain't even coming out this year, just like it didn't come out last year. Tell me outlander, do you enjoy being cucked?
People please, we all know GOTY 2017 already.
Everyone knew it wasn't coming last year.
Its coming this year however, they've shown a thousands hints that they're about to do so.
Woah, you can hear my voice through the text I write?
Impossible, I don't read comics
Wouldn't know anymore, haven't bought a Nintendo product since the DSi in 2009.
You keep telling yourself that, maybe it will actually happen.
Nah, they're saving that for the remake, Persona 5 Crimson
Everyone with whos paying attention knows it will
Law = Jews
Chaos = Edgy Manchildren
Neutral = Master Race
I like SM64, but it has long been surpassed.
I'm not counting on Odyssey to come out this year, though.
Odyssey is out in October
This is Nintendo we're talking about. I'll believe it when it happens.
It's like your types don't want salvation or anything.
Also, thanks I don't have that one. Cheers neutralfriends!
Ghost Detective was such a great game. I'm glade there will never ever be a sequel.
that game came out in 2016 though user
Localization counts as a separate game, other wise you could end up praising bad/non-functional translations.
Dat Athena, muh dick.
Though it's a shame it's obvious Kaneko isn't designing the demons anymore.
That's supposed to be Athena? Reads way more as Aphrodite, given the nudity and water imagery. Athena's only real association with water with the whole fiasco with the olives and the salt spring.
Thank YHVH that not Marie is actually wearing suit. Too bad it is still a special snowflake Demonica. I hope that they explain adding dexterity to a perfectly balanced stat system. Are we getting some more Law aligned bosses?
How is the 3ds game?
Being a good goyim is not salvation. Neutral path is best path. Fuck gods, fuck demons, fuck yes humanity.
Real classy, Atlus. Must be eternally salty that Cave succeeded where they failed.
Anahita. Learn to read.
People praise the fates translation all the time though.
SMT4 and Apoc are the hands down worst in the entire series.
Even compared to mediocre JRPGs they fall flat, they're horrible, the writing is painful to read, and the combat system is a step backwards from all other SMT games, and possibly JRPGs as a whole.
No idea. Quick skim shows no mention of international release (which would be a pretty good reason to mention to rerelease).
Navigating in Apocalypse is downright impossible and 4 is worse from what I hear. Say you get told to go to Hokkaido, where is Hokkaido? Go wander this unlabelled labyrinth map for an hour not including the random encounters every 5 seconds. I could tolerate everything else being a step down from Nocturne but that was unbearable.
I'd rather play through neptunia than Apoc or 4 again.
Everything they did in regards to the battle system was so horrible, it's more painful than anything else they could've done. "Hey guys lets not have a defense stat, but have demons with low attack stats making them useless". Especially with the smirk system, god fuck that thing.
What were they thinking?
Well, at least the best archangel made it on the cover.
Asura is pretty cool too.
Toki > Asahi
I picked Hallelujah as my partner though, I just need to get through YHVH's bullshit dungeon before I'm done with this game. VishnuFlynn was giving me trouble and when I flipped the game to Easy, it made the whole fight a complete joke. The only reason I didn't do well was because I didn't have Debilitate at the time. My hero's been reduced to healing and support as well. I really hate how they tried to force bonds so hard on me.
Dagda was right.
Also I seriously want to dick the demon on the bottom right. That expression and pose and YHVH forsaken legs are practically begging for it.
At least he got to keep his cheekbones unlike the protag.
I agree about Anahita though. She's one of the most appealing non-Kaneko designs in SMT so far.
Good taste bro.
That weird helmet on Alex caught me off guard too. It's gonna reel in some fetishists for sure.
Do they not count Megami Tensei on Famicom as SMT history?
They retconned MT a while ago. MT was based on the LNs, while SMT was mostly original, and used a derivative setting. P4's plot themes with gods used was a dickwave at MT, namely the scene at the lake.
They'd be calling it MegaTen's 30th if they did.
It's sad that the fucking Persona fan club shows more respect for the titles than the SMT team.
Before I looked at the image I'd thought maybe they'd have included KMT as a rep for both games, but no. The title for it seems to imply they're only looking back on the 25 years since Shin Megami Tensei released, but even then, they call the series "MegaTen" in the title, which creates some logic issues if you ask me (namely an implication that MegaTen as a whole started in 92). Additionally, celebrating 25 years since a particular entry in a series released (and then all the subsequent games after it) is a bit odd, compared to celebrating the 30 years since the actual start of the entire franchise, even if it's seen a bit of a rebrand from Megami Tensei to Shin Megami Tensei. Unless this is an attempt to acknowledge that SMT usurped MT, it just seems strange and/or incompetent on the author's end. But maybe I'm reading too little/too much into it.
