Is he the only one genuine developer left in the western world who actually cares about video games?
John Carmack thread
He doesn't even work on vidya anymore, he only develops virtual reality shit now. What are you even on about?
John Carmack > any slit-eyed gook
He doesn't develop any video games anymore. This guy only cares about high-end technology and hardware now.
Recently after hearing his speeches about video games i was in awe.
And DOOM VR really looking good so far.
Randy Pitchford
carmack hasn't directed a game since quake 3, and all of his "technological innovation" is him just taking established programming practices, tricks and hacks and implementing them into a game. For the majority of his career he was responsible for tech, and nothing else.
He's not a developer, he's an engineer.
That's all he's ever cared about, virtual worlds through advanced technology. Read Masters of Doom. I'd say it's more telling about the state of the industry that he doesn't develop vidya anymore.
You should kill yourself, and the people who are responsible for the abomination that is your life.
Fuckoff back to >>>/cuckchan/ already.
Oh yeah, this cuckchan tier alright
You have to be 18 to post on this site.
I thought he has always cared more about game engines than video games themselves and that's why he's been working on stuff like VR instead of developing video games.
What about all the good ol' anons in the agdg thread?
kill yourself
Some are alright and make lots of progress, others probably won't make it.
Speaking of Carmack, I'm fucking around with the Doom 3 BFG Edition engine right now and might try making a game with it.
Meanwhile I can barely muster up the energy to roll out of bed in the morning. I hope he donates his brain to science once he dies so we can figure out the difference between people like him and lazy piles of shit like me.
what are you talking about retard
carmack is some psychopath robot who has an autistic attachment to technology. all he gives a fuck about is working on the latest shit
I don't think he gives a shit about games.
carmack doesnt give a shit about games, he only truly cares about ENGINES and TECHNOLOGY
You're not going to make anyone your bitch anytime soon, John Romero
Yes, but segments of his code are still used in the Unreal and Source engines. He's a very important guy in the gaming industry. Having said that, he clearly doesn't care much about video games.
Carmack doesn't care about vidya, as sad as I am to say it.
He's the same guy who programmed Wolfenstein, he wouldn't like your type.
He never cared about games, just technology.
wow such a waste
How are these things bad?
As much as I love him for being a super talented technical autist when it came to vidya he didn't have much of a vision. Hes the guy that gets shit going off an idea not the idea man.
He took Romeros vision and brought what seemed impossible reality. Without him we all saw how that ended up.
He's a code monkey, not a game designer. Carmack left id because he found rocket science, HMD firmware tinkering and low-level graphics optimization more interesting than his day job.
They aren't bad if you think biology has no impact on identity and that we're all just interchangeable cogs in a economic machine. Maybe it's possible that there's more to life and humanity than maximizing GDP?
Literally the ONLY objective purpose in life is to reproduce and make more of yourself, organism. He succeeded, you didn't. Care to explain?
You don't think having a confused racial identity and gook genes (in a world where we have an Aryan ideal, whether you like it or not) will be an evolutionary disadvantage? Do people survive nature as individuals or as groups? What group do happas belong to?
Keanu Reeves and Bruce Lee would like to have a word with you.
Nigger it doesn't matter what happens to the kids at all, your OBJECTIVE purpose as a life form is to inseminate a fertile vagina. That's it. Once thats done you can deepthroat a loaded shotgun for all the universe cares.
This is the "I know tall Chinese people" argument. Look, I can do it too.
You might as well fuck your sister then. After all, it's inseminating a vagina. Stop being an edgy nihilist faggot as well, I'm not impressed.
You get laid then, you fucking loser? Wheres your offspring you fucking failure of a man? What's wrong?
White nationalism is a dead nihilistic ideology because of overrighteous sodomites. They will never reach the an ounce of influence like those two hapas I've listed.
Is this Holla Forums at work?
Kidding, socialists don't actually work.
Umm, user that is innovation by definition. Do not confuse innovation with invention, he only invented surface caching.
