If you could force everyone on the planet to play one game, which would it be.
If you could force everyone on the planet to play one game, which would it be
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None, I don't want more normalfags and regards in my hobby.
Moonman Doom
Adventure Island, you can't eat or sleep until you finish it.
A tough choice between Nier 1 and Automata.
Is taro posting the new Todd posting?
I want to see the humanity weep
I wouldn't mind it, at least Moonman is handsome
Russian Roulette.
This. I think all videogamers need to experience Nier at least once in their pathetic, serf lives. Fuck it, they should replay the game 5 times a day as a homage to honor our lord and savior Taro.
If toddposting was unironic.
Except Taro makes good games.
If Nier 1 had Automata's combat it would be a no brainer.
nuMedal of Honor
The only correct answer.
Darkest Hour.
Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Are you mad? Why would you do that? It would only cheapen the game. Suddenly all those funny inside jokes related to that game would become highly obnoxious and worn out. It would be like Portal all over again.
How can some people have so little foresight when it comes to situations like this, especially the people who have escaped 4chan to Holla Forums because everyone on the planet became aware of 4chan and it turned to shit. You'd think OP had learned the lesson by now.
Nigger stop.
I hope you "misunderstood" my comment on purpose for the sake of some pathetic comeback instead of actually being that stupid.
none because I don't want shitters to infest the community of the game I like.
Let's play a game.
Honey Select.
Drakengard 1
Chrono Trigger
Paper Mario TTYD
Not everybody in the world would be able to appreciate deus ex or other games. normalfags are stupid. But those two are simple yet beautiful, and excellent in every way.
you overestimate the average normalfag
most people would hate them largely because they're too hard and they probably wouldn't appreciate the story anyway
Needs to be something that they wouldn't drop but any game that qualifies for that is gonna be casual shit so I say Super Tux Kart since it will force them to install Linux.
Dustforce, since you'll need to SS every level except the last in order to finish it and this will make them good at videogames.
Either DMC3 (all SSS) or Devil Daggers (500 seconds), if every single person did one of those then the quality of games in their respective genres would increase tenfold.
The German loli simulator.
And thus, the slide to LGBTQWTFBBQ has finally begun.
Diablo 2 so we can all talk about the great soundtrack and why necromancers are the best
You mean Under Defeat?
Lost Levels so everyone can understand its difficulty
I picked Deus Ex because it is the ultimate red pill game dumb cunt.
That's how most people will respond, it won't "red pill" anyone. If anything it'll make people take that stuff even less seriously because any attempt to have a serious discussion about the matter will be seen as "lol deus ex references, so funny".
Is this seriously what you wish on the game?
Russian roulette.
They will drop that game becuase of the shitty gameplay?
What's with that nose?
Listen you little faggot, it doesn't spout Alex Jones tier crap, it throws facts at your face with combinations of thought, reason and perspective in such a fashion where it's interesting for you to check the facts yourself.
This game would change the normal fag.
user, that isn't going to happen. People want to be ignorant becames it gives them plausible deniability. There have be games, mobies, shows, music, comics, plays, books all giving express detail about how the world works, and an overwhelming majority of normalfags never want to go through them because then they would come to realize the fact that they have a responsibility. And, they don't want that. There are a few that are ignorant because they haven't been given the resources yet, but that isn't the case for majority of people.
Alright alright alright fine, I guess I didn't give it very much thought. No Dues Ex as a mandatory video game for the planet.
Instead this will be my choice.
i wouldn't
but if i had to, NWN1 diamond edition
Spec Ops: The Line
It's unironic
For the Nintendo Switch.
Nier 1 isn't very good.
That would be a hell of a trick since the highest rank is an SS
Pikmin 2
Is that a Gappy cosplay?
Just the salt generated from Holla Forums alone will probably be enough to destroy the planet.
Wizardry 1-8 they must beat all games.
Fallout 4 would be a close contender.
If we're talking everyone on the planet then what's the goal? I think aiming to simply get more normalfags into vidya (SJWs are a problem, normalfags are not if they stick to their own series and we can maybe even dilute the SJW influence as a result) would be good. A secondary goal would be to try and develop some form of good taste or at least get them to see vidya isn't just Gone Homo and Mario not that, strictly speaking, there's anything wrong with shit like Mario but many normalfags see vidya as nothing more than a childish distraction and it'd be good to break them of that opinion.
With this in mind probably something accessible but still of a reasonable quality would be best. Games like Deus Ex or Thief might be great but just because you force people to play it doesn't mean they'll like it and is more likely just to put people off. With that in mind:
Bully shows just how lazy R* North (and recently other devs) have been with open world vidya. Having a large number of actually unique pedestrians and a non-generic, relatively non-violent setting is a nice change of pace. Also it's nice and accessible and shows vidya can do reasonably plots without having to be super-serious or attempting to emulate 'art' (in other words it shows what vidya can do that films, books, paintings etc cannot). Finally it doesn't suffer from the bloat recent open-world vidya has so it's actually feasible for a normalfag to complete it.