Hell, even if they weren't going to include MT1 and 2 on grounds of them being prior to SMT's release, their SFC remake bundle falls into the timeframe between then and now. Makes it seem like they didn't bother to include it because there's no "Shin" in the name, or that it's now "side game" tier like Devil Summoner, Devil Survivor, and DDS, which were also not included on there.
Officially, they use "MegaTen" as a nickname for Shin Megami Tensei specifically.
SMT IV and SMT IV Final's website names are and
It's stupid, I know.
If they're going to adopt the abbreviation of the earliest games in the series as a representative for the whole even after appending the name (seems like "ShinMegaTen" would be more appropriate), it still seems like disrespect to have "25 years of MegaTen" and then only focus on ones with "Shin" in the title. I'm having trouble coming up with a proper analogy with another series, but it would be like having something saying "Looking back on 17 Years of Phantasy Star" and proceeding to only focus on Phantasy Star Online, Phantasy Star Universe, Phantasy Star Zero, and Phantasy Star Online 2, or something, and ignoring the games that spawned the later ones (and the fact that the series is actually three decades old).
Here's an example
Fuck Nu-Atlas
Fuck SMT
Fuck Masayuki Doi, Yasushi Nirasawa, Tamotsu Shinohara, Keita Amemiya, Yoshihiro Nishimura and Kyouma Aki
I thought being jaded at the thought of video games was a fucking meme till October 30 2014.
Yeah that one's probably better (except given the premise above, it would be "Celebrating 13 years of Warcraft").
There there friend; MT may be in a downwards spiral, but you do not have to be.
Though I have played these games for much longer, I can tell you that it only adds to the pain.
However, we must remember what was and try to cope with what is coming.
…Try not to feel too bad.
What happens if you force a Mot out of his casket?
Aw for a moment I thought they were going to pull a "actually she's not human" plot twist.
Nigga you dumb stack all the damage you can on your MC as his stats don't cap, you can literally 1/2 shot everyboss except YHVH as he's got damage gates
He's endorsing it? Not surprising. The music they're selling is mostly his, no doubt.
I'm still willing to bet Alex is some kind of demon.
It would be extremely painful for you
I know they used the older design for this game but jesus christ Kikuri-Hime is one of the best designs in the entire series.
She's going to work for the Masons. Not memeing, they're going to add another human group trying to intervene in the Schwartzvelt.
I'm willing to bet that, based on the specific demon associated with her being a "reconciler of friendships", that her route consists of a persona power of friendship thing where jimenez and zelenin rejoin your side.
Why God, why? What's next, a nocturne rerelease where everyone, including Kagutsuchi and Yahweh join the party?
Sauce? I need to dislike this.
user, you can literally just type the title of the vid into youtube's search.
He lost weight.
Shit… you're right. The Undertale thing triggered me so hard that common sense eluded me for a moment.
What the fuck.
He's doing the reverse of cocaine snorting, user.
So why is Lotus Juice there? Doesn't he just do Persona or are they including Persona announcements in this? I guess he could be joining in for shits and giggles too.
When has Nintendo ever delayed 3D Mario?
Maybe they are announcing PQ2. He was involved in PQ so he might return.
God, I desperately hope so. PQ is a far better game than anything the modern SMT team has been making lately.
terrible b8
terrible b8
pq is shit. fuck off back to etryan odyshit.
He's right. You're just a pleb who sucks at EO.
I'm convinced people like you don't even play video games.
After seeing more information, I'm convinced she's a Time Travel Waifu.
Her gun is a laser blaster, while the original teams were armed with fucking Assault Rifles.
Her Demonica is one of those ultra-high tech rebreathers that doesn't need air tanks strapped to it.
And her Comp… well.. It looks like the NORN made it and since Strange Journey had a pretty awesome timetravel quest.
Then Stephen will pop up to explain who she is and why she's around.
That's going to be my next game once I finish up David Cage's latest movie.I really hope I don't die from a rage stroke.
im convinced you play nothing but shit made for handheld babies
Hashino, what are you doing here? Don't you have better things to do than shitpost here? What am I saying, of course you don't.
That's an understatement. Especially in his face. Good for him.
Wow user you are so mature and kewl, keep this up and maybe you'll be invited to sit at the big kid's table next year at lunch.
