#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Hummingbird Edition





pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated November 29th, 2016)
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- imgur.com/gallery/X2w49
- youtube.com/watch?v=ItI0mGjdfnw


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
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• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker); Same as Baby Seal.
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php?title=Boycott_List
• Support List: v.gd/bFfDrJ
• Boycott List: v.gd/eYq9go




Other urls found in this thread:



Nth for benpsi

archive of previous bread


New study suggests men choose to work less because of video games
Why some men aren't working? Blame really good video games
Study Claims Video Games Are Responsible For Young Men Working Less
Link is in english, archive is in spanish
Study: Men are working fewer hours now because of video games
Destructoid: Study: Men are working fewer hours now because of video games

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I.e. shit mechanics

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'North Korea launches Ballistic missiles'

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Central Americans, ‘Scared of What’s Happening’ in U.S., Stay Put

You can't wave American flags in the Arlington cemetery

ESA promo and redpills in jpg format.

Feel free to post these wherever you can safely do it.

Happy 4th of July, Burgerland!

Yeah, the 2 fins are wierd and do not serve a purpose on the gun, but I was more complaining about the ce plastic quality. The game was fun qnd probably the last good ea game.


>go to freezepage.com and paste the link

You can also try unvis.it and then archive.is

Yeah, that's a major problem when it comes to CE bundles that includes figs (like the leaning max payne fig). It's probably best to get someone to make it for you, or cross your fingers that a company will produce a high quality one.

Oh, and the one you posted, the ce one is half that scale. I got it, it was actually 10 bucks more at the time, and it was worth it. When ce were not 100 fucking bucks for half a half sized artbook, a selects soundtrack with only 5 songs of the full game, not even the good ones and a statue that is painful to look at up close when the painting makes it look like a QUALITY anime image.



Dispense redpills on their tag to discredit their papers



god life is good

*10 bucks more than the regular version

For what purpose


>Gamers are worried that this process could allow progressive and censorious “social justice warriors” to dictate a game’s story and character designs, overriding its original creators’ intentions.
Yeah that process is allowing that to happen, Fatal Frame 5, Fire Emblem Fates, & Tokyo Mirage Sessions got vandalized.
>“As a developer, I do feel like it’d be ideal to be able to adjust the content so that it’s culturally acceptable, whether it’s in the US or in the EU,” he told Kotaku.
There's no need to do any of that. The internet allows people to get the definitive uncensored work if they're fed up with localizers cutting stuff out & what the EU says is culturally acceptable should be thrown in the trash can.
Respond with webm related & go Nogomi on their ass.


Someone should sit him down and show him much and comedy channel, and say the average viewers of both are 12, a boob and crotch slider are tame compared to american tv. Have no frame of reference for any european countries tv.

they're still butthurt aren't they?

He says this because his employer says so, and if he publicly disagrees it's likely he won't remain in employ for too much longer.
He might genuinely believe some things should be changed, but this is the result of falsifiable information.
If games needed to be censored for the west, Grand Theft Auto could never exist. Kids are buying hookers just to kill them to get their money back.
Somehow that's okay in America but boob sliders aren't? Do they seriously think people are that dumb?

Oh look, Skull's a nigger.

Exactly. They're already being shoved with homosexual propaganda, I see no reason why the slider had to be taken out. I like how the article goes into detail that the girl is 13-years-old & "wears a very revealing bikini" as if that justifies the cut content.
I sure hope they don't go to any beach or summer resort, they'll probably get an aneurysm and a boner.


But the jews fear the samurai!

Show them toddlers and tiaras and say that its pg.

Today’s pro-Facebook court ruling is a massive blow for online privacy

Facebook beats privacy lawsuit in U.S. over user tracking




includes Tim Soret, PewDiePie and even Ken Bone



He also follows Izzy, pedobutts, coraline ada, the gaymerx nog who wrote made up outrage about the "black" character in ARMS (twitter.com/mombot/status/871349397195333632) and old josh mcintosh.

Stranger Danger? Out the window.


Also happy Independence Day you motherfuckers.

That has to be one of the most blatant cases of playing favorites I have ever seen, sincerely hope Patreon gets held accountable for some of Antifa's actions.

Maybe the fact that they're logged out, and as an anonymous user they never agreed to any ToS? Maybe because that sites that contain tracking elements will present them before displaying the ToS? Or perhaps that external tracking is not discussed in the ToS of most sites that have facebook buttons?
Add in the fact that Do Not Track is opt-in, rather than enabled by default and the fact that it's non-binding (thanks Obama, your FCC was shit), and you have a real privacy problem on your hands.
Can't wait for the left to pin this on Trump somehow even though the trial was held in San Jose, CA.

Before, Zuckerberg only got the info from the "dumb fucks" who willing forfeited their private data. Now he can just take it, and that's somehow okay? What the fuck.


Yea this guy's a mega cuck, look at the shit he RTs

I swear to tucking god, HAS EVERYONE GONE INSANE?

Obligatory 4th of July.


Financial aspects aside, because there's no way in hell to pay for it, have people not realized how fucked Venture Capital is?
Everybody throws money at fucking everything in an attempt to strike gold and you end up finding plenty of firms with multi million, if not billion dollar valuations that have never made a dime in revenue, let alone actually profit, and they never will.
Remember the fucking luxury juicer you could squeeze with your hands? Venture Capital is clearly inefficient, and we're already starting to see the signs. Investors are going to get impatient, and the bubble is going to burst as soon as they start to sell.


There's also the case they have pending that could allow them to warn people about government warrants for said information. Kikebook and judges like this stand to fuck up a lot of things over the next few years

Galko tbh



Your archive is from some russian library, what?



told ya nier is a meme game


The story until now, #TorrentialDownpour news related and not.

Our Holla Forums and cuckchan /g/ made a replace for nyaa after it was taken down, make sure to use it… Now Approved by Japs.


As a troll move they put the fakku doujins you have to pay for in download state.

Fakku 0001-1000: files.catbox.moe/129di9.torrent
Fakku 1001-1100: files.catbox.moe/h3l457.torrent
Fakku 1101-1200: files.catbox.moe/47batv.torrent
Fakku 1201-1300: files.catbox.moe/c9ntlr.torrent
Fakku 1301-1400: files.catbox.moe/rkuheo.txt
Fakku 1401-1500: files.catbox.moe/ce8oor.txt
Fakku 1501-1600: files.catbox.moe/nmqh3d.txt
Fakku 1601-1700: files.catbox.moe/60v3p6.txt

Didn't that guy used to come to these threads?

Still a good game.




Is there actually any good shit in the fakku packs?

It's all uncensored, and there are plenty of milf so… I don't know might be part of your taste.

Does it really need to say Demeaning despite it being a video game? Jesus Christ.
I'm sorry what? "Strong likelihood of injury to public good?" Including adults from trivialization to normalization of behavior? This is the same bullshit reasoning they gave to ban Gal Gun: Double Peace-
Well fuck.

all they had to do was put visible butthole in the game to scare away the normalfags.

holy fuck 6 captchas before I could post. I wouldn't mind captcha on post if they weren't so hard to make out half the time.

is this better?

Speed Meat > every other girl

Wut? Is it really the dev? Or just some user shitposting?
We already got facts on yandev and monsterboyislandev turning into faggots, got any facts on that dev?

don't do that


The guy saying that is pissy that he thinks yoko taro stole his designs when yoko taro had concept art for automata in 2014. Hes sperging like yandev, and if he does not smarten up, he will die on the same pike as yandev.

Yep. and monocrhomatic characters are not a new thing, last story and even drakenguard 3 come to mind both of which are bretty old. And thats me being lazy and not bothering to look at older rpgs, square ones that I would know for a fucking fact are older to his designs and that his designs borrow from, plus his design takes a bunch from riden from revengance.**

dude its fakku there is next to no milfs and no incest
its all fucking school girl or generic 20 year old whores

fakku is fucking garbage

So no christmas cakes? How about vanilla lewds?

He is just pure salt.

Some random faggot who just automatically posts his inane shit accusation of plagiarism even though it's been months since release, doesn't help that anons pointed out that Nip Moonman never actually visited our Philippine Flipbook Viewer to hold an AMA, he only got our thank you card and gave us a shout out with his media handler in twitter, that was a lot of spaghetti there.


this is all fakkus shit
housewife is the tag they use for milf but a lot of it is generic looking not mature woman and fucking NTR


This guy's game looks like shit, and it's all fake news.
Nier Automata's development began in 2014, and Yoko Taro didn't visit Holla Forums until December 8, 2015.
Twitter confirmation here: archive.is/bzbzx
The gameplay and character designs for Nier Automata was first showcased in this trailer in October 2015. Embed related.
It's not possible for him to have plagiarized the game. If anything, this user is the one who "stole" ideas.

He came once to say hello.

I hope he reads this, a) stop sperging, b) if you dont like the game, instead of going like a standard user on Holla Forums and whining, make something even better. Put up or shut the fuck up. and I belive in all of you so please, please be the best you you can be, all of you.

I doubt the dev actually made that post.
This reminds me of when some faggots tried to D&C over Project SOCJUS, only for the dev to post >>>/vivian/2078 in one of the earlier GG threads. I'll see if I can find the specific archived post.


Just as I post, I find exactly what I'm looking for.


Still won't stop the sperging and he was pissed that Mark stopped tripfagging/namefagging and blamed his spaghetti on people posing as him.

I know, but he never did actively comb through all the boards and found spergdev's OC DONUT STEEL game. Don't mock him that another autist from Japan actually finished his game with the same gameplay as his vaporware.

I don't even fucking like Galko and I think Tumblr's gone too far.

I kindly tell you to fuck off and investigate first.

And before you ask me for the sauce.


I'm not even putting Moonman near that retard I think Automata was a great! I was more just correcting that user telling him Yoko did visit once.

Once, and he never took Mark the Kike Overlord's offer to do an AMA here, because he was too busy.

That is what I'm hoping for too but we can't be sure if it is just random faggots fucking around pretending to be him or if it is actually him sperging out until we find out later on. I remember he was trying to rush out a demo in his last update in the agdg threads a few weeks ago before the sperg post was made.