Great examples user…
I hate him for creating the cancer that is the FPS genre.
Also, he sold out to Shekelbook.
Carmack never cared about videogames. He cares about programming. It's quite a difference. He enjoys the challenges of programming, and the fruit of his labour. But he is, at the core, a programfag.
This is why his later games went to shit. Carmack himself didn't change, but back in the ID days, his programming was put to good use by the rest of the team, who gave him direction. With what I assume is him gaining a bigger role on deciding other aspects of the game that weren't just related to the programming hurdles, the game design as a whole suffered.
u mad nigger? yeah u mad. u mad he took people's college calculus theses and applied them to rendering and space partitioning/traversal.
you sound like the type of chink/jew pleb that doesn't even know about phong or gourad shading let alone binary space partitioning. have fun sucking gabens tits waiting for Never-ever 3.
Why do you keep posting threads sucking Carmack's dick? One autist who just can't get over Carmack so he posts almost weekly threads trying to convince us he's the best. Jesus nigger, I know this is a place for people with no life but you seriously take the autist cake.
Bruce Lee was full blooded ethnic Chinese… and Keanu Reeves fucks a tranny.
You should question your life, user.
(check'd and kek'd)
Best girl.
Best girl.
Anyway people are still butthurt Doom was apparently the first (or one of) game to use BSP, and Doom 3 was apparently the first game on PC (or one of) to use Phong shading.
I double checked both, and both Keanu Reeves and Bruce Lee are second generation happas. That means one of their parents was already a happa beforehand, pretty much rendering whatever point user was trying to make moot because only half of a random mix of the happa parent's genes is passed on in simple terms they have only a fraction, of a fraction, of the original race's genes from the happa parent.
On top of that, Bruce Lee is the only one of the two that is only two races mixed, Keanu is actually maybe a third generation mix so his grandmother is also mixed being both Chinese and Polynesian.
What, seriously? But Phong shading is simple as fuck and had been around since 70's – surely someone must have used it before that as well.
But… Bruce Lee is only like 1/4 white. His mother was a happa, though. So was his son and daughter.
Phong is only a ~5 years younger than Gouraud. The problem is that it's computationally expensive due to all the multiplies, a divide, and a square root for each pixel. Sega appears to be the first to implement Phong shading in 1999 with their Naomi 3 successor "Hikaru" and the first game with Phong shading looks like their Brave Firefighter arcade game.
He sold out to facebook.
this guy stopped being relevant when his autism tier game engines stopped selling
lol germany allied with japan, you uneducated mong
This, proud and powerful nations which hold strong to their traditions such as the Congo, Niger and Liberia are models for the Fourth Reich, they are the future of the Aryan Race, 1988! HALL HILTER! Death to the banks and all of the rich people and death to capitalism for providing me a house, living wages, and all of the luxuries I take for granted and assume my backwards socialist ideology will provide me!
Replace video games with software development.
>Wasn't assassinated for pissing off "not chinese mafia". He didn't give them a cut while openly giving them the finger.
Go ahead and ask his daughter, after she is done looking around and seeing if someone is watching.
>racemixing didn''t help bruce's case for the hit ether , but that is an external influence,
Its a damn shame too, it was the only thing keeping Unreal for cornering the market.
This is the guy who legit didn't want Raven software to license the Doom engine for Heretic because he thought it was a waste of time that was slowing down production of Quake. He was near obsessed with Quake's engine and didn't give a shit about the actual game aspect of it.
Carmack was obsessive about making engines, not video games. You can see that with games like Doom 3 which was just a tech demo designed to show off the engine's lighting.
This is the guy who Master's of Doom back in 2003 predicted he would stop making video games because he admits that making video game engines got boring after Quake and he wanted to do other things like Aerospace. It even predicted Doom 3 would be his final game and he would leave Id software. While he was incorrect about timing, it was even common knowledge back then Carmack just cared about his game engines and nothing else.
By comparison Romero made a Doom map, like 20 years after the game released.