Birds are chirping; Finn and Jake walking]
Walking, walking, walking – hambone break! [Finn starts ham-boning]
WooHoo! Hey!
[Finn starts playfully slapping Jake]
Get away from me. Quit it. [Laughs and blushes]
Food for a beggar…
Off screen
[A mysterious man is lying on the grass in tattered clothing]
Food for a poor old man? [Gets up off grass with a flip]
[Finn and Jake are surprised.]
Geez Louise, guy
So you got any, kid? Food? [Hand out in front of Finn]
[Finn searches through backpack, finds a cube of sugar]
I got this little piece of sugar. [Thinks] Nuts, I'm freaking all about sugar. But I am even more about feeding hobos! [Clenches cube in fist]
Whoa, man. Maybe helping this starving homeless guy is wrong thing to do.
I don't know. I said "Maybe" [Shrugs]
A hero always helps someone in need and besides he's probably a secret elf who will reward us for being nice. Here you go, buddy. [Hands sugar to man]
[snatches the sugar from Finn's hand and eats it] You know, believe or not, I'm not really a beggar. I'm actually a… [Reveals Himself] Magic Man!
[Magic Man little riff]
Finn and Jake
[Stunned] Whoa!
Aw, yeah!
He's magic! I didn't expect this.
[Magic Man is down on one knee and starts whistling, a bird lands in his hand. While the bird is in his hand, he rubs the fingers of his other hand together and the bird is turned inside out. Its Muscles and fat are on the outside.] Magic…. Away! [Shoos the bird away, it drops to the ground flapping its wings struggling to fly away. Finn and Jake are distraught. Finn is holding Jake.]
Magic Man
[with eyes closed and shuddering] Think happy thoughts… Little, cute, bees, little babies, tiny, tiny bunnies.
what is wrong with you, Magic Man?!
You gave me that candy now I'll do you a favor in return. A magic favor. [Zaps Finn, blue dust cloud covers Finn] [Sings] A mystical, magical favor! [Finn's body starts transforming]
Magic Man
[looks on worried. Finn is shaped like a giant foot, well just his lower half. His top half remains the same] Whoa, dude!
Magic Man
…For you!
why did you do that!?
Because on this day, a magical life lesson comes to you.
Magic Man
No! Change me back.
Not until you appreciate what a jerk I am. Wazoo! [Magic Man jumps in the air and explodes into fireworks. Fireworks say "Eat It."]
Magic Man
What a nutty guy
What the heck, man?? What kind of deal is that? I help somebody out and they make me a stinky foot.
[sniffs Finn.] You smell pretty good.
[Shoves Jake away from him] Get off of me, man! I can't be a hero if I'm a big good-smelling foot!
Maybe you're looking at this magic gift all wrong. Now that you're a huge foot you can kick evil's butt, like, way more times as hard. You're 100% kick, man!
Why are you being so level-headed about this?
Don't be a siss, Finn. Here, c'mon kick my butt. [Jake stretches his butt big and wide. Finn blushes]
You're the SISS, siss! Augh! [tries to kick Jake but instead falls over, hitting Jake slightly.]
[rubbing his butt] Ouch! oooh! Ouch. See, man. Let's give your foot body a shot.
[still on the ground] No, dude! I wanna go find that magic man and get my body back!
[Jake cradles Finn's head] Shhh shhh shhh shhh. Just be a foot for a little bit [J manipulates F's mouth like puppet]
Jake as Finn
Ok, I will.
Awesome! Dude you will never regret this. Hahaha!
[Next scene: still in the forest. Finn is upside-down and attached to some sort of spring catapult with a trigger.]
Okay, when the next monster comes along, he'll step on that trigger over there, sending your giant foot body into the monster's crotch!
This sucks, dude.
Don't worry, it will come back…
I pray the MMO revival succeeds, but I have this sinking feeling Atlus might step in and blueball it.
How did the guys who revived Battlefield 2 pull it off?
I don't think Atlus would do a Nintendo a do something like that.
this game was an awful pay2win piece of shit with a paintcoat of SMT.
You just have shit taste in vidya m8.
Well, I hope not. But they did register some web domains for the game when it died. They renewed them this year too.
The game was actually best experienced free. Paying was for casuals and suckers.
nice justification fag, bet you just love spending 35 minutes walking because you didn't buy the premium shoes and the premium wings and the premium anime ass propeller.
i'd play a private server, but fuck the original.