I want Doug to come back

I guess I will keep using nhentai, no need to download all the fakku comics just to find that .01% of vanilla.

Well the goon is creating drama and retarded anons are taking the bait, instead of reporting the fake news.

I want Doug and American McGee to do a collab, but they're too busy with their own projects.

SJWs are a very very small percentage of "everyone", so no. They're just loud faggots.

If it is the Dev: he likely isn't going to stop sperging because he's clearly gotten nowhere with his game in 3 years and he'd rather blame somebody else who's more successful than put in the effort.
However, this guy is likely a shill trying to turn the board against itself and Yoko Taro, because he makes problematic games or some shit.
But dev or not, you've just gotta continue to prove him wrong and tell him to fuck off. You can't just let them spew bullshit.

It's worth noting that Yoko Taro stopped by to say thanks explicitly because Mark invited him here with a direct link. It's not like he was lurking the site and saw the Drakengard thread. He dropped by, said "hey thanks" and that was that.



Happy freedom day burgerclaps.

I'm still surprised Antifa aren't shot more frequently because of self defense.

This stupid shit?

I tried but they didn't respond, either that or I'm really shadowbanned.

Self-defense is defined differently on a state-by-state level. There's a reason why you never see them start fights in a place where verbal threats are seen by the law as assault and an acceptable response is taking out a pistol and opening fire right then and there.

Wil Wheaton is somehow one of the most pathetic excuses for a human being I have ever seen, on par with Burch and Coffin.
His name, face, and/or voice is enough to get me to avoid a product.

Guy I enjoy on youtube tore one of those down, the thing bleeds money on every unit sold. It's basically a way to get people to buy subscription based vegetable pulp at insane markups. Polite sage for offtopic.

What makes you say that?

didnt camel face get preggers?

With a 70 year old sugar daddy, yes.


His entire adult life has been coasting on his time as the most hated character in all of Star Trek, often spends his free time white knighting fellow "nerd culture" faggots such as Joe Camel, and has a wife that is outwardly willing to cuck him in front of the whole world as he stands by looking upset for the camera. I don't have any of the Nathan Fillion pics featuring Wil and his wife with Nathan.

Reminder that Wil Wheaton has been acting for 36 years and when he's dead people will just remember him as "that guy Captain Picard told to shut up"

That's his mom, not his wife.

At this point he will be lucky if he gets remembered as that instead of "oh that guy from the bazinga man show?" since he often guest stars on that shit.

Well that makes it even better.

I'm not convinced anyone will recognize him from that. It's mostly a normalfag show and normalfags don't know who Wil Wheaton is. Most of my family loves that fucking show but the only person who knows the name Wil Wheaton is my stepdad, and he hates it. He likes all the Star Treks, though.

1 like = 1 prayer

Highly doubtful as he's only posting pictures that haver been posted before, most likely a goon trying to start drama.


Nope. Wife.

That's unironically my fetish and there is actually a website that caters to it

I find it more funny then annoying like cuckold
like hanahook stuff is just way so dumb and over the top its funny to me

Okay, did a search. You're right. Weeeeird, for some reason I could have sworn it was his mom. Maybe I just assumed Will was too much of a cuck to actually have a wife…

How does it work? You get off to your mom fucking someone else than your father?

It's where another mom comes in and raises her child in front of her.

Stop trying to force your NTR fetishes into ara!
Ara is pure!

In hentai it usually involves a son who wants to fuck his mom, or has been. In 3d, most of what I've seen involves being forced to watch your mom fuck someone. Doesn't make sense as a cuck fetish unless you've got an oedipus complex


yes basically
something like this

Remember that being into ara is not about being into your own mother, but the mothers of others.


It's still fucking NTR so it's shit.

so that would be

This is more my thing. Not explicitly NTR because the son isn't fucking her or trying to, but it has that kind of tone to it anyway. exhentai.org/g/1044638/64dae18bdf/ I wish there were more h-manga where a son in an incestuous relationship with his mother gets NTR'd.

Moms are used goods.


What a faggot, not surprised by his actions though.



I have emotional problems that need to be addressed by a professional. Luckily the college I'm starting at in September has a health care plan I can get on. It might cover seeing a shrink.

You disgust me.


It's more like I prefer it. This is why you should be nice to your kids, so they don't grow up like me.

You're fucked.

I think I'll be okay. I'm going to milk that fucking health plan, though. By the time I'm done with it they'll have paid out more than what the program is going to cost me. Got some teeth that need fixing and I'm overdue for new glasses.



user, you're going to be a genderfluid shetwink hyperqueer tumblrphile before you even complete one year of coursework.

Fuck that shit.

$5k tops.
$500 tops.
$20k minimum. You do the math.

this is good

I'm 26 and too cynical and dead inside to be changed.

This college is literally $1500 a semester, and my program is 3 semesters. It's not fucking harvard or whatever, it's just the only college in the area. My glasses will be more like $250, though. The teeth I can see hitting a grand in the first semester. I've been out of work so my teeth have gotten pretty rough. I might need a root canal on one they previously crowned.

It's not about destroying the happiness of others. It's about hating yourelf and wanting to actively cause yourself harm, I think.

So NTRfags are actually emos that listen to Linkin park all day?

Linkin Park is too angry. I prefer the blues.


fucking savage

Q did nothing wrong

Question. To save videogames I guess we have to break the "videogames are art" meme, but can we still say videogames are speech? to be part of free speech.

I just want tarofags to fuck off, that's all. probably just that one guy
I also want proper attribution for my work, instead of it being called a clone when it's more likely to be the other way, if anything. Having the right to your own accomplishments is quite important.
Sorry for attention whoring, but this needed to be said at least once, and being polite did not work.

dont get it

Makes me sad that STD is going to be 100% no fun allowed Tumblr/JJTrek pandering trash, at least they're killing it right off the bat by making it paid streaming exclusive, and not (((Netflix))) if you are in the US which further dwindles its viewer base. Q is too good for it.

Video games are, by a Supreme Court ruling, protected under free speech in the USA. No different than any book.

user, shit can be speech without being art.


Not for me.

I suggest instead that we push the ALL video games are art meme. Force them to accept the shit they hate under the same umbrella



I hate this fucking meme. Not because I don't believe games cannot be art, but because the cunts who claim "vidya is art" want to actually kill what makes vidya art by reducing it to walking simulators.
Every cunt I have heard saying video games are art only talk about pointless non-vidya with no gameplay, or "cinematic experiences" like if video games have to learn from movies. I've never heard about an art taking lessons from any other art, why would it start with video games? Wanting to dumb down vidya in terms of gameplay is an insult. Gameplay is one of the most distinguishable feature in a video game, something movies, paintings or books (save for perhaps CYOAs) can't provide.
Dumbed down gameplay for the sake of cinematic experience is like making modern art, it's garbage. Yes, looking good, sounding good, and telling a good story can be part of a vidya, but the game must above all play good. So when someone claims that games like Doom, Serious Sam, or any other game (I can also think of RPGs) is dumb because it's not cinematic or doesn't have a great narrative, while praising stuff like Gone Home, I get enraged.
Yes, video games are art, but because they distinguish themselves from any other form of art, and trying to reduce the difference between vidya and movies or paintings is just killing the video game art. Okami, GTA:SA, Doom, Half life, even anything else that didn't forget the gameplay, is way better art than your generic, dumb, boring walking simulator/interactive movie.

Happy burger day!
Fuck the red coats!

It's funny because Half-Life is the only game I truly consider to be art with the lengths the developers go to guide the player both gameplay wise and emotionally.

Games are art, that's why we need to control and censor what they're allowed to say and show, user. Don't you know anything about art ? UGH

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Forcing a historian to prioritize shitposts over reporting their dad's corpse
☑ Vandilizing private property with "Strategic Designation #2"
☑ Causing chaos in Hollywood with an acid rainstorm
☑ Ruined the very concept of anime for everyone
☑ Firing a promising staff member from Platinum Games
☑ Making Colin Moriarty say a misogynistic joke and firing him
☑ Giving a white Iranian a date with DMCAstiny
☑ Creating bait that surpassed Metal Benis
☑ Stole Bioware's checkbook
☑ Making YouTube proud to support the [ERROR: Login to view this content] community
☑ Became Linkedredchannitin
☑ Adorning unrelated posts with images of anime boobs
☑ Overwrote reality with a Tropico save-file
☑ Teaching the Russians how it's done
☑ Spent 4 days legally dead for tax reasons
☑ Manipulated reviews to make Yooka-Laylee look as 64-bit as possible
☑ Revealed international culinary secrets
☑ Convinced an user into becoming a trap
☑ Funded by Russia to cause chaos in the USA
☑ Plotting to invade and take over the fashion world with a new puppet as mascot
☑ Successfully summoned the memeteor, then promptly dispelled it because it wasn't exciting enough
☑ Moved gaming acceptance back decades in the public consciousness
☑ Got seened in an Oakland drive-by
☑ Has trademarked "hikikomori ginger girls with names based on imageboards"
☑ Employed Russia's help in hacking the ESRB
☑ Bestowed upon a penguin a penguin-waifu
☑ Caught a glimpse of the evil that is the Korean Education system
☑ Likes their iced cream 'pure aryan'
☑ Hacked a character into ARMS, then leaked it
☑ Having a girl fetish
☑ Killed people at an Ariana Grande concert with a bomb
☑ Discriminating fantasy from reality
☑ Undoing all the hard work into promoting Far Cry 5
☑ Turned Ren Hoek into a terrorist
☑ Created Gamergate America
☑ Became starmen
☑ Brought misogyny into E3
☑ Turned Mario Mexican
☑ Prevented beloved VAs from reprising their popular roles
☑ Brought back unpopular video games like Metroid
☑ Blowing everything up

You need to understand user, the people who push that shit don't share the same values as you or I.
Most of them literally see banning/punishing certain pieces of art/speech as acceptable.

Never understood why some of these retards want to make vidya more like movies.