Well there's your problem!
He doesn't care he's just a tech Autist
Look who doesn't know about WW2
Todd really cares about video games, but at the same time Zenimax makes him it's bitch and Todd loves his wife and children more than video games.
What about 1940s Australia
Carmack has no involvement with nuDoom.
Also nuDoom was trash to begin with, what makes you think removing the ability to fucking walk will improve the experience in any way?
vid related. sage.
Todd is the opposite of Kojima; He doesnt have enough freedom over his projects.
Carmack doesn't care about games, he cares about programming, and at the time, video games were the current field that needed innovation. Then he went to space, solar cars, VR etc.
Oh yeah I remember when iD software was hot. Quake 2 and all that.
Then Rage happened and that was the end of another legend.
Carmack made the right bet even if 2011 hardware couldn't pull it off: nuDOOM's virtual texturing implementation is fantastic.
His mother is only half-chinese and half-caucasian, so in that context he only has an mixture of two races in his genes.
Are there any successful programmers/engineers without autism?
AKA the Jeb Bush of vidya.
And humanity is paying the price for them ending their bloodlines.
Ahh yes the infamous megatextures.
Sounds similar to the Phong shading for Doom3 back in 2004. Which really makes me wonder what the actual fuck people are doing with his Oculus code. I'm sure it sucks balls on today's hardware… but what about 2024?
he sold the company to zenimax
he fired john romero
he supported the firing of Tom Hall.
Cares about video games.. please. Fucking shill.
Tom Hall wanted Doom to be story-focused.
I liked Rage
I'm a programmer so I'm a big fan of his work, but he doesn't care THAT much about videogames specifically, but the related technology. But judging by his career videogames have to be in the equation or else he isn't really interested.
That being said, Carmacucks begone, your true savior is here.
It's almost entirely do to the consumer demand for high-fidelity graphics running efficiently in real time. All of the problems he seems to enjoy solving are in relation to optimization.
So Cormack is a time traveller with future tech? That's great but people pay money for his tech demos.
Honestly iD was a legend in the 90s/early 2000s but they turned to shit. Quake 4, Doom 3, Rage… They lost it.
Well allow me a heretical thought: perhaps a 1994 game doesn't translate well to a modern videogame industry? Mowing down endless waves of enemies was fun back then but it would bore me to tears after a few hours now. A 10$ budget title.
It wasn't until Romero started listen to that woman when he was developing his own game that his head didn't start go into his asshole then came back out through the other end for a second round.
That lazy nigger was more worried about his fame and playing videogames than doing actual work. Firing him was justified.
He made Rise of the Triad. So it couldn't have been all that bad.
Agree Silverman is superior.
He immediately founded Ion Storm after this happened. Yeah he obviously fucked up with Diakatana but without Romero you have no Anachronox and no Deus Ex. The guy understood the business, he just fucked up at everything else. Carmack was awful at the business. I am not defending Romeros SJW bullshit because that's more recent, and in all fairness he's proven how useless he is with his kickstarter game.
Delete this thread and kill yourself.
The spree shooter one. Maybe Carmack's kids will be too autistic for that.
DooM is not about waves of enemies, but exploration.
Ok, was Romero fired or did he left on his own accord? I keep on hearing both stories.
truly a good man
Maybe. Regardless he was one of the only people in the PC gaming industry parsing college dissertations for math to implement in his game/render engines.
He never gave a shit about vidya, only about programming, retard
Jews don't really worship Yahweh. In fact they killed him when he became Man incarnate.
is a real shame that I need to check my own getty's
Bruce Lee was 5'6
Oh how wrong this image is.
Only niggers play basketball.
Strange Cormack was so against story in games. Contrary to popular belief games have always been interactive movies/books/anime.
Hell I actually remember the Quake 2 manual.
I guess not everyone at iD was Rainman.
Good thing he said he doesn't play basketball.
no shit you dumb nigger
You're the one who said only niggers play basketball, you retarded ape.
He's gone, man