How does anyone unironically dress like this, go onto youtube...

how does anyone unironically dress like this, go onto youtube, and then take a video of themselves unironically while "discussing" videogames?
I think I'd have shot myself sooner than I did anything like this

This is where you got it all wrong chum.


Get this shit outta here

just because you've got a hateboner for the guy, alone with everyone else, doesn't mean you should be willfully blind

His whole act is ironic though. That doesn't mean he isn't actually a cunt, he just covers it with irony.

He's a big cunt.


Go buy 4chan gold and get the fuck back.

Could be worse… he could take a selfie while his face is covered with another man's semen.


I don't understand people.

I have a coworker who watches Sterling out loud at lunch. He's obese, smells bad, drinks 5 energy drinks every single day and got a girl pregnant when he was 13.

showmanship or not his opinions are shit
Big proponent of easy mode pride and faux gonzo game reviews

not buying it jim

You need some self awareness dude.

He pretends to be retarded, while actually being retarded.

I don't. I usually look up "hard mode walkthrough no commentary" or something in the hopes I will come across as little cancer as possible.

The long answer : His "comedy" shtick is being farcically arrogant. Because he doesn't want to rely on acting alone to get the satirical intent across, two guesses as to why he dresses in ridiculous getups.
The short answer : He a fgt

But now for the greater mystery: Why do people watch him and enjoy watching him?


He was at least Alpha enough to get pussy at 13.

Every single time this happens it's always some fat chick who was doing everyone in sight.

The short & correct answer: a combination of an inflated ego and poor social antennas

Jim Sterling makes more money in a month by being a loud obnoxious low functioning autist that chugs social justice koolaid almost as much as he chugs the virile PoC semen from his aposmatic Marxist landwhale of a "girl"friend's festering cunt, than many people make in a year.

Welcome to the CURRENT YEAR folks.


I don't get it, how could they let this get leaked?

I always find it hilarious how social justice folk and retards always talk about making a better world, but always end up , literally giving their money to idiots who don't need it.

It's like that We Are the World shit.

Journo took it.

That's even more puzzling, journos were supposes to keep the facade.

How come nobody's gone all out home invasion on his ass? He lives in Mississippi, so giving his address to some of the local urban demographics should be enough.

It's not entertainment anymore, it's advertising. Research and confirm shit on your own and don't trust the false praise that paid shills give out.

This has been going around a lot these past few years.

but to be fair.
Whatever makes him stand out in the cesspool that is e-celebrity.

This is sadly nothing new, just look at North Korea's for the past few decades.
I remember in one of his videos where he un-ironically said "my wife's son" while then doing a typical "my wife's son" example, and that was before the wife's son meme. Also, I thought they where married.

In anycase though, he is another example of "what the hell happen to this guy". I remember when him, Yahtzee, and movie bob use to have a weekly feature where they would butt heads about something video game related. A lot of the time they ended up agreeing much to Yahtzee's annoyance. I can't even imagine present day Jim or movie bob making videos, in terms of stance, today.

What I am surprised is why a journo decide to not keep the charade going.

Let's just see if it's bumplocked or not :^)

fat people like watching 'successful' fat people. It makes them feel less shit about themselves.

It's why Booger886676767 or whatever he's called is so popular despite adding nothing of value to this planet.