Sure, there is a good movie or two that rarely come out once in awhile, but its usually a massive sea of fucking lowest quality garbage.
Why is a concept of something like emergent gameplay completely beyond these retards?

I still do not get Half-Life.
It was a boring slow corridor shooter with mediocre story and started, for me, the decline of the shooter genre.
The modability was it's only plus in my book.

It was the first big scripted corridor shooter.
Most people hadn't seen anything like it before so they thought it was "cinematic".

To at least be fair to Valve, most "cinematic" games just use cutscenes and force the camera and whatever to show what they want. Valve always used clever in-game tricks to do that (good use of lighting, sound, etc) while giving you full control, more or less.

All that meant is that every "cutscene" in Half-Life games is effectively unskippable.

I didn't even mention the control and censor shit, but I thank you for also pointing that up.
We have a perfect example with The Last Night. Those censors, those "Artfags" (because I believe there is some among the censors, and I put Artfags between brackets because censoring art is not what I'd expect from an actual artfag) bullied a guy into submission, and what was supposed to be Art made solely by the Artist, is gonna be censored and reduced to a pile of unoriginal content by people who are just as bland as a steak without pepper.
The worst of it is the fucking creator caved in. You fucking frog face, why did you let censors burn your Art? You should never let censors into your art, it never helps anyone. Your game became boring and less people want to see it now. The censors won't buy it and keep slandering you after you apologized, the people you let down won't buy it, you basically killed the hype for this game, because you fed your art to the censors.
Tim Soret brought this on himself. I'm sorry that he had to deal with that shit, even being pressured by his own editor, but he shouldn't have caved in at all. He should have looked at Hatred, it's a mediocre twin-stick shooter, but it became famous because the devs didn't cave in.

Nothing so far is indicating anything's gonna be rewritten in any way. Let's hope for the best and that at the very least Tim has enough integrity, regardless of how burnt-out his ass must be right now, to keep his project intact. Which could, somehow, justify why he bent over : to ensure he kept control over his own game.

I hope he still got full control over his game, without Raw Fury, or anyone else looking over his shoulder, because it really feels like he's now pressured by his editor and the people he bowed to, and I hate that feeling.
Just seeing Tim Soret saying to its own detractors they were right when they're absolutely not makes me lift my shoe high up in the air.


Cooking is an art, but the focus of a fantastic recipe is centered around it's flavor and texture rather than how it looks.

The same should be done about video games. It should be "how does this game play" or "how do I feel while playing this games mechanics" rather than the message conveyed or the aesthetic of it

In cooking though and all art forms, the pinnacle of each art requires each aspect of it to be great. For instance a dish may taste good, but if it looks like crap it'll never be considered the top. It may be considered a classic such as something like gumbo, but not the top.

I'm kind of iffy whether or not a game could be considered the top of the art form without story, since story to a game is almost like the garnish and I know there are plenty of games that don't really have a story or the story is crap/uninspired but are close to what I would consider the pinnacle. (mount and blade for instance).

Is a mad upsetting world when the people advocating for peace and love are the most violent ones. Also the ones advocating for tolerance are the ones who aren't ashame of suppressing others.

They will cry when the far right gets into power when they are the ones who created the future 4th Reich.

Well yeah appearance does play a role, but things like chili, ragu, curries, all can have the appearance of gruel but are fantastic dishes.

And you can have very beautiful looking cakes that taste like nothing but sugar coating and dry cake dough.

Though if you ask the layman what would you rather have a beautiful bland dish, or a dull looking but delicious dish, the majority of people will regard flavor over aesthetic much in the same way people put gameplay over graphics when it comes to video games.

All my other hoodies are in the wash so I guess it's finally time to put on the vivian one

Good evening, faggots!

why live

This is a mom-only thread you little shit.


"Milkshake Duck" was supposed to mock this kind of attitude, it represents that you only like things supperficially and will immediatly give up on something you like just because the person politics doesn't align with yours.

And now they are using the term unironically like it is completely normal.

O'brien must suffer episodes were kind of sad. Also Damar did nothing wrong.

It was also a one off joke, now these idiots are trying to make it into a forced meme.

I thought the guy who made this joke did it unironically.

Marche banting on (((Owen Goode))) was hilarious.

That was hilarious.


Their memes must be as sterile as possible as to not offend the eternally offended. That why they always suck.

More TD-related, this time in Frog language:
The tl;dr -

Why do localization apologists exist? I mean, it's not like we're going to boycott a good game just because they fucked up on minor things here and there (see: Persona 5), but actively denying a bad translation verges on the delusional, or the desperate.

Oh, forgot to mention, the game is Shadowverse, and this was the OP post in reddit.

Because nothing says "we are in support of feminism and social justice insertion in Japanese-made video games to ruin it for good" than nodding in the line.


I hate french localization because it is mostly because they are always France French and I end up not understanding half of it.

Because retards would rather have "lol so randum XD" localizations instead of actual translations.


Is this like Mainland Chinese (Mandarin) versus everyone else's Chinese (aka. Cantonese)?

France French is annoying as fuck to hear, also their play on words are weird, barely french most of the time.

I want canadian garage-workshop man to be my uncle !

The difference between real racism and fake "racism" of today is how I wasn't allowed to watch DS9 when it came out, because in my father's house we weren't allowed to watch any show where the main character was "a God damned nigger."

Its a major reason I find SJWs so incredibly pathetic.

Is the board still under siege?

No, not really, it's just that Canadian French is absolutely fucking garbage, which is why you can't understand ordinary French.

It still has shills if that is what you are asking.

I loved deep space nine, and it's good to see you still around deep space nine fag. Have you seen the picard mirror universe comic? It's good shit. The mirror universe is basically what SJWs wish they were, they talk about "right thought" and Troi is an inquisitor to track down wrong thought.

You're doing god's work Marche.


I think he's asking about the bot spamming, and if individual catchpa is still needed.


Love the rest of the set. Happy 4th

Nice to know, Quebec.

Keep dreaming.

ME Picard better not end up as a weak ass rebel. Also I was kind of mad that the Empire fell in DS9.

To add on this, Enterprise ME episode nearly make up for the rest of the shitty series. Almost make us wish fir a ME series but in these pozzed times its better not to have one.

My dick is intrigued by this. Please provide the sauce

Oh, I'm sorry, and you thought "If you kill your enemies, they win" French is any better better? The issue with Canadian French is that it absolutely butchers the pronounciation by making it sound like English. There are Canadians that can speak French well but fuck is it horrendous to hear it from most people.


Where the fuck do you get that from? If French became mostly arab, I would know it.

I don't have a oedipus complex, but my mom was adopted and my family is mostly aras with big titties




I spent a month in Paris for work, French assholes were making me repeat and faking not understanding me on purpose, especially at the airport, they didn't like my special passport that told them to fuck off. But yeah, I'm a little unfair, Paris is not really representative of France, I was mostlt shitposting.

Bloody misogynistic gamers gaters!

I still don't understand what goontext is used for.

France is a shithole muslim dump
Dont let val tell you otherwise


It's rare to see a jap who shaves.



Advice from a frog: avoid Paris, unless you have to work there. It's filthy, full of immigrants that don't adapt to our culture, like muslim delinquents, chinese prostitutes and bums that don't even know a single French word, and basically everyone there thinks only about money and how to take it from you.
You could go anywhere else in France, but please, stay away from Paris.

/Brit/ pls

I do it instead of greentexting for the hell of it.

I went to Paris for work, then I went to Riyadh, not much difference.

Still trying to take credit for the invention of backwards greentexting, freech?

It's called Watching My Mom Go Black.

Until I find multiple h-manga with mommies of different body types that caters to my EXACT kink, there isn't enough. They're always just a little bit off.

My issues are more deep-seated.


What's the deal with cucks and blacks?

that's not owen goode it's danny"I have to pray every night or else" o'dwyer

I don't know. I don't like it for the race aspect but good like finding decent mommy cuck porn that doesn't involve black guys.



I don't know where to find to find this, I don't search for it, I'm not a cuck.

Where's the joke?

I tried but I can't sleep.

You can't find it. Finding mommy cuck porn is hard enough, you just can't find it without the interracial aspect. Hell, even WMMGB isn't all cuck porn because sometimes it's a daughter watching. There's also a variant for dads watching their daughters go black but I'm a momcon.




I watched one video and all I remember is how retarded the acting was. In WMMGB the son is usually distraught. Maybe masturbating, depending on the angle they want to take. In WMDGB, or at least the one I saw, her dad is having her fuck a guy to pay off his debts, and he keeps peeking out from various hiding spots to give her a thumbs up and such. Like behind a couch and behind a potted plant and stuff. It's like the kind of stuff I saw last time I got really sick and I was having fever dreams.


That's the issue with most leftist comedy, especially when it comes to memes, they forget the actual punchline. Pic very much related, they removed the one thing that made it funny and just rebranded it to apply to themselves.

Whats the source of this?
Is there someone not lazy to fix this?


I first broke this news in this thread a fucking month ago. How has it only just now spread to twitter? None of you thought to share it to twitter??

Even fixed it would be garbage, may as well just ditch the whole thing. I mean, this could easily have been made in Paint in less than a minute.

Only when it involves moms. I can't stand it otherwise. It needs to be my mommy. I don't get it when it's someone you actually love.

Please stop.

You don't love your mom?

Funimation was a mistake.

I can't help but think it would be funny under different circumstances. So weird. Like a cartoon character just popping out from behind different objects to give a thumbs up. What a retarded website.

Having a constant boner like this can't be good.

pic related

its all over the place, its not even a meme, and i don't mean just a bad one, its just…. a retarded chart.

Liking anything 'cuck'.
You need to feel bad user.

No. I hate her.

Thank god for dubs. I don't understand these localizers.

Just don't watch the translation brah.

Got spread around again and people felt like shitting on it again

Is the joke that there is nothing there at all? Because holy fuck they ruined it

Why don't you have a black rifle user? A man without raifuru is never a whole man!

I can't make a joke about Holla Forums, they are the joke themselves, this is not funny.