You know it wasn't hard to find that kind of speed boosting gear in bazaars. That aside, there were also items that could teleport you to places, and each major home point could too. The metro and mounts were also an option, and the world wasn't very big anyway. This is a pretty dumb complaint all around.
pretty sure registering demons was also a bitch and some of them could only be registered with cash items.
That's damn true. This shit was merciless.
I don't recall that, but maybe so. I got a lot of my DCMs from bazaars, personally.
some guys are working on a private server, but it doesn't seem like it will be out anytime soon.
yes, in about 4 hours i think.
I can trust that a link will be posted when the stream is starting, right? I'm a fucking pleb at navigating Niconico and I have absolutely no idea if they're just gonna be using a page while they get shit running or if it's just gonna show up a little bit before hand.
send help
Nevermind found it
Were the rumored addition of the Dexterity stat false?
I don't see dex in the stat screen.
A little problem.
That was a joke based off them obviously porting it to the SMT4 engine, and if you ever played that steaming pile, you'll know why people were worried
That happened to me too. Strangely, it seemed to be the only stream on Nico that wouldn't play. I tested a few unrelated Nico streams and they ran fine.
Thankfully I was quick on my feet and saw the whole SMT stream on pscp instead.
Here are some screenshots of the best parts.
user back the fuck up
are you saying P2 got a surge of popularity somehow? Atlus is somehow not pretending it doesn't exist anymore?
So what did end up getting shown?
i dug up the old DVDs i burnt of metalocalypse years ago just to make this webm in reply to your post
Wow. They finally remembered to mention the pre-Shin titles. About time.
They even named a few spinoff titles.
Still no mention of Imagine though. They must really hate Cave.
Atlus always pretends it doesn't exist. the most it does is use the character's names
Wait, I take that back. They actually hate PC gaming in general. I just realized they never mentioned Giten either. Assholes.
I don't even think it came with anything good, but man was I right to invest in weeboo vidya.
Lucky bastard, I want those sweet headphones too.
So what was it?
good, any sensible person would hate the DRM-ridden monopoly steam gaming has become.
They look cheap and of low quality. Stop buying garbage just because it has your favorite character on it.
Neither of those games were on Steam.
If you quit fighting a monopoly, you don't hate it enough.
Oh wow, that's rich. Yes, I'm sure some armchair critic can tell the quality of headphones off an internet video better than the musician using them.
the first reaction to displacement is fighting it, the solution is moving away from it and starting new.
It's not like they couldn't port it on another DRM-free platform.
Operating outside of the monopoly IS the only way to fight it. Well, aside from sabotaging it, I suppose.
you can't argue with that logic.
but is we are going to be autistic. Chaos is Jews you mong. Jews reject Logos, they are entropy. Order requires objective Morality, Jews promote moral subjectivity and encourage hedonism and consumerism. Gnosticism is Jewish, Kabbalism and Talmudic law is an inversion of Gods law. Christ was YHWH incarnate and the tribe of Judah killed him. They killed their own God. They are the Synagogue of Satan. Do you even get into the occult or esoterics, are you trying to virtue signal? Also YHVH is not YHWH. Neutral is the fence sitting position, but its painted as the correct choice in the games because Confucianism and Buddhism are also apart of the ethos that inform Japanese culture. Trivia: Nagasaki was bombed (By the Jewish controled Unite States) because it was the largest population of Japanese Christians
I really wish you didn't try to shoehorn your shallow political opinions into vidya games.
This seems like one of those threads you had to see in person in order to go into a coma from laughter.
Also ; That image of everyone gathered around the computer. I need it for my collection.
All the edits lost to time are crying.
Those look cheap and fake as fuck. Which means it's a completely legitimate product produced by NuAtlus.
Expect them on the Atlus store for 59.99+ 10 dollars shipping and handling, only to discover they're just Panasonic headphones with a neat metal cap glued on.
The fan stuff is what I expect from Atlus , not some " I spent 60 dollars on some random website and got a custom design."
You can usually tell how expensive a pair of headphones are by simply looking at them. The real high end brands traditionally favor subtle designs and if they're customized ? The customization is slight.
Faggot companies like Nordstrom with their "FRENDS" branded headphones who decided they were going to profit off of hipsters on the other hand, decided to to copy the design aesthetic of 10$ no name headphones and charge 200$+ for them.
Why even listen to music?
Wow, that's a lot of mental gymnastics and presumption made in response to a very bare statement.
Here's a tip: Depth isn't defined by how contrarian your interpretation of the material is.