F.E.A.R. is not the best FPS ever made (it's up there though) but again it's fairly accessible and will show people at large how far back the focus on consoles in the last generation set the FPS genre specifically. If more casuals can see that things were better when consoles stuck to genres that actually work well with a controller that's just a bonus. Also it might persuade people to dig into more of Monolith's work and pretty much everything they made before F.E.A.R. 2 is great. Even if they do go and play 2 they can see how the FPS genre has fallen and experiencing it for themselves is much better than telling them. Once again F.E.A.R. also shows that vidya need not be either pretentious pseudo-films or just abstract arcade games (many normalfags of a certain age think all vidya is just Tetris). I would have suggested HL2 for its extreme accessibility but it's more of an action-adventure than an FPS and ideally you'd want people not to assume all FPS games are like that.
Finally Max Payne 2 is significantly easier than MP1 (i.e. accessible) while still being a solid third person shooter and, like the previous two games, shows that vidya doesn't have to fall into one of the two extremes of 'we're so grown up mature people' (it still has humour after all) or 'vidya for kids' (which is how normalfags see shit like Mario, correct or otherwise). Also it might persuade people to look into Max Payne 1 (the superior game) or Max Payne 3 (so they can see for themselves how much damage the focus on 'cinematic' shit over gameplay has done to the industry).
That's probably an autistic amount of thought to put into such a thread but there you go.
Can I stop them from ever playing another videogame again until they complete my game of choice?
probably just tetris.
is getting triggered by people talking about nier the new todd posting?
Democracy 3. That way everyone who talks about how the government can't run a country will finally understand how bullshit it is.
Dwarf fortress
Christopher Robins's baseball and waterboarding simulator
I'd force everybody to play the dubs game
Toddposting is actually funny.
the only problem i had with postal 2 is that it was too hard. i didnt know what to do so i ended up wandering around but whenever i would shoot someone they would all try to kill me. i dont get the hype behind it
Russian roulette.
The Witcher 1.
So many people missed it because of the combat system.
Limit that to one group of people. The WoW players, but make this 2 games. EVE online and Warcraft 3.
Make them see what proper economy is and how story of wow should have looked like.
You just wanted pic related or something similar.
Planetside 2 or any ded mmo to make it feel fun again
b-b-but im not a-autistic
desert bus
Drawn by the Jewpanese
But everyone's already playing The Game
Iji. The salt generated from the Undertale fanbase alone could calcify the milky way.
any infinite runner greenlight game
and they have to play it until the game ends
which is never
This game carried me over 3 days without internet. Thanks to some user recommendation in the metroidvania thread, I think it was you.
I only need to beat it in ultimortal difficulty now but Internet came back.
Checked and agreed.
Oh Hi CEH Beach
I was thinking "Drink the stuff under the sink" but this works.
You might want to see this cham..>>12975009
Fucks sake.. Fixing link
What's a really shit game? normalfags need to suffer more.
sonic adventure
Agreed entirely in regards to Bully. It's also why I hope they don't do a sequel because they'll probably poz it the fuck up with GTA V-esque online AIDS and SJW et all pandering/references.
Most of the games normalfags play are already shit, though.
Even the worst of AAA shit has some tiny bit of enjoyment to be found, actual shit games are just full of pain and misery for anyone bothering to play them.
Closest I can think are IWBTG fangames, some are pretty good but some are so fucking atrocious I'd honestly give quitting video games altogether a thought if I was forced to complete one to keep on playing .
Like that one with a fucking quadruple frame perfect spike jump you have to do twice
OP, Mountain Blade if it was better
Sonic Adventure 2, bitch.
Choose a game that's so bad they'll never want to play another one ever again.
Russia roulette hands down
Always entertaining when Witcher cucks try to shill their non-game.
um, wow, force everyone that's a lot of power-
that's so lame lol
Starcraft's multiplayer, they'd hate it.
Do you mean "Russian roulette 2: sword of the future" or whatever it was called. Because that shit was rad.
Steamrollers with missile launchers
russian roullete
Given that the original dev was R* Vancouver and they were shut down years ago I don't see any odds of a sequel being any good.
Isn't Democracy complete shit though?
I haven't played earlier ones but Democracy 3 is pretty flawed in my opinion. Pretty much every country plays the exact same way just with slightly different starting GDP and laws so it's just a process of passing the same few policies every time and then 'winning'. Also you can completely wipe out groups like people using non-public transports/private cars which is unrealistic by itself and then still get special crises like 'fuel protests' if you turn up tax on fuel for private cars.
world would improve overnight on Holla Forumsstation
A good puzzle game - something that requires you to use your brain. I'd recommend Zoombinis for most people. It's not the pinnacle of the gaming experience, but it doesn't have to be.
Solid taste.
shitty meme, and shitty graphics btw
Fallout NV
I second this,
>Almost every character is memorable, especially the companions, each having various dialogue trees for roleplaying that can change depending on your faction, karma, skills/stats or simply how you answer them. (Just watch youtube.com
I don't think Postal 2 was made for low IQ subhumans like yourself.
maybe one day…
If I could force everyone on the planet to play one game, I may also be able to only force a certain segment of the population to play one game. With that in mind, I'd make it an older patch of Final Fantasy XI. The reason? Absolute Virtue. A long time ago, there were news articles about how people were fighting him for so long they became ill. There have also been articles about how people died from playing video games for too long, particularly from StarCraft. Presumably the OP is referring to a game with a campaign mode. If not, you could simply force anyone to play match-based multiplayer games until they starve to death. Absolute Virtue can accomplish the same thing in a campaign mode. The reasoning behind this is of course fuck normalfags.