Fansubs only and then you import the BDs and or merch like any user worth his salt. Hell, nowadays nipponese BDs sometimes come with English fucking subtitles THAT ARE BETTER THAN THE OFFICIAL ENGLISH RELEASE.
Pic very fucking related.

Shouldn't "forcing your mom to fuck" or "mom rape" or "mom hate fuck" be more up your alley?


The fact that it exists at all makes me fucking furious.


Because my country is more cucked than I am about guns. Why own a cool black rifle when my mags have to be 5 rounds? I want a mas-36 though it's aesthetic as fuck.

No. Those aren't what I want. I have reasons that I like what I like and it doesn't involve rape.

Subs. I meant subs. I'm tired.

They're all men, user.

This shit somewhat plagues french translations. Thankfully, it tends to only touch names and shit, so it avoids going too hardcore with "localization", but as that poster mentioned, indeed, it causes confusion and issues later on if it grows into something bigger.

Go back to having sex with dogs, Marche.

You'll live two centuries, user.


The real question is just how mad will weebs be about this? What ever happing with the prison school thing? Was it ever changed?

It's an old image, here's the original

It's from "V for Vendetta"

So they literally removed the 'idea' from inside the skull and replaced it with nothing. They literally imply there is nothing in their heads?

Fuck off val

I had to look that guy up because I had no idea who he was. Then I realized that he played Parrish in Eureka (The only show I know about him from, begins at 1:32 of the embed). At least, the guy got across the point that he's an asshat in that show.

Because it's the only form of "art" these retards have ever spent the time with. They don't read, they can't draw, they're are tone deaf, and they'd set a bowl of cereal on fire. The saddening part, however, is that there have been HUNDREDS of people throughout history who have gone on to make masterful works of art despite such a limitation, but they also learned how to develop the skills required. These assholes don't want to, they just wanted to be appreciated for ho much "effort" was put into it.

That's part of the reason why I could never get into it. Everything took too damn long to get to the actual "gameplay" gameplay. I think F.E.A.R. is one of the few that got it right.

The mirror universe is basically what SJWs wish they were, they talk about "right thought" and Troi is an inquisitor to track down wrong thought.

Wasn't an episode of Voyager about that as well (Where there was a black market for violent thoughts because they were outlawed in the telepathic society, and B'Elanna almost suffered for it)?

It's not their fault that women need something more that a plastic rod to get off.

IIRC, a couple anons said that they took out "Gamergate" in the DVD release, but still left in the part about her calling him a creep. And, they even changed the dialog in the manga release to say "It was always like that" when it wasn't even close to the original script.

I have to say, the complete lack of self-awareness is funny.

that's pretty fucking funny


I mean, all they had to do was put something faggy like 'love and tolerance' in the skull. Seriously, five seconds in mspaint! And they couldn't even think to do that?

There's nothing wrong with getting a real dick, but at least have the self-respect to get one attached to somebody you like instead of just letting the first guy who spends $10 on some gay-sounding overpriced drink for you throw his hot dog down your hallway. I masturbate to the thought of being cuckolded by my mother and even I'm telling these people to have some goddamned self-respect. Slut shaming is perfectly valid, just like fat shaming. Feminist shaming is still off-limits, though. Some people are just born that way.


There, that's how you make a goddamn joke.

second season never ever








I remember that it was changed for the Blu-Ray release, where the line was replaced with a reference to the previous episode.

Let's face it, Japan loves USA.

I love this guy.

Do you know who the USA loves?


I want to suck vivian's feminine benis. Does this make me gay?

And once again the people critizising Sargon and calling gamers Alt-right manchildren don't have the balls to enable comments and ratings.

why do we allow this thread again?

You know who else uses Feminine benis? This guy.

Of course. They know that despite their delusion that the "whole world" is in their favor, they can't handle reality that nobody likes them, their ilk and their ideology. What needs to be done is to put these idiots in their places once and for all.


Jesus christ the comments in the fundraising post are filled with misinformation and FUD. I know it's because normal people have no reason to comment but it's still disconcerting. One guy is claiming they're lying about why their adsense got cancelled and it's really because they were committing adsense fraud, based on literally no evidence. And how do people get so rectally ravaged that they can't tell the difference between a real ethical issue and a bit of drama over fucking BoTW?

Don't you know? To SJWs, you're meant to listen, not talk. Disagreement is violence and if you don't agree with them you're a nazi.

I just hope the videos of people calling them out for their bullshit get more views or are full of likes just to humilliate them.

For fuck's sake, I don't even want to know what is that.

But what if I didn't know she had a femine benis until it was too late? It'd be rude to back out then.


It's polite to suck the suck the dick, but it's gay, and while I have no feelings about you being gay, at least don't be a hypocrite saying he's not a man.

They could easily have filled the image with Bongistanis hiding behind an avatar of a bust of a historical figure.

why are Jews allowed?

well shit, one digit is missing from the link


oh shit, is that tophat?

you're not shadowbanned shadowban.de/tester/

Dunno if she's pregnant but she does like old dick

His name is WIL Wheaton instead of WILL. He never made enough money to buy the extra L


For the past 1000 years, if only once, just one of the times they got kicked out of a country, the country had just properly eradicated them instead of bitching out and letting them leave. If only just one country had succeeded properly, the world would be a utopia by now. Probably have colonies on mars too.

You know, considering the amount of genocides against them, they magically somehow tend to recover.

Is this relevant enough for you, guys?



The amount of pozzed sites that back this up tells me to be against NN

I don't think the Jews are the reason for that one. Kennedy was in office for two years, and he succeeded in motivating the country enough to send us to the Moon 6 years after his death (And, 12 years after Sputnik was launched).

It is fearmongering to make you think you are going to lose the internet, just like they were fearmongering before getting it passed.

Prior to NN it was nowhere near widespread and even without NN Viacom(?) lost a lawsuit for throttling Netflix. And mind you, this was an isolated incident where they did throttling, since it is actually pretty damn rare.
ISPs blocking websites is next to non-existant, the vast majority of the time it is either the government or the site owner himself doing the blocking, for both of which laws regarding ISPs can't control.
Same as above
NN didn't drop fees after being passed and so what would instantly be different if we go back to prior to it passing? They can easily just find a different way around it through perfectly legal means, all they need to do is not explicitly state they are charging you extra like stating that they are giving you a "premium" package deal.



We don't know for sure, but something official he recently said smelled of the irrational emotional distress characteristic for the schizo spergout.

How the fuck isn't that law a gross violation of the 1st ammendment? Isn't the cemetery public property?

Also here's another thing about Arlington: archive.is/JR8gJ
ayy lmao

what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

Okay, now staying away from Zuckerbook is a matter of security.

The trump card for this non-debate is that the game takes place in a 9 km² area containing a castle and a small village. The odds of there being any foreigners, let alone Africans, in such a small location approaches zero.

Also remind them MPoC is a moron.

wtf i'm a sjw now

Of course there aren't two genders. Because gender doesn't exist.

Not bad.

Holy fuck, he owns half of online video porn distributors.

That's known for quite a while, that's why you don't use FB or Twitter on the same browser you surf the internet regularly. Those share buttons every site has act as a beacon that pings back to FB if you're logged in and tells them which site you visited



What's wrong fam?
Don't you want you hobby to become a respected medium like the american comic book industry?

is for commie pinko scum.

Only cityfolk like Muzzies, and even then there's still a bunch of people in cities that don't like them.


Well, you are the ones who claim to be normal and well adjusted with nothing wrong, so enjoy your self imposed torture.

Gee, how subtle.

The friend of mine who always give me a game at the end of the steam sale just gave me Firewatch.

How bad the game is?

Gone homo the xrd.

It isn't a game, it's a walking simulator.

You pissbaby shitlords just don't get it.

Gone Homo but "quirky".

Apparently it's just a walking simulator.

With good suspense.

But then it's a walking simulator, which means you can't die. And all that's supposed to hook you is the story, which turns out to be shit in the end.

Remember that one announcement trailer it had back at some show where it looked like a mystery/horror thing?
It's got none of that.

I'll just say thanks for the game and not install it then.

V2 when? It is time to end this wicked game.

it's " melancholy it's bad but it's good" trash

Your friends can see your playtime.

Better than Gone Homo, but that's not saying much. I thought it started okay, but the ending makes the entire time you put into it feel pointless. Walking Dead S1 was very clearly a fluke.

Is this what the supreme being, the ubermensch, looks like?

Fine, I'll play an hour of it, or two if I feel eager to suffer.

Are cityfolk muslims bro tier or something?

No, cityfolk just like to virtue signal more than countryfolk.

Turn off the location marker thing in the settings. It'll make it more of an exploration game.

The art has gone to shit.



Ear rubbing is top tier.

Look at where this happened. Oregon, again. First the Mexican restaurant and now this.

OS Orangutang, fix your shit.


This is why people don't trust the media

How were they forced to close over a tumblr tier buzzword?
I know SJW are trying to get (((Cultural Appropriation))) made illegal thought the UN, which even if the UN tried they could never force any country to actually implement, but they haven't yet.

Seriously what is the deal with the huhuhuhu shit? I thought it was just a bug.

Another one, I have 15$ in my steam wallet, I need a good multiplayer game that allows tons of players, I like those chaotic situations.

It's mostly virute signalling.
I live in a "city" (that can barely be called one, more like a collection of suburbs) and there's like, one Muslim family that I've seen and they all burqas except the father who wore robes. I do live in a southern state though.

Did they give up even attempting to even make their propaganda at least somewhat believable?

Hell if I know. All I know is that it makes for good smug laughing.

The weak should fear the strong.

You guys need to learn how2statistics.

The number doesnt matter as long as the people participating are "average" American, randomly chosen and not all from the same group/age/etc. Now that might be a problem. Not the 5000.

Play S4 league then.

Alternatively, try "Megatagmension Blanc + Neptune Vs. Zombies" or the "Senran Kagura" beat-'em-ups.

why does nipponise sound so bad?

Codemonkey should probably keep it, randomly generated smug laughter is always neat

There's so much wrong with this even with that. First, It's an online survey. Second, if they dispersed the survey around, did they go to big cities for this, where people are more likely to vote for hillary? Did they send out the survey to whom, people who frequently visit certain sites, since they ended up on the mailing list for this survey?

Thats bias for a few reasons, the size to viable population cnn counts as (((news))) in canada too so its even larger than that, and advertising bias, clearly not many people saw it.

Agreed; if anything, he should remove the [Screencap] button as it does very little that a browser extension dedicated to that shit can't, and the latter at least won't kill certain browsers.

Seeing this, I wonder how many japanese women hate themselves.

Remember that the 2016 Ghostbusters film had more heavy marketing over there.

I'm one to assume a lot of them based on that.

That's what I said. They need the "average" American, people from all groups available.

They probably skipped the old people, because old people dont know how to use the internet. 5000 on millions is not the problem here. No sane person is going to ask millions their opinion. You only do that if you want 100% accuracy and most statisticians go for 90% or 95%.


This is adorably bad. It's a cringe type of cute.

Right, but when you consider the scale of what you're talking about, 5000 is too low for any sort of analysis in this case. 0.00016% of the population questioned probably won't predict what the rest of the country feels, and if the polling for the "Hillary vs Trump" shows anything, shows that their methodology does not reflect reality.

Kemono S.T.A.L.K.E.R when?


This nigga knows his shit, the 5000 matter less than who those 5000 are. If they are the same they used to predict Hilary victory then they are fucked.

Yes, that's how statistical analysis works. It's the representative sampling that gets the (((results))) you need. Want to get a "feminists are very respected by the general populace" result? Announce your pool on feminist forums.

Like how companies think all young people are SJWs yet only a small loud minority with Jewish tactics are SJWs.

Yep. Anyways this is cnn pulling desperate damage control.

Every fucking poll is some bullshit pulled to make it look like the right people are the majority. Its all trying to create an image and discourage people from expressing their own opinion or conform to the "majority".

And now check the sample size for one million with 95% confidence and 5% margin of error and then copy-paste 999999999999 into it instead, afterwards tell me what the difference in sample size between those was.

I want to impregnate You-chan.

Try it yourself user. Only confidence level and margin of error have a real impact. Want more accurate results -> need bigger sample size. I told you that before. After a certain amount sample size doesnt matter anymore, no matter how big your population is.

Yep and the purpose is to instill fear onto the people who are on the (((minority))) and have their wills bend to the majority. But its starting to catastrophically fail since non leftists have spines, leftists do not. (((They))) will be attempting to take over the right again and act as if (((they))) are trumps true successors while pulling things that would still fuck over everyone who are not (((them))).

What if you poll your entire population :^)

That alone screams projection so badly it negates the rest of the point they're trying to make.

It would take a lot of work, but then you have 100% accuracy :^)



If we were talking about shit that is dependent on random probability then sure, it would stop mattering at that point, but in this case a sample size that small, due to the result distribution, is not going to give you enough information to judge anything other than the localised area from which the sample was taken from. For example, if you were to take a sample of 400 people in San Francisco and ask them whether or not they suck cock more than three times a day, you would only have enough to judge the area where the sample was taken from, unless you wish to claim that SanFran is representative of the entirety of the United States.

bless you marche

Then California, New York, and Texas would be controlling the country (Which is why we have the electoral college for the presidential election).

Where the fuck are you going to get a survey that accurately represents all of the United States? The place is so fucking different in every area and region of it that its practically impossible.
And those are just the broad, sweeping differences. There's massive differences even among state lines.

Hell, it's even in a state basis, too. I live in Virginia and the Southern Half hates the Northern Half with a passion. It's so radically different since the North side is right next to cancer like DC and Maryland.

What I was stating is exactly that, you already expect there to be massive differences in results based on where you take your sample size. Population size stops mattering at a certain point only under the condition that the results are random enough for that to be the case.

Anyone got that pic of pepe ressurrecting?

So the drama over the dub of Dragon Meme is picking up speed - /r/anime got wind of it and surprisingly they're pissed off about it too:

Also apparently the Interviews With Monster Girls dub unironically used the term SJW, about 10 minutes in here: youtube.com/watch?v=KzrgfROo9hE

It's quite clear Funimation is (((localizing))) the shit out of all their dubs, and none of us knew about it because we don't watch them.

GooberGade aggomblished nuddin. Gib ap and #GloseDuhGade

This is why I only watch subs. But even the subs get pozzed.

I don't get it, why do people put eggs in beer?

Because he's eggman.

Its a supposive cold remedy when you put eggs in alcohol

Didn't they also try to take over the torrenting scene when nyaa went down?


Yes, but we (4/g/ and Holla Forums) made a clone that japs use, so we're better.

Also the cartel tried to fuck up with the mod of that site because he made a joke about (((they)))

Anyone that keeps supporting funimation after the GG dub should be shot.

I think that is what nyaa.si (funny how the cartel got pissy about a ((())) joke when their site is pronounced "nazi") is supposed to be.
If you have to use a nyaa, use nyaa.pantsu.cat.

I wonder if they're still stomping and screaming "BUT THEY'RE RACIST!"

Sadly, they still have way more seeders.

I hope we backed up a bunch of the nintendo games that got hit by the c&d on nyaa.pantsu

The only reason Funimation got any respect in the industry was because they weren't 4kids and BTFO the latter with their One Piece dub back in 2007.

Representative sampling can actually work, the problem is not taking into account sampling bias.

If you look at the under 30 market research that companies base their strategies on, including media companies, most of it is done on college campuses, fucking coastal college campuses.
That's one of the reasons why so many companies are pushing progressive shit, they think progressivism is where the money is.

Tim Pool talks a bit about this, his time working for internet media companies and how they literally believe everyone under 30 is progressive because of horseshit market research.

The cartel convinced HorribleSubs to switch to nyaa.si. They have thousands of normalfags.

I visited halfchan /a/ to see if they kept discussing about those torrent sites, they found out that Nyaa.si use duplicates to look like they have far more seeders.

Another reason not to download their shit

We need to do to Funimation like what we did to 4Kids.
I miss Ocean Dub.

Hey, I remember when EA pulled that shit to brag that their Origin platform was a success, by converting literally every single previous EA game login into their own Origin account! Deceptive marketing, gotta love it.

Does anyone know if this is serious or just sarcasm?

I think it's a bit of both.

I don't really know or care. You can ask them on IRC if it bothers you that much. I just leech my mangos from them and fuck off.

Aren't they the commies? What are some better subs to download?

It's the usual goon-like fake smugness, where they act like they are just taking the piss when in reality they are immensely butthurt.

Horriblesubs is code for: we ripped the first available subs, usually Crunchyroll.

Are you talking about whoever this cancerous SJWeeb is? or is there something worse later on? Because this is pretty fucking cancerous.


I am so glad I'm not a goon. Imagine being over 30 years old, spending 10 dollars a moth to use a forum where other places have better communities that allow you to talk for free, forcing shit like "Milkshake Duck" like it's comedy gold, and having to remind yourself that this guy was once above you in the hierarchy of the site.

That guy has his head so far up his ass he can see his cavities.

It's 10 dollars a month? I thought it was a one time payment

So I should find someone else's subs to pirate?

Actually more than just $10 because Lowtax bans people for bullshit reasons and it was proven that he even does it because he knows they will pay up.

It is one-time payment but good luck keeping it

Seriously, I don't understand how they could possibly act like their site's superior when they were subject to the whims of an actual god damn diaperfur.

I got Log Horizon with HorribleSubs, any other recommendation for subs, they always pop up first.

Not just that, but a daiperfur who's also a pedo who forced his girlfriend to stop taking her meds, then recorded her psychotic breakdown that happened as a result of his actions.

FUNimation is trash, always has been.

Bonus dirt on NoA

It is. It got praised for not being 4kids. I miss Ocean Dub though I probably don't remember if Ocean was any better since they went defunct. Also good work on the NoA dirt.

I miss manga entertainment and gonzo. But mute is better than funi.


And did all that shit while living in the site owner's house and babysitting his kids.

Silly question, but how was the 2d videogame about a transgender killing feminists called? I remember it had a catchy ost.

Peter Kelamis best Goku

Ocean did Black Lagoon.


I checked and they're still around. Apparently I just don't hear much from them.

Probably not, funi gatekeeps.

Kind of funny when I think about it. Not really surprising a lot of the subbers are sjweebs in retrospect, when we had shit like [commie] and the combined community codec pack, which was relatively big years ago, right there in plain view.

Oddly enough just about everyone who worked at Ocean works on shit like MLP now.


At the very least, they did contract Ocean's voicing studio to do Roberta's Blood Trail.


I am still mad at all those antiGG fags who got asshurt and talked shit about this penguin.

This is true. Black Lagoon is owned by Funi now and it was when they did Roberta's Blood Trail too, and they went and tracked down all the original VAs, which they didn't have to do and none of whom work for Funimation.

Glinner especially, considering that it came right on the tail of him getting utterly shit on by SJWs. Dude doesn't know when to stop.

Even though I don't like Lowtax much, I feel for him, feel for his kids too. Fucking creep.

If he had stayed with Integral the world might have been a better place.

Reminder that Lowtax let fucking Shmorky of all people babysit his kids while he fucked around on SA.

I don't. That fucker treats literally everything as if it's a huge joke.

It was bad judgement for sure, but you have to keep in mind he was friends with him, had no idea about the pedo shit.

Like I said, I don't like him either. I wouldn't wish a pedophile babysitting my worst enemies kids, however.

There's nothing more unnerving to me than adults wanting to look or be treated like babies or toddlers.

Aerannis. Apparently it was average. Vivian James is in it as an NPC because someone donated money to the dev. The Dev themselves is ambivalent on GG as far as I can tell.

Anyone got screencaps of yandev when he betrayed us?


It's not bad, really. But it is extremely boring. A lot of people were under the impression it had some sort of horror element to it, but it didn't. It's good at building tension and adding the mystery to its story, but all of that comes tumbling down at its anti-climactic ending.

The big twist was that you found the body of the boy your partner was friends with. The story makes you think the father probably murdered the boy, but it turns out he was just one of those shy, socially awkward kids that didn't know how to do things like rock-climbing properly. The father was trying to change that about him. He fell and died and the father didn't even want to go through everything his death would entail. Police questioning, investigation, funeral and funeral costs, etc

He was stalking you and your partner throughout the game because you were getting too close to finding the truth. By the time you find out what happened, the father is long gone and his observation post where he kept all of his records of you are about to be engulfed in a massive fire (natural, not arson).

Then the game ends. It's not very fun at all, and you should probably fire up a secure onion browser, find a hitman site that hasn't been compromised by the FBI, and put a hit on your friend's life. Be sure to instruct him to split the body by the limb and bury the limbs in different locations, double wrapped in black garbage bags. If you must, use calcium oxide to hasten decomposition. Remove the nails and teeth, too. That shit falls out when decomp gets bad enough.

That person is not your friend.

Me too, that's an instant breakup if I find out someone I'm dating wants to wear diapers. It's creepy as fuck.

Most of those people who partake in shit like that act childish as fuck too. Remember that guy who microwaved filthy grandma diapers to sterilize them, then got cancer from it?

Wow… that sounds extremely dissapointing.

Not denying that shmorky is super fucked up, but that's clearly a shop. I can tell by the pixels.


You are thinking of pamperchu.

Sounds like a bunch of Shit That Didn't Happen.


What do you guys think would be the best way to have Vivian in the game I'm making? Making her a playable character is a no-go because it doesn't fit with the rest of it, but I was thinking having her be an npc at a game store or an anime convention could work.

Ah cool, it was just to search for one song of the OST.

There we go, it was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't remember who he was.

He wears pokemon coveralls and clothing that looks like it belongs on a kid. He is probably autistic to boot. It's tragic because apparently he was a brilliant engineer but all that went to shit because no one would want to hire someone who smells like shit.

Vut you are the worse subs being used to get more views from your friends


That was a close one, I was starting to think I may have fucked up and thus wasted my time.

Not exactly easy if no context is given

I'd say either have her in the background playing vidya or as an NPC with minimal dialogue.

mah nigga
The machine itself is well built, but it doesn't do what it's advertised to do (because the pouches are already
a slurry, it doesn't press juice at all), and I really doubt it will actually produce 5 tons of force, which is what they claimed.

They literally stated that they had their account suspended for anime boobs
Even if they were telling staff to click on ads (and I really doubt they would), there's no way in hell you'd ever generate positive revenue from it. You're betting off taking up a job flipping burgers and directing that money toward the website. You need serious clickfarms if you want that to work.

The oldfag subbers were alright, but they're long since gone. They have families and shit now, and there's no time for subbing anime when you have those responsibilities, unfortunately.
Things were so much better even 10 years ago because a handful of them were still around. It's a real shame.

I've seen better dialogue in hentai than in SJW ridden dubs.

I've heard of people doing /ss/ roleplay which was creepy as is. But then the toddler play is just pushing the creepiness to the extreme worthy of a gas chamber.

I had a completely literal interpretation until I read the filename.

Don't forget about his 'daddy'.

Fuck, Id go down and work 18$ an hour, Id make more than the average non exec at ubisoft or ea. This angers me. You need to fine and have bounties on illegal hirers.

A modern day Romeo and Juliet.

Why do you want to give me nightmares?

Days like this is why I wish for a second Civil war to happen.

Welp I went digging through the archives and found some myself, along with some other rage-inducing caps.
I want to strangle this man.


So he's in The Gay Community™ on top of being a daiperfag.

What's wrong? Intolerant to those who wish to be infants shitting in their diaper fucking elderly overweight asian men?

Is he touching him where I think he's touching?

Don't forget his amazing code.

He and notch traded places

I didn't become a fucking drill of energy for this shit.

I have absolutely no skill in coding, but that kind of looks messy as fuck.
Are you not supposed to be able to read the code without bleeding from you eyes?

That fuck wishes he made Hatred.

It's an rpg that takes place across the world. My biggest roadblock right now is fitting all the areas together/map design. I think having her give the player a small vidya related sidequest would be good. Question is where in the world you'd find her.

I've read the threads on /cow/ at least 5 times now, and I still can't believe these people exist.


This shit makes me want to vomit.

I sort of want to be a psychologist. Things like this interest me, as fucked up as it is, why these people are so fucked up interest me quite a bit.

I guess he voted Obama back in 2012.

Lack of discipline. Lack of structure. Lack of actual authority in their lives. Lack of teachers who give a shit and just let their faggy students either run wild or get so doped up that everything's in a haze. Above all else, lack of self-control, everything else previously stated is a source of this.

What are enumerations and switch statements? Nesting is cool and functions are for losers, needs more ifs.

Oh (You).

>mfw no Japanese porn companies under (((their))) umbrella
I may have found the real reason behind the goon hatred for smug animu grills.

I might be in HR now and left my IT carreer behind me but this code triggers me more than I want to admit, all those fucking if man…

It's like the end of True Detective season 1, the main bad guy was a manchild left to his own devices too long, got so fucked up as a result of it.

True enough I suppose. The only people remaining are effectively the ones who can't separate themselves from trying to stroke their e-phallus.
Although I'd say horriblesubs did the most damage to fansubbing, as people tend just to jump on the first release out and groups tend to give up if someone else beat them to the punch, regardless of quality and even if it is a trollsub.

The fuck is that wall of JSON or whatever supposed to be? Npc init?

Makes sense.

I might be hearing it wrong, but I can't make out a "Ghaleon" or "Ashley" from anything they say in Nip. Just "Delsus Delvarood". Seems like NISA fucking with names in the name of inserting their own flavor to the "comedy".

iirc yes


It's more than $18/hour because you are paying no income tax at all. For the given calculated yearly income values: $45,000 untaxed would be the same as earning around $57,000 taxed and $56,000 untaxed would be around $73,000 taxed (all calculations assuming single with no dependents). So really, just by not paying any taxes they are earning approximately 20% more than everyone else with the same pay would, which puts the highest bracket from the video at the exact same amount the average household in the US would be with +/- $1000.

A world without america would be one where the chinese made everyone else slaves, and genocided the jews themselves as prime competition.

No, I am saying Id go and ask for 18, Id still be making more than the average gov worker aka every 3rd canadian you meet in canada with just 18$ usd tax free.

I know little of coding, and only C at that.
The first one can be cut down using logical operators for multiple conditions instead of multiples IFs.
The second with switch/case, similarly with the third. Definitely with the fourth.
The fifth is the stored variables? It can take up less space just leaving out the variable names.

…Right? Am I wrong on any of this?

Gr8 B8.

Now, I realize I'm a spaghetti programmer at best, but he could at least use a damn switch statement to clean some of this shit up a little bit.
As for the lat pic, given that it's a database of characters in the game, it makes no sense to store labels in each column. Put a comment at the top of that section that dictates the order for reference, and just store the raw data in your database without all the fluff. Add the text back when the data is recalled. It's clear the data isn't used in that form anyway, so he's already processing it. May as well do it right instead of half-ass it.

I don't know what their current mission is, but HorribleSubs was originally just trying to get back at Crunchyroll for chasing off a lot of fansubbers back in the day after leeching from them to build their site and raise capital. Things got even more complicated when CR went legal and a lot of fansubbers felt there was no point to subbing those shows anymore because somebody else had taken on the mantle, and they were supporting the industry more than they ever could.

There was an attempt.

Gov pays pretty good considering the advantages. Having a life is worth a smaller pay, those unpaid 'crunch' weeks to release a turd like ME Andromeda can go fuck themselves, my work day end at 4:30.

I have no idea of what that means

Second page is also detailing the fail scenario by getting caught.
Technically you could just use boolean variables to dictate how the end text would go with just a few if-statements; or transpose all of it to unique hash ID and swap out with a case function that generates a custom ending for each iteration.
Instead he's using fucking STRINGS and each string that you make ultimately forces the language to drop whatever memory address you made for the string and then make a brand new one, leaving a shitload of work for the garbage collection.

HS is pretty much a free CR at this point.

didn't pamperchu die of cancer?


At least she isn't in front of an in-n-out.

It always has been.
They also rip Funimation, Amazon, and some other shit now, too. You can tell where it comes from because they screencap amazon, and funimation is shit so their video is hardsubbed.


My dad works in the gov and still pays out the ass for his benefits, and when I was making around 750 a week he said I was earning only slightly under him. And with how weak ass our dollar is, I would make about 13$ usd equivalent if I was working there today. and our healthcare is still far from great in canada. Id say the only thing that makes it better is that it is (((cheaper))).


I forget, who was his hero?

Fourth and fifth are much more easily done through other means without spamming everything with walls of text. For example for eye-colour, you could easily just have it changed based on the hexadecimal value of a variable and simply have a list of colours to pick from that would change the value, that way he could cut down on the amount of code, instead he just chooses to throw it all into a single IF function and on top of that uses text as a condition, even though I highly doubt he added a text line to write different colours. For the fifth what he did is, instead of making customisation change the object's values, he made a hundred different presets for every single combination imaginable, which makes the fourth one even more retarded.

It's always funny when you see the english credits scroll after the episode has ended.
They are nothing of a subgroup and more like a stealgroup.

They don't pretend to be a sub group, unless things have changed.
The whole point was that the subs are horrible, because Crunchyroll (and now others) made them. There's no typesetting, timing is often poor, they don't translate songs, etc.

Abandoning the Monroe Doctrine was a mistake

Abandoning Manifest Destiny was a bigger mistake. Should've just conquered the entirety of both continents.


That is more or less what I am getting at.
Even before crunchyshit, a good deal of subbers generally just quit if somebody released shit before they got to it. Some even having spergouts how
and whatnot.
And with HS/CR, the bulk of them just gave up because they couldn't compete with both simulcasts and rips coming out just as an episode ended.
Regardless of the original intentions and people involved in fan-translating nip media being dramawhores, both HS and crunchy in the end crippled subbing.

I blame americans for not being srong enough to conquer the northern colonies in 1812.

0 sympathy.

I'm at the point where I wish we had been conquered. I don't think Turd will win re-election. He ran on the promise of weed but legalized dog blowjobs instead.


no he went through chemo and got better

>tfw Monroe only does lesbo stuff and never took a fat cock

Wait a minute, I recognize that song

Your best bet is Trudeau selling off Alberta to us.

I wish 90% of lesbian porn wasn't so boring. I can only get off to lesbian porn when there's lots of kissing and tribbing

We'll never have another conservative PM again if he does that. By 2023 you'll be annexing us to put an end to the ISIC threat.

Federal of Provincial?

When I was in IT and unionized, at the top of my salary bracket I would clear around that, 1500$ per pay, 750 per week. I would pay around 50% of my salary in various benefits but I was in Quebec and here everything cost more.

Now that I am management I am paid annually with very limited paid overtime even though I do a lot. Back in the days I would easily get around a week of overtime to use when I saw fit, it was a nice advantage.

We haven't had a conservative PM in decades. We've only had Liberals in Conservative Suits

The speedsubbers would definitely drop shit if someone faster had shown up, but it wasn't always a huge deal.
There were a handful of groups translating the same shows as others on delay because they wanted to release something of better quality.

At the end of the day, somebody would've taken on the role horriblesubs has today, and it's a good thing. It keeps money out of CR's hands because normalfags are unwilling to wait even a few extra hours for superior content.

Provincial and nova scotia for about 30-35 years. I also never heard him get a promotion in all my 25 years of life either. And dunno about his overtime pay either.


We have contradicatory regressive progressive conservatives.

This is why I've taken to watching subs in spanish, they aren't pozzed at all.

The best job I ever had was working for a fish packer. The hours sucked and the conditions were trash but they made sure we at least had the OPTION of taking any given holiday off, while most jobs would make you work (they specifically cited a belief in family values as their reason for this: "We believe holidays should be spent with your family.") and they had amazing benefits. Free glasses every other year, free eye exam every year, and up to $1000 or so in yearly dental coverage. They gave everyone a couple weeks notice before the big layoffs so we could do anything we needed with those benefits before we lost our jobs. Didn't need new glasses yet but I got some major dental work about 3 days before losing them. Pay wasn't great but those benefits were amazing.

At least Scheer seems okay. I'm wary but he seems different enough from Harper that I'm willing to give him a shot.

Burgerland has a similar problem. Any Establishment Republican is the equivalent of a jackass wearing an elephant hide.
Our media is all bought and paid for, the closest thing to "right wing major news" parrots the left and continues to stumble on the most basic and simple of shit making everyone that appears right wing look like fools by proxy.
Trump was a long time coming but unless the current leftist stranglehold is broken on politics, we're all fucked.
I'm too comfortable being called a Nazi anyway, so if there's ever a job opening to Stalag some prisoners, I'm 100% okay with it.

I am federal.

Well promotions are handed with seniority when unionized, for management you have to apply like if it was a new job. How overtime worked for us, was that it was accumulated at x1.5 the time you did, x2 after going over a certain threshold during the week. I would stay late two or three times a week, at 2 hours each and get a free day to use when I wanted, it was pretty cool.

When I worked in a locally owned resteraunt as a parttime washer, they had a similar feeling.
Harper was less not saying he was not one, just less the problem than all the shitheels who occupy the govermental seats, like the one who made it so juveniles cannot be tried for hard crimes or the crusty old conservative bitch who made 2d loli illegal.

Only thing different about neocons and neolibs is the color of the tie.

I also remembered that the federal gov hates the maritime provinces.

Although I'd still argue that it wasn't just the speedsubbers who got fucked there and that the numbers of slower quality subs dropped off a good deal as well, can't disagree with that. CR, jewcob and the like can fuck right off.

Harper was bad but Trudeau is too far in the other direction. My problems with Harper are his open corruption (like being ordered to un-redact documents, refusing, and then running anyway after being held in contempt of the supreme court) and his love of tightening drug laws and building more prisons. My views are that I just want to be left alone. But the left wants to tell me what I can and can't say and the right wants to tell me what I can and can't put in my body. I just want to buy a french surplus rifle and sit on the back lawn of my granddad's farm shooting at cans and drinking, then go home and furiously masturbate to copyrighted hentai without paying for it.

Heh, double meaning.

I'm not paying anybody for my hentai. Especially not Jewcob.

Who pays for hentai?

There are people that pay for hentai?

The same ones who give Crunchyroll money in hopes that it'll "Help the industry"

I don't know if that's directly the fault of anybody.
A lot of the quality subbers did it because they loved the show and wanted to share it with people who couldn't speak moon.
If anybody licensed the show, available on a streaming service or not, a lot of them would immediately drop it and encourage people to pay for it because it was official. Their subs were only necessary until somebody more qualified took up the mantle.
I always thought it was dumb as shit because you had to wait an eternity to get new content in those instances, because you were waiting for the official releases to catch up, one DVD at a time.

Well, it's like games or comics, it sometimes feels good to have a sense of ownership regarding stuff you love.
The advantage with piracy is that you can now only pay for what you love, and not have to spend shit on stuff that you find merely acceptable or okay.
Only "lovable" stuff gets payment.

I hope nobody. I would never pay for it just because I don't want some third-world hacker to get into a database and find out what kind of porn I like.

I bought a few books from artists I like when I was in japan, but that was it

I only buy ultra rare hentai and never scan it.

Don't worry about this, they are having too much fun with people who logs into their social media accounts on pornhub and redtube.

I suspect people who access pornhub from a google search on their phone, too. Signed into potentially multiple accounts at once, you know they all keep that data. I just use Plex if I absolutely need to have access to a specific video, and I stream it to my old phone which barely sees use anymore.


It's not on-topic but I'm going to leave this here before I leave for dinner in case anybody knows the source. I love this clip. Sorry.

At this point I'm considering just commissioning a video from Rachel Steele but that's probably 4 digits, price-wise.

He actually posted his source code?

I'm not his hero, but I'll contribute to picking his code apart too!

Huge TL;DR incoming.

Just so people know, it's easy to run the ILSpy decompiler against the included 'Assembly-CSharp.dll' and other similar DLLs packaged with a game built with Unity. If you run it against any compiled code that had semi decent source, and the attached image is what happens.

There's a number of pretty obvious things that happen to decompiled code. We'll get to that later.

On his code
The left two are by far the worst, and I would immediately fire whoever wrote code like that, but they also have the most visible signs of being decompiled CIL, with over use of unnecessary 'this', uneccessary casting, and, the variable declarations/initializations (ie, 'RaycastHit raycastHit2 = default(RaycastHit)'), and no comments.

Despite this, they still show some bad practice. All of that nesting in the first one could probably be better organized in function calls or some sort of event system. There are times when this deep of nesting is neccessary inside of a single method, but this probably isn't one of them. If it is decompiled, then there may be inlining to blame for the nesting, but I highly doubt it.

The other one has a big if…elseif…etc chain. Note that the switch statement in my example still decompiles to a switch statement. He probably didn't use one, but should have. switch works on strings in C#. When there are that many options, however, putting the results in some form of data structure, and doing a lookup is perferred, both for performance and readability. Multiple string comparisons are typically slower than a single hash and lookup, but even numbers are bad if there's around a thousand of them- Looking at you, Terraria. Primarily, though, it's much more readable.

It could be reorganized into something like the second attached image. Still not perfect, but something much more easily maintanable and clear, mostly because the WHAT is removed from the HOW.

The third, and fourth, are a little more passable as actual source, but doing shit like 'if (Male == false)' is something inexcusable.
Only other thing is it looks like he's using 'JavaScript' (actually 'UnityScript', but they keep calling it 'JavaScript' though it's a completely different language) - That Color(r, g, b) method is inside of UnityScript, but does not exist in C#.
He might have made a helper method to make it easier, but that's infeasable in a large project, as getting it into every type means you have to bottleneck all classes into one of your own to avoid having to give it context (eg, Helpers.Color(r, g, b)). Still a bad decision.

If he's using a recent version of unity, those 'x.active = true;' lines would cause warnings. There's been a zero-tolerance for such warnings in every single project I've been a part of, again, not a good sign.

Lastly, that fifth one is just a JSON file, and it looks like there's plenty of placeholder stuff in there. Pretty standard practice to load stuff from data files like that.

On Decompiled CIL
Decompiled CIL has a few teltale things:
- lots of 'this' and fully qualified names for pretty much everything
- renamed temporary variables, with name of the type, first name lowercased (and a number, if multiple are defined)
- lots of casting (float), even for constants, if their type doesn't match the destination.
- Sole variable declarations being turned into a declaration and initialization to the default value.

Like I was saying, you can take any Unity game and run its DLLs through a decompiler. The left two are obviously run through a decompiler. The other two weren't. The two that were still have enough bad practice visible in them that I'd throw them out anyway, even if the source they were decompiled from wasn't exactly as aggregiously terrible.

Apparently he actually had a job at some video game company. I'd probably fire a coder like him if I was a programming lead of any kind, if that's actually his source code. much of that code is pretty bad.

It is likely his actual source, but I'm only giving a slight benefit of the doubt to him because of the ease of decompiling C#/Unity, and the fact that plenty of tools can clean up decompiled code.

It's probably his code, Only the left two look like decompiled code, but the practices visible in all of them make me think he's a terrible coder anyway, or at least a fairly inexperienced one.

t. unity programmer

Oh you fucker.

Now the Beverly Hills Cop theme is going to be stuck in my head all day.

Is that what it is? literally just got a call moving the time for the dinner back half an hour

Its one of the most iconic movie themes of the 80s, my nigga.

Shit's been earworm for three decades now.

Not a movie I ever saw. Our tv got like 3 channels when I was a kid.

Can't say I've really seen as much of the whole dropping animu because muh industry, at least around that time.
Noticed a fuckload of it with mango, though. Never really made that much sense to me either, especially with the more niche stuff, since I doubt anybody will really go around buying over a dozen chapters at best. Though I'm guessing in a good deal of those cases it was the western publisher throwing DMCA's the scanlators way, or something along those lines.
Funnily enough, these days more popular stuff like goblin slayer seems to have the scans online ripped directly from the western releases.

PCgamesN RP prices are increasing by 20% in League of Legends in the UK because of Brexit
Because of their currency inflation, that is

kotaco Devs Conspire With Twitch Viewers To Troll Clustertruck Speedrun
Game's dev use a backdoor in the twitch integration to mess with live speed run. They've done this before.

Kotaco Zynga Co-Founder Wants To Make American Politics More Like FarmVille
Based on: Recode: Mark Pincus and Reid Hoffman are launching a new group to rethink the Democratic Party

I've never heard of this recode site and looked at some recent articles
Recode Raiding the minibar — we’re addicted to sexual harassment scandals
Facebook’s and Twitter’s executive leadership are still the most white among big Silicon Valley companies So white right now.
Google is still mostly white and male: That’s according to the latest diversity report.

Introducing the GamesIndustry.biz Best Places To Work awards (in the UK)
GB is taking companies' submissions, then survey anonymous employes. If anyone wants to email companies to submit themselves.

Gamebiz: Dan Abnett: “(((Story))) should be the spine of your game”

PCgamer The Humble Store's DRM-Freedom sale is now on
writer's highlights include gone home and the witness
Didn't see the writer in deepfreeze

It's become increasingly clear over the last few years the man doesn't know what he's doing and is substituting competent design for fanservice by adding dumb features on a whim.

In a couple of years his existing audience of tweenage weeaboo volunteers and fans will age out and all he'll be left with is nothing but the shell of a shit game - one that's already been cloned by a dozen chinks on Android.

That's if he doesn't get v& for fucking a jailbait fangirl at some weeaboo convention.

Would buy artbooks for refs and inspiration, but paying for hentai is pretty dumb.

>Gamebiz: Dan Abnett: “(((Story))) should be the spine of your game”
Well, he's not entirely wrong. His analogy to books falls apart to a) terrible books exist, so do terrible vidya, & b) even a perfect spine is pointless when the pages are blank.

His analogy also falls apart when you consider the fact that you write stories on the pages, not the spine. The spine is there to keep it from being a stack of pieces of paper. So in other words, the actual spine of a game is the gameplay.

You mean the same nation that took 500 years to develop the first gun after the creation of gunpowder? And, did nothing while the Muslims severed the trading routes between Europe and Asia (But, IIRC, they were also going through a change in management at the time)?

The pound did not drop though. This is purely political ransom.
Too (((white))) maybe

It's not just him, the recent Indie fever made it so anyone who downloaded unity could go on stack overflow and simply copy/paste everyone else code and call themselves programmer, just like those fucking javascript/typescript hippies do. They make Indian sweatshops look professional;l with code like this.



They had plenty antigg pieces back in 2014, this red faggot was the owner (or editor I don't remember)

You can thank Mao's Great Leap Forward for erasing a lot of recorded history.

Look at everything aglo owned and now who currently owns it. Anglos are cucks to the chinese.

Fixed the image.

Anybody have that John Money picture? I might need it later.


There's also this.

Let me guess….



How does one fix that without destroying and removing the foreskin?

It took them that long to realize that. Why didn't they refuse from the beginning or stop it?

Depending on the severity of it you can treat with creams and stretching or surgery in the worst cases

Because he was a (((trustworthy))) fellow. Never trust a honor system that does not have reprecussions for violations.

Get an erection and pull back the foreskin as much as you can everytime. Do it constantly.


Topically applied steroid cream will basically grow the foreskin up to a healthy level. People who think you need to go for surgery when there's other, better options are fucking nuts. Even just looking at it from the perspective of keeping babies unstressed and out of the hospital, it's ridiculous how hard it's pushed on parents.


Oh well, not like I'm having a lot of sex anyway.

read the filename it's not him though


aw shucks



I know. A majority of my family believes the lie that removing the foreskin will prevent diseases, and having a cut dick is cleaner than an uncut one.

help help! They're using the alt right website archive.is to harass me.

There is a saying in my country.

Is easier to get a liar than a one-legged.

Such a selective memory. It was a pity for him that others are not gullible.

I fucking love mombot. Now I have a thing for Japanese Ara Robots.

what did he mean by this?


there's a goon in the comments trying to defend him


Some mental gymnastics these goons.

[Fukumaaya] PAI-M4X SAKURA (Megamori!)

I seriously hope that pig is not supposed to be a younger peej

What was the deleted tweet?
The captured one?

who cares about that game anyway? the first one ended with a cliffhanger and after years of waiting they want to do a prequel? an unnecessary gritty, overly preachy prequel? fuck that.

though it was kinda funny how the criminal running from the police was a black monkey.

Captcha is gone post lewds


Bread title: Ultra Relax Edition

Plus the game isn't in development when the trailer aired.

I am just hoping they dont try complex writing when they cannot even handle simple writing. And it was 2 monkeys, the male clearly more humanlike.

It takes place centuries before BGaE supposedly. All because they don't really want to make a BGaE game. Just use the name or nostalgiabux.


I get the feeling they saw the rubes that fell for shenmue 3 and now they see the opportunity to milk the same nostalgia fools.

Alright, let's shitpost to 700.


Don't know. These threads slow down by 400 posts.

"I have to reinforce the idea that gg is hate so my rubbing backs with the people I'm supposed to cover comes to an end" more or less


No.We have to break the postmodernist meme of literal human waste being art. That will solve the bigger problem, which only spread its way into vidya after the fact.

Trump should cut funding to these (((art))) programs and put the money to good use. Also to stop funding schools with Gender Studies and SJW courses.

There should also be more of an emphasis on agriculture & trade.

'X is art' exists in more than one form the same way civics and freedom and diversity and tolerance and all other concepts the whole maoist ideology rewrote.
The goal is undoing the whole framework, trying to fight each redefined concept is fruitless.

And High Schools should teach students how to do Taxes.

I really hope that's not a boy. She's very cute.

Good morning!

>on Independence Day, the day were people usually spend time with their families

Finances, and real household work including cleaning and cooking.

Bugged American History Mechanics!

I'm not giving dsp any clicks


Shoo shoo

Why is western media so cucked?



DSP himself didn't upload that video. It's a video that someone else uploaded pointing out how dumb DSP is.

Anons should really tell more about what they are embedding

Indeed, although I had some idea of what the embed was due to watching those sorts of videos for around two months.


That looks so gay.

At least post the images


Jesus what a fucking idiot.



Man, DSP really has lost his mind. How long do you think until he goes full-on tranny?

He's lower than a beta.

Sam Hyde is a gift.

He's somewhere at the same level as the creator of Doug.


Weren't all the pairs but sheen in (eventually or otherwise) overt, committed relationships?


Sheen was but his spinoff broke that fast.

Please don't tell me that he is a total cuck I used to watch the show as a kid.

IIRC Omega's the lowest of the low. In terms of wolf packs, betas are like the "second in command" who take over if the Alpha bites the dust. Omegas are the lowest of the low, submissive to everybody including the females and are bullied by the others to let off steam or for the hell of it, and they're expected and won't do shit about it. They just lie on their back and take it.


I don't remember too well but I'm pretty sure that all of those pairs ended up together by the end of their respective show's runs (except for Beast Boy because Terra died or something)

If I remember right…

So Omegas are the Traps of the wolf pack world?

Looks like fire emblem heroes got an update that censors shit, and now SJWeebs are sperging out about people who noticed. They still take the vagina bones thing seriously.

Why must nearly everyone in western animation be a total cuck!?


They don't even get any wolf dick, they're just punching bags.

Because these people feel guilty and that they have to apologize for the fact that they live in such a "privileged" society.

Leddit locked the thread because mods didn't like that nobody was arguing in favor of the dub.


At the bottom and downvoted you can see mods getting butthurt that the thread is a "circlejerk" and nobody defends the dub.


They're trying to kill the waifu age before it begins

More and more people seem to be calling this shit out at least, but SJWeebs are trying to push back. You have more people sperging out about Persona 5 again while acting like they always hated bad translations. SJWeeb translators also try to act like the people who complain about censorship are worse than people who promote it. Fire Emblem heroes got censored, and now people are mad about others who found out.

Majority of the pairs with the exception of Sheen do eventually get together, but ayy lmao Terra and Beast Boy split up.

That does explains why current western animations have best girl losing or some relationship bullshit. Makes you wonder if there are there any red pilled animators in the industry or that they are still alive and breathing.

Only non cucks or redpills left might be Gendy and some of the old guard.


Old but gold
Found this today

Here's the real kicker, his crush married his bully a.k.a. Roger.


Mark reproduces by budding.

That's why he must eat so much cake.

The Mark Community?

The Gay Community?!


The Community?!


Lolicons already have enough trouble as is, now the rest of us is getting dragged on since (((they))) are trying to sell the notion of all anime being CP and stopping the waifu age.

And (((they))) say that while having a real child garble their dicks or eat them out.



She means there will be increased social isolation for women because we won't have to put up with their recent feminist bullshit. They may need to, , actually act like a women instead of an animal in a rut, or a venus fly trap (Attacks everything, is only able to kill the weak bugs, some can last forever or a few weeks).

Those kikes will pay for lobotomizing Tay.

Remember CNN are nothing but scumbags.


They're asking for a doxing war. They'll never win this one.


Yep. A man has worth as a creator of stable societies, unless women can do that it is extremely rare, but there have been women who gave up being a mother to build societies they have no worth. They and most libshits are hedonists, and that needs to have something done about it,

… I have no idea what message that pic is supposed to send.

isn't this otter jesus a massive sperg?


Actually, crunch the numbers, athros are the most, then asians, then whites, then blacks and finally hispanics.

There are more important things >>12964040

I can't understand this shit. Liberals are fucking awful.




that's bobby oliveira, he's a cow and a wife beater

someone should add the girl from Uncharted 4 to that pic

He's a burnout. Bad case too, he blames all of GG for the shill revolt and the cancer crew did to people. Mombot bullied him once for being a retard and he never let it go.

I remember now